2-(ScI) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat, April 27, '57 Psychiatrist Hires Man to Kill Him, Then Cancels Deal Commander: DETROIT. Mich.," April M (AV-A fantastic plot wu deacribed to po lice tonight by a Detroit psyduV stmt who laid Im hired a gun mas to kill him and then called the deal off. i Chief Asst. Prosecutor Ralph Career laid the luauia who Or, Mum Writer', Jailed Briefly In Spy Case (Picture an wh-eaoete page) BERN. Switserland. April 20 (aV juicnari uoiosmiin, correspondent in Geneva tor The . Associated Preus went to Jail tonight for 24-hour period after be declined to disclose the. source of informa tion he had obtained ia a spy case. Hani Waldrr, federal eiamining magistrate, imposed the sentence summarily, hoMing ; Goldsmith contempt of court This is the background: : In a news story March JO Gold smith reported that a Swiss police official was under investigation on suspicion of passing to French agents, certain iaformatieau ob tained by recording telephone con versations involving the Egyptian Embassy. The story said Egyp tian officials became, suspicious1 last November. This was around the time of the French-British in vasion of Egypt. ' On March 13 Atty.' Gen. Rene Dubois shot himself to death in his home. He had become involved in the espionage case. Magistrate Haider is in charge af the government inquiry into Du bois's suicide. He summoned Gold smith to question him as to where be got informs tioa reported ia the March 20 aewi story. Goldsmith refused la divulge this, Baying:. "It is not any lack af good win which, leads ma to refuse to tes tify, nor do 1 wish to favor ar protect anyone, who might be in volved ia this investigation, 1 am concerned with the basic question at press freedom, which caa only exist when a journalist ban the right to conceal hii sources at in formation." . , Walder. announced there 'Was so appeal against -the 24-bour sen tence, and officials said the report er may be subject to further pros ecution if he maintains his refusal to give the In formation sought The; British Embassy lodged a protest with the Swiss Foreign Of fice. Eoldsmith to a British auV C. L. R. Pearman hired to slay him was aa undercover patrol man assigned to the case. . . . 'Dr. Pearman, former resident in psychiatry at Wayne County (Detroit) General Hospital, was taken into custody at a reserve officers party at the Grosse lie Naval Air Station after faiUng to keep the appointment ia his office in a downtown Detroit building. Garber and Police Commis sioner Edward 8. Pigglns anoted Dr. Pearman as saying, "I was despondent when I arranged the plot I felt I had nothing to live for. This afternoon I changed my mind. So I kept. away from my office. Most Fantastic ' ' Garber described the story as tne most " fantastic Ive ever ever heard." Ha said it began Tuesday when Pearman asked, a Bight dub at tendant to provide him ' With a killer. , "Ha must . be an ex-convict a .Negro, . and must know his busi- uaroer quoted rearms as saying. Pearman is, white. The Bight club attendant tipped police who assigned a patrolman to act up . a meeting with Pearman. fnlM la Bear! - Garber said Pearman asked the patrolmaa for "one bullet ia the heart" , Dr. Pearman said he would ransack his office to make It an. pear that he had surprised a bur glar at work. When police attemsted to nick Dr.-Pearmaa up at hie office this Bojs jklp Pay In Portland Are PORTLAND, April 2 U Four teen months ago three teenage boyi Jet a fire at the Rosa City ParkGrede School that did $2,001 damage. - : . They were caught sooa attar, but Judge Viriil Lanrtrv entered that Instead of going to aa tosti tuuon. they should help repay the oamage. . t Last night Langtry presented the school with a $3S0 television-record player, purchased with money the boys made at summer Jobs. ;Ths Weather Max. Mia. rrep. ss 4t ei S7 as , trace XI mi ' m . . ss ss it a . as 4i m 4 .,, ... ... St '. 47 a 4 . . . as ss Altera! r kr. Band-lladjnaad x.usne . Klama'h Tall WMiore Kawpprt Kanhj B Pvtlend jStjr the Aaaoruua prate as u AnrtiaraaO Albuquerque Allinta Rlt ' Boaia " . Chlcaea CIvUad ' gvnvor unit , rairhanka "i Farra fort Wnrtt -Gatvajtos : Hiiu Honolula : Kaniat Ofy La VfM Is Angelas Mianu Wnpla-Sl. Paul Haw .Orleasa New -Vara Omalra V Phoanix -Kan SacramanM Slt Lake Cttjf Saa Ditto ttn Jranelaee Waahlncua . SI ss ss 11 S4 SS ss ss es ii ss 1i as u TS SI S4 71 71 17 SS 71 it 71 S3 SI ss set License PUtes By Dd-lt-Yoursdf Fan Irk Police FERNDALE. Md.. Anrfl 21 IfU. He was obviously a do-it-yourself mo out ponce inougiH oe earned things ton far. . . . Anna Arundel Count Patrolmaa James R. Rothgeb said he origi nally arrested George Siebold. 1. af Elk ton,. Md.. on a charts of driving oa a revoked license. He later discovered: ' .' L Siebold had repainted last year a license plates; . t Siebold slse had a hand mada" registration eard la match Magistrate Louis A, Daalba gave nun so oays in mul . - Mrs. Snyder, 77,'. Succumbs Habetla Jeaaetta Snyder. TT, af 2DSt,Uvtog3to. St4 died Friday; at her home.. , ,.. . -.,-'-- Mrs. Snyder was the widow af George Arthur Snyder. She was bora Mabelle Jeanetta Blount, in Bur ling ame. Kansas, aa July t, IXTt. She lived ia Salem for the last 20 years. Sha leaves lour children, all of Salem. They art Alfred Virgil Sny- oer, Dorrance May berry Snyder, Mrs. Dorothy Lois Robinson, and Mrs. Marjorie Elizabeth Spencer. Three graodchildrea alaa survive her. - Puneral services will ba held oa Monday at 1:20 p m. ia W. T. Rir doa chapel, followed by services at Bekrest Memorial Park. The Rev. Dr. Brooks H. Moore, pastor of the First Methodist Church, will officiate. Man Innocent of Stealing Horses KLAMATH FALLS. April X Ifl A Beatty rancher accused of stealing horses was found inno cent by a circuit court jury to night. - Manria J. Walker, 2. was charged with larceny of livestock. The trial, is Judge David R. Vsn denberf '$ court, lasted the entire sjeek. walker wu accused at stealing a bay boras after H. R. Robot ni, a neighboring rancher, refused to sell it to him. morning they found a note la his door reading "back Monday. Garber said ha -would recom mend a warrant tomorrow charg ing the psychiatrist with attempt ed conspiracy to commit murder. Conviction on the charge could mean a five-year prison term. Space Travel Said Wa y Jo Combat Age ' By FRANK CARET " - . ' AP Seteaee Reporter WASHINGTON. April 2t 41 A space ship traveling close to the speed of light would constitute i 'modern-day ' fountain of youth enabling space travelers to slow their aging, a University of Wis consin physicist said Thursday. Dr. Harold W. Lewis, in a report to the Americas Physical Society's sprint meeting, said that la round, trip to the nearest star requiring eight years ia terms of the folks back oa earth a space traveler would "age toss than one year" if his space ship were travel ng at Jm.OOO miles per second. The speed of light ia about M.ZIX miles a second. . The big catch, of course. Is that there is aa prospect af maa travel ing nearly that fast at least in 4 foreseeable future. But Lewis said the history of technology shews "haw little we are able to foresee." He said that if a lK.OOO-mile-a-second clip aver could be attained and "if our space traveler were te leave a twin brother on earth, the brother would age the full eight years waiting for the travel er to return, aa the traveler will ba seven years younger than his twin when ha sees him after the long Journey. . "He will have found a modern day fountain of youth.' the physi cist said. Death Claims A. G. Byers atataaa Nana Banks INDEPENDENCE. April 2a-An- Garfield Byers. Ta, resident of this community for mora than SO years, died Friday at his home. SSI ith St. Ha had suffered from a heart ailmeat for several months. ' Born in Dea Moines. Ia., Nor. 10. 1171, ha moved ta Oregon with his parents when a young boy. The family lived for . a time at Brunks Corners prior to moving to Independence, where Byers was a carpenter for many years. surviving are twa daughters. Mrs. Helen E, Stryker, Lebanon, and Mrs. Rets Dotson. Indepen dence; son. Grant Byers, Indepen dence; sister, Mrs. Clara L. Brunk, Salem; five grandchildren and two great grandchildren. ! Funeral services win be at 2 p.m. Monday at Smith Krueger Mortuary ta independence, wita the Rev. Roy C. Agta officiating. Interment win follow at HiQ Top Cemetery near Independence, . Pacific Debaters Out of National. - West Point Meet WEST POINT. N.YV April 20 I A field af 30 top college debat ing teams was reduced ta II today as the Uth annual West Paint National Debate Tournament com pleted Its first round. Each- two-person team debated eight times during the two-d a y round, taking first ana side and then the other of the proposition, "Resolved: That the United States Should Discontinue Direct' Eco nomic Aid to Foreiga Countries." The 20 teams eliminated include the one from Pacific University, Forest Grove, Ore. , WASHINGTON, Apr. it Vice Adm. Charles B. Brawn is commanding af-' fleer af U.S. Sixth Fleet erdered Inte Mediterran ean Sea la face af mount tint; tension aver Jordan situation. (AP) Man to Erect New Home After Blast Dermis Howarth, whose home at 7SS N. 20th St., was blown up in a gas explosion Nov. 21. received permission Friday from the city engineer's office ta erect a new $20,500 frame house on the same spot Howarth said Friday that his wife hi doing well ltter receiving plastic surgery ia Portland hos pital. Howarth and their five-year-eld daughter were also Injured in last fall's blast. The house wss leveled when a cigarette lighted by Howarth Ignit ed gas seeping from a furnace. - The family currently lives at 111 N. 14th St. Howarth is a paper company employe. Other building permits Issued Friday; Ta John Free of 045 D St.. tor garage alteration costing $300; to Carl Ritterling of S10 S. 23rd St.. alterations to his home, $200. and to Fred Mullins. shin gling of dwelling owaed by Lucy Weller. 10H 3rd St., IMS. Births' g ' : - - V. Norblad Asks Closure of , Post Offices Washington! AprO x m Rep. Norblad (R-Ora.l reported he hai recommended the closing of two small Oregon post offices despite protests from local resi dents. - The twa offices, which Norblad suggests be made rural nations, are located at Goshen in Lane County and Denmark ia , Curry uwnty. , The congressman said the change would give the commu nities "substantially the same' service as at present The major difference win be that the office will be operated by a local per son under a bid contract rather than by a postmaster. He said the change would re duce the operating cost at- Goshen trom s3.aoo la S2.4M) a year. At Denmark, the Mid. current ceipta are 0620 a year with ex penses at 12.250 The rural con tract station, he said, can be op erated for 11.200 a year with a savings to the taxpayers of (1,000 a year. Theater Tirjie Table IXSINOBS ' 1 TUNNY rACE"! 70. M il TEAa STRIKES OUTl I.M ' CAPITOL (rontlniioui from 1 am.) "spirit or it. louis 'i in; ADVKNTUXBrt lH, I W. I M DKP 1:1! S:SS OBANB " 1 (Continuous from 1 pm.) , "C IN DIB ELLA": 10. 44. "CHEAT LOCOMOTIVE CHASC": 1:41, 1:41, IM NOOTH IALSM DBIVS-W (Gataa oasa at l:4A. Bhaw at dunk.) BANUIDO. HOBST! Mitcnum ROCK PRETTY BABY." Jaha Sanaa - - noixrwooD ' "DESIGNING WOMAN"! TMl 111 " Aran, in ronruoALi a:is VICKERT To Mr. and Mrs. Jim M. Vlckery. 130 Chase Ave- daughter. Friday. April 2f, in Salem General Hospital. , FAKADI3 Ta Mr. and Mrs. Richard Par adit, 471 Cascade Dr.. daughter, Friday. April 28. ia Salem Memorial Hospital TOE To Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Yee. 1S3S Broadway, a daugh ter, Friday, April 28, ia Salem Memorial Hospital. " Rademaker at WU Elected to Prof essir Unit ' Dr. John Rademaker. head of the sociology department at Willamette University, has been elected mem ber of the National Council .af the American Association of University Professors to represent District 2 of the associattoa. ' The sociology and antbropoloer professor hss served as chairman of the Oregoa Stats council of the IAAUP, and he wu chairman of the legislative committee of the council from 1951 to 1965. His duties will include consulta tion with local chapters in Orecoa. Washington. Idaho, Montana, Brit ish Columbia. Alberta, Saskatche wan, and Alaska, and' attending meetings at tna council during tus inree-year lerm of etuce. Eden to Leave Hospital BOSTON. April 20 WV-Sir An thony Eden. Britain's former prime ' minister, who underwent surgery April ii for a bile duct obstruction, ia scheduled to leave New E a g 1 a nd Baptist Hospital next Monday. CXI AWARDS FRESENTED Richmond Cub Pack 10 met Fri day evening la Richmond School auditorium and the Webelos badge, highest in Cub Scouting, went to Terry Brody; Lion to Jerry Kan si er; Bear to Randy Smith; Wolf to Larry Hansen and Garry Ba ker, and Bobcat to Michael Bach elder. The pock's first inspection of the year was alas held. Motor-Vu-Dallas KTWIIN HIAVIN AMB HtU" IT AIT MM TOMOeSOWt MaWnfyst MaMfaaV 9djna tlHt9f 1st tut ITOT" ... r'jjan etnsBnVesvay VwVOj inapaWS la) m pacts to OAKia min Ccttcnv;::ds Every Ssf-jrdfK;-ht Jcck Kizzish c?.i Wis ltvt Tcxcs n wananatjrtaaf rs Adm. iVOO, Tax tnL Dancing 9 la 12:30 . Hear Than an KSLM Ivory Sat. S fe a P. M. ( Three Cascade Pass Highways To Open in May Three high Cascade mountain pass highways annually closed by snow throughout the winter the McKeniie Highwsy, the East and West Diamond Lake highways, and ML Hood Highway between Government Camp and Cooper's Spur will be opened to traffic about May 17, State Highway En gineer W. C. Willisana announced Friday. ., . - Plowing operations are sched uled to start at both ends of these highways oa April 20. Normally the McKenzit Highway is open about June 1 and the Diamond Lake highways a week earlier! A snow pack estimated at only 70 per cent of normal makes the earlier snow removal, possible, Williams 'said. . Clerk Accused of Stealing $50,000 Worth of Clothes CHICAGO. April 20 (eV-Police said a , clothing salesman in a downtown department store today admitted stealing some $30,000 in men 'i clothing la seven months at the rate af aboulMnuits a week. Held for. questioning waa Hur shalle P. Lenae. SU a salesman with Mandel Bros, department store for two years. Police ssitf after Lenhe was seized at the store last eight they found 11,700 in stolen garments at his home. ', - Lenne, pellee said arranged with friends to pose as customers and walk out of the store with clothing. Lenne later would col lect for the clothing at about half the store price, police said. Sec. Wilson Sees Guided Missile Test TATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, Fla April 21 Irv-Secretary af De fense Wilson was a spectator to day at the firing af a guided mis site from this highly secret base off Florida's Cape Canaveral About five hours after Wilson ; arrived here from Washington for a iirsi-nana won at now ue mis- sim program is earning araag familiar roar which signals the blasting off at ana af the new weapons. A lid af secrecy waa clamped an Wilson's visit. Military officials refused to say what kind at missile was fired ar even to confirm that there had bees a firing. At 1:14 p.m. people hi the near by city of Cocoa heard the roar of the rocket and saw it winging southward, leaving a trail af white smoke across the sky. , i Wilson had said in Washington (hat be hoped to see a missile I fired during his visit to Patrick m riMVW as. Wilsoa also said ha wanted Be publicity an his trip and military officials here took that statement seriously. French Mint Blast- : Fatal to Seyeri Men MULHOUSE. Franc, April 20 nv-Sevea miners were killed and sis injured todsy in an explosion at the Marie Louise potasn mine at nearby SUffelelden. - One hundred and eighty-one miners came out safely. The vic tims all were French.. Arizona mines 4S per cent of all copper In the U. S. ' DAf.'CE TOMTE! ... 1 DAKCE Over VesJcrn AuJj Every kl. '-' 2Sf Cavrt ERBY'S ORCHESTRA ADM. 50c PAYTON LEGION HALL Music by LYLI aad the , VESTL'lNA.aS Every fat. Night. :30 to 12:30 Adm. 1.00 (Tas Inc.). Portland Man Freed Of Driving Charge A ypung Portland man was freed of a charge af driving with a sus pended license Friday in Marion County District Court after he hitch-hiked from Portland to ap pear.. .; John Thomas Barker said he never has had a license. Barker told the court be has been hoeing strawberries to support bis parents and 11 others living with them. : - 4" VsTiaXD fu:i : ,Mt(M nil mnrt niurt - l'Jjt mA FC.1 THRILl RIDES GAMES FREE PICNIC FACILITIES Sates-cay Is Kii&s Cay Reducoo) Rates an Rides,' I -a a. m. HAVE FUN at JANTZEN Boy Hit by Dart 'Fine' Marvin Valdes. 0. who had a dart imbedded aa inch ia his fore- bead Thursday, was feeling fine Friday, according to his father, Raymond Valdez. SSS S. 16th St. Marvin was playing yesterday and hasn't consplained of pain, Valdes said. ' - Vcc.i-ra Drir2-h Open :IS, Starts T:1S ENDS SATURDAY-. 'Plea nRiEroniuiruir . US aKUKlDSt'S DJUiCliTO" Plat i STARTS SUNDAY -2JaceiB)Mnrrser C AA lor . Tear .free Ticket flQQ CASIIPRIZE! At Cryste! G-irdcns , r -v r r-v r-i p i ' f f A WITH J Lcrry Ccsccds Rc-sgd Riders Featuring the Rsnoerottes' Singlnn Trie "The Nerthwest's Flaest S-Pieee Western Band tezivi::3 Pov!:::a Every Sst. Ztt National Guard units took part ia eleven campaigns and S4 assault landings in World War t, $vr.i DAIiY M Now to n pjb, an AlfcHaaasrW-t " ' Bentan lane Peel Htoar ftm ML . aim i. c Krw a-MM i- I PHONE IM af-4713 DON'T MISS THIS FIRST RUNII tan ' ' 1 SsBaa ar aasa aa, 01 aj ga" gf v M mi M '.2 - Today's Ssraeast (from tT 8j Waaflv r limw, McNary rieM. aaiaml. Partly cloudy today and Sunday. Him oata days OS la to. Ow to- autht !. WiOamatte BIV: -02 fnos. -Tama. U:l a.m. today 44. .. ." Balasa PrarlpnaMao ' OiiwS eUrt H wcaUwr yaar Bevt t Tadata ; Last yar -MivrmaJ mm ' sa.si . " xai 5 r v. :! if II ' it ' Dc.n't r.iss It! Tcday end Sunday R 4 L3 mm a State Feirgtwinids Cromiistand Sh:v Sf nss 3 p.m.4 s.m. lotli Days Featnrlag the Faaaoas SING LEE SING FAMILY Frco Prizes! Drawinns.HaM.Juet Baforo . Each . Stana . Shaw rnp Farkinaj aessuiMel nil ti.u n i ' ni rr. nan pruotl D::rs C;:a 4 P.IL Cdh Dirs . I S::! CO Exhibits That.Win.Oivn.Yan Many.New.Meet.oa Itwiiiw . I J ........ lla-i T -!"! TrattamuJ KSSe' ' 1 ICV '"".IE KracK. tt"'" fa low A Tri ENDS ' -SPIRIT OF TONITEI ST. IOUIS- "DEEt ADVENTURE" STARTS SUNDAY AT 1 P. M. mm iai rt nvri ' cont. show sunday laa.UI ULaI FROM 140 P. M. FUU -ofV Ml-. T0P3! The New. Judy lehsird II0JlIMx-C0jTE TlookM m MusicalsI ''- ; I A-oVe, LUtlldi if) V Rocka V M 'l ' (Everybody i'arH' f r l gf; i-s, - i rW a-atwiNaNai mm , KAY C7 JoaS wm-mmTSSZ PLUS A Ballet-Hot Story PHANTOM STAGECOACH" tan ana aw-as., mm mm lWattr- avaaiaiatiBa P L U S O Anthony Perkins The ' IxpUsiva New Star-in His First Starring Rale "FEAR STRIKES OUT" If You're Easily Shecked Thii Picture h Net For Yeul COMINO SOON-IOY ON A DOLPHIN" fcNDS TONITE! "CINDERELLA" "LOCOMOTIVE CHASE" lT)(T)l"n)l i!iLi n; IOC AajHlaie sta.it$ su:::ay We Anytime 0 THI STORY OPALOVI ) THAT MADK i fteABVaaBaaan0M MUSIC I SaaWnssT iiiL. - 7TV. a - -k ENDS TONITE! "BANDIDO aad "ROCE PRETTY BABY I l 1IIF1R AIJ.VXfl7J oM. . r ? it f . STARTS SUNDAY AT DUSK V Tho Grtattst Novel Evtr Writtrr-r.owv Magnif ictntly Aliv tn th Scrttnl OMM.ES OtM CfOKI XBHS BtMIT kmm o niiinxsi nraK r" 11 -' 1 ii......i.h Mfy I W.UL - I ill I&IOMI ' RBI iliL Forrest Tarter Starring la a New Type of Advealare Pktare That - Will ICeep Yaa Spellaeaadl "WET DACKS" L A n w it j EJR0JEJ UalalLtli. IMuii fi-.rna- I 1 It BU.i LwUHl mm a so I ""ft eaMMri.jj JL.JLwu linear' A Hilarioas Bit YeaH Enjoy . Geo. Nader 'I m P 1 U I i . a. Fvn-Uvlflg Thrw 11 4 GIRLS If, lOMW" NEW CIAS" Smiwf hut Tims !:45-4:25-7:G3-f :)S I COMINO SOON -"GIANT" Ji;:;ritj;!iMi;:;f-:i asa