The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 16, 1994, Page 3, Image 3

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    TW OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Morning, January IS. 1I4I
Pages Will J
Be Honor
Guests i
Weekend guest in the capital
i!l be Dr. and Mrs. Kimball
Page of Portland, formerly of
Salem. Captain Page, now on
teitninal leave, has just return
ed from the South Pacific.
Saturday night Dr. and Mrs.
William L. Lidbeck will enter
tain informally at their country
place in honor of Dr. and Mr.
Page. Members of their bridge
lub and a few additional guests
have been invited to the affair.
Honoring Dr. and Mrs.' Page
will be Mr. and Mrs. Peter Buck,
Mr. and Mrs. William Martin
nd Dr. and Mr. Robert Evans
cf Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward O. Stadter, jr., Dr. and
Mrs. Willard Thompson, Drand
Mr. Eugene Tupl-er, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl G. Collins, Mr. and
Mrs. Leon Perry, Lt. Comdr.
and Mrs. Ralph E. Purvine, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Needham, Dr.
and Mrs. A. Terrence King, Mr.
and Mrs. Reynolds Allen and
Dr. and Mrs. Lidbeck.
Appointments for
Lodge Are Made
Salem Rebekah lodge met
Monday night with Mrs. Ralph
Hornaday, noble grand, . t presid
ing. The following committees
"were apjomted;Mrs. Lloyd Pep
per, Mrs. George Henderson and
Mrs. Roy McNeill, finance; Miss
Lora Callison, good-ofthe-ordcr
chairman, .Mrs. Blanche Hull,
Miis. Ida Hochstetler and Mrs.
Ray Webb, jewel committee;
Mrs. George Edwards, commun
ity service chairman. Mrs. Jen
nie Chalmers was elected trus
tee for a three year term, Mrs.
Golda Kyle for two years and
Mrs. R. B. McClay for one year.
The noble grand announced
team practice for the first Mon
day night of each month, initi
ation the second Monday night,
social niht the third Monday
' and good-of-the-order night on"
the fourth Monday. Charles
Iiamblin. Grant Murphy and
Gerald Naderman were named
on program committee for next
Monday. Golda Kyle, Ethel Mc
Clay, Dessie McClay, Lora Cal
lison and Fannie Gesner were
Appointed on rthe refreshment
The Past Noble Grands a?so-t-iatiom
will meet at the Grant
Murphy home, 1525 N. 18th to
night. The F.L. club will meet
m Thursday night with Desie
McClay, 325 Mission. j '
Decorations made by Mlrs.
Howard Hunaker last Wednes
day night were unusual, at eaich
station was -a small bowl fillkd
with blue liquid in which small
balls continuously circulated.
Around the bowls were si 1 Varied
leaves and blue candles. She
also made the corsages worn by
grand officers. Mrs. Robert
Henderson presented Mrs. John
Darnielle with a past noble
grand jeel.
Ti nut fill the Mail
Experts in Household Line Offer
Suggestions for Good Homemaking
By Maxine Buren
Won.-n'f Editor, Tli Statesman j
Household hints from the ;
morning's mail:
A suggestion tc-r a breakfast
menu in a prune, sausage, ban
ana, grill. Brown link sausages,
remove- meat and saute cooked
dried prunes in the fat, set to
one tide and add bananas. Cover
and let cook slowly a few min
utes until fruit has cleared and
is tl,ightly brown. If bananas are
Urge, cut them across in half.
Vegetables to be cooked with
aoart should Le parboiled a few
minutes, to prevent harden- ,
ing unnecessarily on the outside.
When using honey as a t.weet
ning. government experts say to
add 1 tablespoon water to a cup
f honey, liol(i over a low heat j
nrt,til warm then stir. Overheat- i
ing dnves, avyity the delicate
Honey -is it comes from the Jar ,
Is a suitable coi.sistency for use
on pancakes or as a prcatj on
bread or bijscuits. Thinned honey !
tends to ferment or mould, so '
don't thin tco much at a tiri)e.
AmmonU as a household
r leaner and helper-about-the- ;
house has long been favored but !
now it makes the headlines. Tie- i
eenlly a group of women pooled j
ideas for home cleaning, and 1
ammonia wai crowned princess j
I cleaners. ;
Here are some of the hints re
ported by housewives: Ammonia i
was allowed to"? stand overnight
in a small glass in an oven in j
which food had been burned. In
the morning, food had been
Do YOU suffer from
a "CftTAJK MYS"f the ssMthT
If frmmle functional monthly dis
turbances maka you suffer cramp,
hrscactir,. bacsaclis, weak, tired, ner
vous, cranky fcllnirv-t such tunes
try Lydla X. Plnkham's VegeUbU
Compound to rrllrre such symptoms.
Issra thruout the month Pink
bam s Compound hrlpa build up re
sistance against such armptonas. Also
rest stomachic tonic I Try ill
Music .... The
Maxine Buren
Women's Editor
Guests Are
Bidden to
Mrs. Oscar Paulson, sr., has
invited a gro-jp of wives from
the state vocational education
office to a dessert supper Thurs
day night at her home on Broad
way street
Contract bridge will be In play
after the supper hour.
Bidden by the hostess are Mrs.
Rex Putnam and Mrs. Lester
Wilcox, special guests, Mrs.
Ralph Morgan, Mrs. Glenn Wea
ver, Mrs. Maurice Buchanan,
Mrs. Clem Clark, Mrs. Winston
Purvine, Mrs. Milton Coe, Mrs.
Charles Feike, Mrs. Harold Sho
gren, Mrs. Calvin Kent and Mrs.
Earl Cooley.
State Chairman
Outlines Plans
The Salem B.P.W. education '
committee met at the home of
Mist Ida Mae Smith, club
president. Those present were
Miss Mathilda Gilles, chairman,
Mrs. Arthur Weddle, Miss Grace
Taylor and Mrs. Maude Eckman.
Mrs. Weddle, BPW state
chairman, of education, outlined
state plans for contacting local
selective service boards so that
each discharged servicewoman
may be reached immediately
following her release from the
service. The plan is to assist
these women in securing suit
able employment or to discuss
possible educati o n a 1 courses
suitable to their needs.' It was
decided thnt Salem would adopt
the plan of the state, in contact
ing its service women. The com
mittee also favored giving all
possible support to the' Junior
Women's club in their kinder
garten project of the year.
The BPW executive board will
meet Thursday night, January
17, at the home.of Miss Ida Mae
! -Smith at 7:30. The board will
discuss matters which are to be
presented to the club at the re
gular dinner meeting at the
Golden Pheasant at 6:30 Janu
ary 22.
Mr.' C. A. McClure, engineer
of the 'long range planning
commission for the Salem
Chamber of Commerce, will be
presented as the guest speaker.
Arrangements have been made
to present Dorothy Poff as guest
vocalist and she will be accom
panied on the piano by Mrs.
John Schmidt, jr.
loosened and particles could be
wiped away.
Wrap burned racks and burn
ers in ammonia-soaked rags and
let stand awhile, then wipe off.
Ammonia cuts grease on pans
and is a good aid in washing out
a greasy sink, helps the drain too.
A few drops in water in which
metal is washed will serve to
brighten it. Pour some ammonia
straight from the bottle, into a
dirty comb, let stand a few min
utes, put a little water on it and
after a few minutes more, wash.
The grease will have loosened.
A little ammonia added to the
water in which brushes are
washed, will quickly cut grease
and help stiffen the bristles.
Drest Up
(Minimum arder
12 si. ft. per
n Tontine Washable
We turn them, repair
them, or make them to
560 South 21st St.
C ubs
. i
Jeryme English
Socitty Utter
AAUW Evening Literature
group with Mrs. John O. Bur
Cham, 435 Grovt. St., p.m. '-
Barbara F r i e t c h I e camp,
Daughters 'of Union Veterans,
with Mra. William Entreaa, lSeS.
S. Commercial at.. S p.m.
WSCS First Methodist ehtircta.
Carrier room, all day, business
session at 10: a.m. i
Wesminster guild no-host din-
tier, church, S:30 p.m, f
Salem Writers club. 7:30, with f
Miss Brenda class, 173 Belmont I
it. ! i ; : .1
South Section Women's guild. I
First Congregational church, with f
Mrs. May Chriatcnsen. 4U S. Win-
ter st..i 2M p.m. .
Court 918 Women's Catholic 1
Order i of Foresters with Mi i.
A riam En gel. route 1. S p.m. 1
Rickey Garden club with Mrs.
Albert) Brant, S10 Beck avenue, 1
Sweet Briar club with Mrs.
Duane; Gibson, Wallace Road.
1:30 o.m.
Pythian Sisters, KP hall, 9
Call Meetings 1
Of YW Groups j
I Nineteen leaders and workirg
from the Salem YWCA who at
tended the recent workshop con
I ference for all Oregon YW asso
ciations 1 in Portland, have been
called to meet at the Salem YW
on Thursday afternoon. The local
group chartered a but to make!
the trip,j and the delegation was
a representative cross-section
from the board, staff, younger
girls division, advisory group,
university group, and member- j
ship at large. Discussions and
work groups were held ion var- j'
ious phases of work of the local !
associations in relation to the na
tional organization. At this
; week's meeting the girls ,and
women will attempt to evaluate
; the Portland sessions.
; Attending from Salem were
Mrs. Guy Hickok, Miss Isabel
Childs, Mrs. G. M. Wris&y,, Miss ,
Marjorie Wells,, Mrs. Mary
'Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth Mac
Dmvell. Mrs. Esther W. Little,
Miss Dorathea Steusloff, Mrs.
Helen Goodenough, Donna Chas
tajin, Pat Long, Marian Sparks,
Eloise Rarery, Bonnie Daughcr
ty, Frances DeLaney, Marian
Reamer, Mavis Eggins, Pat Pow
ell, andliss Olive Dahl. j
The planning committee work
ing on the proposed new Salem
YVCA center, together with
representatives from any worji
eij's clubs or other organizations
interested, will meet this Thurs
day evening,' 7:30 o'clock, at the
YiV building. Purpose of the
meeting is to discuss and to con
sider suggestions on planning the
new YW center here. ?;
,A newly-launched social and
recreational group, sponsored by
the Salem YWCA, YMCA, and
veterans, and designed for the
special benefit of veterans arid
newcomers, will meet Wednes
day night of this week at 8
ctyck in the Cherry room at the
chamber of commerce, j x
jAll veterans and newcomers
interested are invited, as well
as) representatives from other
. groups who would like to give
backing to the new group.. Those
interested are advised to call
Mrs. Elizabeth MacDowell at the
YWCA office, 8878. .
Jt is hoped the group soon will
bei able to outline several future
activities interesting newcomers,
arid veterans back in the com
r mjunlty. : .
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Morrell ire
: receiving congratulations on the
birth of a daughter, Tamera Jae,
oii Sunday, at the Salem General
I1; hospital. The baby's gvandpir
- ents are Mr. and Mrs; Harold
D. McMlllin and Mr. and Mrs.
C. Morrell. - - J
An experienced weather
stripper is available to
give you t first class job.
& ILeuis
I Telephone, 8991
Miss Pierce
Bride of
The Jason Lee Methodist!
church was the setting for the ;
wedding of Miss Betty Pierce,
daughter of Mrs. Helen Pierce, -to
Mr. Roy Kuenstler, son , of
Mrs. Ed Kuenstler of San An
tonio, Texas, Tuesday night. The
. Rev. S. Raynor Smith officiated
at the 7 o'clock nuptials.
Miss Betty Louise Sinkola
sang "I Love Thee" and "Be
cause" before the rites and Miss
Alice Rose wat the' organist. The
altar was banked with arrange
ments of carnations, palmy and
candles. Miss Joan Skinner of
Canby. wearing an aqua frock,
lighted the tapers.
The bride, who was given in
marriage by her uncle,! Mr.
C. A. Long fo Seattle, those a
pastel peach pebble crepe j aft
ernoon dress for her wedding.
The dress was fashioned trine-ess
style with matching inail
head trim embellishing the pod
Ice. The waist was designed jwith
a V-neckline and short sleeves.
She wore a black half nat jwith
peach veiling, black and white
accessories. She carried a white
prayer book marked with a .ma
roon orchid.
Miss Gloria Robinson wai the
maid of honor and wore a pas
tel grey wool dres with black
accessories. Mrs. Helen Pruitt,
the matron of honor, wore s sea
aqua crepe gown With black ac
cessories. They carried pastel
nosegays to match their dresses.
Attend the Groom
Mr. jAlbert J. Evans of Salem
stood with Mr. Kuenstler as best
man. Ushers were Mr. John
Wallace and ; Mr. Robert
For her daughter's wedding
Mrs. Pierce wore a chartreuse
land black figured crepe gown
with black accessories and a
corsage of spring flowers. ,
The wedding reception was
held in the church parlors im
mediately after the ceremony.
MrsC. A. Long cut the bride's
cake and Mrs. Clifton Mudd pre-sided-
at the coffee ; urn. Assist
ing were Mrs. Reynolds Allen,
Mrs. Floyd Seams ter and Mrs.
t L. II. Allison. Miss Shirley Long
of Seattle passed the guest book.
When the couple left on their
wedding trip to the Oregon coast
the bride wore a pink wool suit
' with black accessories and an
orchid corsage. Mr. and Mrs.
Kuehstler will make their home
in Salem at 1360 N. Cottage st.
Matrons Gather
For Luncheon
Members of the Tuesday Sew
ing club gathered for a no-host
one o'clock luncheon at the Mar
ion hotel.
Covers were placed for Mrs.
Charles Baxter of Lafayette, In
diana, Mrs. Leo N. j Childs, Mrs.
CJcne Vandeneynde 'Mrs. Duane
Gibson, Mrs. Arthur Hay, Mrs.
Adam Engel, Mrs. T. J. Hrabec,
Mrs.j Frederick Brennan, Mrs.
Henify Chezem, Mrs. Charles E.
Wagher, ahd Mrs; W. Frank
Piriochle Club at
Loirenz Home
Mi and Mrs. liouis Lorenz
will fentertain' members of their
club at their North 17th street
A newcomer, eh? Stranger,
ftrrliaps? Well, we're ery glal
to welcome you to our midst.
Any time you're in our neigh
borhood seeling a postage
stamp, or a direction ome
r ight in. And, of course, any old
timer will trll you fn's is the
lare to bring your prescrip
tion for Reliable comjioundinj.
Capital Drug Slore
Car. State A Liberty - Phone Silt
home Saturday night. A late
supper will follow several hours
of pinochle. j
Members are Mr.; and Mrs.
Russell Bright, Dr. and Mrs. C.
Ward Davis, Mr. and Mrs. L. R.
Tweed! e, Mr. and Mrs. Gail
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Evert Giv
ens and Mr. and Mrs! Lorenz. ,
Home from
The South
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lochead
and daughters. Miss Donna and
Miss Joan Lochead, have return
ed from a several weeks stay in
southern California. iThey went
south right after Christmas.
Donna and Joan attended the
Rose Bowl game on .rew Year's
day in Pasadena. In: Los Ange
les. Joan visited with a former
Salem girl. Jeanne Foster,
daughter of Col. and Mrs. Ku
gene Foster. Mius Foster is now
attending the University of
Southern California, j
The Locheads stopped in San
Francisco enroute north and
Joan went down to Palo Alto to
visit with Helen $hepard at
Stanford. j -
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heath are
home from a week's sojourn in
San Francisco and other points
in the bay area. They made the
trip both ways by plane.
Speaker Listed
For Matrons Club
Mrs. James Littell will be
guest speaker for the meeting of
the Young Matrons' elub of the
Salem YWMC at its dessert
meeting planned for 1:30 p.m.
Thursday at the YW center.
Mrs. Littell will talk on correct
skin care and make-up for indi
viduals. Six representatives from the
Salem YWCA will go to Seattle
next weekend to attend the
semi-annual conference for the
northwest coastal' group of YW
business girls groups, January
19 and 20.
Those to attend from here will
be Mrs. .Elizabeth MacDowell
and Mi?s Marjorie Wells from
the local YW staff. Misses
nur Danielson, Mildred, Yetter,
Mary Bushman and Dorothy
"Can Heaven Protect the
Working Girl?" is theme topic
for the conference, the program
to take in discussions on the
problems of working girls, in
cluding the working girls and
the unions, the working girl
and the government, working
Rirls and the national perspec
tive, as well as club techniques.
Miss Laura Ault from the na
tional YWCA staff is to be the
main speaker for the conference.
Royal Neighbors will meet
with the Woodmen of the World
for dinner at 6:30 tonight at
VFW hall. The annual installa
tion for the Neighbors will be
held. May Logan, state superin
tendent from Poitland, will be
installing officer and Mrs.
George Speed will act as cere
monial marshal.
f 7 borne remedy for
children's colds.
m v
To Fete
Mrs. Edward Sox has invited
members of her bridge club to
luncheon Thursday afternoon at
her Albany home. Motoring
down from here will be Mrs.
William H. Hamond, Mrs. Don
ald McCargar, Mrs. Edwin
Keech, Mrs. Clarence Hamilton,
Mrs. John Heltzel, Mrs. Elbert
Roberts, Mrs. John Griffith and
Mrs. Theron Hoover.'
Mrs. Maurice Heater will en
tertain her club Thursday night
at her country home at Union
Hill. The group will honor Mrs.
John Ficklin with a shower.
Special guests will be Mrs.
Merritt Truax, Mrs. Warren Ba
ker, Mrs. Cecil Young, Mrs.
Kenneth Barker and Mrs. Verne
Robb. Members are Mrs. Ira
Fitts, Mrs. Clinton Standish,
Mrs. John Ficklin, Mrs. Lee
Crawford, Mrs. Delbert Schwab
bauer, Mrs. Joseph Felton, Mrs.
Itoy Mink and Mrs. Heater.
Mrs. Harvey Quislad will be a
club hostess Thursday night
when she entertains at bridge
and a late supper.
Mrs. Manfred Olson has invit
ed members of her club to her
North 24th street home tonight.
After several hours of contract
a late supper will be served by
the hostess.
Vows Read
The home of Mr. ;.nd Mrs.
Henry Toia end was the setting
for the marriage of their daugh
ter. Mis F.Iizabcth Torvrnd, to
Mr. Carroll Sharpe on Decem
ber 27 at 8 o'clock.
The Rev. Robert Krueger per
formed the double ring cere
mony. The bride wore a white mar
quisette gown with train and
satin bodice. Her fingertip
length veil was dged in lace
and was arranged in a sweet
heart coronet. She tarried white
camellia and bouvardia.
Mrs. Herman Goschie was the
matron of honor and wore pink
net and carried a colonial nose-
MSA mm
Play Pen
Smooth natural finish Easy to
set up, fold and store. Positive
lock in jf corner con- QC
struction. Com
plete with floor.
Others 8.93 to 12.95
Unfinished Nursery Seal
Baby Crib Drop Side and Sturdily Constructed
Crib Pads Staple Cotton Felt
Waler-Hepellanl Pad
Childs' Hardwood Rocker
t yeu, KHtp
gay. Mr. Ralelrh Mlddltten
the best man.
From Lea Angeles comes wars!
of the birth of a daughter. Gale
Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. ArthuF
Ncrness (Wilmahollyce Wirtz)
on January 15. The little girl,
who weighed seven and a half
pounds, is the granddaughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Willard H. Wirtz
of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. A.
C. Nerness of Omaha, Neb.
VFW Initiation
Held Monday
Marion auxiliary Veterans (
Foreign Wars, met at the V.F.W.
hall Monday night u.ith Mrs.
Virgil Bolton presiding. I
Initiation was held for Mrs. !
Olive Hilmoe, Mrs. Gladys West, 1
Mrs. Nina Scott, Mrs. Bonnie Al- ,
Jen. Mrs. Ruth Niemi-. Mrs. Jrn
nebelle Kring, Mrs. France
Malm. Mrs; Evelyn Bullock .md
Mrs. VioUtte West.
The auxiliary voted to gie
$25 to the March of Dimes.
Mrs. Ethel Forbis. post-war ,
chairman, pre-ented two honor ,
rolls completed to date. Mrs.
Marie Hansen reported seven
gift boxes were taken to mem
bers of post No. 661, who wen
in the Corvallis hospital at
Christmas. Mrs. Esther Calen
der gave a report on the film '
machine to be purchased.
Mrs. Sylvia Cutler, Portland..1
Mrs. Mabel Mauk, president.
West Salem, Mrs. Betty Young.
West Salem, and Mrs. Ina
Morrison, Norfolk, Nebraska,
were guests. j
District President Mrs. Mary
Strayer, who was the inspecting
officer of the day, gave a report.
Officers and color bearers as-,
sisted District President Mrs.
Mary Strayer with the institu
tion of auxiliary No. 4248 in
West Salem January 10.
Mrs.' Eva Boland, Mrs. Yvonne
Ritchie, Mrs. Sybil Dalton and
Mrs. Iva Hamilton were ap
pointed to serve on the refresh
ment committee for the next
After the meeting the auxili
ary "Vas tcned refreshments by
the post.
The Rickey Garden elub will
meet at the home of Mrs. Albert
Brant, 510 Deck avenue, tonight
Sturdily Constructed and,
Attractively Styled Furnishint For
"Easy-Fold" Carriage
A comfortable, easy-to-handle carriage equipped
with four bow hood, sun vsor, safety brake and
weather-resistant body made of gray and black
padded, quilted leatherette. 8
inch wire wheels and rubber
tires. Folds compactly for tor-
Economy Hi-Chair
Natural or maple sanitary finish, safely braced.
wide-spread legs. Comfortable seat A Q
j i: j: t ' u I 4 I W.
miu Bulling nay. Viiuivc u itr
ishes, rich maple or smooth natural.
at rleek. Mrs. Homer Eal
will b the assisting hostess.
am a. X.
lToti.ce the
difference in
flavor, color
and texture of
Baby Foods
Ask your pocerfar
Hrim Strained FcckIs
4.M Dsi
i:.9ri t 29.95
to 12.95
484 Siaie Street
Salen, Oregon