PAGE EIGHT Hit OHEGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Tuetday Morning. January IS. 1948 FtsUe forum: All the type writer Teddys have had their moments since one Ooi Leine Ich time to Portland, .and left, and their opinions, after watch ing um GuUvui earn a mere $107.60 per second for 15 sec ond of fighting, are-varied. Some are convinced the boy, cot mixed up with the mart and shouldn't do It train. Others, the around-home gents, f I f n r e Wood burn Joe Just couldn't go on forever without getting his clock cleaned, so rot It cleaned, but good, by a ray who knows how to wear the llfhtheary title belt. In either Instance,! the Rrminrton rattlers didn't have a beckuva lot to rattle about. The scrap didn't last that lonr. What Joe Waterman. Tex Kalkeld, Jack Capri St Co. wUl do with Woodburn Joe from now on should rive 'cm a few mid-week topic, however. Saturday morn we heard aj few disgruntled lent especially the one who, with an SI seat, got there Just In time to ae Joe hopping the cloud voice I opinions as to Just exactly what Manager Capri and clan could do with the fallen hero. We can's, print them not even in this Corner. We don't know much about the facelifting bix other than one guy should always try to lift another's puns before he gets his own detioured. But we've maintained ever since Kahut started-boppling big time style that his handlers should have taken him out of Portland for at least one or two topnotch shots In San Francisco or . Los An-. Viking Play Springfield 5 SHSVra ion Highway For Three TumaI &bi iiig along atop a four-game winning uLreMkl Salem high'jt'Vik mgs hit the Highway this week for their next three engagements. Tonight the Harold Hauk quint tops at Springfield to do No Mime league thating with t)e Millet s and will be fi oi ed to cop their second jitruight loop en rountcr. fYiday and Saturday nights the Villaimen visit Klamath Falls for a -paiij with the Pelicans and again, by virtue of an earlier 27-18 count over the same Pells, they'll be favored to keep up the win binge. To date Hauk ha UKt-d hia lads in quantity in every game and all have hooied fell. Any starting . of Al Bellinger, Jack Fitzmauriie. Carlo Houck, Dick Mase, Kenny Alberts, Dunny Ma rtn. Rod Province, Al Chamber lain, Roger Dasch, Dick Hendrie, Ken Ciibftnn and Al Gcmmell has teen Jmpresidve to date. Hauk lias been (tilling on Fitmamice, Bellinger. Mason, Dawn and Chamberlain j to start lately. Y" Swatlrra to Play The Salem Y will tangk- with Reed college of Portland, Friday night in a badminton match. In the last meeting at Portland, Reed took all! the ladies and doubles matt hen but Salem came through to win all the men's single mat ches. . ! ! Commercial league bowling wound up first half play last night at Perfection alleys with ie j Colyear Motor Sales quint Hatching first tflace, Good House eeping second and Marion dreamery thirtj, all by a single jpame margin. jLast night's high heries was tossed by Harry Gus lafson of Court Street Radio, a 859.. troL.Yr.AR jMmn ... . S Uiw. r. . klcWike MOTOR SALES (3) 17S IM lt W5 147 13S l 4)J 15 173 203541 167 16 11-422 17 16S 131474 Tflitali 8.11 774 741 234S STA.HR FRUIT CO. 1 foell H3 13 123 141 Bicit.p 1&2 U Ungren . - - 10 l Ijy.ii 163 122 2S 271 147411 14 426 13 4IS 144 42 Tola! - - 774 714 761 2248 Buck the barber it) rrrir 11 134 irtucs .- I" 134 Klttii:r 214 112 ipufiu 144 16S Icale. - 165 204 185 4W 12ft JW) 12 A25 152 -44 144 41 J I Totl.U 781 22 738 2342 rxMDIfcS OF SILVEHTON IXHiire M4 7S 62S IHt1burS 10 3 182385 lAirvaii 122 123 15-3K Her? 124 150 131405 JenJon 136 165 160470 Toitali . 681 805 787 2283 KEITH BROWN CO. 11 JHarin 127 116 DaNberg 148 148 JeHigan H 124 rushing 140 1!W Sour. .,. 170 152 t 152 383 132428 153 381 156434 135 457 I Total 7S8 736 186 2280 -MARION CREAMERY CO. 2) iCenyon 1 18 170515 (Parker - - 130 187 121448 JPelcur ; 141 161 151443 DauenDort 13 14 158 468 Martian 177 182 136485 Total .766 82 741 2369 (GOOD HOUSEKEEPING CO. 3 fD. Duncan 183 174 128 45 Talbot 176 18S 182 46 Jones Z 17 J 167-640 Walhis 161 1S8 146476 WcCI Lluakey 172 180 173634 TDtalt ... 47 119 795 1661 a. ii - i V -l 7 ' I : It A ' ' , - I t v - L - ' I 1 - " y- I S ' : ! KELLER WAGNER geles. In baseball an adage says : the team must win fifty per cent j of the time on the road if it is to win the pennant. Joe has never ; fought on the road. It seems to us a guy even in the fight game L should get around to see bow the , other folks live he learns many ; things that way he doesn't learn by being strictly a home town boy. Mebbe now Capri St Co. ' will let Joe spread out In his ring education to prove be isn't aa bad as being spread oat In 2:38 would Indicate. On the lighter side, the fight Dads Meet, Watch Movies Salem's freshly -formed Dads' : club, now up to t In member- ; ship and still aspiring to place ; Salem high athletics first and! foremost In the state, held Its monthly meeting last night at ' the chamber of commerce. After a discussion was held on the site of the state basketball tourna ment In March, the club wit- : nessed moving pictures of the . Fleet City-Second air foree and St. Marys Frefllght-Fourth air force! football games played last , fall in California. K The club went on record as being resigned to the fact that the hoop tourney will be held in Willamette nnlverslty's gym nasium this .year, bnt passed a motion unanimously as being In favor of obtaining s permanent building to servo as an adequate Cougars Seek Huskies' Pelts PULLMAN, Wash., Jan. 14.-UP) -The Washington State college Cougars, bested twice by the Uni verbity of Washington in Seat tle, were hoping today for a rep etition of last year's showing; when the Huskies failed to take a single game during'' a four-game swing into the Palouse country. The Huskies are due this week. Coach Jack Friel said today that Ray "Tiny" Arndt may see start ing action in he fame because of his ability p score along with V'ince Hanson, the nation's top collegiate scorer of last year. COURT ST. RADIO APPL. (1) Cady 155 124 1S3 442 DuBuy ... Zeller 133 148 ...,. ....! 165 164 210 4.. 161 197 121403 157451 GuHtafaon 185-459 146904 Bolton .... Total . 768 871 786 2437 WOODBURN (2) Stcl - 168 156 ft ISO 208 214138 Auln 132 176 4 Hitha 122 Psrd 155 204484 156481 Shorey 145 165-t-Bll Tofala 722. 640 SIS 2477 HARTMA.N BROS. (1 (1) Albrlch ...123 170 209602 Hrndrt .157 103 . 174 143 .148 ISO .141 132 108 38 Tallman IM i Welch .... 1S7 465 JIartman 123419 Totals .783 746 783 2291 PORTLAND O. I. CO. J Greene . .. 140 ISO 171491 Merrlott 161 IBS 13S 453 Howell 151 S3 12338 Cherrinfton ' 18J 163 116441 Buinman 158 207 124 480 Totals (34 "SM "731 2427 FUNLAND (1) Valdex 178 168 184640 Strode j 106 120 14S 375 Swalnson 4 144 171 150418 Karthins j 183 173 157 51T Clodt 15 151 180-487 ToUls 767 773 "s30 2370 Viks, Fishermen Didn't Burn Varnish ;Fans Unhappy "Where d'ya get that stuff. 'The Balem-Astoria series la the : hottest In the state'?" . . . "28-18 i and 23-17 high school basket- j ball phooeyl' .;. . "State tourna ment basketball playing not that stuff! jj Merely a few of the quotes and j unquotes gathered without effort . from Hilda and Harry Hoop Fan after the Friday-Saturday ses--; slons at the Villa between Am- toria's Fishermen and Salem's ; Vikings. It seems the customers, and there was no shortage ef 'em for the series, didn't appreciate) the way Wally Falmberg and his 'li&P:rr. wm rrosaed 11946 (It wasn't a sell nt by far), (which means Pro moter Waterman didn't drop his ihlrt sb It. H didn't make much money either. Not when yon re member Lesnevicb got a $17,000 mar an tee according to Sal seld's own words) and Uncle Btmnty bit off 15832 in taxes. , . The most surprised fan of the pack Was probably : the Woodburner who called late Fri day night with: "What roand did Joe lick him lnr When ho was told what really happened, he ftcrtifned. "Ye Oods, It's a Her ,. And aa Lawman Fred Williams put it Saturday sua.! Those! Woodburn people must feel Just likf the old Mudvtllers Casey Kaut has struck out." ... At jsny rate, watching Lesne vicb. perforin Is quite costly. He's la th now-yon-see-hlm-now-youdon't Index, and: t eighteen bucks a peak. ... i ' i Speaking of fighters, seen at home around the town again la Keller Wagner, ' the big heavy weight j who blossomed Into GI champion .of the Texas area when be wag stationed In ' the Lone Star state a couple of years back. Wagner : picked np i bis gilded bird last month and last week j hauled big 140 solid avlllon f or f tho ! elassle starting N 1947 The! basketball eonunlt jteo was Instructed U Inrestlg ate UeMlbilUles f ebUinlng inch a Iballdlng, to be erected some where . Bosh ; sastre. A i re port from this 1 committee, le work with the chamber ef eom- reo basketball gronp. Is sine Wa next meeting night, February Seeretary John Faanaeht was lnstracted lei write congress con cerning the military training ef 11-yesE-eldsl The club Is fat fs- frr of military training, seh as KOTC,! wkllo the y oath Is m college f Instead ef the present elective service method. Salem high basketball eeach Harold Bank gare a brief talk ta his j team V prospects for the tasoa land the state tonrney. ' ' t - - ' tyaltdn's Statr Ready Tonight Salem chapter, Izaak Walton league , of Amerjca, wades Into Its annoal nn-and-frolle stag tonight; at the Veterans of For eign Wars halL not tomorrow , night aa announced In Sunday's paper. Chapter President Chris Kowltx ma4e the correction resterday and urged all mcm bers'tei bring1 prospective mem bers. Also, members are asked to bring j along : guns, fishing tackle, ete for a swaperee, part sf the program that Includes the regular business meeting and Free refreshments. Sleeting time Is eight O'clock, tonight. int men 'o WU Golds Willamette Golds topped j the intmeh, 87-26, and Hollywood wned, Valley Motor, 31-28, last gni in American aivision, cuy sketbdll league caging at wil mette. Fedges seven points ced the Golds. Johnny ; Hof fert's 10 led the Hollywoods. QOLDS (27) i (26) MINTMEN Fedce 7 T ! 1) J. Psachall Jewell C r ' M0) Kotnik Charlton (6) C : 4) H. Paachall Harold (1) G : (8) A. Turnids Frleaa (4) O ! (0 Morgan Colds subs Zumwalt , Bonnlng- ton I. mntmen u. Turnidge a. MOIXYWOOD (Jl) 2S) VAL. MOTOR Hoffert (10) i r. , (6) Evans Rawlins (9) T i (3) Ball C i (3) Oar K Tumsr (4) Rebenadorf (2) S(4 BlBScr (21 Yocum Ji Rawlina (7) J Hollywood subs W. Miller 3, C Rawlins 6. Vslley Motor Dancer 9, pckct n, , 'A' Church Loop: Presbyterian downed First ethodist 27 io 13, First Christian thumped Salt Creek Baptist 24 6, and .First Baptist rolled over vangelical 38 to 10 Monday night the; Leslie court' as the "A church league) opened its second If. S ; , lads went at it with Harold Hank and hls'n. Defensive basketball,' as taught by two ef the state's best prep boop brains who hate like biases to bow to each other, isn't palatable te spoiled villag ers, 14 other words. They want te see the hoop-suiters burn the varnish off the floor not ' get stuck with ttj while playing keep- away,; you might say. The series was hot enough In one sense of the word, all right Fkthefmen and Vikings together n the basketball floor would Just naturally love te make like pounds In to watch one of Barry Plant's armory flstie workouts. Now 18 and still anxious for a fight, ftis reported, Wagner told he'd "be back In a eonple of weeks to start working out" Whlch shouldn't 'make Promoter Plant ja bit angry. ... Add; prep hoop prospects Forward Bill Charles of Don Wnsoq's Molalla quint. This six footer,! In the opinion of referee -lng Bruce Williams, is the best looking; prospect : he's seen around the valley this semester. Based mostly on the fact that Charles can get np In the air and do his chores very efficiently while jhe'a np there, too often a scarce; item In a prep player's makeup. . . , Add . another out-and-at-'em, Phil Bell, Phil's return to civ vies may come as a surprise to many,' for many opined the pre war Cliff Parker sporting goods lieutenant would keep has cap tain's bars and stay in the air forces Instead, he's out and plana j returning" to work In Cleveland, his home during three army years. . . .Willamette U's fall footballers have picked np another possibility via GI dis charge, too. lie's 'Jim Burgess, quarterback on Spee Keene's Juggernaut. Now out of the army air forces. Burgess la back In eenpol. . . . Hoptnr to get back soon pat to bis WU publicity Job Is! Gil Lieser. Gil was way laved! by a ruptured appendix, had a bad time of It for a spell but is now on the mend. . !. Plant Readies Fistic Mdner Turner Out; Iloag To jMeet Schanre?sj Fistic! fans who intend sittlne in on Matchmaker Harry Plant's punch-for-pay rejuvenation at the armory Wednesday night, January 23, are In for what Plant himself, in tuno with Portland's Match maker Joe Waterman, terms beautiful scrap" for the main event DuanO Hoag, welterweight, le to biff In it with Cbico Schanzes, non-English speaking Mexico City clouter. Hoag is one of the most popular fighters to show' for Wat erman 0" his Portland cards and nans rrom tne nose uuy. , The main event, announced yes: terday by Plant and he was all smiles about it wipes out the pos sibility of seeing Lea (The Lion) Turner go In the top brawl. Plant, In cahoots with Waterman, j could n't find a suitable : opponent for the negro whiz, so had to drop him "until the next shovk" At that time Plant will have Ln op ponent from California for Turner. Hoag! end Schanzes recently fought ja, sizzling six-rounder on a Waterman card and it is report ed that Ihey stole the show. They'll go 10 rounds or less here and come highly recommended by Water- man. i Plant; will announce the prelim inary bouts later thts wecli Flaimery Tops Praetice Shoot Hitting 88 out of a possible 100, Max Flannery took top honors in the practice shoot at the Salem Trapshooters club Sunday;. Re- suits: L. 100 targeta : Max Flanery Ted weitr Deal an Lot Gardner 67. George Stapleton $9, Doc hon ixm as. Robert Gardner U. Llm Coon SO, Late Harpole 43, Roy Hartnman M. 79 target: Ben CirUMtn Harold En b lorn 56, Chris Neltltnj Leul 47. Roy Gardner 43. Ed rred IS tattler 3S. Birdie U .Chandler Brown M, IS Urgets: Bob Iliff 22, Pratt 19. Burke IS. SUpleton IS. Wink 14. Mackley 13. Crkckaon 10. Dazler S. Jef George S, George Hartman S. Body Evans S, B. Erlckaon 4j Dallas Planning Ball Loop Enlry DALJLAS Intending to siep up from the catch-as-catch-can status of an Independent club to a full fledged membership In thel Will amette; Valley league, the Dallas baseball team will next stimmer be sponsored by the local Vet erans of Foreign. Wars. The team ing manager and Ray Kliever as business manager.. Boy ds ton rep resented Dallas at the league meeting which included Canby, Mt. Angel, Sublimity, Silyerton, Woodburn and Milwaukie. Another league meeting is set for ML Angel, January 20. Joe Louis and Billy Com). And In the eyes of many of the clients 'tis teo bad they can't. Bui when two cage coaches of the Falm berg and Hauk caliber toss rep ertoires at each othcrj same clients must expect to see the silk-pantied lads drooling cau tion. Those who saw the series needn't be reminded both Hank and Falmberg knew what bask etball defense means. They dote n It. J The Hauka wanted te ran the Finns ragged en offense, but the Coasters would have none of It and took to the thrill-tacking Katonen vs. Precocious Paavo Katonen, the vp-'n-at-'em ' ; grappling Finn who's generally among those present when the most ragged light heavy matadors are point ed out, makes his return to the Ferry Street Garden tonight to help headline Matchmaker Elton Owen's weekly party. Faavo's opponent, selected by Owen "to see If the Finn Is still as good as ho nsed to be," will be Angello Martinelli, the fast-maneuvering and punishing Italian who has earned for himself a host of fol lowers since his venture into the circuit months ago. VIKING SCORE EN ROUTE: Jack Fltxmanrlce (high In air), Salem high forward, turns loose a two pointer against Astoria's Fishermen in one of their weekend battles at the Villa. Fred Ihander, Finn forward (26) has swatted at the ball in vain. Captain Howard Lowold 421) watches Its flight as Bunny Mason (7), Salem center, eosnea up at far right. Roger Doaeh. of Salem (far left) and Gene Hunatnger (32) bring up the rood. SaJem won both games, 2S-1I and 23-17. (Clarion photo) Salem Handed AAU Box Card Marion, Polk Lads -To Fight Feb. T An AAU-sanctloned boxing card, sponsored by the Salem Jun ior Chamber of Commerce, in con Junction with Major F. H. Blake, state AAU committeeman residing in Albany, has been dated for the armory Thursday night, February 7. Blake, Albany's city recreation al director who Is to produce the show, announces It will involve Marion-Polk counties champion ship fights In eight divisions, 112 pounds to heavyweights. A. recent AAU card was held In Albany before a packed house. Marlon-Polk winners ':' will be matched with thoe of Albany and Eugene In a Willamette Valley meet March 8, winners! of which will qualify fore Jthe state AAU tourney.. I . Interested amateur fighters should report to the ,YMCA at once, for all .divisions will be limited to four entries.! Training will be held at the Y tinder the supervision of Jimmy Garrison, recently hired after military dis charge, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Tourney winners and runners-up will receive, belt buckles and silver medals depict ing their titles. Dallas Plays Loop Leaders WVL STANDINGS W Molalla i L Pet. pr pa 1 (MM) 202 12S .SOO 200 170 Silverton 4 Dallas 3 ..SO 100 71 .750 157 IIS Sandy i 3 Eatarada I Mt. Angel 1 Stay ton 1 .250 114 128 .250 111 138 .250 U 102 Woodburn 1 .200 108 155 Canby 1 .200 104 190 Tuesday limn: Molalla at Dallaa. Canby at Mt Ancel. Woodburn at Eatacada. Bandy at Stayton. T WOODBURN, Jan. 14-(SpecUl) -Willamette Valley league bas- ketballers play off round No. I Tuesday night and the feature game falls at Dallas, where Mol alla's undefeated league leaders battle the up-and-coming Dra gons in an 8 o'clock game. Coach Andy Anderson's team Is in third place after winning three in a row. Other Tuesday tilts, hooked for 8 o'clock, find Canby at Mt. An gel, Woodburn at Estacada and Sandy at Stayton. Mt. Angel, Es tacada and Sandy will be slightly favored In all three tussles. Sil verton draws the round's bye and all games are to be preliminaried at seven o'clock slow-'em-down stuff. The Palm bergs, knowing It would be silly to gallop with the Salems, were content to take their time In both games. Salem's sharp defense helped 'em. j All of which doesn't add up to red hot basketballing. And all ef which tends to make the bot-for-nooping customers a disgruntled pack. Maybe later when the two gents meet In the state classic If they get here they'll instinct their laddies to make like fire engines. Twould bo okeh by the clients. Martinelli Tops Armory Mat Bee Tonight In Martinelli the burly Finn runs against a gent who has proven himself most capable against mat hero or heel. The brawl will not be a coast champ ionship, even though Katonen still holds the belt he won from Jack Klser In California many months ago. Customers can ex pect a goodly dose of Paavo's I "(iillitflltiUillltls!; Marshall SI. Morchead (Kir) 4S. Illinois 46, Northwestern is. Toledo 47. Baldwin Wallace S3, Iowa State 57, Nebraska 3. lows Prcfllght 13, Wash. Unl. 41. Mont. State M, Colorado Col. 41. Bainbrtdse. Si, Seton Hall 3S. . i - 1 1 1 ... m.. AA PltUburg Teach. S3. St. Benedict SB Ball State 37, Wabaah 30. Stadium Fight Looms for LA LOS ANGELES, Jan. U-iffi)- Even if It has to use the 20,000 seat Oilmore stadium, Don Ame che's pro football team is going ahead with Its plans. The actor, one of the principal owners of the Los Angeles ran chise In the new All-America con ference, indicated today that his club will try to get the use of the 30.000 - seat coliseum when the coliseum commission meets tomorrow to determine playing rights for next season. Another petitioner for playing rights is expected to be the Rama club of the National Professional Football league, recently trans-! ferred to Los Angeles from Cleve land. The National league yesterday reached an agreement with Pa cific coast circuits other than the All-America conference to avoid conflicts in playing dates. This may lead to a conflict in dates between the All-America entry here and one or the . other of the National or coast clubs. Slicker Meet Ends 1st Heat Winter Slicker tournament bat tlers hacked through first round play over the weekend at Salem golf course this weekend, the sec ond heat, deadllned next Sunday night. League leaders in each division were established in first round play as follows, all with, 8-0 vic tories: American league-- Bill Franswa-Lloyd Davenport; Bar ney Filler-Harold Gillespie. Na tional league - - Bud Waterman Harry Gustafson. Pacific Coast league - - Ross Coppock - Bert Thomson. The matches wound up as fol lows: AMERICAN LEAGUE: rranws Davenport downed Bill Goodwin-Leo Ktey, 3-0; Ftller-Gilleopie d. Glen I.enxrrn-Don liendrie. 3-0;- Ted Chambers-Bob Powell d. Tom Wine-Floyd Baxter. 2-1: NATIONAL LEAGUE: Waterman-Gurtafiton d. Dave Eyre Tony Painter, 3-0; Lt. McBurnett-Cap. Fouchek d. Max Allen-Cliff Parker. 2-1; Lawrence Alley -O. E. McCrary d. Vic Convev-Bill Schaefer, 2-1. PA CIFIC COAgT LEAGUE: Coppork Thomiton d. Millard Pekar-John Em len. 3-0; Bob King-George Hoffman d. J. W MeCalliKter-Ned Ingram. 2-1: Glenn BurrlRht-Frank Shafcr d. Jack Nanh-R. I. McLaughlin, 2-1. Hubbard Tops Turner HUBBARD (45) (13) TURNER Morgan (28 F (0) Mitchell Strawn (9) E '0i EUer Miller I4 C (2) Whillatch Lewnle (0) G i3) Wheeler Dahl 12) G (8) Metcalfe Hubbard subs Sharer 2. Referee Bill Bevens. We Will Be in Our HEW LOCATION 270 North Church After January 1st JSAM'S MOTOR CO. Ph. 7117 knee-lifts, elbow smashes and "hangman's holds" against Mar tlnelli's flying scissors, double drop kicks and tackles, bow ever. The temlwlndup special, a show-stealer last week, features the return of Walt (TV Sneeze) Achiu, one of the gents who helped swipe fha-t show a week ago. Acblu and. , bulbous Babe iii '4 . Fight Ratings Told by NBA Honorable Mention . (laws Holds Kahut WASHINGTON, Jan. 14-P)-The national boxing association issued Its quarterly score card on the toughness of the boys in the sock-em profession tonight and put pressure on all the top rank ers to prove their right to the championship rating. Abe J. Greene, NBA president, seeking to cut a pattern for other sports in the expected postwar boom, called on "all champions" to sign by April 1 for titlo-defenxe matches to be held by June 1. The Joe Louis-Billy Conn heavy weixht title bout would be an exception since they already have signed for "some time In June." Greene suggested that interest in boxing would be stimulated jf Louis and Conn, particularly the latter, had some warm-up bouts. Archie Moore, St. Louis, light heavy; Rocky Graziano, New York middleweight, and Beau Jack, Georgia, welterweight, moved into high contending positions in the ratings. With leading fighters rapidly returning from the armed forces, a wholesale shakeup in the ratings is forseen by the time the next quarterly ratings tome out. The current ratings for bouts up to Jan. 3 include: Heavyweight Champion. Joe Iou it. Michigan; logical : contender, Billy Conn, Pa.; outstanding boxer, Taml Mauriello. New York; Jimmy Bivinr, Ohio. Honorable mention. Mflio Bet Una, army. N. Y.: Lee Oma. Michigan: Jersey Joe Walcott, New Jermey; El mer Ray, Florida; Bruce Woodcock, England: Arturo Godoy, Chile; Joe Maxim, Ohio: Johnny Elynn. New Vork Joe Bami. Pa.; Lee Savold, Minn. Light heavyweight Champion. Gua Lesnevicb. New Jersey; .logical con tenders, Archie Moore, Missouri; Fred die Mills. England; outstanding box ers, Lloyd Marshall, California; Billy rox. Pa.; Phil Muacato. New York; Anton Chrlktofortdis. navy: honorable mention, Joe Kahut. Oregon: Jack Johnson. Australia: Pritzy Kit.patnck. Oh to, Euard Charles, army, Ohio; Blllv Grant. New Jersey; Billy Mith, California. Lesnevich's Buddies Lose $870 to Robbers PORTLAND. Jan. 14 ? A hotel thief took more chance than he knew. Police said today that about " was taken from It wallets when five rooms at the Imperial hotel occupied by friends of lifht heavyweight champ Gvs Lesnevicb were en tered early Sunday. John Da mis, Lesnevich'a acting mana ger, nu robbed of $225. Isadore C. Diamond, who accompanied him here, loU $39. Steele Meet Rowc SPOKANE. Jan. 14.-P)-Young Freddie Steele, from Van couver, B. C, will meet Stacky Rowe of San Francisco ina six round special on a boxing card here Friday night. P-f S REMEMBER I . ' I You Have an Appointment v FOR NEXT FRIDAY Tsl6lIT ; I Ke Be I (SEE TOMORROWS PAPER) i Small made with the mayhem thei. Tonight It's Walt and hie ju-Jitsu against another nasty. Earl Malone, who la Just as rough and tough and unltked as Small. The 1:30 opener should be aa all-dean quickie between Pterro (Frenchy) LaBelle, the whirl windlsh ex-saliorman who dls tlngulsbed himself aboard the cruiser San Francisco during the war, and Gust Johnson, the lithe Swede who goes for his grappl ing on the goodie side also. Both are exceptionally fast and clever, ingredients for sizeable scuffle always. ' Pro Grid Draft Held in Secret i HIaiirlianI Selected By Pittsburgh 11' - Br Sid Feder NEW YORK. Jan. 14-(yP)-Te avoid revealing; any information to the rival all-America confer ence,' the National football league's club owners held the mort secret player draft in their his tory tonight but it was learned that Felix (Doc) Blanchard, Army's great' fullback, was se lected as the No. 1 choice of the Pittsburgh Steelers. J j. Aside from j Blanchard, only four other selections (were dis closed Boley Dancewicz by the Boston Yank,'f Leo Riggs cf Southern California by the Phila delphia Eagles and Cal Rossi, for mer UCLA star and Walt JCos low&ki of Holy Croes, by " the Washington Redskins. The probability-. ts, of course, that Blanchard, who5 still has" two more years of varsity; ball at West ' Point, will remain in the array. Although he Is only in hU sec ond year at Arrny, he began his collegiate career at North Caro lina and beotme eligible for the National league draft with the graduation of his class at North Carolina. j The National leaguers began their draft after a futile day-long attempt to draw up the strongest possible schedule to combat the all-America conference for fan Interest particularly in the key cities of New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. Salem Bowlers Showing Okeh PORTLAND.) Jan. M.--Several Salem entries were among the top scorers today as the Ore gon State bowling tournament went into Its fifth day. Among commercial teams, Karr's of Sa lem rolled a total 2782 to lend the fld. Interstate Tractor, Salem, sxid first In! booster class team standings with 12707, followed by Medo-Land Creamery of Corval lis with 2631j ' Humboldt club, Coos Bay, roll ed 2748 to lefld open teams, with Leonard's Supper club, Salem, second with 2772. A new state record In com mercial class singles was set Sun day when Ed iWescott, Portland, marked up a 66ft series. Competition j will continue through the week, ending Sunday. The women!s tournament got eff slowly with only four 500 re corded in the class "A" singles. Junior Quints End 2nd Heat Lefclie teams captured three out of four games Monday afternoon as the first inter-school intramural basketball tilts were run off on the two junior high school courts. At Parrish the Leslie Blacks took the Parrish Cards 1 27 to 21 and the Leslie Whites tripped the Parri?h Grays 29 to 20. At Leslie the Les lie Golds downed the Parrih Geens 38 to 15 and the Parrish Reds topped the Leslie Blues 37 td 14. A pair of Missionary sharp shooters, Ben Pitrer with 21,. and Bill Sproule with 18, topped in dividual scorer? for the day. I.. BLACKS 1271 Ray ill) r Sehwabauer (01 j T MKre ! i C Anunken 2) ! G Cumnnn ' 13) i G L. WHITES 2i Pit7er 21 i r Rudd '0) K Hilflcker i0) j C K) insmith ') I G ruwll 2l G (21) P. CARDS 1 4 1 RruponH IS) Barker (3) Brunei! ill Rook 4j Bienr (20 !; CRAVS 3) Mulkfy ill Otann (7 Osborno . () McDonatd H Hill OffK-iaUt Johns Kolb and Bud Rey noW. L. GOLDS i) (14) P. GRErNS Sproule ill) j F (21 Weinstein Ven:nroth (14); F tt Farnun Panlus (4) iC (9) Lukmbesl Detiart iO) ;G 2I Keilr Garer i2) !G - (2) Girod S.ib fnr Greens Houck 1. I.. BLCES (15 1 ti7) P. REDS Roeers 2) i F () Baker Blaklev ") !F (41 Paulus Nvere 12) j.C (l Davenport KiiHlerickkon (1);G (7 Iawrence Cooking '3) G I9) DiI Sub for RcdItton I Officials Al :LiRhtner and George Emsuh. 1