ls OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Orgon, Tuesday Morning, February 12, 1948 PAGE SEVEN 9 j Ranch Ramblings By Ihii Rural Reporter ; 1 H? I. Ma-aen farm Editor. The State-man AricuHtite Secretary Clinton Anderson hs chariRed his mind regarding food subsidies and price controls The cabinet officer added his voice to that of President Truman last week in joking that congress fstend thr- mc.aures beyond U-ir June 30 expiration dale. lt fill, he had advocated let ting the subsidies expire. .They have bten costing the govern ment more than one and one-halt billion dollar a year. A he ex plain it. propects then indicated ( borne decline n food price and J the whole tii of living But now. i says AndJon. it u evident that his dcTiarjment bad "under esti-1 mated the! tremendous demand for food and fhe great buying power In the hand of workers and re turning vclrns." The agriculture secretary's views, appeared in a speech pared for a meeting of the tional Canners" association. Anderson told the canners the agriculture department not undertake to support prices of vegetables for processing, or processed vegetables that are pack ed in 1946. He added that tShere will be no processor's cei tiifira tion program. Anderson said that subsidies eft U Johnny Coy and Ferry Ryaa are teamed la many dancing and romantic scenes ef That's the Spirit," alse featniing Jack Oakle, which opens Wednesday at the Capitol theater. i. ri i new that will would be continued on the major vegetable which remain under price control if congress extends the OPA and continues subsidies. Me disclosed that for one of these major vegetables, snap beans, price control on the 1946 pack is being suspended and the crop will not be subsidized. How much each major food group contributes to the cost of living is a pretty fair clue to the subsidies most apt to be extended, say officials. Dairy products con tribute 7.7 per cent to the cost of i : i i . i l . i i living, ivieai, poultry ana iimj niane , up 10.9 per cent; cerear and thej big lour canning crops (tomatoes, corn, peas and beans) 1 per cent. These four food groups cover most of the subsidies now in effect. Table of Coastal Tides Times computed for Tart. Or., by tho V. S Coast and OaodeUo Survey (or Tho Oregon Statesman- February Time si a in. 11:11 p-m. 9:51 ajn. 11:58 pjn. 10:47 a.m. is 14 IS 17 IS 0 21 23 23 CL3S a.m. 11:38 a Jn. 1:15 ajn. 12.42 p in. 1 :48 a m. 1 os p.m. 2 is a.m. 1:52 p .m 2:15 am. 3:36 p tti. 3 25 a.m. 3 22 p.m. 3:39 a m. 4:13 p.m. 4:33 a.m. 5:13 p.m. 5 .12 a m. 8:31 p.m. High Water S 4 8 ' IjO SI 7 S3 10 55 89 5.7 88 58 8.2 59 5.7 8.9 5-2 3.8 4.7 59 4 3 5 8 4.1 Time 2:38 a.m. 4:24 p.m. 3:41 a jn. 8:14 pjn. 4:47 a.m.. 8:59 p.m. S :40 a.m. 8 41 p.m. 8 28 am. 7:10 p.m. 7:15 a.m. 7 44 p.m. 8.02 a.m. 8 27 p.m. 8:48 a.m. :00 p.m. 0:38 a.m. S :32 p.m. 10:27 a m. 10:04 p.m. 11:23 a.m. 10:44 p.m. 12:28 p m. 11J3 p.m. IW Wtur 3.1 -0 8 SO -0 9 2J -4)9 25 -0 9 2.3 -0 8 28 -0.3 18 0.2 1.7 07 1.8 12 15 1.7 14 2 2 13 2.7 West Salem Man Gels University Training In Army at Oahu, T. II. PFC Robert E. Brown of 1545 Franklin St.. West Salem, is now attending the army university center, Oahu. He is taking cours es in newswriting, typing, and English composition. The army university center, Oahu, is located at scenic Scho field barracks in a remodeled quadrangle that formerly housed many Pacific infantry regiments. The school is fashioned after the army universities in England and France and courses are offered at a college level. To be eligible for attendance at the university, students mut have a high school education and offer reasonable assurance that they will not be separated from the service before the end of the term. Each school semester lasts four weeks and students are al lowed to select two of the univer sity's eighty-five subject curricu lum. There are more than 1000 stu dents attending the Pacific uni versity, some coming from areas as far distant as Iwo Jima. Stu dents are enrolled on a basis of quotas published by Middle Pa cific headquarters. HOME ON LEAVE MX. ANGEL, Feb. ll-(Spec'ial) Ralph Miller, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Miller who has been in the navy school at San-Diego for three months, is home on a week's leave. He en listed last November. rj nkl EXCUSE Mg 1 1 .WAIT QNg ll1"1" II 'I1' JUST A MOMENT II . llliilii1'lliH EF f A MOMENT-- MOMENT--- ' Tsj 1 I PLEASE, I HEAR -U' -C"S Z (TWERES SQMEBCCH THE TELEPHONE J 3 l K S SOMETHING - my NFxT H- - WZl RINGING THE IS RINGING fi-rl Wvl X RINGING ( MOUSE 6NT k p VrJ H&lstssmr yr mesSr rm gonnb l , l I W iuaol p se gct to w I t crm mu ooo r Y rmofr A t vaou) -ro 00 xuem 1 i 1 ujfout ketcwvn wjckswt, mll C0UT 50 RLV FEB ? TPrrTERSOLUS, "TTTFs 7Tl I I "l V"l .. f :P MICKEY MOUSE 'mZulZT JL " p . . . K iw- w- -" jr-- ' -- 1 r f PCPEYfc'S I ml VE5, SOVE cy AT, CjClOCK THIMBLE THEATRE 1 CJ nn frB 1 V I BKCMB ALL THE WATCHES. BUT HE TELLS b TIME By THE 1 IT'S HIS K 7 x'zn - set4: OH. POPEYE! HOW STRONG ou ace.'M' -' J. ., ft fK.njt Fflmr Syn-lmif. I" , -' Ul -unlit iw-H A SPCAINEO ANkTLE IS 0AN6CJ?- CX1S-MDU01C-MTA Q$1 fOCA COUPLE OF WEEKS AM' LET ME RUM C 4V l r-;-"-f -i r. 'i?;r J I' vkjk -rfi-xjf: I V V ' ,07 TV ?! LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY. domt talk like a fool you POOL ' VOU HAVE MT BCAlNS EWOU6M ro QUW AM ELEVATOR IN UNCLE TOMCABIN - I ONLY WAMTE0 TOMELPI-- 1 NEED NX) HELP TO FIND THE" LITTLE WOULD-BE KILLER WUd LEFT THAT PAIL OF WATER WHERE I COULDN'T HELP OVER IT jj i LBUTFAltp-aflVEglffti jjMlsfssissMSi , j Lr "M Kkh f"y-f fcw ' " COME ON -ZEPO. WE GOTTA HIDE BEFORE MS MEANY SEES US AN' BLAMES US FOR SOMETMIW ' WE r- OjDN T OO YES , NTS AS MAVOR OF ELMIOWN, I CAN TtLL VUM OUR WORRIES ARE OVER.,!. WATCH HE CROOKS. RUN FOR COVER WHEN OUR c " njvr wvrri wo if THAT 9 Lctx.Kt i, ijjota iu THE wuKK.m r-i I If 1 STUFF. TITUa. THE LONE RANGER WHAT KIND OF A GUM ) I-l PONT PO YUM WANT, STRArw KNOW. I GER? SINGLE 0 f THOUGHT POU&LE ACTION 7 n ALL6UNS WERE A- LIKE. Moa I HAVE WOHPERFUL NEWS.JTHaTS UNCLE TITUS HIREP A - FINE, SCHOOL TEACHER. MR. 1 PRISOLLA WESLEY HALE. CLASSES I OtiR CHIL- WILL START TOMORROW JDREN SURE MORNING, r 1 NEEP ONE fTlONAAY I WaNTTA BUY ONE 0 J FIRST CALL THEM &OOKS WITH J IVE HAP A LOT OF WORPS I FOR SUO IN IT I THINK VUHW A BOOK. CALL IT A PIC- M ILL HAVE TO SEE 4 "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier si I I r"V. f-rS. Cam. IWt U WW iii. h. Sli t-rS. C. iWt Mrs. Dean, would yea be interested in sig-nina" this petition to stop me from annoying the neighbors with my piano practice?" Kaolin EPiraDgiraiffDiis lues. KfVM (1390 kt) KOIN (171 ke) KGW 2t ke) KEX (1190 ks) News iNfwi :1 Mm TimeVpr. i Stars 8:J8 NW rrm N wslKOIN 8:41 News Klock News Busier New. Kntiss I (Old Songs I T:M - Nwi KOIN Klock irietchcr I Roundup Boys T:l AIM it Shin I Nwi irarm Tlm Aronky 7:J News IDirk Cutting I Rid in' Rang I James Abbs 1:4$ Voice of Hope I Nelson Pnnsle Sam Hayes . I Busier X see 8:18 8:M IO Haven of Rest iConomr Nfwi I Fred Waring B'fast Cluh Haven of Rest Lad) I I Sing Awav 'Light World Roth Presents V. Lindlahr I Aunt Jenny iKostelanetx : 8:18 8:38 41 News M. Downey Pastor's Call Orchestra Kate Smith I Big Sister '.Helen Trent iGal Sunday iJame Abbe I Glamour Personality Hr ! Honymn, NY ! Breakfast I !: News (Life Beautiful 18:18 Orchestra Ma Perkini 18:88 Mountaineers Dr. Malone 18:48 J J. Anthony Rd. of Life iTrea. Salute New. Kneass I C Gilbert (Art Baker Martyn Ted Ma lone I True Story I ll-S 1I:IS U:S8 ll.U Odric roster Organ all ties Queen 2d Mrs. Burton I Guiding Light .Raukhaf Perry Mason Children (Ethel. Albert Rosemary I In Whit ' Listening Post Tina ex Tim I Masquerade I Music Memories Na IS:IS It M 11 A Hymn News Hillbilly Street News Try & rind Bert Wheeler Bach. Childn Women of Am. i Kennedy Ma Perkins ISLars Today Young family Ladies Happiness I l:IS I.M 1:48 News Lum at Abna Btng Sings Melody House Party INewspaper (Backat. Wife IBerch IStrUa Dallas Bob Nichols ILoren Jones iMartyn IWidder Brown ! Hymns S:8 8:18 t:JS 1:48 News Jan. Calendar Dallas Prog'm Scnool Meet Missus Ctrl Marries I rare Ijfa I Plain Bill i front Page I What's Doing Kay West 1.-OS S:1S S:SS 1.4S News News Elsa Maxwlir IN I State Traffic I Hacienda I World Today 'Itoaa of Lit I David Harum i Aunt Mary IDr Paul I Bride. Groom A1 Pearc 1 Fulton Lewi I Stars Tods Woman's Scrt. rootluthu 4:IS Rex Miller I Eve. Winters (News (Northwest 4J8 E Johnson Melody Hour i Stars Today iHey MotorUt 4 .-4$ Wts McWain I IN Cloutier !Hop Harrlgan t Jm News IKnox Manning : 830 Matine I Pirates 8:18 Supermaa triddlers 4 ' I Dick Tracy : Capt. Mldntto IH. Flannery ! With Judy (Armstrong 1:48 Tom Mix IT. Bradley I I Ray Swing SrSC 8:18 8:M 8:41 Gab Heatter Orchentra Am. Forum i Inner Ssnet. I Salute Hits Amos 8c Andy 'Lombardo Amos It Andy ! Ftbber McGe lEstravaganza .' (Extravaganza t f:18 7:J8 7:48 News By Mors By Mors IBob Crosby Cong. Speak I Behind Scenes Bob Hope (Red Skelton I Town Meeting (Hoosier Hoop SS Orchestra ! Kirk wood 8:IS Show Stnppers Smith Show S-.3S Vagabond (Romance 8:48 Eyes rutur I !upier Club Fleet Law ton Follies 1948 Lum 'n A brier I Sports - Copy ! Orchestra t:S t:IS :J 1:43 News Jaw. Crowley Sports Fulton Lewis Big Town iNews I- I Jan Garber 'Hollywood Daik Venture News Time U Now l:M 14 IS 15 3 18:41 News Mut F News Orchestra ling S Star Final With Flowers Bob Crosby Rangers i News -The Barber t Band Wagon Music I (Concert Hour' 11 :M 11:11 11 10 11:41 11:11 12: Orchesti a Dance Must Nsw!i Open House News I Serenade (Orchestra I Air-rio I Orchettra I News 'Music, News I Orchestra I Orchestra Orchestra News Swing Shift News Rhythm KOAC Tl'KDY News. 11:00 Concert Hall: 12 00 News 118 Kr 10 00 , cital 4 45 "X"tra Hour Journal; 5 00 On New York Stock Quotations By the Associated Press NEW YORK. Feb. At Chem aV Dye . AnierU an Can Am Pow it Lt . Am Tel & Tel . Anaconda . . Atrhison Bendix Avia Beth Steel Boeing Air Canadian Pac Calif Pack Case J I Chrysler Comwlth Sou Cons. EdiKon Cons. Vultee . Cont Ins Crown 7-el Curtlss Wr. Douglas Air Dupont Du Ne Gen Electric 11 W's 87 1S 191 44 lM, ii I 107. . 20 44 45 't 131 ! 4U' 35 29. BO1, 34 lo, rr. 193 50'4 ( AP -Today's Gen Foods .. Gen Motors fioodvear Tl Gt Not tli pfd Inl Haiet Int Paper pfd J Manville KrnnecoH Ixuig Bell A Malag Miami Copper Mont Ward Nah Kelvin Nat Dalrv N Y Central North Am Co Northern Pac Pac Am Fish Pac Hit Flee P T A 1 Pan American Penney J C closing l.V 77 . . .. SB 59 9'j IJ04 H74 15-4 30 ' M'4 77, 34 4li 31 4 32', ... J24 18, 44'. 34 . 17 quotations : Radio Corp Rayon ler Rsvonier nfd 'Reynolds Met. Srars Roeb Sinclair Oil .. So Pacific tan Brands Stan Oil Cal Stew-Warner Studebaker ISun Mining Union on Un. Pacific ... Un Airlines ... I'n. Aircraft . V. S Sleel Warner Bros West Rl Mf Wool worth 17, K M, 37', W, 41', J 47', ' 24 , .11 l's 2V, . is:', 45 35 . 83 . r? 54. Portland Grain Ore . Feb. 11 -(API- PORTLAND. Wheat . Open High Low Clone May 165',B 1 SS'.B 1 65', B 1 SS'.B Cash grain: No. 1 flax 3 10 Cash wheat Ibid): Soft white 141. soft white lexcluding Rcxi 181. white club 165: western red 1.65 Hard red winter- Ordinary 185 10 per cent I 7; 11 per cent I 69. 12 per cent 171. Hard wuite Burt: Ordmary 10 per cent 1 67. II per d-nt 12 prr cent 171. Today's car receipts: Wheat 52. ley 1. flour 17, corn 1, oats 7, 6. miUfeed 19 1 65. 1 69. bar-hay Portland Livestock 12:15 Farm Hour: 1:00 Rid'eni Cowboy , ' " ' . 1:15 School ol Air: 145 Treas Salute:. vu1.i.. - - 2 Oil Our World. 2 30 Memory Book i Western Son. 7 11 Evening Farm of Mimic; 2 45 OS' Conference on : Hour. 7 55 Basketball OSC vs UW: Kin ope. 315 MukIC Masters. 4 00 19 3(1 News. 9 43 Eve Meditations. World Review. 4 15 Campus Re- 10 00' Sign Off. Igiil Notice KXRCI1TKIX' FINAL NOTKF. Notice is hereby given that RUTH A POUND, as executrix of the estate of BENJAMIN F POUND, deceased, has filed her final account as such, and by order ol. the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for Marlon County. February 28. 1944. at 10 00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day has been fixed as the time, and the courtroom of said court has been fixed as the place for the hearing of objections to . said fmal account and the settlement of said estate. RUTH A. POUND. Executrix of the Estate of Benjamin F. Pound, Deceased. RHOTEN 8V RHOTEN SAM F. SPEERSTRA 310 Pioneer Trust Bldg Salem. Oregon Attorneys for Estate. J. H t T. 9-lMi USE G G Cold Preparations Liqaid. Tablets, Salve. Nose Drop Caution. Use Only m Directed PILKS (Hemorrhoids) rtstola - Fissure -Prolans and other types ol Iteesai A . Colon conditions . treat ed without le of time. J RELIEF QUICK NO HOSPITALIZATION Call for examination or writ for FREE descriptive booklet Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Nature-Proctologist 218 N Liberty St.. Salem. Ore '"V; 1 Ijzal Notice NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY In the Matter of the l-st Willi and Testament and Estate of Har-I riel M Durkheimer, drceased ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the undersigned executor, with will annexed, for the above entitled es tate; has filed in the above entitled Court, a final account of his admin istration of the said estate and that Monday, the 4th day of March. 1946. at the hour of 10:00 A M . at the Marlon County Court House. Salem. Oregon has been fixed by he Court as the time and place for hearing said final account. All persons interested In said es tate are notified to appear at said time and place and file their objec tions, if any they have, to said final account Dated this 2b th day of Januarv. 1948 Charles V Mack Executor with Will Annexed of the Estate of Harriet M. Durkheimer. deceased. F 5-12-19-26. It is believed thst Norsemen visited America as early as 1000 AD. PORTLAND. Ore., Feb. 11 ( AP) i US DA ) Salable cattle 1700. total 2150: salable and total calves 100: market opened fairly active, later slow; early sales steady but late mar ket on beef type cattle weak to 25 cents lower: few unsold: few loads osd steers 1650-1700; common-medium grades mostly 12.00-15.50; two loads good heifers 16.50; common medium grades 11 00-15 00; cannor cutter cows largely 7.00-900: fat dairy type cows to 1100; medium-Rood beef cows 11.50-13 50. odd head 1400. med ium-good sausage bulls 9 50-11.00; good i beel bulls 12110-1300. good -c ho ice vealers 15.50-16 50 Salable hoes 300. total 2OU0. market 1 active, steady except feeder piss 21-M cents lower; barrows and gilts mostly 15 80; few 140 lb 13 50. good sows 13 75-14 00; good-choice feeder pigs 14 00-15.50; one lot 100 lb. IS 00 Salable sheep 600. total 2300. mar ket active, lambs mostly steady to strong: instances 25 cents higher; ewes around SO cents higher: good choice wooled lambs 14 25-50. few 14 TS- fAmimnn mH iaim .r. rl If M. 13 00; culls down to 10.00, good ewes' 350-8.00. ! Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. II fAPl . Butterfat First quality, maximum of 8 of 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland 52-52' sc: premium quality maximum o( JS of 1 per cent acid ity 53-5J',c: valley routes and coun try points 2c less than first or 50-50', c Cheese Selling price to Portland retailers: Oregon triplets 33 13c: loaf 34 21c: basic price triplets to whole salers 28 3c. loaf 28 Sc lb. - Eggs To retailers: AA grade large 45c. A large- 43c; medium 40c Eggs Purchases from farmers: Current receipts 30c: buyers pay 8-10e do, below ceiling price on others! Butter ; AA prints 51-51', c. car tons 52-53', c; A ajrad prints 50-sic: cartons llT-53c; B srade prints SO-5IC Live poultry Chickens, buying rices of wholesalers: Broiler I1, to lbs. 20c; 2 to J', lbs 24c: rooster over 3', lbs 25c: colored hens 23c. LMthorn hens IS-ISc; roosters and stasis 13c lb. Rabbits , Government ceiling: Ave-j rsge country killed to retailers 44c i live price to producers 22-4c lb. 1 Turkeys Basic buying price, dressed basis: Hens 33 2-34 it. tomsj 30.2-31 2c lb. for toms, net at farms j Dressed turkeys Packers' selling; price to retailers: Hens 4343(c lb i toms 3S-41C lb. ; Onions -r- Green. California I 84 dot bunches : Onions Oregon dry No. 1. 1 SSI 50 lb sack. Potatoes Local Burbanks 2 90-i 3 00 cental; Baker county ISO cents) Deschutan 100s. No. I. 148 cental! 25a. 90r. Dresaed meats Veal AA 22', c: A I 2lc; B 19-19',c; C 17-l7sC; cullf 14-lSc Hogs, fancy block 20c. Lambs AA 28c; A 24',c; B 22,C: C 20c i Mutton fancy A U'4c: M 12c. R grade. ' 8-lOc Beef AA 214c; A 20J,c; B l4c M C 164c: canner and cutter 134-14c;ii canner and cutter bulls 14c 1 Cascara bark Dry stock 20c lb. Wool Government control j Mohair 1944. 12-month 45c lb. j, Hay Wholesale rail shipment: Al-i falfa No. 2 or better 834-35. oats and!1 vetch, mixed hay. valley growers'! price 824. clover hay 821. baled oni farms Salem Market Quotations The prices below supplied by a I -i cal grocer are indicative of the daily! market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed! bv The Statesman BUTTER. EGGS AND POULTRY ! (Subject U ehaace wltbent aottrel! BCTTERFAT Premium . 4 No 1 .53 1 No 2 ... 30 BUTTER PRINTS A R Liquors Rally But Stock List Again Retreats NEW YORK. Feb 11 - (A, -Storks generally, lexl by steHs and rails, resumed the retreat in today's market although assorted distillers and specialties contest ed the move-with some surress. Hope for settlement of steel and automotive strikes, in the wake of the Western Union peace, inspired some bidding: some sell ing was based on the desire for, protection over tomorrow's holi day for Lincoln's birthday. Liquors rallied 1 to 4 points in the forentxm after their recent stumble. The belief here was that this group had more than dis counted the proposed ban nn wheat for beverage manufacture. Building stocks revived in re sponse to the government's hous ing program. Trends turned somewhat heavy in the finals hours as the metals encountered opKsition and losses of fractions to better than 2 points were well in the majority at the close. Chicago Grain Trade Sluggish CHICAGO, Feb. 11 -,- With brokers generally standing on the sidelines, grain futures prices drifted along in a slow, indiffer ent trade today. The usually fast-shifting rye eased off steadily almost from the start of the session. Brokers said they saw little In weekend news developments to inspire immedi ate confidence and after a few early trans-actions at around steady prices, the market turned downward in tune with the set back at Winnipeg, where May rye was off the 5-eent limit for on day's trading. Wheat, corn and barley closed uncissinged at ceilings of $1 80"-. $1,184 and 91.224. oats un changed to ' cent lower than the previous finish. May 8 1 -cent cell ing: rye un -hanged to 3 cents off. hay $2. 07 -$2 08 4. PERFECT TRIBUTE TONIGHT "The Perfect Tribute," taken from the works of Mary Ship man Andrews, will be given in honor of Abraham Lincoln over KSLM at 8 o'clock tonight by Maude Lewis Morlan. II Quarters n;;s Large , Mediums , Standards 1 Pullets Cracks l.rVFSTOCK (By Valley Park) TATTLE Beef steers Q to Beef cows ,. OS to Hairy cows OS to Bulls h 013 to Veal 8 00 l.ambi. top Yearling Ewes . Bucks 45 4 . J7 . JJ . Jl J4 . M Hogs. top7'js&370 lbs. 270-300 lbs Sows rill'LTIY No 1 colored hens No 2 colored hens . . Colored frys and bakes Yearling iambs . Cwes ,, .15 .11 its II io 13.50 12 00 800 to TOO 3 00 to 4 00 1.00 to 3.00 15 45 14 8. DIOnnE'QUKlTS' always use K bost proof rfs GREAT b COLDS To Promptly loSovo Coogks aosl tehiaf, Mirscles of Ckost CoMsl A wise mother will certainly bay MusUsrole for hrr child. All thru tbe years Muaterole is always used when ever the Ouintuitleta catch euld. J t -run Musteroie on throat, rheet and back. It tfjif begins to reite i coughing and srhtng muscles. It actually helps break up painful local conf-slloo. Makes breathing easier. Wonderful lot f rown U. too! In 1 strengths. 3 08 to 1380 J4 21 1 24c26c ! Ts to 8t I 4t, j Stocks and Bonds Compiled by The Associated Press Feb 11 STOCK AVKRAGSS Monday Previous day Week ago Month ao . . Year ago 30 IS IS 08 Indus Rails Ifttl Stk 104 1 48 3 521 78 0 104 7 40 0 52 7 78 8 1080 504 538 70 9 104 8 4 7 53 4 70 0 80? 34 8 40 8 58 7 Drs. Char. i . . . Lain Dr.YT.Lam.ND. Dr.G.Chai CHINESE HERBALIST: 241 North Liberty Upstairs Portland General E Co Office open Saturday ui 10 a m to 1 p.m . 8 to 7 pjn C sultatiun Blood pressure and u: tests are tree of charge Practii since 1917 BOND AVERAGES M 10 10 10 Rail Indus trtil ro(n Monday 106 S 104 S IOS 7 7fl S Previous day 106 9 104 8 108 8 78 5 Week ago KM I 104 8 109 0 78 7 Monlki aeo 104 9 lo4 5 109 1 7H 4 Year -so 90 I 105.2 107.4 09 9 !'w WMWl Snnpla pi a aee not rack sad tnrrarr Simple 3a a aeed not rack aad torture voa s with Rd oratns; kck, bora and irritatioa. 8t set's PvisaaH 6pc osiuwics brintj i Quick, welcome, relief. Their Brsad nxdi r canon n-iesna real comfort, reauces strain. 1 lubricates anJ seftrns. Protec-vs and ti-chafiinf. so easy to ase. Get oenume Stuart's Pvranud Suproairerica at tout rma atora srHhoot deiav 60c and 810 When You DUY- When yon boy real estate, insist oo a Gmmonwealth Insured Title. It-is your a seal of ownership. When You SELL- When you sell, give the buyer a Commonwealth Insured Title, the simplest, surest, most inexpensive form of title rogj-on. UNIONAISTHACT COMf ANY Sals-