FHA Discontinues Loan Insurance las Authority Expires WASHINGTON (AP)-The Fed eral Housing Administration Tues day shut down its home loan in surance business because it has run out of authority to insure housing loans. Congressional action would be required to renew it. At the time FHA Commissioner Norman Mason announced this, Sen. Hcmer E. Capehart (R-Ind) told the Senate that unless Con gress votes more authority quickly United Nations Sidesteps Row In Middle East UNITED. NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) The Security Council Tuesday sidestepped a Middle East debate that would have lined up the West ern powers behind Lebanon and the Soviet Union on the side of the United Arab Republic. By unanimous vote, the council adjourned until next Tuesday with a hope that the Arab League Coun cil can resolve differences be ween President Nasser's U.A.R. and President Camille Chamoun's pro-Western regime in Lebanon. The league council meets Satur day in Libya. Lebanon has complained to the league and to the council that the U.A.R. is intervening with the aim of overturning the Beirut govecn ment. While one hot Mediteranean is sue was being shelved in the Se-! curity Council, another was in (he' making. Tunisian Ambassador , Mongi Sum consulted with coun cil members before requesting ac tion for removal of all French military forces from Tunisia. He met with Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold and U.S. Ambas sador Henry Cabot Lodge, among others. Exhibit Removed BRUSSELS (AP) A cutout from a movie poster showing French ac'.ress Brigitte Bardot with shoulders and logs bare has been removed from the Vatican's World Fair exhibit. It had been put up as an example of evil. An official said K was removed " be et um .it was not decent in the pavilion." the home building Industry faces a 30-day shutdown. "Somebody is playing politics in this," Capehart shouted on the Senate floor. He said he and Sen. John Sparkman (D-Ala) had tried unsuccessfully last week and this week to get. a Senate vote on a four billion dollar increase for FHA. Directed Remarks ' ' Capehart directed his remarks at Democratic Leader Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas. Johnson and the Democratic Policy' Committee control legislation coming before the Senate. Johnson quietly replied that the FHA increase would be considered along with a general housing bill which will reach the Senate shortly. You can understand who is playing politics in this," Johnson told Capehart. The senate was nearing a vote on a bill to extend jobless pay benefits, and Capehart declared: "We are asked to pass a bill to pay people who have no Jobs and yet we do nothing on a bill that would help people keep their jobs." ' Previous Estimate Two weeks ago when FHA asked Congress to increase its insurance authorization by four billion dol lars, it estimated its previous authorizations would last until June 10. The ceiling was reached ahead of expectations, a spokesman said, because the volume of applica tions for insurance has Increased markedly in recent weeks. Appli cations during the first two weeks of May, for example, totaled 1,300 compared with 3,700 in the same period a year ago. FHA has insured home loans worth about $25,700,000,000, the-' limit set by Congress. First Picture 'So Boring' i t .'" ' ' . t J if ' r " State Law Upheld " h - '"'Jir ? " ' JLJi. . t" , I 'I -w SANTA MONICA Califs-Getting photographed for the first time with his actress mother, Rosemarie Bowe, evokes only a yawn from Charles Robert Stack, born last Friday at St John's Hospital here. The baby's father is ator Robert Stack, currently making a movie in Spain. The Stacks have one other child, Elizabeth, 18 months old. Oregon Navy Man Killed PT. ARGUELLO, Calif. (API Navy man Marvin E. Davis, 23, of Bend, Ore., was killed in a jeep accident at the Pt. Arguello Mis sile Center, the Navy reported Tuesday. A spokesman at the base said Davis, a damage Controlman 2-C, was thrown from his jeep when he swerved to avoid seme cattle on the road. He wu the son of Ernest M. Davis, Route l, Bend. Sub Reported Near Brazil RIO DE JANEIRO. Brazil (AP) K Brazilian destroyer has re ported a suspected submarine near Rio de Janeiro, the navy Ministry said Tuesday. . , It said the destroyer made a suspicious instrument contact four successive times Monday, but that an investigation failed to turn up any trace of a sub. No depth charges were dropped. Last week Argentine warships made a depth charge attack on a mystery submarine off Argen tina's southern coast An oil slick was sighted later, leading to spec ulation a sub might have been sunk or damaged. The Argentine Naval Ministry Tuesday night said the sub marine's periscope wu sighted again IS minutes after the oil slick appeared. Argentine patrol ships arid planes then lost con tact with the sub and there has been no further report on it. The United States, Britain and the Soviet Union all denied they had any submarines in the area. Abraham Lincoln once remark ed, ''When my feet hurt, I can't think." House Unit WASHINGTON (AP) The House Judiciary Committee Tues day approved by a split vote i bill to keep any federal law from killing state laws in the same field unless Congress specifically says so. Atty. Gen. Rogers immediately opposed the bill, calling it a "shot gun approach." Chairman Emanuel Celler (D- NY) said the measure is unco stitutional and announced he will fight it on the House Floor. He said It is opposed by the depart ments' of justice and labor, the AFL-CIO, the railroad brother hoods, and the railroad and avia tion industries.' ; - 'Rights to Negroes' "It is apparent that the primary purpose of this bill is to strike at the growing and budding rights of Negroes, especially in labor and public life,' Celler told newsmen after the committee s closed-door action., After the vote Rogers told news conference- he opposed the bill "because its effects would be retroactive and no one knows what those effects would be." "This shotgun kind of approach is very harmful to the whole legal system, ' Rogers said. "We are opposed to any legisla tion which limits the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court In any area. In any judicial system, you have tn h.u final akt. Coavictioa Reversed The bill was introduced by Rep. Howard W. Smith (D-Va) after the Supreme Court reversed a convic tion of Communist leader Steve Nelson under Pennsylvania anti- subversive laws. The Court held that Congress had pre-empted this field when it passed a federal anti subversive act. - Smith, a leader of the Southern Democratic bloc in Congress, is author of the federal law the Su preme Court cited In the Nelson case. Smith said he and Congress never intended that it supersede state laws.. The JUdiciary Committee also sent to the House floor a bill that would specifically restore the ef-l fecUvemnu rJ anv atata antl-mihM versive laws affected by the Su preme Court's Nelson case ruling. Rebel Radio Sought TUCUMAN, Argentina (AP) -Provincial officials are seeking a clandestine radio that began broadcasting propaganda this week in behalf of ex-dictator Juan D. Peron. He is living in exile in the Dominican Republic. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., May 28, '58 (Sec. II)-11 ; n 1 WOMEN " 1 1 i ' -Ms l Want to freshe)n up? 'Just drive in at the sign of the Chevron. Find out for yourself how pleasant and clean the restrooms are1 at Standard Stations and. Chevron Dealers. 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