The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 24, 1994, Page 12, Image 12

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The OREGON' STATESMAN. Salom. Oregon. Thursday Morning. January 24. 1948
I Mid .? WilUnfetli fallcy News
It; t From TheSiatcsmarfs Community Correspondents
Gates Soldier
Visits at Home
Hen Kauart Re-cnlUts
Jn Army; Pctotoffice
I Improved
GATES, Jan. 23 -(Special) Ben
visited his mother, Mrs.
Wight. He has Just re
ealisted in the army.
Mrs. Virginia Over'lock and
Marjory Schroeder were Salem
visitors Sunday. ,
Erne Miller is building . a
porch ofi the postoffice building
'Xor Mm Ruby Winters.
- Mrs. jjWinnifred Marshall and
baby ahd Bumell Stone came
Saturday. Marshall will join hi
family n three weeks, after he
is .discharged, and go to Salem,
HI., to
make their home. Miss
will be with her parents,
Mr. an:
Mrs. Fred Stone.
'. D. Johnson entertained
Mrs. &
tha? birtjhday euchre club Satur
day at j 1 o'clock luncheon.
Mrs. f lorertce Carrysot of Port
land wajs a visitor at the Johnson
home Sunday.
Mrs. Harris Thomas underwent
tin operation Monday at a Salem
hospital. '
Mr. and Mrs. Rebham and Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Garrison of In
dependence were at their ranch
Earths Move
To Molalla
PEDEE. Jan. 23 -(Special) -Mr.
and Mrs. Pip Barth are moving
to Molalla from Spaulding's
Dick Siddall, who was Spauld
jng's high climber, is working for
the Moser brothers at Kings
The Pcdee high and
les of
tchools are gathering samp
the different woods which
in Polk county, competing for the
PTA prize for the best collection
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Gage will
move to Lakeside where
purchased a confectionery
and residence.
Glen Edwards reports he has
two young lambs the first fr this
Simpson's sawmill on Ritner
will be sh'ut down for some time
because there are no longs.
Silverton Lodge
Holds Installation
SILVERTON. Jan. 23.-(Special)
Joint installation of new officers
of Home Temple No. 21, Pythian
Sifters and Home Lodge, No. 35,
Knights of Pythias, was held Tues
day night.
Installed for the women were
most excellent chief. Marian Nicol;
past chief, Josephine Hart man;
excellent senior. Ethyl Oveross;
excellent Junior, Arlyss Johnson;
manager, Goldie Down; mistress of
records and correspondence, Doro
thy HadJy; mistress of finance,
Marjory Paulson; protector, Elsie
Nelson; trustee, Mabel Talbot; in
ktal ling officer, Irene Roubal; mu
sician and press chairman, Helen
M. Wrightman; captain of the de
gree staff, Essie Specht.
Installed for the nights were
chancellor commander, Ralph Ad
ams; past commander, L. C. East
man; vice chancellor, Henry An
nundsen; keeper of records, Emil
Loe; master of finance, June D.
Drake; master of work, Clarence
Morlcy, prelate, Al Down; master
of arms, L. C. Eastman; inner
guard, E. Z. Kaufman; outside
guard, Arthur Nelson.
Valley Obituaries
BROOKS, Jan. 23 -(Special)
Robert Bartholomew, 85, died
January 16 at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Ruth Nichols, at
Casper, Wyo;
Jay Bartholomew and Frank
Bartholomew, with their sister,
Esther" Bartholomew of G res ham,
went y Casper for the funeral
of their father.
Robert Bartholomew spent two
years here with his son. Jay Bar
tholomew and family. Esther and
Frank are instructors in the
Gresham high school.
Last rites will be at Humbolt,
Iowa. There are seven grandchildren.
For MORE Sutra Grade
Maximum egg production . .
I lower coat. That's the story
of Triangle X-tra egg pro
ducer. A carefully balanced
feed supplying the require
mente for more estra grade
eggs. Mash or pellets.
Mt. Angel Family Observes Anniversary
I a. J
f . V
MT. ANGEL Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Sehaffser, who on January 17
versarr, pom with their IS children. They are front row, Fred, ChrisUne, Mrs. Schaffner, Leo, Mar
garet and Agnes. Middle row, Delia, Clemens, Alexander and Romania. Back row, Paul, Anna,
Bernard, Isidore, Dennis, Simon and Joe.!
GERVAIS Mr. and Mrs. O.
E. Warden have sold their home
here to the Fred Mannings and
purchased property in Salem at
North Church and Gaints streets
where they have moved. iThe
Wardens came here from Hono
lulu eight years ago.
HUBBARD Luther Kinman
has sold his shoe repair shop to
Clarence Sherman and it will
continue in its present location.
Sherman has engaged an experi
enced shoe repair man to assist
TALBOT A 4-fl sewing club
has been organized with Mrs.
Mchiorial Service
At Turner Home Is
Given for Donor
TURNER, Jan. 23.-(Special) -The
annual fellowship meeting
and meorial service in honor of
Mrs. Judith Turner, mother of
Mrs. Cornelia Davis, who gave
the home property of the home,
was held at Turner Memorial home
Mrs. Alda Ritz led the group
singing and Mrs. E. J. Gilstrap
conducted the memorial service.
Talks were given by the Rev. J.
L. Ellis, the Rev. H. N. Griffin and
the Rev. B. L. Hicks, retired min
isters living in cottages of the
heme. Mrs. Ben Schaefer, Stayton,
gave the closing prayer.
Guest members of the cottages
and home were Mrs. Sarah
Church, Mrs. Amanda Davis, Mrs.
Dora Downs, J. L. Ellis, Mrs. Alda
Ritz, Mrs. Pearl Lanktree, Mr. and
Mrs. Br L. Hicks, Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Griffin, Mrs. Margaret Orr,
Mrs. Inez Carlon, and the hostess
es, Mrs. E. J. Gilstrap, matron and
Miss Brock, house mother.
Out of town guests were Mrs.
H. Brockoway, Marion, Mrs. L.
Keithley and Mrs. Clarence Ga-
vette, North Santiam, Mrs. Ben
Schaefer, Mrs. Clark Lewis, Miss
Susie Kern, and Mrs. Nettie Down
ing, Stayton.
The stamping of designs and
patterns upon textiles was com
mon in India and China even be
fore available records place defi
nite dates on such arts and crafts.
stays rdj m this grtst nh for. ;
To RSovo feogfco-JUMag MoictM
At tha first rigo of a edd tho Quin
tuplets' ehesU, throoU and backs are
immediately rubbed with Muatcrole.
Musterol instantly start to relieve
coughs, sore throat and aching musclea
of eoltln. It actually helps break up
painful local congestion. Make breath
ing easier. Great for grown-ups, tor
Wilma Morford as club leader,
and president, Mae Jorgenson;
vice resient, Doris Hay worth;
secretary, Eulcne Loftis.
TURNER Bob White patrol,
troop No. ;46, Boy Scouts, held a
court of honor Monday night at
the Christian church. Bill Pear
son, leader, presented second
class pins to Harold Standley,
Lawrence 'Bower, Dennis Riches,
Orville Hatfield, William Bear,
Edward Davenport and George
Community club will meet Fri
day, January 25, at 8 p.m. Gor
don Tuve is chairman of the pro
gram committee. A school board
meeting will be held the same
GATES f The reception for
returned Veterans sponsored by
the Woman's club has been post
poned until Saturday, February 2.
TALBOT A 4-H cooking
club has been organized, with
Mrs. Ernest Freeman as leader.
Officers are: President, Darlene
Hay worth i vice president5 Ed
ward Dunham; secretary, Dean
Davidson, lit has 11 members and
meetings twill be held in the
-! , 4 :,
PRINGLE The Community
club met Friday and A. W. Kend-
rick was elected president; Del-
bert Binkley, vice president; Mrs.
George Settlemier, secretary-
treasurer; W. L. Callaway, Hazel
Thomas and Carl Bartruff, execu
tive board. Installation was by
Mrs. Sumpter.
I BROOK8 The Garden club
will meet; all day Thursday with
Mrs. C. A- McNeffor.
Community club meets Friday,
January 25. Mrs. Perle Bye is
program chairman and Harvey
Lively Is club president.
TALBOT lloy 'Bickware of
Tacoma was called here this
week by the serious illness of his
mother, Mrs. N. S. Nave, who is
In the Deaconess hospital. .
Maple Finish
Can be used as twin beds.
with ladder,-guard rail, 2-coil box
springs, ACA cover and 2 ACA cot
ton mattresses. Reg price $115.50
Box Spring and Mattress Combination..
With legs attached for Hollywood
Box Spring, 46 and 33, striped coyer..
Cotton Mattress, 40-lb 46 and 33
50-Lbv Mattress. ACA or St
JJ Morphy Roll-a-way Bed. '
Heavy): coil spring sad ACA mattress
Unfinished Desk. 5-ply veneer.
Use as desk or dressing table ...
Unfinished Chests. 10 sizes.
Sturdy construction....... , ! ;
The Finest Mattress Combination Made. 7A SerU, doable
spring: construction, with 28-Lb. Cotton Pad. TO
ACA cover. Sturdy and comfortable..
137 South Commercial Street
observed their SO wedding aanl-
New Dime
These are drawings of the two
sides of the new Roosevelt
dime which will be pat in cir
eolation Feb. 5. Face of the
dime carries a likeness of the
profile of the late president
(top). At bottom is reverse
side. (AP Wlrephoto)
Woinan Builds
HUBBARD, Jan. 23 -(Special)
Mrs. Nellie Cornell, commercial;
teacher in Jefferson high school,
visited Hubbard friends Sunday
where she formerly taught.
Work on Grace Kauffman's
new house is progressing nicely.
Miss Kauffman sold her residence:
recently and is now building.
Harry Beaver, recently dis
charged from the navy and now
employed in Seattle, was here
Sunday. His wife is principal of
the local school.
: 28.75
Fronds. 46 and 33 18.95
.Up from 8.50
UNO Delegates Detect Change
For Better in Soviet Diplomacy
LONDON, Jan. 23.-:P)-Russia is switching her diplomatic
tactics at the United Nations organization, even through Soviet
forejgn policy apparently is unchanged.
UNO delegates have expressed this view with increasing
frequency as they watch the Russians operate.
The Russians have changed their techniques in little, personal
way?. But it all adds up to an
impression of encouragement to
their colleagues.
Andrei A. Gromyko, who heads
the Rusian delegation in the ab
sence of Deputy Foreign Com
mUsar Andrei J. Vishinsky or
Much Property
Chances Hands
At Silverton
SILVERTON, Jan. 23-(Special)
Silverton property has been mov
ing rapidly in recent days, re
ports Alf O. Nelson of the Home-
seekers agency, listing as the past
days' sales the Charles Christen
son home on Si.-ver street to Mr.
and Mrs. Hans C. Hagedorn, Jr.,
(Miss Beryl Fletcher). The Chris-
tensons are moving to Salem,
The Vesta Bcttelyoun property
on North Madison to Mr. and, Mrs.
Calf in Hanson of Canby; the Mr.
and Mrs. J. V. Hdrnbuckle I resi
dence on West Center " street to
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Snow of
Silverton; Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Burnett acreage west of Silverton
to Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Warren of
Canby; the Emily Larson home in
Fronks addition to Mr. and Mrs.
A. H. Smith of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Loesges, re
tired, who came to Silverton from
Portland, have bought the Ruebcn
Beer home on N. Church street.
Mrs. Willie Mae Peckham of
Scotts Mills has bought the Brooke
R. Parson home on Eureka ave.
and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Imel
have bought the John Olson home
west of Silverton.
C. W. Brenneman, now employ
ed by the city, and Mrs. Bren
neman bought the Ben Stolle resi
dence on Liberty street. Archie
N. Bradley, connected with the
new poultry processing plant and
Mrs. Bradley bought the Walter
Neilton residence in Fronks addi
tion. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kern re
cently from Carlton have bought
the Mrs. Jennie O. Strand home
on N. Chtfrch street.
OES Committees
Are Announced
SILVERTON, Jan. 2a.-(SpecIal)
Mrs. Clark Bachman, worthy mat
ron, Ramona chapter OES, has .
announced standing committees
for 1946.
Serving will ; be good cheer,
Mrs. E. A. Finlay; Red Cross, Mrs.
ueorge lowt; press, rars. nonaiu
Asboe; reception, Mrs. George
Hubbs, Mrs. R. A. McClanathan,
Mrs. E. A. Finlay; finance, Mrs.
Finlay, Mrs. J. E. Stoy, Mrs. As
boe; relief, Miss Ina Harold, Mrs.
Mina Cooper, Mrs; L. C. Eastman;
examination and instruction, Mrs.
Gordon Van Cleave, Mrs. W. P.
Scarth, R. A. Fish; service, Mrs.
Errol Rosa.
Mrs. H. R. Irish was installed
as organist.
An attendance contest will also
be started with Clark Bachman,
worthy patron, and George Towe
as captains.
Hostesses for Tuesday night
were Mrs. W. A. Woodward and
Mrs. Stephen Enloe.
SWAllT $1-
e Helps battle wind bora,
chapping, skin drying.
Filmy, non-sticky powder
base and soothing after-tho-bath
lotion. Put plenty oa
tapiial Drag Siore
Cor. State A Liberty Sts.
Phone 3118
1 v vA
.. I
foreign Commissar Vyachcslav M.
Molotov, earned the tag of "stone
face" at previous conferences.
Now, he chats with delegates from
other countries, cracks jokes and
sometimes laughs.
At San Francisco, the Russian
delegation usually marched into
meetings en bloc, just before they
were to start, and marched out the
minute they ended. Now, the Rus
sians often are among the first to
reach the conference room.
Gromyko Has His Joke
One day during the site debate
in the preparatory commission,
Gromyko' was waiting for a meet
ing to begin. He noticed a large
map of the United States on the
table and walked up to an English
secretary sitting nearby.
"Close your eyes and let your
finger fall on the map," he told
her. "We'll pick whatever place
you hit on." As the girl followed
his instructions, he quickly slip
ped the map across the table so
that her finger fell on Alaska.
Gromyko even chatters with the
press these days, occasionally let
ting out a bit of news, but more
ai-lnch dorfcoloa In
orwy tioiela bracl
I lj - - it - j 1 WHm 1 "hum i' 111 1 11 ' fW '" mm i ijr m mm y
P'jy Sael Reg. 5c V
1 I V M
i I Limit! I t m ,
sid Vulcanizing
MIRROR Hot Patches
X. 6-9802
Reg. $1.25
Twelve-incii "Western Speciol" with
scriber ond level. Hondy ond occurote.
Crab -All TOOL
12-inch flexible holder, -gets
Into owkword cor- ya
nars. T562S
Ball Peln
Umm. 49t.
Hoot treated, tempered ond balanced.
72726. T27I4
Extra quolity x4-in.
"Vlcheck" punch.
Ranch typa. Ma
dium ond fine
horpentng focet. 2 it
Al Mercnaaaba faekct la Stack
Haaa. Wa itMn Hie Hht Umif
aaaaiMin ar cfcMae ateWaa
wlfkMat him.
often ; just spreading some good
humor. ,
Using Western Methods
The Russian delegation Is com
ing to use western methods in put
ting over its points, as well.
In earlier conferences, Russia
Usually launched her propiwals
with a loud bang in the middle of
a meeting.
But when the five major powers
were unable to agree on a secre
tary general for UNO in the first
days of the assembly, the Russians
began sounding out delegations on
a postponement of the secretary's
election. They simply did a little
lobbying around yie corridors.
The idea was badly received, so.
for the time , being at least, the
Russians seem to have dropped it.
Better Losers in Voting
Delegates say they also notice
a change in the Russian attitude
in debates and adverse votes. At
San Francisco the Russians ap
peared disgruntled for days if they
were voted down on anything. In
London, Gromyko has occasion
ally urged votes to put an end to
discussion when he knew the ma
jority was against him.
When his candidate for presi
dent of the general assembly lost
by a narrow margin, these were
his smiling comments:
Of the meeting "that was
WORK DONE NOW will not
mar the beauty of your r rounds
next summer ... PRE-WAR
Free Estimates
Phone 5S11 Salem
V A Month
f 1
X metieollv senld and I
X reooy to use. y--
SUPREME Companded
.. Prlc. $4.63 SAVt 7U
5-Callon Can CICQ
Metal con with bail
ond tight lid mokes
fine garbage or util
ity can. .
In 55-gotlan Drum Lots,
Reg. 67c per Gallon.
Tha hmwt In pareff in boM crude with m4t4 InonidlanH that
mokrn SUPREME oil "Run to tha Hot Spot." a ml i gum, tludga
end varnish!
a Kaaaa Malar Claao
a Oil "Mat Saat"
a Kf Kay fraa
WhefW Your Cor i New or Otd. You M4 SUPREMC Cw
poevxted, ttt Pramium Typa otf that writ ca toctory pectaanon
for new coral
WeStmt ClutF Stew
Food Rioting
Near in Japan
TOKYO, Jan. 23 -(.l1)-Rumbling?
of potential trouble oven
Japan's Titiral food situation
were heard yesterday as farm
ers in S&ilama prefecture warned
there might be "bloody clashes '
between tb police and growers
unless the government changed
propped plans for tho compulsory
sale tit rice. j
Kyodo news agency reported
the warning was issued at a communist-sponsored
meeting of 70
repre5entatie fanners from 24
villages in the prefecture, about
CO milts north of Tokyo. The
group organized a councU to cam
paign for public control of foodstuffs.
good." Of his candidate's defeat
"that was bad."
Post War Hearing Aid
To He Demonstrated Here
Shaw Surgical Co. of Portland
announces that the new post-war
hearing aids made by the MAICO
Co. will be demonstrated in Sa
lem at the Senator Hotel on Sat
urday, January 26.
These MAICO hearing aids in
clude the single, compact cafe
"UNITEER" as well as conven
tional models.
Trained MAICO technicians
will be at the SENATOR HOTEL.
26th from 3 to 10 p. m. Hearing
tests, demonstrations, and confer
ences will be given without
charge cr obligation. No appoint
ment necessary.
of Super Values!
Trade-in Sale
VARCON" Deluxe
f. 4I mmtk la ! 4 mr 1TO.
Trade-in Allowance
for Id plug (CI)
was" tW Otsty
VARCON PIuqs or preci
sion mochtned, with one
ptce metol slteft construc
tion. TVUs eliminates brokon
insulotors obove th shall.
Try VARCONS for better
perfcrmonca from your
motor. 7-7104-43
I m . 4
Federal Tax
Sal. pr Gall
fiaifl Taa . .
IMftA . fit)
Reaaea CaAmm