The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 01, 1958, Page 17, Image 17

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    Carol Boehm to Be Installed
At Ceremony on Friday '
JSnlSfHS" '''LS?1" for Bethel S5 Order of JoVs Daughters
riSi- " u' June 6 at 8 p m- at Scottish Bite Temple,
x. Wi .Boeuhm. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Boehra. will
oe Installed as honored queen. . '
J!1?,1? office honored queen Linda Emmerton; guided La
toona CoUlns; marshal, Beth Goodman; chaplain. Edith Brown: mu-
.mu,,-.rcggy uicas; aenior oust-
oaum, Mtmynn Reaney; and re
corder, Judy Coomler.
Candle lighten wllf be Mlu Ann
Kaufman and Mils Marcia Cbaie.
The. reader for the lighted cross
ceremony, will be Miss Betty Ax
ley. t The crowning ceremony will
be performed by Chemeketa
Chapter. Order of DeMolay, with
Jack Withera the master councilor.
Miss Judy Winter, accompanied
by Misa ' Nancy Otto, will be the
aotolst. .
Officers for the coming term
will be: honored aueen: Carol
..Boehm; aenior princess,- Marianne
Blewett; Junior princess, P a t
Veatherbee; guide, Terry Smith;
marshal, Barbara Weatherbee;
messengers, Kathy Boehm, Ann
Lenhart, Karol Petterson, Sandie
Johiuon, Lou Anne Wain; librarian,
Mary DeFrance; chaplain, Shari
Shipley; musician, Marlene Malll
coat; recorder, Janet Kelly. '
Treasurer, JoAnne Warden; Jun
ior ' custodian, Vickl Stelnbock:
senior custodian, Suaan White;
Inner guard, Terry McCracken;
outer guard, Bonnie Maxwell; as
sistant recorder, Shanna Falk;
pages, Jerry Dodd, Irma Harmon,
amd Carol Addison; lady of lights,
Burna Driver; historians, Sharon
Bishop, Carol Heard; merit keep
er, Jan Peaae; secret fathers and
prompter, Judy Berry.
Janitr Bethel Officers
The Junior Bethel will be: mes
sengers, Joyce Capps, Dana Brad
ley, Paula Freeburn, Lorna Capps,
Mary MacDonald; chaplain, Janice
Williams; librarian, Nansi Shutter;
musician, Carol Heard; recorder,
Shanna Falk; treasurer,1 Leigh
Pickerel; junior custodian, Myra
Butler; senior custodian, Bev Gan
non; inner guard, Pam McMahon;
outer guard, Judy Webster.
Serviving on committees for the
following term will be; education
and promotion, Marianne Blewett;
decoration Janice Williams, Shari
Shipley, and Nansi Shutter; hospi
tality, Joyce Capps, PanY Mc
Mahon, Cecila McNeil, and Mary
MacDonald; choir director, Paula
Freeburn; preparation TJnda Em
merton, Jan Pease, and Martha
Creighton; program, Terry Mc
Cracken, Marlene Mallicoat and
Carol Addison; ' philanthropic, Jo
Ann Hicks, Laura Creighton, and
Mary and Burna Driver; Clean-up,
Susan White and Shanna Falk;
auditing, Mary DeFrance.
For the program Miss Cathy
Campbell will do a ballet number.
A vocal solo will be gives by Miss
'Judy Winter and an accordian solo
by Terry Meisinger.
A reception will follow the in
stallation. Betbel 48. Job's Daughters will
Initiate new members at Thurs
day's meeting at the Scottish RiteJ
Temple at 7:30 o clock.
The Swegle Woman's Club will
be entertained at the home of Mrs.
Clark McCall, 4195 Market St. NE,
on Tuesday at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Rex
Peffer will be the assisting hostess.
Couple Wed
At Afternoon
Exchanging .their vows at a 1
o'clock ceremony on Saturday aft
ernoon were Miss Eleanor Victoria
Patten and Frank W. Taylor. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer C. Mortenson. and the
bridegroom Is the .son, of Mr. and
Mrs. JJesmona rorey.
The ceremony tool "place at the
First Christian Church with Rev.
Wayne Greed officiating. Peter
Larson sang and Mrs. J. M. Cra
croft was the organist. Bouquets
of pink and white gladioluses and
stock decorated the church sanc
tuary. Elmer and Clifford Morten
son, the bride's brothers, lighted
the candles.
For her wedding the bride se
lected a whit lace sheath gown
over lavender taffeta with cum
merbund finished with wide pan
els extending to the hemline in
back. ' Her short veil was caught
to a wreath of lily-of-the-valley.
She carried a cascade of pink elfe
roses and stephanotis.-
Miss Christine Mortenson was
her sister's only attendant and she
wore a dress similar to the bride's
and carried a round bouquet of
lavender and pink roses and car
nations. Karen Mortenson was her
sister's flower ' girl and Cortland
Newhart was 'the ring bearer.
Attend the Groom
James Farmer served as best
man- for Mr, Taylor and ushers
were David Vaughn and Richard
Mrs. Mortenson wore a navy
blue silk chemise with white ac
cessories and corsage of pink roses
and white stephanotis for her
daughter's wedding. Mrs. Foley
chose a blue silk dress with white
accessories and corsage of pink
roses and stephanotis.
A reception followed in the
Church parlor. Miss Ruth Petersen
and Miss Shirley Schultz poured
and Mrs., Charles Boughner cut
the cake. ..
After a wadding trip along the
Oregon Coast the newlyweds will
be at home in Salem at ISO Col
lege Drive.
Pettycpat Pollys
At Milne Home
Pettycoat Pollys Unit, Republi
can Women's Federation of Oregon
will hold their last meeting until
fall on Tuesday morning at 9:30
a.m. i at the home of Mrs. Del
Milne, Birds Hill.
"Republican Talking Points"
will be the topic given by Lee
Ohmart, uest speaker. The group
during the business session will
discuss the first annual flag sale
to be on June 13 just before flag
day. The typing of the county pre
cinct lists will also be discussed.
New Bethel Queeii
. . : , t
,4 i
, 1 1
7' f '
Mill Carol Boohm, daughter of
who will be Installed as honored queen of Bethel 35, Jobs
Daughters at a formal ceremony on Friday, June 6 at the
. Scottish Rite Temple. (Kennell-Ellis Studio).
DAR Picnic,
Party for
Annual regents party and picnic
luncheon for Chemeketa Chapter,
Daughter of the American Revo
lution is calendared far Saturday,
June 7 at Bush's Pasture, Mission
Street entrance, at 13:30 o'clock.
In case, ef rain the affair will be
held at the Salem Woman's Club.
Members are asked to bring a
covered dish and table service. A
short business meeting will follow
the luncheon.
Mrs. H. M. Broadbent, state
recording secretary and past re
gent of Chemeketa Chapter, who
was a dejegate to the Continental
Congress of the DAR in Washing
ton, D.C. this spring, will give
highlights of the annual Congress.
The committee, for the day in
cludes Mrs. A. L. Wallace, chair
man, Mrs. J. C. Sell, Miss Ruth
Rulifson, Mrs. Marion Mulcahy,
Miss Georgia Shane, Mrs. George
Turner, Mrs. Theodora H. George,
Mrs. I. B. Cate and Mrs. Albert
dots ...
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Boehm,
Final Luncheon
Of Nile Club
Salem Daughters of the Nile will
hold their final luncheon meeting
ot the season on Monday noon at
the Masonic Temple. Mrs. Burton
Dunn, chairman of the bazaar
committee, asks all members to
bring velvet scraps, ribbons, bro
ken jewelry and artificial flowers
to the meeting so that work on the
November bazaar can be done
during the summer.
The hostess committee for the
day will be headed by Mrs. Eldon
D. Burres, assisted by Mrs. Asahel
Fish, Mrs, Joseph W. Hutchison.
Mrs. F. A Lund, Mrs. W. C.
Rambo. -
SHERIDAN - Tbe Grand Ronde
home of Mrs. Quail Knox was the
scene of the May meeting of the
Sheridan Past Matrons Club, with
Mrs. Edith Holm an of Grand
Ronde and Mrs. Kenneth Smith of
Willamina as co-hostess. The group
will have a Chinese dinner at Ori
ental Gardens for their June meet
ing. ,
Embroidered polks dots on cool dark
cottons in the newest shapes of sum
mer.' Jeanne D'arc pently tapers and
shortens the chemije for the junior
figure and turns all eyes your way.
Both in sizes 7 to 15,
1. Low - cut belted cotton with Peter
Pan collar. Blacjc on black, white
on black. . $17.98
2. The new Chesterf ietcLt h e m i i e
with i three over-size burtons.
Black' on black or white dots on
, . bieck; $19.98
Sandra Prosser Is Bride of
Mr Davidson
MT. ANGEL All-white with
scheme for the wedding of Miss Sandra Prosser, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Anthony J. Bigler of Mt. Angel, and D. Robert Davidson,
son oi Mr. ana Mrs. wiyjam Davidson oi Brooas, in &u Mary a t;a
tholle Church Saturday mornim.
Rev. Edward Spear officiated at the 10 o'clock nuptial high
mass and altar servers were Dale
Traviss, a cousin of the bride,
and Tommy Klrsch, Johnny Hol
ier and Robert Hammelman.
Miss Helen Keber played the or
gan, St. Mary's choir sang tbe
mass and the soloist was Mrs.
Charles Nelke, Salem, a cousin
of the bride.
Tbe bride's wedding dress was
full length, fashioned of chiffon
taffeta, the full skirt falling in a
brush tram, and the Sabrina neck
line enhanced with Alencon lace
and white sequin trim. The finger
tip veil of Illusion was caught to
a crown of pearls and lrridescent
sequins -and she carried a semi
cascade of stephanotis and net
centered with a large white orchid
with lavender throat. For senti
ment, the bride wore an old penny
in her shoe that had belonged to
her father, William Prosser, when
he was a little boy.
Precede the Bride
The four attendants were all
gowned alike in white taffeta with
lace bodice, and a taffeta cum
merbund finished with a bow at
the high waistline in the baok. All
wore headdresses fashioned of ny
lon straw with pearl trim and
small veils. They, carried semi
cascade bouquets of white and lav
ender chrysanthemums centered
with two cymbidlum orchids, that
Of the honor attendant's shading
to a deep orchid.
The matron of honor was the
bride's sister, Mrs. Harry (Mar
lene) Schaecher, Salem, and the
bridesmaids were Miss Inna Kai
ser and Miss Maurita Jaeger, Mt.
Angel, and Miss Katherine Nonne
man, Woodburn.
, Harry Schaecher, .brother-in-law
of the bride, was best man and
groomsmen were Ronald Schmidt,
Norbert Schmitz and Charles Hot
ter, all Mt. "Angel.
Mrs. Bigler chose a powder blue
sheath dress with matching jacket,
white accessories and a corsage of
double pink cymbidlum orchids for
her daughter's nuptials. The
groom's mother wore a sheer
semi-sheath dress of sky blue and
black print, also with matching
jacket, white accessories and pink
cymbidlum corsage.
Luncheon and Reception
The lunrhpnn And rprfen'inn wiir
held immediately after the church
5 ' 1 u
t&VHXP 'V.,
Mr tF
III if'itl' t
"Petal Cut
: , $1 50
Vivacious . . . flirtatious heads curled like flower
petals whirl into your life. Billowing with
fresh beauty, these cuts require just a whisper
weight perm. A fun-to-wear, romantic, young,
utterly delightful hairdo everyone will notice.
To mold and to hold your Petal Coif . $Q CA
Our salon wave ,.'....,..:-..from 0iW
With or without appointment
W, tlm RnM Msleviut; Mm
SiMi' pnruuirai hr kl kMllk.
at St. Mary's
a lavender accent was the color
service In St. Mary's dining hall
Mrs. Albert A. Ebner served as
hostess., .
Cutting the cake were Miss
Marie Traviss, Mt. Angel, Mrs.
H. E. Melchlor, Los Angeles, and
Mrs. Dave Traviss, Mt. Angel, all
aunts of the bride, and Mrs. Gil
bert Prime, Monmouth, and Miss'
Gertrude McTavish, Eugene, aunts
of the groom. Pouring were Mrs.
Ben Traviss, Mt. Angel and Mrs.
E. A. East, Portland, the bride's
aunts, while Miss Sharon Traviss,
Portland, a cousin, , and Miss Pa
tricia Huff stutter, Ml Angel
served the, punch. Assisting were
theMisses Suzanne Hotter, Ton!
Williams, Laurann Kloft, Mariann
Kloft. Diane Wilde, Dorothy Beyer,
Mrs. Ronald Schmidt, Mrs. James
Prosser, and Miss Joann Stupfel.
For the wedding trip to Canada,
the bride donned a pink suit ot.
summer wool, with pink- fox fur
collar and white accessories.
The newlyweds will make their
home in Salem.
Capital Unit to
Hold Initiation
At the Monday evenlng.jneetlng
of Capital Unit, American Legion
Auxiliary at the Legion club new
members will be initiated by the
Past Presidents Parley with( Mrs.
Lue A. v Lucas as chairman.'
" Honor guard pins will be pre
sented to members who have
maintained a continuous member
ship in the organization for IS, 30,
25, 30 and 35 years.
Committee reports and a special
report on the recent distribution
of veteran-made poppies will be
given. ' w
The evening win close loiiowing
the serving of refreshments by
Mrs. Beq Roth, radio and televis
ion chairman, and her committee.
CltbalV Uak Calw lull tmj ftiilni.
T "
tarn'' y
Apron Parade Slated
Friendship Shrine, White Shrine
of Jerusalem will hold its last
meeting of the season on June
7 at tbe Scottish Rite Temple.
Chairman of the refreshment com
mittee will be Mrs. Arthur Bish
op. All members are asked to be
present as a novel apron parade
win be one ot the interesting
events of the evening. Fathers will
oe nonored and the report of the
Supreme Session will be given.
George L. Marlatt of .Monmouth
are announcing the, birth of their
first child, a son. The baby was
bora at Salem Memorial Hospital
on. Wednesday, May SB, and has
been named Stephen George.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Marlatt of Jefferson and
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Brown of Sa
lem. - ' .
a cool
summer in
mm M
Pretty, practical, cool
and crisp ... every
thing you could want
combined into .one
dress. Lovely flower
garden and abstract
1. Unpressed pleats; scallop trim neckline.
, Blue rose: 12-20 and 12Va-20.
I'Smell print with gored skirt. Navy, lilac,
4f. turquoise; 12-20, 12'a-22Va.
Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., June V58 (Sec. III)-17
Reception For Couple
Mr. and Mrs. Ben' H. Hawkins,
349 N. Lancaster Drive, will ob
serve their 45th wedding snniver
sary at an open bouse on Sunday,
June I, The reception will be held
at the home of their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr, and Mn. Merle
B. Van Cleave, 6540 Lardon Road.
Friends of the couple are in
vited through the press to call be
tween t and 8 o'clock, y
The couples marriage took place
June 4, 1913 at Gervais, Oregon.
Mr. Hawkins came to Oregon
from Connerville, Indiana, in 1911.
He wu retired from the State
Forestry Shops in January ot this
year, Mrs. Hawkins will be re
membered as Ora B. Morgan,
who taught in the schools of Sun
nyside, Mill City, Brooks and Per
for a cool
From our collection of
summery separates for
1, Sleevelets woven
cotton blouse with
heart pattern. Blue,
yellow, pink, in sizes
10 to 16. .
2. Pedal pushers in
black, white, sand
chino cotton; lO-lo.
Short-shorts in same
fabric, sizes and col
ors as above.
kins, which is n.ow called Lake
Labish. -
They have three daughters, Mrs.
Ellis Richards, (Sue), Nevada City,
Calif., Mrs. Richard De Villiers.
(Jean), Ardrriore, Oklahoma, and
Mrs. Merle B. Van, Cleave,
(Eloise), Salem, " They have si
Mr, and Mrs. Richard De Vil
Hers, Dick and Betty, will be here
for the occasion.
St. Agnes Guild of St, Paul's
Episcopal Church will meet Tues
day night it the church guild room
for a (:30 no-host supper. Host
esses are Mrs, Daesy Chance, Mrs.
Mervln Fidler, Mrs. D. E. Walker
and Miss Nell McCue. Miss Mar
garet Peper will show colored
slides of her European trip.
' 'mm mi
a? 1
Mei;: .1IJH