The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 30, 1994, Page 8, Image 8

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Tbm OREGON STATESMAN, SaUxn, Oregon. Wdnday Morning, January 30, 1948
Vikings Spanked
By Eugene Quint
Visitors in Hot-Footing Mood
While Viks Pass, Shoot Badly
The Eugene victory kvhammy over Salem high's Viklngi U till
good a ever, and SHS hat yet to beat a Eugene quintet in four years
f trying. The Viks, definitely not the hard running,, hot hooping
and they have been at times this season, tried to put an end to the
Axeman skein last night before
s packed Villa. But they failed
miserably, 43-30, a same Axe
men outmaneuvered them ' in
practically all departments of the
The Eugene, in probably their
bett casing mood of the season
while the Viks were in one of
their worst, opened up with a
running attack that was easily
the clamiest seen here this sea
tm. Most of what little spark the
Salem had during the night was
touched off in the first quarter,
making it a torrid eight minutes.
Eugene, by virtue of snappy
dashes through the Vik defensive
heart for easy sboti, led 10-8 at
I he rest. top.
Mote of the hot-footing Eugene
attack befell the outraced Salems
in period two and while SHS was
looping only three points the
Axemen got 19 more for a 22-11
lead at halftime.
Salem, licked on the backboards
ty Axeman Dan Hendrickson,
"lymied by their own inability to
Mangle the ball efficiently on
om- and make comparatively
ay shots at times there seemed
to be a lid on the Eugene goal
and seemingly always a jump or
i AO behind thejsharp-passing Don
Huth, One M frier and Ty Love
ace, fell further behind at 33-18
;.t the third period.
In pei tod four the Salem spark
ed attain, started ball-hawking in
Viking fashion and kicked
through uith a dozen points. But
Eugene nabbed 10 more and, cou
pled with the big margin already
huilt up. it was merely a case of
letting the clock run out.
Guard Gene Miner and For
ward Ty Lovelace were the scor
ing bigs for Hank Kuchera's
sharp outfit, Miner looping 15
and Lovelace 14 points. Center
Bunny Mason led the Salem with
The Viks tangle, with Bend' In
another No-Naane league game
here Saturday. Last night's mix
dropped the Salems practically
out of titular contention. '
Salem M)
BelUnefr. t
Fitzmaurice, f .
Mason, c
Dawn, s
Hndnr. g
Chamberlain, g
Hour. (
Produce, c .
H. Bellinger, g
Fncene (43)
Ruth, f .....
tavelace. f .. ...
Hendricksen, c
Miner, g
Wilde, g
Rider, t
Douglas, g
Garrett, f
Walker, g .
i ri rt rtm rr t
is 1 o e o i
1 2 1 4
.11 4 ISIS
. S I 1 J 4 8
.. S 1 1 fl 3
.... s i o i a a
.... i i s s a
j i o J J
.... 0 i l
as 12 is so
.... 6 0 3 1 1 S
is statu
? - i t i 4
14 1 1 I 15
.. s i e l 14
.... t l a I i s
.... o o
.1 o l o
o t 1 1 1 1
SI II 7 6 11 43
ShootinK percentage
Salem .174.
r.d A I Llgtitner.
Loggers Win,
Tie for Lead
I. Pet.
1 .710
pr pa
If. But Col
Piifrl Sound
Willamett .
Col. Idaho
10 140
M2 161
331 1WI
146 129
3SS 306
1S6 2fi8
S 1
- li
it r
t I
0 4
S 301
-at nlfht't renult- At College of Pu
ret Sound SS. Whitmin 49.
TACOMA. Janf'l9(P)-College
rt Puget Sound captured a sec
ond straight decision over Whit
man college here tonight, 68-49,
.nd c hi m bed into a three-way tie
for? first place in the Northwest
conference with Pacific univer
sity arid University of British Co
lumbia. Led j by Bob Fincham, who
tossrd in 19 points to run his
foui-gbme conference total to 83,
the Loggers were out In front
from the opening minute of play
and held a 36-20 halftime lead.
Ml. Angel Preps
Top Dallas, 21-19
DALLAS Paul Reiling's Mt.
Angel Preps upset the Dallas Dra
gons 21 to 19 here Tuesday night
in a Willamette Valley loop con
test The game was I close-checking
affair and hard-fought
throughout. Dallas nabbed the
B" tilt 26 to 25.
(11) MT. ANGEL
r Itl Wellman
r IS) Bermns
Zoster (I I 13
Kahler (0) C CI) Bier
Nairn (J Q J Tuiay
Bne 2 C () May
Sub for Mt Angel Bnchtler S. Of
ficial Kolb and Heynlt
Hoop Rosults
Eugene 43. Salem 30
itiveiton 47. Estscada 38
Sandy 09, Woodburn 21.
Chemawa 56, Detroit 37 M
Lit. Ansel 31, Dallas 10
it. Paul 57. Mill City 21
Medford 46, Ashland 34
Sft 46. Toledo 39
Grand 43. The Dalles 44
banon 44. OSC Rooks 33
Oregon City 42, Weit Linn M
McMinnville 33. Col. Prep M
Salem Jayvaes 3S, Eugen 'By M
franklin 31, Commerce 33
J)lron 30, Grant 21)
Henon Tech4l. Lincoln IS
PooMvalt 66, Rabin 33
Salem Sophs 46, JlalM-y 30
Wa-hlngton Stat 49, 080 M
CPS SS. Whitman 40
pklahoirj. Ajglea M, TulM M .
K annas OT, Kiftsas State 43
SfcMtv.r I.V Ciil. CoUeSe 41
WaMWMM-- . i in i in m
Wednesday wash; Top prospect for Salem Senator baseball
boosting "Tommy Luke" job, we hear from sj few natives, would be
Bubblin' Ben Pade, the State tt 12th vittlea f moguL Personable Mr.
Pade would be worth at least Visit from Biz Boss Ceorgs Emigh,
for he has the four requirements -loquaciousness, love for the game,
energy and friends. Whoever does assume the up-'n-at-'em role should
be tuning up soon, for the bsseballen will? be heading for spring
camps in less thsn a month . . . Yes, Mt. Angel WILL field a football
team next fall that is, Paul Reiling's Preps! will in the Willamette
Valley league. The schedule has
been drawn up and has the Preps
playing eight league games. As for
the hilltop college, we understand
via rumor it is forsaking all ath
letics indefinitely. Only a handful
of students are enrolled there at
present ... But while one old
standby is going to the athletics
rack, look what another has been
doing! Portland U first signified its
comeback to even higher than pre
war level by signing Hal Moe as
football coach, snatching him away
from Oregon State's backfield
chores. Then came Len Yandle
as new hoop coach. Carl Jorgen
on, former St. Mary's great, is
Moe's full-time assistant, brand
new. Now it's Jack Wilson, the
Portland reared major league
pitcher,. in as Pilot baseball coach.
And If thwe Hems don't signify
Portland's fur-lined efforts to blos
som bigger 'n better 'n ever in
athletics, look at the opponents the Pilots have booked for fall grid
meetings Oregon State, Idaho and St. Mary's. Ambitious, those
Pilots, and definitely not mired in a rut . .. It probably Wouldn't
be right to say here that Portland U hasn't been having much trouble
signing coaches, not nearly as much as has" another university in
the state. So perhaps we'd best not say it . . .'One squawk by alumni
against Babe Hollingbery as coach for the California Bears, tattle
the Bay scribes, is that Babe isn't sedate he throws hia hat in the
air and is undignified on the side lines . . . Yeah, but the guy knows
bow to win football games, something that no one has been guilty of
at Cal inears 'n years . . . Plus one more to the aspiring All-America
pro grid conference. This time a
near-to-home halfback. The San
Francisco 49'cr roster lists as hav
ing already signed his contract for
next fall none other than Don
Durdan, Oregon State's overlook
ed All-American in 1941. Other
backs to work with Durdan for
the 49'ers are Frankie Albert,
Dick Ren fro, Norm Standlee, Park
er Hall, Len Eshmont and Bill
Krywicki, a pretty pert galaxy
of 6-point men ...
T. Rots Flattened
In Bout W ith Window
It could only happen to a ras-
sler, and in this case it happened
to bur favorite mat character, An
thony Q. Ross, perhaps better
known Tough Tony of Croisan
Creek. Anthony Q., as the crunch
clients who visited the armory
last night will attest, la on the
shelf for a few weeks with in
juries. No, he didn't get bunged
up by another bicepper although
he hasn't been immune to same
during his 14 years as a gladiator.
Anthony this time argued with a
C o q u 1 1 1 e window and lost in
straight falls. The play-by-play:
After a ring excursion in Co-
quille, Anthony bedded down for
the night in the Coquille Auto
Court. He was battle weary, so
didn't notice that railroad tracks
stretched rather snugly to the back
end of the court. While dreaming
of such as world titles, jammed
arenas and new methods of mak
ing mayhem, Rosa was suddenly
awakened by a thundering limit
ed, going by under full steam.
Lett on Note Learned
Open the Thingi Firtt
Not knowing what it was at
first in his drowsiness, but fearing
some jerk had dropped sn stom
bomb close by, Anthony figured
he'd best leave the joint, but quick
ly. He left, but not by the door.
When he came to he was halfway
through the window, still trying
to leave and bleeding like a stuck
hawg. A guy half asleep and with
his life at stake, doesn't stop -to
remove the glass from windows
the right way.
And so, after dang near bleed
ing to death (he couldn't find a
doctor), Anthony checked up and
found he had (1). picked up a bad
gash on hia forehead, (2) nearly
lost one thumb entirely, (I) se
verely slashed two other fingers
and (4), the worst of all, suf
fered slicing on his left arm that
didn't stop until it hit bone! Addi
tional checking up revealed hell
be lucky if he can rassle for an
other two or three weeks, at least
All of which checks up ss prob
ably the whackiest loss ever suf
fered by a rassler. And you can
bet Anthony will keep i the win
dows open nextj time he beds
down in a strange land. Either
that or he'll tie himself to the bed
Joe to Start Mar. 1
Louis told reporters today he
would begin preliminary training
st French Lick March 1 for the
defense of his heavyweight box-
ing .championship against Billy I
Conn at Yankee stadium June 19
Bislnop Leads WSC
To '49-34 Victory
Star Gets 15; Markers; Beavers
Dropped to Tie With Vandals
PULLMAN, Wash:, Jan. 29. -
Gale Bishop for their second victory In seven games, the Washington
State college Cougars tonight downed Oregon State 49 to 34 and
dropped trie Beavers into second-place tie with Idaho in northern
Conn to 'Box'
Joe This Time
DALLAS. Tex., Jan.
"Last time I made the; mistake of
trying toi knock: him but; this
time I'll tike his title by outbox
lng him, declared Billy Conn,
commenting here tonight on his
June 19 championship fight with
Joe Louis n New York.
The chalenger now weighs 192
pounds but plans to trim down
to 183whch will be eight pounds
more than he weighed when
Louis knocked him but in the
13th round of their only! previous
meeting ih New York June 18,
1941, M
Meet Satur
WOODBURN, Jan. 29Speclal)
District 1 basketball committee
men and roaches will convene at
Mt. Angel; Saturday to discuss the
upcoming I tournament, it was an
nounced here today by District
Chalrman Milton Gralap, Wood
burn principal. Gralap, Salem
Principal harry Johnson and Sil
verton Superintendent A. B. An
derson form the district!! commit-
tee- 1 Si- -
Playingl dates and pairings for
the double-elimination s tourna
ment which sends the winner to
the state hbop classic In Salem in
March will likely be srranged
Saturday.! f " f
Soph Fivet Vlftora
MALSEY -(Speciaij-f The ,Sa
lam high; sophs beat; Halsey 46
to 20 here Tuesdays with Dave
Chamberlain leading the scoring
with 11 points. The I Soph Bees
best Halsey's Bees 46 to 8.
Katonen Cops Mat Tiff Amid
iKiciyJ Clouts and Orations
J.-. . , ' ' ':! ' A
' . It waaf trpieal TmcsWUf at the
Ferry Street Garden last night,
the ' weekly : bleep bee ending
amidst is wild assertment ef
kicks, cleats, hangman's holds,
aratory, cheering and: booing,
And worst ef alt. In the opinion
ef the euatomers,. Tough Gar
Fssve Katonen copped the dake
ever Affable Al Brass in the
main brawl.
Mat-wise KaUnen, ualng a dil
ly ef a leg lock called a "figure
foar eorkscrew hold,") nabbed
the first- fall, a wild affair cal
mlnatedwhen aspiring Al miss
ed with m flying tackle. Brass
at-eonked the Finn to even It
la Ne. I, the pursuader being
reverse leg stretcher, another
stewte hV the holds department.
"Twss fin heat No.! 2 i that the
fan began. Angello Martlnelll,
"seconding" Alvln, popped eff
tt Katonen from outside the ring.
Paave placed a foot la the Mar
tlaelll kisaer, then went Saws
and breaght ap "Red" Dawson
.1 ; - - ' I
(T) - Clicking around their new star
division Pacific Coast conference
basketball standings.
Bishop displayed some of the
court skill that made him nation
al scoring leader last year. He
took high point honors with 15
points; nine of them made on free
throws, and teamed with Center
Vince Hanson to control back-
W L For Ac at Pet.
Washing ton S 3 3VS 371 J25
Oregon State .. 4414 411 JM
Idaho I 4 "41S 413 Mt
Oregon S 4 333 352 .419
Washington Slat S Sol 312 JM
Last night's score st Washington
State 4f, Oregon State 34.
board play throughout the game. '
The Beavers took the lead only
twice and trailed throughout the
second hlf when Center Red Ro
cha made the only two Oregon
State field goals of the period.
Oregon State grabbed a 6 to 8
lead in the first six minutes. At
the 14-mlnute mark an Oregon
State free throw gave the Beavers
a 14 to 18 lead. With five min
utes left, Gene Sievertson scored
to give Washington State a 17 to
15 advantage. Oregon State never
took the lead again.
Starting the second half with a
28 to 22 advantage, the Cougars
pulled ahead 82 to 23 in the first
two minutes on two field goals by
The Beavers, switching to a
man-to-man defense for the sec
ond half, were unable to get the
ball as Bishop and Hanson
swarmed over the backboard area.
OSC, 34
Warren, f
fg pt tpi WSC, 4f
tt pt tp
I lit
1 4 3iBiahop. I S
Hen ngsen, 1
Rocha, e t
Esping, g I
McGrath, g 2
Anderson, t 1
Strait. I S
Krafve. f S
Crandall, g 1
Nesl. g S
J Arndt. f S
8 Hanson, c 3
2 Johnson, g
7 Evitt, g 4
7:Moose, f
OiCarlaon. f 0
0' Sievertson, S 3
4 Bayleea. g 0
1 Elliott, g S
i e
i s
1 13
3 S
s e
1 4
TOTALS 10 20 34! TOTALS 17 IS 48
Ere throws missed: OSC Warren,
Crandall, Neal. WSC Blahop 2. Han
son 2, Johnson, Moose, Carlson, Sie
vertson. Officials; BUI Eraser and
Paul Warren.
St. Paul Leads
Marion League
1 000
.SI 7
St. Paul ..
Mill City -Detroit
Gates ..
Hubbard ..
Gervais ..
JEFFERSON, Jan. 29.-(Spe
cial)-St. Paul, with an unblem
ished record in 12 games, leads
the Marion county "B" league
basketball chase, according to Pat
Beal, Jefferson coach. Chemawa,
loser of one game to St. Paul, is
second and Jefferson, loser to
both Chemawa and St. Paul Is
third. The standings do not in
clude games of Tuesday, January
St. Paul Snares "B"
Loop Tilt, 57 to 25
ST. PAUL St, Paul continued
to set the pate for the Marlon
county "B hoop loop after Tues
day night's easy 87 to 25 win over
Mill City here. The St. Paul Bees
also downed the visitors, 21 to 10.
Marten () T 0) Cox
Smith (12) r (12) rarmen
Kirk (11) C (4) MesliUch
Coleman (14) O 17) Pook
Phillips (10) O (2) Crubtos
Subs for St. Paul Case , Buysenie
1 Officials Clark.
Title Bout Upset
NEW YORK, Jam 29-oP)-Freddie
"Red" Cochrane today
finished up his boxing work for
his welterweight title defense
against Marty Servo Friday
night, but just about that time the
law moved In and raised; a ques
tion over whether the fight will
take place at all.
U ad aa hia second. Aa rasalers
and seconds slike became in
volved in conversation, accusa
tions, etc., with Referee Prof
Newton In heat Ne. S, Katonen
sneaked In his hangman's job on
Suss and was swarded the win.
Martlnellt and Ssasz then capped
the aproarlous gatherlns by chal
lenging Dawson snd Katonen to
s team match, w inner take all,
next week.
In last night's prelims Gust
Johnson won over Walt Achlu
when, after Achlu waa awarded
the first fall via foul he couldn't
come back, and Martlnelll down
ed Dawson, two falls, to one, In
a wild and wooly skirmish.
We Are Now in Our
270 North Church j
Sam's Holor Co.
rn. 7117 -
Hoag to Box
i Diminutive Duane Hoag, Tex
Sslkeld's 127-pound solid send
er who both "sent" Chlco Ban
ishes and pleased an armory full
ef patrons with his fistic debut
at the armory last week, has
himself aa opponent for the top
spot on Matchmaker Harry
Plant's party next Wednesday
i night, February I, at the Gar
den. Hoag, who slapped to sleep
; Mexican Benches In five heats,
goes against Johnny Archuleta,
: Denver, Colo., 129 pounder this
time, and in It rounds or less.
Plant announced the main event
beat yesterday.
Cornish Dates
Trout Season
Open From April 20l
Oct. 31 ; Limit Same
I PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 29-P
The state game commission an
nounced today Oregon's general
trout season will run from April
20-Oct. 31, with the opening de
layed until May 4 In Harney
county and May 20 In Lake coun
ty. The bag limit was unchanged.
The commission, reporting 1946
fishing regulations nearly the
same as the tentative plan drawn
up two weeks ago, said winter
fishing cf trout 10 inche or larg
er in coastal waters would be
halted about Feb. 8. Year-round
angling will be allowed for sal
mon, steelhead, jack salmon,
striped baidb shad snd sturgeon
except in waters cloned at spe
cific times.
Maples, Cards
In Title' Go
(National Division)
w l rcf. rr fa
WU Cardinals - .ft 1 SM 234 1S4
Maple Sports . 1 S5 2M 172
Ifty Curios 3 4 .429 2MP 277
Severln's 2 4 J33 22 206
Kaycees , 0 9 .000 MB 102
Tonisht's games: 7:30 Severln's vs.
Knlahis of Columbus. 8:30 WU Cards
vs. Maple's.
With nothing less at stake than
the championship of the National
division, the Maple's Sportsters
and Willamette Cardinals clash
tonight at Willamette in the feat
ure game of the City league's
Wednesday round. Both the Ma
ple's and Cards are tied for the
lead after last week's 30-35 thrill
er won by the Sportsters over the
WU's in a first round makeup
tilt. Tonight's tussle is set for 8:30
o'clock, following a 7:30 opener
between Severin's Insurance and
Knights of Columbus.
Maple's has one more makeup
game this round with the wlnless
Kaycees before ending the divi
sion season. The Cards play the
Kaycees next Wednesday to fin
ish their season. The ultimate di
vision champ, almost certain to be
tonight's winner, will tangle with
Page Woolens, American division
champs, in the league's champion
ship playoffs.
Foxes Tangle
With Centrals
. SILVERTON, Jan. 29-(Special)
Coach Ray Boe's Silverton Silver
Foxes step out of Willamette Val
ley league basketball play here
Wednesday night to meet the
strong Central Catholic Rams of
Portland in an infantile paralysis
benefit game at the high school
The Centrals are expected to
give the Foxes one of their tough
est ball games. Boe will likely
start Bennett, Wickham, Nado,
Terp and Beal for Silverton.
Woodburn Loses
To Sandy, 69-28
SANDY Woodburn's Blue
Bulldogs were no match for San
dy here, Tuesday night, losing
their' Willamette Valley league
encounter, 69 to 28. Sandy led 31
to 12 at halftime. Sandy won the
"B" game 34 to 27.
SANDY (99)
Gray (22)
Stnson )
I.und S
Eliason 122)
f(4) OUen
IS) Andrews
C ') Mason
Q r Ltppert
O ' (!) Snaw
Williams ()
Subs for Sandy-Domoll 3, Wolf 2.
Burch t. Bell 2: for Woodburn. Dry-
den 2. Officials Jones and Chaa.
Residence Robbery!
Salem seems to b in the throes of a small crime wave.
Is your home insured against. Residence Burglary,
Theft and Larceny? $1000 cost you $10 per year. A
telephone call to Hugging Office will insure you at
"Origotis Largest
Salem and
129 N. Commercial
Archuleta in Armory Main Event
Archuleta, a Gus WUson pro
tege, la one of Portland Match
maker Joe Waterman's recent
, imports to the Rose City. He Is
labeled aa "hard puncher and
' very willing mixer." Better stllL
Archuleta la advertised aa a lad
who "li Just about as fast aa
Hoag and is more of a knocker
outer type fighter than Hoag.
; Which Is tonic for the local
faithful, anxioaa for another
Plant show after watching so
successful sn opener as last
,. week's. Anyone what can throw
gloves "just as fast as Hoag"
and has a goodly portion of sleep
potion In either hand should
Oregon dtattsman
Al Liglitncr
BACK TO YANKS: Veteran Cat
cher Bill Dickey, shown don
ning his navy discharge button,
says he will report for spring
training with the Yankees in
February and Intends battling
for hia old backstopptng job.
Molalla Skeds
Polio Benefit
MOLALLA, an. 29-(Special)-Molalla
Veterans of Foreign Wars
basketball team will meet the
Portland Army Air base quintet
here Thursday at 8 p. m. The net
proceeds from this game will be
donated to the March of Dimes
infantile paralysis benefit.
.Personnel of the Molalla team
includes several former stars of
Molalla high; Harold Wood, diet
Schiewe, Ernie Russell, Art Jaa
tinen, Roger Thronson, Elton
Lance and Bud Larson. Allan Lee,
vocational agricultural instructor,
is the player-manager for the
Veterans. The Molalla team has
been one of the foremost in the
Oregon City league this season.
Foxes Defeat
Estaeada Five
SILVERTON-The local Silver
Foxes edged Estaeada here Tues
day night 47 to 39 in a closely
contested Willamette Valley
league fray. The victors trailed
12-14 at the first period stop, for
ged ahead 28 to 24 at halftime,
and held a 39-38 edge at the third
period. Silverton won the "B"
team tilt 38-33 in overtime.
C. Ahnert (2 T (I7 Bennett
Clarkson lloi f (6) Wickham
W, Ahnert 4 C ' . (12) Nado
Mackenzie ill) O : 14) Beal
Havden (0) O j 7) Terp
Sub for Estaeada Hunt S. Officials
Urynan and Ermh-
ig - CHET
Upstate Agency'
Coos Bay
Salem . Dial 4400
j;-: "v
If- - . J
V ' ' n - i I" .'i p
K7 i
make for snother touch-and-go
battle with Salkeld'a comer.
Hoag has notched knockouts In
his last two outings, a two
rounder la Portland and last
week'a five-rounder.
Of equal Importance to valley
fistic followers Is Flant'a seml
wlndap announcement. He has
dropped Portland negro Kelly
Jackson from the f -rounder and
has signed on two lightheavie
Instead. One Is John L. Sullivan.
172, Portland, and the other
newcomer Jack Dilllch, 173,
Butte, Mont., former mine work
er. Pegged by traveling Joe Wa
terman while fighting In Cali
Portland Beavers Slate
Opening of Spring Camp
For Feb. 24 at San Jose
PORTLAND, Ore., Jarj. 29.-(7P)-The Portland ball club an
nounced today the BeaversJ would open their 1948 spring training
at San Jose, Calif., February 24 with at least 48 players on hand.
National Loop
Bags Coliseum
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 29 -(A)-The
Lo Angeles coliseum com
mission today formally gave the
National pro league champion
Rams a three-year contract for
the Colineum'a vse and virtually
froze out the rival All -America
conference franchise by setting a
limit on pro football games.
The commisnlon unanimously
approved a modified agreement
which for the net two years will
allow only six professional foot
ball games to be played in the
Coliseum from the lard Saturday
in September to the First Saturday
In December.
Chemawa Indian Down
Detroit Quint, 56-27
CHEMAWA The Chemawa In
dians easily topped Detroit here
Tuesday night in a Marion county
'B" league game, winning 58 to
27. Center White of the loscis
copped scoring laurels, however,
with 15 points.
Jackson 141 F
Btodftett (2) r
Aihmtn ( C
Orcutt (81 CI
Plcard 141 C
4 Norton
14) Fryer
(IS) White
12) Cannon
(0) BudduiK
EuIm M Chamawa WiUon 4. Kulr
ama-4. Pinkhant t. SwitzJer X I-it
2. Towner 2. Winnctheul 2. Cooprr 2,
William 8. Green 4; for Detroit. Hoi
erman 1, Monroe 1. Officials, Hontrt
and Wilder.
Safely First for Industrial Workers
A well-fitting support may mean the difference be
tween being: efficient on the job, or severely handi
capped. "Ritespot" hernia suports are simple, light
weight have no straps, laces or springs. Use for
small ruptures; as a safety measure to prevent
hernia because of heavy work; for protection after
hernia or appendix operation. f AO
A i0 ea.
Play Safe Step Info
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fornia, Dilllch comes, highly
recommended. Sallivan has had
a number of feature fights la
Portland, Seattle and Spokane
recently and is classed aa "much
better than the average prelim
scrapper" by Waterman himself,
la fact. Dilllch la booked far a
Friday night main event la Spe
kane With none other than Tiger
Jack Fox, the veteran negro
campaigner. Ftant has high
hopes that Dilllch will come
through with a Win over Salli
van. s it will be a step la the
right direction for a fellow log
scrap with Leo (The Lion) Tur
ner. General Manager Bill Klepper
reported contracts have been
mailed and four already returned.
Signed are Manager Marvin
Owen, Pitcher Jake Mooty, Out
fielders Frank Shone and Pitch
er Mitchell Chetkovirh. right
hander who played for Oakland
last year on option from the Phil
adelphia Philff.
Klepper aid a half-dozen pre
war players will be at the spring
training ground, Herman Reich,
Danny Escobar, Oeorge Vico, B;1I
Wyatt, Bill Schubcl and Lindsay
The. total does include a flock
jjf youngster signed for tryouta
ffr the Salem Sena ton, now a
Poitlund farm club. Some of the
SaU-m talent wil( workout at San
Jay vecs Beat
Eugene. Bee 5
Paced by Dick Allion's II
points, Gurnee Fleoher's Salem
Jayvees last night dumped Du
ane Mellem's Eugene Bees, 38-31,
in a fast basketball prelim to the
Salem-Eugene varsity mix at the
senior high. The tall Salems out
played the visitors practically ail
the way.
Jayvees (31)
Cor 61
11 ill 16)
fcpKle 16) ..
(SI) Eia
F. (4i Ban"
F .. it linderd
O . . it) Sitfntcn
MilM 3) C. . (6
Allinon 113) G 110).
Jayvee sub Graham 4. Euayne
6. Smith 2.
This 'Riiespoi' Snppori
supported in the Tight
484 Stale Street