Foreign Mission Term Junked by Presbyterians By GEORGE W. CORNELL AP Religion Writer PITTSBURGH (AP) - A tie. new Protestant church Friday tossea ine oia words, "foreign missions," out of 'its institutional vocabulary and set a fresh ap proach toward work toother lands and witn otner unnstians. The action came at the found' ing assembly of the United Pres. byterian Church in the U.S.A. anarp, lenginy aeoaie arose over a phase of the plan involving future Protestant unity efforts, but the label, "foreign missidns" was enthusiastically ditched as a car ryover of , Western paternalism. "In areas where we serve, there is a suspicion of anything for eign, ' said tne Kew Dr. Harold B. Walker, of E v a n s t o n, 111., in presenting the reorganization plan. He added: "The movement for independence and self-determina tion is abroad in the world. Au tonomous churches have devel oped in areas that used to 'be the mission responsibility of Church. Guest, Fellow Workers "We must recognize that we are euests and fellow workers. The clash came over a proposal that would have assigned the task of seeking further church unity to- a new Commission on Ecu menical Mission and Relations, which also takes over the former foreign mission work. The Rev, Dr. Harrison Ray Anderson of Chicago led a successful revolt against the plan, proposing in stead a separate committee under direct control of the assembly to handle the unity-promoting lob. "I'm opposed to building up centralization and too mucn pow er in the various boards and agen cies." he said. "The continual flow toward concentration of pow er has got to stop," He also said the new agency handling mission work would Jiave so much to do that the task of seeking closer interchurch rela tions would not get sufficient attention. Others argued the two jobs Were intermeshed. After a tempestuous session, in which a dozen speakers joined in the affray, delegates voted 460-441 to approve Dr. Harrison's amend ment. Term, 'Foreign' Obsolete As for the onetime foreign mis sionary enterprise, a report said: "The term 'forlien' is obsolete for the church.'!! "No longer is It accurate or fit ting to imply that a one-way force of Westerners are being sent to dispense Christianity to foreign lands, the report said, for these lands already have growing churches of their own. "Today only a total witness given by all ths churches together is adequate, the report said. "Between the parts of the church there is a dynamic interchange . . . each learns from the other." As a result, the newly unified Presbyterian Church has set- up a plan for dropping foreign missions boards of both former branches, and fusing them into a new agen-. cy to be called: Commission on Ecumenical Mission and Rela tions. "Ecumenical" is the general term used to denote, the move ment for Christian cooperation and unity. No Letup la Scope Establishment of the revamped agency doesn't mean any letup In the scope of the church's work overseas. In fact, a record budget of nearly 11 million dollars is pro posed for that purpose in 1959. At present, the church has more than 1,400 missionaries in 39 coun tries. But the new policy care fully avoids any implication that they're running the show, any more. They're to be called "fra ternal workers." Meanwhile, the new denomina tion of more than three million Presbyterians worked at the enor mous task of overhauling their or ganizational machinery to unite their formerly independent agen cies. Delegates also took up a rec ommendation to authorize a board of national home missions to borrow up to 10 million dollars from banks or other private tources to meet the swelling de mand for new churches. 100 Oiiplty Clatiifiad SINGER SEW4XJG MACHINE CLEARANCE SALE . USED MACHINES DUE TO THE SUCCESSFUL. SALE OF OUR SLANT O ' MATTC, WI ARE OVERSTOCKED ON USED MACHINES I, ' HIRE'S WHAT WE PROPOSE TO DO TO CUT OUR INVENTORY! 1 ELECTRIC CONSOLES ...... ONLY $9.50 Soms hav reverse stitch. FuU set of accessories. Lsrg Selection from which to chops. Shop early for th beat buys. ' ELECTRIC CONSOLES.....: ONLY $14.95 Soma fully equipped with attachments lc button holer' SPECIAL OFFER $49.50 DISqOUNT NEW SINGER SWING NEEDLE AUTOMATIC Sale Good for This Week Only 130 N. LIB IERTY STATESMAN JOURNAL WANT . AD ; : ' "" Order your ad for six days to aualify- for the lowest ratel- CluHsified Index for your convenience nds r jlaced under general nearitnas -in in numerical order .UO-PEKaONAli Funeral Director In Memorrain Lost and found Meeting Notice! Obltuartea Notices Peruma) Stampa and Coine Transportation . ,0V- -AUK1CUL1 UKE Auction Sale Farm Equipment Fond Column Fertilizer .- , Lawn si Garden Livestock For Sal . Livestock Wanted Pets Poultry k Rabbits Sea Food! Seeds at. Plant 150 MLKChANUlSE Household Goods Appliances Clothing .451 .4tl Bicycles Building Materials Boating . Do It Yourself .470 .483 ..476 Floor Covering 474 For Rent Miscellaneous 481 For Sale Miscellaneous 480 Machinery k Tool 48t) Fuel . 490 Miscellaneous 484 Musical Instruments 451 OMIce Supplies .. 460 Photoe-raphj 485 Plumbing. Heating 472 Sewing Machine! 4M Sports Squipment 464 Trade Mitcel aneoua 412 TV and Radio 486 Wanted Household Goods 4(3 wanted 'Machinery Too la . 48 Wanted Miscellaneous 483 AO-BUSINESS ANO FINANCE Investments -.111 ...111 Loins Wanted Money to Loan iOO-EMPLOVMENT Babysitting (Your Home .115-A Child Care ..ill Commission Work 60S Day or Contract 630 Employment Arencles 616 Education .. 111 Help Wanted -.10 Help Wanted. Lady 106 Help Wanted, Man 604 Job Information . 17 , Pickers Wsnted 608 Sales Help 110 Work Wsnted, Lady. 614 ' Work Wanted, Man .. . 617 700 RENTALS Apartments For Rnt70l Business Rentals ... 71l Convalescent Homes 111 Duplexes .Toll Farm For Rant ....7M Furnished -707-A Houses For Rent 707 Moving and Storage 180 Resort Rentals 711 - Sleeping Rooms. Board 701 Wanted To Rent 70 Wanted Rent Ante. 711 Wanted To Rent Wanted Rooms, Board . 70S Houses 110 DOO-HEAI. ESTATE ! Ruilneaa Onnori'initla Ml Business Property . Ml Coast Property 111 Exchange Real Estate 111 Farms For Sal 110 House For Sale IM Insurance , , 121 Lota For Sale 80S Retort Property .111 .103 Suburban Wanted Real Estate .All 850 AUTOMOTIVE House Trailers ,., 151 " i Heavy Equipment 855 Aircraft .... 860 Motorcycles - 885 Auto Parts k Repair... 870 Auto Miscellaneous .... 872 Wanted Cars-Trucks .... 874 Trucks, Trailers for sal 676 Auto-Truck Rentals 818 New Cars 880 Foreign Can 882 Used Cars 888 Like Magic Classified Ads EM 4-6811 100 Piiplay CUuified ON EM 3-3512 Classified Advertising Statesman - Journal ,.. Newspapers PHONE EM 4-6811 IN Church It Nl LOCAL RATES WEEKDAYS Oaya 1 S 8 It Line 40 M M 32 U 30 3i TOTAL CHARGES per line 1 time 40 33 per line 1 times 11.05 M uer line I times .11.80 11.40 per line 1 mo 18.60 Unci Sun.) (Mia. 1 lines), s Weekday i as gun. toe pei une per paper Clarified ads will be run in both papers to give advertis er the advantage of the tre mendous combined circula tion! "vv'nen an ad is ordered three, or six times snd a ounda) iwue is included Hor example Friday. Saturday, Sunday the lower Sunday rates apply be- . cause unly The Statesman pub lishes Sundays , Claeailied ads will Hurt in the morning Oregon SUWsman. conclude in the evenin-C pi ta! Jourarl - out ads will b accepted tor Sunday States man only The deadline tor classified ads . Is 1:00 pjn the Bay before publication except (or Sunday when deadline is 8 JO pjn Friday Emergency sds and mall Una ads received after 1.00 p.m weekdays and until 12. noon Saturday lor Sunday may be placed in the 'Too Late to Claesifv" column. Ad for Monday papers mult Da in oy e pjn saturaaj. 1 he Statesman - .Journal News papers assume r.o financial re sponsibility for errors which may appear tn advertisements fiublished in its columns and n cases where this papr is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake oc cur and la reaponsibl tor oniy one incorrect insertion . "Blind" Ad an ad contain- In a Statesman - journal Newspapers box number for an aaaresa ia tor me oro taction of the advertiser- and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Journal Newspapers sre not at liberty to divulge informa tion as to tne identity or an advertiser usin a "Blind" ad Kdt in other column which re quire inveatment in stocK. samples, equipment or cash bond should b thoroughly Investigated before paying out any money. s Advertisers re quiring a cash Investment for aamplei or merchandise, sales aids; etc., must so specify In their sas. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES 10 protect its reaoers against fraud, deception, or injuries. Readers sre cautioned to msk NO PAYMENTS to Set DO- ition advertised tn the help wanted columns. All Jtalp wanted ad MUST SPECIF1? THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Sale help wanted ad must state If the pay la tn the guarantee, or Include firm name, aim requiring appli cant to buy merchandise from company and re -sell should appear under "Dealers Agents wanted" olssslfiestion. Bona fide offers of employ ment with pay belong to the "Help Wanted columns. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED 1 Too Late to Classify IRONING in my heme 50c nr. EM 4-4868. ALL. tvoei of black too paving, pec. m orive ways, psraiua areas, parking lots. All work guaranieea, s-suu. MAN, with car; full or part- time. An no handicap if able- bodied. WATKINS. Apply to II A.M., 1135 S.. Commercial St. STRAWBERRY Pickers wsnted. irrlgsted berries. Clean field. Good yield. EM 2-8394. WANTED Sunday berry picker June i. uig oemes, neavy crop, out Silverton Rd, Vi ml. West snd 1 ml. South Central Howell Sen. Watch for aigns, W. Haverson. Rt. J, Box 541, Salem. EM 4-1309. STRAWBERRY pickers wanted, clean Marshalls, if no trsns. call EM 2-7203 First house W. Fruitland Church. .. PICKERS urgently needed, start June i. 1 A. nw oernes. J. A. Ramaeyer 114 ml. E. on Lardon Lane EM 4-1825. NEED PICKERS MON. JUNE 2. run s tun ran ackb, m.w. STRAWBERRY CROP. NO WAITING TO CASH TICKETS. WE PAY 25c CASH FOR EA. CARRIER. TURN. WEST AT KEIZER, FOLLOW YELLOW LINE iV, MI. TO WEATHERS DUST PLANT. NO, TRANS. FURN. EM 2-3348 OR EM 4-1108. PICKING SUN. VIC WILLIAM SON. HAZEL, GREEN DIS DISTRICT. PICKING starts Mon. June 2. Fields located lk mi. East of Brooks. Sign on corner SUM MERS, EM 2-1130. Also pick ers (or bus plstoon EM 4-7650. HSEKKPR. k companion for semi invalid lady. Good home, pay. EM 4-8142 alter I p.m. EXP. cple to manage mod. apt. hse. State age, qualification. Statesman-Journal Box 388. PRIVATE party . wants good used carpeting. EM 2-3136. UNDERWOOD elee. typew excl. cond. $200. . EM 3-S WOMAN'S bebv length fur coat, size 12 to 14. Like new. 1115. EM 3-9888. ELEC. stove, very clean. 37.50. 615 Brsya. NICE custom, kidney shape davenpotr , mulberry EM 2-479 LET us buy your cherries on th trees, 2 trees or an orch ard. We pick and haul. EM 2-1518 or EM 4-9867. U-PICK Marshalls lc lb. Sun only W.F. Busch 1 ml E Brooks FOR Sal: 1 pr. green para keet with cage and stand 25. EM 1-8885, ' WEIMARANER pups. 4 mos. old AKC reg. priced to sen. neaoy to train. 4' mi.' N. of Wallace Rd. Rt. 1. Box 395, Salem. EXTRA nice Boston terrier pup. pies aku reg. mm z-bbm. AKC German shepherd female, 3 mos. snow quality, v. naig ler. 551 Arcadia Dr. Eugene, Ora. DI 1-2267. , NEW slngl 4-wheel horse trailer covered, ngnt. aieai. oiu a. Pacific Hwy. NEW I eu. ft. refrig, wide freezer, 125. New au cnannai TV. $IZS W lb. reg. Hamp hire lamb 13. New all metal light I wheel JtraUer, 4x1' with oc:tt. hitch, 656. New I cyl. Dodge mtr. warranty, 190 ft other - new part to fit any Dodge or Ply from 139 to '13. EM 4-2324. Mr. tove, Rt 5 Box 176. 67 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. Custom Suburban 1055 Hickory St. 50 PONTIAC 2-dr. radio, fieater, 1183. 3157 PortUnd Rd. FOR sale '53 Chev pickup, Gd. cona. km a-wuv. as BTJICK Centurv Sd. A.l , thru out 1400 equity. Pymt. 43. me. wm tax gooa outer car for equity. EM 4-4007, 49 CHEV. "a ton, radio ft hatter 4 sd.. olstform bed. directional lights, electric brake.. Art. shape ,.,. 1495 48 CHEV. ft Ton. 3 sp. ilf) 2 FORD VV Ton. 4 sp. . $185 38 Chev, lis T., flat bed lie. 150 . ART'S USED CARS ( 315 So, Lancaster ) Open eve. ft Suni. 20 A! cherries ft walnuts! 129,500. 315,000 cherry croo on tree. Thornwall 3-4240. Sheri dan. Ore. m a BDRM. hit. I4980 Down pay. mentl EM 2-8836 EM I-8W6. (TATS employee desire 1 bdrm hse. In Salem. EM 4.3530. 1 BDRM. auto, washer, dryer, T.V. antenna, at gar. EM 41463. 1 RM. furn. gar. hae. Water turn,, adults, no dogs, 825. EM 1-5838. FOR LEASE: Clean modern t bdrm. home on 8.10 A. at 3150 Monroe. 175 mo. First k last mo. now. Rf. required. Will ahow between I A.M. k t f.M. on June Ind. $60 REDEC. 1 bdrm. hardwood. ol heat, fireplace, wired washer-dryer. EM 3-7036. $56 OLD on outside, mod., clean Inside, ranee, refrla. I bdrm 2 min. walk to Capitol shop, center. Rel. req. Phone EM 3-0971. 2 RM. turn. spt. $30 for 2, $25 lor i. wood, gar Dae. not cold water furn. EM 4-6233. CAN accom. 1 elderly lady in Private home. Expert care. lose to park. EM 4-1921. 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOSTi Black Kerry blue terrier since noon Tues. EM 3 1635. 314 Troniportotlon ELDERLY, man wants ride to Phoenix, Ariz., any day, good driver, ref. exchanged. EM 4.1815. 316 Personal BILLS? -BILLS? TOO many bills? Can't get a loans WE CAN HELP YOU I Save your Job and credit. Just 1 Mace to oay No . cost or obligation to discuss yofir problem. CREDIT CONSULTANTS -Dial 8alem, EM.8-6844 for info IF you're from Iowa . , . Meet th "folks from back home" at the Iowa State Reunion Picnic, June 7th, at Paradise Islands. 3 ml. 8E on Turner Rd. ll EM 3-7717 for more information. SALEM Fuel oil dealers will be closed. Sat. during June, July August, 1st, ind weeks in Sep tember, Emergency Numbers avsil. Salem Fuel Oil Deal, er Association. ELDERLY Men board, rm. Homey. TV. 1290 Chemekata. SPENCER Corietlere Miss Em ma Wuerdemann. EM 3-2864. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Sag S. Commercial, KM 4-1801. AIX20HOUCS Anonymous. M0 Marion EM 4U. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Sal AT stud, black Shetland stallion accommodation for big mares Ph. EM 2.3182. Rout I Box 102. BEAUTIFUL Apaloosa at stud for Sal or trad. See by appt. Phone eves. EM 4-0706 or Sil- Verton TR 3-5127. GOOD kid' pony. 175. 4 yr. dark-brown mar, gentle. PH. 7431, 844 Corby, Woodburn. CHILDREN'S very good pony, sorrel mare, approx. 600 lbs. 7 yr. old. Bring your children out to ride. 1605 Boon Rd. EM 2-2782. BAY- part aaddl bred Good for adults. EM STOCK trailer, good cond., with directional ft atop lights, $65. EM 3-6972. BAY, A. for sal. Uncut clover, trade for what hav your sas s-iiii. 6HEEP SHEARING 20 yr. orof. aim. W. R. Marshall. 1040 N. Lancaster. EM 4-6641 FOR SALE, top reg. Hereford cows ft yearling heifers, horn ed. EM 3-8536, EM 2-3645. Horso Shoeing, anywner Geo. Penfold, KM 4-3497 403 Livestock Wanted CATTLE Snethen 4105 Silverton Rd. EM 2-1345 or EM 2-4360. CATTLE buyer. A, F. Somraer, 6395 Dallas Rd. EM 4-9067. MUYk'K Claud Edward. Rt t. Bo B9E EM 4-1113 TOP cash prices at your place. Ray CozaL EM 4-3168 Collect. CATTLE horses, at your farm E. C. McCandilih. EM 1-8189. 405 Pots MALE Siamese Kittens, broken. EM 3.3956. hse. MOORE PETS Small parrot, cockatlel, rare parakeets, canaries, talking Mynah, birds boarded, sup plles. Open eves. 4005 State. CUTS kittens free. Long fur. I wks. old. EM 4-6484. SPRINGER spaniels 4 mos. old. Extra nice. Reas. EM 4-2461. DOG OWNERS: ATTENTION LEARN how to train your dog. ami oocmence viesa aians June 11. For Information- call Ray Hoffman. EM 8-0604. PUPPY Farm: stylish purebred vi ivrrivra, jbn. ancpneru collies, Soottiea, Pekingese, Besgles, Welsh, Red Bon hunters,- Low Prices. Douglas Kennels. Scotts Mills, Ore. Take Hwy. 113 to Silverton, wmi. iiii. w lu GOOD home for collie in coun try. Loving care, good food, children' affection. BM I-3367. GIVE away 6 adorable kittens 6 wk. to gooa, nom. jcm 2-6948. 2 GERMAN Shorthalr male pup. a-,a mo. oe eacn. aim S-7UD1. 412 Food Column U-PICK Marshalls, Te. 4748 Bat ter ur. a. a. rieaier 4-3640. U-PICK asparagus 8c lb. bring containers, Geo. Asher farm. ursna island, . . YOU pick strawberries, or will pick ft deliver. EM 2-2836. STRAWBERRIES 1 Farley's 45 Farm Stsnd, now ooen dally," 10 a.m. until sold out. 1 ml. N. of Hayesville Sch. on old Hwy. 89 E. EM 2-2161. $830 avi SS.30 . cur was tewoN ; ::e':l. ;, ;iafi;Sisii ; ' v- S4.SS . a year trtut.aua iMpm. C..N"&?,Wcra, f30 .SAVI Vi BEEF 49c Cut ft wrapped. 4 to 8 mo. to STRAWBERRIES Freezer Ready 30 can-34',4c lb. order now. MAC'S MEATS LOCKERS 310 N. Liberty EM 4-7744 PASTEURIZED whole milk 2c 81 Homogenised 86c 'i gal : 44e Deery Oalry FM 1-3038 414 Pouftry ft RabbHi Custom Oretslng of Poultry ' We buy rabbi 'Iff its - Wing tnai. sas e-aui BABY ehlcks. Leihorn. Par. mentors, New Ramp. White Rock Cornish, dsn turkey poult evbl. Valley Farm Store. 420 Seeds ft Plants LARGE fuchsias. 3 for II. Be goniaa, geraniums, bedding plants., ac perennials, journen uardfoa. M 3-0692. 400 Agrlctiltnre 420 Seeds A Plants JAPANESE Iris In bloom. Ind hse. E. of Totem Pole. 4486 Hursl Oracli Rd. FREE $2.00 GIFT To each customer. Begonias, fuchsias, a Geraniums 3 tor II. Begoniaa 4 for $1. Fuchsia i basket $2.11 up. Blooming Be gonias in pot $1 up. Copley Uardens, 2665 E. Chcmawa ltd. LARGE Early tomato plants 12 a thousand, Sherwood Gardens, Marlon.Oregon. FA 7-1486. PANSIES, selling ouI.Vdoz.' tor lJ835Mldway Dr. EM 4-1221 GARDEN Tillers 11297507 Valley Farm. Store. FUCHSIAS, geraniums, tub be- Jonlas, 3 tor 81. Dahlia bulbs 1.50 doz. Merrill's Green- house, Brooks. FUCHSIAS. 3 forTt- Baikets, S3 up. uaraniums a lor si. uanua bulbj. Wards Gardens, 4380 Cherry Ave. " EGAN GARDENS BLOOMING PLANTS Dbl. Petunias, dahlias Geraniums, Wax Begonia Salvia, dwarf k tall s i I mi. N. of Kelzer Schl. on Salem-St. Paul Rd. NETTED Gem seed potatoes. 5230 Portland Kd'tM i-wi BEGONIAS, fuchsia, delphin ium, and bedding plants. For the best visit C I a g g e t t's Greenhouse. 4'4 miles N of Salem on Wallace Rd. Tu.n right at foot of bridge ia W. Salem. POTTED Garden, plants. Ann' Flower 3373 Wlmt. Dr. N. SEEDLING begonias, gersnlum begonias, ft fuchsias. Basket of all three. Kilber Nursery 111 Salem Height Ave. 422 Fortilizor MUSHROOM fertilizer, no weed t- fine for making new lawn. Also hav rich black manure. We del. anywhere. EM 2-0331 LOOSE atraw ft hav. also saw dust-chicken fertilizer only 'ac lb. Valley Farm Store. Ideal lor muicning. FERTILIZER del. tk. load 7 or Sk, 50C. EM 4-0393 Or EM 4-3121 ROTTED manure, sack or yd. Phillip Bros. PH. EM 4-3081. CLEAN rotted iswdust, Mil by yaro. cm s-tws. BARNYARD fartllller with aw dust, 13. Ton, delivered, mini mum 3 Ton load. Ph. 413 J.. inaepenaence. 450 Merchandise 451 Housoheld Goods $ BE THRIFTY $ BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES Armless Daveno 19.50 Door Mirrors, Whit or natural rrames Box Sprint and innerspring mat tress $17.88 Round Oak Dining Set ..... $17.95 9 x12' Linoleum Rug $3.99 Reconditioned and guaranteed Range and Refrigerators, $ Piece ehrom set .... $14.38 Sfa.a4 1 IwaAa: 515 S. COM'L PH. EM 4-3319 COMPLETE bdrm. eat, inej. matt, ft spring $60. Dining rm.. set $25. Twin bed spring 13. Kneehole desk $30. E5 4 0404 Eves. TWIN bed comp. $30. Child's play pen. 88. pc. aet match- Hl lUgl raace. $60. See at 4125 Apt. 4. EM 4-7841 Portland Rd MATTRESSES ft springs, $1 ft up H L. Stiff Used furniture Store. .175 N High. EM 3-1186 G.E. apt, size stove and 12 cu. ft. frig. B mo, old. Auto, washer and dryer recently overhauled, aacrlfic for quick ale. EM 3-0604. UNFINISHED furniture B stiff rurnitur to DAVENPORTS. 19.96 ft up H. L. Stiff Used Furniture Stor 175 N. High St.. EM 3-8188 NEW maple desk. $29.95. Bob' Aiase. Man. 270 s. Lioerty. EM 4-6371. 452 Appliance USED dinette sets, $18.98. Bob's Mds. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. G.E. range double oven k push Dutton. iin. nop 8 Mas. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. PRE-H0UDAY TV G.E. 17" Table AIRLINE 17" Table MOTOROLA 21" Table G.E. 21" Table , AIRLINE 21" Console AIRLINE 21" Console .. RCA 21 console MONTGOMERY WAKU 188 N. Liberty EM 3-3191 470 Building Materials C"rreted GALVANIZED ROOFING (Very Good Cond.) $7.00 SO. (While It last. Roof Truss, 20, 25 ft 20 ft. No. 2 ft btr. used lumber ... $33- 155 per M Used Pip, M to 4" ALSO Window. Doors ft - Insulation, E. S. RIFER & CO. 5650 Portland Rd. EM 4-0131 Closed Memorial Day Week End W UVIPROVE YOUR HOME mf r-'f " t ,i vi-i i unm - , nUai fci1 ' I - $125,000 in prizes offered in , "How's Your Home" Quiz Watch each TUESDAY'S PAPER for full Details MAKE THIS YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT HEADQUARTERS Shop thes Coiunuu iMiiy, 450 Merchandise 452 Appliances G.E. automatic washer. A 1 condition. 1138.85. Bob's Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Uberty. EM 4-U71 USED rcirigerators $18.25 k up. Al 'Laue, App. 2350 State St. USED ranges 129.98 as Laue. 2350 State St. UP. Al USED frcetera. Al Laue, 1350 au!t si. HOTPOINTuhbuttmrrgedlx. like new. EM 3-5202, I p.m. I 456 T.V. & Radio 18 DN. del. used TV. 141 ft up. S&H Grien Stamps. Master Service. 308 N. Com'l. YOU check 'cm free Ir buy 'em from me. Radio. TV: Hi Fl tuoea. CURTlis RADIO ft TV. 3135 D St. EM . 4-3781. sT in. capeheart, blonde oak table mod. T.V, 6J5. EM 2-0014. WE rent TV sets 110 MARRS., 1140 S. Corn7!. 458 Musical Instruments SEVERAL used electronic or gans from 495. Wiltsey Weath ers Muaic 470 N Capitol. LOWRIY ORGAN World' first spinet with big orgsn features, $1023, Wiltsey Weather Music, 470 N. Cspl- wi. 462 Wanted Hehld Goods MISC. Furniture wanted. Cour teous service. Ph. EM 3-60S6 IF you hv on item or a houseful of furniture to sell, call Bob's Merchandise Mart, 870 S. Liberty, EM 4-6371. HIGHEST cajh prices pd. for used TV. Hanaon TV 1643 S 12th. WE TOP THEM ALL CASH tor living rm. sets, bed rm. furn.. alee, rantfea. re friges, ruas heaters, baby turn TV sets, dining sets, maple furn. EM 8-8110. Glen Woodry iouo rt. summer. 463 Boatlno READY TO G0I 14 ft. BRYANT. Heavy duty TeeNee trailer, boat cover excel, cond. EM 2-1764 or EM 3-8632 For the Best Selection of NEW ft USED BOATS ft MOTORS GIL WARDS 280 Wallace Bd. EM 2 2471 BOAT dock for aalo. Slz 20x36 it. no voiumoia. MOST popular brands of motors. Boars ac coat Kits, rrospecting supplies. Archery supplies 20 pet. off to members of any archery club. Open 7-9 every day. We give SftH Green Stamp. Ph 2-8101 Woodburn, Delany'a Sporting Goods. SCOTT-Atwater. Faatest growing or In U.S.A. From 3 ho to the New Flying Scott 60 hp. Ask for demonstration. SHROCK'S 1371 Highland Ave. EM 2-1423 16 FT. boat, trailer, adj. roll. uiung oaa. Bit j-sioj. Turner 15' BOAT ft trailer. $100, term. jucgau -a used tar 1297 Si tat. 464 Sports Equlpmert WE pay Cash for used gun. moaern ana antique, ail type, Cascade Marc. 1230 Broadway. 466 Bicvctes SELL lrl'a Schwlnn blcycl. KXC cond. $35. EM 4-5853. 474 Floor Covering INLAID llfloleum. $1,28 q. yd. Bob' Mdse. Mart. 270 8. Lib. erty. EM 4-6371. 476 Do It Yourself FAINT Reg. $1.98 gal. outald white, 63.23 gal., 8 gal, tv lists, tp.u a 793 N. Lancaster Dr. flT 480 For Sale Miscellaneous FREE DIRT, U-HAUL . IM S-PWUB SPECIAL BUY until it gone. Black pip, S inch. Slightly rusty but use able. Come In ' and take a look. 278 N. Com'l. EM 3-4141, Judson'e. NEARLY new garden tractor ana aiiacnmemi, is. at 1176 Boone Rd IMA. reti KA. reirfr, $40, Lg. oil heater 1456 N. 16th, EM 3-6205. VIRGIN TOP SOIL Eves. EM 8-1875, day EM 3 6444 TYPEWRITERS, Adders, Safea, uesxs, cnairi, rues, Duplica tors ft Supplies. Expert repair service. Roen, 456. Court. EM 3-8773. BERRY carrier ready to- go. ssc ea. asm weer. km 4372. NEW special Electrolux," n 1 y 169.75. Phona Electrolux Corn. 1079 Broadway. EM 4-2239, or eves EM 4-0563. USED adding machines. Kay typewriter vo. ea) '.ourt. USED Tires. Bought 'and sold. i.yti s u.k, iiuDDer welders, 2305 No. Comm'l. EM 4-6033. WHAT to' do until the plumber oomvsr snut on ine waier but can you do it quickly? Judson'a supply a aturdy steel ahut off Key, fit any water meter, $2.65. Get your today EM 3-4141. 279 N. Com'l. A SPECIALIST DOES IT The price 1 right and th erv- ice is quick ana emcieni. For you people with pressure burn ers, call Judaon's for- Sum. V 171 N. Com'l. SMALL sleeping trailer. Alio Montg. ward portable aawing machine In carrying case. Exc. cond. 853 Jefferson St. NE. 470 Building Materials 10.000 FT. GD. Ind hand lumber. 2 X 4s, 8 x 6s, 6 x 6s, tongue ft groove flooring. C. F. Cath y, Scott Mill, Ore. FIELD FENCE. SPECIAL SALE. 3D" 12" Stay 114.88 38" 6" stay 811.68 20 ROD ROLLS Bargain p rites on steel post 7' Cedar post your choice 28c. C. G. LONG & SONS 1 mi. N. of Koiior EM 4-5081 ATTIC ventilation Condense, tion Control Co. EM 2-7629. 1 GD. uaed gas furnace ft con trols, heat 7 rm. hse. 238 8. Cottage. , 470 Building Materials 4 HOME IMPROVEMENTS 45Q Mcrcfandige 411 For Rgnt MitctlUnooui HOSPITAL bed 1 rollawai 1 u i P. . . . . . ' Dvua. n. u mil xurnuure wo. 490 Court St EM 3-8165 483 Wanttd Mtuetlanooui MAGAZINES ft newspapers waniara. cm s-ouiu. 414 Miiullinoowi LEAVINO OREGON MUST SELL G.E. refrig., 8.18. Hardrock maole desk 818. Thor lroner 140. Dbl. kitchen Ink .1. U ll.lhMM k...ln 111. Outbeard mtr. 125. CSll Mrt ..Grubb. EM 3-7250. DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CSES DR. HARRY 8EMLER. Dentist, Adoiph rildg., state ft com'l. Sts. Salem. Ph. EM 3-3311. 486 Machinery Tools SEVER AI used welders. See st 790 Stewtrt ttt. Ph. EM 4-H44. 490 Fuel HIGHWAY. FUEL CO. SAWDUST k WOOL .M J 6444 OLD fir wood, $10 cord In 3 cd loads, or 111 single cd. 2025 S, 12th. EM 3-8453. Elmer Boje. BOBS FUEL Fireplace wood our specialty k clean rotted sawduit EM 8-7604 CAPITOL FUEL CO . INC. MULCHING SAWDUST SLAB wood, mill woor", planer ends, sawdust, oak ft ash frpl wood. EM 3 7721 or EM 3-6034 1420 BROADWAY SPRING SPECIAL Mulch Sawdust Time Old growth Fir 8U Cord Block ft Slab. Osn Shepardi Salem Fuel EM 2-4031 ANDERSON'S Blabwood over I cord Id 820. EM 2-7751. RAY'S SAWDUST SERV. Mulching & Fuel SftH Green Stamps EM 3-5333 PLYWOOD cores. 3810 Garden Kd Slab wood. S.M 3-8254 FERN FUEL Clean t UNIT load slab wood 816; also dry aiao 3 unit zo. MA 81441. MA 3-2253 collect 500 Bus. & Finance 310 Money to loan COLONIAL Investment Co. Real property uns, ton tract rur chased. 687 Court. EM 4-2283. WE LOAN MONEY ON ALL ARTICLES OF VALUE RIFLES - SHOTGUNS RE VOLVERS DIAMONDS. JEWELRY MUSICAL IN STRUMENTS TYPEWRIT ERS TIRES POWER TOOLS. Star Exchange Loan Undsr New Courteou Management Bonded ft Slate Licensed 311 N. Commercial, Salem COMMERCIAL Residential MOIUfl Loan. IHTE I. EST RATES. CaU EM 4-4784. $30 TO $3000 to consouast paymei To reduce mont nniy pi payment OTo pay pesky bill wy Ira OTO ei extra cas PACIFIJ IC INDUSTRIAL- NDUSTI .L LOAM 118 Ubsrty EM 4-2203 CASH for Mtg. ft Contracts, Private money to loan., B. M. Maaon, W. B. Minlsr, 341 Che- mexeta. dm i-bi. PRIVATE money to loan, 8 pet. interest, en. em 3-0784. DEB'l Consolidation Christmas Ca.h Emergency need uis count Buying With CsihTax ea Borrow now on Furniture. Auto. Houa Trailer. EaulD- ment from Salem's oldest Home owned Loan company, men man one payment. OVER SO nare tn Salem and o year w sipsrwnna nmio A friendly office that eaa recognise and aolve iny prob lem. . ason-owing; as vnen st- tng CORPORATION 137 1 Com'l. St, Phone EM Mill 600 Employment 603 Help Wanfd CAPITAL Employment Agency 171 S K EM 2-0636 r. Dishwsiher, 25-45, hrs. 8-2 81.00 nr. F. ssleslady household 11.00 hr. , typist 80-80. gooa in mam, . Exp; Bklnr.;typlC IMeU5 EXP .w. opn F. neat houHkeeper, fend chH dren, Uv in . . 1108 M. Exp. hardware ssiesman 25-40 open 470 Building Material $ SAVE $ 200 amp. Circuit Bnsker "Boa, Bar, comp. w21 breakers S 65 52 sf. 10 yr. water haaUr 680 50 1Z-2 LOmex m roua 2c t 8" Kitchen Vent is . 313.50 4" solid fiber Pipe me it. Lighting fixtures reduoed 200 imp. mstsr Bs . aia m Jlxll (tatnlais Steel (Ink 837 80 :ie. Heaters, all mke cheap 4' caat iron Pipe TTc ft. i pc. Bath Set wtrlm 8100 H I Lomex in rolls ..... 8c ft. II H.P. Pump Panel 8150 alv. Cutter I8o ft Built-in oven, 4 burner 8202 Complete line ot el, heating, house wiring, plumbtag up pUes ft fixture. OPEN fHIDAT EVES. APEX ELECTRIC & PLUMBINU 1418 BROADWAV EM S-MN jWiPsljlTj CALI Make life ADDING MACHINES W sell, rent ft service all makes Roen. 436 Court. EM 3-6773. BOATING MARINE SPECIALTIES Open 10 to 10, 1200 N. Lancaster uuiiaing, repair, coating supplies BULLDOZING BiTLt.noziNfJTis. "per nr. EM a-avoa. CEMENTwdRai Patios, walks, drlvewaya, walls, prpt. serv I. Drake. EM 3-0603 CRANB SERVICE 25-TON Lornlne moto crane. Sa lem Sand ft Gravel. EM 2-2461. CUSTOM FURNITURE Custom Buljt. Repairing, Refin 1 h 1 n g. Exp, workmanship. NORCRAFT. EM S-5072. FLOOR COVERING NORRIS PAINT ft VARNISH CO. Floor-covering Dlv. qual ity installations. Lino, carpets, Asphalt ft Rubber Tile. Wj1 til. Vinyl Asbestos Tile In Stock. Free Estimate. EM 4-2272. GRAVEL ft TOP SOIL Fowltr's pit run gravel and good (lean top loll. EM 4-4747 INTERIOR DECORATOR JACK BECK - EM4-9756 Expert eaumeling ft guidance, low prices, free estimates. 600 Emnlovment . 602 Help Wanted Placement A Sine 1948 apecislista in onice placement 411 Oregon Bldg. F-Aecurat typist, bUllng, In- voices, etc SiiU F-Practlcsl Nun or Exp, Aid wpwii F-Gen'l efffce. calculator, typing su was, Dining uis F-Sala Clerk, Exp. 18-48 .. 3160 F-Bkp. full cycl Open F-Aocounting, typing, adding macn, aa. xs-so open F-Clerk typist 50-60 wds. dicta- pnone, receptionist so-so upon M-Exp. Hdwe. Man-25-38 . Open Beat Way. to th Best Job 414 Stat Street EM 4-3351 WANT rel. couple for bldg. cus todians, Apt. st utu. turn, per manent Job. Box 361, Statesman-Journal. CAPITOL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists in orric personnel 174 Cottage St. SE EM 8-0631 004 Help Wanted, Mow EXPERIENCED tire service man, state experience ft ref erence, box s tatecman- Journsl. APPLICATIO nT i o r Capital Journal bicyeli e route Demi takan at tk Circulation DDt Especially interested in boys living In 4 Corners. Swegle, Salem Height and Uberty aistricti. PART TIME Wanted I mea for-busy ason, L:anvasiin ror rooiina at aia lng. Work evening all day Bat. Ph. Mathls Bros. 2061 stat sm t-6631 for appoint ment. FIRST cook. Must furnish ref. a to ability. EM 4-6933 for appointment. 606 Holp5 Wertted, tedy EXPERIENCED waitress wanted The Bp, 383 Stat St. BABYSITTER, nerm.. my home, must nave own win, uas . swaia BABYSITTER, my home. 3 days wk. Buodigo iay prei. em -v. WAITRESS wsnted, must xp. Apply a. istn. RXa. Nurse, abort hrs. Madon na Nursing Noma, 865 E. Main Monmouth. SK 7.509 WANTED 3 axp. wsltresses. An- iy in person ai tne jneaapw a afa. 524 Stat. No. ph. call. SHIRT operator. Steady position. ask ror Mr, uroan. nawnn (on' Capital City Laundry, 1264 Broadway. WAITRESS" wanted Sloppy Joe a Drive in. lain. canter. No Phone cU. EXP. lady lor car ot I children. my nom. oay wk. as, a.n 4-8910 Eves. RECEPTIONIST 80-81 yr. to do caniring, typmg, gen. onice Work. Don'l u s appiy unlesa you want a t a a d y emolovment, Writ litter of qualification to Box" 313 ftateiman-Joumal. 608 Pickeri Wanted WANTED Strawberry picker. start wed. Jun . rin crop, Flrgrov Farm, 7088 Wheat land Rd. EM 4-4063. STRAWBERRY Picker, clou In clean, stsrt jun s. s.q aproeo. STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED 3 MILES OUT . Starting Monday, June 2. Clean lrri 2l.w, i inez re loaaea.; Blenty of cart 8c Turn off Wallace jcarrieri, Rd. onto River Bend Rd. tc follow signs. B. 1. Towery. EM 4-7656. No Bat, picking; WANTED, picker for N. Westi. Derriai. stars may si. i-icnuu 6 a.rrf. employment office. Paul StaedeU, Myers Rd. I E. of Pratum. Silverton TR 3-4860. DRIVE-outs wanted. Irrlg. N W. 31. trans. Ph. EM 2-438 W car ry oarrltr. 8 mi. E, of Prst um 1 ml. on Myr Rd. Eldon Wenger. PICKERS WANTED. 10 cra n.w, irrtg. berries, rwgister NOW, Ernest Roth EM 4-2594 or platoon leader EM 2-T231. REG. for Robinson platoon CM 8-3633. picking for Bill -K PICKERS wanted trUn Mon. oay June . a. as. tanare. 1940 van cieave ltd. BMa-iaai BtRRY alekera wanted now. Gd oemes. rcr ry Farm. 1 mi. West North of Kaiser Sch. PH. EM 4-1906. CLOSE IN Irrigated berriea State St. 4 ml. Si os reur corners, aian in, May 30. Bateaon EM 2-2786. BERRY picker needed at Walk. er at anipier yaros. rvrin wu. irrigated, clean field. ll' ml: W of W. Salem city limit eat Olen Creek Dr. Rt. 1 Box 44. EM 4421; STRAWBERRY picker wanted. c a.. Anoreaen wve sancaar Dr. NE. EM 4-2943. MAR8HALLS 1 ml. from and of Crotsan creeK Kd. 1. Ageizou, Rt. 3. Box 556, EM 4-3047. STRAWBERRY pickers. Good picxing. 1 m. n. or neizer ich'l. Lloyd Hollln. EM 2-2507. To Place Classified Ads PHONE EM 4-6811 Statesman, Salem, Org., Sun., Save Time -Save Money Far the Best Prefeseienal Services II EXPERT- Easier -Read &' Use Want Ads Daily! WTERIOR DECORATOR JACK BECK - EM 4-J756 Large selection' panel prints, life-time color guaranteed fab rics, finest workmanship. LANDSCAPING NEW lawns seeled ft landscap ing. Reas. rates, bank terma. iaaeaUmates EM 4-8358. LAWN MOWBR SHARPENINO Lawnmower sharpening ft re pair. Frae pick up ft del, EM 3-08CB, 2308 FMngle. d's Sharpening. Lawn mowers groundat your home EM 3-0802 MONEY TO LOAN . LOANS 156.00 to 81,500.00 Buy What You Need Consolidate Your Bills, s'inmc T'irnu' WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 182 S. Church St. EM 1 2457 PAINTING FAPUBANU1NQ fainting ft Haixinangng free Cat km a-ubia l60 ShiDomg PREHUNG 8A6H ft DOOR MUUNO SASH ft DOOR 1186 N. Lancaster EM 4-8453 PRE-HUNO WINDOWS AND DOORS REMODELING REMODELING, ROOFING. SIDING Workmanship Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES. EM 3-1128 600 Employment AOS Picker Wonted STRAWBERRY picker. If your looking for good plaklng, com to Van Cleave farm and us th Karv-Kart. 70 acres Mar shalls, BlleU and Northwest In top condition. Heavy pick ing. N. on 89E to Totem Pole, X. Hi ml. and N. "H ml. on Van Cleave Rd. EM 1-5188. DOUBLE P FARM WILL START PICKING BER RIES WEDNESDAY, patch on Claxter Road. EM 4-1217., Paul ft Phyl Andreaen, 4610 Lancas ter Dr. DRIVE-OUTS wanted: Irrlg. NW berries, starting May 31st, for trans. EM 2-438T. We carry Carriers. 3 mi. E. of Fratum, 1 ml. on Meyers Rd. Udon Wenger. BERRY picker reg. now 45 A. good clean berries, bus trans, rout thru Sslem, 4 Corners, Turner, EM 4-7087. Plstoon leader Helen Shoemake. P. W. WOELKE, Hood View Dr. ft Vie Williamson Yard, starts picking Wed. For trans, call EM 1-3893. N W. BERRY picker reg. now. 3 ml. on Silverton Rd. Lett on gravel rd. after r -casing Little Pudding Rr. Bin Kauf man, Jr., Silverton TR 3-8881. BERRY. PICKERS WANTED NOW. Start Wednesday, May 26th, heavy crop of Irrlg. N. Wait berries, mi. North of - Drive In theater on 88E. EM 4-3820. Jess Mathls Orchard. STRAWBERRIES 3 A. ot N.W. Ready next wk. Trana. furn. Drlvs-outs welcome. Rt. 3, Box 147, Silverton. TR 3-4651, ik ml. N, Pratum. Kaufman, ROTO-TILLINO' EM 3 1311 - EM 3-0571 AL Dettwyler bean pickers, re, now for berrv nlcklne? at Da tWylar-Schmidgall Dairy. Start picking about June 8th., Same route, oia at new picxors wel come. EM 3-5129. STRAWBERRY PICKERS need. ea at Bcnaad rarm starting wen. nay . uiean iieias, exc, crop of Irrigated berries. 1 ml. N. of Kelzer and 1 mi. on Wheatland Rd. Watch for Sign EM 4-1310, 4-131 or 4-8211 BERRY picker wanted, start ing way as. u. v norsn, .sow Blossom Dr. 1-3933. W. L. PETERSON, EM 1-1998: Marshall at North Wests, start May 29th. Call after I. Trans. U-PICK Marahill strawberries 7- cts. a pound or 400 a carrier. Bring containers. C o w d e n place 414 miles asat from Lan- caster Dr. on Sllverton-Salem highway to algn. Phone EM 2-2071 or EM 1-2223. BERRY 'pickers to start Sat, May 31. rive ml. from Fair grd. on Sllverton-Salem hwy. Rt, 3. Box 818, O. E, Haury. WANTED berry picker atarttng wea., may sain, ana yr. mar hall berries, clean field, close In. located 4696 N. Portland Rd. or Ph. EM 4-1073. Jsrry 81 Nit Andresen. 1 WANTED Strawberry pickers. and yr. Marshalls. starting loon. Carrier servlc provided. Close In. Don at Gay Dssiett. EM 3-7338. 8004 Klrby Rd. Work WALK Into 20 smell town busi ness buildings day selling our complete line of building maintenance Item. Pocket weekly Dig commissions, writ commissions. Wril Dept. 36-C, F.U. BOX JV2, Dallas, Tex. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS To work after school 81 summer. Must hav approx. B aver age In studies. Steady work securing leads for publication solicitation for qualified boys. Unusual opportunity for these tailing now. toe nr. guaran tee, gee Mr. Hanson Sst. 9 a.m.-l p.m., Mon. 3-8 p.m., YMCA Room A. Plaaaa don't phone. JOB hunting Is no fun, but this joo ia. tan xm a-100 1 oeiore OPENING for Real Estate Ssles- man, In food eitabllshed of fice. Be Jo L. Bourne 'Red- tor ilea N. uapitoi. SELL AVON-3 er 4 hr. dally. EM 4-2243 or ph. Dayton 120. No xp. nec. W train you. 6" 10 5el. H.lpWoTtel WANT experienced real estate man or woman, namsay neai ty, 427 Ferry, EM 4-3381. . . TEACHERS OR SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS The Tschr Educational Divi sion of a National -Organization has opening for teachers to fill Interesting vacstlon position. Fascinating work, guar, income, plus com. train ing Immed. at our expense. Perm, openings for those howlng leadership ability. For personal Interview writ at one Box 363 Statesman-Journal. 1100 WEEKLY guar to (tart. Fuller Brush Co EM 3-8351 CAR Salesman, new Jt used. Long est. firm. Exo. opportu nity for right man. Car sell ing exp. not necessary. Write Box 386, Btatesmsn-Joumal. oU Work Wonted, Men' PAINTING Inside or outside. Your pslnt or mine. EM 4-0390 CARPENTER REPAIR WORK WANTED. EM. 3-1459 Carpenter work k painting. 'New or repair, EM 3-1428. BALING. mowing St rotovatlng. 3996 McCain, EM 3-6632. ROTOVATE k eed lawna. Bx perlenced. Rest. EM- 4-8929. PAINTING k enameling, er materUl. EM 3-3933. Um Jqne 1, '58 (Sec. IV)-2T ROTO-VAT1NQ Howard Rotovatlng, orchds lwn. garden. Hav trailer, will travel. Jim Hardy. EM 2-8002. Howard rotovatlng. Wayne a Stur- ges. EM 4-2823, EM 1 3535. No calls Saturday. FORD trac. rotovatlng. Read Weed row crops. EM 4-1884. IAND ft GRAVEL SALEM SAND ft GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrtte, crushed round gravol, and ft top (oil. 1406 N. Front. EM 2-2461. WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1625 McGilchrist Crushed quarry rocks and grav el. All slz: (or roads, drive ways and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-dor in shovel snd dragline work. EM 3-824K. SEPTIC SERVICE FREE INSPECTION AAB Clean and d' root EM 34)761. Glant savings itampa g-iven. HOWARDS Roto-Rooier. Sewers? septic tanks cleaned. EM 3-J327 Mlk' Septio Serv 6"' Rooter. clean tanks, sewers EM 3-8468 SERVICE CENTER Welding, fabrication ornamental iron, gen. repair. Automatic haating serv. We make or re pair anything of metal. Turner Rd. next to Paradise Island. EM 4-5666. "To Place Classified Ada Phone EM 4-68 11 600 Employment 61 a Work Wanted, Men LAWN & GARDEN WORK Power mower. EM 4-7617 v.. FORD trac. rota. plow. Rea. Weed row crops. EM 4.1994. COM'L PL0WINO & DISCING EM 4-1607 PAINTING, brush or pray. hourly or contract. Rsss S-W73. WINDOW cleaning. Janitorial Service, Eavsi trough clean- -'j-Rls- 1 Corn- M 3-4483. Most Patioa, 14x18, 189. Flag stone, planters, drives, walks. pc. tree est. a, as s-juov. SMALL eirpenter lobs. OsmI work. reas. EM a-usa 4-1434. CARPENTRY k cabinet work,' new, remui. im g-sss after 4. , LOU'S tr isrvlc. removal, topping, orune EM 4-8801 BRUSH k SPRAY PAINTING DecoreUng. Fr Est Trm. Ph. PLOWING k DISCING ' ' Morn, or Eve. EM 4-8372 ROAD grading, leveling, ditching Roy Hancock. EM 4-8353. ROOFING: Oood workmanship. waiiac, . I-S037, HAY BALING EM 3-3219 PAINTING Outslda & in., Fr est. Res. EM 3-7551. WANTED Strwbrry picker. u vnuuren unavr 1U yr. etr Rltr.ntln RAVI Us,. I Green, Dr. EM 4-1031. 614 Work Wanted, Lady WANTED: 8m.' babies to care for, also Ironing, my home. j6M N. 4th, EM 4-0543. HOUSEWORK by the hr. Exp. as reliable. EM 3-1007. IRONING In my horn. EM I-Q448. W; E. Salem. SEWING. Prices reasonable 2130 w, stn. J.M 8-0601. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mrs. roe. eoa n lain. EM 3-3645 Howards Mystic Re-Weavers 2430 S. Summer EM 3-3408 IRONING In my horn. 838 N. Liberty EM 4-0464. WANTED aewlna. AU type. Na- ain SUM. EM 3-9393. Q15-A BabyslHing CHILD car by exp-. Mother. Kelzer dlst, EM 3 2887. EXP. child csr. my horn Day EM 3-7693 References. EXPER. child care any time or u. tornw eiem. teacner. IJb. Rd. it Gregory. EM 2-1301 BABY aittaag day or hr. North a-ast JEM 8-8880. BABY (ittlng my horn, 1680 N. n ana 4-8786. EXCEL. CHILD CARE EM 3-4569 after 6 BABY alttlng my horn any tlm South Ilth. EM 3-1152. Inspected Day Nursery 1595 N. Cottage EM 4-2848 CHILD car my horn. 4 Corner am, oy nay or nr. km 2-iubs. CHILD care, 1 It ip, Vista Hgta. usy Nursery. 137 Vista. Open 1:30 a.m. to I pjn. EM 4-8565. BABY alttlng my horn day or nignt, nr. Houywd. EM 4-8865. Mother do you need to workf Hav a tiny baby you want cued for? EM 4-3241. Nurse trslnlng. Mornlngsid District. 617 Job Information ALASKA. Nuclssr Power Plant construction starting. Long Job. Sand stamped envelop 80c or "Job News." ZKCO, Box 24, Kennydsle, Wssh. 611 Education NOTICE -Diesel at Heavy Equipment You may Qualify for a lob la in uiesei sna neavy equip ment Industry with proper training. W are aeeklng me chanically lnollned men to train for Diesel and Heavy Equipment. This I an oppor tunity for th right man. For mora information, write Trac tor Training Service, Box 370 Stateem an-Journal. KINDERgerten - Register NOW ssiara tnr t a sen i. a,M i-bw. 620 Day and ContrecT m4i ty a s u- snovei crane now ,dr, line 25-ton mobll crane ; D-4, D--T cats carry all clear ing Diaae. Htntai contract cr unit Drices. - .. SALEM SAND k GRAVEL 1405 N. Front St. EM 8-2461 700 Rentals 702 Sloop, looms, loard NICE Room with pvt. bath. 1168 Court. EM 4-5648 BRD. 8c Rm. for elderly man. TV, Clo in, ass um i. bis. TV CLEAN, nice turn, deeping! rm. 84.75 wk. men. EM 8-7630. WEEKLY rates. Arfo Hotel. 34S Chemekata.' New Management. CLEAN, quiet, good location. Some kitchen priv. EM 8-1449. NICELY turn, rm., ! bamt. apt. 530 N. Winter St - NICK PLACE TO STAY Alexandria 1130 Chemeketa COMFY clean rma.. TV, eta in, kit, pnv aw i-na BOARD at rm. Men. Pack lunches. T.V. 1088 V. 8th. iv -i