38-(Sec. IV) Statesman, Salem. Ore., Frl, April 19, 57 600 Employment 1 it n: 412 Work Wantof, Mtn 700 Rentals LAWN mowing and laws auk' ' " em t-4oli. YOUNG Vst SO yrs. eld. willing to learn, i xperlenee i , f U farm, dairy, gas Halloa wort Ph. Weodburn 1-4444. CUSTOM garden work don 702 SI p. Konii, i w4 CLEAN HrM heekpg. N. Church pnv. onl. CLEAN, warm ran. T.V. cloee a in a. winter, an -i in CLOSE la, ami. lovely rm. Udy, oio non noKtr, too Minoo with Ttrro Tiller. EM l-SMs. , "KlTnSSS eaa'wiJ? IMMEDIATE SERVICE Plowing At Discing. EM I-U44 TRACTOR R0TOVATTNG EM 1-6U CUSTOM R0TO-THXIN0 C. L. Cslet EM S-37S1 PAINTING Ere Estimates Nessonsble. EM l-IMl sve. IV. Clean ale turn. non. 14.71 wk. EM eleepi rn tag CLEAN, auiet Mr. St. Bldg., Ihpg. Dial, kit prtv. EM 1-1441. SIENS sleeping at. EM 4-41 mi. TV. Prtv. laoi N. Capital R0T0TILLINQ EM 1-C1I Spraying, tree topping, removal, pruning. L. Caudle, EM 4-141. For Howard Roto-vator work. can mu Ptvtni. EM Mm iMALL carpenter oea. gcot work, rooa. EM 4-1434. wanted Joe, lot abort toerer. can haul STe Ph. Majiair -avjf ova. CARPENTER work. Any kind. Reea, 4.4S41 4341) Meclaay Rd. EM Custom rotovaUng-plowlng. O. MARSHALL KM 1-194J a RM 4 (A. Howard Roto-vetar, gar ngnini or aawn preparing. . Tractor Rotovating OirHlHI tskrt Hwaard Fritz kjff, EM 1-SS7, EM 4-mx 'SoOKEEEPEB ACCOUNT" just ratirad wish aarttlms or lorry pour yon. EM S-S13I. ROTO-tilling Aaytlmo. EM -UI n e cjamawa Jta. LAWN, roto-tillln At ej work wantad. EM I ansa fcOTOVATING lewna and ardea dena. EM S-guM -jas evee. daa. US DE R0SIA TREE . SERVICE TREES Trimmed. Trooped ft Removed. Hadgad A shrub bery TrimaMd. Guaranteed aatiaaeiory, price 4k work. . Completely ntaer. pa, em a-eaoa evq. Anytime wk. end. furs Eitlmat. tree marajrlnf. EM 4-iZM. EM S-7442. SlW LAWNS:' Prepared 4k seed- en. rrea eat. em e-sirt. WANTED TRACTOR WORK 70S Aportirxwrfj Fa? Kf wt THE Century, IM1 Cealar St. New lrg. altar. 1 Edna. AptE FUBN. apt.. utU. pe. M btu. aje, e ia uerra. em -rim. CLEAN I room, private bath. ref. range, garage. KM t-e7. upen aooay. inei aiaie. DANDY" (ura. 1 rm. A bath ant. Good beat nice la aim mar. Cloee Is Capitol. Just right for lone gal. S4S. EM J-4J v. 700 Rental 705 AsMirtriisiws ft Kww t BEDRM. (ura. Apt. Aula waanar dryer re ec. cm ltd. DE VE BEAUX Apta. Nice 1 earm... rura. or unrura., ita Stat. EM l-MM. CLEAN S rm. lura. apt. utllltie pa. pas. Me s. Mia. cm umi or a,m e eeai. 700 Rentals 1 800 Real Enfate 707. twnHktX Hsm 106 House Fr UU 70A Pwgildt I BEDBM. fura. or Unfura. De- pax, sao K. root. I BDBM. unfura. alde-elda re- c, gar.. TV ant. km 4-bu. 1 PURN. rm. aid entrance SM. Aauiia, Meisute sl a-M ma. NEW nice I bdrm. anfura. ait. ija i-oruane no. PURN. eleaa I mu.. prhr. bath. SU. UUl. (ura. Aero from Highway Bldg. 1131 Chtmeket I BDRM. (urn. or unfurn., reaa. priced, re-dec. KM 1-sas, a. u juiapp, Broaer. CLEAN run. apt. Douglaa Apt. lis 8. Mtk. EM S-SM r KM e-aeaa. LOOK I Cleaa 4 rm., nim. III S. )0. CM 0-70 PURN. Apt. EN dt ap. i ar rm. aewly re-dee. cloe I uul. aie l. Ph. EM Mr. BDRM. (ura. apt. (3. 1UI uvea at. BDRM fura. apt. M4. at U1 Lnemeaeu. cau aner . UNDER are Mgiati aewly dec.. nicely fura. I rm. apt. with bath. Ne objection to am. children. T7 a. CoeoX EM 4-107. BRAND aew I bdrm. apt. elee. tove TV, all Garage. AMBASSADOR APTS. NICELY PUBN. APTS. e h rarrlg. fura. wired all util. rurn except el age. IMS. EM J-Snl. BUILDING. EM 4-1807 re-modeL rooflna capinei. aioing. a a JW. FaPERHANGINO 4 Paintlni Sea. lob aceeoted. EM t-77l Fainting: Bdrm, kT a til. wnuoe pamung. m owom. CARPENTER work aew used Cabinet 4b furniture made to order, aleo baby aittlng any name. EM S-eeat, SU S. Laa- easier. tRES aaUmataa ea floor inn ar drain hoard, it IV El. atrom La. sea a Uoertp - lOlrS - tree eerrlc, toppiag. vrwa, CTpnng. aaa e eout LIGHT crawler doter levaling. eradrag EM S-HeS, U Eartk Cement work. Premnt aarvlca. AU kind. E. Drake. EM 44US INTERIOR PAINTING REAS. CHAS- McLEAN EM S-SWS WILL ds graia cutting em apad- ' m -ue. Paintinf A Psperbanginf ury ana jow rree mm. -Term. Pa. Nelaaa EM S-S4N PLOWING J diarlng, Eaat Sa . lem enly. EM S-X77I or 1-701. Custom Plowing k Discin PLOWING k DISCING PH. EM 44371 . (OWARD Rotovatlng EM 4-133 r EM SdSM. Ne calla "Dleaee. Lawn mowing uu Sat tug. Edging. ZM ill gri t-dOJg. a aui. bulldina ft CM -7BTT ACCOUNTANT: enwrlenead public eect'f. Lumber ft heavy - icoaawacuoa. n. a. J a-raaa. 114 Work W.nted1, Udly (CHILD Care, laondry ft aawrfctg, my horn. EM 4-047. DRESSMAKING ft alteration, belt ft button md. EM 4-7 1 M fRONMO la my home, 7e. ar. Phone EM 4-3M7. WORK wanted, houa cleaning SOc. kr.. babyerttina eve. cheap . diahwaahlng. Phone EM S-T74). sea unioa St. SW N. Summer. EM l-SSSS t ROOM med. apt. Nicely, Bam. EM S-714 ar EM 1 ft 1 RM. Pum. Apt. Otll. paid CM I-TOW. aT n. Liberty. NICELY turn. dup. apt. S rm.. aatii. auio wunar, airyer, nr. ahpg. center, amp. epl. (U Marlon. EM MSM. CLEAN 4 rm. New aliopa, keep, tale bldg. EM S-S4M. NEW unfurn. S bdrm- birch kit, Ig. thr. rm., gar. Ill S-7S41. NEW S brlfm. unfura, dupkn. Adults. EM mil. 1 BDRM. fura.. TV ant. Couple only. EM 4-1407. as It. wh. CUTEST, cleaneet i bdrm. fura. duplex m town. EM 1-4T7I. NICELY rum. modern duplex. s. at mwn. aaa, upte eaiy. EM S-S7SS. tU M. Near Capitol bldg.. aawly NICELY fura. 1 bdrm. has. ta court, rrpi. eioae m. EM 74e. AVAIL. Apr. IStfe. I bdrm. ire. yarn, garaen. aowa. jtamr- ence. u a-axT. BDRM. hae, earaaa. w. Salam. Couple only, SS0, EM 1-IMS er aM i-on. Unfurn. 3 bedrm. bam for rent sea. KM 4-el or km CLEAN 1 bdrm., gar., adutte. no pet. Mi. ISIS Highway Ave. fBDRM. fura. houa. IMS-Oa mra, em x-ooee. t tu4ra. B .U. M Ice for (toady employed. Wmi er Slay tan W7t 701 Farms t Rsnt FOB Rant! 4 acre cultivated (round ae bid a) North Sa- S BEDROOM HOME. S aat plum but, double aaraaa. M 10 ft k houee kaa large wvuia rwm, aanuig raw euut 14. (Jwaer . aay. aeu n rer pvau. MAKE AN OPPER. Small elder type aomo, earner lot, ea bua line. Due ta Ulneee owner need caah. Would make goad rental. aaaag pjeee. MS DOWN. Dent aay another monin rent, nee mia aareaia. , S bedroom, hardwood floor. fuaaiereo, na living room ana aining nam and It la aeal claaa. Price 7Ke, lem. old Hwy. as, an Kap han Rd. Writ Malena (Carey) S.W., Gamea, REALTORS OFFICE EM 4-USJ 12S5 STATE ST. 1M W.ntseJta, tHsSsj ""M-iEi VTU iVU" Alber. 1011 PartuuuL Ore. LADY wish extremely laaa 1 ani Maaarsa uarean some. I Will grvo good care and good I aessfc a.M e-iaea. - 714 I Mtinett Rsittsls kmrura.. 1 4-lSdS. I NICK t bdrm.. 4t ta S4E an wsiette or. sa 1 roe. 707 Housws Fsr Ranat NEW S bdrm. kouM. East Park. rent er aeaa aa. ta x-te. CLEAN S BR. rental bom. jrrs. era. S7S per mo. Imntd. Pom. CU Edna Morgan. EM jii. ju laaaa m vo. nnora. P0R RENT: I bdrm., aa quiet sireef. oeeuxmu yarn eauy ao. Olaf Thaautad. Realtear. EM 1-701 ar EM 4430. . 1 BEDRM. house, anfura. exc. waaher ft dryer, garage. I Ratal. EM 4-a0t or 4 304 rBEDRMS. Suburban, laree kit a as clean aaa. a.M s-Bm NEAR Capital, furm. I rm. ft oath. U0 a. 14tn. EN 4-71 4a CLEAN, ejulet 1 rm. Apt cbiee m. saay. eee rerry a.a ea-. CLEAN turn. 1 and S rm. apt., SM Parry St 1 BDRM. apt. util. partly furs. S4S me. I.M a-sses. NICELY (urn. J rm. ant. arfv. nam. aje.sv. aa tea ar aM -41. X OR 1 bedrm, extra lrg. newly nirxuanea. er uruurn. conven lent Iccalien. Off St parking. T. V. Ant 104 Edrewater. CLOSE kt mod. fura. I ran. apt EM S-4M except Sat. LOVELY ne. unfurn. aptZ heat, rerrig.. range. TV ant., fine (ar- MS with all util 1114 JW St. EM S-Stlt EXTRA nice, turn I mi. ft batn, auio. waaner. nst rstr ground Bd. EM S-SS1L I BDRM. court apt. anfura. SSS N. 14111. BDRM. wooded eetttn with ereek. minute to town. IM S-I31I. NEWLY radee. I bdrm. hi conveniently located at SM S. lata. ina. at isj rrao. NICE S bdrm. farm kauaa with J! acre, newly dacoratad. aw 4 tomeri, yss aaa. EM BENT er keaae. alee S bdrm. home, range, kot water heat, ar, refrig. wltk bouae. leu f an ana tree, fenced yarn, south dee ta Liberty. Goad deal by th year. Call Bee Griffith. Office Pk. EM 4di7i. IUwIIh nealty. -RENTALS South. S Bdnruj, I Bath. LB win yirepiace. on, sut. a Nook, Utility. O0 P. Air Par. ae,...Car, Lew,- Shrubs ft Smao Graenbouaa. Available April samv Eaat H Per 1 S RMS. fura. apt, ntll. ad., prtv. natn. sw. r-at e-aaga. NICELY fura. Apt Conv. 171 ff. capital. eb 9-mm. CLOSE m Cleaa S rm. furm.. bath, uui.. 4a a. capnoi. DESIRABLES mm and bath. Brick bu tiding, walking. i. lance. ; 7J ff. SJsarty, a-774. MADISON COURT A PTE- NEWLY dee. S rm. fura. apt. 140. EM 4V4TI4. less Madison. I ft 1 RMTattl. pd. newly no. sas si su. em. e-nea. i ft t Rm. Purn. Apis. AlfutiL , paid. See at 17 . N. Liberty . sm a-ram, i- - , r KCff THIS! Clean S rm. unfurn. 18S B. nth svml ar t ana. west SALEM turn. 1 court rental, new furniture, tile bath, US a month. Low utilities. Rawlln Realty, ZM 4-4S71. Eve. EM S-S741. PURN. rata., prtv. bath. T. V. Antenna, Bear State Bldg. ft Mem. hJepltal. S Milt COLONIAL Manor. S rm. fura. 113S Cnemeaeta. EM w4. UU. M 4 nwrr. SE. refrig.. 444. EM H5M. WANTED young woman. Ph. work M 1-S4SL EM 4HS94 Ironing at my kerne. CAN'T keep ap with rroaiiiigf a u iron i nr. em a-Tvae. 1IIMEOGRAPHING. typing Mi Poe. SSS N. Mtb, EM S-JS4S. til$-A Esbysnfi BABYSITTING day er call EM 4-1P71 CHILD CARE my home day. nayavui vmnity, em s-iz. Jr ..- . . RELIABLE Babyaltter. hr.. day or nil, my home. EM S-SSM. LOVING, aupervieed child care my none, south, em sass. tie Education AT s MERRITT. DAVIS i ' School of Commerce i W kave a great number of inn ! that are cannot fill (or office 1 tremed people. Call Mr. Shaw j . 1UUHI EM J-141. MERRITT DAVlS, School of Commerce US Bo. Liberty NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Mechanically Inclined reliable men ta traia for poanione aa eil burner eervlee technician. i i( per ems exceuen worn. nr condition la killed technical trad. crvtea. Contact: l-Heat Institute af Oreana 34 N.E. 7th. Sulla SM Port land 14. Oregon. Pbaoa BE 1-I4. CAPITAL REAL ESTATE SCHOOL. Per aalaamea ore. paring ta aeil and pae atate auiiuasusa or lor anyone aa- airing to learn about real estate, ciaaea Tuesday a Thursday each week. 7 to SrM. Tuition 133 00. course at aria Areil 13rd . Enroll at Roy Todd Real Eatste: IS Suta St Phone: ZM 1-SMl. HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME 'una your High School In your . spar Mm. Text book (Urn. aerw tuition, rre Booklet AMERICAN SCHOOL 541 N. Interstate, Portland IT. ENROLLMENT limit Reg. now. Salem Christian. Klndcrirartea , ft CraoS 1-4. EM 1-MW. . pZO Pey bihI Contract te. 'a. yd), ahovet crane, awe drg. line. St-toa mo bile aranas i - D-4, D-f eats, carry all clear. ( ' lag blade, testa! eon tract ar unit ortcae. SALEM SAND GRAVEL 1S N . SCHARTT BROTHERS tmuiiauen Rapelr SepU Tmka, Drla Fields Power Dltshlas .. EM S-tsiiE Ts Placs Oasslflad Ads v Csfl EM. 4X8U . PURN. am. I rm. apt pvt. bath. ent S3S. sas unioa. em ma. ATTRACTIVE cloee ta clees turn. pnv. entrance, plenty heat ft water, alee trailer lor 1 person. Ms union em -ie. CLOSE, well (ura., let fir. S rm.. bath, beat SSS Center. Abrams & Skinner 411 Masonic Building REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS PH. IM S-317 EVES: EM S-TSM er EM 1-1077 MOD. S ldrm gas neat. frpl.. kdwd. fir., gar., SM. . law Pa see St.. EM S4414. 1749 LEE. SSS. Ramsey Baaity. EM 4-S3S1. l ansu lnq. isi Market, LONG a aaa. ITS mt. tor will ell) Sl A. river - bottom Keuer dirt. 11 A. cultivated, sal. wood. Comfortable. 1 bdrm. bar. Writ Owner? SM Hutte . Bldg, Spokana VA rt mmn. IN KEIZER DIST. MOD. 1 bdrm. houa. Vt SS aa. EM 1-1434 or EM MIPS. FOR BENT OR LEASE Office or eervlee work apace. Apprx. aaxaa. tireuM near, uoe anooonia canter, bu. ha etc. Good parking facilities. In excellent canoiuon. call N. G. "Dan" toaak. eve. ph. EM a an,i. at. TcjAAir-A rrt SaVaVet aVkjA VdTa. E BV X. JJtf REALTORS ' ta N. Church St. Ph. EM 44311 ar EM t-TSS SMALL huaineea building, i realoence available. 1174 Liberty. EM 1-411. RUB YOUR EYES! ITS HARD TO BELIEVE yea ran any e amAnu mew home for enly 111. with all thee lecture. Rent. in evea Built-in ranee Double aa. rege a tic fetf a j Bodroorna - ruu aining room (aood floor plan Morningstd Voea. tioa. Thla I a Meal, hut haiag ftnlahed. Call BM 4lt, Vl.lt oar 1 ' ' " "Picture Gallery ef Home" Ted Morrison, Realtor N. HIGH PH. EM X76 1 OPPICE apaea far S office aad reception! ii aa weal lie la anoppmg tamer. EM s-Tta. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT WILL put pea ta New t bdna earn a i. anrcn an. Suburbaa. So, KM 4-700 710 Moviitf ft 5roraa"s HOUSE te be mvd. SI19 Braadwav. eni, 11 vr.. 1 bdrm. BM J-4XS. S. L. Knapp I NICE eomfortabie S n-g. jot. Nartk. Bdrm M.sO MATTLOWER : Moving & Storage - FUEL OILS CAFTTOL OTY TRANSFER reduced a gTSos, 4U pet. P HA. man at SM me. Incl'd. everytluna. Ca.iiider-late aaeev ei ror equity. EM S-47S4. LaTTOar TrsssfsY A Stoam Com parte asevlng aet ttte. Ala agents for BEKIMS Nahon- Wide Mover Ph km l-lili PBIVATE-ewwner 1 noma, aaturl rlrepl., oak fir., larr let moat, ear tmH evn, aacnraca . yard. .an. No realtora. EM 4-S3M. LOW COST etarage. R U ttttl yuranlur ca em g-aus. V ACRES. LOVELY I bedrm ha , large epacioua rme.e wars anop. Cloe M Eeet. C. W. Reeve, Realtor lien Miaatna St Pk EM Sean. Iva. em Esaaa mm EM i-oavs. 800 Real Estate 801 iNslaoss Opportat. I TRADE S bdrm. houa. 117 SMl aoea location at tarvaiu for nouae m Be lem. em 4-lsn. SERYICK Statla located la Sa lem ea . main thorourhfare. Pre Bant Small inveitmaat required, phone EH I-4IM. RIVER FRONTAGE 'ITS' frontage, unloue home ta beautiful aetting overlooking m nu. ate. msm. a eeaw. . BOWLINO - Bilhaitla - Lunch. Establlabed It yra. Must U I Ph. EM 4-1741 ami. account af eooortunitv. man ft wife. make offer by May lit. Ton wooa. swn Foraaaa BE JOE EUTCHISON BBALTOR. Let aa aalve your bvme needs i anry, sen av nem call Mil Edgeweiai Wonderful Ph BM 4.174 Pfl So Comm7 t voting mm or n. iooa n puma ft Tom HEAVY coating paint true: laooera . hoe. Saeger Compressor, ease, lee iaa art FOR Sale ar trade: IS Stool Cafe ft Bldg. Beady to open, center af Taft, Oregoa, good grmmo, reaae nrrms or fraeaet Be er write "Mike CheiTT". u. mile N. af SwU- tioee. wacom Beach, or. SERVICE Station on S. 11th St inq. sns rairgr ewnda Rd. SERENITY. COMFORT. oTABuJTY In thla Hraotiva t tiadinmn home located an large corner new ansa me l eal naierea lie aa. lit baaement, ate out on th of the saowappad mountain. . CALL JIM W. BRASHER Ere. EM 4-7SSE, 800 Real Eatato 800 Real Estate; BOO Real Eatate 1800 Real Estate 800 Real Eatata 104 riousas For SmU tC.HousosForSaU Na. , 0 Hsuiei Far Said ENGLEW00D" 10 HausasFafSdil SO. Hautas ft SaU I Well Lacated I . Bdrm convenient ta acnool. Bua Store. Dinette, Neat Kitchen, L Price tee ' Yard. S4.MS I ; ,4Tf COURT STREET. SALEM, ORB.' . . PHONX EM J-411. EM 1-411 LISTINGS NEEDED QUALIFIED , SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU READY TO RETIRE. Life can be atmpla and eeay If you buy thla wen kept 1-bdmv noma witmn wauting aunance oc oown town, iieaa ana , eaay el maintain, good wood furnace ta bemt Ala ail dr. culator upeUir. Only taVUO. Aak for AdrMna Sarcarab. Bve. EM 4-tOSt, FARMS FOR SALE SEE HENRY TOR VEND 44 acre all cultivated and Irrigated, pump aad pipes Inel. at S31.400. SS acne, rhme In Kill ail ana SI ecree wiuamette aeU. aaarly aew Sbeelroom home, bam SOUTH EAST ll Ye. Old Heme. I.H I Bdl Eit with Eating apac. uui Ity. Attached Bar, Neat ft da.a. Price sssod Term a. i 111 Acre with Older Bldee, wu- umette soil, 4 Mil caat en Prelum Road. Price 1I,M. Abrams & Skinner 411 Masonic Building t mtr rrirw. i ' ...4 eWaa, ; BATS WAY 70 STATS PAR K, . oooo suacc to Live eA ' ? m ACRES NORTH Excellent property located an Portland Rd., south af Heyevllle ciovarieat. very nice noane witn oarme-, nam ana ocnar buildlna. Pin oettlng la tree. Very good epeculation here bacauae of big development ta thl area. Price SM40S end Call Louia Lorens, Eva. EM S-SMS. Nice place for s trailer houa, I view lot, city water and aewef, nice place ta build, later. Plot lOOxlM ft, good gardaa epnt Pull pries ... ... . . ; gaot) 1 1 room and balk ea Kaet HIU. single garage, wired far range. eiec. water aeaier. ammes. so, saos down, ruu price ss,ia sere cloee In, very good garden ground, family fruit. S-bdrm, aiooerrs piaeierea noma, remem tounaauon, wtree tor range and dryer, elee. water heater. Price met elee. range, refrig. and large freeeer , , ,, , , ... an4 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE I lVj sere aloe la, city water, alee well. 4-room modern plastered MORTGAGE LOANS I home, cement foundation, wired for range, etc, large chicken EM t-Sll 7 Evee: E E7SSS sal houa (ISO capacity , aha anop, dbie. garag. Owner aar a.a-eii i -get aa oner, aaa u. About 8 acre. Good T room and bath, fireplace, eanllnuous ate. Alan laree ham. chicken elem or Port lead property ia trade 44.I0S foundatloei, wired for range, nouae. l ea , , BUILT BY JERRY very modern typ home, all whits with extra large garage, big family roam with fireplace, but rt-la even and range, large pane. S bdrm. aaa seaawats dining m . 'jerry ear give Immediate pooa. CaO Ralph Maddy. Bve. EM S-14M RIVER VIEW i SPACIOUS ranch tyl t bad- room horn, central entrance !' W""T wat i ranwai 7S sens, about S ecree cult I roam heme with large utJIItp v'-J flSSLJmJi l"g. new chicken houa MxM ft, t bama, drilled wcIL 'JTi', illiSanoS O00 T"U "A" ". " Two 4-bdrm. homo. S i Z.lVtllf rwC '" "- "allng shod, covered feed lot concrete rH' !. ! I silo. S rood chicken house. St acraa. about 4S cultivated. . leeea aarms er wouia I IrrlaataxT aaeturae 14 aerea. anulaaea anal ainbael. M haad milk aowa, fine equipment Trm.. , . M4,004 ti.l trsd CALL FATE SEAL, IVES. EM 1 By Caaaba W lla bow have aevoral very good rental listings - write ror otng auueua ana xreo city Map and Pokier. " H0MESEEKERS AGENCY ' . . MASONIC BUILDINO PHONE s-7181 ' SILVER TON, OREGON ' ' " . Oil ar Picture ISAAK'S BEST BUYS m N. CHURCH ST. Open Sat 3-5 474 FIR DELL lUberty Cardea trial, i new apecieu s eorm home with a D R. toe. Lovely att. wna as.. I 'a path, arxe. Car. VI aay extra. Nice comer it. Edna Morgan, will ahaw. Eva. Ph. KM 4-40M. - WHArt NEW Yea'R ftod (he ana war m uus new home h Bush Schoot DIM. 1 Mrtni. PA oil heat dble ear., eitv tmpravment. it' value ror you dollar at 111 MS. CeU Onr. do Crasrford. eve. Pk. EM PH. EM tail OR EM S-783. A. A. URSON. RLTR. 1SI S. High St EM I 44QS OWNER ANXIOUS TO ' LEAVE r Win take gead contract r mll I trade for ai equity af M90. 1 a thla M acre farm 14 mile I view. , live creek. S ecree In Widow win take7 s t BR. houM up to tll,SM aa thl lovely ' good crterriea, 10 acres In eul- BR. house located at SSM Pioneer. Extra large lot with beau- fivalkaa. balance In pasture. 4 ' tllal ahruba. View af th mountain. Price lewluaaa wall ta bdrm. home, small ban. goad wall aarpeUng and drape. Priced at f 11, SO, hen house, tear garage. Picked tto of wild blaekber- FORMAL GARDEN anhurvees this alder heme. Cloee la ea North TRADES Open Sat 3-5 ; HOME ON STANLEY LANE. (Out Liberty Bd. to Ewald 'turn right ta Stanley Lane! Braad aew home. Functional , floor plan. Fam. rot., .t bdrm a, ' K.. lit. - M, VMM i u. bath a. dble. garage. See this II ACRES IN CULTTVATI0N riee ea creek la at year. More went ta wast, nu is s won derful deal t make Men money- wltk a little paint ft awpaur erwra. - . V. today. IM.. Vlcti wUl chew. Eve Ph. EM S-S04S. YOU CAN'T OUTSHOP This new littlng. S Bdrm a, p. DR. ' at tractive flagstone frpl., . FA heat, att gar., patio, radweed paneling ft drape ar Incl. In price of 1J 150. Call Eva Stuart, Eve. Ph. EM 4-ttts. LICENSES ALSO IN WASHINGTON ft IDAHO ' ' AL BAAK k CO., REALTORS Cloee ta ea State St. with large S bdrm. home, ranch tyl. Fireplace, attached ga rag. good subdivision prop erty. Why ay morel Price ' Ill.tSO. down er TRADE for amaller suburbaa aropertv Call . Mr. Anderaan an these 'Special" sail. Eva. Ph. EM a-siia. . Summer. Specleua living team Muaio room Carpeted dining room S'.fc bathe Full baaement with party room Large aaua with ftrealae Double laraee Laree lot SSS AOS. Canatae mall aaeme, ( I ACRES Mtting ea g hill overlooking the valley. Silveriest hllto ana Mountain at wia neet ana clean a Badrai bathe Fruit tree Ch'ckea house Good esU. S1M0S, Wi L take property ra Bend. Oregon. WE HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE ACREAGES. CALL US ABOUT THEM. A- A.; LeARSEN, REALTOR .. Ill S. Hlrh s ov War a.eaea Evas, aruf Bunday can: lay BasL BM 4-4WS4: Xalea Lewie. EM I-7S04. rii 1'- n 5 " V aa' h sever W w Saw S V m p ,sW . w awW . w 117 Court St. EM 4-44M I ICE CREAM DRIVE - Dt ft SNACK SHOP . Booths aad etool B aaa handle, 1MB herv. and next to laree hum aehaol. Completely equipped. Na close om petition. ALL O. V. HUME EM 1-U04. Eve. Pk. DOUGHNUT Bar: IS atooL mod. aquBB. aioo aowny term a. write Statesman. Journal Box 47, EXCEPTIONAL Service SUtkat EMT47lt.,V P fOR SALE I I share m taatlam I I e ''j-it ft W:-: Dc rfiic: l-K. "r-. w-r,r . 'ml XeaaaaT- S9S Court PH. EM 4-S4M golf CLOSE In S bdrm. unfurn. ug, ass N. Church. S BDRM. . sr. bus. SM. 401S Sta FOR RENT: Mod. I rm. ranee.. - Iga. lot. IM 4-M1S. S BDRM., clean, cloe an. 1 SM. 14SB H. 4tS EM -Sno. S BDRM hae. WUl wire for dryer 4S. EM 3-3SJS, lla B. 3 1 RM. houee. 1 bdrm. AU alec. Pets allowed. EM 1-SSV7. VERY nice furs, small apt priv ana W fanllal Xm. apt UUI. turn, for aan. sat see . waanmajana. RIVIERA Apt. Available AprU is aoveiy apacapua a warm, apt. SSS. Birch kitchen, tile both. EM S-7IM or EM l-SSSt. S BDRM. COUKTS RE DEC. atav ft ref. . fura. auto, weak ft dryer, em i smi VERY nice cloee a Apartment EM t-ssa siter au. NEWLY dec. (urn. S rm. ft bath. Court apt. TV. u unary parking. Inq. after s p.m. weekends IMS S. 11th. S BDRM. houee. nr. bua. ahop. ping center, sas. QMS atate, 17M MARKET. Nice If. elrm.. eiec. hart garage, pes. S BDRM. bouae, If a kK. 74. gar. ess a eoij. nvaiK MOD. unfurn. I bdrm. cottage. utiL rm.. garage, water rum. S4I. 4MB Partland Rd. EM t-M. t BDRM. eottage, rang, rarrlg Toenewaown sit., weu la wal carpet Sea, gn J aeon Older typ kouae. S mil., MS Port land Bd.. S4S. EM 1-7707. CLOSE ta mod. anfura. ground fir.. Apt and amau puiimaa Apt EM S-S4SS except sat. New Court Ant's eM M. leth.. turn or l Cloee in. em erwae ana ar weekend. PURN. 1 S ft 4 rma. apt pet it.- beam, ten i-oun CAVALIER APTS. iit Court it New avail. I mi turn, apt em -sis or em S-79US. BEAT, eke an, t rm. fura. Apt 1IM court EMg-aw. . JANSSEN COURT Para, apt Shoe. etr. as Baa, E litn at a nurai. FURN. Coarta, knotty pins h lertor, emeu a aoxy. aaa, pni atu. S4U Trade. EM 4-7471 JbURT apt, range, refrig. turn, clean, til batn. laundry. Ml S month. Rawlins Realty, EM 4-471. Eves. EM S-S7S1. FURN. 1 S bdrm. prtv. bath. 771 B. list EM S-SUE Spacious Acs cis ApartromU FURNISHED list South leth St EM t-NSg FURN. I rm. apt. bath, clean. attractive, quiet, sna nr. amau apt bouae. SM inc. utUlUee, SM N. isth. EM t-e7S7. ATTRACTTVE corner Apt Pum. State at Uth StEM t-sriE SMALL apt 4 Comers ares, 144 E Lancaster, treeri. RM. fura. or unfurn. apetalr apt.. Ph. EM t-4tos. EXTRA large S bdrm. apt new, nicely rum. wua aew runu ture. Plrea ktt., tile bath, lota or bulltlna, Sst. EM S-7431 ar EM t-SSSS. BDBM. fura. apt., paid, sag E. Myrsi FURN. S mu. ft kitchenette. heat St water rura. pan aagaaaw. NICE j rm. nun. apt AdanE U07 I. tsom t EM a-rraa. HOLLYWOOD dirt t rm. turn. Apt. Car. Adults, Yard. EM ajuaa ' BEDRM. Apt completely re dec. hdwd. fir, tile bath, lev, refrig. ft T V. Aat fura. attc. gar. EM 14T71. EXCEPTIONALLY alee S rm. turn. frnd. nr., rroan apt., auto, oil keat Breot.. kwd. fir., TV. S bTka. Essi Stale Bldg. ZM S-iim. PARTLY fura. 1 bdrnt. ftrwpl far., ell beat, bunt, aa dog. SM. EM S-SBW4. WEST SALEM Clean 1 bdrm. unfura. water pais, fuse. EM 1.TSBT. NICE clean Modem t bdrm. houee, SSS MiU St., EM S-S41E 1 BDRM. In Court-store ft rerig. . sjs.m, inq. ii waarwra. VERY alee 1 Bdrm, court ua rura. eat opt wove ft raxrxg. B.M s-lvsa. see Marxex. heat Sta. Ne EM 1 BDRM.. FOR RENT. LEASE OR SALE Twe bedroom hi M yard, garden tree, as S. lit EMpir t4M. fruit FREE 1Mb mania. Atmee new S bdrm. bouae, eiec. range, auto, heat hws. nr la tad. Auto, waiher ft available. SEW Maple Ave. rRM. mad. hae. city water. S4S. Pk. Slrvertoa s-tui. VERY neet S bedrm. heme at 4i s tath at. can Prepertiee EM 4-141 RHr S BEDRM. has. seat bu. Mar ket and Brnoot, xagiewooe diet. EM S-SIT7. sas NORWAY. 1 bedrm. hae Plreplece. gar., good lee. Avail Apru s. sou. SELL er laaaa: Nice S bdrm. he., (uu bom t BM rra. VERY attractive modem 4 bed room house loutae si mil Dualaa Avenue. Albany. Ore- goa. i bath, atudis dea and fireplace. SKM4S per month. Contact W. M. Haakln. Proa- erty - Mgr.. Stat Highway Dent, Salam. EM 4-1171. Ext 717. HEAT bdrm. home. SO Sn per mo. contact coioeui ivana c. EM 4-444. NEW I bdrm. rboeef apace. koue. keta at tov. refrig.. WiUea, Inq. 707 Fursiishea HearserS FURN. 1 from town. S4. 131 laq. 44 Water St. 1 441 ma tare, S Pum. nmg. - ant., XM course IStaytonl . IMS. rnena asaytoa sesr. MODERN Taiaco Service Sta tloa for hut. Good tneem. Call Dalapoer, Eat 4-IMS Evas. I FAIRMONT DIST. BY OWNER S bdrm. SMOS da. EM 4-TMS FLYING A Servlc Btatloa (or laaaa esctl. lent toeatiea In feat growing neighborhood. For inform Uoa can EM 4-40. FOR aale by owner. Nice elder type nam, corner tot on Mill Creek. Rental Income 1100 per mo, aniiwa io aeu. v. an a m, EM 1-SMl. after S EM 1S7S7 S ACRES fruit, auts. S houee. cloee la, Eaat aa pvd. so. aaa a-aaaa aner a p-m SOa Bts. k tfhTMiM Frop. SELF OPERATING APTS. NEW well Manned. Mo vacancy. aew operating expense, lia- ragea. Hand EM S-SM7. quiet location. INCOME PROPERTY IM D St Indlpendeac. Ore. BY OWNER A greduating tnglneer le aetllng nie name a move a anoa. nai area, nere at your epp to move Into nia nice 1 bdrm. eub. home for only I7M0. Beet aowa pymt will be aecepted. BaL 174 mo. Hae. d vra. aid. Hdwd. flaora. Kiec. ht, plenty atoraee apace, att aar.. natia. out door frpl. No deaiera pieaae. KM 1-74. 93 Suburbaa 9500- HALF ACRE EAST ON CENTER ST. attractive home with a beautiful lawn, ahruba, tree and a white fane. I nice bod rma, Ig. Itv. rm., die big rm.,- fireplace, work hop ar play rm.. small gusahnua. chaekea bouw. GEO. A. WALTERS. REALTOR as S. Com'l. Pk. EM 1714 er EM 4-tMI S4S0S. HALF ACRE SUBURBAN south, vary aeat I bed modern horn ki excellent con dition, small bam ar w e r k nop, ig. garden epot fenced, plenty water, extra pasture evaiianie n von nave a enrae GEO. A. WALTERS. REALTOR see a. cam'i. Pk. EM 1-4714 er KM 4-4M4 NEAR HOOVER SCHOOL 111, yr. eld I BR borne worth the easing price er 111, SO. What can you pay an? Balance like can uea. raimy te NEAR talent- I Aerea, exeat t bedrm. baa. good out kids. ft rail, family fruit, ale location, consider Ph. EM 4-74M. Sit ACRES wltk buflduna. 1111 Aiinura ia.-n, em -an. M. Haeisas Far SaU GENTLEMAN'S FARM NOT A FARMHOUSE aat lovely home with wall to wall carpeting, full baaement wltk tarty room, twe fireplaces, uge cheerful kitchen. NOT A FARM, aa auch, but a duck pond out M front a view te be enviea rev. ana a nuieiee aet tmg f oak and fir tree with fine gracing lor stork. Rolling cvunirnios. Cloe m. f If, SUP. CU EM 4-4744. VlsH eur "Picture Gallery ef HonW ed Morrison, Realtor X N. HIGH PH. EM 447M HOUSE for sal by owner. Must aeu aoon. I bedrm. 1 vr. old tans. Ml 1231 E. Beyt EM S-2S74. BY Owner: I Bedrm. home. patio, SS.1SS. Tranaderred and mut aeil. 171 a. Hod St. EM 1-S4S0 t SACRIFICE Farced ta cell Deluxe S be draws som. EM ESSeS. RM. lth. Cams as. Adiilhk 147 N. CLEAN I bdrm. mad. ell neat No dog. iset RM. turn, yard fenced. niwey are. em ran. CLEAN t rm. dun. he, with garage, cine to tar ft seh'l. SSM Sllvertoa Rd. SMALL turn., clean, rsrport g- SKiuiia, in i aum , -U ACRE Large S bdrm. bouae S yra. eld, 7. MS. Small dowa payment. Owner, 171 Dixoa St EM S-1I7I. NEAR PARK k MARKET oniy 90t da. ana S4g per ma. or in la a yr. ea I BR Mas tered bama. Flraolece. well ta wan rug m ik. Why rent en these term and lor e a I y I7M? ALLEN C. JONES. ffEALTOR, Z31 N. High. Ph. EM S-SKil Evea:, KM 1 M4I r EM 4-1H. NEW HOMES Xeadr. r build to suit EM 1717 KVES. MR OWNKRI Glen Woodry wld ft eapl ton artas Sat your apuancee. EM aVtll. FOB mis by owner: 1 bdrm, aunkoa dm. rm.. firat cover pane, fruit Make offer ea aowa pym't EM S-S47S. ' RY OWNER . Mod. S bdrm. home. Englewood. CR Deaa Pfeuto, EM 1-1447 week days, otherwise KM aJ-MtM. BY OWNER: S bdrm. rg. lot. eie.alocatMwi, priced right fura. er unfurn. . EM 3-csn. ar esses. - i BY OWNER: S bdrm. hae. ant, fenced yd.; gerege. Apple tree, grape,, oerrie ft gar aen. cloee-1 riigniana at sc. Vincent ten. EM 1-717. BY OWNER S bdrm., alas location. s,T9t. em -7177. IT Owner- Mod. S bdrm., many Duin-tne, gooo am. em s-7is. NEED CLOSET SPACE? 8KB eur well bat It 1''. 4drm. noma aa r.ngicwonci dim. for IS.7ie. CM S-4S74. BY Owner; New S bdrm, home. ig. itv. rm., amuy rm., t full hatha. S frpl., to. KM 4-1SM except Sat LIBERTY GARDENS South, Caved. Wfcw I BR., dm. gar., irch kn., lis sot, law da. pymf. EM S410S. OWNER trsnahrrrad: Win aD or cceieiaer trad for Eugene property Lavety t bdrm. home. dM. garage, tnaide a lit aim ayram. em i-xz7a. SPLIT SHAKE ROOF t bdrm. is x so den. Hot water radiant neat plua eiec. heal M liv. rm. and bath. 4uit afreet hi Salem Heights District. Own er leaving Salem. Pries re duced to II. mo. CALL WALT BOCOU)Fb1CY Eve. Ph., EM s-SUe. EAST SALEM . Nice cleen 4 Kbom .With S bdrm., ed. fir., attached garage and forced air ell furnace. Nice aired lot A good home for faato. Will trad fa aero age home. CALL a SL OBABENHORST, t'l- MICE OLDER 4 BDRM. HOME. Immediate Poasaaaioa. recent : hr redoaratod Bwide ajnd'Wat Full baaement with uwduat . beat. - Canvenlent ta ehet ana traitaportation. CALL 1. K. LAW Ev. Ph. EM SS1IE 4 BEAUTIFUL ACRES I miles I from Salem. All ta perm. Ma ture, exceed l'.a acre wooded I . with year round aprlng. 30x40 1 nam wiui storage lor ra ton I of har. Chicken ho chic ken a. Plaatared houa with I S bdrm., floored attic, basmt.. ' II head Hereford avaUable. I Win trad lor house M town I to aismo. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON . Ere. Ph. KM ttt. RENTAL INCOME . 4 apt. bldg. near Memorial Hospital. Fur alanad, bringa Slot, a month. ai. 4 ..r;rr,l. a.l'Zi SALBS-THADBS 1 wriFIB, BUY A NEW HOME ON FOLLOWING TERMS: Monthly Payment Price af '- Dowa bama Payment - , JI,M.SM..Tl.tS 14J0S . 7 ;. : '....: SMS . 14.00S - K rr tt.M-r U.4SS ' 4M ' M.4S -U.0OS 4M MM Abovs psymsaM phi .' taxes and tasursaca. ' WATCH THIS SPACE FOR FURTHER DETAILS BY BUILDER new custom built GUARANTEED HOMES " EM l-TSTl wjoo. hm FOB THE LITTLE LAD Y WHO KEEPS EVTjrYTHTNO SPOTLESS -thla la the heme i for her. On of the aleanaet I bedroom J"-" ww snea. nana, wau-w-waii cerpetlne, lovely kitchen. eTaweed roar yard with earner aarhacuaTCeily lit blk. te atis. Owner will trad for newer I bedrm. laomS wtttt tmlly room Berth or ME 14404. Call Clyde Faulk, Eva. KM BCHMONT SCHOOL DINT. S sedroora home aewlp iwdocorateeL . crwner tranef erred aaus win eansider Med ford bora, oar or lot In trade. Thla home can be purchaaed tike rent. Only S blkE ta sua. near school. IS .tto. Call Dorothy Deal, xve. EM 4-4SU. A I YEAR OLD HOME TM THE KSKEB DIST, ea an exception. any large, nice lot ffwxm. ar you use te garden, you will (md this toil grows everything well. Horns hae a Hxit foot living rm .-dinln. rm. with flreplscc. Has a. nice loan on thl horn with 1st per month at t, I Blk. to but. I blk. ta eflooL ttj M. CsU Edith Anderson, v. EM S-istt, " 1M0 t. COMMERCIAL , PH. EM S4Sat 43IVB TUB BITDOTT A LIFT. H a, la Keieer with trees. Law. aaraae. e-aruy rumienaa nouae wlta iga. Svlng, dining, utehe Uw a KNe. tanas erTtm sash. CsO GRABENHORST BROS.: REALTORS . Mr 8. LIBERTY ST. PH. EM M471 CALL RON IftmKINI . Eve. DON"" WC YpTJ IN. See Pk. EM E47U. M ' V " ...I! thla new J "BR. me Ml I . ' -vJ.?,"" I lrgs , lot'. With paved rood ,. of level land U clrarwd. 4M ft .rootage t euu. air, vaninaier, ., r ' v dcLeey BUBiJRBAN TJvTNO. Now t bedroera hems, Ira. 1 ea mi Over' ISO aq". floor space. ItXW DUPLEX; SUBURBAIf. bdrm. each Sde.lMna rm' SOUTH . S bedims. A den ea one floor, Ig. llv. ft dm. rma.. alee flreplece, birch kitchen, lots af built Ina all through nouae. i 'a acta of plumbing. . n. 14M aq. floor apace, dble. garage. Is. lot enrlnkllne sys tem Irani yard. All lor 111 SO. 11,000 down. Call M. Pack Eve EM 1-Mli. YOU KNOW THE PLAN before you go in en moat home but not this one. Brand new, beam ceiling cork floor, brick entry kill, large family room, se cluded llv. rm., I bedrm. You'll love tt. Call tdy ilSt. Roy Ferri Eve. ZM LOCATION EAST a Nice com. fortable S Bedrm. home S yr. eld. newly decorated, ' tneht I utility, choice of gaa ar eiec-1 trie heat cloa to aehaol. bu ! I fireplaces, double garage, Omy S14.0WI, Term. ...,. WE HAVE a (ood t BR. koatt wna Dasemem ana party roam I M the Richmond Diet, that caa I be aoid on v Pries 110.104. WE HAVE aom choice building avie wna a rev, LISTINGS SOUOTED k E. BECKETT REALTOR .in iraoacaaaa, real nice ailchen wtih aatlag" apace. l.Ut aq. iii'a , "f av am wnsn, a real suy at fiMSa. vsu Mr, iuiM1 HiekE '( 1 !t .... .. . 0T TODD REAL IBTATB SSIt SUt Street Phone: KM S-IMI Ev.: VanMeter EM 4-tSOU: licks EM 4-tSSO; Mrs. Graham EM 4-4748; Todd EM S-1731. IK leilwN Hi -J. IH MORTGAGE LOANS - AMPLE FUNDS NOW IM SOUTH LIBERTY H ft F RAMSEY, REALTOR ST; Si" J!! f? 2,rsct US S. Church St. Ph. EM 1-4744 1 EVS. EM Hall, KM 1-7307 SUBURBAN EAST Just the place you have aeea areamwg or ail winter, a Choice 10 Acre tract. 4a aerea aew ftrawberrtaa, apace for about 4 acre more. A beauti ful S bedroom home, large liv ing room. Roman Brick fire place, d I a I a g room. Well planned kitchen, large utility. lot of built-tna end torg pecs. Double garag. Thla I lee Meal wbdlvuuoa prop erty. Close In. ALL H. K. LAYM0M Evee EM 4-SS07 rice 111. too. CaU Murl Frants ;ve. EM l-EMj. , DUPLEX LESLIE SCHOOL DIST. . t yra. old . 11S a month Income, lg.Uv.rm ' birch kit with nook . nice bedrm. with good eloeet apace, extra large utility auto eel furnace, cloe to bu ft achooia. Only 11.7J0 . good term a. Call Andy Haiv-araaa Eve KM t-714. , UNION OIL STATION. Are yes wanting ia euaapori your aomer Here Is s home sad Buatnow that will aupport you I I Large m Deoreom noma, aouoie ga rage Plua t extra lot for gar dan. Also equipped aervice t. tion doing good bualneaa will mala you a good living be aide paying for Itself. Worth man easing price. PHONE EM 4-4471 S9S0DOWN ! BUYS 4-bed room home (1 down. a apt. nig uving-dtning room. Fireplace. Utility. Double Iilum bang. FA oil heat Ineu ated. Garage. Lot M x ISO. IU.70S. North. Trade tor aeuth. STATE GI LOAN SHOULD be peealbie ea thl good 1-bed room home la High. land and St. Vincent echool area. Inaumted. Hardwood fleam. Forced air heat. Bua I doer. Utility. 44.SD4. Terma. WEST SALEM FINE I . bedroom hi 101x11 lot Prrepleee. Utility. FA furnace. Plaatared. Over I.6M square feet 4U.4M. Tsk ever Federal CI loan. Or SUIe GI loan possible. GOOD FURNITURE GOES with thl t-bedroom borne en isoxise lot. Utility with sutemstle waaher. Wall-to-wall carpet Young rruH Block te bus. Nesr f7M. soma terma. Vwi DougAck v y r . 427 Ferry t (Open Sat) Office EM 4-3381 Ev.r owit em s-tos; Rsmssy KM 4-SOSt owner leaving TRANSFERRED, must Mil love ly roetora built I bdrm. home. I yra. eld. Many altracUve atu res. Far below FHA ap Ceaset all rma. extra large, v. rm. Itxlf. frpl. bookcase, aaetoua bdrm., dbt eloeeta, bath ft vanity ewmpkstety car. emie tiled, mirrored with maav bulit-ina. hr. kit with cheery din. area. util. rm., St It. curoroa patio, ia T aire , beeulUullv laadacaped. Low da. ivm t. Exc. financing, rrlce ll,m. SM Delmar. EM Mtst $350 DOWN La at I left I Bdrm. laree liv ing rm., Mining rm., gsrags. Paved Stieau ft Curb, city water. 4M INTEREST mono em a-wma mar. FAIRMONT HILL WANT TRADE IS acre an cleared, with 4 Bedroom houee. barn, ft chlck ea bouae. Good level little farm Juet 11 mllaa Nortk of Salem. Win trade for S bed room bouae In Salem. Call doha Allien. Evee. EM 44217. SEE THIS Nice S bcdiouut home with firs-1 place, oil F.A. keat He large I tot m gooa location, wiu coo ; alder trade for acreage. Can vsris Land rets, em t tees. TRADE OR SELL S hod room borne Smith for 1 norm, same anywhere! Call Shirley. KM 440M r EM -V7E WE WANT LISTINGS IN KEIZER HAVE COMPLETELY SOLD OUT! you have a food houas that I clear near - Salem wouul can alder trade aa aowa payment Very beet eg term. Call Ben crtniis, evea. em 1440. SUBURBAN CAST. Ranch style aome m a setting m 1S3 M. ft of door makes s spacious I bedroom hem. Baa living room, dining room, kitchen, attached ga rage, aaua, large let M at 10 ft. Thl ht a very attractive home priced right at 111 on Terms. Call Dees Xlsrr Mean ra. em a-ruve. $SM DOWN. S4S per month. 1 aeuiuuin noma, very Beat, lo cated M IMS Vial. CaU Dal Raybum ta aaa huide. Eves. KM SaMi. RAWLINS REALTY SOS CHEMEKETA STREET OFFICE EM 44a7l I rT'Q UAVf A DIPWIP SACRIFICE , LLIONHILn uiu ' 1.221. "nnurch: CHASM with room ,. rata,, ,t , price you eu aae. built-in oven ft range, eliding l'rjc,T.7i " ,lrMm- LocaUd II mil, nut Four bdrm. Irpl.. lltMl; Vi7,. 'u . Cl-ZZ "C" "t t aaa ar workshop. split EXCELLENT COURT SITE. 1 blk. bualneaa district tt acre. , Nice 1 bdrm. home. Asking , l.40t. Far more mformatioi Jell Dale Rayburn eves. pa. .M S-stil WANT A BEAUTIFUL'" VIEW snd t home to so wltk ttf Wa kave Bus tine 1 bdrm. level eontemoorarr bem eated Weet. Has Urge Uving room, d I s I s g area, well planned kitchen and double plumbing. Beautiful landscaped yard. Owner tranaferred, wa fiieed at SSl.soa, now only 14.104. WIlTtake efrer. For ppointment te aaa ask (or LeRoy Lsack. Eva. Ph. EM 4-U44. BUSINESS LOCATION M CI avuna en neevuy traveled rtreet. Lot M x SOS. Excellent for Doctors Clinic, office build big, etc. Terrific potential, wonderful Wi vestment property, owner will take alee S adrntC cleaa ta aa part payment For mere Information and appoint, piant to see eak for LeRoy Luck, Eve phone XM 4-1144. SB) Court Ph. EM 4-44M TSELL glee doors, corner ; equity for 11.100 ft throw In I cuatom drapea, TV antenna ft I snaca ear. ii,oe imhih remooeasa hniiw !' P?"?-. You will find new ahake exterior, new roof. Part brand aew, still aeede o SOUTH SALEM DAYLIGHT BASEMENT. New on the market, thl 1 year eld home haa built-in oven and range, S fireplaces, utility ea lit floor. l( katka plua roughed in plumbing at baae ment. Hugo family room over ' garage. S bedroom a. dining room, kitchen wltk large nook. Lawn and ah rube ar In. S aire cherry It aae M back yard. avota ana iot ec toea ei Bitcnen Built-in. Mparate dining mem Ha gar. den spec, flower and a few fruit trees. Dandy family home where the kldt can carry sut their 4-H act! vl Ilea while Dad and Mora bulk) up ttwfr dreamy treason f C"7 ti"-"! win UllTrnan IseuM la Uaos for put. Call CUbertaoa ar KatUL STRETCH YOUR DOLLARS I Per only test down mmna one gooa aero of land located cloe la South ea sjty bun Bn. with a comfortable S-bdrm. home. Ha asphalt ahakaZ eomnodlloa root 11x1 fh Uving room. Ov.rsleed garage, werkahoe aajwee. Poultry houa In fair eendltiea. Exee lent 7-ft. caaed 4-Inch welL Owner Bloving. P re re duced to S4SM. HI monthly a balance. CsU mm lErun. Saleemen a evening phonal' CUbertaoa EM 4M4tL ZstlU EM 4-, Picks EM 4-II4E ' S7 N. High St STEVENS REALTORS Phone KM 4-4S7f ITS A STEAL. S vr. S bdrm. home. Large kitchen with din ing area, tile bath, FA fur nace. Attached garage. East. worth lil.lst for enly g eg, EM S-7vl. BY OWNER: 1 bdrm., 1 yr. eld. ipproved loan. V tsk ever loan. Low do. pym , low GI approved loan. any mo. pym ta Exe. lawn, patio ft eh rube. EM I-1S74. I bdrm. darter houee, 3.l0t. Keiter Diet. SM I-4S7S SY-OWNER sbWiT1bI HrniaE. Enguiwood Slat, EM eVT4M, t BDRM. with family room. Na aurei weoo iinian. sua, neet, Oouble cms. New district Appraised st 111 MS for only S11.W0, I1.S0 Sown. EME7SSI S BDRM. frpl, bem't. wUltake rreoe ar am. down perm t. Caa aee anvthne. istf Madi aon. IWOt. EM 4-EM1. CLEAN I bedrm., furd. houee, plua lot an paved street, 14 130. SmaU down paym't 741 McNary. W. Sa CLOSE ta Turner, modem S bed room hae, on 1 1-1 acre for S4.IM. Or cheeper with leas and. P.O. Boa SSS, Turner, Ore. ' Nicely arranged S bdrm. heme a aown, 1 lap I. harp uvma rm.. fireplace, aming na., xii- chen with atonwaaner. asae meat, oil furnace. Price I0. 4M. Call Veorheee, Eve. EM E4007. Dantea EM S-Mea. Denton & Denton REALTORS SM Stat St. - EM t-SSSS BY Owner: aew S FamUy rm. with frpl., cam plete mshg. paneled (real rm. with Ig. frpl , ft brick work. II, hatha, din. rm., kit ft pook In birch, atll.. S ear gar age. Hmiee ie aa earner let ki the Carl Add. So. All eta., curbs, ldwlk M. Total price S14.4M. Sl ot dn . tat par me. Incl, prtne.. Merest , taxaa. Immd. pnaa. Loan la en borne. See anytime at Ml Gor lock St ar pa. EM a-OOM. Ti your Urge family. lt.SS. Call EM e-viea. ViaH aur 'Picture Gallery af Home" REALTY 4099 If. artalrsJT Kde pss Bur this nice S bdrm. Home Lot of built am ft eloeeta Gar. ft carport. Big lot, goad well. Terms! BURET Call Mrs. Leavena. Bve. EM I-47M. WEST COAST REALTY Sots Portland Bd. EM 1741 1 A. beautiful home with ' lull be ami. Bern, chick nee, voir i . Ted Morrison, Realtor r.r'S.wuro eSS N. HIGH PH. EM 447M rVr.S.""" T . tsu EaaUKls Eva. Pk, EM 4-0M ! FAMILY ROOM 1 bdrm, eoue-l try aitcnen, 1 '1 peina dbt aaraae. M a 111 Xurth Ave. Lew dowa menu Mjmm, buiidar. FtiptjfWr nn i. ' I'JJLTSu.'V!!' i4l dirt that a iaiaavm iaaa a - awaw eaeimn mrttjm, wmwm lUra nnniBaaaj. BhaBaaS Meajg alaaat 4 BDRMS. Ilk bathe, kit. Book. I lovely. yerdE m nice neighborhood, and priced right, for lull bam't all heat able. gar. I :, mora into, uu Hon Kreua, eve Ph. EM -ME snrlnk far OWNER Superior. system. EM 4-17SS. Ill.tOO. SM W. hop. tractor ft equip. N. Eaat NEW S bdrm S1S.S0S. Is sn. isa ie real nice. C. W. Reeve Realtor, laaa Mission St. Ph. EM HW0. It. llv. rm.. f rnl . family rm., breakfeat Book. lovely tit., atll., lit hatha, dbl. ttrage. water ft aswer. Bidr. M S-4I7S, A VFRY GOOD YS sen farm U good terming srea, not lea "-'"'"" w"', euu.. nee reeervoir (or trrig.. A good 4 bdrm. plaatared home, with I, baaement. furnace heat birn. thap, maen, abed, aae thla, enly tltOOt, termE CaU Gee. Kraut.. Ill N. CHURCH v ST. REALTOR PH. EM 44m Xva, ZM S4twt st EM MSJE If. ' .. '- "' i. , .'i. i -