The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 05, 1958, Page 15, Image 15

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    VJ Statesman's HOME
I anorama
Women . . . Music . . . Fashions . . . Features
Miss Roberta Eyre Tells
Plans for June Nuptials
Attendants have been announced
by Miss Roberta Eyre for her
forthcoming marriage to David
Eaton on June 13. The marriage
will take place at 8 o'clock at the
First Presbyterian Church with
Miss Jackie LaDue will be Miss
Eyre's maid of honor. Bridesmaids
will be Miss Julia Kay Rich and
Miss Sharon Muller. Junior brides
maids will be Gail Horning and
Marcia Lou Carter, cousin of the
Coming from Pontine, Michigan
to be Mr. Eaton's best man is his
brother, Ralph Eaton. Ushers are
Ken Anderson of Battleground,
Wash., Glenn Bowgren, River
Forest, Illinois, Charles Clemans,
Coos Bay, and Earl Eyre, of Salem.
Lighting the candles will be
Ralph Eyre Jr., and Jack Miller.
Organist will be William Fawk
and soloist will be Mist Patricia
Gotchall of Portland.
Groom's Parent ( Arrive
Arriving in the capital this week
to attend the wedding and their
son s graduation is Mr. and Mrs
Ralph Eaton of Pontiac, Michigan.
With them will be their daughter,
Mrs. Glen Welch of Reegan, Mich
Mr. Eaton will graduate from
Oregon State College on Monday
and will receive his commission
as an Ensign in the United States
Navy. He will be stationed at
Pearl Harbor for the next three
Around Town
James Zwaschka and Mrs. William
McCormack are planning a fare
well party for Friday night at the
former's home on Munkers Ave
nue .. . the affair is being ar
ranged in compliment to Mrs.
William F. Johnson (Patricia Elf
itrom) of Corvallis, who is soon
moving to Medford ... and Mrs.
Richard Hodgson (Pebble DeSart),
who with Dr. Hodgson, leaves this
summer for Lackland Air Force
Base, Texas, where the army cap
tain will be stationed . . . they
have been living in Portland
Guests have been invited to an
8 o'clock dessert supper ... in
the group, which includes long
time school friends, will be Mrs.
Johnson, Mrs. Hodgson, Mrs. Gary
Campbell, Mrs. Richard Grenz,
Mrs. Darwin Kerber, Mrs. Richard
Lee, Mrs. Barnes Rogers, Mrs.
Robert Hedges, and Mrs. Allan R.
Mann Jr. and Mrs. William Kaer
of Portland, Mrs. Robert Han
uska of Tillamook and the host
esses Aa n revolr . . . coffee is calen
dared for Friday morning when
Mrs. Joe Bonawltz, Mrs. Ted Mor
ris and Mrs. Austin Elvers enter
tain at the former's Virginia Street
home for the pleasure of Mrs.
Vlnee Fletcher . . . The Fletchers
and their three children, Jack,
Ceamle and Patty are leaving Mon
day for Portland to make then
lime ... A group f Mrs. FleWb
trs friends have been invited to
eaU between 10 and 12 o'clock to
ay farewell . Dr. and Mrs.
Elvers, Dr. as4 Mrs. Sidney
redden and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Kendall entertained at dinner Mon
day night at the latter! heme hon
riag the Fletchers ... the ecea
sloa also celebrated Mrs. Fletch
er's birthday , . .
Dinner boats . . . Sunday will
be Mr. and Mrs. Percy Thorn,
who are entertaining at their home
honoring their daughter, Anne,
who is being graduated as a dental
hygieniiT from the University of
Oregon Dental School in Portland
on June 12 . . . Miss Thorn at
tended Willamette University be
fore entering dental school and
has served as president of her
class this year ... she is a mem
ber of Alpha Kappa Gamma, na
tional dental hygiene sorority, and
will practice in offices of several
Salem dentists . . . Twenty guests
have been invited to the family
dinner including Miss Thorn's
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Her
man Thorn of Vancouver, Wash. . .
Coffee time . . . today when
Mrs. Glenn McConnlck and Mrs.
Frank V. Prime entertain a group
f friends at the former's King
wood Heights home . . . guests
have been Invited to call after 11
'clock . . .
A luncheon . . . will be given
by Kathleen Schmidt today at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Schmidt Jr., following the
graduation rehearsal at South Sa
lem High School . . . luncheon
will be served on the patio and
assisting the hostess will be her
mother and sister, Gloria . . .
Guests include the Misses Ann
Cates, Deanna Alexander, Zola
Peterson, Diane Meola, Arlene
Rybloom, Judy Shires and Jan
Bowe . . . several in the group
will be attending college come
fall . . . Kathleen has received a
scholarship to Bob Jones Univer
sity in Greenville, S.C. . . . Zola
also has a scholarship and will
attend Howard Payne College in
Brownwood, Texas . . . Ann and
Diane plan to attend OCE . . .
Arlene will go to Portland State
and Deanna ''Will enter OCE or
Pacific University . . .
A dancing party ... is on the
agenda for tonight when Ann Hal
vorson and Linda Noland enter
tain a group of their McKlnley
classmates at the Andrew Halvor
aon home in Ben Lomond Park . . .
Twenty-four have been invited to
the party, which will celebrate
their graduation from McKlnley . . .
A farewell luncheon . . . will
honor Miss Myrtle Weatherholt on
Saturday when members of the
Salem Business and Professional
Women's Club entertain with a no
host party at Randall's Chuck
Wagon at 1 o'clock . . . Miss
Weatherholt who has been on the
staff of the Oregon State Library,
is leaving in mid-June for Cali
fornia to make her home . . . she
was recently elected vice-president
of the Salem BPW club . . .
Honor guest ... at an au revolr
coffee oa Friday will be Mrs.
Philip Hawley, who Is leaving for
Let Angeles to make her home . . .
Mrs. James Lisa and Mrs. Harold
G. Maison will be hostesses for
the party with neighbors ' and
friends Invited to caU between 10
S 1 o'clock at the Linn home
a Holiday Drive . . . Mrs. Roy
Ferris and Mrs. John Kolb will
preside at the coffee urns and
Mrs. Richard Taggesell and Mrs.
Daniel J. Fry Jr. will greet guests
at the door ...
Dinner hosts . . . Friday night
will be Dean and Mrs. Melvin H.
Gelst, who have invited a few
friends to a buffet dinner at their
Fairmount Hill home . . .
Spring Brook . . Garden Club
members will meet for a no-host
luncheon on Friday at Meier and
Frank's Oregon Room and later
will attend the Rose Show . . .
To fete husbands . . . Mrs. Rich
ard BaHantyne has invited mem
bers f her bridge clnb and their
husbands to a no-host dinner and
bridge party Saturday night at
their borne on Sonora Way . .
Covers will be placed for Dr. and
Mrs. Gordon Cooley, additional
guests . . . Mr. and Mrs. James
Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Houck,
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Smith, Dr.
and Mrs. Murray Schofield, Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Ramey, Mr. and
Mrs. Alrln Bauer, Mr. and Mrs.
George Norrls and the hosts . . .
Visitors ... in the capital this
week are Mr. and Mrs. William
H. Paulus of San Jose, former
Salem residents . . . they have
come north for the graduation of
their son, William G. Paulus, from
Willamette University Law School
on Sunday ...
Arriving . . . in the capital this
weekend was Jim Burke, son of
Mrs. Doaald Burke, who has Just
completed his freshman year at
Brm University. Providence, MX
. . . he was accompanied west by
bis roommate, Walter Brothers of
Greenwich, Conn., who wffl spend
the summer in Salem at the Burke
homo ... the two will return to
Brows University in September ...
Students Appear
In Song Recital
Mrs. Frank Burlingham will pre
sent her voice students in a song
recital Sunday afternoon, June 8,
at the Roberts Studio at 2 o clock.
Assisting on the program will be
Lois Plummer Schmidt, pianist.
Parents and friends of the students
are invited to attend.
Appearing on the program will
be Jeanne Elam, Sara Beth Ander
son, Cynthia Kaufman, with Anne
Kaufman, accompanist, Gloria
Jean Schmidt, June Stevenson,
Linda Sebum, Judy McClelland,
Nancy Jo Smith, Judy Winter and
Deanna Alexander.
Attend Graduation
MT. ANGEL Mrs. Grace Trae
ger and Miss Margaret Traeger,
accompanied by Sister Antoinette,
OSB and her companion, Sister M.
Paula, OSB, motored to Olympia,
Wash., on May 30 to attend the
graduation exercises at St. Mar
tin's College. Thomas Traeger,
son and brother, was among 'the
graduates, receiving his B.A. de
gree in industrial relations. Tom
returned home with his family for
a weekend visit, but left again
Sunday to return to his work -in
Olympia, where he is employed
by the State Unemployment Divi
sion. Chairmen Appointed
XI Lambda chapter of Beta Sig
ma Phi met at the home of Miss
Hattie Bratzel for the final meet
ing of the season. Mrs. Billy 0.
Bishop, the new president, an
nounced her committee chairmen
for the coming year as follows:
Miss Martha Lierly, ways and
means; Mrs. Donald Parker, so
cial; Mrs. Gus Hewitt, publicity;
Mrs. John Ellis, program; Mrs.
Jack Kailey, contact; and Mrs.
Burl Cox, service.
PEDEE Visitors at the C. L.
Burbank home over the weekend
were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Turner
and Kent, Vancouver, Wash.; Mr.
and Mrs. Ira Dueltgen, Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Frey, Mrs.
Winnie Fletcher, Mrs. Maxine
Preim and two children, Mr. and
Mrs. Merrill Amort, all of Salem;
Mr. and Mrs. W. Troy Turner, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Ronco and three
children, Mrs. Thera Womer and
Nola, aU of Pedee; Albert Ronco
and Arthur, Newberg.
SHERIDAN More than twenty
Rainbow Girls of the Sheridan
Assembly ' will attend Oregon's
Grand Assembly session in Albany
next Sunday,- Mondays, and Tues
day. They will be accompanied by
Mrs. Fern Eberhart and Mrs. Rob
ert Hughey as chaperones and
their mother advisor, - Mrs. Les
Mrs. Holmes
Will Honor
Oregon's First Lady, Mrs- Robert
D. Holmes, will entertain delegates
to the State Democratic Women's
Conference at tea this afternoon
from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock at the
governor's home, 695 N. Summer
All Interested Democratic women
and especially precinct committee-
women are invited to attend.
Mrs. Holmes will receive with
Mrs. Thomas Scales of Sandy,
state Democratic vice-chairman
and general chairman of the con
ference. Mrs. Kenneth Johnson,
newly elected president of the Mar
ion County Jane Jefferson Club,
will greet guests at the door.
Pouring will be Mrs. Robert
Duncan, Medford, Mrs. W. O.
Lindquist, Aurora, Mrs. Albert
Logan, Corvallis, Mrs. George
Kouns, Albany, Mrs. Dolly Fess-
ler, Prineville, Mrs. Robert Jor
dan, Portland, Mrs. Dave Epps,
sweet Home, Mrs. Edward Adel
sheim, Portland, Mrs. Howard
Russell, Eugene, Mrs. C. Girard
Davidson, Portland, and Mrs.
Dewey Rand, Salem.
Members of the local Jane Jef
ferson. Club will be hostesses for
the conference at the hotel and
will assist at the tea.
Sen. Ohmart
Is Speaker
Senator Lee Ohmart was the
guest speaker at the meeting of
the Pettycoat Pollys on Tuesday
at the home of Mrs. Del Milne.
The subject of his talk was "Re
publican Talking Points."
Guests attending were Mrs. John
Craigen, Mrs. Warren Doolittle and
Mrs. Kenneth Prouty.
The group made plans to spon
sor a flag sale on June 13 with
Mrs. Ted Morrison in charge. The
Pettycoat Pollys will be in charge
of the Republican booth at the state
fair and members are busy typing
precinct lists for Marion County
with Mrs. Charles Campbell in
Carver Home
Scene of Rites
FALLS CITY-Event of May 29
was the wedding of Miss Linda
King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Chester King, and Dean Carver,
son of Mrs. Vernice Carver, which
took place at the Carver home
with Rev. Claude Wells of Dallas
The bride, given in marriage by
her brother-in-law, Lloyd Graham,
wore a white afternoon gown and
carried a white Bible. Her only
attendant was her sister. Miss
Sara King, who wore a navy blue
chemise dress with a white carna
tion corsage. Roy Carver was best
man for his brother. "
A reception followed the rites.
After a wedding trip along the
coast the couple will be at homo in
Falls City.
LYONS Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Stockwell and children from Prine
ville were Friday guests at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Art Ayers. His mother Mrs. Ina
Stockwell who has been visiting at
the homo of her son returned to
her home here. Mrs. Mary Fuqua,
Portland, is visiting the Van Pnch
ards. LINCOLN Jerry Brog, county
agent of Coquille, accompanied by
his wife. Mrs. Brog and sons.
Steven and Alan, has been a house
guest at the home of his mother,
Mrs. Freda Brog for a week. They
left Friday enroute to Ridgefield,
Wash., to visit Mrs. Brogs" re
latives for a week.
Juniors Meet Chemise Half Way
- r
. owJ'Ti!-.
if ,
f t ;
W ''tf . $ 2
hi t I 51 ?i
1 :fCA . 1
V'.'- i
Two" Ways to Look this Summer: Juniors like both the full skirt and the chemise, as illustrated
by these two popular styles, both using the ribbon trim so important currently. At left is
a red and white polka-dotted organdy full skirted dress with a sailor collar and contrasting
hemline accented by navy grosgrain ribbon. At right, late day chemise in white Chantilly
lace, with a wide band of pale blue satin ribbon at the waistline of the taffeta slip be
neath, peeping through the lace.
Annual Club
Picnic Set
Salem Junior Woman's Club
members and families will gather
at 1:30 Sunday afternoon at Para
dise Island for the annual club pic
nic. Eacn members is axed to
bring a hot dish, salad or dessert
and their dwn table serivce. Cof
fee and soft drinks will be fur
nished by the club.
The committee headed by Mrs.
William Cal Curtz, promises fun
for all with special games for the
children. Members of the commit
tee include Mrs. Victor Berning,
Mrs. Glenn Patton, Jr., Mrs. Pat
ricia Murray, and Mrs. Wayne
In the event of rain, the picnic
will be postponed till June 29.
Engagement of
Couple Told
HUBBARD Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Brown announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Muriel
Jane, to James David Myers, son
of Mr. and Mrs. James Myers,
Aurora. No wedding date has been
set, "
Miss Brown graduated from
North Marion Union High School
last week and plans to attend busi
ness college in Salem next fall.
Mr. Myers will be a junior at Ore
gon State College next fall.
WILLAMCMA The American
War Mothers entertained their
Gold Star Mothers with a tea at
the VFW,halL War Mothers who
are also Gold Star Mothers are
MrsvB. B. Ham, Mrs. O. W. Mag
nuson and Mrs. Ray Morrison.
Good Sports Have
New Officers
Mrs. Donald Geister was elected
president of the Good Sports' Club,
and Mrs. Ernest Kreft secretary
treasurer. George P. Gorn and
May E. Cleveland are retiring of
ficers. The club acts as an auxiliary to
the Indoor Sports Club, whose
membership is limited to the
handicapped. The Good Sports
Club provides transportation to the
handicapped, serves food at their
meetings and cleans up afterwards.
Object of the Good Sports Club
is . to encourage the handicapped
to attend social gatherings and
outings which axe planned espe
cially for them. It is affiliated
with the International Good Sports
Club. The Indoor Sports Club re
placed the old Chin-up club organ
ized many years ago.
Both groups are soliciting new
members, according to Mrs. Geis
ter. To Honor Breedens
BUENA VISTA Open house Is
being held at theifarker ichool
house Sunday, June t honoring
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Breeden of
Buena Vista on their twenty-fifth
wedding anniversary. Friends are
invited to call between 1 and 4
Mr. and Mrs. James Chambers,
(Barbara Dabacon) of Gervais are
the parents of a girl named Rob
bin Earline. She was born May 28
at the Woodburn hospital and
weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
William Chambers of North Plain,
Oregon and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Dabacon of Gervais.
Golden Age Club, YWCA, 1:30 p.m.
only IQ) 1
H beats it sweeps
, . . as it cleans
2 Wcf Al0rer
Aufomofie -Shift
Throw-away Bofl
McJ.rn Sfyling
see -
Hear -fiES
JH'ir Friday & j
j Window
j Monday !
I .'Til !
. . !
Silverton- Mt. Anael SlltJ
450 Court Street, Salem
EM 3-9185
Live Y'er's to Game
Members of the Live Y'er's Club
will attend the Friday evening
baseball game between the Salem
Senators and. the Lewiston Broncs.
In the event of rain, a sports night
will be held at the YWCA instead.
Meeting time is 7:15 p.m. Friday
at the YWCA. Single men and
women between the ages of 18 and
35 are welcome as participants in
all Live Y'er activities.
Capital Unit, American Legion
Auxiliary Initiated new members
at the Monday evening meeting at
the Legion Club.
The sixteen new members are
Mesdames Harvey Holbert, Rich
ard Hoover, Leo Kilian, Larry
Candell, Wilbur Schenk, Robert
Crawford, Fredrick Fischer, Henry
Hobson, E. H. Kennedy, Allen C.
Jones, E. H. Boxby, (Joseph H.
Quinn, Ralph E. Stanton, Virgil
Parker, Charles Johnson and R. H.
Chairman of the initiating team
was Mrs. Austin Wilson, assisted
by Mrs. Anson Ingels, depart
ment president; Mrs. James Gar
son, District Two president; Mrs.
Lue A. Lucas, Mrs. Glen Holman,
Mrs. Frank Waters and Mrs.
Helen McLeod.
Mrs. John Wood, Girls State
chairman, asked members to do
nate cookies and flowers for the
Girls State session on Willamette
University campus beginning June
16. These are to be taken to Lau
sanne Hall on the campus opening
Mrs. Arthur Weddle. unit Dresi
dent, anonunced the board meeting
for June 9 at her home and she in
vited board members to dinner
at 6 p.m.
New officers will be installed at
the next meeting, June 16.
Two Are High in
Senior Division
Mrs. W. E. Kimsey and Mrs.
M. Cline were winners at the
Knights of Columbus Duplicate
Bridge Club on Thursday in the
senior division. Others winning
points were Mr. and Mrs. E. P.
Stewart, Mrs. Asa I. Eoff and Mrs.
Leona E. Taylor, Mrs. Walter
Barsch and Zelda Borinc. and
Walter Cline and Mrs. Edward
In the Junior division winners
were Mrs. Charles McElhinny and
Mrs. A. L. Elvin, with Mrs. G. P.
Haley and Mrs. R. J. Marker,
Mrs. Roger Archer and Shirley
Kay, and Mrs. John Caughell and
Mrs. Henry Kropp also winning
Statesman, Salem, Ore, Thurs., June 5, '58 (Sea II)-1S
Farewell Tea
Given by Group
The.O-Ki-Hl 6th grade Camp
Fire group from Englewood com
bined a farewell tea and one of
their requirements for firemaker's
rank at their guardian's home,
Mrs. Virgil Pade.
Those participating in this event
were Dianne Skew is, Susan
Bourne, Jean Hunter, Dorothy Lin
nell, Patricia McCoy, Rose Ellen
Pade, Paula Riches and Mrs.
Guests attending were Principal
Mrs. Jess Daugherty, Mrs. Jacob
Fox, Mrs. Pearl Cleaver, Mrs.
Beth Steveley, Mrs. Florabell Sell,
Mrs. Helen Addison, Miss Erma
Hanna, Mrs. G. W. Wharton, Mrs.
James Singleton, Mrs. Pat Brutka,
Mrs. Hazel Westphal, Miss Wilson,
Mrswunams, Mrs. Laura Eaton,
Mrs. Beryl LaMar, Mrs. Hallock,
Mrs. Barbara Olson, John Cage,
Jack Holt and Robert Albritlon.
Four of the girls in the group
who are taking their 1st torch
bearer rank in citizenship, held
a dessert party for others in the
group. Decorations, food and en
tertainment was based on the two
holidays, Memorial Day and Flag
Annual Spring
Musicale Tonight
The studio division of the Mor
rell Organ Company will present
their annual spring musicale at
Roberts Studio tonight at 7:45 p.m.
Students participating in the organ
and piano program will be Cath
erine Flesher. Ann Der thick. Car
rie Freeman, Jonna Strong, Julie
Cross, Doreen Worthington, Susan
Porter, Barbara Behm, Roby Ed
wards, Tom Cattrall, Lois Swain,
Bob Beardsley. Miss Mary Suing
and Mrs. Breta Chambers.
The interested public is invited
to attend the program and a re
ception which will follow. Coun
selors are Pat Kemper, Alena
Friesen and David Louthan.
LYONS Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Hurst and family have moved to
their new home near Silverton,
where they have brought some
acreage. Mr. Hurst is eighth grade
teacher at the Marl-Linn school.
Mrs. John Beals are announcing
the engagement of their daughter,
Sharon Louise to James VanLoan,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Van
Loan of Corvallis.
Miss Beals graduated from the
Silverton Union High School and
is presently a junior at Oregon
State College, majoring in home
economics. She is a member of the
Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Mr. VanLoan is a freshman at
Oregon State College following his
military service.
No date has been set for the
Piano, Accordion
Recital Held
Duane and Louise Hunsaker pre
sented a group of piano and ac
cordion students in recital June 1
in the chapd of First Evangelical
United Brethren Church.
Those playing piano solos were
Roger Bonner, Ray Colson and
Dick Jones. Those playing ac
cordion solos and participating in
the ensembles were Barbara Mur
rtn, Owen McAdams, Mike Hauge,
Pam Tiano, Carolyn Muller, Con
nie Evensizer, Annie Laurie Bur
gess, Kathryn Buxton, Linda
Hydes, Eric Calaba, Lynford
Buren, Robert Brown, Joy Ledger
wood, Lorna Klampe, Sally Jo
Anderson, Eric Setala, Tommy
Gardener, Gary Panissidir Joyce
utterDacK, Kelly Davis.
Cotton Pickers Elect
Cotton Pickers Square Dance
Club will meet at the West Salem
Hall on Saturday, June 7 with Neil
Brown directing. The host com
mittee includes Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Smith and Mr. and Mrs.
William Rector. Newly elected of
ficers of the group are Robert
Chown, president; Milo Grubb,
vice-president; Mrs. Glen Wyatt,
secretary treasurer; Lionel
Trommlitz, Glade Follis and Rich
ard Smith, board members.
! The Sale
' You Always
'Wait For!
ENORMOUS SAVINGS I Sav on vast selection of Towns Shop quality
merchandise specially priced because we must clear our stocks prior to the . .
arrival of early fall merchandise.
Values from 14.95 to 25.00
One full racki selected from regular stock. All
new spring and summer dresses in cottons,
orlons, drip drys, jerseys. Junior, regular and
Vi sizes. '
Values to 89.95
Famous label coats drastically reduced for
this event. Virgin wools, silk tweeds, linens,
cottons and imported ribbons Nate'..
and more
Better Dresses VzrVi Off!
Famous designer dresses in this group.
: 168 to 29
Values to 49.95
Famous label suits in rayon Cruisaline, Fab-
rex, Cotton and Orion, Rayon and silk, combed
cotton. Wonderful for vacation wear!
$38 $48 $68
Were $55 to $125
Wool and silk coutourier designs, chemise,
demi-fitted, blouson and fitted styles. Import
ed Dupioni silks, fine imported and American,
woolens; checks, soft tweeds, lightweight wor
sted. Black, navy, new solid colors and pat
terns.. Regular, junior and half sizes.
All Spring and Summer Hats reduced to clear.
All sales final. Sorry, no mail and phone orders, no C.O.D.s. Not every stylo in ovary six or color.
Charge Accounts Welcome
The Towne Shop