The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 22, 1958, Page 20, Image 20

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    Cook flow...
but . . . 700 boys in the Boys State parade
Friday, and not an Elvis Presley haircut in the
crowdwhich all goes to prove that all is not
Kiss of Death . . . Surveyors are busy look
ing over Court Street this week. A widening
tr.n of this main street wnnlrl h
hf Jf'V a aood Droiert Of rour.
" aiicauy as wiae as any
street needs to be (the pio
neers saw to that) and it isn't
practical for a state high-
f .. j-' y ""r i wwi iiicic are Trees
fjT """v - along it, and everybody
i fV j Knows a modern city should-
I I n t have a lot of old n'stri:
" 1,1 trees cluttering up the land
Sputter, sputter . . . Often trees have to go
fop progress, I know, and that's bad enough,
but when they cut those trees on Summer and
Center to make a shadeless parking lot, I'm
going to find out who's responsible and not
vote for him.
Big bite ... Pat and Shirley Ryan of Salem,
who baked and decorated the "world's largest
Lady Baltimore cake" for the Wallace (Idaho)
6ilver Company's jubilee recently slaved over
a hot stove for sure to produce it. The 7-foot
high cake took 665 pounds of batter and after
Shirley decorated it with 200 pounds of French
cream icing and also fudge Royal and satin
icing, it weighed over half a ton. It took 110
pounds egg whites (350 dozen or so), 190
pounds sugar, 200 of flour, 55 of shortening,
1 10 pounds fluid milk and a quart of vanilla.
Girls, tee . . . Those hundreds of delegates
to Girls State have happily been encouraged
by their advisors to. dress nicely. Seeing them
in summer dresses yd many with hats is en
couraging after that time a few years ago
when 'shorts, on the list of clothing to bring,
were worn around the streets. Congratula
tions on progress ... Maxine Buren
BPW Club
To Install
Officers .',
The Salem Business and Profes
sional Women's Club will install
new offiers for the 1958-1959 club
year, when the group convenes for
its monthly dinner meeting at the
Golden Pheasant on Tuesday, June
24, at 6:30 o'clock.
Outgoing president Miss Con
stance Weinman will serve as in
stalling officer. To be installed are
Miss Gladys Edgar, president
elect; Mrs. Frank Marshall, first
vice-president; Miss Nell McCue,
second vice-president; Miss Irene
Humphrey, recording secretary;
Miss Alma Reidell, corresponding
secretary; Miss - May Cleveland,
treasurer; the Misses Alberta Sap
penfield, Mathilda Gillis. and Eleo
nor Roberts, club directors.
Miss Mildred Yetter, first vice
president of the Oregon State Fed
eration, drove to Sweet Home
Iay-C-Ettes Plan
Flower Show
SILVERTON Mrs! Lowell Brown
Jr., assisted by Mrs. Robert Edger
ton, was hostess Tuesday night to
the Silverton Jay-C-Ettes when the
latter made plans for the club's
annual Summer Flower Show.
This year the show will be held
Aug. 23 in conjunction with Silver
ton's old-time Summer Festival
which includes parades of old cars,
a threshing bee and picnics.
Mrs. Boyd Fish and Mrs. Wil
liam Hansen are co-chairman of
the flower show which will be held
in the Eugene Field auditorium
Salem Navy Mothen Club will
meet Tuesday night at the home
of Mrs. Ivell Haley, 2271 Lee St.
SE, at 8 o'clock. Co-hostesses will
be Mrs. Roy Hagedorn and Mrs.
Lester Hagedorn. New officers for
the coming year will be installed.
Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., June 22, '58 (Sec. III)-19
Tuesday night, where she installed
the Sweet Home officers at a for
mal dinner.
fV ffs& Hundreds and hundreds of sleeveless blouses. All top
11 I fashions at Such a tiny pricel Sanforized cottons in a
rS'n'XW ,0'' C'0r $,r''5eS 'Z6S t0
p ' VALUES "
f V''' v k 4 ' Pant Pandemonium! Hundreds of print capris of easy
"T;VVf 'V'V-t ,? m y care cotton gabsheen, sailcloth, denim or cavalry twill.
Jfj jjkj vi '-'Z' ' ir Sleekly styled for home, beach or casual wear. Sizes
- - r " . : ; c
2 piece Cotton
by Smartee
Cool and comfortable, the Ideal vacation
packable. Hand washable. (Do not use
(sketched) Pique knit cotton. Sleeveless
(not shown) Jersey knit cotton short
sleeve. Button front top.
(riot shown) Pique knit cotton short
sleeve tennis dress.
Sizes: 10 to 16
Colors: White with navy, white with red,
white with black, black with white.
WJ S f Urn '
V Jfc T I
Special Purchase $1-$2-$3
' '
Bemberg Sheers by Top Hat In
three wanted styles.
36" printed squares for neck or
42" -long neckline styles in plain
72" long stole style in plain col
ors. A wide range of colors to choose
2 for 1.25
100 Orion Glentex
Three button cardigan with.1
three quarter sleeves. In popu
lar summer colors of orange ice,
beige, mint, white. Sizes S-M L.
-' itomw
9:30 A. M. to 9 P. M. ;
9:3 O A. M. TO 5:30 P. M.