Valley News Statesman News Service First Man to Graduate At College in Mt. Angel Statesman Newa Service MT. ANGEL -When Mt. Angel Women's College opens its 'doors for the 1958-59 school year, men students will be registering for classes, thus ending the school's 70-year tradition as a women's college. Henceforth the school' will be known as Mt. Angel College, it has been announced by Mother Gem ma, president of the college. Six men have already enrolled as full time day students, and inquiries have been received from a num ber of others, Mother Gemma said. The change in the school's status resulted from an increasing num ber of requests in recent years from men who wished to enter the college. Anticipating the new poli cy, three men students have been enrolled in daytime classes at Mt. Angel during the school year, now ending. One of them, Charles Wil cken, Colton, will be the first man ever to graduate from the college when the school holds its commen cement exercises on May 29. Wilcken holds a Bachelor of Sci ence degree from the University of Utah and returned to college to ob tain a degree in elementary educa tion. He transferred to Mt. Angel after taking courses at the Port land Extension Center. . Founded as Mt. Angel Normal School in 1888 by the Benedictine Sisters, the school offers degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in elementary educa tion. In addition to the BA and BS MT. ANGEL Charles Wilck en, Colton, will be first man ever to graduate at Mt. An gel Women's College, hence forth to be known as Mt Angel College. degrees, Mt. Angel College offers students a two-year curricula con sisting of a general liberal arts program, and a secretarial science course, both of which terminate with the junior college certificate. A pre-nursing course includes one year of college classes preparatory to hospital training. Silverton High Commencement Due Tonight SUtcanan Newe Service SILVERTON Rev. Joe Hard ing, pastor of Triiiity Methodist Church, Four Corners, Salem, will be commencement speaker Tues day night at 8 p.m. on the athletic field of Silverton Union High School. There are 122 In the senior class. Rev. Harding, who is instructor of Religious Youth work at Wil lamette University, will speak on "Grappling with Ghosts." Valedictorian Sharon Burian will speak on "Education in a Dem ocracy" and Dawn Lackman, salu- tatorian, will give the welcome to those present. The school band, directed by Edwin Happner will play the pro cessional and recessional marches. The high school chorus will, sing, and invocation and benediction will be given by Rev. I. M. Nelson of First Christian. Banm to Preside Milton Baum, superintendent of Silverton schools will preside and also pass out the diplomas as Tom Tweed, class president, and James Heater read the names. Principal Karl Kahle, Jr., will announce honors for the class. In addition to the valedictorian and salutatorian, these include names for six honor plaques and 35 stu dents who have earned a grade of 2 or better during their high school career. Scholastic Honor Students Names of the honor plaque win ners are kept secret until Kahle announced them during the gradu ation program. The 35 scholastic honor students were announced Monday in include: Sharon Burian, Dawn Lackman, Norma Knutson, 4-H Fair at Pr ingle Success Despite Rain Statesman News Service PRINGLE The Pringle 4-H Com munity Fair Saturday at Pringle School was a success in spite of the rain. The program began at 10 a.m. with the flag salute. The 4-H pledge Valsetz High to Graduate Eleven Statesman Newt Service VALSETZ Eleven seniors of Valsetz High School will receive diplomas at graduation exercises Tuesday, 8 p.m., at the high school auditorium. Commencement speaker will be Dr. W. M. McArthur of 0 r e g o n College of Education. Valedictorian for the graduating class will be Dennis Doughtit, with Janet Eamons as salutatorian. Other members of the graduat ing group are Sharon Dahl, Lynn Dunmire, Forrest Egli, Michael Egli, Teddy Goodell, Beverly Ko loen, Jerry Millburn, Ronald Rose and Darlene Sanders. Christine Hutton, Karole Homann, Christine Kyte, Shirley Simpson, Jeanne Thompson, Twon Tweed, Janet Carlson. Jerry Seims, Iva- deanne Evans, Mary Libner, Mar- iam Watson, Tom Lynch, Maurine VanCleave, Tom Reed, George Jones, Barbara Olson, David Doerfler, David Almquist, Roberta Darnell, Don Funrue, Judy Lath- rop, Dick Palmquist, Wayne Fet ters, Barbara Lichty Ann Solberg, John Skirven, Wilma Mattiesen, Rachel McBride, Shirley Schwarz, Norman Cuno, Joyce Kilborn, Tom Martin. was led by the Schuster twins. The creed was read by Janet Eldred, Linda Nelson, Gordon Patterson, Carla Gray and Allen Burnett. Mistress of ceremonies was Lou anne Wain. Several numbers were played by the Pringle Wranglers Band. Comments were given to the Wranglers Livestock Club by Ted Larson, Ed Ahrens, Henry Ahrens and Kehne Wain. Demonstrations by the Red Hills Riding Club were hampered by the rain and wet ground. Afternoon program of demonstra tions and skits were presented by the Ten Little Cookers, Pringle Flower Growers, Pringle Sewers and Do and Dine Club. Woodburn Schools To Close May 29th For Berry Work Statesman Newa Service WOODBURN Schools will end here a week sooner than the sched uled date of June S due to the strawberry early ripening. School officials announced Monday that school will end May 29 so that children can help with the harvest ing. Graduation dates will remain the same, stated Frank P. Doerfler, school superintendent, Washington grade school will nave exercises at the high school June 4 and Woodburn high school seniors will graduate June S. Costa Rica Joins ICAO MONTREAL UP) The Interna tional Civil Aviation Organization has announced that Costa Rica will become its 73rd member state Saturday. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING invifes V00. ,0 in m Mi lljj Fofll 1 ( w J. In Simmons $75,000.00 "Name The Strong Men" Contest Obit 837 OTHER WONDERFUL PRIZES 2nd Prizes: NEW EDSEL CARS I 3 "Citation" Hardtops $500 Caih Bonus If your Sim mons entry blank It tramped at your local Ediel-Dealer thaw room. (Applies to 2nd prize wtnnert only.) 3rd Prizes! VARIG AIRLINE HOLIDAYS 1 3 Trips to Rio for Two My to Rio de Janeiro. Spend 6 fes tive days at the Gloria Hotel. I I I v HERE'S ALL YOU NEED TO KNOfV TO NAME US I SiflhdL 4th Prizes! GRACE LINE CRUISES I 9 Caribbean Cruises for Two 12 days of tun and fun en the new "Santa Rota" or "Santa Paula." r i :-13gD inrr 3 lit; trtfl at- .mi-v igg&n "03 trar iCo'iPJi9 n-n- ni TiCCJjJ I.tiH-T llUfci -3jpiS3!n1f-' i :'(! Hi llt-H ''-h' 'H ! -r fi ji 1- ? 11 Infer now Contest closes Juno 30th. Now Is th bst time) to buy a nw autyreet and win up to $10,000,001 How to Enter Contest! When you buy a Beautyrett, we'll give you an entry blank. Write In a name that best describes the "strong men" shown above (like Bodyguards or Wonder Buoys). Then tell why you bought a Beautyrest In 25 words or less. Ifi as easy as that. Well help you with your entry . . . we'd like you to win! , 5 th Prhest 25 RCA whirlpool AIR CONDITIONERS! 6 th Prizest 30 NEW CALORIC UlTRAMATIC RANOESt 7th Prizes! 50 AMERICAN TACKIE FISHING SETSI 8 th Prizest 2 tfElSROS PRECISION CEIESRITY WATCHES! 9th Prizest 50 EVANS SICYCIES AND 30 TRICYCIESI 10th Prizest 100 HANDY WEUER WONDER TRIO SETSI f 1th Prlzeu m SYIVANIA NOCTURNE RAD tOJI Como in and soo tho ail-now '58 Boautyrost now I OUSffiEE PING INC. 9rW" Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tues., May 27, '58 (Sec. II)-11 1 A (1? 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