The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 19, 1994, Page 3, Image 3

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    It OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Saturday Morning. January. 19. 1948
Guests Are
Bidden to
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Riihes
will bo hosts for a dinner party
tiiftiftht iin compliment to a croup
'( f their friends. The affair will
be held at the Normandy Manor.
Cover will be plated for Col.
nd Mrs. Elmer V. Wooton, Mr.
nd Mrs. Harry Schcnk, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph II Campbell, Mr.
and Mrs. Wendell Webb, Mr. and
Mrs. Karl Heinlein and Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Riches.
A Luncheon
Mrs. Riches entertained in
formally at luncheon Thursday
m i nursnay
afternoon at her
street home for a few
Ouets wete Mrs. F. W. Leh
mr, Mrs. Roswell .Beach arid
daughter, Sharon lvc, Mrs. Karl
Heinlein, Mrs. Thomas Riches
find dotinl.ter. Susan, and Miss
Fatriiia Riches.
Fori Mrs. Hill
A housewarming party was
given at the new home of Mrs.
Thomas P. Hill Hf in the Kei
zer district on Thursday night.
Cards were in play during the
evening, and later a supper was
At the party were Mrs. Ewald
Franx. Mrs. Gene Hoxsey, Mrs.
Tom Eowden. Mrs. James Hurd,
Mrs. (Allen Jolinson, Mrs. Roy :
Farmer and Mrs. Hill.
lion Diapers
Ark Needed Now
A -million diapers are needed
for overweas relief, and an
emeisency cull has been issued
to tre United Council of church
, woni en to supply them. The Sa-
lem (council of church women is
; being asked to help. Layettes and
usedj baby clothes are -also being
requjt-sted. In some communities,
the jF.uropean representative of
the United Council of Church
-Women reports, no children born
this year, has survived.
Eajch package is to be marked
US$W-Diapers" and the num
ber jh the package. New diapers
must be laund;red to meet U. S.
shippng requirements. Pack
ages; ire to be left at the mailing
windw in Miller's basement as
soon, as possible. The Salem
count il of church women will
take fare of shipment.
Sigfit Seeing Tour
Gcjrden Explorer Finds Plants Knew
Wdrm Weather Be Expected Soon
By Maxine Buren
Women's Editor, The Statesman
his morning I stepped out into the garden to look around. Evl
dint I J
the plants sensed the coming of warmer weather before I,
e they've pushed their heads up through the ground and seem
i to be
looking forward to monlhs
ne should take a walk around the yard on a day when the
air i
rvarm and the ky showing a
a thri
I in being the first to we
a traiui new plant or
Ifiif, fju,-t opening.
I ffund that the ferns staked
dmwiliri the fall have taken root
I n ;f the old stalks and Soon
can x' pulled off and planted
by themselves to make nice
plant! this summer.
Prifnioses separated just after
blooming last suijnmer are much
huskier than thosie divided in the
fall. They seeml almost as big
as th original poants, and have
sent ut new leaves galore. The
pei soi who suggested dividing
them jn July wa.i smart.
Violas, seed for which was
planted last July, are now nice
ay's Menu
Let's have cherry pie, float
ing island and potato soup on the
weekend menus.)
li !
Jellied prune-nut salad
Pot roa.4t with
Carrots, oniohs, potatoes
Floating; island
i t ,
Pear-cottage salad
Veal loaf
Mushroorh gravy
Browned potatoes
Creamed onions
Cherry pie a la mode
Potato soup with
Paprika crackers
Cold cuts
Buttered maccaroni
Spiqach au gratin
Apple fritters
Custard sauce
I0W. . .
In Oar New Location
111 S. Liberty St.
Watch Repairing,
All Makes
141 S. Liborty St
i Former Location of
H. T. Love
Society . ...
Music .... The
Maxine Buren
Wcmtn'i editor
Miss Ruth
-i .
Rempel to
Event of Sunday aftcrnon at
4 o'clock will be the marriage
if Miss Ruth Rempel, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George G. Rem
pel, to Mr. Harlan Ratzlaff, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ratzlaff
of Fairbury, Nebraska. The cer
emony will take place at the
Leslie Methodist church at 4 o'
clock, with the Rev. Homer Lei
sey of Dallas officiating. Mr. El
mer Hiebert will be the soloist:
and Mr. Maurice Brennen the
The bride has asked her sister,
Miss Margaret Rempel, to be
her maid of honor. Bridesmaids
will be another sister, Miss
Katharine Rempel, and Mrs.
Ben Friesen of Dallas.
Mr.-Alfred Thiessen will stand
with the groom as best man, and
ushers will be Mf. Ben and Mr.
Henry Friesen of Dallas, cou
sins of the bride.
A reception in the church
parlors will be held immediate
ly after the ceremony. After a
wedding trip, the couple will
return to Salem, where they
will temporarily reside. '.
Miss Rempel is a graduate of
Salem schools and studied mu
sic at Willamette university. Mr.
Ratzlaff received his education
in Nebraska, and was engaged
in farming.
Home for the weekend are
Mary Lou McKay and June
Young, Oregon State college
freshmen, who.are guests at the
homes of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas McKay and Mr.
and Mrs. Hubbell Young.
The American War Mothers
tea slated for January 22 has
been poMponed until February.
of growth.
bit of blue here and there. There's
neauny looning nine pianis.
They were very small when set
out into the garden last fall but
show new growth now,
Violets, though ours are pretty
uninteresting because old and
not a good variety, are up and
showing some weak looking
blooms. A good variety would
probably be ready for picking.
Then the bulbs.
Strong four-inch daffodil
shoots are coming up here and
there through the peat moss and
leaves. I was surprised to see
them up so far, just as if there
had been no frost for - months.
Tulips too are showing their
heads as are all the other early
blooming bulbs.
The little snowdrops which
bloom, oh so early every winter,
are all through and beginning
to fade. They were at their best
during the coldest weather.
I saw the Christmas rose just
unfolding, too. It will make an
attractive spot in the yard for a
long time.
Each day brings new interest
to the garden, and no day will
go by from now on, which will
not give pleasure to the sightseer
who takes a turn around the
yard each morning.
To me, a rank amateur gar
dener, this is the most fascinat
ing of all times of year to watch
growing things. Baby plants, like
baby humans, make surprising
changes every day and one
shouldn't miss seeing a single
stage of development.
Phono 5955 153 S. Liberty Roy Morrow
Radio-Electronic t
Factory Srric for All Makos of ; Horn and Auto
Parts for All Makes and Models
Tubes and Batteries of Eyery Kind ;
Motorola for Home and Auto Packard-Bell and Clarion
Radios - PhUco Auto Radios
Electronic Controls - Repairs and Parts'
Most Completely , Equipped Laboratory
Hiahly Skilled Radio Technicians !
We Can Make Any Radio and Electronic Equipment
to Order
Jeryrrte, English
.: Society Ml tor. :
:- ' i f
American Lrgion auxiliary.
Gamima Phi Beta alumnae with
Calline Hlllman, 623 S. ' Church
st., H:30 dinner. ;
United Spanish War Veterans
and auxiliary.: Vf"W hall. 8 p.m.
Wrslryan Service guild. Leslie
MeUiodist church, with Miss Jes
sie Beldcri. 610 S. Winter st., 8
p.m. . .
White Shrine of Jerusalem,
Masonic Temple, p ni.
Jaycettes with Mrs. Wendell
Ewinf , 2343 Myrtle ave., S p.m.
Rainbow Girls Installation, Ma
sonic Temple, p.m.
Salem Council of Church Wom
, en. 3 pjn.. YWCA.
Theatre Arts group with Mrs. .
Leon Lassers, 433 N. 17th ft., 1
p.m. . ,.; .
Eastern Star Social Afternoon
club, .Masonic Temple, Red Croaa
sewing, all day, noon luncheon.
War Mothers social meeting,
noon luncheon. Legion hall, all
.... AAUW pre-school child atudy
froup with Mr. Donald Dawson,
845 John t.. S p.m.
AAUW Recent Graduate with
Miss Jessica Kinney, 760 Marion
St.. 8 pjn. i l
Norths Section Women' guild.
First Congregational church, with
Mrs. W E. Hanson, 820 N, Church
t.. 2:30 p.m
AAUW Afternoon . Literature
group with Mrs. Custer Ron, 787
Cross St.. 1:13 dessert luncheon.
Town and Gown. Carrier room,
Firit Methodist church, 1:30 p.m.
American Legion auxiliary
Juniors Legion hall, 4 p m.
Sojourner guest day. bridge
tea, Salem Woman's club, 1 p.m.
Miss Cornwell
New Advisor
Cornwell, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Cornwell, was in
stalled si worthy advisor of Ev
ergreen Assembly No. j 12, Or
der of Rainbow for Girls, at the
Masonic temple on Wednesday.
Miss Juanita Sebern, the retir
ing worthy advisor, was install
ing officer, and was assisted by
Betty Lou Workman, chaplain;
Edna Hermanson, marshall; Ca
rolyn Evenden, recorder, and
Donna Dean, musician. ;
Other officers installed were
Barbara Simonitn, associate
worthy advisor; Joan Schuler,
Charity; I Ardell Rudi, Hope;
Anita Miller, Faith; Mary Hel
sel, recorder; j Barbara Fisher,
treasurer; Hazel Engle, chap
lain; Merry McGrath, drill lead
er; Joanne Garver, love; Joan
Davis, religion; Lois Thompson,
nature; Jeanne Butterfield, im
mortality Eleanor Moen, fidel
ity; Dorothy Bjelland, patrio
tism; Donna Sebern, service;
Patsy Houseweart, confidential
observer;', Joan Johnson, outer
observer;? Patricia Withers, mu
sician; Beverly Anderson, choir
director, f with; Judy 'McClure,
Betty Jo Deilaan, Laura Lou
McClain,; and Donna Gilliam,
members of the choir.
After the installation, a musi
cal program Was given, with
Merry and Jartie McGrath play
ing a piano duet and Mrs. Ro
bert Renn singing, with Donna
Dean , at the piano.
Escorted to the east were Mrs.
E. J. Hughes and Neal: Butter
field, worthy matron and. wor
thy patron of i Evergreen chap
ter, Order of Eastern Star; Mrs.
Ralph Sebern, mother of the re
tiring worthy advisor; Mr. and
Mrs. Cornwell, parents! of the
newly installed worthy advisor;
and Mrs. Neal Butterfield,
mother advisor.
Mr. and BIrs. Conrad Paulson
and Tommy are spending the
weekend in Portland as guests
of her mother, Mrs. Thomas
Watson, t ;
' ! i
Mrs. Frank Roseborough and
son Michael plan to leave Sun
day for a stay of several weeks
In Los Angeles, Fresno! and at
Occanside, Calif.
Relieve misery, as most mothers l - f
Hocketts Are
Feted by
j Mr. and Mrs. Chester O. Olson
were hosts for an informal din
ner party YVednesday night at
their home on Fawk street In
honor of Captain and Mrs. Ver
den E. Hockett. Captain Hock
elt, Who is stationed at Bremer
ton, was home on leave for sev
eral days.
I Covers were placed for Cap
tain and Mrs. Hockett, Dr. and
Mrs. Willard N. Thompson, Ma
jor and Mrs. William Hugh
Adams, Mrs. Edward A. Lebold
and Mr. and -Mrs. Chester Olson,
': I Captain and Mrs. Hockett left
Thursday for Astoria for a visit
with Captain and Mrs. Max
Moon and from there went on
to Olympia and Seattle. Mrs.
Hockett is visiting in Olympia
with Mr. and Mrs. Victor P. Mc-
Namara, former Salem residents.
She will return home the first
of the week.
; ! - i
l The Izaak Walton league aux
iliary was entertained Wednes
day night at the home of Mrs.
E. J. Church. Installation of of
ficers for the ensuing year was
held. Mrs. Lloyd Reinholdt is
the new president; Mrs. Walter
Thomas, vice president; Mrs.
Homer Robinette, secretary, and
Mrs. James Loder, treasurer.
Mrs. Frank Kolsky, jr., is the
retiring president.
i i Committees appointed by the
president include Mrs. Lloyd
Heals, fish I and game; Mrs.
Frank Kolsky, Jr., membership;
Mrs. Verne Robb, finance; Mrs.
Junior Eckley and Mrs. Claude
Post, hospitality. Plans were an
nounced for the ham dinner on
February 21.!
Attending : were Mesdames
Frank Kolsky, jr., Walter Thom
as, Harold Jenkins, Howard
Ppst, James Loder, Lloyd Rein
holdt, Claude Post, Ronald
Rossner, Lloyd B-als, Olga
Hinges, Homer Robinette, Philip
Peterson, Lyle Foree, Verne
Robb, A. W. Buismart, Junior
Eckley, H. W. Hornaday, Virgil
Allen, E. J. Church, W. H. Has
kins, D. R. Yeater and Emory
Members of the Marlon Cath-
bert chapter of Tri-Y gathered
for a supper Thursday at the
Blue Bird and later enjoyed a
theatre party. The group is led
by Mrs. Mary Brown.
f v. i
11 s
t ! 1
ninri niTii ii 1"'iaiiniml
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll
Sharp (Elizabeth Torvend)
who were married on De
cember 27 at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Torvend. A re
ception followed the cere
mony. Past Grands at
Murphy Home
The Past Noble Grands club
met at the home of Mrs. Grant
Murphy, Wednesday, Co-hostesses
were Mrs. Ellen Reynolds,
Mrs. Grace Newbold, Mrs.How
ard Huhsaker and Mrs. William
Cladek. Mrs. Mabel MacGregor
"is a 'new member. Miss Hazel
Price and Mrs. Clem .Ohlsen
read clippings of interest. Hos
tesses and committees were
drawn. The February committee
includes Mrs. Clem Ohlsen, Mrs.
Will Gardner, Mrs, Ida Traglio
and MihS Wilda Sifgmund, and
the March, Mrs. Leo Weir, Mrs.
Estella Hess, Mrs. Dora Hilt and
Mrs. Blanche Hull.
. The National Association of
Letter Carriers auxiliary Mon
day night installed the follow-'
lng officers: Adeline Rocks,
president; June Gairett, vice
president; Emma Pearce, secre
tary; Sybil Doughton, treaur
er; Phebe Wagers, mistress-at-arms
Esther Rothrock, color
bearer; Violet Kenagy, chaplain,
Mrs. Virginia Wilson, ! retiring
president. Hostesses were Esther
Rothrock and Sybil Doughton.
icMeS (Beautiful)
OTHSOS (Beautifully Tailored) as low as
This is all NEW Fall and Winter merchandise,
reduced for immediate clearance!
The Smart Shop
New Pledges
Eleven coeds were announced
as pledges of the four Willam
ettp university sororities Friday
night at pledge dinners
held at thechapter houses. This
marked the co.e, of open
rushing. Pledge services will be
held at a later date to be an
nounced by the houses.
Pledges of Pi Beta Phi are
Muriel Oliver, Yakima, Wash.;
Mary Beth Snow, Los Angeles:
' Winona Dillard, Toledo, and
Carol Bergstrom, McMinnville.
Pelta Gamma pledges are
Beverly McMillan, Salem; Carol
Dimond, Portland: Aldenc
Gould, Newberg, and Jean Mc
Cleary, Portland.
Alpha Chi Omega pledget!
Evelyn Anderson, Portland, and
Jo Ann Palleske, Eugene.
Wearing the Chi Omga
pledge ribbon will be Ruth Clt,
Mr. Bartlett Is
Guest Speaker
Salem Council of Women's or
ganizations heard W. M. Bart
lett speak on post war readjust
ment and development, for which
he is consulting engineer, at its
meeting Thursday afternoon. He
discussed the natural resources
ni me vauey ana toia aooui nooa
control plans. He also talked
about the use of waste products
such as small wood scraps and
waste farm crops in this area.
William Braun spoke on the
emergency housing situation and
discussed progress toward pre
paring the barracks at the airport
for use of returning veterans and
families. Small apartments are
being prepared with city and
fetleral funds, he said. Applica
tions are being received by Mr.
Saalfcld at 3755.
Mrs. R. Vance MacDowell told
of plans being made for com
munity social and recreational
club and mentioned the plan
ning meeting set for January 30
at the chamber of commerce.
Mrs. Esther Little, YWCA sec
retary, told the women about the
plans for a new YWCA building.
Dr. E. E. Boring announced the
new Marion county Red Cross
drive to raise $75,000. Mrs.
David Wright reported on
Christmas at the Corvallis naval
hospital and commended Salem
clubs fot helping make it a pleas
ant occasion for the patients.
Mrs. Albert J. Walker, presi
dent, urged all clubs to send
resolutions regarding public
kindergarten In Salem to the
school board. She announced
DRESSES as low as
COATS as low as
as low
Known Sweaters as low as
and Winter
February 21 as the next meet
ing date. .
The Salem Writers' club met
on Wednesday with Miss Bi en
da Glass. "Original work was
read by Miss Edna Garfield,
Mrs. J. C. Nelson, Mrs. Robert
Hutcheon, Mrs. William Fordyce
Fargo, Miss Brenda Glass, Mrs.
Jessie C. Singleton, Dr. Mary
Rowland, Mrs. Blanche Jones,
Perry Rcigelman and Dr. Mor
ton E. Peck. Other members
present were Mrs. N. F. Ander
son, Mrs. Flora Thompson En
ders, Mis. Morton E. Peck, Rob
ert Rawson and William F.
Bardens to
Fete Club
Members of the Salona Hub
will motor to Portland tonight
to be dinner guests at. the new
home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bar
den, formerly of Salem. Con
tract bridge will be in play dur
ing the evening. The affair will
be a housewarming for the Bar
dens' new home.
Attending will be Mr. and
Mrs. Charles S. McElhinny, Mr.
and Mrs. James Turnbull, Mr,
and Mrs. Oscar Paulson, sr., Mr.
and Mrs. L. O. Arens, Mr. and
Mrs. Lyman McDonald, of Sa
lem, and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Bar
rett and Mr. and Mrs. Bardcn
of Portland.
Pringle Women
Flan OUPPer
The Pringle Woman's club
held a no-host luncheon meet
ing Wednesday at the club
house. Quilting w'as enjoyed
during the afternoon, and plans
were made for a chicken sup
per to be held in the future.
The next meeting will be Janu
ary 30.
Attending were Mrs. F. W.
Wiltsey, Mrs. II. C. Stapleton,
Mrs. C. H. Grajbenhorst, Mrs,
Lyle Lorenti, Mrs. W. I. Kim
ball, Mrs. Joe Gray, Mrs. Tho
mas Trent, Mrs. William Vroo
man, Mrs. Amelia Schendel and
Mrs. George Scttlemeicr.
Mrs. B. W. Stacey, chairman
of Americanism jfor the Amer
ican Legion auxiliary, is an
nouncing the subject of the an
nual essay contest as "Ameri
can Citizens: Our Responsibili
ties, Our Privileges." Junior and j
senior high school students are
eligible to enter the contest,
which includes all states and
territories. A set of encyclope
dias will go to the winner in
each state and territory and cash
awards will go to national win
ners in junior and senior high
. . . .
Pages Are;
Hosts at ;
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer C, Page
were hosts for a smartly ar
ranged dinner party Friday night
at their Chemeketa street, home
for a group of their friends.
A yellow and white' color
schemeivas carried out n the
appointments and the ! table
centerpiece was of early rpnng
flowers. Contract bridge was in
play after the dinner hour.
Covers were placed for Mr.
and Mrs. F. W. Poorman, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Bell and Mr. and
Mrs. Wilmer Page.
Mrs. George Lawrence of
Portland is spending a few
in the capital at the home of h-r
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald McCargar.
'OS. -r-.
TcV.e a Hp frcm Cupid . .
youH make a hit with
ycur portrait by
Artist rhotograpber i
Oregon Bldg. Ih. "131
l Vw-8 M
'"VA ' '.'.. '