' Thm OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Friday Morning, February 1 198 FACE THREE Gleemcn Siiig To Include 14 Vocal Numbers ''Fourteen song by the chorus ml four violin solos by the gucM urti.'t make up the program for the Eugene (Jloemenj concert to le prewnted Friday night lit 8:15 lock, Salem senior high school, the Salem Rotary and Lions clubs as jiponxor. Donald All ton is con ductor for the chorus of 80 voices, Stacy Green is accompanist, and George Boughton, University of Oregon teacher of violin, is the guest soloist. The program announced for the concert is as follows: I Brother. Sin On Edvard Grtrg Arr. bv Howard D. McKlnney Tom To Mc n My Dream Noble Cain Pmf By Kdward Purcell Arr. hy Danirl Protheroe Kttrvn't Wcddln Dy German Tune Arr. by Morten J. Luvaai II Ave Mari& Jacob. Arcadelt Arr; bv rrank Dainrosch Jeu Jov of Man' Dejurtn J. S. Bach Arr. bv Mark Arcdrewi The 1m Prayer Wynn York (Premier Performance) f III ' C-and Adagio from "Raymonda" Ballelt Alexander Glarounow Peipetual Motion Ottokar Novacek MR BOUGHTON Stacy Green. Accompanist Your .Eyes' of Blue Johannes Brahms Arr. by Robert Reed Sonf of the Dark . Serge Grode Arr. by Brycenon Treharne Madame Jeanette Allan Murray Air bv Huiti S. Roberton The Sea a Voice Fran. Bocnscheln (Number One from the choral cycle "The Sea J V Mask! Haik! ttie I-ark Franz Schubert Arr. bv Albert Spaulding Aid Ruases ("Souvenir de Moscow") Henri Wicniawtki . MR. BOUGHTON !e Animals A-comin'. Ntkio Spiritual Arr, bv Marshall Bartholomew Ami Gonna Study War No More Nepro Spiritual Arr bv Noble t am Pledge to the Albert Hay Mallotte Speaker -" ' ' ' If .-yr7r 1 New Pupil Registers in Third flraile at Auburn Ivan Bloch, chief of the Bonneville administration market develop ment office, who will address the Salem Chamber of Com merre at Ita luncheon meeting , Monday noon. Oklahoma Folk Visit at Labish LABISH CENTER, Jan. 31 (Special)-Mrs. W. R. Daugherty had as guests Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boies and daughters who recently moved here from Oklahoma, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Boies and family and Mrs. Minnie Voegelein. Guests Sunday at the Art Ras- mussen home were Mr. and Mrs. Max Bibby of Corvallis. Clyde Benson was a Sunday dinner guest at the W. F. Klampe home. CORNERS, Jan. 31 FOUR (Special) Norma Thornton from Boston, Mass., has enrolled' in the third grade. Auburn! Mr. and Mrs. Fredj hae had as a guest Her cousin Al bert Rank of Livingston, Mont., recently discharged from the army air corps. He is or Oakland. Calif , to by the Westingbous company. Harley "Chit" Warn has re turned from the Harbor Viey hos pital. Seattle, where operation on hi lea. !ookTH Mr't l i In Talbot School TALBOT, Jan. 3h -(Special)- The 4-H Cooking tliib met in, the choolhou Frtdaw under -fWe supervision of Mrs. Ernest Free rnau. President Daraene Haworth presided. Don Dunham w;w elect ed yell leader. school. Schrccengot his way to be employed he had an CARD PARTY AURORA, Jan. 3J -(Special) The American Legion and auxil iary are holding a ' five hundred nrd p;oty in their hall on Main street Nutuid.iy night. Itliinli Families IIoMh Suiiflay for Many (luel Labish Center Jan. 30 (Speciai) Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burr enter tained at dinenr Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Art Starker, Betty Jean Carroll, and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Starker. Sunday guests at the K. S. Totitz home were Ida and Bertha Tontz and Mrs. Amelia Tontz of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Eoehm and family of Salem. Dinner guests Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Leedy's, were Mrs. and Mrs. Nathan Kurth and family and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Aker. Mrs. Roy Aker and Dick are confined to their home with the flu. VaWlz ITA Han Card Party VALSETZ, Jan.'1! -(Special) The Parent-Teacher association of Valsetz sponsored a card ! party in the kitchen of .the school Friday January 25. Bridge and pinochle were played. High score in bridge went to Ann Hey don and low to Alan Severson. In pinochle Esther Head and Marie &ytle had high )H-ores and Art Ke:sey and Lu cille Wheeler low. Entertain At Meliama ME1IAMA, Jan; 31-(Special)-Mr. and Mrs. Edd Keys enter tained at a dinner Monday, honor ing their daughter, Roberta, on her third birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clason, Gene and Irma, Mr. ? and Mrs. Harry Clason and children. - Dinner guesta at the Tony Mor avee home Sunday were, Frank, Noreel and NHde Moravec of Reedsville, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Moravec, sr., of Mill City. Mr. arid Mrs. R. H. Sagnotty received word that their son, Mar vin, was enroute to the Orient Gilbert Wajgner i also enroute overseas; Both are In the navy. About 250 people gathered at the Grange (hall Saturday to wel come the ex-service men home. Several logging camps are closed because of the heavy snows, about two inches of which fell in and near Mehama. j. . About 25 men met Thursday to form a gun club. Election .of of ficers was as follows: president, Elmer Taylor; vice president, Ger ry Lyons; directors, Jack Alloway, Ivan Darby, Jake Meyers, Ray Welter and Art Andersen. Mrs. Carl Smith received word that her sister was seriously in jured in an automobile accident and is in a Eugene hospital. Ray Philippi returned this week from Seattle, where he went on business. The regular grange meeting will be held February 1. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Crook and sons were guests at the Ted Jacobay home on McCully moun tain Sunday. Mrs. JRaymond Branch enter tained t a shower Wednesday, honoring Mrs. Blyieu. Those at tending were Mrs. Parns Bouche and sons, Mrs. Keith Phillips, Mrs. Roy Philippi, Mrs. Joyner and daughter, Mrs. Giles Wagner, Mrs. Elmer Taylor, Mrs. Chris McDon ald, Mrs. Claude Mathis, Mrs. Jack Alloway, Mrs. ! Lew Pooler, Mrs. Charley Crook, Mrs. Vern Goodell, Mrs. Wilson Stevens, Mrs. Branch and the honored guest,; Mrs. Bly ieu. i: ''..'. f Mr, and Mrs. Chris McDonald were Sunday callers at the Ray mond Branch home. Mr. and Mrs. Hooper Tester man of Merrill, were weekeW guests at the R. E. Shieldshome. Leo 'and Gordon Klrsch were in Portland on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ercllle Wilson are parents of a six-pound six-ounce boy, born at a Salem hospital. " Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jacobs and son, Allan, of Portland, were Sunday guests at the R. E. Shields home, j . ; : ' . ' .... Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Snyder en joyed the weekend, at the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gray and children of Stayton were callers Tuesday at the Frank While home, Mary Ellen Wtyte was an over night guest of Laura Tate. A program will be given at the school j Friday evening, February 14, proceeds to be; used for hot lunches. 1 i J. 9 . f MNf f . . I BOY'S GREE1I HERRINGBONE ro)sn o Bib f Heavy, durable tern to assure porketM.i Ilifih cut herringbone fabric. Made over new scientific overall pal perfect fittinjr qualities. Sanforized shrunk. Plenty of back. Riveted buttons. Sizes 6 to 12. Ma 1 BOY'S BLUE DE1III1 Hood heavy quality blue denim trousers. Ideal for work -or rugged play.' . . mm. a m t M J 1 TB . ' A t Af A. rienty of pockets. All seam, double sutcnea. naniorizea ior lasting in. Sizes 6 to 16. i - SAVE SHOP Metropoli tan The Store of Better Values fCLOSINC, OUT Ladies SLEPKiS Regular .1.99 Tair Ladies Bed Jackets Remember Valentine Day, February 14 r&& '.Valentines and Wf Reg. 3.19 Reduced to clear Regular 1.29 Hi 12" x 20' I1IRR0R Ivory Wood Frame METAL GABDEII TBOWEL Ktn. 19c VL rjlrj Copper Pot CLEANERS Regular 10c t 2 tor Regular 39c Value ALL IIETAL i MP msm I each OIL TREATED liS ESOPS BOYS' SLIPOVEB Regular 1.69 tV (o (o Vyrj p A White Scioware 12" platter, Reg; 29c Vacuum ioitle Leak proof Adjustable r i v. ARTIFICIAL WAXED EJ0SE each Colorn Red, While, Pink, Yellow OIA Price .1.98 - - All Metal Kitchen Stools Red, White g)33 I- Desk Lamp Flnorescenl S3 Reg. $14.95 t Ladies Oil Silk Aprons IHIead Scarfs Indies' Wool and Cotton White and Multi Color (0)(0) Reg. 1.19 Regular 5c Package Envelopes . . 3c 20 Kn elope in Pkg. Fine for Dish Towels FLOUR SACKS mm mi MENS Heavy Ixing Wearing Pair Ladies' Regular 2.8 Reduced to 6S Last Chmue to liny Children's SNOW SUITS 2 Price Children's Parka Hood Regular 98c ELASTIC 100 Stretch ) sm i yi. roll m Reg. 25c jUj kp The Store of Belter Values 1 Tz iMmmpmm a i l'r","T ii.BS& y ; i . A i MAIN FLOOR