The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 01, 1994, Page 10, Image 10

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Tfc OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Orecon. Friday Morning, February 1, 1948
Sportie sorties: Willamette U't
athletic board convenes Febr
uary 14, and don't be surprised
If . for a Valentine present the
boys dole the name of the new
Bearcat coach, at long last, . . .
New semester opened Monday
at SIIS, but limine enrolled
was no Joe (Cowboy) Carroll,
baseball pitcher. Joe's parents
decided to let bint sweat It ont
anil! June graduation at Klam
ath Falls and next fall will send
him to U of California. Last we
heard the Pells plan no batte
balling In the spring. Perhaps if
they knew they had one of the
best kid pitchers In the state In
school they'd have baseball, by
all means. . . . Noticed, what two
Oregon wins over Washington
at Eugene tonight and Saturday
would do to the northern divi
sion hoop derby? Merely toss
four teams Oregon, Oregon
State. Washington and Idaho
Into a virtual deadlock for the
lead with the season over half
gone! And If the Ducks do dump
the fluskies twice, which Is cer
tainly possible, and Idaho knocks
off Washington State Saturday
nlfht, then the Vandals (goody
goody) take over undisputed
leadership! Should Washington
State fail to beat Idaho Satur
day the Cougars, Gale -Bishop
and all, are definitely out of the
chase with six losses. We've said
It before and It's certainly worth
resting: This year's Is the hot
test ND derby In history, and
never before have the Vandals
had so much sentimental sup
port to come through for the
title. Tia a whacky chase, too.
Bearcats Open
Crucial Games
Play Col. of Itlaho
Tonight, Saturday
v. w. coMrnr.NtE standinc.
ue-t Sotiild . 3 1 221 1WJ
I 169 MS
1 232 161
I MA 120
3 iMt 2m
4 2K :6
4 S8 201
J Bn'ifcl) Columbia
Villa -m Me
CALDWELL. Ida., Jan. 31
' Special )-j Willamette's' banged
fp Bearcats, sunk in the second
livision oi the Northwest confer--nce
standings, open a four-game
road series here Friday night by
olaying the winless College of
Idaho Mountaineers. The two
teams meet again Saturday night
nd then Willamette goes to Wal
la Walla to play Whitman Mon
day and Tuesday nights.
The "Cats, capable of playing
bang-up basketball at times this
feason, will be in a crippled con
dition for the important series.
Neither Centers Courtney Jones
nor Carl Butte were able to make
the trip. Forward Ollie Williams
is still hampered by a wounded
-lbow, ami both Dale Bates, cen
ter, and Marshall Barbour, driv
ing guard, are hobbling on injur
ed ankles. Coach Les Sparks fig
ures his quint will be fortunate
to win a single game on the trip.
It will have to win all four to
stay alive in the title chase.
Sparks will start the following
lineup Friday: Fred Graham and
Bruce Barker up front. Bates at
renter and Barbour and Irv Mil
ler, guard. The most feared
poinUman on the C of I team is
Guard Al Lorhbardo, one of the
Jest scorers irt the conference.
Hopsters Sked
Dallas Quintet
pendence Hopsters play Dallas
high's Dragons heie Friday night
in the renewal of the annual
basketball feud between the two
schools. Bee teams will open the
program in a preliminary game
-t the high school gym. Dallas, a
member of the Willamette Valley
league will be favored over the
Hug Grabs First
Place, Golf Meet
Long-hitting Waliy Hug carded
n even-par. 36 for his nine
Match vi. Par holes yesterday at
Salem Golf course, deducted three
handicap cuts and finished three
i p on par for first place in the
Men's club tourney. Leo Estey
was second, one up on par, after
hooting a 37 and lopping off
'wo handicap strokes.
Tag Team Tiff, With Heat, Armory Next
The team tuaale that origin
ated in this week's wild party is
next for the Ferry Street Garden
rattles next Tuesday 1 night, an
nounces Matchmaker Elten
Owen. And grappling customers
needn't be reminded the brawl
still bear its share of heat.
Angrllo iMartinelll and Al
Sraftz, victimized In a wild as
sortment of typical Tuesday
night glee j this week Affable
Al licked by Faavo Katonen In
the main event have teamed up
and will tackle Katonen and part
ner "Red" Dawson In next week's
offering. Matchmaker Owen has
signed it as a tag team match,
which means only one member
L ..ilO
i. ,
7 ' f ' ?
Washington State, pre-season
pick as the team to beat. Instead
holds down the cellar with two
wins, five losses. ...
A California headline tells
that SUramln Sam Snead was
so net up with his golf game
he left for home In West Vir
ginia with his clubs forgotten
Jn the caddy-house at Rich
mond. Cal scene of the Rich
Title Go on Wednesday Card
More Chips for Wednesday's
pro fistic fiesta at the armory
comes from this announcement
by Matchmaker Harry Plant:
"Since Joe Kahut has gradu
ated to the heavyweight ranks
and state Is without a llghtheavy
champion, both Joe Waterman
and myself will consider the
winner of Wednesday's John L.
Sullivan-Jack Dlllkh fight here
as the logical man to wear that
crown. And when the winner
meets Leo Turner two weeks af
terward, it will be fore the of
ficial light heavyweight cham
pionship of Oregon."
Which means that Salem's
boxing comeback is being fully
realized and recognised by the
Portland promoter, major dome
of fisticuffing in the state. ,
. Dlllkh, the Butte, Mont 172
pounder, was to have biffed
with Tiger Jack Fox tonight In
Preps Tangle
With Sandy 5
MT. ANGEL", Jan. 31-(Special)
Coach Paul Reiling's hustling Mt.
Angel Preps, now in a tie, for
fourth place in the Willamette
Valley league basketball race meet
the powerful Sandy quintet here
Friday night. .Sandy is tied with
Molalla at the top of the standings.
' Although Sandy beat Mt. Angel
48-28 in a first round game, the
Preps have every intention of pull
ing a major upset in the league
Friday night. Bee teams will open
play at 7:30 o'clock. ;
Sacred Hearts
To Play Alums
The Sacred Heart. Academy
quint will play an Alumni team
tonight at St. Joseph's auditorium
at eight o'clock, it has been an
nounced. The Alumni team Is
op-n to anyone who has played
for SHA in the past and all for
mer members are urged to turn
out for the game. A number of
former SHS eager' are known to
be now at home again after war
Pair of Pirates
Okeh 1916 Terms
PITTSBURGH. Jan. 81. -UP)-The
Pittsburgh Pirates announced
today that Preacher Roe, the Na
tional league's strikeout king last
year, has signed his 1946 contract
with "a substantial boost In pay."
The Pirates also reported receipt
of a signed contract from first
baseman Ellsworth (Babe) Dahl
gren, of La Cresenta, Calif. Dahl
gren led all National league first
sat kers last season in fielding
with an average of .996, along
wiUV4igurlng in 115 double plays.
of each aide will be allowed to
grapple at once while the ether
Is outside the ring and Ineligible
to draw a sweat until tagged by
Clients who have watched the
tag teams go at it In the past
need not be reminded this spec
les of scuffle Is long on touch
and go action and hilarity. The
fact that eleaniea Angello and
Al have enough beat up to de
mand It be a wtnjjer-take-all
brawl shouldn't subtract attrac
tiveness. Both Martlnelll and
Sxass want a shot at Katonen,
and both are sure to get It la
the tag match.
Martinelll challenged Katonen
mond open. Usually they toss
. 'em In the creek' when they get
that hot at their diverting. . . .
Baseball note from ML Angel:
Joe (Red) Blelemeler, the pitch
ing comer who had such fine
success In his first pre year at
Zanesvllle, 0 last summer, has
left for spring training with his
parent club, the Brooklyn Dodg
ers. Joe's contract says he goes
to the class AAA Montreal club
this year the same nine that's
in for it when negro Jackie Rob
inson struts out to play short
stop for 'em. Blelemeler should
be good for a few firsthand re
ports on Robinson's organised
baseball ups and downs. . , . As
for the other valley fllnger at
tached to the New York Yan
kees, Bill Bevens has come to
terms with ! the Bombers and
leaves Saturday for New York.;
From there It's plane bops to
Panama for Larry MacPhallV
Idea of real spring training In
the Canal Zone. Bevens, Inci
dentally, plucked off a eesy hike
in pay en his second pact and
Is once more a happy man. . . V'
Back to help the village YMCA
bop up Its postwar plan and
Just as glad to be back from
GI service as anyone we've
heard of it Jim DImlt. physical
director. Jim's Y chores were
a Spokane 'main event. But he
was told that he needed a win
, over Sullivan to get the top shot
at Turner here, be asked for
and was given permission to
drop the Spokane date.
Although the Wednesday spe
cial betwen Dillich and Sullivan
already stacks up as a major at
traction. It will have to hustle
if It is to outiparkle the Duane
Hoar-Johnny ArcholrU feather
weoght main event. Archuleta, a
Gut Wilson protege, halls from
the same Wilson stable that has
produced such battlers as Cos
tello Cruz, Joey Eobleto and
Rudy Crux Archuleta ad Hoag
battled once before, a six-round
draw. And any fan who watched
Hoag in action last week needn't
be told an opponent hag to be
a pretty fair fistieuffer to hold
the blond whirlwind to a He.
Hoop Results
Salem Sophs S3. Salem Bibto Int
Chemawa Bee 60. Salem Church 24
Col. PUget Sound 83; Centralis JC 37
. Baylor 51. Texas 3
New York U S4. Boton Col. S3
Alabama 34, MiM. State 3
Holy Cross 53, Tempi 47
Detroit 71, Ontario Ags 2
Notre Dame S2, Michigan St. 57
Westminster SS, Olmsted Field 5
Brooklyn AAB. Yckhlva 57
Bivins Swats
Easy Decision
OAKLAND, Calif., Jan. tl.-iJP)-Jimmy
Bivins, 186, Cleveland,
ranked as the No. 2 challenger for
the heavyweight boxing; crown,
scored three knockdowns to . take
an easy 10 round decision Wednes
day night over Billy Smith, 176,
Oakland. Smith, who holds the
California light heavyweight title,
took nine counts in the fifth and
sixth rounds after stiff punches to
tho-4ody. He went down a second
time in the sixth round but was
saved by the bell.
Jeff Trounce Gates
j JEFFERSON The Jefferson
Lions won their tenth Marion
county B league basketball game
of the season here Tuesday night
by trouncing Gates, 38-17.
JefferMH (M) (IT) Oates
Wlrkernham S .T (II) Ruah
W. Haworth (3) .T 12) Henness
Ci, Haworth (14) C (I) Wrlgfleoworth
Knight (3) C (1) C. Henness
Cole (1) i G. - 0) Oliver
Jeff subs Laurie 2. Litelle 1. Gates
Wlnrkbllrn t Hfcree Jim le
First Christian topped Nai
arene, 21-19, Rosedale Friends
outscored Salt Creek Baptists,
25-11, and American Lutheran
measured Calvary Baptists, 88
14, last night In "C" Church
league basketballing at Leslie!
Burger of American Lutheran
copped Individual scoring hon
ors with 12 points.
to a Coast llghtheavy title match
this week, but the latter refused
to put up his coveted belt. In
fact, he flatly refused to tangle
with Angello. belt or no belt. So
Owen turned to the next best
thing the winner-take-all tag
teamer, automatically a sizeable
evening for the unpopular Paavo.
The prelims wiU be arranged
later this week, announces Owen.
W Are "Now In Our
270 North Church
Sam's Ilolor Co.
Ph. 7117 i
Interrupted by a spell of army
life, but now he's back and
takes up the task. John Gard
ner, Dlmit's successor, sow
moves over to the boys' work
department while Ilarold Davis,
long associated with the Court
street premises, moves to Port
land. ...
Another loss for Jlggs Burnett
at Woodburn, and Lerdee knows
he's taking more than his share
of 'em lately In making the in
evitable reciprocation for all
those : Bulldog championships
he's won. Al Zuber, the foot
balling whls so point-potent
they called him "Superman,"
and Arnold Blgler, Burnett's No.
1 hope for another topnoteh tri
ple threater next fall, leave
Monday for San Diego and navy
life. Since both are on Burnett's
current basketball team he takes
a setback there, too. . . . Not
that it makes much difference
to him, since his Huskies have
already flniahed their annual
hoop chores with Washington
Slate, but a Seattle writer
would, in part, like to know if
there Isn't something In the Pa
elf lc i Coast conference code
which might frown en Gale
Bishop's Intention. The writer
wonders If the code doesn't In
some way deal with a gent who
on January 2t enrolls in school
when : he's scheduled to leave
again early in March to Join the
New York Yankee pro 4allgam
ers. Thing what the writer might
have Intimated had the Huskies
not finished their hoop-suiting
with the Cougars, before the lat
ter picked up Bishop!
Breadon Holds
Card Players
To 'Go Slow' In
Unloading Slant
NEW YORK. Jan. 31 - (A) -
Salesman Sam Breadon, the most
sought after man in baseball, ar
rived in town today for the sched
uled meetings carrying a St. Louis
Cardinal; roster loaded down with
25 pitchers but announced he
planned ; to "go a little slow" in
unloading his samples.
"Some of: those pitchers I
wouldn't sell for any price," said
the president of the Cardinals,
declining; to name any names, but
Obviously referring to a tosser
like Johnny Beaszley, who went
off to war fresh from a brilliant
world series triumphs.
Asked about stories that out
fielder Johnny Hopp was on the
block, Breadon stated, "Nobody
on the club is for sale." He-admitted,
however, some could be
had for the right price.
There : were reports that the
Boston Braves and New York
Giants had an inside line to a
couple of pitchers, an Infielder
and an outfielder on the Red Bird
With Frank Crepi, Lou Klein,
and Emil Verban, all regulars,
back at second base, the Cards
could well afford to deal fbr one.
The outfielder array that included
Enos Slaughter, Harry Walker,
Terry Moore, Ervin Dusak, Buster
Adams, Hopp and probably Stan
Musial in mid-season also pro
vided excellent trading bait.
Chemawa Bee Five
Trounees Salems
CHEMAWA, Jan. 31 (Special)
The Chemawa Bee basketball
team walloped a Salem Church
quint here tonight, 60-24. It was
32-11 at halftime.
Chemana (M)
Kalama (4)
Wilson 4) . .
Ijihr (SI
Williams U
(24) Salem
. (4) Boatman
H) Bowden
tS) Ramholdt
(4) Hart
- r
, r
! C"
Hilslre it
(9) Wilson
Chrmawa subs Georae J. Towwr
13. Wlnnilj"t S. 1. Wilson 4. Cram 12.
Yallup 2. - Referee Reynolds.
StLoui Ufn'
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 3!.-fP)-Big
time football on a coast to-coast
basis in the immediate future was
envisioned today for St. Louis
University by its president, the
Rev. Patrick J. Holloran, S. J.
In the past the school has taken
its football on a more or Jess
informal basis. f'We are in a rut,"
said Father Holloran.
Tliunderhirds to Fly
VANCOUVER, Jan. 31 -(CP)
The University of British Colum
bia Thunderbirds leave here by
air tomorrow for Portland where
they play the Portland university
Pilots in a two-game basketball
series Friday and Saturday.
Pneumatically Installed
Rock Wool Insulation and
Metal Interlocking Weather
Stripping will save up to
40 in your; fuel bills
make your home up to 15
degrees cooler In summer,
Free Estimates
No Obligation
Campbell Rock Wool Co.
Salem Owned and
Salem Represented
1133 Broadway - Ph. 1491
Preps Reach Half Way
Mark in Basket Derby
Oregon City Quintet Has Chance to (Hindi j
District 12 Tourney Berth in Friday Game
At the approximate half-way point in high school basketball
play, Oregon City has a chance to sew up the district 12 plar for
the state tournament when it meets Milwaukie tonight. At the opposite
extreme, Tillamook plays Its first game in district 10 Saturday flight
against Seaside. The only other
district game thus far has been
an Astoria win over Seaside.
Oregon City is undefeated to
date in defending its district title,
but Milwaukie stands in second
place and may postpone jthe title
decision. Oregon City's only Other
district game this season is
against weak West Linn.
Luckless Springfield, without a
win in district 6 play, will be
host tonight to Eugene, which
holds top spot. Rainier, only un
beaten five in district 14, meets
Scappoose tonight.
In Portland, Washington still is
on top. Commerce fell a game and
a half behind when Franklin up
set the Stenogs.
Week-end games which cross
district lines and have no stand
ing in the state title race Included
Hillxboro-Tlllamook in a Tualatin-Yamhill
valley loop game,
Corvallis-Albany in the No-Name
league and Pendleton-Mac hi in
the Blue Mountain conference.
Hillsboro and Corvallis are lead
ing their respective leagues. Bak
er, heading the Blue Mountain
league, has no loop contest on tap
this week-end. Salem and Bend
play at Salem in a No-Name
league game Saturday night.
Hood Ski Race
Draws Entries
PORTLAND, Jan. 31-(P)-Sixty-five
skiers have drawn racing po
sitions for Cascade Ski club's
downhill, slalom and combined
championships scheduled Sunday
for Tom, Dick and Harry ski
bowl on Mt. Hood, Chairman H.
J. Sandberg said today. He pre
dicted the field would increase
to 75 by race lime.
Dick Voorhees, Multnomah
Athletic club, and Alma Hansen,
Cascade, drew the unwelcome No.
1 positions for class A competi
tion. Bill Vranizan, Central Cath
olic high school, and Eddie Corn
well, Cascade, will be in front
for class B.
The A men's title event has
drawn many top racers including
Bert Jensen of the Little Kanda
har Ski club, Salt Lake City; Olaf
Skjersaa of the Bend Skyliners;
Wayne Swift and Dave Faires of
the University of Washington.
Son of Chance
Cops Anita Go
ARCADIA, Calif., Jan. 31 -UP)
Son of Chance, four-year-old
chestnut colt purchased recently
from Don A met he by Mrs. A. L.
Rice, won the San Luts Potosi
handicap at one mile today at
Santa Anita, whipping Bent Effort
by three lengths, with Bymea-
bond, winner of the 150,000 Santa
Anita derby last year, in third
place. The winners time was
1:30 49. Son of Chance paid
$17.50 to win, as the favorite,
Post Graduate, wound up fourth
and the heavily-backed Broad
cloth was sixth.
Jefferson, St. Paul
In County B Feature
JEFFERSON, Jan. 31-8pe-clal)
-Jefferson's third place
Lions and St. Paul's leading and
unbeaten Saints meet here Fri
day night In a Marlon county
B basketball leagle feature
game. The Jeffersons, recipients
f only two looses this season,
are figured to give the Saints
one of their toughest games of
the year. Jefferson has been
strengthened by two Haworth
brothers, Walt and George.
Bonuae on Way Out
NEW YORK. Jan. 31 -(TK A
Joint major league committee
recommended steps today which
Warren Giles, general manager
of the Cincinnati Reds, asserted
"will make it undesirable to pay
high bonuses to free agents."
Wish to announce to their old patrons and friends the
sale of their Clipper Station at 1205 N. Capitol, and
that they are now in position to give better service
than ever before, at their--
Modern Hancock Station at
546 N. High St.
Free Pick-up and Delivery Service
They now have a complete Washer and Radio Repair
Shop at their station.
Free estimates and Pick-up and Delivery Service. A
good way to get extra green stamps.
We Give S&H
Hours 8 to 9
Dick Metz Nabs Stroke Lead
In First Round Tucson Open
TUCSON, Ariz., Jan. 31. (JV Dick Metz of.Arkansas City. Kan .
cracked out a four-under par 66 here today to take a lead of one
stroke In the $7500 Tucson open golf championship. Treading close
? ' ' ' i
1-14. :, :)
i Vm mm, .
Champ fares Marty Servo
Welter Champ
Puts Up Title
NEW YORK, Jan. .11 -oipj-The
defrosting of wartime-iced box
ing championships gets under way
in Madison Square Garden IOt
morrow night when Freddie (the
red) Cochrane puts his world
welterweight title on the line
against rough, tough baby-faced
Marty Servo over the 15-round
The first honest-to-gosh world
championship clouting in just
about four years has Gus Fan and
his missus pouring the money into
promoter Mike Jacobs' cash reg
isters. With an advance sale al
ready hitting the $50,000 mark.
Mike wouldn't be at all surprised
or disappointed jf 15,000 cus
tomers show up and ring the
bell at $80,000 or over.
Oddly enough, although Coch
rane has been out of the navy a
year and has had nine fights since
being separated from Uncle Sam,
and Baby-face Marty has been
to the post only twice since leav
ing the coast guard a couple of
months ago, the charitable bet
ting gentlemen can't see Fred
die with field glasses. Along the
40th street betting mart they're
laying 13 to 5 that the champion
is bounced off the throne in his
very first defense since he took
the 147-pound title from Frivo
lous Fritzie In July, 1941.
The price is so lop-sided that
Freddie and his manager, Willie
Gilzenberg, hae put up $2,500
against $0,500 that Cochrane still
will be doing business at the
same old championship stand
when the fighting ends tomorrow.
Jonas Aeeepts
Rainier Terms
SEATTIE, Jan. 31 -P)-Pete
Jonas, former Whitman college
pitcher who played with the Seat
tle Rainier in the Pacific Coast
league before the war, dropped
into the Rainier office today and
accepted terms for 1946. Jonas,
slated for discharge from the navy
in February, was en route to his
Spokane home on a seven day
Loggers Win Easily
TACOMA, Jan. 31 -UP)- Col
lege of Puget Sound in a non
conference game here tonight beat
the Centralia Junior college 62-37.
CPS trailed during the opening
minutes but took the lead 11-9
and was never headed.
Green Stamps
Phone 21446
Huskies Risk ND Lead
In Series With Ducks
'Driver' Seat Hot Seat in Torrid Race;
Vandal Face Cougars in Saturday Battle
The driver's seat is the hot seat in the torrid northern division
Pacific const cnnfcience basketball race this weekend. Leagae-leadir.g
Washington risks its half-game margin on the always tough Willamette
valley tour Oregon Friday and Saturday night and Oregon
on his heels were George Schneit-
er of Salt Lake City, Utah, Willie
Goggin, White Plains,' N. Y.,
present metropolitan PGA champ,
and an amateur from . Toledo,
Ohio, Frank Stranahan, with
neat 67s.
Bunched at 68 were eight of
the tourney's big guns: Ray Man
grum, Los Angeles; Toney Perma,
Dayton, Ohio; Ellsworth Vines,
Chicago; Virgil Shreeve, San
Francisco; Jim Demaret, Hous
ton, Tex.; Chandler Harper,
Portsmouth, Va.; Harold Todd,
Dallas, and Herman Barron,
White Plains, N, Y.
Three strokes behind Metz with
69s were favorite Ben Hogan,
Hershey, Pa., Harold (Jug) Mc
Spaden, Sanford, Me., E. J.
(Dutch) Harrison, Little Rock,
Ark., Denny Shute, Akron, Ohio,
Johnny Perelli, Lake Tahoe,
Calif., and Al Zimmerman, Port
land, Ore.
Sophs Blank
SBI Quintet
It's happened! A shutout
a regular basketball game.
minutes long and in league play!
Coach Frank Beer's Salem high
Sophomores did it last night at
the Villa when they scpred a
63-0 victory over the Salem Bi
ble Institute quint in an ItUra
City league game. The close
checking Siltms kept the SBI
shooting corps at a standstill. In
the meantime, Bud Michaels was
getting 16 .points to pace the
Sophs. The Soph Bees won the
prelim, 40-6.
Sophs (S3) (t) SBI
Culbertson 17) T (0) Bafrer
Johnston Ml F (0) Mlkkleson
Fasnarht C 10) Vier I
Michaels I IS) . G tOl Wlen
Chamberlain 1 1(1) C 0) Swtnfoid
opn ud cumminss l. Miller
Nirwander 4.
WOWS" fqr Docoration!
"HOWS" for Rocroationl
Stunning decorations for mantels or on walls of
dtn, rumpus room or cabin . . . end these Trail
Typo Snow Shoes are grand for snow-going fun
and travel too.
Genuine U. S. Army trail type snow shoes finest
quality, less bindings. Get yours NOW . . . they'll
go fast at this sensationally low pricel
PHONK 7177
State Monday and Tuesday.
Incidentally, Washington has
the be.t road record to date on
thrse four-games-in-five-nrghts
jaunts, the Huskfe having brok
en even on their- Inland Empire
swing. Idaho dropped three out
of four on the Vandali' trip to
Oregon, and Oregon State fared
likewise last weekend in the In
land Empire.
"Win half of 'em on the road
and all of 'em at home and you'll
win the title," Washington's Coach
Hoc Edmundson always insists.
But H-c's Huskies put him in a
hole last Saturday night by drop
ping a 54-52 over-timer to Oi
gon on the Washington floor.
Now he faces the job of re
couping those Stan Williamson
paced Oregon WebfooN and Ore
gon State. Yep, the driver's et
is the hot seat.
Of no less interest thi week
end Will be Saturday mht s
brawl at Moscow where Wash
ington Slate, augmented by ingh-M-oring
Gale Bishop, teMs the
surprising -Jriiho Vandals who
long legged hoopsters are snilfing
what is for Idaho the ranfied
atmosphere of a tie lor scond
Silver Foxes
Play Canby 5
SILVERTON, Jan. 31 -(Special)
Silverton's Silvejr Foxes will be
heavily favored; to notch the r
eighth Willamette Valley league
basketball victufry against two
Defeats here Friday night when
the last place I Canby Cougars
come to the hih school for in
eight o'clock g;jme. Bee quads
op-n play at 7.)
... Coach Ray Boe will stick wilh
his starting lineup r,f Bennett.
Wickham, Nado, Beal and Teip
for the game.
Hulldog vs. Stayton
WcHjciburn, Jan. 31 -(Specis,!)-Coach
Jiggs Burnett's Woodburn
Bulldogs go after their third Wil
lamette Valley league basketball
win here Friday n'ht against
Mayton s PacKers. Both teams
. Ur. in th second division ai d
the game looms a tossup.