The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 01, 1994, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tho OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Friday Morning. February 1. 1946
J The Oregon SlatMman Tolophono 9101
Marion county clcmcnUiry ) An installation, ball honoring
schnlj .principals had their (hat; the new student bony officers at
' ost-war dinner mt:iha. Wed- I Leslie junior hiftli wm held on
nesday, ;it the Quelle.' Mrs. Agin s'j Thursday afternoon. DancinK.
liooth.j county superintendent. : moving picture, volleyball and
presided ' Hi'- liiniur, ;ml I.-iura j : freshmen Is vv-ere features of the
H. Miles, ntiniiK president, pre
sided nt the lii.iii( meeting at
Winch! new ofiicers were elected
iid tlfmeiitary school plan-i were,
outhifd y Albert Bcurdsley.
state president ;nd punctual of
LaunjinHM schilul tl'oi.liind).
New ( i lea s elected were: pres i
dent. Lloyd Giind, llichmniid
school; vice president, Dorothy
Dauvncrty, ' l''.nuliood school;
secretin -'ica-urer, Mabel Sump-
ter. Prin1e M-nool. Arthur Myers. J
Hililr-nd chool. wins app inted a;
delegate t' 'h l.tbimon regional'
rnelinc Yfhumry !.
legion Tm key (imper, Kingwood
Ix-Kion h;ill. Sunday. Keb. 3. 12
noon to 3 1 00 er. person. Chil
dren less.
Paiking space off the city
streets for Oregon Motor stages'
city busses will be available soon
J A. Storer, Salem district man
ager, said" Thursday. Properly to
the' north of the firm's garage
fjti Fruut St. was purchased last
been obt;ned a few weeks ago,
he added. The lot has been cleared
and graded and will be paved as
soin as weather permits. Plans
also call fur an outside washrack.
fash buyers waiting for farms.
IJst your property wtih us today,
lliih L i:eim. nn. Keillor, 01 S.
High. PI'. 3722. !
Heleused by Salem g'-neral hos-
pital Thursd.iy wtie Mis. Phyllis
Worley and infant daughter, 2174
Broadway. Mrs. John A. Ficklin
and son. 1930 N. 19th St.: Mrs.
Howard L. Jenks and son. ff0
Cross st , an I Mr. ( , i,ieeden
snd rlnughp. r. If iieenilcMce.
h me
see Salem
D. R. Sijoff.'rn
and F. W. Gib-
tui, representing tne l me vvaier
Associated; Oil Company in Sa
lem, were, in Portland Thursday
attending a company sales meet
ing at Benson hotel.
yuthe naval hospital at Oakland.
Calif, Sunday. January ft. !. t-oroii
Ramp, latr ii-mlrnt of 1615 KMsrvrlt
street. Salem, -t tb atle ol 23 rar.
Iiubul oi tlora Ramp of Salrm; son
of Mr. an1 Mrs. W. F. Ramp of Brooks;
r;iriJi.n of B. f . Ramp of Brooks; and
hrntiwr ot tail Ramp of Hramcrton.
Wash, and Mm. C'lfO Walker! of Mt.
A'ifel. Kecitallnn of th tos.oy
tven -T.iuida. January 31. ii W. T.
HiCdon chaprl Kimeial sr ct-s will b
lirld Friday. February I. at 10 a m. tn
the OiMi'k Sacred Heart chuiich. In
terrf iit at Bclereht Siemoiial iark.
t;iaa r
fouie 2, Sii:
.lanuaiv 'K'.
Survived '
k Sariton. late resident of
pin, al a local hospital,
at ti.e fu- of 24 year,
a oi. 1-eHov Santim of
Sakni. George I.. Pack of Ra
lein. Mter. Mm. Edna Jone of
Iowa. Mi Ida Round of Minne-Mtta
Jl:t. Nellie ('ocl)ian and, Mr. Klix-
ieO fOirli of Portland anfl Mm. Lil
lian Hampton and Mm. Vtra Oavee of
Salem liinr Oroliiei. (Jail l'a k of
I nir iiilo. r;ti ('. k of Nebraoka and
A'ne't and Fiank Pack of Salem. Sirv
jce will he held at Ine lloell-l-a:ri
ctiaiH-l f'ridat. Fehruarv 1. at J
pin .'our l.i'IniK ! M e III I OOF c In-
e'r . lut'.i p-ndent-e.
Jo!ni f Buich, in Wliitlier, I'alif .
T'oisov. Janui 2fc. t 1ue ff of IS
fr attier if Mis Mae Thornton
of Whittier. f 'alif. and Ceoi re M.
Hutch, and brother ot (icoi'ge M.
Bu.-t'fi of Salem. Gravemde serice
will he held Mundat . Feb 4. at IS a.m.
at B-li". t Mrmonal park, riuection
(if Clousn-Bai i it k con. pan .
Srhtilenhurf :
Mr. Omiloi'e Sih iil-nbii jk. at her
ho'-fie a MO Nml'i IMii stmt, Wed
rirvtai. Janu.iiv .'in Suisived by a
dauiffiier, Mt Hi in v fii un of Saie'n;
twin. Hrv ('; f Schulenbui z of Mc
VTsnnv ille; fiAo Mst is. Miss Kmny jnJ
M,f Anna both of Oak Park,
111; and Un grandchildren. l)v. Carl
(irot of Farruijiit, Idaho, and Ruth
Ann Hi'hiileiihurK of McMiirwIllr.
Seivue will he held Sat. Feb, 2. at
1 M) pin. ftojn l'iuch-i;.'i in k rliapfl,
J'v, F Oohdi-t ftihl of Oregon t'lty of
ficial mt I'ttei iiicnt in Belvrest Me
fe. r: iul pai k
In tin city J.iiui;iiy .'HI. (ail vk-
rii laU' -ii, m1 of Z I f) Tfalf t .
l ll- uf t,t Mt ;!. lUibaiul ol IW-th
NrHliul, Sal, -Hi. father of Jelly, Jioi
nue and Naticv. ail of. S.ileni; 1)1 other
o Mr Wot th' iFilnal MoAhm. Port
land. s i . ii-rs itr held Friday.
K' tn uai v I. at 1 Ml p.m. at the W T.
H.anon tiLiiMl Intel me nt in ;iiy View
remetitv. Tne l!ev. Dudley Mi am Mill
lrieKtoie Saiiralli. late resident of
tSo south !2tn street, at a Ux-al hoa
M'.al ,lunuai .1(1 Anin.uiH'rment of
ei vices later by CtouKh-Uarru k rom
Eugene Gleemen
Salem High School Auditorium
Salem Rotary & Salem Lions Club
Admission S1.20 Including Tax
Ticket on Sale at Miller' & Auditorium
af.ernoon's eiiterUtinment, as well
as ten skils. Margaret Acton,
new ly elected v ice president, was
in charge. The new officers will
be instilled at an installation and
awards assembly Friday morning
at 10 o'clock, by Miss joy Hill,
principal. Fifty-one merit awards
for school service will be-given.
7 hr developing & printing ser
vice at ttuike'a Camera. Shop. 174
N Coml.
Everett Luc;i. route 6 Imx .8.
and Elmer V ikum. route 6 box
?.)8, were misting from their j
homes. Thursd.iy, their parents
told police. The boys had been in
chool Wednesday morning but
not in the afternoon. A youngster
brother of Iu as said that they j
had been tnlking of Mexico. , ;
Wauled: Used furn. Ph. 5110.
II. J. Bonie, Albany, has filed
the a:si'med business name of the
H. J. Bonie Poultry Co. for a
turkey hatchery at box 328 Al
bany. The name of the Capital
hop farm was assumed by H. J.
Aimand, I H. Dalkenberk, Lor
etta Dalkenberk', R. M. Amrine
; and Ardis Amrine, route 2 box
Colonial house for chicken din
ners and 'charcoal broiled Kteak.
j 4 miles south on 09K. Ph. 2139L
I Discussion of the atom bomb
Thursday featured the firt
meeting of a Willamette univer-
sity discussion group sponsored
; by Carnegie Institute. Janice Pat
! terson, S.dem, in group chairman.
j Fjloral section. F. Meyer Drug.
I Dm E. WtHKlry of the Woodry
I furniture- company has left Sa
l lem to attend the furniture mar-
Hcts in Ijos Angeles and San
I Francisco. He expected to return
j here next Thursday.
Taxi? Capital Cab, phone 6646.
City firemen were called
Thursday afternoon to put out
chimney fires at 2372 state st. at
3:15 p.m. and at 274 N, Cottage
5:30 p.m. Damage was neg
ligible in both fires.
Call Bishop's Studio. Ph. 7688 if
you have a cottage or 2 or 3 room
furn: apt. for rent. Must beon
ground floor for perm, employe-
A. E. Messing has been em
ployed as a draughtsman to work
on the study of off-street parking
possibilities in Hie Salem business
chstrict with the long-range plan
Ding commission of the chamber
of commerce is undet taking. ,
Any type of automobile repairs
handled without delay. Tune-up
especially. See us today. Shrock
Motor Co., 352 N. High st. Ph.
County Commissioner Koy Rice
and Shop Supt. J. P. Aspinwall
were in Seattle Thursday, to look
over surplus " government road
machinery and office equipment,
to find any of use to the county.
Exp. ladies ready Xp wear sales
ladies wanted. Apply Schweninger
& Co.
The Buena Vi; ta ferry was not
operating Thursday because the
cable broke connecting it to the
high line on which it operates.
'Cyn" Cronise Photograph and
Frames. 1st Nat'l Bank Bildg.
A son was born
Mrs. Wilbur Tipp,
son St.. Thin Relay bt
coness hospital.
to Mr. and
130 Jeffer
Salem Oca-
Lutt Flower S'toppe. 1276 N.
erty. phone 0592.
Myron Downing. 2220 Breyman
st., reported the theft of a fog
light from his car, Wednesday
evening, while it was parked in
back of the high school.
All persons ! qualified - to take
the first aid instructors' training
course, starting Monday night,
are asked to do so by Wayne
Kuhl, chairman for first aid, wat
er safety 4,K' accident '""prevention
for Marion county chapter, Amer
ican Red Cross. First session will
be held at Red Cross offices Mon
day, 7:30 p.m. Those having in
structors' curds valid for the past
three years, or those holding a
current. Rod Cross' advanced first
aid card, are eligible to take the
training course. ;'.
Wedding pictures taken at the
church. 520 State. Ph. 5722.
Wanted: All kinds of real estate
to sell. List your property with
"us now. C. II. Sanders, 231 N.
High. 5838.
Deaconess hospital dis
the following patients
Thur.tday J
McG ranahan.
1145 S. 13th st.; Mm. Erchill Wil
son and son Mehama; Mrs. An
thony Manser and daughter, 922
Fifth st.; Roy Adsitt, 1330 S. Com
mercial st.! Walter Hofner, Sub
limity; Mrs. Charles Rogers and
son, route 2 Salem; Charles Rec
tor, Independence; Mrs. Dora
Hubbard, 810 Shipping bt. .
Reroof with Johns-M a n s v i I 1 e
shingles. Mathis Bros. 184 South
Com'). Phone 4642.
Home in the, country :20 acres of
Willamette soil ;-with a good 5
room home in a beautiful grove of
firs. Grade A mille-bouse, 4J-ftan-chion
barn. Walk-in freezer, 3
acres of cherries and boysenber
i ies. This property is located east
of MiddlegroVe" on the Pudding
river and must be seen to be ap
preciated. See L. C. Cooney, with
Bli en-AIderin - Cooney, realtors,
430 Oregon building. Phone 7906
Evenings 8918. -
At Vancouver, Wash., Marriage
; licenses have been issued to Fred
; W. Kendall, Molalla, and Phyllis
I Wallace, Canby and to Bert A.
Bennett. Portland, and Georgia
R. Webben, Albany.
Any type of rutomobile repairs
handled without delay. Tune-ups
especially. See us today. Shrock
Mfotor Co., 332 N. High it. Ph.
Six additional jurymen for the
January teiTn of the circuit court
were drawn eThursday. They are:
Norman Purbrick, Lyda Bowen,
Mollie E. Thielsen, Cora B. Crab
tree, Cluster O. Goodman and
Vera M. Scott.;
Listen to Burke's Radio Camera
program 11:30 4. m. today.
Retirement from the assumed
business name of Capitol Street
Grocery, 611 N. Capitol st., was
filed Thursday? with the Marion
county clerk by Roland N. An
derson. Tailoring and alteration woik
experienced. 466 Water st.
Salem general hospital Thurs
day reported the birth of a son to
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Badger,
Scio, and a daughter to Mr. and
Mrs. W J. Dancer, 1610 Dancer st
Lawn mowers ground to a paper
cutting edge. Moore's Bike Shop
237 N. Hlidi
Joe Wlllson,- 586 N. 20th st.,
reported the theft of his car lic
ense to police, Thursday.
Painting & decorating. Ph. 7562.
135 II. Commercial
Corns make cripples
of healthy people
Try Schaefer's
- Corn Remedy 25c
Schaefer's Nerve
and Rone Liniment i
For tho rollof of tho discom
fort of muscular i tifmttc ond
Korn of muscles.
Athlete's Foot;
Do as sua thera 4m ;
relieve thia Mmh He Msg. i
1 '
Volunteers Do Large Service
Marion County Red Cross
Bv Marian Lowery Fischer
Rl Cross Volunteer. Public fir'alion
As Marion county chapter, American Red Cross, swings
a new year of' peacetime work, a review of the four years of
activities presents an outstanding record for the volunteer special
services. The volunteer special services division is that phase of Red
Cross work enroll oik large iium- , - -
wi s or volunteers lor annus
services of the organization ami
supervising their activities.
Staff a.ssitance corps, motor
corps, hemic service ;orps, can
teen coi)Js, gray ladies, arts and
skills division, production (sew
ing and knittirg). and the nurse's
aides corps, al arc included un
der this division of volunteer
i special services. The record of
the nurses' aides corps will he
presented in another article deal
ing wilh the nursing services
generally for the Marion county
chapter, this article to review
some of the records for the other
Miss Putnam At Head
; Through the war period Miss
Elizabeth Putnam headed the vol
unteer specia. .-ervipes division,
resigning at the end of 1945 to
takeOver the 'production depart
ment's work.
For the four-year periint end
ing December 31, 1945, the pro
duction department shows a total
of 49,930 garments (sewed and
knitted), 10,664 kit bags made,
and a total of 360,224 volunteer
hours put in in their -production.
Mrs. C. S. Hamilton , headed the
production work from 1929 until
1944, and Miss Putnam is now
chairman of this important de
partment which has much work
uhead in supplying needed gar
ments for service hospitals and
lor relief work In various cotin
tVies. Typists, Chauffeurs. Chefs
' The stalf assistance corps.
made up of those women who
Public Records
'Annie L.Wrlah va Frank T. Vselsh: i
Outer of default luurd I
Paul Cree v J. K. Elder and F.thel
Elder: Defendant's answ er adinitx i
and denies, ask dismissal
Llr.zie E. Kniexer v John .1 tin. :
nd others: Order of hon mnt bv !
plaintiff iasued. i
William 1.. tlaluln v fiordon B 1
Coffey, dolnif business as "The Cotton- !
woods : Motion by defendant to make (
complaint more definite and certain
Lou we Moore va Bernard Moore:
Complaint ask divorce on clta,ree of
cruel and inhuman treatment care
and custody of two minor children,
support money of S2S a month for
each child and f50 a month for vhe
Loretia Baron vt William Harrison
Baron. Jr.: Counter affidavit to de
fendant's motion to modify decree, ad
mit remarriage, but ask continued
support money for children.
, Nits Skinner ; va Howard Skinner:
Application filed to set trial on cal
endar. ; ,
: Slate VS Kenneth league Order
paying Peery T. Biuen, attorney ap
pointed by court, IIS
! James t. Snck v Elizabeth Snook:
Order of default Issued, and motion
to set for trial filed.
; Entate of Oiner J. C!aion: Order
appointing- a appraisers, Charles H
Sanders, G. W. Smalley, Ralph W.
Skopil. !
tiuardianfhip or I.ixila M. rivana
tnconipetent : Report
of sal of
p'owrtv riled
: Harold Raymond Fullwood
ith truck speed Ins:, fA and
Aheruain I'. I'lllette, i-haraed
beinK drunk on a public hlRhwaT
ana cosu.
Henry Wiebe. ' charted with
dm iik on a public hifliway, $231
Fred Clark, eharaed with larrenv
by bailee, diainNwed at th requeat of
the publio prosecutor. j
Rover Watts, charted with creating
$ disturbance, disntmred at the re
quest of the pub lie prosecutor. 1
Archie Mulvanev. rharfed with aa-
sault and battery, dlsmiased bsause
the public pioculor was out tk the
state. j
James M. Downs. St. logger. Tilla
mook, and Catherine Hanuick, 37, do
tneittc. Netarta.
Ronald Earl Baker. It. VSN. Mon
mouth, and Arlene Joyce Strand, 17,
student, Qlendale, Calif.
The Original "YELLOW FRONT" Drug and Candy Special Store
Sole Agents for Penslsr
Thia is tho official renslar Remedy Store for Marion County.
You Hill find these preparations or highest quality and guaran
teed to be exactly for what they are sold and represented to be
Will not stain tho clothing. Easy PAii AA
to uso and quick to relloTt. OU'' & A sVIl
(Only at Schaefer's)
'S f i
AfV14? JAit urn
This fine tonic combines
n T
mineral aaltt with iron. Pep you up
by sharpening ths'appotitt. Thou
sands tako It. Sold only bv
lon;ite much time to helping out
in office work, certified 89 wom
en during the four-year eiiol.
this group putting in 21,085 hour,
of volunteer service. Mrs. Jean
Sevillier heads the staff assistants.
The motor corps certified 24
women during the four-year per
iod, and the group drove a total
of 12,601 miles, giving 5393
volunteer hours. Mrs. J. II. Kich
aifls. jr., is chiiirman for this
corps now.
The canteen corps, of which
Mrs. (3-orKe K.ike is now chair
man, M-rved 9fiT4 meals during
Hit four-year period, members
giving 1157 volunteer hours. This
corps gives members a course of
training in nutrition to qualify
them for the work, and the, group
stands by to serve meiils when
ever called upon. During the war,
as example, the group served
meals to special servicemen's
units stopping here, the military
making the request, and the corps
is the group to serve meals to
evacuees and rescue workers dur
ing disasters. From April, 1943,
to August of 1945, -the corps serv
ed continuously at the blood bank
Gray Indies Here
One of the more recent groups
to organize in the chapter, the
gray ladies, was launched in the
fall. Twenty-one women were
certified in this corps, Mrs. Hcnc
Hesse heading the group. So far
the corps has contributed 240
hours. The arts and skills group
also is one o the most recently
otani.ed ones, being formed in
the fall too. Six women have cer
tified for this group, Miss Con
stance Fowler leing the chairman.
Ramsdell Tells
Lions Juvenile
Crime Stories
Every boy he saw in the in
stitution during his "10 years in
a reform school" had possibilities
or a happy future; every employe
there had some faults; every su
perintendent at some time broke
into newspaper headlines, and al
ways the attitude of the public
was one of indifference until it
found something it could criticize.
Delmar Ramsdell, Salem high
school teacher, told Salem Lions
at their Thursday noon luncheon
Ramsdell spent part of his child
hood and youth in close contact
with the Oregon training school
for boys, where for 23 years his
father was an employe. Stories
from that period of boys whose
characters and outlook on life
were varied featured his speech
The talented pianist and mimic
who later died in a New York
electric chair for a sordid mur
der, the boy who loved automo
biles so much he stole them but
later became a capable mechanic,
the always-happy youngster who
was anxious to do things for
those around him but was at the
institution because he had mur
dered his grand mother were
among the acquaintances des
cribed. Remedies for Marion County
Filled 1W9.19I6
rjj "
The first few yean of batufiood art the
most Important t your child's future
health. Guard them well an follow
your doctor'a advice. When, he pre
serlbes for Illness or correction, bring
your prescription to us and be assured
of absolute accuracy.
10c - 23c - 39c - 69c
Vets Increase
Demands for
Valley Farms j
Raleigh K. Cat-others, county
farm security supervisor, Thurs
day disclosed that his office has
noted a shirn increase in the
nuirilior of veterans ami f, -Miners
from other areas seeking to estab
lish farms in Marion and Polk
counties dm ins the pat three
Carolhers said that scarcity of
good farm prierties for rent or
sale at reasonable prions is con
fronting the many applicants for
40-ye;ir arm w -nei:. hip 1o;jiis un
der the FVinkhcad-.Toncs act. hut
tlhd fit e -year loans for livestock.
nuii'hinery hikI opi ating Kood
have letn made to many returned
veterans and to other f.umcio.
Further increased demands for
KSA services are coming from
present borrowers and resident
farmers who need credit assist
ance in making farmstead im
provements and replacements lone
delayed by the war. Milk houses,
new machinery and water de
velopment head most reconversion
Farmers and veterans contemp
lating use of FSA services are
asked to place applications as soon
as pofvsible while funds are still
available. Carothers is available
every Monday from 8 a. m. to 5
p. m.,and Wednesday from R a. m.
to noon, in room 223, old high
school building in Salem.
Turner Youth
Loses Finger
In Accident
Ten-year-old Dellert Disbrow.
son of Mrs. Walter J. Harris of
Turner, lost the forefinger of hu
left hand and suffered severe
cuts on the thumb and another
finger Thursday afternoon while
working with a hammer on a
chicken coop at his home in Tur
ner. Neighbors brought the boy, who
was alone at the time of the acci
dent, to the Salem first aid crew
who took him to Salem General
hospital. There he was reported
in "good-' condition Thursday
In another household accident
Thursday night. J. H. Williams,
1599 State st.. suffered a minor
head cut when a piece of wood
from a wood lift fell on his head.
The cut was treated by first aid
Piist aiders were called to Sa
lem senior high school Thursday
morning when Clayton Wenger,
15, of Pratum, suffered a broken
left arm during a wrestling
match. It was reported at the
school that this was only the sec
ond suffered by boys in more
than 600 wrestling matches.
During a basketball game at
Willamette university gymnasium
Wednesday night VA Filwimmons,
1391 Market st., suffered a frac
tured cheekbone in a fall, and
first aiders were called.
WASHlVfJTON, Jan. .11 "-(II
The commeive department's con-
struetion division estimatel today
that about 150,000 pre-fabi icated
houses could le turned out each
12 months by 150 American firms
now manufacturing ir planning to
produce them.
Phone 5157-3723
Sleep well all night
Take Schaefer's
Kidney Pills ,
and rttt
Antacid Powder
Promptly relieves acid
ach, gas, and heart
burn. Bottle
Avoid Embarrassment
Try Schaefer's
Rectal Ointment 50c
Castorla. 3 oz 25c
Castorla, 6 oz. 49c
Casttlo Soap 25c
Zinc Stoarato. plus tax 25c
Glycerins Suppositories 25c
Cough Syrup , 25c
Boric Add po. 25c
Boric Ointment ... 25c
Atom. Castor Oil 25c
Hcrh (siiiiil Killed
In Lumber Wreck
Herbert (5 rant., .17. former Sa
lem resilient, was killed instant
ly Tuesday at lioquiam. Wash.,
when the lumber currier he was
driving overturned. Son of Mr.
and Mrs. Louis H. Grant, former
Siihm residents who visited rela
tives here last vvetkend, he is a
nephew of VV. tl. (runt of Salem
and Wayne Grant of Dallas and
a cousin of Ktnan Grunt of S.dem.
Funeral services were held
Thursday at Hotjuiain. Survivors
also include brothers, . Ralph,
Waller and Fdward Gr.t.nt; a sis
ter, Mrs. Ciii'l Sturm, the vvido.v
and two small ons.
College Adds
Biology Prof to
Science Staff
Dr. Ralph Wildo McCoy
been appointed associate profes
sor of biology on the science fac
ulty at Willamette university, it
was announced Thursday by
President G. Herbert Smith of the
A member of the botanical re
search staff of the University of
California for the past two years.
Dr. McCoy will arrive in Salem
March 1, preparatory to joining
the Willamette faculty for the
opening of the spring semester
March 11.
After receiving his AB, Master's
and Ph.D. degrees from the Uni
versity of Indiana, Dr. McCoy was
instructor in hoi, my at the Uni
versity of Idaho from 1 937
through lil.19. In 1942 and 1943
'. he held the position of acting head
j of the department of botany at
I Pennsylvania State, and in 1944
j was Instructor -in the army ASTP
school st Santa Rosa, Calif.
Dr. McCoy, who is a member
of Phi Beta Kanpa and of Sigma
Xi scientific and lesearch fratern
ity, will have charge of all major
Tram tmittf
mi aWfteriei
'ThitbAN .
I WW " Wl -1K7.-
More power". Lett weightl Lett bulk!
Tiny battery genaratet hearing
Bower that will a mate you! BONE
RECEIVERS, ai well at magnetic
air receiver! . . receivert to wonder
Jultw acrurate, they we actually
"Hearing Lentet"!
AcnuKtiron McDonald
Dealer 11. F. McDonald
905 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Phone 8350
WiH It VelweWe Free seek
l n
- CA.
Homarl Hexagon Shingles
r i ; -p -
HereH the attractively designed shin glen that'll z'wt
your home ample protection and a new appearance at
low cost. HOMART Hexagon Shingles, asphalt coated
and slate surfaced, defythe weather. Easy to apply-
right over your old leaky roof.
Sun-resisting colors in green,
red and hlack. Less than 5c
ft. 1 sq. covers 100 sq. ft. Sq.
Two Compartment Ce
ment Iaundry Trays.
Metal Edge 8.65
Metal Iaundry Tray
Legs 1.50
Concrete Laundry. Tray
Legs f! 1.00
Brass Swing Spout Fau
cet . 4.93
in addition . t
related to the
field of biology.
He was among ev-n
il art)"-
cants for the, lnoh ijy t ( -. t 1 n
position interviewed by !' Sit
lur:-;C, the Utter's ri-ent ti ip
( 'til i (" id i.i.
CITY, .!.
rail for j'l
'' -
i lyiiiions io rail for an mv 'uio n
iii'iiiMil n "i' ner of Molalla .on!
I iVdton hjgh :ciio.ils hive be'ti
' issmd bv the eoun'y s ! I super-
ir.tendeni Sev r.l yar .10 C!
j ton voters defeated' a imilar pro
: Mtsal
Are the FLOORS
in Your House
Moke Them Level S
AalivstwMw fer ' Any
RplMs OM
Wwn Posts I
Brings Sagging Flae
t Level!
InsfwIUwl leeMy ajnej
Soaping and iqoeoK
ing floors, cracked
walli ond (ticking
doors result from weak
center supports. Cor
reel this now!
414 Mat Sales
w in k in bo'any
tcachinr: subjects
Yourself With g
i iT n rrr nr. t n J
i l
484 State St.
Salem, Ore.