g-(3ec. 1) Statesman, Satem, Ore.Frt., Juno 6, Tfc. Negro Whisked From Campus In Mississippi OXFORD. Miss, f AP)Hiuhwv patrolmen in plain clothes whisked a controversial Negro professor, Clennon King, off the University of Mississippi campus Thursday after he tried to enter the all white school as a graduate stu dent. Newsmea saw the green station waeon. which students said car ried King off the campus, go by and ran for their car. But the station wagon eluded the would be pursuers. Hugh Clegg, assistant to Chan cellor J. D. Williams, said he had heard King declined to leave the administration building voluntarily after a conference. "The highway patrol took him off the campus," Clegg said. Officers On Guard Plain clothes officers were on guard at both doors of the build ing where students were due to begin registering for summer , t -classes. Other officers were in side the building and one sat across the - street in a radio equipped car. No student was permitted to en ter as King was taken to the ad ministration building. A crowd of students gathered outside the building during the more than two hours King was in side. Newsmen didn't see him leave but students reported he was es corted out of the back door by three white men, apparently offi cers, and put into the back of the station wagon. Success la Deubt Clegg said King's papers were received, and he was told they would be processed and forwarded to the board of trustees. Clegg said he didn't know whather Kintr was siiccnufnl in obtaining the endorsement of five white alumni which state-supported colleges require of. applicants. King had said he had four of the required names and an indica tion a fifth sponsor would become available to him when he arrived at Oxford. King is the Negro history di-o- fessor whose prosegregation news paper articles set off a student boycott which almost closed Al born A&M College early in 1957. His contract at that state-supported Negro school was not renewed for the 1958-59 session and King announced his intention to enroll at the University of Mississippi. There is no integration In Mis sissippi education, public or pri vate, at any Jevel. King announced last month he would seek to begin work on a doctor's degree at Mississippi. He raa a quarter-page ad in the Gulf port Herald seeking the five alumni signatures required. I 1 I mmmmmm Motorcycle Officers Like 'Kewpie Dolls' By ARTHUR EDSON WASHINGTON (AP) - The trouble with motorcycle policemen dashing splendidly and noisily along in front of dignitaries is that they look exactly like Kewpie dolls. This is both a professional and a political judgment, rendered by Rep. Arthur Lewis Miller (R) of Kimball, Neb. Miller is a physician as well as a congressman. And it was while he was at National Airport, wait ing for Vice President Nixon to arrive from his riot-marred South .American trip, that the descrip j tive thought came to him. "I wasWtting there in the bus watching the policemen," Miller said. Congressmen were brought to the airport by the busload. "The bus driver and I both noticed how they had a little pot belly. I'd say they were from 25 to 50 pounds overweight. "Just Like Dolls' "I suddenly thought, 'Why, they look just like Kewpie dolls!'" Miller serves in Congress with many men and let's not be over ly gallant women who could stand to lose a little weight. He's the first to concede it. "But I think this is different," the doctor said. "I kept thinking that these men wouldn't look very good if they were called on for a little physical exertion. They'd be out or wind before they ran 25 yaras. "It seems to me these men should be in excellent condition, able to handle any situation." Miller is a member of the Dis trict of Columbia Committee. which is a sort of City Council for Washington. So he dashed off a letter givnig his views to the local commissioners . Situation Studied Robert E. McLaughlin, presi dent of the commission, wrote hack -to say ha was asking the chief of police to take the problem up with police and fir surgeons. Their job: To find ways and means of improving the situation. Naturally this is a topic which cries for independent research. Fortunately, West Germany's Theodor Heuss is to town-'Will-kommen Prasident Heuss," cried the big banner across Constitu tion Ave. and the police art busy . Squiring him around. To this neutral eye. Heusi' es cort didn't look much like dolls, Kewpie or otherwise. On the Other hand, they didn't look as if they would do well in the prints, either. ")' , But the police were busy, and fie day was warm. Maybe some ether time for a test race, eh. Dr. Miller? "J 6a look at these SPECIALS! rgularly 49c Caddie dust cloth 19' regularly 2.19 famous Ecko rolling pin Giant size chemically treated dust cloth polishes is it dusts. Llpman's Housewares, Jrd floor 99 regularly 79c Chem-O-Cel rug cleaner Made of polished hardwood, ball-bearing construction. Reg ular size. ( Llpman's Housewares, Srd floor .SnummmmmmmmMumimmmmfmri 15 Cleans rugs, easily and quick ly. Cleaner for 3 9x12 rugs; pfui 2 sponges. Llpman's Housewares, Srd floor regularly 1.59 Sunbeam hose nozzle 88 Chrome plated garden hose j nozzle; has adjustable water spray. Llpman's Housewares, ird floor ' regularly 3.98 I regularly 1.98 regularly 1.50 I regularly 3.49 I regularly 2.19 I Shak-o-matic 6-pc. kitchen 1 covered glass I 3-pc. pottery square angel S dry mop utensil set I butter dish 1 pitcher set cake pan 1 IP5 99c I 59c I l88 l49 I n imauj ail iTomTir mnn win i va.a iiiuiiiw k'Bi wumi iuu wnrin a -i:.u ...riL . . . aw as. ex 1 um action that shakes itself 1 handles. Set, fork, ladle, slot- 1 uy5Ta' 9'" . 'mm 1 rrect tor summer refresh- I Re9u'" '" Miihad alum- Nylon gear for smooth end I I . ited spoon, rack, ladle and que finished polished alumin- I menti. Set of l-qt.; 2 pint I inum cake pan cook and 1 easy beating. All chrome. 1 i sPatul"' I Vm cover. - " i size pitchers. I browns evenly. Specially priced. I Llpman's Housewares, Llpman's Housewares, Llpman's Housewares, I Llpman's Housewares, 1 Llpman's Housewares, Llpman's Housewares, 1 I Srd floor 1 1 1 1 Srd flow I rd n' 1 '" A"' I regularly 3.98 famous Ekco egg beater I88 Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., June 6, '58 (Sec. D-7 regularly 1.39 Doo-Klip grass shears 88c 10Vi" long, tempered steel bledes with up-down action- baked enamel finish handle. Llpman's Housewares, Srd floor regularly 98c Tex-Knit iron board cover regularly 2.98 Swing-a-Way can opener J. 77 Silicone cover Is scorch resist ant. rits all standard size i ename boards. Llpman's Housewares, Srd floor Wall-type opener In white has full five-year guarantee. Special. Llpman's Housewares, Srd floor regularly 1.00 5-pc. spoon and scoop set 49c Complete with display rack. Polished aluminum set; meas ures eccurately. Llpman's Housewares, Srd floor A ROBERTS BROS. STOREY it s easy to feed baby fresh foods with original Osterizer 44 .95 For less money, tool Prepare delicious nour ishing baby foods, from formulas to pur ees, to chopped foods. Opens at both ends for thorough sterilizing. White enamel base. Chrome base $49.95 heat resistant handles. 4'a-qt. saucepan. Housewares, 3rd floor easy-cleaning, stainless steel Flint-ware big selection of famous Flint kitchen tools fu,ii,ipiiiiutoj.iihiih.w uiwiiiiimmmniuiimii.miimm mi : qt.' saucepan .25 With radiant heat core, easy as a dish to clean! With self-nesting covers and sturdy heat resistant handles. 4'j-qt. saucepan 10.50. Housewares, Srd floor popular rug cleaner easy glamur 1-9-3 .25 Choose from every Imaginable, desired kit chen helper! Beautifully styled and built for lots of wearl Housewares, 3rd floor Bissell applicator, liquid rug cleaner shampoo master .59 makes over 1 gal. Gets rugs and upholstery spotlessly clean, destroys germs for 3 months. Just apply, lt dry! No rinsing. Housewares, Srd floor handy, quality, famous Foley kitchen utensils 1495 for both Shampoo moster really aets the dirtiest rua clean I Safe for all rugs, clear and odorless. App I icator is sturdy, efficient! Housewares, Srd floor brand new4roning glamour with Mary Proctor Combo t 49c-2 .98 ll50 Choose from a big assortment of all the wanted kitchen helpers! Designed for the most efficiency! Finest materials, details. Hovseweree, 3rd floor ' You save $2,001 Ironing table plus Zeda Ion ironing cover and pad! Exclusive steam vent top, yellow and grey, lots of knee room.- . . . Housewares, 3rd floor' dozens of valuable prizes extra savings with S&H green stamps m in :t? i virfs PJ'J , h till I K f I ' t& i V M ! . ? js I i priced to fit your budget as well as your cooking needs! Revere Ware cookware J lip' J 8" skillet 775 2t 750 i Z-qt. covered saucepan i Whether It's a complete set or ust one item, you're smart to choose Revere-warel Every utensil Is crafted of gleaming stainless steel with thick copper bottoms for even heat, faster cookingl All covers fit snugly, so vitamins can't escape! Cook bakelite handles are comfortable to use, never get hotl Make your selection of the world's finest cookware now while our selection is completel llpman's Housewares, Srd floor brighten your kitchen ivith colorful kitchen ensembles! Beautyware accessories I i . 1 Copper-Chrome-Solid Color 2"5 to 138 Decorative Beautyware by Lincoln will add e delightful spark of color to your kitchen! Matching en sembles In quelity steel finished in bright new decorator colors.' Choose from such colors as lemon yellow, pink, white. Precision made, finished for lasting beauty, Buy them for your own use, a wonderful idea for June brides too.' Order yours now while our selection Is at Ita'best. A llpman's Housewares, Srd fleer 1 .oN V S Ta ROBERTS BROS. STOReX Grand Opening A Brand New Housewares Depart int at Lipmrn's Third Floor get these f wonderful, squeeze catsiw handy Rubbermaid p ee prizes donvenient dispensers iene ate scrapers aidhyg see interesting demonstrations Oster Uender Presto elecltric fry pan Universal 8 cup Cof f eematic entire line of Foley kitchen gadgets. Farberware Mirro cDkie press Doo-klip complete line of garden tools. Amepco Ebro - Tred promts . '''' . " We give m& redeem Grmn Stamps I the best in housewares - washable, rustproof Plas-Tex! I plastic waste basket I Regular 2.95 16-quart waste basket Is washable, noiseless, rustproof and unbreakable. Choose from i I beautiful lifetime colors. Choose two matching plastic baby bath, 398; matching diaper pail with If i odor-sealing lid, 398 lightweight, snagproof laundry baskets, 3.49; giant-size silver stocking trays, g I 1,49; round or rectangular dish pans, 1.98 Mcn- Use Plas-Tex everywherel I Housewares, Srd floor B I ask for genuine CaUDak - the royal family of tray tables I roll-a-tray set j (95 ft Jj95 4 and S-pUce teU j Choost from dozini of tmart Cal-Dak patterns, In ' queen-size (18'4xl314'T or roomy king-size (20" ' x!6".) All have exclusive CaJ-Dak shape with curved rim, shallow lip that holds more end cleans eas ily. Tray tops are stain end alcohol resistenC non-skid legs are plastic tipped. 24"-25" height fits comfortably over your knees, roll-a-tray rack has full swivel wheels for easy rolling. ' . . Housewares, 3rd floor ' new styles, new color, super new values from famous Cosco Cosco home helpers tray carts step stools 6-9l Q.95 Up Cosco step-stools double as extra chair and safe ladder; tray-carts are for serving or storage. Chromium or black enamel legs with Duran upholstery on chairs, Coscoat wood grain tray topi. Housewares, 3rd floor June special! save 25 on cast aluminum Presto cookers! Presto pressure pans ip5.i4.95 Cast aluminum Presto pressure cookers with menu guide handle, automatic air vent, 1 -piece pressure regulator. Regular iv.va, o-quart size now 14.95; 15.95 4-quart size 11.95. Buy savings I Housewares, Srd floor regular now at now you can be an I expert baker! Mirrn ftfit I 325 . 395 10 keep your garden beautiful with Doo-Klip Tools Cooky and pastry press has 12 forming plates, 8 pastry tips, storage rack, instruc tions, and recipes. See It now! Housewares, Srd floor new plastic decorating material adhesive Stix .50 Choose short or long handle grass shears, 4.17 to 10.50; pruners, 6.50; hedge shears, 5.75 end 5.25; weeder, 3,95- Housewares, .3rd floor world's finesVgarden hosel Duro:Tred Whom ukaa3l IMManaaMHaall 49c yd. 9 Just pull, off the backing and apply to walls, cupboards, shelves, furniture for new decorating look. Sponge-able. Housewares, Srd floor - '- tW i iiiniaein'n 10 year guerentee . n i 5-95 . 50-ft. coupled hose, regularly 7.95, is built like a tire with tough DuPont nylon cord reinforcement. Save nowl N Housewares, Srd floor Wheat Crop In Kansas 'Heavy' By HUELL WARREN WELLINGTON. Kan. (AP) - Combines will start through 10 million acres of wheat in Kansas next week, and right now it looks so good the fanners can hardly believe it. For the first time since 1952 they are talking about 30 bushels to the acre, even 35 and 40 The hazards they dread from now until the Fourth of July are heavy rain, high winds, tempera tures above 105, and erasshoD- pers. j Barring these, more than 21S million bushels of the golden grain will soon gorge the elatvors and bins of Kansas, the nation's No. 1 wheat producer. The harvest tide probably will start here on the south-central Kansas border next Monday or Tuesday. Raymond Frye. Sumner Coun ty agricultural agent, predicted yields will run 25 to 30 bushels an acre and the average will equal- or top the 25 bushels with which Sumner County led the state last year. Middle Of Week "If the weather continues brieht and cool like this, they'll be cut ting wheat by the middle of next week," said Charles Smith, who . has 300 acres of wheat. 'The crop's maturing fast and good," Smith said. "Prospects are excellent, best since 1952. Give us a few more days and nothing could bother this crop but hail or high wind or heavy rain. "My 300 acres looks like 20-to- 30 bushel wheat. There's soma around here may go to 35." At Liberal, in the southwest cor ner of Kansas, the State Employ ment Service got its first request yesterday for a harvest crew. For a week now the combines swarmed the highways south bound to Texas and Oklahoma where the harvest already has started. Sometimes they move in caravans of half a dozen. A truck trails each combine. L. L. Leroux is in charge of the employment office at Liberal which matches the demand for custom combining against avail able crews. He estimated the har vest in that area will start about June IS or 30. Grasshoppers Worry Garden City is the center of the worry about grasshoppers. Dan Trayer, Finney County ag ricultural agent, rallied an all-out attack.' The county set up e dis tribulton center for spray and made it available at less than cost. Gray . County,, adjoining Finney on the east, designated Friday as "Grasshopper Eradication Day," and its workmen will put in an ex tra day this week mlzine noisoa bait and distributing spray. Religion Today 1 Pronoun Use Shows Type Of Churchman By GEORGE W. CORNELL Associated Press Religloa Writer Your grammar may reveal what sort of Christian you are. At least that's the theory of a language specialist who has lis tened to untold hours of ecclesias tical conversation. The clue, says Dr. Robert J. Cadigan, is not in the robust verbs and flashy adjectives but in the plain, elemental nouns and pronouns. Cadigan, professionally both a man of letters and contender for the faith, puts it this way: "The measure of our involve ment in the church is the manner in which we use or misuse certain nouns and pronouns." He doesn t offer the theory as any classification formula, but the way, it works out, you may be: 1. A first-person-singular church member rather self-centered. Aloof Member 2. A third-person-plural mem bersomewhat aloof and rehic-1 tant. 3. Or a dedicated, thoroughly selfless first-person-plural Chris tian, wholly immersed in the work of the church. Whatever the attitude, it shows up in the pronouns, and references to the nouns. Cadigan, of Philadelphia, a one time English teacher, writer and now editor in chief of the biggest circulation denominational week ly going, Presbyterian Life, notes these distinctions: You may think and talk about the church and its agencies as re mote, detached institutions "they"; or you may see only your own place in it, "I," or you may have given yourself fully to it, "we." Examples Cited Take a few examples cited by Dr. Cadigan, which may or may not have a familiar ring: , "When someone begins a sen tence 'with, 'The trouble with the church. . . .,' he is thinking of a something of which he is not a part and really means. The trouble 'with everybody hut me is "Or, for instance, whan an offi cer of a congregation returns from a regional or denominational meeting, he could say, "We voted to raise more funds." But, Cadigan said, the officer Is more apt to say, "They decided to assess us a couple of thousand dollars for some work they want to do." emphasis en the "they." in ocner woras, as cadigan sees it, members too often look on their church as something sepa rata and apart. . 1- 4 .1 ::tf