Tho OREGON STATESMAN, Salom, Oregon. Wednesday Morning, January 18, 1946 PAGE FIVE f Cndy "News HBo'Seffs i Tho Orogon Statesman Tolophono 9101 M TION ON BIDS SLATED fAltliough bids for the purchase f the historic Knapp hotel bui!4 infc at Purt Orford and a number of! building at Camp Hammond mi the Wolf Creek highway were 1 ..-rird by the state highway com irii.v!ou here Tuesday, action will nft bi; taken until the next com rniis..;on meeting, in Portland, it INJIKItS REPORTED Henry Bumham, 860 N. 20th it. fell off a roof here he was work ing Tuesday and sprained an ankle, city first aid men reported. J. G. Webb, 1337 Market t. cut the base of h left thumb hile he was opening a pumpkin, $tary Best sustained a' broken arm1 and cut knee in a Monday afternoon automobile accident on the Orch- v a announced. The hotel, which w ed !. when the coaf t high- ; ard Height! road, diagnosis may v.a largely comprised, of i showed. She wa taken to Salem ha id' tfi beaches usable only j (enet a! hospital by city first aid when the U: uuii ed by th was out, was at- , nuti commission when It uichael righU-of-way for re- l.x ition of the highway in ...the I'oii (hffird section. Mike arrangement with Bihop's Mudio to have your family pic ture, made, during the holidays. At your home or in the studio. IMB 1KNIX NEW SECRETARY Bob Fenix is the new secre tary of the Salem Rotary club. He succeed Krvin Smith who has I .e'en the club secretary for more than lour year.. Fenix js business' manager for Willamette univer sity. ft Ac W. Tue Service. ..formerly r-d by V M. Smith a nd K. K. W',lk i(.on. ha been taken ovet hy Mi. Smith and is now known 'I he-. Broadway Tire Service, 1108 Broadway. Phone 8286. Taxi? Capital Cab, phone 64. INSTALLATION TONIGHT Sons of Norway will install of ficers at 8 o'clock tonight at the Woman's club, with Kmil Slovarp, Norwegian consul in Portland and ; president of the second district (Idaho, Washington and Oregon) of Sons of Norway lodge, as in- i stalling officer. Names of pro-J posed new members aUo will be ! considered. At 9 o'clock the meet-! ing will be opened to the? public. 1 M. C. Storustee of Silverton will f Public Records Ernest LaChapellej $25 and Costs for operating cjjir with no ; motor vehicle operator's licence. John William Bunjfc; $5 and j cotits for passing another vehicle with insuifieient clearance. MUNICIPAL COURT! Bert Wittenberg, 445 Univer sity st.; -failure to gire, right-of-way to pedestrian; $10 bail. CIRCUIT COURT f Velma Iva Hamilton vs Floyd Raymond Hamilton: Sui. for di vorce charging cruel nd inhum an treatment a-ks for? etjitly of four minor children; $60 per montr TOMLINSON SENTENCED Rlcharjd Wallace Tomliruson, arrested jMonday night by Deputy Sheriff james Garvin on a war rant out of Salem Justice court charging larceny, waived prelimi nary hearing in the Salem jus ike couft Tuesday morning and was sentenced by Circuit Judge M. Page to six months in th County jail. Tomlinson, who has record-1 of four arrests since 940, was' charged with taking a Washing machine. r ! -i For home loans tee Salem Fed eral, 130 South Liberty. f - . , . W- DOl'OHTO.V OV COAST j t'apt. Wayne Doughton, son of Mjvnr fl:nd Mri if Kf rViu.htfvn L. 4h,..-H k ip.inl roonitt support m .ney and pro E. V. . I j , . . 1 plus costs and fees. Married inhere he is scheduled to receive . . f Li.. ' : .... la.. I June Ml. into, at JJayion. priori 1rftAv inH r I art tn Viola Khever vs Kejnnrth Klie- j fciang and not too much flattery, ver: Defendant files janswer ad- he said and writers should, in mitting and denying. Motion dude theii return addrossesl The made to set case for trial. 'letters should be pinned securely Cecil H. Davis and Mina M f to each garment or buttoned into Davis vs C. C. KillrnaVworth and I , nnbM Th ilniiun, r,.rl oiners: v-ompiaint loquiet tite Helen L. EulkJey vs Gerald HUiKiey: uecree or fin vjorc e award; ; Heas shipment plaintiff custody of two minor j One-Way Traffic (Ion I inning on iSonlli Santiani hi terminal liiv Ttmiffhtrtn :! :hoe wife, th fotmer Meha Belle Savage, alscj makes her home jh Salem, has been in-command pf a hospital unit in Manila. Lutz Flower Shojjpe, '1276 N. Lib erty, phpne 95921 ; Donoi's Asked To Send Letter Willi Gothinir C7 j , Each ierson who donate an -article of clothing to the city clothing drive for the needy in Euroje, China a h o the Philip i pines should enclose a sjhorl. I friendly Jctler of good will, For rest Breakey of Capitol Buinc-sD college, drive eriu alional chair man, sai! luesoay. s i-.av in the B;,;e Kiver bridge vi- School children already! hv- :.,(, y wl,ere a slide several davs ; cooperating with respect to letter aeo reauired one-wav travel. ' fHher road conditions: Fog and One-wsiy tralfic continues on the South Santiam highway near SHta Springs, 'but most of the snow-packed roads in the Santiam junction distrirt'have been sanded, and are passable. H. H. Baldock. state highway engineer, reported Tuesday. Two-way trj-flic was resumed Tuesday on the McKenzie hieh- writing but Breakey want adults as well to enter into the inter national good will spirit of the drive. , The missives should be NEW TITLE DESIGNATED i bv action oi ine execuiiv e ooaro. Marion jrounty capter. American i children. $50 per month support be pressed berauj-e it will be j baled into big bundles for over- Red Crs, the f tie of executive speaK on innustnai iNorwy, rw ; (.rctary of Uie fchapter jias been his address is to be followed by ; chang to exejcplive manager, a oiaI hour. I with MsT blrveJorak Byron tak. 'jmg the hew designation. The chap- Wanted: Used furn. Ph. 5110. HOSPITAL STAFF ELECTS Dr. William Lidbeck was nam ed president of the Salem General hospital medical staff at the monthly staff dinner Monday state po- i night. Dr. A. T. King is new vice ked with ! president; Dr. Donald Searing, Janeny frbm an automobile. He secretary-treasurer; Dr. D. R. Ross, 1 hHd in the county pail on a 'surgical services; Dr. F. - Power, TURNER MAN HELD Nellis Eugene Greer was arrested there by lice Tuesday and chit Turner, $1000 bail. medical services, and Dr. W. N. Thompson, specialties chairman; 1 hr. developing St printing ser-'f ice at Buirke's Camera jShop. 174 Weddw-.g pictures taken at h Conal. 1 ' church. 520 Slate. Ph. 5722. the Obituary Mr V'tolrt M Uivin. It renldent mf Wslter lret. unJ4y. Januaiy IS t local hospital. Wile of Karl K Givm of Salern: mottiiir of Rich ard and Knrith Gimof Salem: or Mr. and Mrf Baymond lxx kaid' of Salem: itr of Kita -and lrr a IxK kaiid of Salem anfl Raymond I) i.ocsid of Ui U. S; isriny. Sei vte will b lield Wednesday. Janu ary If a i put. at ttie t loiif h-Bai -nri c-tie ith Rev. U.N'. Snyder 'ft.cia'ir.s Inteitnent in C'ty Cemeter) t oyder view Raaf !-".. I lllian Staf Ute ridfnt f San t-nclt Jajiuaiv IS IJUuifliler of M and Mn Jacob Kid- of Salem. :.( of Ml Eda Noniifiri and Mr. ltne( Oiiisard both of faframento. ( a if . Mm-F!oerte, Miss Mane. Miss f tf Rut. ard. Ted. Alvin and Hemv f all of Salem; and sraJnddauRhter of Mr. Ri Kctinidef of l-(lbron, N.D. A!.novirtiwnl of rr icei iatr by ioush-Ban n. k coinpanv, j VUia( I lanl Wejltini, lle kident of raut 1 iiook. Sundav. jlanuarv 13. St Uie ae of 13 yean, fion of Mr. :d Mri Riiv Wenllinf of Brooha. bsotiier of Delona. Waiter. Donald and Dean Wending, ail of Biopkj; grand-a-n of Mi. and Mr. Juttiii Wectling of Brook and Mr and! Mr. Ora T-irrtiS of Dorru. Calif. Services will b.- hekl at the Ootish-Baitrick clwpel Wedreday. Janitary ) at 1S-30 a.m. itn Rev C"larle Durdenj officiating. Inlcrietit in Eetcret Memorial park. I.rklie i !:itm cil-v Jannary 14, ".ber Waiih ing:on I.h. late residenjl of Saleniy er 71 yei. b.oUier, -ol B O. Ivlie of Ulr)da)e, Calif Carnel Renderman and Hairiet 1.. llie. both ,of Salem. F-sineraf service Tliurday.. Januaiy 17. at 3 v 'ii. at th W. T. Rtgdon errpany cliapel. with concluding erv icf at Belcreist Memorial park. Rev. ( nefter, B Himblm officiating. O'Brien At ti.e tnidence. 490 North CaiPitol Kl . Saie.-n. Mm Anna O Br en. age M year. Sister of Charle O'Bnert of &ajn: aunt of Mix Kathleen 0"Brien ol Woodtrurn and Mn. W. C. Ojvi ( Ontario. Ore. Services will be pield Wednesday. January U. at 9 a m. i(i St. JnT i' Cjthat'C church with th W. IT Rigdoo company directing, lipter tnent at St. Barbaia ceinrtrry. ' f.llnam Mr. tillir M Giiiiarr), 76. late (resi t of route 5. Salein. at the Home of !- dailg'ler. Mr. Ila Gilbeftson trf Poiliand. January 14. Survived by two ons, Jane (iilnani o( Halrni, and f;eufge Gllhaui of Portland: t six djugtiteri. Mi Alta Kcuiciier : and Mr. In.t! v Hatiey of Salem. M r. Martt'a Mmih of Oreron Cilv. Mr. Hj.el Bwken of Silverton. Mr. Leta Gilbertion j of Portland and Mui IU JamnCr ofl II a Centei, Wash.; (two bother, ljfi F,.' Parion of Salem land S i anli Pafkbn of Gianl. Nrbr IS g.ndttuldt'er,! and seven great krtand rtnldien Wis Gilliam nva a inrinbi-r of tlie Firs? t'hrUtian church. Fufieral ervice MI be held In the Hoyi-ell-Fdward cffajW Thiudav. Januart 1". at 1-SO p ill . Rev. Dudley Stiain ffi-t-ia'ing. Cioncluding seivice at; the Wa ten cemetery. I f Riw k j At Oregon City hospital Mtidav, Jsmiaiy If. Fctto Kruger BiockHfoi Bierly jenjdent of S4i Game St i Sa )!'. Survived b huband. ITdgar:son. Rlirt: daujliler, Florence; pirtenu. Mr and Mr. E: C. Krtixer. MliS S. 4lh tt : aifilfi. Helen F-thell, Opal Zell. Vi'ilrt Montr. Hazel Janke and pons Kuger. all of Salem. Funeral services fip:n O. egon City mortuary atjl0:.'!0 m. Thursday. January 17. Graven tele eitfices at Belcret Memorial paik. 2 phi.. Harold W. Lyman officiating. rank tin " Waller rViklin. la'e reiden of Pfjitlaud. 4 a local hqspital. Januaiy 1. . Ahuounc rment (of funeral inanir inrnt will be made later by the Jlow-eU-r.rtw i-1 c)iapel.x BOOKS ARE OPENED About 15 nams havie appeared on the county registration books .since they were reopejned In the Marion county clerk's loffice Sat urday mojrtiing. j "Cyn" clonlse Photographs and frames. 1st Natl Banjk Bldg. IIAI IJNG PERMITS iilVEN The Marion county touvt Tues day granted peimits to haul pil ing over certain couniy roads to Geii and Van Handejl, Stayton; Art Anderson, Lyons, and Curtis F. Deets, Stayton. B aind R lag ging Co.. Silverton, wjas granted a permit to haul logs over certain county roadi. I Do yon bave a home for sale? It us aell it for you. We can finance if you want c.h. Call us today. Rich. L. Reimann. Realtor, 201 South High. Phone 3722. FIRST CANDIDATE FILES i The first declaration of candi dacy for nomination in the regu lar nominating primary election to be held 6n May 17, was filed with the Marion county clerk Tuesday by E. L. Rogers, route 2, box 306. Salem, who seeks thel office of county com minsi oner on the republican ballot. His ballot slogan will be "efficiency." Dance Saturdays, Siverton arm pry. Glenn Woodiy's 12-pc. band. NAME IS FILED W. B. Sullivan filed an assumed businesi name certificate with the Marion county clerk Tuesday for the Sullivan Realty Co., 3365 Portland road. Reroof with Johnn-Manville shin gles. Mathis Bros., 164 S. Com'l. Ph. 4642. ter has grown sot extensively that jit was felt the ojnly business like thing to do was to change the status of the secretary to that of manager, L. O. Aliens, board mem. ber, explained. F - f L ' I Business Law clafs begins Jan. 21. Capitol Businesi College night school, 345 Couif, ph. 5937. ; PORTLAND MAN SPEAKER " j The vjery Rev. Charles Guilbert, jdean oil St. Stephen's Episcopal cathedral in Portland, will be the I speaker! tonight! at 7:30 in St. Paul's Episcopal! ; church parish house at a meeting of the Men'i club of St. Pauti. The meeting will be j preceded by a I5-minute service at the cburch. . S ! '( i Good inside mill wood for immee diate delivery. Oregon Pulp & Paper. Ph. 9236. fills West salem.pi'lpit Dr. Daniel Schulze of Willam ette university, mn ordained cler gyman,; will supply the pulpit a the West Salem Methodist church on Sundays, both morning and evening, until a resident pastor is obtained, Dr. Roy A. Fedje, disl trict (jperintendent, announced Tuesday. : S. St W. Tire Service, formerly owned by F. M. Smith and K. Y,. Wilkefison, has been taken over by Mr, Smith and if now known as the Broadway Tire Service.) 1108 Broadway. Phone 828S. ' SPEAKS TO KIWANIANS j ; Glenn Holmes, public relations manager of Kampfer brothers "at Albanyi spoke to the Salem Ki wanis club at the Marion hotel Tuesday noon, urging that prim- money for each dhild and $100 per month allimonfr. ; Charlotte C. Posh) vs Augw ta Wruk Gri.wolrf Madson amd Chris Madson: Djefeindant fiien answer admitting $ti4 denying. Albert G. Kernsjj j jif. vs Father May Kernf: .Suit : for divorce chaiging cruel an id. inhuman treatment aks thai jsurname pf Rii;kard be restored to defend - 11944, at Sa- Secd Growers Debate Plan For Research PORTLAND, Jan. 15 Hi-A proposal that the state legislature and the board of higher educa tion establish a $10,000 annual research fund for the federal state seed ' testing laboratory at Oregon State college was before the Oregon Seed Growers' league today. Dr. Don D. Hill of OSC, speak ing at the grower' opening ses sion, said the lab needs more technicians and more space. A department of agriculture of ficial, Harry A. Schoth of j Cor- : vallis, urged Oregon farmers to spur their leadership in the seed industry by developing founda tion stock, continued certifica tion, new crop with higher yield, control of insects and diseases. ant. Married May 3 lem. PROBATE COI?RTf Jennie H. Michtjll, i estate: Re turn of sale of reakj (property filed by Ralph C. Zimmeiman. admin istrator. 1 1 Ellen Hatcher, estate: Feb. 18, 1946, date set for hearing on fi nal account of Carle Robert Ir vine, executor. . j i j; MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS ! Kenneth E. Slide-, 24. U.S. navy, 315 N. Commercial at., and Opal Reppond, 18. tlerk, 115'-i N. Commercial st., bdth Salem. r . i AVENI'E NAMED A Marion county Icourt order Tuesday changed tl name of county road 727 to McCain ave nue. Formerly knowh as John-t a Problem in Hhe Postwar son road it runs non'h from the j P'iod"' at this noon's meeting of Silverton road near the Middle-! the Salem Lions club. grove school. Government Camp pac ked snow and ice Odell Lake Clear with temper ature 12 above. Packed mow east ; of Milepost 55. partly sanded. One- ; way traffic between Oakridge and j the summit. Siskiyou Summit Icy in spots!" Sanded. j Klamath Falls Roads in good j condition. Astoria Columbia river high way closed at cast city limits of Astoria with detour through Ton gue Point Naval base. Pendleton Highways frosty. riiman PI ans Joint Message For Congress WASHINGTON, Jan. 15 i.J'i President Truman announced to t a surprised news conference to day that he is combining his messages on the state of the union and; the budget and will send the oner document to congress on , Moraday. j Tjhe White House previously j had! said that the state of the un ion imessage would be sent to the j capltol on Ihur.'day. Keporters wh pressed Mr. Truman as to reason for the change in plans only the statement that lie I ' LI l A I W Onf-m-Kn4 . .. i I j I " I k JZ ilmif ! QirantitSM ' I :SkJXmm". SHOP IARIY 4 tV f f J 1 OVuick Achon DRAIN PIPE CLEANER fm rirestona Supreme f 1 SILVER POLISH, U-Ounc. Crta 19 2g 29c 45 GI'RSKE IS SPEAKER Paul E. Gurske, chairman the state industrial accident of mission, is to speak on 'Accidents. com- H FURNITURE POLISH, Pint f Upheittery and i-N RUG CLEANER, Quart 59c J Fabric V"N UKT wlkapikic, uaiion vk VI Galvaaixed Steel hjZ CLOTHKSUNK PROP 1.29 B I A I I Am A A tsiicu esa a I 1 11 K' t-wrs BRWWin , l f Ironing Board 49 W 1.15 PAD AND COVER Salf-Pollihinq WILL ENTERTAIN SELVES KI'NEEAI. RITES HELD runeral services for Eliijabeth Salem Soroptimists will oerve Weanor Womer, 87. mother ojf Ray acy be; given to the human and IK'BBARD NAMES FILED Walter Davis, Hubbard, and, George Davix, Woodburn, filed an assumed business name certificate with the M.rion county clfcrk on spuitual values of life. :: i - - f ' A perrpanent secretarian position is oerii at Leslie i school. Phone 3890. - COLLISION REPORTED - ! Automobiles driven by Everett Price, jr., 1244 N. Front st., and Willis E. Mulkey, route 2. box 134D, Salem, collided in the 2000 block of North Capitol at. early Monday might without injury to any person, city police reported Tuesday. I ' - - - I' Chicken "Dinner Middle Groye School, Friday 18 From 6 to B .75 and .50. Free entertainmeni.jj their monthly "Soroptimist day" at their luncheon meeting this noon at the Golden Pheasant, with members of the organization pio viding the program. SPITZBART IS DIRECTOR Leo Spitzbart of Salem, manager j of the Oregon state fair, was j named a director of jthe Western j Fairs association at its meeting early this week In Santa Cruz, Calif. OFFICERS TO PORTLAND Sheriff Denver Youhg and Mar ion county Juvenile Officer Nona White, went to Portlaind Tuesday to return, two juveniles held there for the alleged theft! of a Salem car. ' TAKES DAI'GHTER; HOME Mr.. Charles H. Lawrence and infant daughter, 2035 N. Church it., were taken to their home from Salem General hospital Tuesday. SON TO DAVENPORTS A 7 pound 4 ounce son was born Tuesday at Salem Deaconess hospital to Mr. apd M's. Lee Dav enport, 6070 Fafvhavfn ave. Wilcox of Salem, were held Toes- driyt:'n? m c'orvam- Hereford UIUIICII, I WO SOUS, II grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren also survive. the got had! concluded, after a great deal of study, that one message would sen e just as well a two Ithe president was asked whe ther the strike situation had con tributed to his decision. He said it had not reply to another question. the; chief executive said he will send a separate message to con gress' asking approval of the pro pound $3 750.000 loan to Britain some time after his Monday message. Tuesday for Appliance. the Hubbard Home 7562. ; Painting Si decorating. Ph. CAR RECOVERED The automobile reported stolen last weekend from V. E. Kitchen; was recovered Monday night in the street in front of 295 S. 21st,j its engine running and lights on.j Residents: of t h e neighborhood told city police they did not knowj how long it had been there. - i DAI GIITER TO STEVENS j A 5 pound 3 ounce daughter was born Monday at Salem Dea-I cones hospital to Mr. and MraJ Al Steven. 2065 N. Liberty st. J APPRECIATION ! I wish to express! my appreci- j ation and thanks jlo the many ! thoughtful friends who called and who jent card and iflowers tome while I was in the hospital. MRS. EIJSIE GRANT. OFFICES NOW OPEN ooo Dr. H. J. Fredrick . , Optometrist CfS First Nat'L Bask Bldg. For Appolnlmeal Pb. 146 - Salt as, Orego The Oregon School Of Beauty Culture is overstocked jwilh Machineless Perman ent Waves. We are ohsring these at" a ?Tatiy reduced price given by Junior and Senior operators, carefully supervised by ezp?rinced instructors. Machine Waves .... $3.50 Up Call For An Appointment The Oregon School Of Beauty Culture 230 North Liborty Phono 6800 . 4 Authority on Deafness i 903 First National Bank Building ' Friday and Saturday, January 18th and 19th Thone 6350 Fr Siol Prvw and Dnv nsfTorion of Romarkablo, Now ACOUSTICON UNIPAC Foorvriog ffo Kovofetionory 'TOM THUMI" I kattry Mr44 F. McDonald f A SCIENTIFIC AllY TRAIN I O EXPHT ON HEARIN9 PtOtifMS His Yoort of Sorvico o Hio Hosl if Moottoo. Coo Provo Vary Voks M. YOU Cosm sea a4 hw this: great rsrttarioa ml f a woaocr la arias corrtctioa! UNIPAC is orobsbly the warid sasaliast, liflHeaf atoat powtrtul tissU-pack ItMriag iactrumcot tk: world. Actually BONE RECEIVERS well saagaetic air rccirri. Tb tiai "TOM THUMB" B BsMery sassUctt er.r oTaloo4 last corars tat cad o( yowr taaasb. Ytt it g eaeraus aaaasiag Itaafiiagtower! ; j I i aisase fesaa tat a4 f rnr . taiBfltb, mm4 rm ki itm inrlf tt aa Laara AaM lW VaatM S- ' POINT A tTt;SIICON HIARING SVillM. ACOUSTICON lillwi a BatM lkw Mi r ATTESTS DISMISSED Serena Anderson, 325 S. Winter st , Mrs. Charles Keller and infant son. route 2, Salem, and Robert Sherwood. Jefferson, wer dis missed Tuesday from Salem Dea- coneHS hospital, where they have been patients. 11 ARAKS ARE 'PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Albin Ha-ar!, Falls City, are parents of a daughter, born Monday at Salem Deaconess hospital. The little irl weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces at birth. Bull Top Priff 'is $16,500 DENVER, Jan. 15. (JP) -A top of $18,500 was paid today at the sale of Hereford bulls at the national western stock show when Royal Heir was sold to Ben P.. Williams of Bonn Terre, Mo., by Da n Thornton of Gunnison, Colo. Karl Hyberg & Son Accountants Tax CounaoUors 417 Orecon Bide S" 1.49 1.03 I 1 FLOOR WAX.! Gallon 9.10 I flf "a J '! - mmrrn i fnnnnhOOOOOC 7irc$tonc SPARK PLUGS I Far f ' or Cars, WW. Parclala Oaiyl Tmt .Tary plaa; jn fcny, yom noth.r Tor just oaa paasyl Oaaraa U4 t giTt yoa qilekar, sislar starta or yoar taanay sack! A osasatlomai pportnaityl Black Enamel Finid. ff FOG LH-IIT 2.29 Ambsr last. Prt-facitsd Maoda bolb. BtarAOy koili. JANUARY AT ALLEII HARDWARE i Coburn Orerheail Garage Door Set i Weight operation for doors up fl A QC to 8x8 AOs 7 3 2-jfaI. can wax-free i Anlo King Motor Oil! 1.39 SSI II Bumper Type Aufo Jacks Safe and easy J? operation; diJLD akMaaMaH Splitting Wedges Common square head type. Sizes 4-5- 4 O 6 pounds lb. AOP White Enamel Towel Bars 24, complete g l with end clips . DU Antifreeze container; Gal. JL 40 1000 watt Radiant Type Electric Heater 4.95 Tax Included f 1 IK sT Reg. I t W IIOUSP t i? ii1 r- tfsciiiiii a w x-- ii if xzrr i m i rm " 4 I. W -wiry Stove Polish, bottle FyrPruf 190 Brier Edge Pruning Shears 1.15 Snap cut type pr. "Thermos" Bottles l-Pint aize with metal barrel and f j J" top ea. all .13 Handy 5-Gal. Oil Containers With convent- AQ j ent spouts 0 "Kindle Lite" Fire Lighting Cubes Reg. 50c, now pk. &M,W KifilllVfiBE 2.1G North Commercial fV Firmty bound with f, foar stronr stitchint- Best qwality broom cwio. YOU on- , OIL FILTEJI at. I AIITIUIH.KS Tk.y'U praloag tk lu of y sax ct. Fit ssost IlUrs. Luncheon HAT W is I W Sot of 4. 9 rulitsit. Wahihta vitk a damp cloth. a' tml mttatrm i i Kaa. in i nil i... r S M . - II I II S l.J - AW MA W , I I Aluminum FLY ROD REEL LiChtwsicat aad nutloso. Wall TooUlatod to Un. dfioa mielUr. D AHII1ALS I.C3 -w Thrra wsohaW-. oafa for f 1 oaby.-Soft staff Sovoial J stylos. - ""X J)0 O QOUUUUUu HiwTIW""9,.ltf MS It uu r ruiu fx. ,jv tV. a. Ik. FOR YOUR DRIVING SAFfTY 1. W. Will Xocap Taw Jrasaat Tlr.s for Wlnttr DrtTtof Safty ; 2. Whan Haw Ja Lai CisjBpioas Ar. Avsilsbls to Tea Will Eajp Tew Car sad lay Tsr Eoeapped Tiras Drlvo t To4ary av sv av av al A STOnE Center at Liberty iariMrMM Phone t144 i !MS.IC ! ol slsw