The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 12, 1994, Page 3, Image 3

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    Ths OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Tussday Morning. February 12. 1948
Guests Are
Bidden to
Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers
And her sister. Miss Dorathea
Steusl "f. are entertaining in the
first a series of bridge lunch- .
eons on Wednesday afternoon at
the home cf Miss SteuSloff on
Court street.
Their guests include a group
of the young married set, who
are friends of Mrs Douglas
Chambers and- Mrs. Richard
Chambers., A buffet Hincheon
will be served at one I o'clock
w ill contract bridge Allowing.
Covers will be placed fop twen
ty guts. The Valentine motif,
carrying out the red and white
color scheme, will be used in the
Mrs. Chambers and Miss
Stcusloff are planning the sec
ond .bridge luncheon for Friday
afternoon at the home of the lat
ter with a group of their friends
making up the guest list.
Dances Are'
Three of the women's national
Greek letter organizations at
Willamette university have an
nounced plans to hold individu
al dance? in their respective
chapter houses next weekend in
keeping with the Valentine
Members and pledges of Pi
Beta Phi sorority have scheduled
a Valentine formal for Febru
ary 16 at the chapter house.
Decorations will feature a red
and white theme using hearts
and couple's nmes about the
rooms. The music will be furn
ished via recoids. Pi Phi social
chairman, Thelma Wilcox, will
be general chairman in charge
of the formal. She will be as
sisted by Maryann Wittliff,
Margaret Wood, Edith Falrham,
Carol Bergstrom, Kathleen Se
rord and Carolyn Carson, decor
ations; Lorraine Murdock, Max
lne Meyers and Betsy Lyon,
programs; and Dorothy Symes
and Adele Egan, refreshments.
Chi Omsga will hold their
semi-formal sweetheart dance
on the night of February 16 also,
with decorations in the tradi
tional Valsntine style. Commit
tee heads planning the dance
are Terry Stewart, decorations;
Barbara Sheridan, entertain
ment; and Betty Staab, enter-,
Friday, February 15, the Delta
Gamma houie will be the acene
of the annual pledge dance with
both members and pledges in
attendance. In charge of ar
rangements are Zephne Given,
Jean Laujhlin, and Roberta
Bestul, refreshments; Kay Stur
gis, guests; Mary Thomas, Bev
erly McMillan and Joy Bush
nell, cleanup.
Committees for
Tea Named
WOODBURN -J- General com
mittee members were announced
recently for the ilsjt annual
Washington's birthday tea "to be
given by the Woodburn Wom
an's club at the city library from
2:30 to 5 o'clock on February
22. The tea committee, com
posed of Mrs. J. J. Hall. Mrs.
K. J. Allen, and Mrs. Harold
Ingram, has appointed the fol--lowing
For decorating the rooms end
tea table: Mrs. Ray Clatt, Mrs.
J. Wageman, Mrs. Fred Hecker,
Mrs. William Nelson, Mrs. D.
Slead. Mrs. Walter Schulcr, and
Mrs. P. C. McLuughli..
Finance: Mrs. R. ..Anderson,
and Mrs. Anna Chapmon.
Soliciting: Mrs. A. Nendel,
Mrs. T. K. Sanderson, Mrs. E. N.
Hall, Mrs. Nettie Simmons, and
Mrs. Walter Miller.
Pouring tea: Mrs. 'Wallace
Jones, Mrs. L. C. Austin. Mrs.
L. B. Detweiler, Mrs. Alice L.
Rogers. Mrs. Ivan C. Beers, and
Mrs. G. Douglas.
Hostesses: Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Al
len, Mrs. Ingram, Mrs. H. F.
Butterfield. Mrs. A. E. Austin.
Table: Mrs. Percy Seely, Mrs.
H. Hoyt, Mrs. H. Lcighcly, Mrs.
W. McClain.
Publicity: Mrs. W. Peltz, Mrs.
Harry Kestell, and Mrs. N. An
derson. Program:, Mrs. A. G. Cowan,
Mrs. J. Melvin Ringo, Mrs. M.
Richards and Mrs. O. L. Withers.
Kitchen: Mrs. Alfred Klamp,
Mrs. E. Meisenheimer, Mrs. Ida
Brennan, Mrs. Ida Peterson, and
Mrs. E. F. Wohlheter.
Mrs. Clark J. Stewart and
Miss Marceil Stewart have re
turned from a week's visit In
Kirkland, Wash., at the home of
the former's son-in-law and
daughter, the Rev. and Mrs,
Herbert Halstead. The Rev. Mr.
Halstead is pastor of the Calvary
Bible church in Seattle.
. (.! .
If the functional '"mlddta-age
period peculiar to women causes,
you to suffer from hot flashes, ner
vous tension, Irritability--try fam
on Lydla C. Plnkhsrn's Vegetable
Compound to rellets such symptoms.
fnKkham's Compound Is one of the
bent known medicines for this pur
pose. AIM a grand stomachic tunic I
Music The Home
Maxine Buren
Wamen's Editor
Smalls Are
Hosts at
Mr. and Mrs. Brazier Small
were hosts for a smartly ar
ranged dinner party Monday '.
night at their South Church
street residence in compliment j
to Mr. John Drager, who has
been visiting in the capital with j
his family. Mr. Drager leaves
Wednesday by plane for San
Francisco and from there will
go on to Shanghai, where he will
be with the Texaco Oil com
pany. Early spring flowers provided
the decorative note on the din
ner table and about the rooms.
The evening hours were spent
Covers were placed for Mr.
John Drager, Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Drager, Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Perry, Dr. and Mrs.
Harold dinger, Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Foreman and Mr. and
Mrs. Brazier, Small.
Circles to Meet
Circles of the First Methodikt '
church are scheduled to meet
Wednesday at 1:15 o'clock. All
circles will have for their lesson
period, the study book of the
year, "The Cross Over Africa."
The executive board meeting of
the WSCS will meet in the
morning in the Carrier room at
9:45 o'clock.
Meetings are as follows: No.
1, Mrs. Paul Acton, 40 Hanson
avenue. No. 2, Mrs. Rose Evans,
765 Marion; No. 3, Mrs. II. L.
Marsters, 1756 Court; No. 4, Mrs.
J. M. Adams. 636 State street;
No. 5, Mrs. E. B. Millard, .25
North Hth; No. 6, Mrs. Roy Fed-'
je, 966 North Capitol street
Weigum-Sowles '
Vows Read
Miss Elva Sowles, daughter of
Mr. J. E. Sowles of Vancouver,
Wash., and Mr. Jacob Weigum,
son of Mrs. Dorthea Weigum of
Salem, were married Saturday
night, February 9 at a candle
light ceremony at the First Me
thodist church in Vancouver.
The Rev. Daniel Taylor officia
ted at the 6:30 nuptials before a
white arch in a setting of palms
and fern.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore an ivory
brocaded satin floor length wed
ding gown and short veil of
tulle. Hex only ornament was a
rhinestone bracelet, a gift of the
grbom. Her shower bouquet was
of pink roses centered with gar
denias and tied with bouvardia
Mrs. G. L. Harte, sister of the
bride, was matron of honor. She
wore a pink satin gown and car
ried a bouquet of white roses
and pink carnations.
Mr. John Ochsner of Portland
was best man and ushers were
Mr. William Ochsner and Mr.
Louis Harte.
Miss Eleanor Whipple was at
the organ and Miss Civilla Al
lyn of Seattle, sang "O Promise
Me" and "At Dawning."
Immediately after the cere
mony a wedding dinner in hon
or of the bridal couple was held
at Had ley's tea room in Vancou
ver. The table was centered with
a tiered cake flanked by white
Mr. Weigum lind his bride will
live near Salem on a fruit ranch.
- ' ' i
Many women have difficulty in getting garments mada
whereby they shall really beautify their figure and slen
derize them. j
Bernardly, Tailor-Furrier j
specializes in ladies' tailoring as well as men's and the
special designing of his special custom tailored suits and
coats for stout women s really a treat for them yet it does
not cost any more in comparison of quality of woolens
and workmanship, so why not have your spring or sum
mer suit or coat made to a smart tailored style whereby
you will get more satisfaction than In a hand-me-down
garment at no higher cost. l'
Room 2. Downstairs, First NafL Bank Bldg. Phone 21995
Jeryme English
Society Miter
A weekend guest at the heme
of Elinor Danielson was Vera
Gustafson Sp. 3c. Saturday
night dinner at the Normandy
Manor was set for Miss Marjorie
Wells, Mrs. Paul Poirer, Mrs.
Carl N. Halvorson, Mrs. Floyd
McNall, Miss Gustafson, and
Miss Danielson. Miss Gustafson
returned to Bremerton I where
she will be discharged after
three years of service and' will
return to Minneapolis where she
and Miss Danielson were school
chums. ' j '
Salem Man
Is Married
Of interest to Salem friends
of the couple Is announcement of
the marriage of Miss Violi Mae
Coonrndt, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Earnest E. Coonradt of Los
Gatos, Calif., to Mr. Lester I.
Pearmine, Jr., son of Mr. and
Mrs. Lester I. Pearmine, sr., .of
Salem, on January 27 i at the
First Methodist church in San
Jose, Calif. The Rev. Joyce Parr
performed the ceremony, and
Misa Jane Pearmine, sinter of
the groom, played the violin be
fore the bridal party entered.
The bride was given In marri
age by her father. She wore a
white satin gown designed with
cap sleeves, a long bodice and
full skirt ending in a short train.
She wore white kid elbow length
gloves and her fingertip veil fell
from a pearled crown. fShe car
ried a shower bouquet of white
carnations, narcissuses and bou
vardia, centered ' with a white
i i
Her sister, Mrs. Frank Der-
onedi of Berkeley, ; Calif was
the matron of honor. Her gown
was fashioned like the bride's in
turquoise taffeta. She wore a
shoulder length veil falling from
a tiny pearl crown and carried a
shower bouquet of daffodils.
The attendants. Miss ! Joan
Kennedy of San Jose and Miss
Bertie Lee Farnham of Portland,
wore gowns identical in design
to that of matron of honor, car
rying shower bouquets of yellow
daffodils and blue iris, j :
Best man for Mr. Pearmine
was Mr. Robert Rulisson of Sa
lem and ushers were Mr. Frank
Deronedi of Berkeley and Mr.
Harold Truscott of San Jose. ?
A reception was held follow
ing the nuptials in the church
parlors, after which the young
couple left for a wedding trip
along the coastof California.
They are now at home here at
Springer farm in FJdridge dis
trict. ! i
The bride attended California
schools and is a graduate of Ore
gon State college, where she was
a member of Pi Beta Phi. Her
husband attended Salem schools
and Oregon State college. He
was affiliated with Phi Delta
Theta. i Mr. Pearmine served
two years in the marine coprs,
one year of which -was spent in
the South Pacific.
Jason Lee WSCS
Meeting Slated
The i regular meeting of the
Woman's Society of Christian
Service of Jason Lee Methodist
church will be held in the ladies'
parlor, Wednesday, February 13.
Mrs. A. E. Utley will preside
over the business meeting which
will begin at 11 o'clock. ;
Reports of the recent state
meeting in Porltand and the dis
trict meeting in Newberg will
-be given.
A 12:30 luncheon will be
served by the February-August
. circle. ''; . j, j
All members and! friends are
cordially invited to attend.
im Mill!
Mid-winter travelers are be
ginning to return home from so
journs in the south and at the
same time others are leaving for
vacation trips.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Rob
erts arrived in Salem this week
end from a several weeks stay
in San Francisco and other
points in the bay region. They
went south to imet their son,
Lt. (jg) Coe Roberts. USN. who
had just returned from a year
of sea duty in the south Pacific
and Japan. He is communica
tions officer on a cargo vessel.
While in the, south Mr. and
Mn Roberts also visited with
their daughter, Georgia, p. freth
man at Mills college. During her
mid-term vacation the family
vacationed at Carmel.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hum
phrey returned to the capital
Saturday night from a week's
stay in San Francisco. Mr.
Humphrey went south to attend
the furniture mart. While In the
bay city they were registered at
. the Chancellor hotel.
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sanders
and their sons, Steven and
Philip, are being welcomed
home from a two months trip
to Mexico City and other Mexi
can resorts. They traveled by
car over 9,000 miles, returning
home by way of Los Angeles
and the coast route. While in
Mexico they visited famous re
sort places including Acapulco,
Fortln and Guadalajara.
Mrs. Brazier Small and Mrs.
Iewig Griffith will entertain the
Thursday club at a dessert lun
cheon at 1:15 o'clock this week
" at the former's home on South
Church street.
Hostesses Fete
Miss Keukis
Mrs. Adam Frye, Mis. Henry
Overman and Mrs. Roy Ander
son entertained Friday night at
the former's home on North 23rd
street in compliment to Miss
Vivian Keukis, bride - elect of
Mrs. Edward James Frye.
A bridal shower honored the
bride-to-be and after an infor
mal evening a late supper was
served. The Valentine motif was
carried out in the decorations.
Twenty-five guests were pres
ent for the affair.
Miss Keukis is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Keukis and her
fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Adam Frye. The groom-elect
has been serving with the mer
chant marine. No date has been
set for the wedding.
Pinochle Club at
Walker Home
Mrs. Todd Walker was hostess
to the Happy Hour Pinochle
dub at her home on Broadway
street Friday. The rooms were
decorated with spring flowers
and pussywillows.
A dessert luncheon was served
to Mrs. L. Wilkerson, Mrs. Fred
Kuhn, Mrs. Harry White, Mrs.
Charles Smith, Mrs. Cora New-
man, Mrs. Nellie Welch, Mrs.
Chamberlain and Mrs. Walker.
A f A II ft.
The poor fish ... be haa to eat
the same thing day after day. Your
family's different they like at
change. Tomorrow instead of that
same hot cereal give the folks
tempting hot VVbeatetu.
Wheatena U different with
the nut-like flavor of natural
toasted wheat. It's swell for you
a 'real body-builder. And
cooks quick as coffee.
Ilemem ber Whralrria to-
rrs thi witcoMi chamoi roa
St. Vincent drPaul Mothers club
nteetlna; at school.
Laurel Social Hour club with
Mrs. E. W. Emmett, Glen Creek
Road. 1 :30 dessert luncheon.
Junior sruild. St. Paul's F.pii
ropal church. Red Cross sewing
9:30 a.m., parish house, no-host
luncheon, 1 p.m
Rainbow Girls covered dish
dinner, 6:30 Dm.. Masonic Tem
ple. PI Bets Phi motheri meet at
chapter house. 2 p.m.
YWCA board meeting, YW.
S 43 a.m.
American War Mother, Legion
hall, all day, covered dish din
ner at noon.
Eastern Star Social club. Red
Cross sewing. Masonic Temple,
luncheon at noon.
Woman's society of Christian
Service. Jann Lec Methodiot
ciiurrh. II a.m. business meet
ing. 12:30 luncheon.
South Salem Friends church
missionary o-lelv with Mrs. F.
A. F.lliott, 550 N. Summer si..
8 D m.
PLE and T will meet with
Mrs. Earl Burk. Wednesday evert
ing with a pot-luck supper at
:: at 640 KdKewnter.
Royal Neighbors Sewing club
with Mrs. Josephine Quamme,
2V6 Saginaw St., no-host lunch
eon at noon.
St Mark's t.uthrran rhurch
guild tea at the church. 2 p.m.
West Salem Woman's club,
citv hall. 2 pin.
First Mrthoriist rhurrh circles
1 13 p.m., WSCS executive boaid,
9 43 a.m.. Carrier room.
Sojourners club, luncheon, !
p in. Woman's clubhouse.
St. Joseph's Mothers club,
Valentine party, schoolhouse.
Pi Beta Phi alumnae with Mrs.
C A. Sprague. 423 N. 14th st ,
S p.m.
Social meeting. DA V. pwb'l
ird party. Salem woman's ilul
Wally Ogdahl
Has First Birthday
Wally Ogdahl, son of Mr. and
Mis. Ted Ogdahl, celebrated his
first birthday at the home of hi
parents on Saturday. Yellow was
carried out In the flowers and
Those attending were Mrs.
T. M. Ogdahl, maternal grand
mother, Mrs. R. E. Zwick and
Janet, alt of Portland; Mrs.
Warren Ling and Barbara of Se
attle, Mrs. John Kolb and Pat
and Mike, Mrs. Donald Blais
dell and Barbara Ann, Mrs. Ro
bert Hamilton and Bobby and
Barbara, Mrs. Irving Miller and
Steve, Mrs. Frank Page and
Jebb, Mrs. James Henery and
Sharyn, Mrs. James Sheldon and
Jimmy Lee, Mrs. Martha Smith
and Gary, Miss Bessie Donald
son and Mrs. Ted Ogdahl.
Students Play
On Program
At the Junior Federation Mu
sic clubs program Sunday after-'
noon at the YMCA students
were chosen from the program
to play over KSLM Monday aft
ernoon at 4:45 o'clock.
Those selected were Earl
Newman, Ida Jo Henderson, Ce-
lia Weaver, Leah Case and Shir
ley Dean, pianists; and Sacred
Heart Cecileans, singers.
Counsellors of the students
were William Fawk, Mrs. Jessie
Bush Mickelson, Miss Ruth Bed
ford, Mrs. David Eason, Mrs.
Jean Hobson Rich and Sacred
Heart Academy. ,
Mrs. Homer V. Carpenter of
Portland, formerly of Salem, is
spending the week at the home !
of her son-in-law and daughter, !
Secretary of State and Mrs. Ro- !
bert S. Farrell, jr.
in akpasti
Au Revoir '
Party for
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dais
were honored at an au revoir
party Saturday night when Mr.
and Mrs. Klmer L. Hildreth en
tertained at their Court street
home. Mr. and Mrs. Davis will
make their home in Portland
where he will be on the YMCA
staff there. Mr. Davis has been
with the Salem YMCA.
A dessert supper was served
by the hosts with guests seated
at small tables. The Valentine
motif was carried out in the
decorations. Bridge was In play
during the evening with prizes
going to Mr. L. V. Shafer, Mrs.
Bernard Butler and Mrs. .Waldo
Marsters. An revoir gift was
given to Mr. and Mrs. Davis by
the Kroup.
Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Dais
were Mr. and Mrs. Kmmett
Welling. Mr. and Mrs. Deral
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Shaf
er, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Baker,
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Butler,
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Marsters,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Humphrey,
and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hil
dreth. Members of Chadwiek chap
ter, Order of Eastern Star will
participate in the district meet
ing tonight at Ramona chapter,
Silverton. A review of the rit
ualistic work for the grand ma
tron, Mrs. Hazel Graham of Til
lamook, will be given by the of
ficers of both chapters. All offi
cers and members of Chadwiek
chapter are invited to attend the
Merry Minglers -
The Merry Minglers club f
Middle Grove met Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Fred Mitchell.
Club members prew-nt were
Mrs. Covil Case, Mrs. Leonard
Malm, Mrs. Harvey Page, Mrs.
Al Fabry, Mrs. Geo Keppinger,
Mrs. Carl Snyder, Mrs. Robert
Fromm, Mrs. Erwln Wagers,
ftt pi swsith ti a r; M o
This Is Our Regular $9.93 Heater
Clean, odorlesst, Instant heat to chase the chill on bitter cold winter days
and in spring and fall when your heating; plant is not in operation. Have
added comfort in your home with one of these portable Electric Heaters
handy. Light in weight, polished aluminum reflector, plated steel grill,
rich walnut colored crackel finish. 1320-watt long-life, heavy-duty element.
Size: 20xl3'x8 inches. 6-ft. cord and plug included, rnderwritera Ap
proved. For 1 10-120 volt AC or DC. A big buy at this pecia) purchase price.
Mrs. Ernest Barker, Mrs. Rob
ert Wagers and Mrs. Anna Jess.
A guest was Mrs. E. Nevins.
The club will meet with Mrs.
Cleo Keppinger Thursday after
noon, February 14.
The West Salem Woman's club
will meet at the West Salem city
hall Wednesday afternoon at
2 o'clock". The membership com
mittee is in charge of arrange
ments and guest day will be ob
served, with all members invited
to bring friends. Hostesses are
Mrs. Ed Underwood, Mrs. Rose
Pfeifauf, Miss Lottie McAdams
and Mrs. Roger McVey.
Mrs. Ralph E. Purvine will
preside at a bridge luncheon this
afternoon at her Saginaw Mreet
home for the pleasure of mem
bers of her c lub.
Shower for
Miss Boyle
Miss Mabel 1 and. Miss Emelyn
Frazer were hostesses for a sur
prise bridal shower Friday night
at their home in compliment to
Miss Marion Boyle, bride-elect
of Mr. Joseph C. Salsgiver, jr.
A dessert supper was seiived
later in the evening following
the opening of gifts. j
Honoring Miss Boyle were
Mrs. E. A. Boyle, Mrs. Ed Jlohn
aon, Mrs. Lawrence Bradford,
Miss Arlene Olson, Miss Jo! Ann
Donaldson, .Miss Gladys Ques
seth, Miss Marian Wampler,
Miss Dorothy Poff, Miss Lucille
Proctor, Miss Ruth Turpin, Mrs.
G. N. Frazer and Miss Mabelle
and Miss Emelyn Frazer.
Phon S95S
153 S. liberty
Factory Service for All Mokes of Horn and Auto
Parti for All Makes and Model
Tubes end Batteries of Every Kind
Motorola for Homo and Auto Packard-Bell and Clarion
Radios Philco Auto Radios
. . .
. .. 11
Leeal member r the Orege
section interested in the Pacific
Camping federation will be in
attendance at the session or
camp directors at A si lorn a r.r
Calif.. March -1, 2, and 3, the
meeting to be at the. national
YWCA conference grounds
there. Local representatives will
leave February 27, it is announ
ced by Mrs. Esther W. Little, lo
cal YW executive director.
The Coast Guard, once known!'
as . the Revenue Cutter service.)
was founded in 1790, while the
present navy was established in
t aesef araachitl
tubas stilktts saoUimt
tha Cfcett ana1 tack
surf seas ! aa.
Mntung eaulUca.
Great lltlp to Mothtrs
Best -known Itome remedy you can
use to relieve coughing, congestion
in upper bronchial tubes, rnuscuiar
soreness or tightness due to colds
is to rub Vicks VapoRub on the
throat,chest and back. Right away
VapoRub's penetra ting-stimulating
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