2-($ec. I) Stitesnun, Salon, Ore., Sun April 28, 1857 J5 fexas Flooded as Rains Feed Rivers VTU ASSOCIATED PRESS Additional heavy rain fed al ready twoUea ttreami and river Iq Texas Saturday night and Army engineers estimated flood damage Wong two major riven is the (lata at some II millioa dollars. ! 1 Texas Coy. Price Daniel asked Newsman Freed In Switzerland JBERN. Switzerland. April XT ( -Michael Goldsmith, Associated Press correspondent ia Geneva, wss released (ram prison here to day upon completion of a 24-hour sentcDoe imposed lor refusing ta disclose his news sources in aa espionage case. ' He was sentenced yesterday by Hans welder, a federal examining magistrate conducting a govern ment Inquiry- into the March St suicide ef Arty. Gen, Rene Du bois, who was involved ia aa es pionage investigation. Goldsmith lodged a formal com plaint for wrongful arrest with th. Swiss federal tribunal which ia expected to reach decision withia two weeks. The Weather Mas. Mia. Prrsv . 1 M .SO . S ti M . i a .no .n m . m eau-ReOiipsfid - Iuhm - Klamath rails MMMTS "Kawacrt ss 41 .ee 1 M M ss at .ee se it m n jt u si m North Portland The aieeclatae Fma Max. Mia. PtciVL AiMtwraa Albuauarque Atlanta Bout Bnalm -Chts Clevalaad . S4 M 41 ' S4 es ss ss se 4S n ss S4 J4 SI S4 SS , ss M Datrart , Fairbanks . Fare Pan Ww GilvMWa SaUn HaaaiuM Kuui CM? laa V4ca LoiAnfOlaa ( Miami ' Mnala-St. Paul Mow Orloaaa Haw Yarn Omaha Phaanis ' ttaaa . aeremeate alt Lake atr fmn DM mm yrandaee- Vaaklaftoa . M IS SI ts M TS u ss 41 af n 4S M SI f SS ST e as si TMayla Soreeart (from VS. Waath r Suraau. McNary Flald. Salami: Fair today aa tonight and partly V?. to tVlow tonirilt L iJlaastt River: -4 4 foot . Ton. 111 a-aa. today U. t s, aJaa rmlallaOia Ine Mart erf woathar roar laet I , . laatVoor Normal M ai - The Story of Contact Lenses j'srsoMlify Cm "Personality glasses" is a term ftaa aaed 1st regard to today's modem frames, but now the real thing la personality glasses is ottered la eon Uct lenses. Many a rasing fellow or girl Is ten out oi sports or social life eat some sort . by the aeed ior wearing thick heavy glasses; and may a person becomes ia-drawa aad a "book-worm'' because be twels be it different. - Today young people are effer- oi glasses that are nearly invis ible, and with then man? aa iav fortority complex has been over- One young teen-ager wss so Completely changed ia person ality thst her father remarked, "It would nave been worth tea times the amount spent ia saoney w see tnia tremendous person ality change in my daughter. A few" months ago she had no friends now the house is filled with young people." Per farther lafersaatlea pbea ai- consols L V. Sihlslrc.-n, O.D. toy ana, afM D. ULT.Jl !$, O.D. Optosjetrisnn VMoa Specialists Practice Uaslted is rotraetiea and Its nwag of coatees ?! Ufosloy BaUdiag ' Pbeao: Saleat, Oregon EMpire 4-7M1 SEASON'S md STOCIC C0AQrO,(2)P TODAY, APRIL 28th TIM! TRIALS-. :30 fM. RACES2:30 P.M. 1 ' ' 35 LAP MAIN EVENT WINNER TO RECEIVI GOV. PATTERSON TROPHY t CROWNING OP "MISS HOLLYWOOD I0WL" Hla.ll.. a nUIJ J AT. UUU UUW I Ore. AbMADULtj--$lio;fx ieicJ s! t PHI M 2-IS13 President Eisenhower to' declare flooded parts. o the state major disaster areas and grant federal funds where needed. Other- thunderstorms dumped smaller amounts of rain ever an area extending from eastern. Texaa to lower Michigan. Heaviest new rains In Texas oc curred . Sturday night ia the southern part of the state aa area where rainfall amounts have been light up to bow. Rains meas ured up to I Inches ia this section. The U. 8. Corp of Engineers laid nine days of unusually heavy rsins in north and central Texas had caused nine million dollars damage along the Bratos River end some 14 million dollars along the Trinity River. Since Thursday . thousands of residents have been evacuated from their homes la If Texas cities. Minor floods also threatened dues ia central . Illinois where April rainfall smounti-nave been somewhat above normal. At Springfield. 111., the state capital, water swirled ankle-deep into some city streets, and flooded basements. Cities along the Illi nois and Sangamon River near Springfield were alerted for pos sible flooding. Tornado funnels also were sight- ? i a e a r Springfield and at ontiac, Mich., but there were bo damage reports. Several thundershbwers broke out in the Northeast. The mercury shot op to M de grees in Roanoke. Vs.. the high est reading ever registered se early to the spring. New high rec ords for the date were set at Co lumbus. Ohio, with as and at Cleveland, which registered tS. Doctor of Year Award Goes to Heppner Man PORTLAND, April Tf If! The Oregon Medical Society today chose Dr, Archie D. McMurdo. 7S, Heppner, as the recipient of it first state "Doctor of the Year" award. - McMurdo entered medicine aft er servtirwita the VS. Army ia the Philippine, and opened an office in Heppner in If 11. He was selected from a field of It candi dates. .. - '- -j The society said McMurdo not only had made outstanding contri butions to medicine, but had been instruments! ia obtaining for Heppner a hospital and a bank. McMurdo, who has been a doctor 47 rears, has three sons: Scott. who operates a Cervallis labora tory; Tod. a Portland chemist and Bernard, a Saa Mateo, Calif. 'dentist. a i Oregon University Presidents Son Wins Scholarship CORVALLIS. April 17 tn - 0. Meredith Wilson Jr.. 17, Eugene, today woo a tl.M collego schol arship by topping U ether high school students ia as examination on Alexander Hamilton and the U.S. Constitution. Wilson, whose father ia presi dent of the University of Oregon, slss wiH receive a trip to Phila delphia, Pa., to participate in a national student constitutional convention June II. The nation-wide com petition was sat up by a presidential commls sioa. and financed by private do nations, to observe the MOth birth day anniversary of Hamilton. . Competitors here today were selected from top winners ia the recent Oregon high school speech tournament. Wilson ts student body president at Eugene High school. Mercury Ore Claims Filed in Roseburg Area ROSEBURG. AmU J7 ( Lessee oa 54 .claims containing mercury -bearing cinnabar ore in Western Lake County have been obtained by the Atomic Metals Corp.. A. H. Lee pw. a director of the firm, said today. Assays show the deposits con tola from M to 271 pounds of mercury per too of ere. Leeper said. A 7t-pound flask of mercury now brings tZ2S from the federal government's strategic metals stockpile program, he said. Leeper said a pilot plant will be set up at claims near Bly, Ore., and plans now call for a shipment of ere to be sent to a mill for processing experiments. OPENER" ii A tt .a. I SALEM, New Challenges, Ideas Necessary, Williams Claims MEDFORD. Ore., April 17 If) - New challenges are going to have to be met with new ideas. Michi gan's Gov. G. Mennen Williams told the annual Franklin D. Roose velt memorial dinner here to night. Present issues "are not the Is sues en which Roosevelt fought his successful fight," Williams said in bis prepared remarks, and "if the Democratic Party is to provide the nation again with the kind of leadership It provided is Frank lis Roosevelt and Harry Truman, It must recognise the new challenges and meet them wit new Ideas. TV ta Portray Story of Late Helen Morgan By CHARLES MERCER NEW YORK. April 17 laWHere is a story of two women, one quite typical of the moderate ISM's and the other a symbol of the immoderate infi. First, meet Polly Bergen, a beautiful young woman, talented as a singer end actress, a happy wife and mother. . Next, remember Helen Morgan, who rose from poverty to great wealth and fame singing the blues from the top of a piano la the days of prohibition and died .at 41, aa unhappy and forgot tea pan- P0a May IS. Miss Bergea win play the role of Mis Morgsn, singing her torch' songs and re enacting her frenetic life ia "The Helea Morgsn Story" on "Play house SO" CBS-TV, I N p.m. EST. Interestingly, Miss Bergen herself bought the television rights to the story from Miss Morgan mother, Lulu, for $10,000. Interestingly. too, "Playhouse eg" will produce it before Warner Bros, has com pleted a movie version of "The Helea Morgan Story" starring Ana Blythe. , Petty Sang Like Helen I never saw Helen Mors an or beard bar sing.' Miss Bergea said the other day. "But a few years ago people who knew her began telling mo I worked like Helen Morgan as aa actress, that is. ra ther than a singer. One of the most popular things I did in supper clubs was aa imitation of her. "One night about a year and a nan age when I was singing in the Persies Room at the Plasa a small, gray-haired lady stopped me as I left the floor and said, "you re wonderful. You sine so much like Helea did.' I asked if she'd known ber and she told me she was Helen s mother. I knew that Warner Bros, had owned the movie rights to Helen's life for years and. as I thought it over, I began - wondering: why not do nei tarn on nievwoor' ' The blue-eyed, brunette Vise Bergea began negotiations through her business agent after It develop ed that Warner Bros, hsd neglect ed to acquire TV as well ss movie rights. Meanwhile, she turned down an offer to teat for the movie role chiefly because she does not wish to be absent a long time from ber husband, daughter and nemo m flew York. ; Helea Marfan Died Peer : ' Evea in bare outline Helea Morgan's life indeed is fascinat ing. Born ia Danville, 111., she worked at such Jobs ss packing crackers and selling ribbons until she took a modeling job in Mon treal. Chosen "Miss Mount Royal" there, she swept off to New York to be crowned as a "Canadian beauty" and was quickly signed tiy Biuy Rose as a singer ia a small aighj spot, the Backstage Club. She drew such crowds that she could scarcely be seen or heard. One night the late Ring Lardner lifted her from the floor and perched ber oa a piano. So ber top-of-the-piano trademark was bom. In George White's Scandals of 1925 she achieved stsrdom. Carefree and generous, Helen Morgan made and lost s counle of millioa dollars in ber vounc lifetime. She wa married twice. Wfaea she attempted a comeback with a George White productioa ia Chicago, she was taken ill with a liver ailment. She died in Hen rotln Hospitsl ia Chicagd in 1S41 at the age of 41, a pauper. The Ac tors Fund of America paid her hospital and funeral expenses. Solon Warns of Panama Danger WASHINGTON. April V Ill-Ren. Overton Brooks (D-Lal said today the United States will loss control of the 'Panama Canal Zone "un less wo leant the lessons of Sues." 'Wo will have trouble In our own backyard if we fail to exer cise the most skillful diplomacy," he said in a statement issued through the National Rivers and Harbors Congress, of which bo t president :V K0I02-YU : Dallas Marilyn Monroe, Don Murrey ... in "ins nor Cinemascope - SECOND FEATURE Van Johnson. Vera Mile ia -n pacd is iuei nun- . , Cinemascope CARTOONS ' WcCwbum Drive-In Opens 1:45 Starts 7:1S ' Ollvi DeHaviland ma amiabadoi-s uuwnr ' PLUS is p.as ti um mm" Vsn Johnson , ' "Teeadsy U Bock s-Car NlgV Lone Boy Compotes in Baking Contest m . . . 0V. '' V .. ... t tf ; ... L v : '. i . ' ' " ' " :": . vs. $ ), .. .. ... . . i ii. i 'i.ii in' i i aim la.nini.a. ... m ..at... Keith Wonderly, IS, imllet with Mtisfactloa at he palls kit ovea during; tat City 4-H take baking caatctt Saturday at the ConBty.Caarthouse. Tbc only boy entered, Keith wen a blue ribboa hut was edged out of first place by Msr lene Malllcoat, who auy aow eater State cempetttioa this fall. Doctor Freed After Plotting Own Slayihg DETROIT. Mich., April 17 UV- A prominent Detroit psychiatrist who told police bo plotted his own flaying was released with oat charge and without bond today to undergo psychiatric treatment. The bizarre case of Dr. C. L. R. Pearman. St, was disclosed last night after he failed to show up st 'a rendezvous with his hired killer - aa undercover police offi cer assigned to the case. When Pearman appeared before Recorder's Judge Joha P. Scallen on a detaining order today, a spokesman for the prosecutor's office said it was not prepared to-J ask for a warrant. Pearman had - held for investigation of conspiracy to commit murder Judge Scallen then adjourned the hearing en a writ of habeas corpus until Wednesday. He re leased Pearman ia the care of the court psychiatrist. Dr. Albert E. Waller. v-'r:;. ,'; v. The Judge commented he had known and worked with Pearman for many years and knew him "as a man of exceptionally fine repu- m. Pearmaa is a resident psychiatrist at .Wayne , County General Hospital Pearmaa blamed overwork for his self-destruction plot, ssying, "My mind must have slipped." He said be arranged to hire an assassia whs wsa to bo paid $500 to shoot him to death in his of fice. Pearman, who ia divorced, said after ho made the plan "1 realized K was a silly thing." Police were told of the plot by a night club porter who said Pear man asked bun to rind a man willing to kill. A poOcemsn posed as a hired slayer and got a $5 down payment from the doctor, He was ts receive H50 more when he appeared at the doctor's office to carry out the shooting yesterday. But when police ar rived they lound a sign on Pear man's door, "Back Monday." ' bck of Forest Students Cited OGDEN, Utah. April 17 UV Wanted: 2.00 foresters. A lack of students in accredited schools of forestry has caused a, crisis, Henry Clepper, executive secretary of the Society of Amer icas Foresters, told the Inter mountain section's annual meet ing today. He suggested a program to sell high school students on the pos sibility of following forestry as a profession. The work,- he said, compares with engineering, as doe the salary scale. , Mower Mishap Fatal . ANDERSON. S. C Aoril V Harold Lee Duncan. XI, was killed today when a cower lawn mower burled a tiny piece of wire entry, apparently some time Sat into his heart. .... 'urday night. m a Sunday Nature Time Don't . MGM 1 A I V x Girl Wins Cake Contest, Boy Runs Close Second Marten MsllicoaL daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale MaUicoat, S47S Fisher Rd baked her wsy into a first place ia the Salem 4-H cafe baking contest Saturday afternoon at the Marion County Courthouse. Close behind Marlene, and also a blue ribbon winner, was Keith Wonderly. son of Mr. end Mrs. Frsncis L. Wonderly. IMS S. 12th St. Keith, who pitted his cake baking talents against a field of four girls, was out playing base ball when -the results were an nounced. He is also a first class muffin maker, having won a first and second place the past two years ia the city 4-H muffin bak ing contest. With Saturday's triumph Mar lene qualified to enter the state 4-H cake baking contest la Sep tember at the Oregon State Pair. Serious Music Fans Approve Of Rock V Roll COLUMBUS, Ohio. April 17 (ft- Most of the youngsters attending! the National Federation of Music Clubs convention here today gave approval to rock V roll music. Although the only music at the seven-day meeting ia oa the ser ious side, young people rsnging up to It year of agr said they found rock 'a' roll to have rhythm. One dissenting vote came from Judy York. 14, of Oklahoma City, who played ber own compo sition nt the piano, "Russian Dsnce." "I don't think rock V roll has any rhythm." she said. "But I listen to it because I have to that's all you get oa the radio back home." Eight-year-old Sandra Hendrix of Decatur, Ala., who composed her first music for piano at the age of 5. looked as guilty as if shs had been caught with her hand in the cookie Jar when she ssid, "I like the music of rock a' roll" , Idaho Wonan Killed In Car Collision PORTLAND. April 17 (fl-Mrs. Jessie Fern, Vsn Vranken, It, Kel logg, Idaho, was killed today in a bead-on automobile colllsioa IS miles east of here. Her husband. Willie. S3, and their three children suffered, minor injuries. Sanders Missing MONMOUTH. April 17 Theft of two power Sanders from a home under construction four mile south of Monmouth :oa the old highway was reported today to stats police by Joha Dickenson. Police said a window had been broken to gain HELD OVER1 m 1:41. 4: JS. 7:00 :35 Miss This Ontl rtsenh the hilarious ewdr is CWlMASCOrt tnd MEIROCOLOR GREGORY PECK ID CM DATA! I txfTrTcrn. anemaacope rasturalta April III rariuiai blue ribbon cak out of the Contestants there win be baking for college scholarships. Mrs. Msllicoat will be close by to su pervise Marlene's efforts s she was recently earned superinten dent of foods for the 157 state fair. iV- -.- Other " winners were Nancy Sears, Sue Morrison, snd Keith's sirter, Maden Wonderly, STARTS SUNDAY AT 1 P. M. LIFE ; J' JUDV DICK TOPS! PLUS-. ' A Ballet-Hot Story - -PHANTOM STAGECOACH" A.SL STARTS W j less iWmS'Ibs sscnsai-KX I ' COMINO; $OpH Hcc Planning tNlov Drivo For Legislative Program By JACK BELL WASHINGTON, April IT Iff -Close associates expect President Eisenhower to take personal com mand next week of a new drive to get his , bogged-dowa legislative program through Congress, Congress, comes back from a pulse-feeling Easter vacation Mon day to face legislative pile-up behind which most of the major Eisenhower proposals have been stalled. . Elsenhower will be back ia the White House early next week after a work and play vacation at Aufusta. Ga. His first order of business will apparently be to call legislative leaders of both parties together for a conference oa his foreign aid program. Administration officiate look to this conference as the open leg of a drive by the President to get early action la Congress oa school construction aid, a refugee bill, civil rights and ether legislation. AedltUaal Iff aria Eisenhower has been told by some of his advisors that although be ha been plugging for hi pro gram ia bis weekly newt confer ences, - some additional efforts may be necessary to build up popular support for his proposals. In this connection there has boea talk the President might make some national television appeals for such support. Elsenhower was represented ts top sdministration circles as being determined to stick firmly by his recommendations for $4,400,100,000 foreign aid program. That program is the chief target of congressional efforts to cut the President's 171,100.000,000 spend ing budget. Sen. Knowland, Cali News Stand Probe Due MEDPORD. April 17 W The Kiwani Club here has appointed a committee to investigate what it said wss obscene, indecent and immoral literature oa new stands. a::::i$E TEA GARDEN. . Best Chinese Feed Good Asserkaa Peed Toe ' Special Parties, Large or . SanU, Call EM-t-teZJ -Chinese Pood to Take Oat llftt N. CenunereUl St. Open I p. ss. to I a. aa. : - Satnrday I S. sa. ' Closed Wed. take rest Judy Richard HOUIDAY-COIITE SOAY a-V5. OPALOVK f 1 THAT MACK 1 WONDIPtrUL f 1 ti sai mi a I rtrt,.-,:r-i JRlIESSIEiMT JUNE ALLOT MILLER STORY" Iz. ifti CHMUJ MUNI HOMX ntlU SJMT SJOKM If' aw i l-aan-aiainliii ii ' ' XLt csn-n psua-n i'"n'i"3 1 Forrest Tncker Starting la a -New Typo of Adveatare Pictare That Will Keep Yea Spellboead! "WET BACKS1' . ) ' I J j fornia, Republican leader, has predicted a bllboa dollar cut in foreign aid. Sen. Mansfield. Mon tana, acting Democratic leader, said evea deeptr reductions sneuia DO BlSdO. Trei Battle ' Presidential advisors are well aware they face a tremendous bsttle la Congress ee this issue. They suspect also that Elsenhow er may bav picked a losing fight ia his efforts ta restore funds cut by the House out of the UJ. In formation Agency budget The House tut the sgeocy'a re quest from 144 millioa dollars down to 10 million. Eisenhower said this wsi "the worst kind ef economy, adding that Informa tional activities should expand rather thaa decrease. Saturday Sunday Dinners Sorveel 11:30 t l;C3s. as. Wk Day Pinners .:uo p. m. te :tw p. m. A' la' Carta : 95c , Chile Portioti - oOe Compltta Dinners .$1.25 Child Port ton - 7S ' K ur at SLOFPY JOE'S DSIVE-III , 12th end Center Streets Opem 11 1. m.lMMnHe ft flat fwfW,,, Out l', tat Is Motthhu PriMWmdiiirUMaiMl OAST OMOON TOM TURKIY with all me triwuninf ust ap fj THE C A II CIIOS T" lllansinil alllVr PartlaiHl Reeel at Per Orders to jCfTl7T)3 ' ' ' l"1fk nVT"?! CONT. SHOIf SUNDAY h-u3 . y VIA) FROM I N T. MY .' i ' ' -1 p, ; i The New VvALOOKfllH M MUtr&ALtl AvE :'sSl kay r::m P L U S Anthony Perkins The Ixptosive New Star in Hit ' Piret Starring Role "FEAR STRIKES OUT" If You're lastly Shocked TW Picture It Not Per You! COMINO SOON--BOY HAITI SUNDAY AT DUSK Th Groatost Noy.l Evtr Wrltton-Now Magnifictntly a t:... iL. e s, 5 ruin i mi crvvni Mstowiiiim jfiftiy H1RN (0,1 ilfiL .Hi HH'1 '"?.r"f.l'T4 WlBBlhlsT hmtj vuiviulMa) A Hllarloas lilt Tee 11 Enjoy ' . Geo. Nader , ' , "A GIRLS IN TOWN" I u s Theater Time N ' Table rxsMoea . .v-' (Continuous Aram 1 m.) ' wtukny rxcri t s. tits, -rcAi anuxn wt-i ts. 444, S.S , . . " CAPITOL ' (Contiauavav fram I f m.) jmnz.or urn ia. e, ' BAN ' ' ' (CanUaueua fram 1 p.m.) "GLENN MllXXa itrotn t:K S IS, IS IS : 1 ' "wiTBACkS"s 1., 4:11. t:4t 1 NoaTi tAs.au ontvt-tN (Cataa epaa at tits, SkM starts St Siukl "WAR ft rtACt." Henry Pa. da anS Audray liaaburn JluiCi lit TOWN," Oeert OLLTWOOB " "DEttONmo WOMAN" t 1:4. t:t. Ti. :S . ' . -Ann. in rowruoAf i :4. t JS, M ... Accicftnt Fatal ' , COOS BAY. April XT HI Ar. thur R. EUert, 43, ef Coos Bar died yesterday from injuries suf. fered Tuesday in an automobile collision oa the Coast Highway , near here. Oregea Homo ef Sloppy Joe , A Oroaf Sandwich North CHy Umitt Go-Phone IM 2-7f ..a-hto Q ON A DOLPHIN" J Ki IhAH SBDim . Jr . I- i ftJ. "