14-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., May 28. '58 lmLlMJ.VmW'1mr''' -WK Saddle Club Elects Officers At 4 Corners SUtcsnua Ntwi ferric MACLEAY Four Corneri Sad dle Club elected new officers when they met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shioman Sunday. Elected president was Glenn Condon; vice president and drill captain, Frank South; secretary, IT) (M ro(JuUo M0 i Freda Simpson. Mr. ana Mrs. Glenn Condon were host and host ess. New members are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Appearson, Mrs. Glenn Coo don, Larry Wagner and Harold Nelson. Plans were made to parti cipate in St. Paul's trail rid next Sunday and the Keizer Horse snow June 21-22. Work day at the club house will begin at 8 a.m. Friday with wives serving lunch at noon. Brooks Area Home Sold 'to Morrison Couple of Salem Statesman N.ws SerYlco BROOKS Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Penniman have sold their coun try home just east of Brooks to Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morrison, Salem. The Pennimans have pur chased a home in the Salem Heights area and will move this week. The Morrisons have two daugh ters Pamella, who is graduating from South Salem High, and Su san, who will be a junior next fall. Morrison is a mechanic at Agnew Motors, Inc. Lebanon High to Hear OSC Leader At Commencement Statesman News Service LEBANON Dr. A. L. Strand, president of Oregon State College, will give the commencement ad dress on June S when 160 graduat ing seniors of Lebanon Union High School will receive their diplomas. Baccalaureate services for the class will be next Sunday night at First Christian Church. Sermon will be delivered by the Rev. Edward McClurg, pastor of the First Meth odist Church. Serving as salutatorian for the class 'of 1958 is Kent Wills. Glen Messal is valedictorian. Willamina High Picks New Student Leaders Statesman News Service WILLAMINA New student body officers at the Willamina high school for the 1958-59 school year are Fred Whitfield, president; Ken neth Yoder. vice president; Fat ricia Flatau, secretary; and June i- Hubbard, treasurer. Class presidents for the next school year have been elected, and are: senior class. Kenneth Bulling ton; junior, Larry Reeser; and sophomore, David Haug. enjoy the NEW MILLION DOLLAR ft fc a diTTerei.ce in travel by TRAILWAYS Brand-new Trailways buses now bring you the luxury of year round air conditioning . . . complete restroom facilities. ..floating air suspension ride . . . many more new travel comforts. Travel Trailways. Enjoy this exciting new million dollar difference as no extra rrwf .' j TRAILWAYS NEW THRU-BUS SCHEDULE from SALEM o the ! SOUTH: 3:55 p.m., 10:55 p.m. i NORTH: 10:30 a.m., 4:00 p.m. , EAST: ! 8:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m. 520 North High o., fM 3.3815 eMw NROEBUCK AND COy 7"Uf3p PC flGflO csmflfe? Such fun to war...Tor summer packed with light-hearted casol Hip bonded chemise tops and drawstring blousoni in nautical prints, colorful Stripes and plaids, over slim tapered pedal pushers m matched prints or solid colors black, white and har monizing tones. Rare finds at this Bttls price! Sixes 10-ls. Slim tapered ffpedal W ml Pushersjl A V- t.i Play pants to S XirM I fll summer horizons, . EKTO MiPfpE' rmm'rJl) t?,. ' .. coLors- , 1111111 It lYVZ Usually. a bevy of Virll'IST JlH I V 1 OO beauties ins Uit I4& SotT xwm V?L-- S ZiO riotofsunrJ lO $l0f S -"-I I - VMM JJ The pedal pusher suit. Assort- 1 ' Vrrlrf-ff 1 li'll!n ed striped or print blouses in 1 M ' vWjIjWkI Sit I JflAI iT cotton broadcloth, with solid l ft slwa i-CM' C0'r fP"n Peda' Pushers- . hjl ) 1 i B N Reg. 2.98 1 IP ; . WgV n 0 0 1 I POLO SHIRTS (Jl : I I J I J I Cool cotton knit polo shirts. All sleeve- .f I I " 1 I less with V or saddle necks. Checks, ' f L iS J 1 stripes or solidsSizes 7 to 14. I sQ ff mmmiismmmsssM I I if j , "a- "k.xo.:. ( mnssyK . .vMBostmw-.-i .jkk-i SENSATIONAL PURCHASE!! 6 FOOT 3 PIECE PICNIC SCT You've Sssn Them Advertised at 34.951 ul (Oj sV, f, 9 "CHARGE IT ON SRC V 2.00 DOWN 2-inch plink construction, bolt on legs for easy set up and knock down for storage. ...-irT-i- 1 1 1 1 iii i ii yrn Z Jm Visually 22.95 Plumply Padded lOQ fhaite Inunne Adiusfs Easily Vk ii a- j i Reg. 59.95 Budgel-Priced Lawn Swing l88 Iniinninn lnyiirw at a modest rjrice. Rust resistant aluminum Fine quality Jawn, swing with 72x80" seat. frame. Extra thick button tufted, cotton filled duck pad in Burton tufted cotton felted cushion with 5 0() DoWN 4 gay colors. Convenient "kick-up" pad stop. 22x73 inch size, cotton duck cover. Blue, yellow, rust. 22" MOTORIZED BRAZIER WOULD SEU FOR 31.80 IF PURCHASED SEPERATELY Complete with, motor; hood and ; f spit. Coppertone finish. Motor U.L. listed. 2 QT. ICE CREAM FREEZER Ws I f Special purchast savings! AAak your own tasty, healthful ice cream easily, quickly. Galvan ized steel outer tub. f ' I' 10 lb. Bag ' ' CHARCOAL Jfri DKIUUU3 !U-.. I SPSS' iST-; CvW i MORE SAVINGS ON CAMPING EQUIPMENT . . . FOR MORE CAMPING FUN FOR YOU! 9x9 Ft. Size UMBRELLA TENT 00 "CHARGE n" ON SRC Easy As Opening An Umbrellal BUDGET PRICED 9x9 FT. TENT 188 c$ jtmatfad yt jt(m matey fact" NU -"i mmmmm Stteel Ice Chest Special! Insulated (Pis) MM-nsskassBBssMsau.Salv i Strong Nylon Screening S) Full Sewn-ln-Floor Make camping more enjoyable by being more comfortable. Cool 2 way ventilation . . . nylon screened door and window. Ropes, stakes, poles. J Reg. 9.S3 17x9xl2-In 6.88 Handy Outing Jug with Folding Spigot 4.44 Reg. 6.98 J. C. Higgins ' J. C. Higgiris Camp Table S1.8.. 10.88 S is. t - . j Coleman 2-Burner Camp Gas Stove 11.77 Reg. 13.98 ' Built-in pump ... KmP foods, liquldi, hot or cfW tor ' fcowrs. Conpl.l.ly fiber glass (iMds fvtloroof inlorior. 1.4 and whit U.al for piaiks, boating. HoMs Ml rUayy-dwryl 24xoO-lna imI top. . rVx Mly coking o-of-doon. lmtoi gallen of liquid. Spigot Mds OM or "r Ivm woy. S right rod onomolod stooL v fT for ooiy catTybg, storago. WIS 550 H. Capitol lighting, no pr.-h.oMng. 3-pint tank ' Is romovobl.. Rint.roilitant motaL EM 3-9191