Floyd Bates Selected By Jersey Club Br Ml lie I Midwn Frm Editor. The Statesman Floyd Bates, Salem, was elected president of the M.jion County Jrr'M-y Cattle club when members met t Bethel i-chool Sunday for their annual meeting. Brftes replaced M. G. Gundcr son, Silverton, who had served for the pat three years and de clined to be a candidate for re election. Bob Clark was elected . vice president, O. C. Welsh secre tary, and Lewis Judson director. All are from rural Salem. Mrs. Arthur Buyserie of Woodburn is the outgoing secretary. Special Section Set Arrangements were made for a p pecial session at the Salem 'chamber 'of commrrre rooms on Wednesday, January 30, at 8 p. m. when I. W. Slater, w'estern field man for the . American Jersey tattle club, will make his official xij.it to Marion county and outline 1946 Jersey club plans. Announce ment was made of the state club meeting to be held at Marion hotel. Salem, January 26. , O. K. Beals of the tate depart ment of agriculture, Mrs. Beats, and James Bifhop. county 4-H club director, were special -guest t the dinner held before the busi ness sesKion. Bcals spoke briefly rn Oregon dairy laws and Bishop expressed appreciation for the club's a.si.-.tance in the junior wotk. Male Meeting Reviewed Hex Rossj Marquam, reviewed the recent state dairymen's meet ing as wiell as the session which the .tatcj Jersey club held dur ing the dairymen's convention at Kalem. i Reports showed that the club had 40 paid up members during 1945, a substantial increase over the previjnus year, and promise for larger membership for 1946. Re ports also showed that there were 700 Jersey cows on tet in Marion county. The February meeting will be held at the Warren Davis ranch Mrs. Stein gle Hostess F or Garden Road Club SUKGLE, Jan. 21 Special) -Mia. Walter Swingle was hostess to members of the Garden Road Neighborhood club at her home in Salem Friday afternoon. The busi ness meeting was conducted by the new president, Mrs. Ralph Wern er, and secretary, Mrs. A. R. Tartar. Mrs. Glenn Larkins assisted Mrs. Swingle in serving a one o'clock luncheon. A special guest was Mrs. William Follis of Salem, a former member. Tucker Resigns As Fire Chief Al Silvcrton SILVERTON, Jan. 21-(Special) After serving as fire chief and as sistant chief for 17 years, L. F. Tucker resigned as chief at the annual meeting of the Silver ton Volunteer Fire department held Saturday night. He will remain on the department, however. Kenneth Williams was elected chief, Arthur Dahl and Errol Ross assistants; Lloyd Larsen, secretary treasurer, Lewis Yates steward. Reports showed that during the past year there had been 75 calls answered with 18 of these rural, and one false alarm. Other members of the depart ment are Fred Ca vender, Carl Hande, A. W. Woodward, Bill Bloch, Earl Hartman, R. A. Fish, Mclvin Bell, Jack Spencer, Nor man Eastman, Ronald Asboe and Tucker. Tucker, Cavendcr and Hartman have each served 25 years with the department. The local firemen entertained the Mt. Angel group Saturday night Sulfa drugs are being used in experiments on seedling peach ! trees to attain immunity to cer tain tree diseases. near Woodburn. Stanley Riches invited the group to meet with him and Mrs. Riches near Turner in April and the D. C. Brocks asked the group to be their guests at Salem in May. VJhcro INSTANT GTAQTIHG DUAL OCTANE QUALITY GASOLINE ! ' ' ' We of the West are fortunate indeed n the abundance and variety of natural play spots throughout our great Pacific; Empire. Whichever way we turn, inspiring beauty and healthful fun are within easy reach by automobile, over finej smooth highways. Let's make the most of them. j AroTase the Dual Octane Quality Gasoline adds test to any motor trip. Its eager, active response matches your Vsnflfley j DBo'Deffs Rlrkey-The Rickey Garden club! is collecting canned food fr the war devastated countries off Eur ope in cooperatim with the ijnited Nations relief, Mrs. C. R. Gjsboni is chairman and the cooperation of, other groups is sought by the Rickey women since at least 200 pounds or four cases must be ob tained to obtain low shipping Urates, 4 Turner sixty-two infants pre. school children, and school chil dren were given physical exmin- ations, immunizations and vaccin ation at the health clinic Wednes day. Helping were BerniceWip- per, Mrs. Arnold Phillips J and Margaret Riches. Dr. W, J. and Audrey Smith of the department conducted the May 8 another clinic will Sil vrrton R. A. Cowden.j Willi amette valley lumberman- and sportsman, is confined to the SU vert on hospital. I ! Turner Archie Rankil ha taken over his job of rural mail carrier. While he was in thi ser vice, Bill Pearson acted as sub stitute. I j. Lebanon The eighth ajwual turkey day will be held March 6, arranged by the Linn bounty turkey growers association and feed dealers with the cooperation of the extension department ox the state college. The Lebanon Chamber of Commerce has fjvoted $25 to help ! with arrangements. Meetings will be held in thefKuhn theatre and women of the town town churches will serve dinner. - . -' Silverton The Rev. George H Swift will spealc Friday nifcht at the 6:30 dinner of the Methodist Builders class, lie will discuss tne San Francisco conference fwhich he attended. i Falls City--Mrs. Jessie Moyer has received a certificate offmerit from Josiah Wills, Polk Cbunty school superintendent of schools for her work in the wars chest campaign. Silverton The sixth locaf club den has been organized with Mrs J. H. Hahn as cub mother! Boys nine ta 12, too young foe Boy Scouts, are accepted for mejrnber- i ; ! i jr holiday mood. Traveling becomes truly carefree with the assurance-of instant starting, even in the snow country; extra power fo( hills, smooth, fast pick-up, long mileage, complete elimination of vapor-lock, total absence of knock or ping. 'f Try AkoTASE for Action on the highways and in the traffic of the city. Sold for no more than other premium gas .! K Th OREGON STAT5T MAN. Salem, Oregon. Tuesday Morning. January ship. The committee is composed of I. B. Alferd, Arthur Wilch and Alvin Ohren. Cub mothers are Mrs. Lowell Brown, Mrs. Vein Casebeer, Mrs Harry Riches, Mrs. Lloyd Oveross, Mrs. Wilch and Mrs. Hahn. Cloverdale The Farmers Union will meet Thursday. January 24. at the school house. Cloverdale Loren New kirk is recovering at his home., after hav ing a piece of steel removed from his eye. He is now able to have the bandage off and be about out of doors. Sweet Home Ralph Robinett, who haf been road supervisor here for 20 years, has resigned and w, II. Davis has been employed to take his place. Stay ton Stayton Woman's club will hold a Girl Scout benefit card party Wednesday night at the club house. Queener Consolidation of Cole, Mt. Pleasant, She! burn and Queener communities will be dis cussed at a meeting the Queener community at the school house, January 25, 8 p. m. West Salem The public is in vited to Tuesday afternoon's 'furniture "touch-up" demonstra tion at the West Salem city hall. The class, with Helen Taylor, Polk county home demonstration agent as instructor, meets at 1:30 p. m. Sweet Home Phyl Knight, once with the state department of for estry at Salem, is the new assistant fire warden for Linn county patrol association and will be stationed at the Sweet Home guard station. Gates The Woman's club is sponsoring a home-coming com munity party for returned sol diers January 30, to be held in the school hou.ce. Mill City The VFW auxiliary and post plan a social evening in the fire hall January 24, to honor service men Who have returned. There are about 35,000 miles of federal airways in the United States. counts... it's olines, at j Friendly Associated Dealers everywhere. . Mrt. L. A. LeDoux Elected Mt. Angel Altar Strciety MT. ANGEL. Jan. 21-(Special) Mrs. Iuis A. LeDoux was elected president of the St. Ann's Altar society at the annual election on Sunday afternoon. Other offkers are Mrs. Christine Kronberg, vice-president; Mrs. John Diehl, secretary; Mrs. Frank Meissner, treasurer. Card parties will be held twice a month, the first and third Wed nesdays, it was decided. Cloverdale Group Honors Member CLOVERDALE. Jan. 21.-(Spec- ial)-A surprise shower for Mrs. Louis Hennies, was held at the Karl Wipper home Friday. An in formal evening of games and fun preceeded the opening of the gifts. The guests included Zclla Webb: Mary Ball; Elizabeth Ball, Pauline Wipper, Mary Standley. Elizabeth Hennies, Florence Jarmen, Mar garet Miller, Francine Mickey, Bet ty Rosenau, Eula Hennies, Ann Kunke, Betty Drager, Lydia Schif ferer, Margaret Vickers, Sayde Petersen. Rosa Norris, Bobby Pet ersen, Thelma Wolfe, Gertrude, Shirley and Patricia Hennies, Ver non Wolfe, Louis Hennies, Jerrold, Karl and Bernice Wipper. Hefleys of Danrion Return After Visit SWEGLE, Jan. 21 -(Special)-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ilefley and daughter, II-azel have returned to their home in Bandon. They have been at the home of Mrs. Hefley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rick et, on Garden Road for several weeks while Miss Hcflcy received medical treatment in Salem. Slate Officer (Monies TURNER, Jan. 21 -(Spccial)-Victoria chapter of Eastern Star will be host to the state associate grand conductress. lima Thum, Wednesday night. She will con duct a school of instruction. There are approximately 250 commercial airports in the United States. 22. 1946 Parsons Leave For California FALLS CITY. Jan. 21-(Special). Mr. and Mrs. Z. B. Parsons are returning to California after visit ing a month with her parents. Mrs. James Bunch and her son. Bill Fairbanks, have moved to Seattle. Mr.: and Mrs. Jack Marr and son Richard of Portland spent the week end with their son Harvey Marr and family. Recent Dallas visitors included Mrs. Jessie Moyer, Mrs. Evelyn Bunch and Dwight Shoffie. Mrs. Arch Montgomery and her daughter, Mrs. Calvin Bones and son Timmie of Oceanlake spent Wednesday with Mildred Wray. Mother's Illness Brings Soldier on Furlough SWEGLE, Jan. 21 - (Special ) -Mark Renney has been at his home on Sunnyview ave. on a 45-day furlough from the army. He was called home by the serious illness of his foster mother, Mrs. Nellie I Swartz of Salem. Turner Lodge Installs Its Remaining Officers TURNER. Jan. 21. -(Special) -Ideal lodge of the Rebekahs held installations Monday. Hester Crume, district deputy, was in charge. Lulu Chapman was in stalled as chaplain, Rosa Pappali, secretary and Sadie Petersen, con ductor. A reception was held for Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jensen, who were recently married and both active members oT the lodge. Jensen is a member of the I.O.O.F. m an r-WTl--, i f'A 1 Clttn. rich milk from X I X Jfe healthy, tested cows ampled and Iabers rT7-' x. -iJ "v qs. or'r tested whes re- AT,' t Milh Iht finest '.y ' ) -jj 5 , ' ' and most mod- "A -iL c JK .$ f . em equipment VTV l, ' tested again by JL " 'v l our laboratory to 1 A t-$ l ''-', I make sure the qnal- Kr -SfS- - f t , i ' I lly Is Just right J v!nJ j Vyi tPPk bottled In ster- "' .f V Tlw: " Mfeguarded dur- j ct b-r i f. 1 i-jyAiN VISIT TIIK MAYFLOWER PLANT . . . and lor yourself what thorough precaution aro taktn In overy atop to Inauro you ol unilorm quality and purity In ovory bottlo ol Mayflowtr Milk. Valley Obituaries Reinert John Hlnderlle AURORA Reinert John Hind erlie, 64, of Hubbard, died Friday after a few months illness. He was born Aug. 2, 1882 in Yankton county, S. Dakota, came to Oregon in 1899. He was married to Jen nie Edwards in 1906 in Portland. They lived in Canby, and North Bend until last August when they came to Hubbard. He was a paint er and decorator. Besides the widow survivors are ' a daughter, Edna McMichael of j North Bend, five sons, Arthur and Archie in the coast guard, John of North Bend, Reinert and David of Eastside, Ore.; four brothers. Hans, Edward and Martin Hinder lie of Yakima; and Sevren of Park land, Wash., and eight grandchil dren. Funeral services were held Mon day from the Canby Funeral home. Rev. A. M. Wanvig officiated and burial was made in Zoar Lutheran cemetery. James Henry Sylvester LEBANON, Jan. 21- (Special ) The steel tower of a mobile ce ment mixer caught in an overhead power line carrying 11,000 volt current which killed James Henry Sylvester, 40, Lacomb, Saturday as he worked on the mixer. Surviving are the widow in Lebanon; two sons, in the armed forces in California; three broth ers, Ray, Joseph and Riley, and one sister, Mrs. Harold Dibble, Portland. All Day Meeting Held TURNER, Jan. 21 -(SpeciaD-The Sisterhood of the Christian church met Thursday for an all day meeting and no host dinner at the home of Mrs. O. A. Warren. mm mmm 213S Fairground Road PAGE THREE Cloverdale Club Elects CLOVERDALE. Jan. 21 (Spe cial) -Consolidated Clubs met on Wednesday with Margaret Vkkers. Rosa Ahrens was elected presi dent; Ina Riches, vice president, and Dorothy Nelson, secretary treasurer. A no-host dinner wss served at noon. Later Margaret Miller and Nellie Thomas demonstrated "im proved sewing skills." The next meeting will be Feb ruary 20 with Mrs. Sam Drager when Marjorie Tye, home demon stration agent, will discus a home filing system. StiuientK Weekend With Parents fin Goverdale CLOVERDALE, Jan. 21 -(Special) -Edith Schifferer, students at )SC spent the week end v ith her parents, the Fred Sohifferers. Jack Sch'iffeier, also an OSC student, visited his parents, the John Sen! f fereis. Mr and Mrs. Wally Kunke and small son, Leon, of Portland, visiled at the A. E. Kunke home last week. It is not necessary to wait to have your TYPEWBITEB REPAMED Salem's Largest Typewriter Repair Shop can pick up your typewriter or adding machine, repair It and re turn it within 3 days . . . HEEDHAII'S BOOK STOBE 4(5 State Street. Ph. SIS Delivered to Your Store or to Your Door Salem Phono 9205 .