r 12-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon., June 9, 1958 Want Ad Helps Contractor Rehabilitate Ex-cons Noel Phillips, Iawron, Okfo., contractor uses this ad to keep a promise he made when a prayer of his was answered in prison: "Man or boy 18 I 11 yeere nA Mul have court rerorj. Prefer mer on parole. Brinf papor apply in pctton." In a boys reformatory, Phillip prayed for a parole, and prom ised to help otltcr like him self if he got out. He it doing it by hiring ex -prisoners . in his successful contracting business. n to lint tenflrr of Mrrt true newspaper CUuilicd AdvtrHtiitf result alory - rfept. Howard Parfin. Aiioclatn. P O Bo. 126. N. VV. Br.. Miami 47. Ha. . 1 - J Cohen Loan Calculated For Christ SAN FRANCISCO AP Ex gambler Mickey Cohen's testi mony that a convert of evangelist Billy Graham loaned him $7,000 drew this comment from Graham Saturday night: "You can't calculate the value of a soul in dollars and cents. Jim Vaus has been trying to win some of his former underworld associ ates for Christ, including Mickey Cohen." Rocket Man Helps Dedicate New Science Building PORTLAND (AP Germ rocket expert Willey Ley Saturday helped dedicate the new Building of the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry here. "You don't have to emphasize science," said Ley in discussing the rocket race between this coun try and Russia. "You only have to give science its due. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE EDINA LANK from KNOX STREET to CENTER NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that He addressed about 17,000 per-1 salem, Oregon deemt It necessary tons In the 10,500-seat Cow Palace as he concluded his sixth week here. Ex-Wiretap Artist Vaus, a former wiretap artist for Cohen, was converted by Graham in 1949. He later became an evangelist. Cohen testified Friday at his as lault trial in Los Angeles that he has been living on loans from friends, including $7,000 from Vaus. Graham's sermon was televised en 170 stations in the United States and Canada. Composer-rancher Stuart Ham blen sang two of his works, "This 01' House" and "Until Then." Also present were Vaus and South ern California youth worker Lou Zamperini, noted for tearing down a Nazi flag at the 1936 Olympics because Hitler walked out on American winner Jesse Owens, a Negro. Lot Angeles Revival Vaus, Hamblen and Zamperini, were converted by Graham in a Los Angeles revival in 1949. Graham noted that a national magazine had commented that the conversions would not last. Pointing to the three men on the atage, Graham aid, "It has last ed." Graham spoke on Mark 8:36 "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul." ESTATE OF LORETTA M. FORD Notice to Creditor! In the Circuit Court of the State of Orefoa for the County of Marlon, Department of Probate Notice is hereby riven that the un derlined has been appointed Execu trr nf tha estate of Loretta M. Ford. deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, and has qualified. AU per sona having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present the eame. duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at the Trust Department of The Bank of California. N. A.. 330 S. W. Sixth Avenue. Portland 4. Oregon, within ix months from the date hereof. Dated and first published May 19, 1958 Last publication June 16, 195s THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA. N. A. Executor Koernar, Young, McCoUoch Dezen dorf BOO Pacific Building Portland 4. Oregon Attorneys May 19, 26. June 2, 9, 1, 1958 and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and Intention to Improve IjUliHA IjArtE.. IHMM nnr wuui line of Knox Street to the north line of Center street, city oi oa Ipm M.irinn r.ountv. Oreson. by bringing said portion of said street to the esta-tillahed grade, pro viding drainage, constructing cement concrete cutds ana paving nam wur linn nf aid street with a 2'i inch atphaltic concrete pavement 19 feet wide, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street and alley intersections, wnicn expense will be assumed by the City of Salem, all in accordance with, the "plans and - specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council May 12, 1958, which are now on file In the office of the city re corder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. These plans and specifications may be examined by any Interested psrtv. Any Interested property own er may ascertain their approximate share of the cost of making the im provement at the office of the city engineer. The Common Council here hv Hpi-lnr-ei Its Dumnse and inten tion to make the above described imorovement by and through the strppt imDrovemcnt department. Owners of property liable for the cost of making such improvement may file written remonstrance nuninit the same with the city re corder at anv time within ten' days after the final publication of this no- By Order of the Common Council, May 12, 19M. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Date of first publication: May 26, 1958 Data of final publication: June . 1951 M.JS,JJ,. FINAL NOTICE JAY YARNELL, executor of th estate of HANNA LOUISE YAK NELL, deceased, has filed his fins account at such In tha Circuit Cour of Marion County, Oregon, and sail Court has fixed Tuesday, the 24tt day of June. 1958. t 10:00 o'clocl a.m., in the Court Room of saio Court, as the time and placa foi hearing objections thereto. JAY YARNELL, Executor of the Estate of HANNA LOUISE YARNELL, deceased. WILLIAMS ft SKOPIL 412 Pioneer Truat Building Salem. Oregon Attorneys for Executor M.16,J.l, 9,16,23. Classified Index For your convenience ad are placed under 8 general headings sli in numerical order 300 PERSONAL Lost and Found Meeting Notices Personal Stamps and Coins Transportstion 400-AGRICULTURE Auction Sales Farm Equipment Fertilizer Lawn A Garden Livestock For Sale Livestock Wanted Food Column . Pets Poultry & Rabbits Sea Foods , Seeds ft Plants . 312 316 316 318 314 425 424 422 418 402 403 412 405 414 416 420 '00 Display Cljtslfiett $8.30 $8.30 SAVE A 10 Cu ft. locker lor $4.95 a year MACS MEATS AND IOCKEXS $8.30 SAVE too V2 BEEF 49c A LB. Cut. ft wrapped. 4, to ( mo. tc pay. Open 9-9 Mon.-Wed.-Fri. MAC'S MEATS & LOCKERS 810 N. Liberty EM 4-7744 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found .50 MERCHANDISE Appliances Bicycles Building Materials Boating Do It Yourself Floor Covering For Rent Miscellaneous For Sale Miscellaneous Fuel Household 'Goods ., Machinery & Tools Miscellaneous Musical Instruments Plumbing. Heating . Sewing Machines .... Sports Equipment Trade Miscellaneous . TV and Radio Wanted Household Goods Wanted Machinery Tools Wanted Miscellaneous 500 BUSINESS AND FINANCE 452 463 -70 463 476 474 4B1 480 490 451 486 484 458 472 454 LOST: Between State or on Lib erty. 6 keys on a ring. Call EM 4-7962 if found. Si H GREEN STAMP DIRECTORY "Clip & Save for This Week's Best Buvs" Lspltal Drug Store 1 State ft Liberty Phone Ul 1-3) If. Chapman's Drug ater 140 Cannaiarls Blvd EM 4-4873 Free Delivery Mootry's Pharmacy Hollywood dullness Diss, ete'ser Business LHst. FAINTS WALLPAPM Hutcheon's Itl N Commercial (tADIO Mitchells Radio At T.V. JHHO Mate St PH. KM 1-7571 Installing. Sales ft Service ERVIL'k STATIONS Batdorf'a Texaco Statlosi 1095 fairgrounds Ph. EM 1-14H mm a state in km i-aai Webb Anderson i Richfield) 12th Mlasioa Complete Auto Itepalrtng TELEVISION Installing1 Sale ft Senrtre Mitchell's ftadlo l" I ISO State St Ph EM 1-7571 400 Agriculture ' 400 Agriculture 450 Merchandise 452 Appliances HELD over by popular demand. r reezer iv it. uprigni o n i y $229. 95 Free. SO pounds choice beef. FREE Saturday only Haider's, 363 N. High. FREEZERS Amana and at Heid- ers you can get up to szou.ut in food free with a new freezer and you get the food at whole sale price. Nothing as fantas tic has been offered like thii in Salem before Act now Offer limited to 10 freezers only. HEIDER'S, 363 N. High. 456 T.V. I Radio Save Time -Save Money For the Best Professional Services call m EXPER era Make Life Easier Read & Use Want Ads Daily!, ADDING MACHINES 21" MAHOG. table model. S4U.-6. to down, M mo. ier's Dept. Store, only Mil TV before you bify any TV aet Set tne low aown on uumont le only set with a lifetime guarantee on the picture tube The set that Is rated Americas finest I HEIDER'S, 364 N. High FOUND dark plastic glasses on Little N. Fork. EM 2-6019. ronsportotion WANTED ride or riders to Ptld. dally. EM. 2-5040. 316 Personal 418 lawn & Gardon 41 S lawn t Gardan PRICES SLASHED ON DEMONSTRATOR AND USED Mowers and Tillers All Fully Guaranteed T.V. rentals we rent TV sets $10 00 per month 130.00 of the rental will be applied on the 'purchase price. fielder's. 363 N, High. TV sets used $30.00 up, Holder's, an n. mgn. ROTARY MOWERS WAS NOW 464 482 456 432 488 4S3 Investments Loans Wanted . Money to Loan 615 812 tlO IF YOU'RE from Nebraska or Wisconsin . . . Meet the 'folks from back home" at the Iowa & Wisconsin State j Reunion Pu-nic, June 14th at Paradise Islands. 3 mi. SE on Turner Kd. Call EM 3-7717 for more Information. 1957 20" Toro W.W. 6BH 10S.50 1957 20" Toro W. W. E.S. 139.50 1957 20" Toro W. W. S P 130.50 SPENCER Corsetiere Miss Em ma Wuerdemann, EM 3-2864 EXPECTANT mothers, of any faith seeking confidential serv ices. Contact Catholic Chari ties. 247 No. Com'l. Em 3-3965. MADAM Dawn, palmist reader. rasi, present & luture. Advise In all affairs of life. Readings, SI. 3MS0 5. COm I. H.M 3-U4HS. 1957 20" Toro W. W. SPES. . 1955 18" Toro. W. W. 1956 18" Jacobsen Rotary 1955 21" Eversharp Rotary BH 1955 18" Reo Rotary, 2 Cycle .... 1956 16" Pincor Electric 1955 18" Huffy Electric . 1955 2" Coronet Electric 1967 IS" Homko Rotary, New REEL MOWERS ...169.50 .... 79.50 ... 97.50 ... 99.50 ... 74.50 ... 39.95 - 54.50 84.50 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous 660 Marion EM 4-0545 ELDERLY Men board, rm Homey. TV. 1290 Chemeketa. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous W6 8. commercial. EM 4-1803 GOO EMPLOYMENT Babysitting lYour Home) 61S-A Child Care ' Dnv or Contract .... Education Help Wanted Help Wanted, Lady . Help Wanted. Man . Job Information pickers Wanted Sates Help 615 820 618 6.12 606 604 617 608 610 Work Wanted. Lady 614 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Sale 2 PALOMINO Geldings, 1 buck skin mare. 1 bik. & white Shet land Pony, all gentle. EM 4-2327. 4490 Silverton Rd. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed proposals for a "Steel Stor age Building" will be received by the Marlon County Court. Room 110, Courthouse, Salem, Cregon, until 10:00 A.M. on the 24th day of June. 1956, and will then be publicly opened and read. Information, specifications and bid forms can be obtained from the of fice of the County Engineer, Court house, Salem. Oregon. Marion County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to accept that bid in the best In terest of Marlon Countv. BY ORDER OF THE MARION COUNTY COURT Open: June 24 J.,U,13,18 Work Wanted. Man 700 RENTALS Apartments For Rent Business Rentals Convalescent Homes Duplexes Farms For Rent Furnished Houses For Rent Moving snd Storage Resort Rentals . Sleeping Rooms, Board -Wanted To Rent Wanted Rent Apt. Wanted To Rent Houses Wanted Rooms. Board 800 REAL ESTATE Apts., Courts For Sale Business Opportunities .. Business Property Coast Property .. Exchange Real Estate Farms For Sale Homes For Sale Insurance Lots For Sale Resort Property . suburban Wanted Real Estate 850 AUTOMOTIVE 612 705 715 718 ... 706 708 707-A ... 707 780 716 702 709 712 710 703 807 801 802 815 812 810 806 825 808 S16 803 816 GUERNSEY cow 4 yrs. old, sec ond can, average 5 gals, day milking 9 wks. One Heifer calf. 280 S. Elma EM 4-8719 after 7 p.m. 1953 18" 1955 18" Cooper Klipper jacoosen racer 1954 18" Wardmaster (Briggs) 1954 21" Excello (Clinton) 1953 23" Reo Trimalawn 1953 18 ' Kversharp ...139.50 ..117.50 1956 20" Coorjer Kllrtnrr 1956 21" Jacobsen Lawn Queen . . . 1956 21" Jacobsen Lawn Queen 1956 21" Reo Royale TILLERS 1955 Merry Tiller , ..., 1957 Gilson Cadet (Demonstrator) .. 1965 Parker 28" Power Sweeper . 87.50 134.50 .219.50 .. 84.50 ..154 50 ..169 50 ..169.50 .139.80 ...189.90 ...159.00 ...163.95 69.00 85.00 88.00 98.00 27.00 36.00 32.00 24.00 15.00 22.00 18.00 63.00 73.00 32.00 27.00 28.00 37.00 24.00 88.00 69 00 78.00 36.00 USED 24". lull door TV, 1134.95. Others from 164.95. All aets guar. Huyett TV Co. 1993 Fair grounds Kd. EM 3-7681. S5 DN. del. used TV. S49 up. sMn ureen auimps. master service. 305 N. Com I. WE rent TV sets $10 MARRS, 1140 S. Com'l. 458 Musical Instruments SELL Hohner accordion. EM 4-8914, or see at 1910 N. 19th CLEAN-UP PRICES Solovox 175, Pump Organ $29. $500 ac cordion 1195. used pianos from sov-ou. a,asy terms. orjei s, 498 Church St. NE EM 4-8351. 460 Office Supplies" VICTOR essh register, electric, recent mist, uniaci r. Fairman EM 4-6825. 462 Wanted Hshld GpodT MISC. Furniture wanted. Cour teous service. Ph. EM 3-80BV. 79.00 125.00 75.00 ALLEN HARDWARE 236 N. Commercial IF you hsve one Item or a houseful of furniture to sell call Bob's Merchandise Mart, 370 s. Liberty, .em 4-6371. WT SELL, rent & service all makes of business machines. ROEN, 456 Court. EM 3-6773. BULLDOZING Bull Doling, leveling, land c)er- lng. u. Kooinson. jm --oiai. Bulldozing roads dams D4-D6 Carryall. Huskey. EM 2-3146 BULLDOZING 15 per nr. 2-0933 or EM 1-6731. EM CALL AN EXPERT FURNACE cleaning & c e m n t worn, joi 4-ufra. CEMENT WORK Patios, walks, driveways, walls. prpt. serv x. urake. im 3-ooua CRANE SERVICE 15-TON Loralna moto crane. Sa lem Sand k Gravel, EM 2-2461. CUSTOM FURNITURE Custom Built. Repairing, Refin- 1 a n 1 n g. a,xp. woramansmp. NORCRAFT. EM S-5072. FIX-IT SERVICE Welding, fabrication, ornamental iron, gen., repair. Automatic heating serv. We make or re pair anything of metal. Turner Rd. next to Paradise Island. EM 4-5866. FLOOR COVERING NORRIS PAINT VARNISH CO. Floor-covering Dlv. Qual ity installations. Lino, carpets, Asphalt at Rubber Tile. Wall tile. Vinyl Asbestos Tile In Stock. Free EaUmatas. EM 4-2279. GRAVEL TOP SOIL Fowler's pit run gravel good clean top soil. . EM 4-4747 and INTERIOR DECORATOR JACK BECK - EM 4-9756 Expert counseling a guidance, low prices, tree estimates. JACK BECK - EM 4-9756 Large selection panel prints. me-ume coior guaranteed iaD rics, finest' workmanship. LAWN MOWER SHARPENING Lawnmower sharpening & pair. Free picx up & del. EM 3-08S6, 2303 rringie. Ed's Sharpening. Lawn mowers ground at your home EM 2-0802 MONEY TO LOAN LOANS $50.00 to $1,500.00 Buy What You Need Consolidate Your Bills, Finance Through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 182 S. Church St. EM 2-2157 PAINTING m PAPUBANG1NO Painting a Paperhanging free est cm a-ai3 iiw snipping PREHUNG SASH a DOOR MULINO SASH A DOOR 1185 N. Lancaster EM 4-8453 Pre-Hung WINDOWS & DOORS TO PLACE AD PHONE EM 4-6811 REMODELING REMODELING, ROOFING, SIDING Workmanship Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES. EM 3-1129 ROTO-VATING Howard Rotovating, orchds lwns, gsrdens. Have trailer, will travel. Jim Hardy. EM2-9002. ROTOVATING Orchards, lawns tc gardens. EM 2-2911 Howard rotovating Wavne Slur- Bess. EM 4-11823. fcM 2 3535. o calls Saturday. FORD trac. rotovating.- Reaa. Weed row crops. EM 3-6046. SAND GRAVEL SXLEM SAND & GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, crushed round gravel, sand & top soil. 1405 N. Front. EM 2-2461. WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1623 McGHchrist Crushed quarry rocks and grav el, ah size ior roads, drive ways and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull dozing, shovel and dragline work. EM 3-9249. SEPTIC SERVICE AA SEPTIC TANK SERVICE FREE Inspection on septic tanks. EM Z-B700, 3037 Chehalis Ave. HOWARDS Roto-Rooter, Sewers, septic tanks cleaned. EM 3-5327 Mike's Septic Service. Septie tanks, sewers, drains cleaned. Reas. rts. EM 3-9468. 1079 Elm. 450 Merchandise 480 For Sal Miscellaneous WE TOP THEM ALL CASK for living rm. sets, bed rm. turn., elec. rsnges. re- friges, rugs heaters,, baby fum TV sets, dining sets, maple tum. em 3-5110. Glen woodry 1605 N. bummer. 463 Boating JERSEY-Guernsey cow for sale milking 3-4 gals, first c a 1 Bred to Hereford bull. $200 EM. Z-374. HEAVY croD of clove,, stand lng. $20 Acre. Eve. EM 2-3105. Horse Shoeing, anywner Geo. Penfold. EM 4-5297 t YR. old (elding, tan A white. genua tor cnuaren, western Stock. $150. EM 4-7417. 403 Livestock Wonted CATTLE horses at your farm. ... Mccanausn. cm z-tiaa CATTLE Buyer. A. F. Sommer 0J9 USliaS HO. M 4-WS7. CATTLE-Snethen 4105 Silverton Rd. Em 2-1345 or Em 2-4380. HUVt'H Claid. Edwards, Rt 1 OOX BimjL,. tLM t'MIS House Trailers Heavy Equipment Aircraft Motorcycles Auto Psrts at Repairs. Auto Miscellaneous Wanted Cars-Trucks Trucks, Trailers For Sale 876 Auto-Truck Rentals 878 New Csrs 880 Foreign Csrs 882 Used Csrs 885 TOP cash prices at your place. nay oei, .M 4-moo iwiiect. 405 Pets 2 GERMAN Shorth air, male pups ',. mo. $35 each. EM 4-7051. 84C 5607 Pomeranians, toy type At up. Call Lebanon, AL TOY FOX Terrier puppies. 1840 n. Lancaster QUALITY parakeets. Aviaries. 1910 Wallace Rd. EM 4-2783. CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the District Clerk of School District No. 24CJ, Marion County, Oregon, up to 5:00 o'clock P.M., Wednesday. June 25, 1958. for furnishing library furniture for Judson and Waldo jun ior high schools. Soeciflcation blanks and bid forms may be obtained from and bids hall be filed with the District Clerk at 1309 Ferry Street, Snlem, Oregon. The Board reserves the right to re ject anv or all bids and to waive Infcrmrllties in bids. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 5th dav of June, 1958 CONNELL C. WARD, District Clerk J.9,16. Advertising Statesman Journal Newspapers 214 Church St NI. PHONE EM 4-6811 LOCAL RATES WEEKDAYS Per day 11 1 4 Per Una .40 .40 .35 32',, TOTAL CHARGES NOTICE OF NON-HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGBT ELECTION NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION IN THE DISTRICTS OF THE NON HIGH SCHOOLDISTRICT OF MARION COUNTY, OREGON, UPON THE QUESTION OF INCREASING TAX LEVY OVER AMOUNT LIM ITED BY SECTION 11, ARTICLE XI. STATE CONSTITUTION. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held at the school- nouse June 16. 1958, by the Non-High School District of Marlon County. Oregon, in all component districts of said Non-High School District. The iertinn will beeln at 2:00 om.. Pacific Standard Time, and will be held in the schoolhouse In each of said component districts. The purpose of theJ .i-iinn 1. tn Kubmit to the lecal voters of the Non-High School District. the question of Increasing the tax levy for the fisc.nl year beginning July 1 1958, over the amount limited by Section 11, Article XI. of the Con stitution The reasons for Increasing such levy are: Increased cost of op eration and increased school growth. The amount of tax In excess of the aix per cent limitation proposed to be levied by the Non-High School DIs- (Mln. 2 lints) per line 1 time .. per line 3 times per line 6 times per line 1 mo. Weekdays 40 .... SI 05 .. $150 S 6 30 .25 Sua .30 95 11.40 $5 50 (Inc. Sun.) trict of Marlon County, Oregon, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1956, Is $142,166.00. BUDGET SCHEDULE I SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES. RECEIPTS, AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCE AND TAX LEVY 1. Total estimated expenditures . $163,250.00 2. Deduct totsl estimated receipts and available cash balances - 41,084.00 1. Amount necessary to balance the budget 4. Add estimated amount of taxes thst will not be col lected during the fiscal year for which this budget $122,166.00 20,000.00 5. Total estimated tax levy for the ensuing fiscal year $142,166.00 Analysis of Estimsted Tax Levies: Amount Inside 6 limitation .. ..-r none Amount outside 6 limitation $142,16.00 SCHEDULE II ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Actual Receipts Two Preceding Years 1955-1956 1956-1957 Estimated Bud get Current Year Item Estimate 1958-1959 114,118.29 $21,784 99 $20,000.00 40.034.90 36,146.00 $90,299.19 6CHEDUL. Exoenditur Years Ne Currer 1955-1956 $234,356 49 58.23 720.00 100.00 none 25 39 97 80 none 445.00 none 42.716.27 $95,930.86 II 15,000.00 32.000.00 $67,000.00 1. Estimsted available cash on hand at beginning of the Sesr for which this budget msde none 2. Estimated receipts from delinquent taxes $20,000.00 3. Estimated receipts from Bssic School Fund 21,084.00 4. Amounts received from other sources none TOTALS $41,084.00 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES for Two Fiscal Budget Allow 'recedlng the ance for Current School Year School Year 956-1957 1957-195$ J112.879.28 60 SO 720.00 Item Estimated Expenditures For 1958-1959 $160,000.00 100 00 900.00 50.00 ' 200.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 ' 500.00 1,000.00 $235,802.91 $114,303.89 $163,250.00 Dated: Msy 13, 1958 Signed: Agnes C. Booth, Clerk George R- Brsdley, Chairman, iioara 01 directors - none none 19.01 134.80 none 490.00 none 1. Tuition $160,000.00 2. Retlrement-Soc. Sec. 100 .00 3. Personal Service (Clerical- rM.li 800 00 4. Pasta am. TeleiraDh. -' Telephone 50.00 5. Supplies snd Printing . 200.00 6. Election and Publicity . 100.00 7. Travel 300 00 S. Capitol outlay 100.00 9. Audit 500.00 10. Emergency .. 1,000.00 TOTALS ..$163,250.00 Approved: May 13. 1951 Signed: Agnes C. Booth, Secretary, Budget Committee George R. Bradley. , Chairman, Budget Committee , Uy 28, June 9 Minimum, when charged, $1.00 LOCALS 35s per line per paper Classified ads will be run In both papers to give advertisers tne ad vantages of the tremendous nulling power of 37,074 combined circula tions. When an sd Is ordered three or six times and a Sunday issue is in cluded (for example Friday, Satur day, Sunday I the lower Sunday rates apply because only The Statesman publishes Sundays. Classified ads will start tn the morning Oregon Statesman, conclude in the evening Capital Journal but ads will ds accepteo tor aunoay Statesman only. The deadline for classified ads 1-00 n.m. the dav before publication except for Sunday when deadline is 5:30 p.m. Friday. Emergency ads and small line ads received after 1:00 p.m weekdays and until 12 noon Saturday for Sunday may be placed in the Too Lsie to uassuy column Ads for Monday papers must be in by p.m. saiuraay. , Tha Statesman Journal Newspa pers reserve the right to reject ques tionable advertising; It -further re serves the right to piece all adver tising under the proper classifies uon. The Statesman Journal Newspa oers assume no financial responsi billly for errors which msy appeal in advertisements published, in Its columns and in cases where this pa per is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs and is responsible for only one Incorrect Insertion. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman-Journal Newspapers box number for an address is for the protection of the advertisers and must therefore be answered by let ter. The Statesman-Journal Newspa pers are not at liberty to divulge In formation as to the identity oi an advertiser using a uuna aa. Ads In other columns which require Investment tn stocks, samples. equipment or cash bond should be inorouanir lnvcsuaaiea o e 1 o r c paying out any money. Advertisers requiring a casn investment tor samples or merchandise sales aids etc. must so specuy in tneir aas THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to pro tect Its readers against fraud, decep tion. or fniuriea. Resders are cau tioned to make NO PAYMENTS to get a position advertised In the help wanted columns. All help wsnted ads MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK Sales help wanted ads must state u the pay is in tne form of salary, commissions, guarantee, or inciuae lirm name, oons tioe oners of employment with psy belong to the "Help Wsnted" columns. Kindly report any exception to (lis rule to the classified sdvcrtislng fianager. WEIMARANER pups. 4 mos. old ak.w reg. friceo to sen, neaay 10 train, a mi. n. on waiiace Rd. Rt. I, Box 395, Saiem DOG OWNERS: ATTENTION LEARN how to train your dog. Next obedience class starts June 11. For information call Kay Hoffman, EM 2-0604. edale pup 1 yr. shots" EM 3-0704 old, has paper, YUKON KENNELS. Beautiful gentle, AKC, Siberian Husky pups. .M -10H. PURE bred Golden Retrievers EM 4-0770 after I p.m, or Sun. 412 Food Column' DO YOU LIKE to pick berries in tne cool of evening? come out to Chris Corner Farm, l'i mi. E. of Brooks 4 p.m. to dark U-plck Northwest straw berries 7c lb. EM 2-1169. U-PICK Marshallt. 4910 Center St. 1st place East of scotty s Auction, evenings a in aarx. DON'T WAIT! This is going to be a short season. 4 T. of U PICK N. W. STRAWBERRIES Now ready. Go to Keizer, turn west c a follow yellow line 2", ni. Field right on high way, just this side of Weathers Dusts Plant. Call EM 2-3346 or EM 4-1108. Bring own con tainers. 412 Food Column U-PICK Marshall strawberries 7-cts. a pound or 40c a carrier. Bring containers. Cowden place 41,. miles east from Lancaster Dr. on Silverton-Salem high way to sign. Phone EM 2-2072 or M 2-22.3. FOR sale: Oven ready hens, de livered. e,M 4.Z4TV. U-PICK CHERRIES, 10c 485 S. 22nd. EM 2-7fo9 U-PICK strawberries. Close In to North City limits. Weeks Berry Nursery, 3495 N. River KO. 414 Poultry I R.bbHs Custom Dressing of Poultry we Duy rsDDiis wings 3985 State. EM 4-3918 BABY chicks. Leghorns, Par- menters. New Hampa. white Rock Cornish, also turkey poults avble. Valley Farm Store. 420 Seeds Plant EGAN GARDENS SHADE FLOWERS Coleus. wsut begonias, sultana, rucnsiaa. - tuoerous oegomas. Zinnias, aalviss, in prime cond. s mi. n. of Keizer ben on Salem-St. Paul Rd. Free Gift to Each Customer Lg. thick Fuchsia baskets the Den win cost you no more. Trailing & upright Begonias $2.75 bakers dos. Copley Car- dens zoos inemawa Ha. FUCHSIAS, eersniums 3 $1 Merrill s ureennouse, urooKS. JAPANESE Iris tn bloom. 2nd hse. E. of Totem Pole. 4495 Hazel Green Rd. GARDEN Tillers $129.80. Valley Farm store. NETTED Gem seed rjotatoes. 5230 Portland Rd. EM 4-4071. BEGONIAS, fuchsias, delphin ium, and bedding plants. For the best visit Cleggett's Greenhouse. 4,i miles N. of Salem- on Wallace Rd. Tu,n right at foot of bridge In W Salem. SEEDLING begonias, geraniums oegonias, at tucnsias. BSSKeis of all three. Kilber Nursery 715 Salem Heights Ave. 422 Fertiliier MUSHROOM fertilizer, ne weeds fine ior ms-ing new lawn Also have rich black manure. We del. anywhere. EM 1-0331 fertilizer' del t7ioad $7 or SK, 80C. EM 4-0391 or EM 4-1121 U-PICK strawberries. 760 Ham den Lane nr. end of Auburn Rd U-PICK strawberries. 5480 Au burn Rd. Marshalls-7c lb. U-PICK Marshall Strawberries at Curly Arrells on Lardon no. ua. picxing. Clean paten EM 4-2028. U-PICK strawberries and red raspberries. 1710 Wallace Rd. U-PICK strawberries 6c per lb. mi. norm Howeii store. U-PICK STRAWBERRIES VIC WILLIAMSON FARM 8c LB. FIRST PICKING Come and get 'em. Drive E. . Totem Pole past Hazel Green School, turn L at first turn, follow sign. EM 4-6116 or EM 4-1345. GOOD PICKING. U-PICK Strawberries, this patch not picked tms year, iruit is food and plentiful. 10c lb. N River rd Mi. past Keizer school lane leit prancn '1 mue to field at 7360 Wheatland Rd U-PICK Strawberries. 1 mi. out on Orchard Hts Rd. Joe Lucas U-PICK gooseberries 3c lb. Dave Rsmseyer. Pratum EM 4-1364. U-PICK MaAhall Strawberries 8c lb. 1 mi. N. Brooks A. Gilchrist EM 4-3991. C. U-PICK Marshall Strawberries 7c lb. tc bring containers. Vir gil Perrlne 4820 Fletcher Rd U-PICK Northwest strawberrya, 8c. lb. 4829 swsgia a. ra sun FOR sale: Laying hens, $1 ea KM 4-.47U. WASHINGTON Apples, Delicious ft wmesaps, si.su dox. niao Potatoes. Al Pad 5230 Portland Rd. PASTEURIZED whole milk, 83c. Ial. Homogenized, Bsc. u gai. Ic. Cleary Dairy, EM 1-3035. U-PICK Marshslls At S i 1 e 1 1 strawberrya. GO. Derrys, ciean Iieias. lis mi. s oi t-eizer oi Al mi. N. Watch for Hays signs. LET us buy your, cherries on tne trees, s trees or n wen Ill We pick and haul. EM l-lsis or KM 4-MW7. STRAWBERRIES! jarley'a Farm Stand, now open oany. 10 a.m. until sold out 1 ml. N of Hayesvllle Sen on old Hwy. 99 E, EM 1-1169. ROTTED manure, sack or yd. rniuip zroa. fa. cm 4-juoi. CLEAN rotted sswdust, sell by yard. EM 2-7604. 450 Merchandise 4S1 Household Goods SPECIAL I New Modern double dresser, tilting mirror: book case bed, foot, rails $89.00. Terms. Glen woodry 1605 N bummer. REEL. type lawn mower, self powered. $29.95. Bob's Mdse. Mart 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. CLEAN RIVER SILT 10 YDS. $15. EM 3-7919 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods YES I 60 new living room auttes modern, early American sectionals, love seats, hidea- beds. Terms-Trades. You al ways get a better buy at Glen wooqry s loua summer. MATTRESSES springs, $5 & up H L. Stiff Used Furniture Store. 175 N High. EM 3-9186 NEW Maple Bunk beds with springs, mattresses $77.00. Glen wooory loua n. summer. 4 PC. bdrm. set. Mahog. desk, -wxtra nice, r-.vi e. HPECIALI 30" x 40" plate mir rors aus.au; x so crystal mirrors- sejf: a x au mir rors $7.50. Glen Woodry , 1605 I. summer. w UNFINISHED furniture. suit Furniture Co. a. l. LOVELY new Maple Hutch and nutcniop au wioe siae.uu. Glen Woodry 1603 N. Summer. DAVENPORTS, $9.95 6 up H L. Sua Used Furniture Store 173 N High St.. EM 3-9186 $30.00 dn $15 mo buys 3 rooms iurniture. u-savc si uien Woodry s 2605 N. Summer. REPOSSESSED refrlg. Gd. cond. uusr. Hanson TV 1843 s. 12th CLEAN 5 pc. Dinettes $29.50 to $49.50. Dining sets, S3v.su to siy.su. uien wooary jou. v Summer. 11 FT. AUTOMATIC DEFROST ADMIRAL REFRIGERATOR with freezer chest $199.95 HEIDER'S 363 N. HIGH For the Best Selection of NEW 4k USED BOATS k MOTORS GIL WARDS 180 Wallace Rd. EM 3,-478 14' FIBERGLASS boat trailer- 12 H.P. Sea King motor $275. EM 2-1520. 2 MAN cartop plywood boat, $45. 470 E. fcwald. JM 4-430S. MARINE SPECIALTIES Open 10 to 7, 1200 N. Lancaster Buuiaing, repair, ooaung supplies 464 Sports Equipment UMBRELLA tent. Gd. cond. Ph. EM 3-3096. $20. FOR SALE 4 choice lots in Restlawn Mem ory Gardens. Will finance for responsible party or trade for car. Priced considerably below marnet value. Ph. m 3-4831, WANTED Rummage. 663 N. Lib erty or call EM 3-9432. KELVIN ATOR 40 gal hot water heater 149.50: siesler oil Lire. $95 00: Spark Oil Circ. $50.00; (others J19-50K 220 v 4000 w heater $35,000; large china cab inet $69.50. Shop Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer for price and selection. "NAME GARMENTS" FOR A SONG Come to Portland's Rose Festi val make it a must to visit JEAN'S Finer RESALE Cloth ing, 3 blks. from Rose Festi val Center. (Park Blks). PRICES WAY BELOW WHOLESALE Finest Mink Capes, Stoles, Jackets, etc.. Perfect But Re possessed. JEAN'S FINER RESALE CLOTHING S.W. Market bet. 12th It 13th 22 REMINGTON pump. 16 shots. ua. cona. neas. cm 3-zyz4. RUGER single 6 pistol. Brand new cond. $43. J-.M 3-1344, ask for Alan. BRAND new 1958 Scott Atwater 7'i h.p. Outboard. EM 4-022') WE pay Cash for used guns. modern snd antique, all types. Cascade Merc. 1230 Broadway. 466 Bicycles GIRLS 26" Schwlna Spitfire $20. MtBO. .e-woo. 470 Building Materials 1PE SALE NEW GALVANIZED PIPE ,,".12',4c, H-llc. l",r-39e 4" Cement Drain Tile lQtte 4" Orangeburg 36c 4" Cast iron soil pipe 77c Gal. eutter wide bottom 13c Plastic pipe i"-9'ic, l"-13',4e Lawn Sprinklers CHEAP TWIN beds complete. Laundry uay. iruns. wuiaow irame cs acreen. Mattress, clean. Men's clothing, medium. Gd. shoes, 8. Women's clothing, 12, 14, 20. 20. EM 4-1673. 1011 S. Liberty. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to loan We Loan Money On All Articles of Value Rifles Shotguns Revolvers uiamonas jewelry Ml sical Instruments Typewrit ers Tires Power Tools. STAR EXCHANGE LOAN Bonded Ic State Licensed 311 N. Commercial. Salem 600 Employment 608 Pickers Wonted CLOSE IN Irrigated berries State St. 4 ml. E. of Four Corners. Good, steady picking. Bus trans.' in Auburn Rd., 4 Corners ' area. Bate-on. EM 2-2756. LATE Buick 4-door, trade for mtg. or contract, pay differ ence. B.'M. Mason, 341 Chem- eiceia. CASH for Mtgs. Ic Contracts. Private money to loan, B. M. Mason, W. H. Minier, 341 Che meketa. EM 3-8841. COLONIAL Investment Co. Real Property Loans, Contract Pur- cnasca. ww uun. .m 4-2283. COMMERCIAL Residential Mortgage Loans. LOW INTER EST. RATES. Call EM 4-8764. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted OPEN TONITE! U-SAVE MONEY when U-SHOP Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. 13 FT. GLASSED boat. Trailer. 2 outboard motors, 49 Chrys ler. Best offer. EM 3-5550. LARGE 7 rm. hse. Must be moved or wrecked to make room for parking lot. Includes furnace, water heater, plumb, ing fixtures, tc gar. Located 1321 McCoy. Make us offer. Central Lutheran Church. EM 4-7775 or EM 1-3883. BURLAP sacks, medium weave 12c each. EM. 2-5974. PC. fireplace aet: 4 metal patio chairs; Sealy mattress tc cou spring; su rt. extension ladder; 8 in. table saw. EM 4-0404 eve. FOR aale, cherry ladders A used lumoer. cm 2-1747. C.G. mi N. of Keizer EM 4-5051 ATTIC ventilation Condensa tion Control Co. EM 2-7629. NEW armless daveno's $59.50. Glen woodry 160a N. summer. 452 Appliances ELECTRIC ironer-cablnet model $49.95. Bob's Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. 1957 G. E. Mobile Msid dish wssher in excel, cond. $150 EM 2-8883. 52 ROPER Deluxe range, Ser- vei uas Keirig., 45 id. iraezer, excel, cond. Call after 8 p.m week days. EM 3-0193. KITCHEN chairs. Mdse. Mart 270 EM 4-6371. $1. Bob's S. Liberty. HERE'S the buy I New triple dresser, tilting mirror, dook case bed modern bedroom suites $99.00. Terms. Glen Woodry 1606 N. Summer. YOUNGSTOWN KIT. Dlshwssh- er-slnk comb. Exc. cond. EM 4.7828. BE THRIFTY: Buy GOOD used furniture. A single item or a complete household, Buy now Woodry's Thrifty USED FURNITURX on our essv term 111 S. Commercial EM. 4-331 1 Block South Of Paper Kill LET Glen Woodry Turn. SAVE you money on a complete household of furniture. Easy terms. 1001 w. summer. YELLOW formica chrome break fast table and 6 upholstered chairs, new condition, EM 4-1042. DAVENO's, davenports $10.00 ea; kitchen chairs $1.00 to $2.00, rockers $3.50 . to $10.00, bed, springs $2.00 to $3.00, lamps, tables, radio. Cheep. men woodry ioa N. summer, FREE equity on S rms. turn. Taxe over my contract, a. as 3-1738. NEW Modern Table Lamps $3.95, Glen woodry leoa in. summer, COMPLETE house full of furnl- hire. Reas. EM 2-4C40. NEW Modern Desks $23 88. Glen woodry 1B0 . Bummer. WITH any $50 purchase, you receive RADIO FREE. Bob's Mdse. Mart, 270 S. Ub erty. EM 4-6371. NICE strawberries, I pick. Phone orders eve. tfti 2-3103. ALPHA LPAseed or tes, 3 lb. for $1. valley jrarm store. YOU'LL be pleased with the new Biltwell daveno 1 pc. suites $159.50 reg. $189.50. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. OPEN TONITE! U-SAVE MONEY when U-SHOP Glen Woodry i 1605 N. Summer Frigldaire Washers 18 Down- $5 per mo. 3 Frigidaire Washers $10 Down 38 ner mo. 1 Maytag Wringer Wshrs. $10 Down-$6 per mo. 2 Easy Spinners $5 Down-$5 per mo. 1 Bendix Duomat $20 Down $12 per mo. 1 20'ft. Freezers $20 Down $15 per mo. 2 Frigldaire Ranges $10 Down- $5 per mo. i Mlscelaneous Ranges $5 Down -$5 per mo. 11 Miscellaneous Refrlgs. $10 Down-SJ per mo. 1 Whirlpool with dryer $10 Down -16 per mo. All certified rebuilt applisnces guaranteed tor su-aays. 260 State St. EM 3-9148 REFRIGERATOR: Auto washer, Good cond. EM 4-0404 eve. 18 FT. Coolorator freezer A-l. $325. Bob's Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371 USED ranges $29.95 Laue, 1350 state si. up. Al ELEC. range, 3 burner plus cooking wen, pence- sea. &m 4-9561. USEDSPECIALS Sewing Machine Cabinet Models your cnoice .. soa Motorola, Radio-Phono, console MotorolaJT" Table TV $45 Maytag Washer, sq. Tub & pump $55 Mon tag Comb., wood 4k Elec Range $95 Norge Refrigerator T Special $40 Mont-Ward Refrigerator 1' $35 MONTGOMERY WARD 18S N. Liberty EM 3-3191 PLYWOOD $175 SHEET 11x12 Accaustical tile 10c ea. 4' Fuorescent lites 110 ea No. 2 btr. used lumber, 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10 $4S-$55 per M. Roof Trussss, 20 ft $4.50 ea. ALSO Windows. Doors k Pine E. S. R1TTER & CO. . 5550 Portland Rd. EM 4-0151 Open All Day Saturday ONLY 1.98, Chipboard II Rig- la 1 For wails, ceilings and floors!! THOUSANDS (no fooling!) of smaller size plywood, ','t Low as 10c ft., snd '. low ss 4c ft. AND WE'LL CUT ANY SIZE u we cant nnd it in stock!! 'A,inuf xes sin , exn Sen. V-Plank plywood ONLY wvic so. 11. (tteg. 35c) Oodles of woods to choose from! GOLLY, New house plans. Free estimating, delivery, ana a list of FINE BUILDERS. Let YOUR problems be OURS! EASY TERMS" 36 MO. to pay, nothing aown at "Your Building supply Friends OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY Portland Road Lumber Yard 3543 Portland Road EM 4-4433 PUSH button Juke box plays 50 recoros cost si.zuu new, giso complete with latest record aelection. Call EM 1-1047 be fore 5:30 p.m. DECAYED sawdust, ash wood tc top soU. EM 2-0349. VIRGIN TOP SOIL Eves. EM 1-1575, days EM 3-6444 TYPEWRITERS, Adders, Safes, uesxs, tnsirs, r ues, implies tors. Expert repair service. ROEN; 456 Court. EM 3-6773. USED Tires. Bought and sold. Lytle's O.K. Rubber Welders. 2305 No. Comm'l. EM 4-6033. Placement Agency Since 1941 specialists In office placements 411 Orecon Bide. F-Exp. Calculator, acc. typist 50 wda. detail work 19-30 .$225 T-Pt. time BKP. Dr"a. ofe. typ- in K. cmuae, xutp. u aa, a aa SW J- - - - - iicu F-Key Puhch Opr. Exp. 1 da. 20-30 '..3 Open F-Exp. saleslady, women's ready to wear dept. 28-50 Open r rr uiuow xnnuner xxp. . upen F-Comptometer, temp. .. Open r-rvaiircss, r i. ume ly-ze .00 nr. F-Accounting Assistant, typing, add machine Exp. 25-40 Open F-PBX opr. (Exp) reception aesK, casmer, aetau. prater married with family. Fast worker, 25-30 Open F-Bkp. typing 50 60 wds. Exp. Open F-Practical Nurse, gen'l house worn, nve in 40-so Km. Board. Best wsy to the Best Jobs . 494 State Street EM 4-3351 PICKERS, needed, exc. picking. n t. i y oerries. j. a. Hams ever, Hi mi. E. on Lardon Lane. Eift 2-3089. BERRY pickers wanted. 5 ml. from Fairgrounds on Silverton Sslem Rd. EM 2-5174. G. E. Haury. STRAWBERRY pickers wanted. C. E. Andresen 4990 Lancaster Dr. NE. EM 4-2943. STRAWBERRY pickers. Good picking. 1 m. N. of Keizer sch'l. Lloyd Hollln, EM 2-2507. STRAWBERRY pickers. If youre looking for good picking, come to Van Cleave farms and use the Kary-Karta. 70 acres Mar shslls, Siletz and Northwests in top condition. Heavy pick ing. N. on 99E to Totem Pole, E. VM ml. and N. mi. on Van Cleave Rd. EM 2-5165. P. W. WOELKE. Hood View Dr. Si Vic Williamson Yard, starts picking Wed. For trans, call EM 2-3893. W. L. PETERSON, EM 2-2998. Marshalls & North Wests, start May 29th. Call after 5. Trans. CAPITOL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists in office personnel 174 Cottage St. SE EM 2-0636 SCHOOL OF COMMERCE USED adding machines. Kay xypewrner to. 4v -ourt. 481 For Rent Miscellaneous HOSPITAL beds St rollaway beds. H. L Stiff Furniture Co. 460 Court St EM 1-9185 483 Wanted Miscellaneous NEED: USED cement mixer IM 2-6511. 604 Help Wanted, Men EXP. body It fender man. SO- SO basis Statesman - Jdarnal box 403. SERVICE STATION MANAGER WANTED for Independent service stsuon. state qualifica tions, particularly in the mer chandising field. Reply States- man-journal BOX jwo. 606 Help Wanted, lady MAGAZINES & "newspapers wan lea. im s-outi. - 484 Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLEH. Dentist, Adoiph Bldg., State It Com'l. sts. Salem. Ph. EM 3-3311. 486 Machinery t Tools NEW special Electrolux. only any r none uieciroiux vorp 1079 Broadway. EM 4-2239.gr. Eves. EM 4-0563. . 2350 USED freezers. Al Laue, SUM SL M0 amo. Circuit Breaker Box. Bar. como w22 breakers I5AA5 52 gal. 10 yr. glass lined water heater . $87.00 12-2 Lome- in rolls 3c 1 Kitchen vent Ian $13 JO sella noer ua . 3ft ft Liehtine fixture. rri,i1 200 amp. meter Base $19.95 21x32 statnlesa tet sink S.17 W 2000 wstt baseboard Mr.. $47.50 4' cast iron Pipe 77c ft 1 pc. Bath Set wtrlm $100' is-. Lomei ui roils . Jc ft. 15 H.P. Puma Panel - 1150 Galv Gutter 13c ft 3E Built-in oven, 4 burnera $202 Complete line ot elec. heating. nouse wiring, piumomg eup plies a fixtures OPEN FRIDAY FVES. APEX ELECTRIC & PLUMBING 1410 BROADWAY EM S-18M 474 Floor Covering" OPEN TONITE' U-SAVE MONEY when U-SHOP Glen Woodry's 1605 N. Summer. 1 GOOD blowtorches. 16.00 each l 1 to 2 Pipe Taps. $7.00 lusu no. cottage. 60 CU. FT. Shram Air Comp. i-i cona. aiwu. a.M 3-S4vv. SEVERAL used welders. See at 790 Stewart St Ph EM 4-7544. HY Pressure Steam Jenny, New cona. z-swa. IEL Chain Saw, new blade Ic Chain, $100 cash. EM 1-1724. 490 Fuel BOBS FUEL Fireplace wood our specialty St ciean rotted sswaust cm 2-70U4 CAPITOL FUEL CO , INC, MULCHING SAWDUST SLAB wood, mill wont, planer enos, sswaust, oaa si ash irpl. WOOa. CM 3-77Z1 or CuNI J-OUX4. 1420 BROADWAY OLD fir wood. 110 cord in 3 cd. loads, or iizjsingie cd. 2023 S 11th. EM 3-9453.. Elmer Boje. HIGHWAY FUEL CO, SAWDUST ft WOODr.M 3 6444 ANDERSON'S Slabwood oyer 1 cord Id $20. EM 2-7751 RAY'S SAWDUST SERV. Mulching A Fuel S 'tc H Green Stamps EM 3-5533 PLYWOOD cores. 3510 Garden ttd Slab wood. EM 1-0254 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to toan NEW Tweed pametlna t .11 time low $3.50 yd. A 11 x 15H rug costs only $70.00. Terms. den woodry isu3 N. Summer, 476 Do It Yourself PAINT Reg. wnite. 793 N. Lancaster Dr, 13.93 sal. outside $2 25 gal., 8 gaL $17. $30 TO $3000 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOAN lit S Liberty EM 4-1101 ACCOUNTANT with miblic ac counting It income tax exner. Perm. Must be neat, efficient. rapia aavancement ror quali fied person. Phone EM 3-7615. WANTED: Experienced waitress inn. arA WANTED housekeeper. Live In. Call between 6 ft S eves. EM z-i,o. 3 I.B. KEY PUNCH Young woman with minimum 1 yrs. exper. in UB2, 077, 514, 522 machines. Must be alert, able to assume responsibility. Reputable company with good uuuaiiiuiis. itooa opportunity. Salary open. Write Statesman Journal Box 401 stating per sonal qualifications, and ex perience. WAITRESS wanted, must exp. Apply 969 S. 12th. be WANTE:D Reg. Nurse three nr. oays per wit. z. per nr. jviaaonna nursing xiome. 985 E Main, Monmouth. SK 7-9509. WANT baby sitter Mother works s a.m. to z p.m. sat. It Mm. off. live tn or out. Mrs. Jack Dunne, r.o. ex, 7, sublimity. HOUSEKEEPER, live in, 2 chil dren. IH 4-1756 eves. 5035 AUDurn ita. INSTRUCTOR wsnted at Med- rora Beauty school. 235 E Main,- Medford, Oregon. WOMAN to live In, care for cnuaren, permanent h quali fied. 129 West Ida after S p.m. Stayton, Ore. MAKE Summer School PAY YOU $600 to $900 Extra By entering $ununer $chool in June, you will oe ready for uniiiciiB placement at a handsome income three months sooner than those who wait until fall will earn from $600 to $900 during the time thus gained. An average of 10 cam per graduate assures im mediate placement. Brief sum mer courses prepare quickly. Cool classrooms at Mnsr make Summer School pleasant mm win as proiitaoie. , ftew classes start June 9-16. Call or phone at once. See our ad under classification 61S, now. MERRITT DAVIS . GOOSEBERRY PICKERS Want ed, good pay, good berries, 50 A. at Macleay. Starting Thurs. morning, picking dailv. Take Macleay Rd. E. of Sa lem, or State St. to Pratum. Shaw Rd., then S. to Macleay intersection. No chil.. bring leather gloves. E. R. Nelts Farm. WANTED berry pickers start ing Wednesday May 28th. 2nd S. Marshall berries, clean Id, close in, located 4893 N. Portland Rd. or Ph. EM 4-1973 Jerry ft Nita Andresen. DRIVE Outs Wsnted, for N W. berries. For trans, ph. EM 2-4387 We carry carriers. 2 mi. E. of Pratum, 1 mi. on Meyers Rd. Eldon Wenger. WANTED STRAWBERRY PICKERS Starting Frl. June 6th, Stanley bneed, tit. 1 Box 73, Brooks. 1 mi. N. of Brooks on 99E. EM 2-3148 after 6 P.M. STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED 3 MILES OUT 1st picking is over. 2nd picking will start June 9th. (They are loaded). carriers. 4-7656. Plenty of carts ft b. j. Towery. em DOUBLE P FARM WILL START PICKING BER RIES WEDNESDAY, patch on Claxter Road. EM 4-1217. Paul ft Phyl Andresen, 4610 Lan caster Dr. DRIVE-OUTS Urgently needed to pick straw- oerries at scnaaa a r arm. Come out for one hour or more. 1 mi. N. Keizer, 1 mi. on Wheatland Rd. watch for signs. EM 4-1315, EM 4-1316, EM 4-8211. Urjfentlv Needed EXCELLENT PICKING 2nd picking Marshalls, starting sat., auc carrier. 3 mi n Keizer, next to Buena Crest School, Newberg-St. Paul hwv. Allen Hohn, Rt. 2. Box 225, Pick Sun. too. e STEADY PICKING on 30 Acres of Siletz and N.W. strawberries. Now starting peak pick, no rot. We Pay 25c Cash For Each Carrier. No Waiting To Cash Tickets. Fields al located on Hwy. Turn west at iveizer, ioiiow yeiinw line 2 mi. EM 2-3346 ..or EM 4-1106. 609 Commission Work STOP CALL ME RIGHT NOW! You may be the man I need. can em 3-1&57 before noon. SELL AVON 3 or 4 hrs. dally. EM 4-2248 or ph. Dayton 120. No exp, nec. We train you. 610 Sole Help Wonted MEN and Women, age 40 to 70. Large nat i. corp. neeos part time repres. to render a real heeded aervice. Earn 1100 per mo. or more. EM 2-8357 for interview with local dist. WANT experienced real estate man or woman. Ramsey Real ty, 427 Ferry, EM 4-3381, . $100 WEEKLY Fuller Brush guar to atari, Co. EM 1-8357. 608 Pickers Wonted CHERRY pickers at Curly Ar rell'a on Lardon Rd. Exc. crop. Ph. EM 4 2028. PRIVATE money to lean, $ pet -uwreai. rm, a.aa ccrvm. BERRY ptdcer. needed at Wos tenberg ft Shlpler yards. North wests, irrigated, clean fields. 1"4 ml. W. of W. Salem city limits on Glen Creek Dr. Rt. 1 Box 44. EM 4-0281. - WOMAN with office experience between tne ages of 23 at 40. Meeting the public ft some credit work are the major duties of this position. Typing essential. Excellent working conditions ft liberal employee discount on all mdse. Wonder ful opportunity for advance ment for the right person. Write Statesman -, Journal, Box 405. '.'- j 612 Work Wonted, Men $11,000 1 BDRM. San Jose home for acreage to $13,000 Salem area. Statesman-Journal Box 406. , SIGNS painted. Show cards etc. km S-4VMO oetween 12 At 3. 10 YR. Exp. Mink man. States man journal box 404. GENERAL carpentry, expert workmansnip, a.m. 3-1657, HAY balling Lyons ft vie. UL g-xsos. : .1 V 1 , cMVrfswrf '---sr-,iw- -,9fit'---'