PAGE SIX 'Ths OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Friday Morning. February 1, 1948 Lockards to Be Supper Hosts Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Jxkard have invited a croup of their friend to a buffet sup per Saturday night at their home on Maple avenue, follow ing the Junior Woman's club Valentine ball at the Elks tem ple. Mrs. Floyd Waltz will assist the hofcUna Informally. The buffet table will be set in the recreation room. Guests of the Lockards will be Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Waltz, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Adams, Mr. and Mra. Elmo Li nd holm. Mr. and' Mrs. Wendell Ewing, Mr. and Mr. Donald Cooper, Mr. and;' Mrs! James Pike, Mr. arid Mr. Ronald Cropland, Mr. and Mr. Calvin Knit, Mr. ami Mra. Robert Ramage and Mr. nd Mrs. W. C. Wilson. Miss Towe to Wed Tonight SILVERTON Miss Dorothy Rone Towe, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Casper J. Towe, nd Mrs. Lacy T. Harmon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lary L. Har mon of Cheater, HKnuis, will b married Friday night at 8 o'clock t Immanuel Lutheran church, Silverton. with the Rev. S. L. Almlie ' officiating. White roses, carnations and small enryaan themums will be used with greenery and white tapers for decorating. Mrs. Arthur Dald will play the wedding music and orcom pany Mrs. A. J. Becker of Salem when she sings "The Lord's Pray er" and "Because." The bride, given in marriage by her father, will wuwr gown of white satin crepe, fashioned with lace panels, and yoke and long train. The full length veil will be held in plc with bead ed Juliet cap. The bride will carry white Bible tupped by . a white orchid. Miss Betty Towe, cousin of the bride, will be maid of honor, and will wear an aqua marquis ette drew and carry noaegar. Miss Rose Marie Becker, Salem will be bride's maid and wttl srear pole orchid net and satin nd carry bouquet similar to the maid of honor's. Little Shar on Ellison, coos in of the bride, la a long white fvwn with pink and blue trim, will be flower glrL Mr. Harmon has aaked James UkkeaUd to be his best man and Russel Chrtstensen of Salem to be the other attendant. Asked to uHer are Brace D4rkman and Edward Zollner, while Beverly Lawn and Georgia Ann Tow will Mht the tapers. Following the ceremony, the 100 guests have been Invited to a reception arranged for the trial rmi of the church. Two aunU if the bride, MrS. Bert Flint ue ami. Mr Carl Loe have ieeti asked to cut the cake nd pour. Assisting about the rntVms will be Mrs. Ole Meland, Mrs. Merl RassmuH.en. Mrs. Fred .Taylor, and Miss France Ball Juan Meisnd will pats the bridegf uom's rake Miss lajrille Mtilkfj will be In charge of tiie guet book, while presiding at tiie gift table will be Mrs. George Towe, Mrs. Albert Funrue and Mrs. A. J. Laraen. For going away the bride has ehosen a three piece suit of dusty rnk and black accessories. Following a brief wedding trip In Oregon, the couple will leave November S or their home at St. Louis, where Mr. Harmon Is assistant production manager at the St Louis Dairy company. Mr. Ma mum received his bachelor ftt science degree from the University of Michigan. Dur ing the past three years he has been m the services, 19 months of which were ent overseas. It was while Mr. Harmon was . stationed at Carop Adair and Mtas Towe was attettdtrui Oregon Slate college that they met. Mlae R4Bj SmMIsm will en tettaui the Unitarian Women's Alliance this afternoon at 2 'clock at her home on the River road. cuqveue suds Floats grease and grime from pots and paaa. Leaves no hardwaccr euap aosnl. T35 1 -v ; av ? Society . . . . Clubs Music . The Home Maxine Buren Wofnn' Editor CLUB CALENDAR imnAT WRC. I p.m.. st VTW halL ttalain Heights Woman's club t Community hall. 1 p.m, dea- ert luncheon, r.nfk-wood Woman's Club, with Mm. W. A. Halves, 105 J North 10th t, eovured dish lunchequ, 1:30 p.m. S.lTl'KI.Y Chemeketa chapter. DAR, Ss leni Woman's club, 2 p.m. MONDAY L'niu-d Spanish War Vetersns and auxiliary meet at Vrw hall, S p.m. Salem Nils club, noon lunch Son at Maaonic tempi. Anierican legion auKlllary, 8a lm Woman's club, S p.m. TVr.SDAY Hl-Y Mothers club, esvercg dlh lunctteon, YMCA. noon. WEDNESDAY Woinea'a guild. Tint ConT- fstional church, church parlors, p m. Sunahlne Sawing club with Mra. Lloyd McDonald, routs T, 3 p.m. PEP Taaehers club. Quails. p.m. Harold Dalke Is Married Of interest to the groom's Sa lem friends Is announcement of the marriage of Mr. Harold Ed win Dalke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dalke of Salem, to Miss Helen LaVonne Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott of Puyallup, on Saturday, Jan uary 20, at the First Christian church In Puyallup. Mrs. Harold Scott, the bride's mother, sang and MUs Patricia Jane Caley was the accompan ist. Lighting the altar candles were Marvm Dalke, brother of the groom, and Jerry Gunder. Th bride asked Miss Felecia Dehl of Puyallup to be her maid of honor.' Bridesmaids were Miss Irene Dalke of Salem, aister of the groom, Mrs. Errul Ilelver, Miss Jean Crawford 'and Mrs. Florence Marshall of Puyallup. Joan DeVbltiwas flower girL Mr. C. H-fHootz of Portland stood with Mr. Dalke as best man. Ushers wers Mr. W. C. Gunder. Mr.j Harry DuBols, Mr. J. C. Wills. Captain Clayton Dalke .and ' CapUln Douglas Farmer. ,i A weddinr reception was held in the churdh parlor after the ceremony. .After therr wedding trip the couple will return to Salem to make their home. Mr. Dalke will be associated In. the contracting buslnewi here with his rather. He recently was released from the navy after three years of service. He spent 29 months In New Guinea as a pharmacist's mate. Marry Attend AAUW Dinners Over 190 members of the Sa lem branch, American Associa tion of University Women, at tended the no-host friendship dinners Monday night at homes of members. G e t - a cquainted games were in play during the evening. Hostesses were Mrs. Virgil Golden, Miss Ada Ross, Mtas Brenda Glass, Mrs. Kenneth Manning, Mrs. Lyle Res, Mrs. Tom Wolgamott, Miss Mabel Robertson, Mrs. Guy lliekok, Mrs. Ralph Dobbs and Mrs. Roy Hitchcock. Mrs. Ruasell Beut ler was ln charge of the suc cessful afiairs. Announcing Formal Valentine Dinner Dance AT NORMANDY MANOR Monday, February 11, 134 By Advance Reservation D'! Limited to ; v- 100 Qouplea ? FT SO per couple, Includes buffet dinner, dn" ring end tax. PhfNie $!Ut. 11 a. m. to 4 p. m latly Except Saturday I . f, i1 ji ....... i ........ Jtryme English Society EAlter Glenn Smith Weds in Seattle ; Announcement Is being mad of the marriage of Miss Allyce Pritzkau, daughter of Mr. H. C. Prltzkau of Roseburt to Mr. Glenn M. Smith; A MM 2v USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Klonjy Smith of Salem, I which took place in Seattle on January 12. Tiie bride In a, graduate of Salem schools. Herr husband also received education, In Salem and attended Willamette university, later entering the navy ; V-12 program at the university. His fraternity Is Alpha Psl Delta. He is now stationed at 8 a n d Point Naval Air Station, Seat tle. 5- The couple will llv in Salem after his release from the navy this spring. Visitor Is Honored Mr. and Mrs. Willard Mar shall have had as. their house guest for a few days this week, an old friend, Mr. Dale WyUe of Cleveland, Ohio, who form erly made his home in Port land and often visited In Salem. Wednesday night Mr. and Mrs. Marshall entertained informal ly at i buffet dinner in honor of the visitor. Covers were placed for Mr. Dale Wylie, his cousins, Prof, and Mra. Edouard Bourbousson of Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Sox of Albany, Mrs. Wal ter Stoltz. Martha and Julia Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. Mar shall. Mr. Wylie, who left for the east Thursday. Is with the Iron Fireman In Cleveland. Conference to Be Held in Salem American Legion auxiliary will be host to the conference of district two of the depart ment of Oregon, Friday, . Febr uary g, at the Salem Woman clubhouse. Mrs. Jessie Slefert of Newberg is president The meeting opens at 1:90 p.m. Mrs. AuUn H. Wilson, unit president will turn the busi ness session over to the district president A no-host dinner will be serv ed in Legion hall at p.m. Fol lowing the dinner a meeting will take place in Legion hall at p.m. Legion and auxiliary de partment officers will apeak. Mrs. Wibon has named the following committees: Reserva tions, Mrs. I. N. Bacon; distin guished guests. Mrs. Stanley Krueger; banquet Mri. Paul Gemmel, Mrs, Jennie Bartlett and Mrs. Ray Stumbo; decora tions, Mrs. Walter Spaulding; invitations, Mrs. John A. Olson and Mrs. L. S. Dotten; hospital ity, Mrs. George Gabriel, Mrs, B. W. Stacey, Mrs. Don Madi son, Mrs. Paul Ficke, Mrs. James Lewis, Mrs,? Merle D. Travis and Mrs. Florence Ames. Reservations for the banquet may be made with Mrs. I. N. Bacon, phone 6331, by Febr uary 9. Fraternities Plan Formal Dance .One of the outstanding social functions of the year at Willam ette university will be the tntcr fraternlty formal thls Saturday night at the Labor temple. Mu sic will feature Eddie Hughes' orchestra, with dancing from nine to twelve. The three fra ternities. Kappa Gamma Rho, Sigma Tau and Alpha Ptl Delta, are sponsoring the affair. St Valentine's has been se lected as the theme and the decorations will follow the tra ditional motif of red and whit, with cupids and hearts pre dominating. Dick Spooner, Sig ma Tau, is the chairman of the decoration committee and he will be assisted by Ned Burrla, Alpha Psl Delta, and Dob Flet cher, Kappa Gamma Rho. Val Sloper, Sigma Tau, heads the general dance committee. otheri r Jack Hedgcock, Kappa, and Eugene Bauer, Al pha Psl. Five pledges from each house compose the elean-up committee. Patrons and patronesses are Dean and Mrs. Melvin IL Gelst, Dean and Mrs. Walter K. Xrlck son. Dr. and Mrs. R. Ivan Lov ell. Dr. and Mra. Robert M. Gatke and Professor and Mrs. Maurice Brenneo. A large gra attended the card party given by St Moni ca's altar society for the bene fit of the new church at Sil verton January 27. Twenty-four tables of five hundred and pin ochle were played. Mrs. Bill Flannlgan was chairman, assist ed by Mesdames Ralph W. Fran cis, Al Selfer, Lugla DeSantls, Hubert Esser, Lawrence Thomas and Mike DeSantls. Mrs. Lugia DeSantls is president of the altar society. ! 2A U 71 sz 4ti il Lvfa. - -iai. . tmi mm c- Ktyle and quality Style and quality . Style and quality . Style and quality . 'Style and quality Style and quality . Style and quality Style And quality Style and quality Styl and quality Styl and quality . Style! and quality T (Also; many fine fur neckpieces such as Mink, Squirrel, Kolinsky, etc si Ud to 50 Discount, on Many of i These Fursl St J. aismulr ayfff arprarwiusa ' Si i-.T. ? ' IN "Southern Churchyard," pictured above, Is one of the group ef wstercolors te be exhibited by F. Loren Benlller. It was painted but summer while the artist was visiting hi churchyard on Bawley's island, near the Barueh plantation. The artist found negroes grubbing weeds from the cemetery and upon Inquiry found that President Reeaevelt worshipped at the little Episcopal church whit vacationing at the Baruch plantation. This church Is the third te stand on the same spot the first twe were destroyed by fire. The origin si ehureh was built before the signing of the Dee laratlon of Independence. In addition to "Souther Churchyard." Soulier baa included scenes from Oregon and other states. Of local Interest Is the painting. "The Last ol the Gay Marie" which will also hang In the one-man anew. tore. Go-ed Tells Betrothal The engagement of Miss Lois Messing, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C A. Messing of Portland, to Ensign H. E. (Ted) Todd. U3NR. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Todd, also of Poilland, was announced Monday night at the Delta Gamma chapter house at Willamette university In the traditional manner by passing a box of chocolates. Miss Messing, a sophomore at Willamette, U a member of Delta Gamma sorority, and Beta . Alpha Gamma, sophomore wom en's honorary. She Is at present sfl' U f;rZ ' - - - isluZss tif 'ivw :- a' Ed Hamilton Qualify Furs . , , , , . . . , . . . . . . . ... , , . . . . . ERMINE! MOLE! PERSIAN I.AMH! HUDSON HEAL! SQUIRREL LOCKE! NATURAL SQUIRREL! 8ILVKRBLUE MUSKRATt NATURAL MUSKRAT! GREY PERSIAN PAW! NORTHERN MUSKRAT! MOUTON LAM II! SPLITSKIN CANADIAN SQUIRREL! pith tyv'Mlf La--rri-aV wi-' JhhS o 'ma Boaller Is Ufbe director ef the serving as drama manager and has been active in both speech and drama. She holds a scholar ship at Willamette awarded by the National Methodist Foun dation. Ensign Todd, after completing two years at the University of Colorado under the V-12 unit, left In June, 1945, to take his midshipman training at Colum bia university. He is affiliated with Sigma Phi Epsilon. No date has been set by the couple for their wedding. Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Wood mansee have as their house guests for a few days Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scale of Jordan Valley. .t. n . Met ,7T 1 isiinii Fictared left Is ens of the wstercolors by F. Leren Boul ter, Salem artist. it be ashlbl tion In the down stairs gallery at the J. K. GIU com pany February 4 te It. Among the work te be exhib ited will be scenes from the southern States. Wyoming. Calif orn la a n d4 Oregon. Sooth Carolina. Pictured In the art galleries at the R. F. lUfstrem Knipes to Be Dinner Hosts Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knipe have invited members of their club to dinner Sunday night at their Chemeketa street home During the evening contract bridge will be In play. Covers will be placed for Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Collins, Lt Comm. and Mrs. Ralph E. Purvlhe, tr. and Mrs. A. Ter rence King, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Needham, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Burke and Mr. and Mrs. Knipe Yeung Adult class of the First Methodist church was entertain ed. at a no-host dinner Wednes day night at the home ' of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Anderson. Thirty rs"isav Announcement : : : WBM ADD 50 New Fur Coats Will Lte Shown in this Fur Coat Event In Addition to Our Regular Stocksl Every Fur Guaranteed! H 1 5: II ( sK 1 m m m? - i " ' 2 " 1 J mnm-i fax m y litaii guests were present A social evening followed th dinner hour. Dr. nd Mrs. Joseph Adams were special gueats. h'n F f l ' Super! ' zj I L Value... MaXvl-Fscee diamonds blsie with greater bftl lianca because of 40 txtrs litht-nflxthg fU srouad tbt "equator" of the diamond. Tkls fsHiU feature also WfuuV coio and helps preveac chipping. Mounted la aaocxing, drsmsrfs settings srith mstchlog wedding baodt. See our collection todarl From 173 to $7300, Federal Tax included. and vp Indudlncj tax Between High and Uberty i 4 H hi 2 .4 4 VI"'" 1 V . SKTaa cs7l S75 XffJiri , r tt. ttlfftKlUtaaliSi