!4-(Sec. liy Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon., May 26, '58 Valley News Statesman News Service Promoted St. Paul Event May Lure Record Number of Riders Statesman Newi Service Bernard and Mrs. Carl Kirsch; re- Ytr anil Mr. Pari Smith ST. PAUL. Ore. A record num-1 ception: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith, ber of riders are expected to par- chairman; Mr. and Mrs. Walter ticipate in the St. Paul Rodeo As- Zosel and Mr. and Mrs. Fred sociation's annual trail ride here: Vicsko; posses: Ray Manegre, Sunday (June 1). according to chairman; Chuck Nestlen, Bill Jesse Manegre and Bill Fletcher, who are in charge of arrange ments. The ride, which attracts individ uals and organizations from all parts of Oregon and southwest Washington, will be preceded bjd a western style breakfast m the City hall. There will be a picnic lunch at the halfway point and contests at the rodeo ground at the end of the ride. Queea'to Lead Queen Judy Seamster, 18-year-old Oregon State college freshman from Salem, will lead the riders. Rbbbins and Holly Jackson. 8th Graders To Graduate At Turner Statesman Newt Service TURNER Eighth grade gradua tion will be held in the grade school auditorium Monday at 8' p.m. The urogram will include nro- bne was crownea at me iraamonai i cessional, grade school bands; in coronation dance last Friday night. vocation. Rev. Scott Anderson; She will be attended by her prin- songt 7th grade; class history, cesses. Patricia Ann Hart of Beav- Marilyn Franzen; Introduction of erton and Marsha Olsen of Tigard. I speaker Principal J. Parker Line- meanwmie pians iur uie xoru berry. I " ' i , .,! .- ' U 1 ' ' V ' , r " - ' ' 1 , : (.-y-' , V f ' t If' -. ' " ' M a n y School Awards Are Presented at Perryidale annual St. Paul rodeo July 3, 4 and 5 are i moving ahead on schedule, according to John McKillip, rodeo association president. McKillip announced appointment of the following committees: Housing: Mrs. Ray Manegre, chairman; Mrs. L. H. Bunning, Mrs. P. A. Bernard, Mrs. Walter r : Heavy Rain, Lightning Strike Area Itilnau Newt Service MARION .,FORKS-A wicked electric storm struck Marlon Forks Thursday afternoon and continued for about an hour. The storm rang and jingled phones and knocked out power at the lodge here. One jolt of light ning, appearing like a huge ball of fire, struck a tree near the hatchery home area. A downpour of rain accompanied the storm, totaling 1V inches in an hour. The precipitation eased fire hazards in dry forests, which had caused a shutdown of logging op erations because of low humidity. Gervais Band, Glee Instructor Resigns Statesman Newi Service GERVAIS Melvin Downing, band and glee instructor at Ger vais Union High School, has re signed to attend Portland St a t e College courses in education and library work. VALSETZ PLACES THIRD VALSETZ Community serv ice record books of all state VFW Posts were judged, with Willa mina placing first. Lake Oswego second, Valsetz third, and Dallas fourth. Winning books are enroute to national headquarters for final judging. Address will be by Carl Aschen- brenner principal of South Salem High School and presentation of diplomas will be made by Ray Grim, chairman of school board. Rev. ' Scott Anderson will give benediction, Receiving diplomas: Stella Bales, Linda VanOsdol, Marvin Cain, Edwin Jarman, Brent Jen sen, Merle Lapin, Terry Coleman, Gene Collier, Harold Du Mond, James Lyons, James Mann, Calvin Miller, Lester Fisk, Marilyn Fran zen, David Hunt, Fred Mitchell, George Pflug, Judith Pierce, Pam ela Rappe', Sylvia Sawyer, Jack Stout, Floyd Tayler, Garry Tillett, Allen Townsend, Linda Burgess, Catherine Wolf and Judith Wolf. fciri,l.8H..-Xl FORT BENNING, Ga. Merle H. Leighty, Woodburn, Ore., recently was commissioned lieutenant after completing the National Guard officer candidate course at The In-, fantry School here. Lt. Leighty, whose wife, Dar lene, lives in Woodburn, is son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Leighty, also Woodburn. Grange at Union Hill Adds Two More Members Stateiman News Service UNION HILL-Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hunt became new members of the grange by ballot at the reg ular meeting of the grange on Friday night. Donations of money were given to the Cancer Fund and the Home Economic Scholarship Fund. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Krenz and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morley served on the lunch committee at the close of the meeting. Reports were given by the agri culture, home economic, legisla tive, relief, ball improvement and community service chairman. The June 7tb meeting of the Community Service club will be at the home of Mrs. Verny Scott. PURCHASE HOME LINCOLN Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nelke and children Virginia, Linda, Bobby, Larry, Gary and Donnie are occupying their home at Lin coln, recently purchased from Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Messner, who now live in Kingwood Heights. Ike Returns to White House From Farm WASHINGTON (AP) President Eisenhower returned to the White House Sunday after a weekend spent at his Gettysburg, Pa., farm home. Mrs. Eisenhower remained at the farm. The President was accompan ied on the automobile trip back to Washington by William E. Ro bertson of New York, chairman of the board of the Coca Cola Co., who had been a guest. A rainy day had kept the Ei senhowers indoors most of the day at Gettysburg. Soviets to Fight Locust KARACHI (A Pakistan has ac cepted a Soviet offer of equipment to help fight a locust invasion. Crops in West Pakistan are menaced by swarms of locusts heading in from the Middle East. SEVEN GRADUATES ZENA Graduating from the Lin coln school and going into the! seventh grade at the new Judson Junior High School in the fall will be: Carol Howell, Larry Purvine, Bobby Washburn, Judy Noteboom, Joan Loop, Eudene Bitticoffer, and Patty Beach. Third graders grad uating from the Zena School and entering the fourth grade at the Lincoln school are: Jimmy Howell, Charles Yoder, Steven Claggett, Barbara Schrock, and Kevin Gres-ham. lUttimii Newi Service PERRYDALE Perrydale School held its annual class awards night Thursday, the program starting with the. flag salute DdT welcome by Wayne Phillips, 19JB-59 student body president-elect. Elementary school girls athletic awards were given to Lois Cooper, Carol Bissell, Melva Hamilton, Marilyn Neufeld, Audrey Beyerle Judy Smith, Jean Ediger, Joan Abel. Nadine Keyt, Joan Dart, Phyllis Mcintosh, Carol Jones, Brenda O'Dell, Shirley Clanfield, Kathryn Phillips. Judy Seimiller, Diane Stauffer, Frances Miles, Karen Phillips and Andrea De Jong, by their teacher, Mrs. Ger trade Lbfgren. Special appreciation went to Mrs. Leo Harrelson for her help in girl's athleti.es and a certificate of first place went to the volley ball team from the Llnfield tournament. George Long presented awards in boy's athletics to Ronald Gonsh orowski, Larry Wilson, Douglas Kosenbalm, Jim Enyart, Lewis Macken, Bobbie Quinton, Delbert Domes, Keith Keyt, Roderick Wat son, Jerry Rohde and Jeremy Brown. High school girls athletic and GAA awards were presented by Mrs. Mary Jarvis to Mary Barth, Nancy Dauenhauer, Marjorie Mo- lntosn, Florence Ediger, Dariene Mapleton,. Eleanor Naiarenus, Sara Kay Rosenheim, Anna Naza renus, Grace Moseby, Delores Gil son,, Patsy Dent, June Quinton, Mazie Engelein, Linda Moseby, Norma Moseby, Barbara Macken and Edith Classen. Leslie Stewart presented boys' athletic awards to football, bas ketball and track to Leroy Gilson, Wayne Phillips, Donald De Jong, Norman Frink, Roscoe Siemiller, Wayne Foster, Dick Brown, Tex Stout, Dan Van Otten, Gary Smith, Bob Stapletoa, Ralph Chapin, Gor don Domes and Sam Fuller. Terry Murray presented band and chorus awards to Bill Burr, Judy Smith, Meredith Brown, Jean Philips. Sam Fuller, Keith Keyt, Lewis Macken, Eleanor Nazaren us, ' Sara Kay Rosenheim, Dan Van Otten. Roderick Watson, Lar ry Wilson, Jane Phillips, Allan Watson, Carol Jones, Dick Brown, Ralph Chapin, Nancy Dauenhau er, Patsy Dent, Gordon Domes, Florence Ediger, Mazie Engelein, Wayne Foster, Delores Gilson, Mary Lou Glass, Glen Gonshorow ski, Edith Classen, Barbara Mack en, Grace Moseby, Marjorie Mc intosh, Linda Moseby, Norma Moseby, June Quinton, Linda Reynolds, Gary Smith, Dariene Stapleton and Joan Weinz. Principal Don Miller presented achievement awards as follows: 8th grade scholarship Audrey Beyerly; Honor Roll all year De lores Gilson, Nancy Dauenhauer and Sara Kay Rosenbalm: Math ematicsSam fuller; Science Dan Van Otten; English Sam Fuller; Social Studies Sara Kay Rosenbalm; Commercail Delores Gilson; Home-making Sara Kay Quake Felt in Ecuador GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador (AP) A sharp, prolonged earth tremor was felt here at 4:14 p.m. (EST) Sunday. Reports from throughout the country said the quake also shook Quito, Guaranda, Riobam ba, Cuenca and Esmeraldas. There were no immediate reports of any damage. Of aron acnt-iim m shw owe fcwkir iwc-nr Bad Ifc Pot Booste Chevy Shuwn uow w4ty on ABC-TV AJr Cond?olny- ip efotsrei end K i for aiwaothar coariort. Get de earn Ira tiol If ; fte Bkevpt fee-Door Sedan w Body by Riker. trery window of every Ceevroef It Safety Hate Glou. NOTHING SO NEW NOTHING SO NICEA-NEAR THE PRICE. THE 58 CHEVROLET is the one honest-io-goodneis new ear in the low-price field. And once you drive it, you'll find it offersvlu year's most rewarding advances in ride and performance. It stands oat Kke a newly minted coin. Its dean-etched beauty its flashing ro flexes ghre k a new look ... a new feci Yet, with al ks V8 rigor and gull-wing gtamor, Chevrolet's priced surprisingly lorn. k the models most people buy, it's TJu only all-new tar in tkt low-price field. Mil actually the lowest priced of the low priced three. So any way you look at this new Chevy, you just can't make a more beautiful buy. If you haven't yet takenVa trial ride, don't pwt off the pleasure any longer. comparable tedan and hardtop models. See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer 'Based on list prices for CAPITOL CHEVROLET CADILLAC, INC. Rosenbalm; Agriculture Allan Watson;- drafts Glen Gonshorow ski; Typing Wayne Foster;. Dra matics Dan Van Otten; Library Linda Reynolds; Driver Educa tionBob Stapleton (who won sec ond place in the Dallas Road-e-o); Driver education certificates to Roscoe Siemiller (7th place in the Road-e-o) and Patsy Dent. Special awards for perfect at tendance went to Audrey Beyerle. Linda Reynolds, Bill Burr, John Scharf, Rodger Miles and Barbara Dart. The outstanding senior girl athlete is Marjorie Mcintosh and the outstanding senior boy is Le roy Gilson. The Haherly Cup for the out standing senior went to Nancy Dauenhauer who is also valedic torian and was recently selected as Perrydale's Smileroo princess. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dauenhauer. After the awards, the senior class showed filmstrips of their trip to Seattle and Canada. They also presented a skit and the class win and prophecy were read. Hymnals for Soldiers COLOGNE (A All Roman Cath plic soldiers in the new West Ger man armed forces have been giv en prayer and hymn books en titled "Qn Holy Duty." The Cologne archdiocese said me dooks were published for army use. More than 5,000 students at Pennsylvania State University study fifteen different subjects' on closed-circuit television.. Landslide "Buries 9 Children; 5 Killed AOMORI, Japan (AP) a' land slide buried nine children playing near a Shinto shrine Sunday and only four were dug out alive. The ship elevator on the Hohen- zollern Canal between Berlin and the Oder River can take vessels 118 feet up or down in five min utes. PRE-HOLIDAY REG. 19.95 SARAN EH plasik 3-DAY LOW PRICE! ffi 0 "Charge It" on SRC o New and neat all-over pattern . . . smart, modernistic, tough-woven Saran plastic is on seat and backrest. Rich-looking grained. simulated leather is in a V-panel at the top of the backrest and on the top and side edges. Car Bodv Mlrrors 1 Reg. 4.95 3.94 Smartly iryU4 bright auorterf colore. Adtwtabw, 4-lnek noivglore lac. aon and Pollih Car Reg. 1.67 ' 98c fvorfUiUe TO It i 'nil- ' 1 i - vo. uni.ewiiewiii An...miMmMhmm Otaiev - DELUXE SARAN PLASTIC Regular 24.95 Woven Seren pleitk in' dittlnctivo petternt and colon. Ribbed leether-like trim high light! the deilgn. Vinyl-coeted reyon trim for longer weer and neater appaaranca. A precita fit! HEAVY DUTY CLEAR PLASTIC . Regular 19.95 Giva thowceta protection to your car up hohtea with theta 12-geuge, clear pltttic aet cover i. Thay allow yoi" to anjoy the) preient upholstery vWthout dirt worriai. JSY' I Trada-in LvJ T (t Altewanea CCq 7 on Allsfat. . iraili 30 Months rifiA FAOOBY.'fB ALLSTATE BATTERIES BACKED BY SEARS NATION WIDE 15-MONTH GUARANTEE Always sold factory-frash Dependable, quick-starting Long-lasting Chem Sat plates ' Plastic impregnated fibers be tween plates allow maximum flow of power resist heat and acid for longer life, better serv ice. Only at Sears. $00 Trade-in Allowance on Allstate 36 Months 6 or 12-Voh 0J 6-Yolf Exchange .. . It ,m q Rotary Car Brush Reg. 4.49 3.33 IrmrhonaiwIreMd ploitic brueh pl at Nigh velocity lor aoeiar, daanar wathlng. Trade-in Allowance on Allstate 48 Months 6 or 12-Volt if (tfsa Protect Vital Engine Parts Reg. 1.39 -,--. 1- 99C Change your oil filter refill to keep cleen oil flowing. Cotton filters in ALLSTATE refille give uniform filtering. ALLSTATE Plugs Give Greater Spark Area Reg. 39c 38c Get better get economy, mora pow er, filter itartt. Guaranteed ona year. Basket Top Carrier For Work and Play Reg. 17.95 - 13e88 All purpoie cerrier for work, vece tiont. Steel bottom, scratch resist ant bekel enamel finish. Holds 400 Ibs. . - Low Priced Rubber Rugs for Your Car Reg. 3.19 Jr. Pr. 2.33 Colorful, fl.xible rugs keep cer mats frea from dirt. Shake cleen In a lffyl Choose from green, blga, bleck or red. . Adjustable Top Carrier Bars Reg. 8.95 4 99 Low cost hauling. Oak bars with 8 large suction cups. 72-inch heavy canvas cargo sfraps. Only et Sears. Soft Polish Cloths For Home and Car Reg. 69c 44c For easier, faster polishing of cart or fine furniture. Extremely toft and heavyweight. Tops in durability., P tRr4 SEARS' AUTO PARTS DEPT. SEARS GUARANTEED INSTALLED PARIS FUEL PUMPS. Installed as low as....... - 5.19 CARBURETORS, Installed as low at 8.95 Eich. GENERATORS installed as low as ....16.00 Eich. VOLTAGE REGULATORS, installed as low as.. . 6.89 MUFFLERS, Installed as low as - 9.98 SHOCK ABSORBERS, installed as low as... 5.75 FAN BELTS, installed at low as ... .....f.eiO DIRECTIONAL SIGNALS, installed as low as 19.90 r. 1 11 ityiu 1 ' ""'"p .111111111 iN,aw;, 11 1 11 II " " s Bonded Brake Linings Tt99 Regularly 6.8$ & Extra heavy duty ALLSTATE linings guaranteed 25,000 miles. Be sure you can stop quickly) Get complete brake service at Sears parts are reasonably priced, ALLSTATE- Trailer Has Large Capacity Reg. 99.95 . .79.88 Nendy one-wheel trailer follows caft without sway or erking. Holds up to 500 pounds. "Creel, wood construction. EM 3-9191 110 N. COMMERCIAL ST, SALEM ; PHONE EM 3-3 17S -i i i v