.. .. .. V, Large Crowd At Bethel Dinner Nearly MO attended th supper Monday evening; for families ami members of Bethel 43, Job'i Daughter! a) the Scottish Rite Temple, Honored were Mix Karen Tliomas, part honored queen; Miss Kolette Thomas, grand representa tive for New Mexico; Mrs, Ray S'rlngham, guardian; Russe For rest, associate guardian and grand junior custodian; Mrs. George Ed wards, worthy matron of Salem Chapter No. 162.. Order of F.aatern Star and honorary ' Member of" emei . Mrs, Edwards invited the bethel drill to perform at the next Salem Chapter meeting on Saturday evening, April 27. Several girls reported on Grand Session and Miss Pauline Bailey told about Friendship Night at Bethel 48. ... I The girls voted to have tenl traveling baskets started to raise j money for the drill costumes. Miss I Deloria Shnver is chairman for ' tliis project. Honored queen, Mary Clark, an-1 Bounced her Go-To-Church Sunday! for May I at the First Methodist Church. A degree was put on for William L Shriver, patrol guardian, by the following: Misses Rebecca Singer, Karen Van K u e I e n, Dianne Amundson, Sue Sickler, Sharon El bert and Judy Fortmiller; Miss Kort miller, drill captain, presented tnt nrst place cup won at recent Grand Session to the honored queen. Mr. Larson Flies To Kansas W. C. Larson, 82, of 113S Cross St.. left -by plane Tuesday night from Portland for Salina, Kas., where he will visit his birthplace - at Brookfield, as well as his for mer homes at Tescott and Cul ver.''" ' . Mr. Larson has not been back to Kansas since he left there 35 i years ago. Mrs. Larson, Salem music teacher, did not go with her hus- . Dana. , nut ne is accompanied by h i son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Larson now of Yakima, but formerly of Silver- ion, ine younger Larson, Rotary district governor, and his wife will continue on to Lucerne. Switzer land to attend the Rotary Inter national convention. The elder Larson will return to Salem in two weeks. Birthdays Honored The Ford Street Birthday Club was entertained at a luncheon on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Grace Maring. Honored on their birthdays were' Mrs: Luna Ralston and Mrs. John . Mia We. Others at tending were Mrs. Erskine Asher, Mrs. James Johnson,' Mrs. Roy Talley, Mrs. "Melvin Lyons. Mrs. George Minifle, Mrs. Phillip res eller, and Mrs, Hobart Dixon. ; The TaMtka Missleeary Fellow ship of the First Baptist Church will meet at the church on Thurs day from 10 a.m. to I p.m. for a White Cross meeting. Members are Invited to attend.' Club Calendar Wednesday' ' ' Royal Neighbors of America Sewing Club, Mn, John Heppner, SSI Hood St., 11:30 salad luncheon. Veterans of World War 1, Barracks and Auxiliary, VFW Hall. 1:30 p.m. benefit dinner. ( j. First Methodist WSCS, Carrier Room. p.m. Cherry Court, Order of Amaranth, Scottish Rite temple, I p.m. Wednesday Afternoon Literature Group, AAUW, with Mrs. L. A. Walworth, Route 1, Box 1(0, 1:30 p.m. , PL8 and F Club with Mrs. Leon Hansen, 1M East Miller St.. I p.m, . . f ' : ' , ' : Tbarsday , , American War Mothers meet at Greyhound Bui Depot, 10: IS a.m. for Albany, - ; Jane Jefferson Club with Mrs. Max Shustenritx, 136 Alberta St; p.m. ' - ' V.: , t Y-Teen Mother's Club. YWCA. noon. ' Towfl, and Gown musicale, WUlamette University Music HalL S p.m., tea, Lauanne Hall. . , Sojourners. Salem Woman's Club, 1 p.m. t t Salem Toastmistreas Club, Golden Pheasant, I p.m. " Little Garden Club of Salem Heiphli with Un v.. n... - m ...... ' wv m w . w, .173 Ratcliff Drive, 1 p.m. " Friday Mcrrv Time Club with Mrs. Anna Klrknatrk-lr mi shr.m. Ave.,-1 p.m. . - . Silver Bell Circle, Neighbors of Woodcraft. Woman's Cluh. p.m. ' Willamette Valley Panhellenie with Mn .inh rikii W " - - i ww.ae m ivatuili evuw Ladd Ave.. 10 a.m. . Salem Woman's Club at clubhouse, 1 p.m. ' ' Golden Age Club, YWCA, 1:30 p.m. madee. Mrs. E. R HrAwW aiut Foreign Wars Hall. Mrs. Richard the club's retirine- nrMMit Mn I Spencer, poppy chairman.' stated Roy Farley. The club was formed ii headquarters for the sale will be thirty years age and bas been ac tive continuously since then. Herman Clark, retired professor nv the basement of the Portland Gas and Coke Ce. Mrs. W. L, Bar- neu win serve as . refreshment SWuM.!.:. sale, people. colored slides of his recent trip I , J": 3!? "rVer will have across the United Stale... v charge of the check stand and i .1. 1 Mr- IveU H1J' kitchen, at a New officers were selected at riiu rur k k. . " this time hich resulted a fori May 4 at the VFW hall for re. lows: president, Mrs. Charles Gar risen; vice president. Mrs. E. R. Bedwell; and re-elected- secretary and treasurer was Mrs. Kenneth Bayne. . Assisting the hostess were Mrs. habituation. Mrs. W. L, Barnett; member ship chairman, reports 140 mem bers, la date. ; Mrs. Maude. Olson gave a report en the meeting of the Federation of Patriotic Orders Novel Costuming for "Don Juan' Auxiliary 1 Plans Many Projects ; Mrs. William Johnston, newlv In. stalled president, presided at a Chester Armstranc M Haveaville regular meetinc of Marion Ainil. Drive. Birthdays cctebrated were!'"?.. Veterans of Foreign Wars Uf timelessness through costuming miu io uenny, Mrs. uaune tH",wuu"' evenng ai me veterans M Birthday Party :) For Hayesvillo Woman's Club HAYESVILLE ! A combined Easter and birthday motif was used Thursday tor the Woman's club meeting af the new home of Mrs. Novel ideas in costuming, stag ing and acting will be experiment ed upon by Willamette University's drama department, when it pre sents "Don Juan" by Moliere May 1 and 3 in the auditorium. Following a modern translation of the 16th century play, the cast will attempt to create the feeling Theta Rho Girls Entertain Lodge The Rebekah Lodge held their regular meeting Monday evening. An entertaining program was pre sented by the Theta Rho girls with Diana Rich as chairman , L.A.P.M. will meet Thursday. April 2S. A no-host dinner was served to celebrate the bomecom- 1. '..'.-. Next Monday evening at the reg ular meeting of the Rebekahs. the Ladies' Encampment will present the program and sell refreshments. Lyle Carrow and Mrs. George! were plans are being formulated Stronit. The annual May hintheoh ! for Memorial day. Jt was voted wiU be held with Mrs. Hersche! t continue sewing for the Baby ouise Home, a community aerv ice project. A representative from the Auxil Robertson of Blossom Drive, Hard Times Party The Live Y'er's Club will make Friday night Wright with a really "gone"dance in the recreation room of the YWCA, beginning at eight and winding up at eleven o'clock. Participants are to dress in the "hard times' motif; All sin gle men and women between the axes of II and 35 are invited to attend. )ary wil attend the meeting of the fire fighters April 30 at 0 p.m. where plans are to be discussed for the formulation of a muscular distrophy chapter. The auxiliary will again have charge of the re freshment stands at the soap box derby. . r .. Meeting of District 14 ' will be held in Albany on May 9. ' and speech mannerisms. The cos tumes will range from Roman to gas and clothing from the middle ages to Puritan garb, lata and 19th century fashions and even a coo temporary white tie and tails. . The acting style of each person will depend upon how be is dress ed the Roman senator orates, Don Juan uses the modern Jargon, his aide is from the comic vaudeville era, others speak in a stilted Vic torian style. General staging techniques are being borrowed from the various areas and periods of the theatre, another device to eliminate the feeling of time and place in the play. . Crew heads for the Moliere com edy are stage manager, Ken Ren shaw, Burlingame; stage crew, Bob Braddy, Monterey; lighting, Wayne Harris. San Mateo; cos tumes. Lois Wickersham, Portland; properties, Donna Leonard. Mil- waukie, and makeup, George Nel son, Bend. Sen. Lewis to Speak Senator Jean Lewis of Portland will be the guest speaker at the meeting of the Jane Jellerson Club, Democratic women, on Thursday night at the home of Mrs.. Max Shusterwitx, 3363 Al berta St.. at I p.m. Assisting hos tesses will be Mrs. Wallace Mur doch and Mrs. Thomas Bachelder. The nominating committee will also be appointed. The Fairfield Grange Heme Eco nomics Club will hold a baked food sale at the Jones way Gro cery, Hopmere, on Saturday, April Statesman, Salem, Ore.. Wed.. April 24, '57 (Sec. I)-9 Mrs. Linday Elected SALEM HEIGHTS Mrs. Octa via McDonough entertained the South Hilli Garden Club Tuesday evening at her home. Mrs, Orville Raymond was the assisting host ess. At the election of officers, Mrs. C. A. Linday was elected president, and Mrs. George Davis, vice-president, and Mrs. Hugh Kel ly, secretary-treasurer. rrmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tares csccrcm 'WW'!' DUST C10TH lM QUICIUASY tolling NOT f COID Just add hot or ceM lr end iwiik. It's rodyn coekln. 12 es. Mcteee mIim 10 averts af imaorti, awdiun Harda (lea) ftea penny etch). Peril up wosb-wsery domes Paattratts evenly. Gives cloHiai leao-latif, dirt retitline freshnessi criiay clean fragrant. Starches eR woihablet eaecny at yaw Ska Km every haw. Sa r t : rOy eadamenw THIS IS MEDICAL EDUCATION WEEK : , Each of the' nation's 12 med ical schools doe far mere mart train physicians. They provide Instruction for. over 57,000 : other ttwdenht, group twice as large as the medical student enrollment, Included are dental, phar macy, and nursing students, technicians, graduate stu dents, interns, and residents. While the benefits of health and medical education are daily wtih ut, it is fitting to devote a special week to the consideration of the wider training of physician. . Each American has apersorv I stake in our country's medical schools. Tha schools which train tha physicians required by our growing source for the heelth of our people and the strength of the Nation. , Today, we are enjoying the jreatest era medicine has known. American medical eaders stand among the foremost scientists of the world. I am sure ine Amer- can people appreciate' tha skilled and devotdd atten tion of their physicians and realize that the continued advance) of medicine re quires their , understanding and support. '. Dwight D. Elsenhower latrT Medical Center District !4l Greer Thane EM S-S157 Sales, Oregon Court, and Commercial Phone EM 12l 151 South Liberty St, rkeae EM 4-S3M j a to Mm aaos. stoii Look For Big Savings In Every Department 1 1(1 1) A H IN' - .r a - a aw . r . hi j. f yrYL Vr i TtZ , . , i . I Repeat of a sellout .. .note the new low price! full 70" long, 24" wide Runner Rug ; --. . j 4 Rtg. 6.?5 3 87 washes up to FIVE tubs an hour . takes heavy traffic wear washable hard-twist cotton protective non-skid back smart sculptured design big beautiful, practical choice of 9 colors Domestics, 2nd floor t. v - - choicv of 9 colors white light green rose : sandalwood brown forest green t beige light grey e slate grey trade and save on this deluxe, 2-lub ; EASY SPINDRY WASHER ' 20993 :; trade-in 2000 . YOU PAY 18995 " , i . .. ..... .. a . - j i j. ,. . j : - ' : and your old wa.shr '. ' '' deluxe features for easier washdays: . ' . spiralator action is thorough, fast and safe i .gultr garments and the v t" ' delicate fabrics - .". .f efficient spindrier .. . : whirls clothes 2S drier than wringer-dried clothesj i i ; no hard-to-iron creases , j . fingertip control j . located in en easy-to-reach canter; also has the.thrifty t , r . suos-sever - Deluxe Wrlnger-Wiiher. reg. 179 85. trade S20 for your old washer ...... I......'... . . thei you pay Appliances, 3rd floor ; 159 NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APPROVED CREDIT no pulling, it walks on air glides over rugs, floors has powerful, effective motor flexible, double stretch hose T i - i , suction can be adjusted O king-size disposable . dust bag 9 set of attachments included Appliances, 3rd fleer .''-.. Lipman's offers a new vacuum, at a low price! "Constellation," reg. 97.50 HooverVacuum 6995 7 ;, ' if i. j HitiiMt (it I iMtl tf i HaiejgetVl" " leeV " ' ' AMI! '.' J'W-'St ' . s ... t?., 'A i t .li d W 'oft A " ; ' aM '. .aim; ' ''I tl? ' u; ; i9H i .'.. An Wo . -ntf- 7 ..', a . ' f - rsrf Mtt .'.'' e - '. .t tt -i4'r oU ' i ' ttfof ..-VIMtUMI su l "'sit ,n. Hit. IB . ', V T . -ha. ! 'tftt, . ' V-V.ll tY - pt ' .'At '