! v 4 ' 14-(SeaII) Statesman. Salem Ore, Tue.; AprJ 23'57300 Personal Eclipse of Sun Due April 29th . By RENNIE TAYLOR BERKELEY. Calif.. April 8 .. Hi The northern part of the United States from Portland, Ore., to Minneapolis will sr a partial . eclipse of the sua April , weath er permitting. , Alaska and western Canada may tee a considerable part of the solar disc obliterated. Anyone within m mUes of the North Pole at the time will see it as an annu lar or "ring" eclipse. In a ring eclipse the moon is squarely between the observer and the sua but the lunar body Is not big enough to cover the entire solar disc, so a bright ring of sun shine around the moon it seen. The eclipse will be of little im portance to astronomers, said Dr. Leland Cunningham of the Univer sity of California, but H may hold some interest for radio telescopic observations. .At Seattle the eclipse will start at 5:05 p. m.. Pacific Standard time and will continue until :H I m. About one-seventh of the solar disc will be obscured there. . Only one-tenth of the disc will be obscured at Portland where the eclipse will begin at i:lS p.m. Cities to the east of there will see still less of the moon's shadow and shorter intervals of obscura tion. At Minneapolis the eclipse will begin at 7:02 p m". Central standard time, and will be cut off almost immediately by the sun set. Denver is about the southern most city for seeing anything. About ne-twentietk of the solar due will be affected there. Boise and Helena will be la the path of partial eclipse. Plan Revision For John Day Dam Appoved ' WASHINGTON. April B -Ab Army Engineer proposal to revise plans lor constmctkm of John Day Dam on the Columbia River has , been approved by the Senate ruo lic Works Committee. Sea. Hagnuson (D-Wash) today made public a letter by Sea. Char. rt 1D-NMT. chairman of On com mittee. sUtinf that the group feels the proposed change is with in the discretion of the engiaecrt U make. fader the proposal controlled - storage behind the proposed dam would be reduced from 1 million acre feet because of possible dif ficulties In navigation and fish culture.. . It' would have no' effect on the dam s estimated 1.23O.M0 kilowatt power potential afagnusoa said Chavez' letter to v Army Secretary Brncker thmi - Bates the possibility that the pro posed John Day modtficattoa might require congressional ac tion, thereby delaying efforts to obtain money with which to start construction this year Army Engineers expect to com plete ire-construction planning en the Columbia River Dam by July 1 and have advised Magnuton that they could use as much as I mil lion dollars for construction In the year beginning July 1. -Pickets Stay At New Bridge VANCOUVER, Wash.. April Picket lines remained is) at the new Interstate Bridge to day as union pile-driver operators continued their Jurisdictional dis pute with another union. About 100 men were idled last Thursday when pllevdriver opera- tors began picketing in protest over ironworkers driving piling for the bridge's falsework. Boy Plunges to His Death Down Granite Mountain ATLANTA. April & lAV-Michael Moret. 15, of New York City plunged to his death down an 80 foot sheer granite tide of near by Stone Mountain today while spectators watched helplessly. Witnesses said the youth slipped about 'on the mountain crest for nearly five minutes, grasping pieces of moss and brush to slow his fall, before plunging over a ledge to his death. - His parents. Mr. "and Mrs. Sid ney S. Moret, were waiting in their car at the foot of the moun tain. Returning from a visit here, they had detoured by Stone Moun tain to give their son a chance to climb the huge monolith. The crumpled body was recov ered just north of an unfinished monument of Confederate heroes chiseled in the mountain side. Poison Brings Experimental Farm's Move MEDFORD. April 8 III Jack son County Wednesday will be asked to move a state experi mental farm whose experiments are being hampered by poisonous deposits in the soil. The farm now is at Talent, and crop experiments are conducted on land where an orchard once stood. The soil has heavy deposits of arsenate of lead the tress were sprayed with over a long period. ' " '' '. This lead has hampered the ex periments, conducted to find crops that will grow well in this area. The Jackson County Court bat urged that M acres of land be purchased for a new (arm near Jacksonville. The estimated price is $54,000. ; If the plan is approved, the county would purchase the land, but most other farm costs would be paid by the state. 31 Persenol TOO MANY BILLS? Dent let your kills get pea In , trouble. It you're behind In payments, we sua help you. No security or eo-olgnera needed. One place to pay all bill. Pay only what you can afford t (Bonded and lloeneed lor your protection II CREDIT CONSULTANTS Dial Salem CM I-SM4 tor Infor mation. - rlRSTM people to bring Lucky Dollar to the. Arthur Murray Dance Studio, 441 Ferry, will win a S3S.M dance course. A Lucky Dollar has a 4 and S In the aerial number in any or der. No minora or previous students, em e-eaei. DAT lire S4,, mmmA w.1. - n 1 1 . plate Ufa reading. Peat, pres ent, future, tl. nil Portland Rd. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group He. i. was n cost i ua i ansa GIFTS by Jary Florists Featur ing haxseb riowerware. 400 Agriculture 402 Uveseaxk For Sale S YR. old bay celt, gentle. Bt 4, Box SlA. PALOMINO gelding f yean. well iresnea s.1 HORSK for sale: Sorrel gelding. S yra. old. Wsll broke. Biased (aee two white eox ea rear less. Call Eves. EM 4-S3S4. Scientific Horse Shoeing "Tex " EM e-4eu 1- am A f pra 403 Uveetock Wanted CATTLtV.eST? Stats. Iltt snetnea, sun whs, are s-sjsv CATTLE, horses, at your farm. E. C. Mccandllsn. SM a-siss CATTLE buyer A F. Sommer. use Barm sap or. 300 Pergonal 1 312 Us? or! Found LOST: Toy Manchester dog. Tie. of downlooa Salem. Bik. with tan markings. Wit. 1 lbs. 5 reward lor safe return. EM ' 1-7107 Woodbura. ens, to Midge LOST: Black mala Cocker Spaniel, I yr. ead. Vicinity at Bush's Pasture, tlrsasa Me. t aesi. J-ivsj. , , . 1 iio Personal . . . . - I. 1 1 ALCOHOLICS Anonymeue. ' tot , ft. Coes'L EM S-Jiet, EM l-SHi Woman Knocked Into Phone Wires in Crash OTTAWA, April 8 Barbara Fraser, . was thrown from an overturning car on the highway near here. She flew SO feet in the air and dangled on , telephone wires for eight minutes. Several ribs were broken when she hit a telephone pole crossbar. in flight. But when she . dropped from the wires, she suffered no further in jury. FINAL NOTICE ' HELM STEVENS ANDERSON. eominutratrix or ine emate of OL- 1VE INEZ STEVENS, deceased, has . filed her final account as such in the Circuit Court of Marion County. Oregon, and Bald Court has fixed Thuraday. the 2Mn day oi Asm 1SS7, at the hour et 10 M o'clock a m. of said dev. In the Court Koom of said Court, sa the time and place lor neanng ejections tnersto. HELEN STEVENS ANDERSON Adminlstratrlx of ttis Estate of OLIVE INEZ STEVENS. .deceased BRUCE W. WILLIAMS . .. . , OTTO R. 8KOPIL, JtL . KEITH D. EVANS 411 Pioneer Trust Building Salem. Oregon Attorneys for Administratrix. M-MAJJ.lS.ll. ADMINISTRATOR'S FINAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That James N. LaRaut as administrator of the estate of Lucy A. LaRaut, De ceased, has filed his final account aa aucb. and by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oreioa for the County of Marion, the itk day f May, lsT, tne hour at lis in ine forenoon of said day has been fixed aa the time and the courtroom of said court hss been flxsd aa the place lor the hearing nf oulectlona to said final account and the settle- anent of said aatata. Dated and first published: April sa, 11137. JAMES rt. LaRAtrr. Administrator of the estate of Luev Am LaRaut. Dereasea. HOT EN, RHOTEN St SPEERSTRA. SIS Pioneer Trust Building, , Balem, Oregon A t,rn.va tram Ketata. i A.B,M,M.f,it.sL AM SI THIS COLUMN McrrviD..." Too Late to Classify i IfCBT sett com plate household furnishings. EM 4-T14I, A beautiful country - home, Meei for family with ctuid sen. 4 bdrm. heme, barn, shop, located On 11 acres. Fenced for harass or cattle. - 1 miles South at Prusgle WE nave an attractive opening for expsrienced 1st Mortgage woman, must have some book kpg. experience, favorable personality. At good typist. Write for Interview and give - ouauflcatlona. Bo lot, States man-Journal. . . XENMORE auto, washer, good eond. See el 10S Brown Rd. DaUas. Ore. MA S-nee. EASY spin dryer wearier witl eute. rinse, gooa eves EM J-2ll. DLX. Maytag auto, gat range with dutch oven at dsep wall unit. Sloe, Write Can. Deliv ery Scotbi Milks. Ore. FOR sale Waaner pigs 4M7 NUse EM 4-17l aflcrsjs. k 1M7 CHEV. Bel Air 1 dr. H' Top or and many convenient ex ' traa. Red with white top, saeos. EM 4-414S. 1 DM. apt for man. until turn, Quite. J4 E Washington. St FORD olck-uD. best offer.' V- 1454 Ferry. EM 3-eaM. ,LCE. 1st fir. apt. unUI turn 7U. 1434 Ferry. EM 1-Maa. BDRM.. farden. CM. Nr. high, echt aief So. Cotlase eves. SPACIOUS lower t bdrm. apt, far., laundry facilities, bus y door. 42U State. EM l-Saoa. WANTED, beautician st Love- . ell Miller's. EM S-M7S. CARPENTER work. By hr. or contract. EM S-am. '40 4 DR. Buclk Super. Very good Cond. . rubber. EX - t-7731. ISM Hoffman BEACH'S Chihuahua puppies. EM S-7WI. ISoO Hoffman Rd. CLEAN-! bdrm.. Ire. lot. Sa ra r a. oil heat, 4730 Fillmore EMS-MH. Imi477ljrUtaore $17 FEATHERWEIGHT sewing machine. Pert, cond. Ills, l&as S. Com'l. Slid S x2 AWNING for trsller hse. Uke new. PL IMS S. Coml. 17 CHEV i Ton Pick-up US cash. 70S S. Lancaster. REPRIC lfc. stove, din. table St S chairs, good cond. EM 4-SSrae. . AKC Golden eocRer. KM 1-400. FOR sale with very low (town ryment or rent ft. or un m. 4 bdrm. home In W. Salem EM 4-OSlS after . S:SS , MUST sell Complete Hmisahold of Furniture, EM 4-e14. downtown SaL Reward. EM I -eone Ft! PORD tt Ton pickup gontt eond. S9M cash. EM l-SMl eve. . IMMEDIATE SERVICE PlewngDIcliig.EM 1-S800 . VERY REAS. TOP SOIL . EM 4-09M VACCUM CLEANER REPOSSESSED Electrslux com plete with attach. Only 117 eg dn. Take ever for S1JS wk, . Ph. EM 4-7I0S. (dir.) SEWING' MACHINE REPOSSESSED Morse portable. Like new eond. Take ever T payments of pf IS per mo. Original guar, still (n effect. Ph. EM 4-7101. (dir.) SEWING MACHINES SINGER Console, , laU model, round bobln. Reg. SIMM, now S4tS Term-l 00 par. wk. Liberal trade In ellowance. For free home trial Ph. EM 4-71M. Idlr.l SFW1NG MACHINES 1 ONLY-Portble else, sawing machine, (dir.) $8.88 ' Pa. EM 4-T1M BUYER Claud Edwards. Rt. S, Box. S99E EM 4-1111 TOP caah prices at your plsee stay luaai. a,as isukv 405 Pets ntCKMAie Bhorthatr Point three men us ess. rn. see sa Stay ton. BIRDS. FISH. HAMSTERS 11M Uvugstoa EM S-lOU ORANGE and pink apricot ca Banes, uea nieinssws . a S-438S. VXRY nice Pokes, reg. ped. ajpv a ASPARAGUS for. canning er iisaiina tve m.- jnuiwiH lb. Greea Apple Market, loot Portland Bd. GOOD clover hay. C. Bidden. soso Hood view no. Dt e-u4s. kEITITS POPPY FARM aaan Canta EM S-TtOS Ptrpptee all kinds. Buy 4eelL Aft'mma Si eves. No. Sua. Calls. Puppies k matron. Toy male. It tne. For sale. EM e-aeia. 410 Fruit A Farm Prodiaeo ALFALFA bey 1st. Sod. .rd cuttnig .aetern ure ton, Calif, grown DeL T ee truck lota TR S-ssST ee TR I-eeaa. 41 3 Markot aeskef (1- V T-rfr r- irHKi J K, , li ir ir ,,U is i toit BUY WHOLESALE HALF er whale beet. WeigM It price taken dlreetly frees peckers Invoice, nty eharge L lae cutusg tt wrappuur, Countrv Prose) E(aa!L Me. d tauoars , sc. jo. CHRIS MARKET BMSJtarkH EM 1-414S EM 1-414 PASTEURIZED whole milk. S3 gal. riomogenfteo. esc. gat. ese, Cleary Dairy. EM S-SulS. 414 Poultry t Kabbits TURKEY Psults available Valley rsrra store. STARTED. WHITB Leghorn Wllseae tratcnery. pullets. Lyons. Ora Pa. Ulrtck (-2401. dassified Index SOS PERSONAL II Meettng Notleeo 111 Lost end round 514 Transportation 515 Personal IIS Stamps and M AGRICULTURE 401 Lrveetock For Sal . . 401 Livestock Wanted 401 Pete 41 Fruits A Farm Produce 411 Market Basket 414 Poultry at Babbits , 41 Sea Foods 415 Lawn At Oardea 4M Seeds A Plant . 421 Fertilizer 4M Form Equipment 42S Auction Sales 434 MERCHANDISE 4SI Household Good 451 Appliances , 4S4 Sawing Machine 4M T. V. a. Badi 49 Musical Inatrumente 4SI Wente Househoie 444 Sports Equipment 4M Bicycles . 47 Building MeterteM 471 Plumbing. Heating , 474 Floor Covering 474 Do It Yourself 4M For Sale Mlseeilanewat 441 For Bent Miseelleaeou , 4M Trade Miscellaneous 43 Wanted Miscellaneous . 4S4 Miscellaneous 4M Machinery Toole 4M Wanted Machinery A Teals SO Fuel SOS BUSINESS AND FINANCE SI Money to Loan 111 Learns Wanted Investments SOS EMPLOYMENT r tut Help Wanted 404 Help Wanted. Men n Help Wsnted Lady toe Pickers 'Vented . 41 Bales Help (II Work Wanted. Man (14 Work Wanted. Ledy SIS Child Care I1S-A Babysitting (Your Home I 417 ob Informetiea SIS Education SM Dsy er Contrast 7 RENTALS 701 Sleeping Renins. Beam 701 Wsnted Rooms. Board 704 Apartment Fee Beat 70 Duplexes 17 Rouses Fee Beat . 707-A Furnished U Farme Fee Rent TO Wanted Is Rent 11 Wanted to Rent Bouse 1)1 Wanted to Rent Apia. 114 Business Sen tale 111 Resort Rentals 111 Convalescent Hemao 7M Moving and Store) SO REAL ESTATE 01 Business Opportunities tot Business Property sol Suburban 4 House For Bess bl Apia., Courts Fee Bale -SM Lou For Sale II Farm For Sal It Exchange Beat Estate 111 Coast Property . II Resort Property III Wanted Beat state ' 2I Insurance IS AUIOMOTIVB 191 New Care Ml Used Cars for Bale Ml Auto Parts and Bepelr 34 Trucks. Trsller for Sal Ssl Motorcycles SM Wanted Cars. Trucks M Auto Miscellaneous) Mi House Trailers M Heavy Bqulpoeat ass Awcrais 400 Agriculture 414 Poultry Babbit N. M. baby cockerels. EM 1-M1S. Opp. Liberty sen. BABYchicks aetched yr. round New Hamp. a wane noes puuets 17c. straight rue eklcke lie. Vsliay Farm Store. LANG'S Poultry Custom killing. 140 Dircnwooa vr. s.ss wutii. fABY Chieke for meal sr aess Ben for free rower wusons Batcnenr. Lye. Ore. Pa UUklMstt 41 lawn A Garden REEL type Reo , lawn mower. uo. uaeo Mate, atari, in a. Liberty. EM 4-CT71. OLD Coarse Sawdust. 1 yd. kMd ss.se ueL sjs a-aaji, - - Unr wtmJ ffaeiseevmenJsMtsI NEW Lewns complete. Free Est. Phone EM '- a vs. , am 4-1M1. ARIEN'S RotoUrler. S H.P., tills J . Burjoer urea, very goaa cond. Less than kail i price. Silverton TR S-S373. TOP eoll or lawn gardens fills 111. 1 yd. loao. umiiea use. EM ,i-l. 4i0 ieeeis tl rWT AZALEAS St bloom. Open Tue. and WeC A M. atrayer s, esas N. Sth. CHRYSANTHEMUM plants now reedy. Liberty uaraens. sue Seegor Lane. EM 4-MkI after I EVERGREEN Blackberry Tina. dig. 7c. ea. uug, sec. abas 1-S29 after I p.m. FREE Roae Buak with any pur chase si sr mora, auaan grove Nursery, 4M SUvertea Rd. DAHLIA bula U doe. Mum planu Hi. nsa exsnss e-si. Lg. Hydrangas A Mollis aza leas II ea. Geraniuma 1-11. Merrill s Gieenbouse. Brooks. GOOD thornless blackberriea plants. Norbert May, HL a. Box S4T-A, Silverton. MARSHALL strawberry plants. S.M j-4712. isee u new m. Stclner's Nursery. Dwarf trees. snruDS. a-iania, uteua. uinm innliee 11S Mkt. EM 1-14. JARY Florist Floral Supplies reaiuring ni.pi wwwmw. AZALEAS, 10-50 OFT Drive So. en 11th St, , ml. past Mornlngsids acRoei. Ture right at OskhlU Ave, USED Zenith chest Ireexer, II cu. ft. S25S.M. Used Mdse. Marl 17 S. Liberty. EM 4-1311 43) Pertiliiee GOOD Manure for flowers, gar den. Will del. EM l-siis. FERTILIZER, truck loads de livered- i. bsck or yere. avss 4 oe or em 4-aaai. . MUICE SAWDUST - $1 Per Yd. . ; EM aMOU ' ROTTED sawdust, IS yr. eld. line. NO liner cover tor your loo. EM nips l 4-wai. FERTILIZER Mushroom manure, ne weed. DeL enywnere. EM s-owi. ROTTED or fresk Manure, by sack er cubic yd. eel. nu Ups Bros. HL I. Box . EM 4-301. Closed Sun. Fertiliser Well Retted manure We del. anywhere EM S-471 . 434 Farm Iquittmotw FARMAIX Cub Tractor 1 plow. mowing machine end cycles spring tooth a disc and a bull Ooear blade all this for S4M. . Csll after . f p.m. . SXylkst 7-lKEB. Xr.I7.ER roto-tlllee blade attack 1M. EM a-4l0. JOHN Deere tractor-dlac -mower IIOS. RL L Box "1, Oak Knell HO. 1 ROW Byberf duster. SUvertea, TR HTM. KITLTOR King gardea tractor. v np, pwrw, aiac, as. suiuwor. Biding attachmenta, SS0S, EM 4-MM. M ALUS-Chalmara mdL O trsctor. used leas than M hrs. Hydraulic central wltk I row onion cultivators, also II row Byberg duster. EM 4-al. L. E. Holland. SIM Turnaga. 42S Auctiofi Sales 'AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S T0NITE 4W40 CENTER SALEM SALE EVERY SUNDAY 1 P. M. SHARP Buy er cell en consignment. Household goods. Appliances, used cars, misc. items, Onen 1 dsn a week. 4 E0LA AUCTION, EM 4-45JJ 4 ml w. of saiem-uauaa awy 450 Merchandise Ve'srua DifrUsi J FKF-K Te ed U. 1 eno 1 1 Mri 1'aa TMni I NmtWs: I SM L HAMSSH. PWHOl-...) . J Actieg ss eac-weene kaaiane sotistr, Mrs. gets tereaades ks loaad goad kosHS lee tsaalmls of sbssr doecd dogs sad erhsr rcts is ew isacksse (Cslif.) aUcent ad atory we eaves. WsJ FWexli 450 Merchandise 451 Household OotMft IP you have one item or ' e nouss Of rurnnure io aau vau the Used Merchsndise Mart, 17 S. Liberty, XH 4-4Q7L 453 Appliarxo IS CU. FT. deep freeze. 170 So. Plea woodry. lew It. Bummer. USED 1 year Maytag waaner k dryer set. Only 1300. Used Mdse. Mart, H S. Liberty. EM 44371. AUTO-MATIC washers. SSa.M to SM.M. Glea woodry, leus at. Summer. USED refrigerators. Ill U A up. Al use, App.. as osase at. APT. size Electric Range. 31M. Glen woodry, ion n. Bummer . SPEED Queen wringer washer. excellent eonditioa EM 4-707J. 1SS1 MONTGOMERY Ward d luxe range, gooa conuiiass ass EM S-4KJ0. AM ANA FREEZER, ft excel. lent condition, km s-sijs. GAS rsnge. Magie Chef. Uke new EM 1-3287. . USED rsnges. refrig., waahers m aryera an aa gixm woruns con. Ill Green stamps, terms. Maater Service SUUons SSS M. Com'l. 450 Merchandise 4tV4 $prte Iqulpmortt hey I Sesssss Open Apr. 17th BOATS & MOTORS , NEW ft USED Scott . Atweter Seles A Service Blakecreft Fibre Glass Uioats. SH HOCK S CYC LB A MAttlNE 137 Highland Ave. EM I-1411 14' '" BIRCHCRAFT flshermaa, trailer A good 1 HP Johnson S O. motor. S3A. Phone Mr. lark EM 4-011 or EM 1H34S. IX ALMOST new boat A trailer. BI MM after S:3. FOR sale fiber glasssd If car- tojboat, like new, lit. M 450 Merchandise' 470 lundlno; rVUtwrfats -lEVERYTHING For The Builder . W0 0OO rt Used Lumber ALL NQ. I ft BETTER Flooring - Siding . ShestMng. 1x4, fx, 4x4. 1x1. 1x11, Sxll Bridge Timbers .4 $41 to per M. - - ' Colonial Front door wltk hard ware. 1''M" - 1 Screen Doors . SH to S4 Window screens Uc to 11 Used Window sash .. SI A up Used brick $3 per M Used fire brick... V Wsshbaslnl SI M A up Bathtubs 117 SO Washbasins ST.SS A up ricnie Tables, ir long yju Stsel Fire Escape Stairway A Ladder. Ea S. RITTER & CO. ' . re Portland Bd. mt North of Totem Pole Open all day Saturday ' eaiem a.as e-ajit PLUMBING installations at lower prices. Guaranteed work. Call Judaea's EM S-4141 for estlmste. 474 Floor Coeeririej 1 Keg. HOW CORK TTLE .......Sic. sa. ft Me. VINYL TILE I.,,.. SScT e. lie. Rubber INLAID LINO TTLEISe. ee. e. PRINT LINO . 1.0S vd. lie. U. GAUGE LINO . 1.1 yd. . ec. Many Linoisum Remnants 13 'i' FISHINO boat I H. Sea . King. Excellent condltloa. 111. 1049 Breyman eves. PAINT. CO. : 111 K Front EM 4HT NEW x 11 Linoleum. M uien woonry. leue is. Bummer. NEW xll Rug pada, SS.SS. Glen woodryi 101 N. Summer. 14' CEDAR planked. Runabout, fibers laaed. (9. IN W. Brown ing CM 1-171. 470 Building Maforiers HEWS X 11 Ltnoleura S4.41: nug paas ea.ai; woos reg a lit 41; Qlea Woodry. 104 V. Summer. HUGE savings ea several 1IM Hew GE Appliances, ssvs ens on range, 7 en washer A dryer, J7 oa refrig. Teems. 8AH Green Sumps, Urge trads-ms. itastw Ssrvk Sta tions Ml N. Com'l. US ABC Washer A Dryer, very clean ie.iT par mo. w 1 1 a sxrthingulcwa. r. . MODERN' APPLIANCE , csarrEsr 1141 S. Com'L . EM 4-S53 -GUARANTEED Beeendltloned autematte wash ers, dryers, rnaga 4k remix SJIJS A en. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. . - T Cbeasutkete BV ORDER "FACTORY DIRECT 19S7 rnEEZEStsi save sias an 1 different sizes at "Your Dewa Town" Firestone Store. SSS N. Liberty. EM 1141. ELECTR0LUX cleaner SUM 1311 N. Capltot. Dir. EM S-70W, CROSLEY Refrtgereters fL A it. xss a-asoe. BUILT-IN range aannn. Deluxe auto, even w-glase door. 4 ton. 1 sat. areas Sail.Tt tetaL Judsoa s, tf M. un REPOSSESSED drrer. SI downJ E-I paymsnsa. -Tear vsss Town Fireetee Store. BMM. s kS e.uei ' Ussd Waahers. Ill up. Modern Annlianee Center lltt B. Com'l, , ... EM 4-MU 454 tewinf Msxh'irieni Building-Remodeling? New 4" soil nine Tie. fL Septic tanks SJlVsO. 113. M. y 4" black aewer pipe Me. ft lee. Gslv. pipe lie.. H lie. 1',. lie . 1', Sc., t' 4c. Plsstie pipe m ',e., 1" 13'ic. Toilets 121 M. with seat SSJt Washbaaine complete I17.SO Steel bath tube complete fi M SS gal. water beeurs IM.I Steel, eest, stainless sinks New laundry trays 111.71. is a wire rou price sc. ru Else, ranee cable JOe. ft. 300 amp. meter base 111.71 . naage panels ss.se to iw.so. S" sue, celling fane 111.71 Reject Insulated panel shake Ho me only S4.SS ea. Pointed . cedar ahake we. sisjs Permsnent Asbestos sMmg I11.M uai. iron rooring l 7g eg. No. S cedar shingles $1.11 sq. No. 1 cedar ahinglee 111. aq. 1 lab 111 lb. com p. roof ITS . . 1. It A 1 ft sarage drs. Blren, svabag. A slaas deeea Screen doors S.l -r. No. 1 oak flooring 1 M. Gale, wide bottom gutter lie. Neils, per keg. SS.SS. Fiberglass, roll Insulation 4e. Plaaterboard 11.30. I SO. LSI. Joint cement tape., texture paint is x xi ceiling ietM. ee n. riosr uie, im colors, ue tue Fencing, cedar A steel poets IS IbTlelt Bide, paper II 4 Lassre enmnlete - atock- sashes. crystal A dble wind. CHEAP Choir ai shake mold Me. ft Overhead gsrsge dr kdwar ' oao-sn. jr j, ,;. i .... C. G. Long & Sons J ML H. of Ketxer. Sslent Ph. EM 4-50S1 ft. L. ElrstronTco SM S Uberty HEW Gym Sandy Gym beta, tne. iioer, a awuga, suae. S2S.7S. ilea Woodry, 1601 N. Summer, FOR SALE: M used chrome ehstra. Apply Block Shoe Store. USED SINGER -ROUND BOBBIN IN MAHOGANY CABINET A COMPLETE WITH ATTACH1 MINTS , , RECONDITIONED FULL PRICE : $79.50 451 HotseholcJ CotMrs A Q.I. renge A refrig. Meple twin oeus wiia oeauiyivM i,urn ses A vanity, Lrg. Llv. res. sectional. 14 Park Ave. NEW Solid Maple Bunk Beds w-mattresMa, sis.11. serms Trades. Glen Woodry. 1(0 K. Summer. SWIVEL Chair, mad. blue wltk silver metaiie tnreaa, use new, Sli. 11 71 Sth St., W. Salem. ROUND Oak dining room set. SM.M. usee atase. start, in 5T Uberty. EM 4-4371. NEW Maple Bedim, acta. Inc. Mr. a Mrs., lining mirror, full sire bed. 113.41. Terms. Glen Woodry, 106 N. Summer. AUTO, waaner dryer. Stove A refrig. Bdrm. act. silver, lamps As misc. Items. EM 1-4401 se eee at 11 B. 14U after 4 pa. NEW Boa Springs and Inner- spring mattress, kw.si. lerma. Cien Woodry. 104 N. Summer. I DRAWER cheats SS.SS up. Hammers furniture snop. im N. Psc. Hwy. Wood burn 1-gM. NEW BlltweU DSvene sets. 13 41. Glea woodry, uo a. Summer. GOOD used Gibson Bee. rsnge. well taken care of. Ill EM S-IS41. 111. per month buys complete household of furniture end ap plianeee end U-SAVE 110 to S50 it the store with the low overhead. Glen Woodry, Hot N. Summer. NEWFiosr Lames, M 41. Glea Woodry, 10 N. Summer. KIRBY vacuum cleaner, IS. 1311 N. capitot em s-Ton. air, NEW Step End table. 17 41. Glen Woodry. 1408 N. Summer. BE THRIFTY: Buy GOOD ussd furniture. A single item er a -complete household. Buy new en ear easy terms. WoodiysThrifty ' tnren niRMTTT'ei III S. Commercial EM 4 Mil 1 Block South Of Peper Miu NEW 1 pc. Lrvmg room group tabtse, coffee table, t table lamps. Terme. blast woeary. sua n. summer. 1114 St. 1321 N. Capltot , S.M a-yusT, oir. - NEW A used gas A oU circa- Istiag beaters. Bsve J si. Hetder's. MS N. High St DIN. rm. set round oak, like new. seeiy matt, m enrmgs. Misc. children's. EM 1400. UNK1NISHED furaltu.a B L Stiff rurarture. US M. High. SEWING CENTER 13 H. Com'l. EM S-39I1 1 YR. OLD Singer lesthsrweighl portable new SITS, sscriflce 1M. EM l-elSS after 1:10 p m 45ft T.V. ft Radio 1" W rutin (Sou se TV. SIMM, Glen Woodry. 10 N. Summer. terms, ALL FOR I17S.M. Uaed Mdae. Mart m . B. uoerty. EM 44171. REPOSSESSED T. V. Seta from $3. Holders, 33 N. High at. RCA HI Tl ConsoL Blond. Beg aj40. save sioe. jtsiosrs sea N. High at. BEaHuTIFUL A blond Bad Is Phonograph. Ilka new. Kri. S40 now II4S.SO. Hslder's, ad N. High St. ' 11" T.V. Table model. Heevy Dntv Chaaala. SS down. E-Z monthly payments, "Your Down Town" jrirestone Store. SM N. Liberty. EM S-S4l. REPOSSESSED Motorola 11" TV Caa be purcbaes sssi aer . MODERN APPLIANCE rmrts 1141 I. Com'l. EM 4-SSSJ TV rentsls, SIS per month., Merr Radio TV, s.st rsi. 4St Musket Instrument Upright Mahf. Piano EM 1-4777 HAMMOND Oraaa Sllshtly only line. stealer a, ess N. High St, 442 Warm) HshM OoexJ NEW If gel. garbsee csns. Hit. uns woeary, ivuo ss. eusussr. KNEEHOLE desk chair A lamp. m usuas, a.aa s esus. VINYL fleer tile. It Ml m OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS- TOO! ! TOO MUCH STUFF Vt 4x1 OAK Plvweod sue. n. KNOT TY CEDAR 4xi 47e. It Besuuiui foe raoineii nt x r Got earns IT' s 41" OAX ply for 11.1 ea. OODLES of 1. A pes. fir ply 4c. A loc. ft. (Cover floor A wsll A SAVE) Nslls M keg. OS White Paint IS gat EXT. riy is s x se-. :vr BOOKS foe hlh er low ence design ws Save the matenai. f ' Scr. Doors .M ins, Anm. Scr. Garden STAKES Sa. each SEE hundreds of exetie pen aline deelena to mske vour living pleasant Stop In vtsir siemooeimg nirms. no now payment a mos. : PLAN to be st the NOME ft GARDEN SHOW, AprU M. 17, Stth, Fairgrounds Grandstand. 'Your Building Supply Friend' PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD H4S Portland Meed EM 4-4431 Steel garage doors, with herd- were, su.sk instailea, sm.oo. , Bullt-la even A renge, SIS. Metal eeve rreugn, ise. Free Blueprint service. EPPING LUMBER CO. Monthlv nayneantt. J74 Silverton Rd. EM 4-IB Are bock at bualneea wltk large stock quality products, lowest sricee. Plum bine supplies Irons septic tanks to stainless steal sinks! eoil pipe to plastic ide oai thru all tUee wh-e. switches. A gatv. pipe. Electrtfsf from wsainar seaaa ax rajiga WE per cash for good cleaa need furniture and appliances. Used Merchandlac Mart, 17 S. Liberty, EM 4 371. HUH EST. fair, eaas, ence nstd (ee good, clean, used furniture end eopllancee. KM MHO Glen Wondrv. IMS N Summer MISC. furniture wanted Ccnsr , toots servke. Pk KM S-4SM. 444 Sport lolpmofn SAVE s,M to is, Hew ST . J7 end S4' Cruleor. SALEM BOAT HOUSE IM Cnemekete EM SfSM NEW 14 ft. Dlllabaueb. SS In. beamed, fiber glassed. SIM, Terms. IM W. ' Madron Ave. F.M J-sMl. OUTBOARD motor, I11M. Glen Woodry. 10 If . Summer. a H.P. iohnson Motor SSS. Ph. EM JiiltS. 11 BOAT A motor, (. Cell EM 1-01. ' 1FT Plywood boair. XM boxsa. etc. Hundreda hard wood A elaas doors. Crystal alkie, double run, end fixed windows unusual prices. Shop at eed fashioned oountryfted strneepnere wnere your oot- tare ouy euainy, not evemeea. C. 6. LONG ft SONS . 1 lit ST. of Kelier, Salens EM 4-tool SeatO-Matle life tune rooring Coksrbestoe side wall snmgleo Ph. Mathii Bros. EM 4431. LUMBER 29 Units sew lumber. SM. p M. and up. Det la units truck Ms. Salens vicinity. TED ft LEO MTJLLER EM 4-0513 tirr? nil,.. M gsL slee. wtr. hrt SM M. U-l winca ec rs. in rv .. s pc. onwi st come. $11. Built-in oven tlue bur. unit SIM. Outlet s SSS riM Ir. ft in die. 4" gslv. gutter, IV ft., S" vent fan. 111 J. II 11 31 kitchen sink, corn p. ' sss ss. Apex Electric at PlumDlng, HI Broadway, EM 3-1 let Open Fit eve. ' , PAINT OlfBaw . Gsl. II M Glen Woodry, 100 N. Summer MM FT. eld lumber. Mske offer. 1 N. cotteger INLAID booleum Sl i er ea, yd B U ElMUoa Co. M A Ukesrtp. , 480 por Sale Mitcellanootr RECAPS 70xlS S1.M exek. nation wioe noao naxard Guar. Lytic' O.K. Rubber, Welders, axis . commercials UK I new RCA Estate 10" else. range, also Kraftsmaa sr Ult arbor tabls,aaw-olntar comb., metal stand All Ilk jaw. Ell S-7H. PIT RUN GRAVEL Top eolL EM 4-4741 1SED toilet ft fixtures II. Ussd wssh bowls ft futures IS EM MSM. Virgin Top Soil EM J-157S WANT a bargain 7 Good used aarvste sssuon oouiprnens uist will save you lot of money. Contact Shell bulk plant SH Portland Road Salem. TYPEWRITERS, adding me- entnes, eean regisura. eupu eetors, desks, chairs, files, sup plies, jteen s, see teun. , BEST IN TOP SOIL Ketrer Sand ft Gravel Co. Eve., Sat ft Sun. EM 1-170 CEDAR fence post good ejuallty ires tea se emmsieaj. rstss Ph. EM 4-SMl. ASH weed, deesdsd sawdust and top aoll. aVM S-QQ4. WHITB gold wedding ring art blue white ASK, EM JJM1. alter er Sat, sun. BarNT mr' U SS eel outaiAS wmie ex. gau a gai. psa. laa N. Lancaster , Salem. USED Tires bought ft sold. Lvtie's O.K. Rubber welders, EMI N. Commercial. orricE safe. w-ss. "H-ir', "D-31". SIMM. Glea woodry, SMS N. Summer. WALNUT dining rm. pet Al cond. EM 4-I4N. 411 for Bent Mrstollaneoti WE rent TV Sets II per month em 4-sni, Holders, as n High St. - Hosnltal Bad with Mattress. United Rent All', IMS State St RENT er leeae lg. wsre house spece cement noor, ones side., downtown. Inq B. L. Stiff Fura. EM t-llt. 483 Wanteol Mixonanooti WANTED several thousand eords of weed, ail speciea Ph 1-7711 1-7771 Nights 134 4-OS33. CASH for Ussd Guns, and eld coins, su typea. csacsde Mere. ujo Broadway. 4S4 MiKsJUrtetru t WESTERN Saddle $4 ft SM. 4M N. Lancaster, EM 4-IH4. fENTAL PLATS REPAIR BB SERVICE IN MOST CASES M WAWWW ItUI WW nBMa Adalnh Bide. Btsts A Consl Bta. At : rn sus rwii 4ft Machinery Tools NEW MM Wstt II Volt elec generstnr complete with enguie 1M. EM 4-113 Before . TO CLOSE ESTATE Drill Press. Hsek Sew. elec. welder, precision tools. EM 1-1101 after I or wk. ends, - ; Save Time - Save' Money ' : " . Tm the Best Professlooal SerrkCM w Make Life Easier Read & Use WantIds Daily! ' AODINO MACMINBS Bus aa sou rent All Soon-Typewriters. 4M Court KM atra. - ADV. SPECIALTIES Grand opanlnga ft AnnlversariesT General A sales. EM SM3L AWNING Awnings ft Patio Covers Custom Made-20 Colors' Keystone Aluminum EM 4-483 CABPENTEB BUILDlNOi remodeling, cabi ns U ft repairing. EM -7. Contractor. New. Remodel. Ad diuons A shop work. EM l-SHI. CEMBNT WORK House rslsing leveling gad foundations. EM 1-431)0. FOUNDATIONS, pstlos. wslks ft retaining wsllsT EM 4-I7M. CONSTRUCTION MEW komss, remodel free est GRAVES CON8TRUC tlon Co. EM SM se EM 1-17. - CRANB WORE 13. ton Lorsln mote ersne Sa- ams Bona at u raves, sjs e-sssi COBBBTIEBB CHARIS eorsetUer. Lenors Who lan. X3SS Ijsnsing. mm a-eeie. "to Place Classified Ads CaD CM. 4-M11 FLOOR COVBRfNOS MORRIS WALKER Paint Ce Floor-covering Dlvtaioa Qusig . ftp mstsllstlons Linoleum, As- P hall A Rubber Tile Wall Uie ree (a lima See. BM t-eBT. ORADINO . Grading: Roads, Floyd David son. EM 4-77M. Btaytoa 1-177. OBAOINO ft DOBINO BULLDOZING eleortna ponds. D-4 D-d rSrryaU. tiusnwy nss s-eiss. SI M pee nr. Ex neflutg. tile lay etc Enoch 1 BULLIKIZ1MO. eavatme. trench inc. tne. aeotics. etc Enoch Maerx. EM 4-3411 sfler s.m. D. PANTOVICH dozing, leveling and clerlng. EM I-0M. INCOMB TAX Leon A. Else us EM MM. 150 4th St PAINTINO Painting, anterior, sxterlor. Joe Oatrom. EM 4-11M. BOTO-VATINO Rotovator Work Wanted Vlnrwnt Kramer, 11M Lansiag. EM M1M Cuatom roto-vatlng. Ford equip ment EM 1-417. , t LAWN mewing ft rote tilling. Landscaping, new lawns. 124 Tryon. EM 1-07M eve., day EM S-741. BOTO-VATtNO to' Rota-valor: gardens, lawns, field were. EM SHU ft Eat 1-II7IHV SAND AND URAVKL VALLEY SAND A Q RAVEL CO, Crushed ft round gravel eand as eon. mix. a SALEM SAND ft GRAVEL CO. Rssdy mix concrete, crushed imind frsvety sand ft top sou. 14M M. Front KM 1-3441. WALUNO SAND AND GRAVEL 119 McGUcbrist Crashed euarry roeks and grevel. All sts for rasds, drivewey end parking lots, . READY MIXED CONCRETE, O r d s s sand, bull-doting, shovel and dragline, work. SEPTIC SKRVTCB HOWARDS lloto-Rooter sewsra, eeptse lanxi cleaned EM S-ITf MIKE'S Septic eamce Tank clesned. D rooler eletns eoweia draiaa Pbena Kal I MM. Capital ' Septic Service tank cleaned. Sperton rooter clesne sewers. EM 3-7404, t-M S-S07, "-Ace Septic Tank Service Tsnks Cleaned A Repaired EM 4 I1I1 DAY OR NIGHT TV BEPAIB II. ft H. TV SERVICE Guar. Repair, radss, TV ft ant :all anytime em i-nit 500 Bus. & Fltunce S10 Moftey f teea PRIVATE money to lea, tfs Intereet Ph KM -47t RAWLINS Real Estate Co. liietMM I naaa ' a pet. Iritsrest SM Chemeketa Ph. EM 4artl ; UP TO HM , Pick Your Payments IS me. Ami eg 14 ato. Ami eg Payrot' Cash Paymr. Cash 47 edM.71 4J -S7M.1 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS US S. Liberty EM 4-2103 COLONIAL investment Ce. Baal property Leans, iesnrscis rur chased. Ml Court EM 4V43M. LOANS nM tn ai.a ' Buy Whst You Meed ' Censolldate your bills, , , Finance through . WTIXASTETTE CREDIT rflVPANY US a OMtrck Bt KM S-StPi 515 Investments REAL .ESTATE CONTRACT -FOR SALE VERT LARGE DISCOUNT. PAYABLE AT SIM per Month ' Inc. tntsrest No default. BROOKS REAL ESTATE REALTOR IB! GsrfleM St WOODBUBM PH. S901 OR aVwHl 600 Employment ftOa HBbWBtstJ4f , 600 Employment 600 t Employment 610 Soles Hotp Wonted (It Education t NEED (aletmsa or dlstrlbotor for Warners A S K. wsisrieaa hand cleaner. Good proposition to right man. Write Wagner Products Co. 11 S. E. Aa keny at. Portland 14. Oregon. SOLICITOR for roofing ft siding, to work directly with closer. No cer accessory, call at SMI Stat St, between I S ft ajn. . , ... , oil Work Worrted7Wn NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Mechanically Inclined reliable men to train lor positions a oil burner service technicians. Top pay and excellent work ing conditions to a highly skilled technicel trade. Free plscemout service. Cent sett Oil-Heat Institute of Oregon 1 N.E. 1th. Suite SM Port, lend 14, Oregon. Phone BE S-14S. CUSTOM plowing, discing, far- nens, am. acreages, cm a-asiv 620 Day s)wd Cowrrtjct CARPENTER'S helper or small carpenter jobs. CM 4-aun. LANDSCAPE gsrdnsr for J years. Odd fobs, csll Jos the Gsrdner. EM 3-5033, 111 Chem eketa, Apt. . - EXP. Lawn mowing yard work. Odd job, la a-eoa. CUSTOM garden work done wita Torre Tiuer. km x-zase. TRACTOR ROTOVATTNQ EM t-0MS CUSTOM R0TO-TILUNO C. L. Cales EM 14781 PAINTING Free Estimates Reeaonable. EM 1-M1 eves. ROTOTILLING EM S-lSls fprsying. tree topping, remove, pruning. L. Caudle, KM 4-141. CARPENTER repairing, r model or New. EM S-SM. Fred Muulns, EXPERIENCED dairy man wants work, Bel. EM 4-1334, Csrl Oakley, Rt S, Boa SIS, Salem. SMALL carpenter lobs, -work, fees. EM 4-1414. CARPENTER Reas.- 4M ' 4-SMl. Madaay Jtd. EM 'J COMMERCIAL ' PlAeinetit Afeacy - - Sine IMS Specialist M Office Placements 44 Stat St 1411 Ore. Bldg.l Phone EM 4-1341 CAPITAL ' EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists la office) personnet Bldg. adj. Preabyterlan Church ltd M. Winter EM S4W . You future M eur to. APPLICATIONS are now being taken for Statesmen bicycle route. Several routee will be moan. Anoucsnts must be ac companied by their parents r novo tneir wrruen permis sion. Apply st the Circulation Department of the Stateeman- JournaL DE R0SIA T1JEE SERVICE TREES Tttmmea, Topped ft Kesneveo. steogeo- nnruo bcry TrrmmetT Guaranteed aatisfactory, price A work. Completely Insur. Ph, EM j-awe eve. Anyum ws. enas. WANTED: Manager for email apartment house la exehsngs for rent Allen C. Jones, 231 N. High Street. WANTED: Several ladles A gen tlemen to help out oa local program. Full time for less thsn a month. Either office, phones, or collections. Good nay every day. Pk. EM I M31, y to S only. 604 Help Wonted, Mew EXP. tun up A broke) man, far steady employment tat Serv. Sta. Kef. required. Apply 4408 N. River Rd. alter 1 pan. EXPERIENCE body men wsnt ed. uuareniee st perceniaae. Steady eroploymea t IMS Brosdwev. EM I-W71. MEN to work at City View Cem etery. CaU at SM W. Hoyt between S S. WANTED: Thoroughly experi enced service station sttsnd ant. stats sge, experience, ref- . erence. Box IM Stalesman- , Journal, - SKVKRAL used welder. See et IM Stewart Bt Ph EM swots MACHINERY tilt trsller. can hsndls tons; eed i e oy 1'7". Vacuum brakes. 790-10 duel tlreX 191 license, turning signals ks llghU. 3M. Corvsf Ha, PLasa S-171E 490 Fuel ANDERSON'S slab wood S coeds SM. EMS-7751. WANTED: Several thouaead eorae es nerx-rree wnna. nr or hemlock. Ph. EM S-TOll Blgbls EM 4-ISH HIGHWAY rUEL CO. SAWDl'ST A WOOD EM S-04M FERN FUEL COMPANY M E. Salem Rd. Dallaa Ooed II In. slabwood. S unit load lis prompt oeuvery. rn. colled MA S-ZUl, St ne an swer Call MA 11441. SPRING SPECIAL SAWDUST FOB MITXHINO Choice Block ft Slabwood SASH ft DOOR PLANER ENDS. WEST SALEM FUEL CU. 1S2S Hmwater EM 4BSl DRY WOOD, slab wood. U cord. Oak wood re tesigia. Sis eern. s.as eaej. nRRRON FURL CO. Dry and Green weed ft sawdust. S ft H GREEN STAMPS EM S-S93S ' . CAPITOL FUEL CO. tbv nun rnist sstx Dr aak. ask A maple wood Chuire slab ft block wood . mixed dry ee greea. dtp mm Ml Breedwey Ph. EM S-TTfi DRY OLD GROWTH FIR. fU cord. EM S-tSM. l EXPERIENCE body man want ed. Guarantee m percentage. steady empieymeal i3M , Broadway..'. ftOft Helt Wonted, Udy BABY litter, my heme, 1 imall boy. Live in or out. s't aays wk. EM 1-4711 After . WAITRESS wanted. Cupboard iaie. evw aiais. no caila. Apply In person. PART time bsby sitter wanted my homo, em s-iob. LADY for General office work. Bhoruiana. tVDtns. phone. cashier. Perm, position. Apply stogg pros, ass Plate. LADY for Office. Must have some Bookkeeping exp. Perm. Kltloa. Apply Hogg Bros, to. 1 YR. old elrL 4 dsv l.M day. I t s. lsi court. Furnish owa trans. EM 1-4041 after p.m. EXPERIENCED me riser ft exo. counter girl. Apply in person nt Kennedy's Cleanera, mi State. 609 Commission Work MEN wsnted. Park time work. Csll EM 4-OMs. Apply t-U ' a Jn, a-a p.m. m . 410 Solos Helo Wonted OPPORTUNITY- For ton tlleht salesman Salem Eueene territory. Some good established accounts. Opening May first Contact Murray L. Goff. Senator Hotel Wednesday-Thursday. April S4th-2th , respectively, snie-nsnnn, ins. SM WEEKLY guarantee ss start Fuller Arusa Co. EM 1-S397 EXPERIENCED eewsman woman. Ramsey Real Estate, ai 1 erry. sua -jnu. , Cuatom rotovaUng-plowlng. D. MARSHALL EM 1-1143. EM S-HS1 M tn. Rowsrd Roto-vatee, gsr- gening at lawn preparing. TRACTOR ROTOVATTNQ,. ' Gardens, Is was, orchards. Frits Kiss, EM 1-474, 4-M1S ROTO-tilllng Anytime. EM 4-uUI 177 ensmawa no. ROTOVATING lawna and ear. nene. EM Hua nays, sue 4-4ZM eves. FREE Estimate, tree spraying. KIW4-9Z34, EBS S-191. NEW LAWNS: Prepared It aee? ed. Free est em i-in. WANTED TRACTOR WORK .. EM 4-1607, - BUILDING, re-model, roofing. csblnets. tiding, em 4-ease. PAPERRANGING ft Psintine. Sm. jobs eccepted. EM S-Q77S, PAINTING: Bdrms, low ss 111. Outside painting, tns s-iaos. CARPENTER work new ft used cabinet ft furniture msde to order, also bsby sitting my boms. EM 1-44M, SIS S. Lan caster. FREE estlmetes en floor cover ings or dretnhoarda. a. u au- trom CO sw nuoerty LoiTS tree service, topping prune, cabling ass s-saoi UGHT 'erewler dorer leveling. eroding, sat a-reta. a. nurtn. Cement work, Prompt service. All kinds. E. Drske. EM 4-433 INTERIOR PAINTING REAS. CHAS McLKAN BM S-M3S WILL do grsss cutting ft sVad- ing. EM 4-euae. Painting ft Paperhanglng In atea tob Free Est Term. Ph. Nelson EM - ruivinu er nii " ' ' " lem only, aat a-xne or a-iuva. Custom Plowing ft Discing em 4sa PLOWING ft DISCING PH. EM -&37J HOWARD Rotovstlng EM 4-SSH er EM no cane sun. please. YOUNG Vet St yrs. old, willing to learn, some experience vmn farm, dairy, gas station work. Pk. wood burn s-etss. ,14 Work Wenteo1, Lao1. CHILD Cere, Isundry ft sewtag. my terns, gas s-ueai KSxskmaicino A alterations. belts m burtons mo. a. re e-upe EM 4V46M Ironing ta my homo. CANT keep up with rroningf I'U iron gi sr. a.as e-ivjv. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mr. Foe. esa IS. lain, aje a-ea. OlS-A Babysitting CHILD care tn my home by day or hr. ISM N. 1th. EM 4-7. BABYSITTING dsy or alght ,i vie 4 wyie van mm wfc CHILD CARE my home dvs. Baysvuie vicmuy. a.se a-isn. RELIABLE Babysitter, hr., dsy ee nrte, my borne. EM . LOVING, supervised child cars my aojrne. sou in. aas a -was. Hi EJu.lios, BCHARFP BROTHERS biatallatien Repair Sewers. nepus sxnxs. srrera rieins. power oiteaiag. EM S-sSM. s. tk. yd. ehovet'ersne. ace) erg. nne. as-test mobile eranea. D-4, D-7 eats, carry all clear ing blade. Rental contract a unit- prices. . SALEM SAND ft GRAVEL MM M. Frssst Bt 700 Rental. 702 Sleep. Rooms, loeirof CLOSE IN, ale eleaa rm., hot,, cold water. 45 Center. CLEAN light ksekpg. room. 13 NT Church prlv. cot CLEAN, warm rml T V ." close " , in ii a winter, em l-nza. CLOSE tn, smL lovely rm. lady. sio iron smoxer, iso ssanon. TV. Clean nice furn. sleeping rm., men. 4.7I wk,. EM 1-730. CLEAN, quiet, Nr. St Bldg.. Shpg.Plst kit prlv. EM 1-1448. MENS sleeping jrms. TV, Prlv. 705 Aporryitonts For Rertet 1 RMS. tn 4 pier. EE, range. semg., pss. s.aa a-rsae. RIVIERA Apts. Lovsly spacious s aeorm. ass. sue. nircn Ritcn en. tile bath. EM 1-7431 s EM 1-MM. ' 1 BDRM. COURTS RE-DEC, stove ft est. rem, uie. wash a aryer. em 1-J841 NEWLY dee, turn. 1 rml. ft bath, court apt T V., laundry, parking. Inq. after I p.m. or weekends 134 S. 12th. CLOSE ta mod. unfurx. ground nr.. Apt. sna smau puumaa Apt EM 3-S48 except Bat New Court Aet'a. 13 N. 14th. furn er unfum. rjloes In. em 4-OM after g or weekend. r FURN. S. S ft 4 rm. opt pvt snt., nsstsa iu uoun CAVALIER APTS. 1171 Court St Now svsll. 1 rm. furn. apt EM 4V4S1 or EM 1790. NEAT, ciesn, 1 rm. fura. Apt isoa v.ouru a,se e-axva. . JANSSEN COURT Furn. apt. Shop. etr. ft bus, B. uin st s nursi. FURN. 1 ft t bdrm, prlv. bath. 171 B. list EM S-I3H. Spacious Acacia Apartments FURNISHED 114 South llth Bt KM l-TOM FURN. 1 rm. opt ft bsth, clean. attractive, quies, ana ur. email apt house. SM Inc. utilities. IM N. llth. EM I-47S1. CLOSE In, I rm. furn, apt., utlt. d. 40. em -37 or Mgr., ice RMY. nicely furn. Goes leZ AdUltS. KM a-748 S-S33X. 1 OR S Bednn, Court Apta. furn... re-dec. TV. Antennae Lynvrbod Apts. (01 S. 13th. NEWLY dec, 1 rm. furn. apt. pvt bath, mil. sal., nssr bus. sjo. s.sa l-euvT. FURN. Courts, knotty nine fcs- erior, small ei m,, , e... pi ua til UU Traria. EM 4.1411. FUItN. I rms. A kltchenettaT heat ft water furn. SM Saginaw. NICE rm. turn, apt' Adults. taw a. lam i. a. as s-neu. 1 BEDRM. Apt completely rer aee. nawo, firs, uie natn, stove, refrig. ft T.V. Ant fura. alien, ear. a.m s-ifi. 1 ft 1 RM. Furn. Apts. Utll. paid Ml N. Uberty, EM S-IM. . CLEAN fur. 1 and S rm. apta.. M r erry si. 1 BDRM. apt. utll. partly fura. esa me. ess t-sno, NICELY furn. 1 rm. spt, prlv. oatn, pja.ae. a,at SHvae vr'X.ss a-essi. A CLOSE bt, mod. turn. 1 rm. apt. IM a-MBO except gat LOVELY 1 nnT unlurn. apt heat refrig., range, TV ant fine gsr., MS with all utIL 1114 Plata St. EM l-Mll. I BDRM. court apt unfum. SSS N. 14th. NICELY furn. Apt. Canv. loo. mo n. tapnoi. ere, s-eon. CLOSE In Clesn 1 rm. furs-, bath. bill.. 450 a. Capitol. MADISON. COURT APTS. NEWLY dee! rm. furn. apt. KM 4-47M. 10S9 Madison. BNROLLMENT limit. Re, now. Salem Christian. Kindergarten ft Gradee 1-4. em i-VM. HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME Finish your High School ie your . spare time. Text books turn. Lew tuition. Free Booklet AMERICAN SCHOOL SMI M. In Ursula, Peril sad IT. S ft 1 RM. utll. pd. newly dee. No. 121 ft 131 EM 4-1BM. 11 Rm. Furn. Apts. All utlC psld. See et IsT N. Liberty. EM 1-1H94. m SEC THIS I Clean S rm. unfum. 188 S. Wh Ives, or wk. end. WEST SALEM rurx." 1 bdrm. court rental, new furniture, ble bath, SM a month. Love atllltles. Rawltn Realty, amf 4-M7. Eves. EM 173. I FURN. rms., prlv. bath. T. V. Antenna, near State Bldg. As Mem. bJopllol. 4 MIU.' ; COLONIAL Msnor. t rm, fura. .1121 Chemeketa. KM 3-7954. THE Century, XM 1-70. Ba lem 'a finest I Bdrm. Apts. Nice t bdrm- fura. er uxfurB MSB DEVEREAUX Apts. norm fura. er ' Stela. XM I sUi, 4- i i o .