Th OREGON STATESMAN. Satan, Oraoii, WvanMaar Moniino, Januarr 30. 1948 PAGE NIKE "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier - -- " :t"'' . , 0rvt?' U 14 h, UM. )hm le--ee. tM. -.-? "ft what If I did 'sec through you we're gonna get married some day, aren't we?" Now York Stock Quotations i By the Associated Prete NEW YORK Jan. -AP)-Today' closing quoUtiom: Mi Radio Corp BO (Rayonier Al Chenv ic Dye -lOUGen. food American Can i. 10OVG-n. Motors Am row at li i... Am T.I A. T.I ! Anaconda Atchison i . Bendtx Avta Beth Steel 4. .. Boeing Air ..t 18,' Goodyear Tl .. ..1:j4 Gt Nrth pfd .. - 491. Int Harvest . .100 lint 7a per pfd ... .. 57 J. Manvllle . 107 Kennecott 33' lxing Bell A ,( TO '.4' Rayonier pfd Canadian Pae j. 22'.! Maytag Calif Pack Cse J I :. 4 Chrysler . ...i. t'omwlth Sou j. Con. Kdlson Cons. Vultee Cont Ins Crown 7.el. I'urtlw Wr j DoukIa Air I Dupont Du Ne Oen Electric . , Portland Grain 44' j! Miami Copper 4P, Mont Ward 139'V.Nesh Kelvin 41,4'Nal Dairy 39 INV Central 33"VNofth Am Co .. . SO' .Northern Pac .. 30?, Pac Am Fian .. 10 IPae Gas F.lec .. M 'P. T At T. ... Ul'i P Amrrifin . . 6Q' Penny" J C 62 I Reynolds Met . M Safeway 121 Sears Roebuck .150 .Sinclair Oil ... . 55 j So. Pacific 31 SUn Brands 7 . IV. SUn Oil Cal 47 . 15?. Stew-Warner 24T 79 Stude'Mker 33s 1. 26', 37 42', 27 45 19Ts 84 . 23's Sun. Mining . 42 Union Oil . 34j Ifn. Pacific . 34, irn. Airlines . 3s I'n Aircraft IT. S. Steel . 44'j:Warner Bros 151 'West r.l mfg 28 iWoolworth W1, 22 2's lM- 5I4 . 3fl. ri'j 58 PORTLAND, fire.. Jan. 29 -MAPI Cash grain: No' 1 flax 3 10 ' I aih wheat bid I : Soft white 1 1 65; soft whit I 85: soft white (excluding Rea) 183. white club 169; western red I as r Hard red winter: Ordinary I 88; I per cent 1,86, It per cent I SO; 13 per cent I 71 i Hard while baart: Ordinary I 88; 18 per cent 1,67. II per rent IN; 13 per cent 171 I ! Today's Sar -reoeipt: Wheat 25: bar ley 3. flour 9; jcom S; hay I; f mill Portland Livestock 25-Year High Set by Rye in Chicago Mart CHICAGO. Jan. 291P)-May rye, the only active contract, was upstair anrf downstairs in today's trading, but the finishing bell caught it at 3i rents above yes terday's dose, for a new 15-year high. At the Hart May rye was off more than 2 retita while the de ferred deliveries held at the ceil ing. $144 4 Small offerings re sulted in rapid fluctuations. A few minutes before thi finish it was only it half cent away from the daily 5 rent advance limit. Oat, exrept the May delivery, which it at the SI cent ceiling, failed to attrart a great deal of buying interest during the early part of the teuton. When a dip of about a cent developed, ele vator intereftf bought, and shorts Started to ciAev. with the result that active deliveries closed only minor fraction under yesterday's finish. ' - At the riae wheat waa un changed at ceiling. May I SO 4. Corn was unchanged at ceiling, May $1.18 Vs. Oats were un changed to V lower than yester day's close. May 81. Rye was un changed to 3V higher, May $2 12';-4, and barley unchanged at ceiling. May $1.224. Supreme Court Upholds Decision The state supreme court Tues day upheld Circuit Judge David R. Vandenberg. Klamath county, in a suit brought in behalf of Dale Davis. 15. to rerover $10,000 dam ages from Michael Lavenik, for the loss of a leg resulting from an automobile accident. The low er court held for the plaintiff. The complaint charged negli gence on the part of Lavenik. The accident occurred on Monclaire street in Klamath Falls on April 10, 1944. SPEED GIs HOME HONOLULU. Jan. 2wWP-All army enlisted men eligible for discharge in this area will be homeward bound before Febr uary 28, Coi. William Saff arrant, chief of the Oahu army person nel center, announced yesterday through the army newspaper Start and Stripes. n. KSLM KOIN KGW KEX IfCa. (139 ke) t5t ke) c (12$ ke) (1110 ke) S ,Nti News I News IBugler "X" l ,Wumc ! Wet. Stars . I I 3 M, r.l in KOIN Klock News. Kneass I fNemrs 1 iKoin Klock Old Soags 5 I ' iNews j Farm Time Roundup Boys t ' Rie and Shin News 1 Karm Tim M Agronsky 1 M iNews Dick Cutting Roundup James Abbe 1 45 )J Crawford Nelwn Prlngle Sam hares Bugler X t a it a m t.4t iDr. Talbot lljr. Talbot Take It Easy (User News Valiant Lady Light World Tred Waring IB'fast Oub V.ctor Lindlahr.Aunt Jenny Roth Presents Kostelanetz as is t M 43 Vim. Lang M Downey jFastors Call 1 Down Homers Kate Smith Big Smt.r I Helen Tient lGal Sunday James Abba Personality Honeym'n N.Y. IS Nti iLtfe Beautiful ,Tobe's Topics IS It 1o Talk About I Ma Perkins iNews. Kneaas IS M Mountaineers IDr Malone 'Frank Sinatra J J Anthony 'Hoed Life Alt Baker (Home Edition I Ted Malone j True Story lias lilt II M 11:43 C. Foster Waltz Time Queen Today Wueen Today I Mrs Burton (Perry Masoa IRaaemary Irena. Tim ,Guidtng Ught 1 Children I In White 'Hymns iBaukhage iF.thel V Albert listening Post I Pleasure Parade 11:11 UN u u :Hrmns News Serenade Street ,Women of Am Find Me Ma Perkins Wheeler Pepper Young Been Children Happiness Jri" Kennedy Stars Ladles las 1 II 1 is l:t News Orrnestrs iBinn Sings 'Jamocrree LiiuwM Party 'Barast. Wife Tops for Today Stella Dallas I Air Newspaper ixren I - Jons Wldder Bra. iBerch Radio Parade jGU Martyn Hymns 2 as tit IM t:U Jlews CU'.endar B.U Gwina Wetght Gold Amer. School I Meet Missus Girl Marries IPortie PUin Bill i Front Pag What's Dotag KaT West las Sit 3:M 3:43 (News 'Sam ewa Claa Maxwell (News lJ CarroU iHe tends (World Today I Road of Lit 'David Harura Aunt Mary Dr Paul (Bride, Groom I (At Pearc aa IN 43 fuhon Iwis Rrx Miller 'Johnson Orchestra (Stare Today E Winters Clare Hays (Prayer Today I Woman's S'crt Holly w'd News iNews LNurthweat 'Stars Today Kaltenborn I Mr Motorist lllop Harrlgaa 1 a 513 3 IS 3:43 INews I Manning tfupciman LDaily Doubla Capt Midnight 1H. Flarmery Torn Mis IT. Bradley '630 Matinee ! Same Sing. America ' t Peterson Pirates Dick Trscy Armstrong Ray Swing OS Gabriel HesMer; It :U1. Mustang M Ifeands 43 'bands Sinatra Maui Eddie Cantor I Golden Gate I- IDist AHy (Lead A Band I Retribution t s 1:13 1 JS 1:43 ews News Lone Ranger Lone Ranger (Music Moments Kay Kyser Andrew I- I Labor Program Isong Hits S It M 41 Service Man DrstinT Fresh Up Freh Up Kirkwood Smith Show Dr Chrtstiaa Supper Club Fle.t tjiwtoa Hildegard Lum & Abner ISporta News (Fish. Hunt a as News IJ Carson It Res Miller f 3 Crystal Gdns (Neighbors 45 Fulton Lewis I iTh Quiz f Cltl Norths (Campus ls 'New "Ken Mason It at IS It IS 3 IS 43 Sewn 13 Star Final iNews iBe Announced I Vets Board 'Music rews, (Voice Army ! Orrnestra tTes ttangeis I Orchestra Music I Serenaders (Concert Hour lias Henry King ISereaad Biltmore II II Orchestral I Treasury Salute Orchestra 11 JS Orchestra) 1 Air-Flo Orcliostra II SSews I Orchestra I 11-13 Open House INews INews 12 as Sign Off j I Orchestra I Swing Shift I OAC sa bs. AIM ta-e News. IS IS For Women: II il Concert Hall; II S Researrh: ISaa News: 11:13 Farm Hour. 1 00 Rul 'J" rowboy; 113 Air fkChool: 1 45 March of Dltnes; tHO Ttm Hy. 2 30 Memory Munr: JAO News: 3 It Murar of the Masters: 4i00 Lest We o;r-t; 4 30 Trsd winds: 3:00 Up Best, 155 Spcrts. t oo Jws,; Amer. Pssesnt. 10 Song of South; 7:00 far ti.ers i:mcr 7:L6 tvenng. Farm Hour: S Shorthand Contoat. 8 ..10 Music THat Endures; -00 Musical Interlude ; os Canpwe Headlines; 30 News, t a Med;tstens Maws Rfcytawn "X" tra Hau PORTLAND. 0r.. Jan. 28 4-AP ( USD A Salable cattle 130, total 235; salable and total calves 25; holdover cattle 125; market fairly scUve on cows and Common-medium steers and heifers fully steady at Monday's gen eral 50 cents dec! I ne ; some cows strong er; two loada holdover fed steer un sold: com man -m.d lum steers 11.00 15 50; : heifers : 5O-14.00: csnner-cut- ter cows 00-3 00; shells down; fat dairy type cows t.OO-lO.OO; heavy Hol stelns (o f 10.50: medium-good.' cows 11 00-13 CO: good beef bulls 12.50; sau sage pulls :5tHll 00; with heavy Hoi- steins' up i to 12 00; good -chotc vesl- ers; Jew hesvy cslves 14.00- 50 .'i LI Salable hogs; 100. total 300:' market steady: barrows and gilt mostly 18.80 few 235-460 lb. sows 11.5O-14.0O; on lot good-choice 118 lb. feeder ptgs is is or zs cenu nigner. Salable and t total sheep 200; scat tered sales staady at I Monday's 23-30 cents decline; icommon-mediuin lambs 115003 50;. culls down to 7 Oil; good chotce true kin salable 14 00-15. three carloads fed lambs Monday 14.50; good ewes t oo:; common down to w, rage ; country killed to retailers. 44c lb; live price to producers, 27 -2 Ac lb. Turkeys Banc buying price, dress ed basis: hens. J5.2-36 2c lb; tarns. 30 2-31 2c lb; for toms. net at farms. Dressed turkeys Packers selling price to retailers: hens. 43-43' c lb: toms, 30-4IC lb Onions Green, local, tl 10-1 IS per do bunches, California. 31 IS Onions Oregon dry. No I, 33 34 S0- Ib sack: Yakima Commercial. S3 38 SO- lb wk; Idaho Yellow. S3 33 So-lb rk: Idaho Whit. 32 So 50-11. sack Potatoes- Ux-al Burbank -2 Wl-3 00 rental; Baker county. 33 50 cental; De schutes 100s. No. 1. 3345 cental. 3. SOc , Oreaaed meats veal AA. ZZ'ac: A. 214c: B. lS-IS'c; C, 17-173-4c. cull. 14-15C lb i Hoes Fancy block. 20c lb: lambs AA. 26c: A. I 24' ic; B. 22c; C. 20c. MuttonFancy A. 13'4c; M. 12c;. R grade. S-lOc; beef AA. 21,c: A. 20 3-3: B, 18 3-4c; C. 16 3-4c: canner and cutter, 13 3-4-14c; canner and. cutter buns. I4c. Wool Government control. Caarara bark Dry stock, 20c lb. Moiialr 1S44. 12-month. 45c lb Hay Whoiesal rail shtpmenU: Al falfa. No. 2 or better. 134-335: oaU and vetch, mixed hav. valley srowers' price. $24; clover hay, 521, baled on farms. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Or . Jsn. 2 (AP) Butterfat rirst quality, maximum of of 1 per cent acidity delivered i Portland. 32-92'iC: premium qua I rty, maximum of M of I per rent acidity, 53-53' ic: Valley routes and country points, zc leas man first or ao-90. Cheese Selling price to Portland retailers: Oregon triplet, 29 38c; loaf. Hi.sor id; dssic price triplets to wnoi salers. 28 3c: loaf. 283c lb. Eggs To retailers, A A grada, large, 40c; A large, :47c; medium, 44c; smsll l pullet 1, a-4. Egg Purchases front farmers OPA celling, current receipts. 37V: buyers pav I-10e dog below selling price on outers. Butter AA prints. Sl-SI'sc: car ions. S1-2'.C", A grsde prUits. aO-lle csrtens, 5H-52c; O grade prints, 30- 31c. - : S Live poultry Chicken - Burine price of wholesalers: Broilers. IV4 to z lbs. zuc; 3 ; to j4 ins, 34e. .rosster over tbsj 24c; colored hens. 23c: Leghorn henst 19c; roosters and stags, lie Ih - 5 Rabbits Government ceiling: Ave- Salem; Markot Quotations Clamour Breakfast Tit price be lew supofled by a lo cal grocer are tndlcatlv g th dally market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guarsnteed by The Statesman -BUTTER. EC (3 8 AND POULTS Y Subject to (banc wttoosil aoUcel BUTTERFAT, Premium M No 1 S3 No 2 . ' - 30 BUTTER PRINTS A B Steels Lrcad As Market Tops 15-Year Mark NEW YORK, Jan. 2 (AVLed by steels, the stock market regis tered another 15-year peek today on relatively heavy dealings al though profit realizing on the re cent upturn restricted gaina for most departments. I Hopes that the steel strike and some other labor controversies would be settled before the end of the week, again inspired i certain amount of purchasing. In flation psychology, based on the wage-price spiral, atill was an important speculative and Invest ment prop. - Transfers totaled 2.9 1 0,000 shares compared with 1,480,000 Monday, largest in almost six years. i The Associated Press 60-stock composite waa up .1 of a point at 80.3, a hew high since March 27 1931. It was the second broadest market on record, 1049 issues ap pearing. The top was 1001 last Nov. 7. On the day there were 489 advances, 381 declined and 179 were unchanged. U.S. Steel finished up 4 at 92 Vi and directors, after the close, voted the usual $1 quarterly divi dend, which most had expected, and reported 1945 net per share of $3.65 against $4.03 for the pre ceding year. r Fred MaeMorray and Marguerite Chapman seem te expect the worst la this scene from "Pardon My Past." Opens today st The Elslnore. Stale Dickers for Surplus Property The state of Oregon and a num ber of its political subdivisions are now negotiating for war sur plus property, officials announced here Tuesday. The state ia particularly inter ested in obtaining a large laun dry at Camp Adair. Officials said the laundry could be used by state Institutions and the coat would be nominal in comparison with what th equipment cost the war de partment. Canning plant equipment also is being sought. the faculty post, states that :the' new professor is well qualified to offer a laboratory approach to the study of psychology, at he major- ed in both science and psychology during his student days. Professor Simpson ia a member of both the American and th Western Psychological asaocia tions. Psychologist Added to WU Teaching Staff Prof. James Simpson will be added to the Willamette univer sity faculty as assistant professor of psychology at the beginning of the spring semester March 11, Pres. G. Herbert Smith of the university announced Tuesday. Professor Simpson will come to Willamette from Chico State col lege in California, where he has been aMiciate profensor of psy chology for two years. Ke wax also on the faculty of University ";,m Hotkin. The new minimum is of California for three years fol- ' 03 n hour. lowing completion of hit under graduate and graduate work there. President Smith, who announc ed the appointment upon his re turn from a l6-day trip in Cali fornia to interview candidate for WAGE BOOST APPROVED PORTLAND. Ore . Jan. 28 av Rank-and-file approval of an ad ditional 2't-cent hourly wa6 boost for about 40.000 CIO Inter national Woodworkers of Amenre mmbtrs in five western stats including Oregon, wan rejmrted ye.tTday by Vice President Wil- Ai 404 i . 3-7 . 32 . 31 . 34 . 34 . i4 II Quarters I-sr . , ,,, Mediums i - Standards j Pullets . 4 , Cracks 1 , POt'LTRY I No 1 colored hens ..... No 2 colored hens Colored frys and bske ... 24c20c Yearling lambs .7l.s to 3i Ewes i. , I4VRSTOCK (By YUley Packl CATTLE Beef steers i . , . JO to J5 Beef cows M Is Jl Dairy cows j. .05; to JM Bull - f, 7S to 11 Veal i; S.0O , to 13 50 Lambs, top , , 4 12 00 Yearling 00 to 7 08 Ewes j. . JOS, to 4 00 Bucks tOO? to 3.00 Hoes. top. 180-270 lbs. 13 45 270-300 lb.S I 14 95 Sows , i 13.00 t 13 50 Stocks and Bonds ComoHed by Th A ' Jan X STOCK AVSSAUI1 34) elated Pree P. T. Barnum sponsored a aong wriurtg contest as puk4irtty for the first Americau appearance of Jaatny Lirvd. ron GOOD HEALTH! f ml mmd Cal Ailases Htmtm (gaer) fW Vbe Mtf(-ff $br- Fr$Jmwt 10 A M. $ F. M. Dx. C.J. D2ZAH CLIUIC mfMmm mmd eea N. B. Cor Me I. Ba-asMs U OissS Atmm Tslitiknas EAst ForgasMl 14. Oasoo IS Indus Rails i tm4 80S I 108 .3 M 4 102 0 40 3 Tuerday Pre v. day Week ago Month ago .,: W 6 Yesr ago 5 Ml I94S-4S high 106 4 1943-46 low ' . 783 New 1943-48 highs. If Ottl SUs 54 0 ao.3 54 I SO 3 52.7 77.4 47 3 311 33 1 393 50 9 541 32 9 39.2 75.2 sss 01 573 BONO AVERAGES 20 Tuesday .. . . PYev. day . . . Week ago ...4. Month ago .. , Year ago liMS-44 high i 1-46-46 low i 19 18 19 Rati Indus Utll Fogn 105 7 1043 109 2 763 .108.7 1047 U93 76 6 105 2 104.5 1003 763 .103 9 104 0 106 3 753 . 983 104 9 1073 683 105.7 103.5 100 3 76 7 9 2 103.4 106 8 68.1 Tablej of Coastal Titles Time computed for Taft. Or, by th U. S Coast and Geooetle Survey for Th Oregon Statesman January 31 Tim 10 U a an. 0:11 a jti. 10:54 a.m. High Water 66 Standard Low Tim Water 4t 3 4:13 am. S :33 pm. IMlJil, :U puns. S.3 a 3 33 -at Navy Lieutenant Visits Brothers Lt. (jg) Lewis F. Ullman, U. S. marine service. Is spending a few days with his brothers, A. E. and A. J. Ullman in Salem and will report February 1 in Portland for his old job as claim agent for the American Hawaiian Steamship company. Ullman left four years ago for sea duty with the company and since then has traveled all over the world, carrying cargo supplies to all theatres of war. He was at Normandy within a few days of the first landings in June 1944. During the war years at sea, Ull man was purser and pharmacists mate. MORE CAM-PUS HOUSING i lRTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 2fr-P-Plans to transfer 250 vacant Guilds Lake war housing units to campuses of the University of Oregon and Oregon State college within a few months were report ed last night by E. S. Foster, Seat tle regional office of the federal public housing administration. ! Drst. Chfla Lain bf.V.TJU-aN O. OrX.CkaaN.I. CHINESE HERBALISTS S41NrUi Utmrty Upatarr Portland General fetrtc Co Offie! Open. Saturday only 10 a m to 1 p.m ; to 1 mjn. Con sultatlon Blood orsssur and uriae tesu are tree ml charge Practiced 3mc 1911 1 1 m L, ' I Kay's PROUDLY PRESENTS Tte Life Story ci Franklin Delano Rcoseveli" 10:15 Tonigki featuring Was Me Wain and Otta Miller KSLI UN oa Yoor Dial i Dance Friday Salem Armory Glenn Woodry's Orchestra The first amendment to the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, religion and the press in the United States. OLD OR NEW WE INSTALL OR RENEW LAWN SPRINKLING SYSTEMS C. S. Whitcomb Co. Year satisfaction guaranteed. Free estimates. 25 Yrs. Experience - Ph. $811 PII.KS (Hemorrhoids) riaiala - Flsewre - F r I a p s and other types of Rectal St CoIm eonditlona treat ed without lose f time. NO HOSPTTAUZATIOIf RELIEF QUICir 1 Call for examlnatlosi or write for FREE desertpUve booklet Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Nataro-Proctologlat ' 218 N. Liberty St, Salem. On. AUTIIRU Till YEARS DIOnnE'QUUJTS' rery mm tM great rt0 tor CHEST COLDS To Saftm CMgksSchiag I A wis mother will certainly bay Musterol for ktr child. It's always rubbed oa th Quintuplets' chests, throats sad backs wSe never they catch cold! v Musterol inManilf beeinslt reitarv eoiighinc sad aching tmafW It actually helps break up painful local eoagasliaa. Makes bresthing eaaier. Wonderful lav (rown-ups. too! Ia $ strengths' mm esi I s "Ml '73&lm SAX WHAT HAVE u IGIUAt) Csp&WN& AMI SPEAKING j ,TO TO WHOM ! TO S VvCXJ GOT THERE- VOU --C Jl s If VWHOf y ( WHOM ) V a bunch BLONDE fmMgj 'l-JSf . I (om vooKj , I TXs BWINEY GOOGLE WTj lS jeh rj ' MICKEY MOUSE LL wi' ' I l WAS QETTIWQ I lAMD FtJPEYE WAS K I'M 6LAD fT WAS I .TELL A--)THH KANSAS " , I MARRIED, ' GETTII0C3 MARRtED, OfJLY A PCEAMJ (OVS AOAIN CITY FkSMT X. wiMPy. I HAP THE t AND THE j T AMP THE 6gOe f , rtiJ fefe -life) Ibft TCiq "s"' THIMBLE THEATRE (5 1 H f I ME JIN-HAVE VtXJ Sgn SHE'S EATIM' HZ UNQCg- f THE EMOIMEEO- BUSS Misf loc w. i rv, ? ve. , iiv woe 1 1 "TTlE WHITE 006, t HEART OUT FOR ( SfANO -AFTER 1 WNO HEART- WILL WATCH f V AKt XVUVOltto. SiULKlM ' THE GATE? HE J WE LOST PET-J THIRTY VEA8S TOR" Y00Q. 0OG-j 1 S BBUOUQS TO J " REMEMBER pi' (&U)RWSfcrr! 1 1 MAVBE 6ETTER ME RIPE I I rW,TDNTO.ITHlNK WEIL LOOK I I F 'CORE LOOKING FOR V WATT, 1 W0r4C:R WHAT LUCK VVE6LEY HALE !& ffrf00' JufSifS 15 HAVING, GETTING TV4E JD6 AS r 'Tt 7 ANY NEWS, j r-AS5 llll fc ms 1 THE LONE RANGE!! ' -: ' ' 1 .;- ; .. . . -; . J