22-(Sec. Ill) Statesman, Salop, Ore., Sun., May 25, '58 Silverton Dateline Riches Will Attend Son's Graduation By LTLLIE L. MADSEN SILVERTON - Mr. and Mrs Barry Riches and son, Jack, and Mr. and Mi. Theodore Riches win leave this week for Annapolis, Md to attend the graduation of the former's son, Raymond, from the U. s. Naval Academy. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Riches leave by train Monday morning. Following grad uation they will take a trip to Washington D. C and go on up to Quebec, Can. before going to Mankato, Minn., to visit with Mrs. Riches' mother, Mrs. A. E. Cuddy. Jack Riches will accompany the Theodore Riches, who leave by car early in the week. They plan to return via the northern route taking in Glacier National Park , before returning to their home. ' Both families live in Waldo Hills, Where their grandparents were early Oregon pioneers. Wedding invitations are the the mail for the marriage of Miss Kay Bergerson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs., Chester Bergerson, 828 Bar ker St., of Silverson to Alton An derson Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Scott of Tigard. Mr. Scott has just completed bis service require ments and will return next fall to Lewis and Clark, Portland, to work for his maaster's degree. Date of the wedding is June 7 - at .8 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church,' Silverton. A number of parties are being arranged for Miss Bergerson including a party by Mrs. Chester Dye at Tigard on Wednesday evening. Nelseas Retura From Hawaii Mr. and Mrs. Alfred 0. Nelson have Just returned from a couple weeks in the Hawaiian Islands, where they were guests of their on and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson, who live on Kauai Island. The younger Mr. Nelson, a former Silverton resi dent, was employed at Salem for many years prior to going to Ha waii last December where he is associated with the sugar Interests. The Nelsons spent two days in Honolulu before returning to Sil verton. They traveled both ways By air. Silverton friends are looking for ward to a brief visit with Mrs. Jo seph A. Luthro of St. Petersburg, Alaska, wife of the former pastor of Trinity Lutheran church, Silver ton, in early June. Mrs. Luthro will make her headquarters with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Elton Thayer at Salem. She will arrive there June 2 and the two will Join other Willamette Valley Lutherans who plan to go to Minneapolis,: Minn., for the convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Church and the women's federation in the fore part of June. Mrs. Luthro and her . two children, Kenneth and Meina, will return to Oregon with Mrs, Thayer for a longer visit, while Rev. Luthro does some graduate work at St Olaf's in Northfield, Minn. He will return to. Suverton and Salem later for a brief visit before the family returns to St. Petersburg, Alaska, where he has his eall. He will fly from there directly to the convention: Miss Jacqueline Murphy, a senior at the "Silverton Union High 'School received the annual high school award given by the Business and Professional Women's Club. The presentation, including a $25 cash award, is given for an outstanding girl graduate. Mrs. Chloe McBride is announc ing the engagement of her daugh ter, Rachel Iris McBride to Robert Renfer Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo R. Peterson, all of Sil verton. No date has been set for the wedding. Wed at Church Rites y- - A " Presbyterian Women to Be Guests ' " ' - ' tit ' ''4 m ' . i ., ,v w 'A ii I W . II, i I t . ffli ... i fc 4 Mrs. David Edwin Filler (Carol Joan Mef ford) who was married May 17 at the Westminster United Presbyterian Church. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Mefford and Mr. ancf" Mrs. Boyd A. Filler. The newlyweds will live in Salem. (SteTmonts Studio). ' Club Calendar Monday Marion Auxiliary, VFW at Veteran's Hall, 8 p.m. Rotarian Women at Ellis Von Eschen home, 1 p.m.' dessert. Bethel 43, Job's Daughters, Scottish Rite Temple, 8 p.m. Tuesday Salem Navy Mothers with Mrs. E. A. Boyle, 1590 Winter St. NE, 8 p.m. Chadwlck Chapter, OES Social Club, Masonic Temple, 1:15 p.m. Salem BPW Club, Golden Pheasant, 6:30 p.m. Grant Mothers and Dads, school, 7:30 p.m. Morningside Methodist WSCS, at church, 8 p.m. Mother's Club of Bethel 48, Job's Daughters with Mrs. Robert Stutzman, 5075 Will Ave., 8 p.m. Wednesday dason Lee Methodist WSCS Circles, 1:30 p.m. Westminster United Presbyterian Women's Association, at church, 8 p.m. First Methodist "WSCS, Carrier Room, 1 p.m. AAUW Wednesday Afternoon Literature group with Mrs. Tomine Leupold, 1816 Park Ave. NE., 1 p.m. Royal Neighbors Sewing Club with Mrs. G. M. Applegate, 1935 Oxford St. SE, 12:30 p.m. Cherry Court, Order of Amaranth, Scottish Rite Temple, 6:30 dinner. PLE and F Club with Mrs. Robert Grobe, 2695 Pringle Road, 8 p.m. Thursday Past Regents, Chemeketa Chapter DAR, with Mrs. Lester C. McLeod, 365 13th St. NE, 12:30 p.m. Salem Creative Art group. Bush House, 8 p.m. Jane Jefferson Club with Mrs. Robert D. Holmes, 695 Summer St. NE, 8 p.m. ' The Women'a Association of Westminster lnlted Presbyterian Church will meet at. the church on Wednesday, May 28, at 8 o'clock. Members of Grace Circle, under the chairmanship of Mrs. A. V. Winter, will serve as host- The women of the First Pres. byterian Church have been invit ed as guests for the evening. The program, arranged by Mrs. Har old Rosebraugh, has been designed to commemorate , the Centennial Celebration of the United Presby terian Church, which is being cele brated this month. Several skits revolving around the history of the church will be presented. Of added interest to those in attendance will be a vocal offer ing by a trio consisting of Mrs. Wayne Lander, Mrs. Harry Hen derson and Mrs. Fred Schwarz. Regular meeting of Social Club, Chadwick Chapter, OES will be held Tuesday at the Masonic Temple. Dessert will be served at 1:15 p.m. followed by a program and cards. Mrs. Phillip Michael will be the chairman. Auxiliary Elects , ! New officers of the Keizer Lions Auxiliary are Mrs. Walter Kechter, president; Mrs. Ray Lafky, vice president; Mrs. Al Lamer, secre tary; Mrs. John Payton, treas urer; and Mrs. Robert Arthur, Lion trainer. The last meeting of the season was held Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Kechter with Mrs. Lamer assisting. LYONS Donna Asmussen and Eva Bressler were hostesses for the Mav meeting of the Lyons Garden club held in the fireplace room of the Methodist churcn Wednesday. Following a business meeting presided over by Mabel Downing, Mrs. Ward Inglis of Stayton gave a talk on' arrange ments and "Grooming for Show' followed by a general discussion. Guests were present from, the Mill City Garden club which will hold a flower show on May 23. I Sewing Club to Meet The Royal Neighbors of America Sewing Club will meet Wednesday at the home of Mrs. G. M. Apple- gate, 1935 Oxford St. SE., with Mrs. Blanche Gaines and Mrs. William Conner as co-hostesses. a ttoUit lnnphAnn will h Mm, at 12:30 with a business meeting ana snenv outuuu iuuumik. mem bers are asked to bring items for the auction. shop Monday 9:30 till 9 p. m. store-tide parking free with validation This week only we will be open Wed. 9:30 'til 9:00 P. M. for your convenience 1 1 blended 1 darfet oj flic t'U St. Helena's Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal Church will hold their final meeting of the season on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Ron ald Blundell, 2910 Pioneer Drive SE, at 8 p.m. Assisting hostesses are Mrs. Thomas Jaskoske and Mrs. Milton Chadsey. A white ele phant sale will be held. Leather Goods Horse and Dog Supplies CHERRY CITY MILLING CO. 299 S. High St. The Beauty Center Capitol Shopping Center vr " t J " Jr Open now, we give you lovely, lastingly natural tolor . in minutes I RAYETTE evenings by appointment color-tress NATUR0L with RAYETTE Lightning Vaporizer mxeltlng new vapor technique Watch this miracle begin to work In seconds 1 In less than ninety minutes your complete color-tress NATUROL treatment gives you lovely, natural hair color . . . leaves your hair silken-soft, more lustrous than ever before. Rayette Lightning Vaporizer bathes your hair in gentle penetrating vapor, steam-conditions it to new beauty.- And if s all so restful, so relaxing, the completely new approach to salon hair coloring! IHeaee smt In tor your pompllmentary eonaultatlon leeiayl PHCPNI EM 2-0992 The Beauty Center 464 No. Capitol to delight a June grad . . slip by seamprufe 5.98 Perfect beneath Summer fashions ... a cool, easy-care combination of dacron, cotton and nylon with rows of embroidery and delicate ny lon lace trim. Full front shadow panel. White. Sizes 32-44, short, average, tall. Lipmaris Lingerie, 1st gay coordinates in sunny colors chino sportswear .98 ea. Prints and solid color chino team up for casual smartness in this new summer trio. Blouson, capri pants and full skirt in yellow, pink and blue solids with coordinated prints. Sizes 8-18. Complete set only 11,94- Lipmaris Sportswear, 1st for the dewy, fresh look of youth reveiiescence cream When worn throughout the day, this beneficial, corrective moisturizer gives you skin the look of lustrous youth. And as it treats, Revenscence lends a supple, soft texture to your skin that en hances make-up. 'plus tax Lipmaris Cosmetics, 1st y4 o o I U ft il smart new styles for graduation and summer-long smartness! lined summer suits i. .98 Two flattering styles In cool Trentino (dacron-rayqnrblend) for graduation day and on through the summer. Classic boxy jacket or pert chemise back bow style in white, navy, beige, gold, mint, orange ice, aqua or toast Jacket and skirt seat lined in rayon taffeta. Sizes 8-18, 7-15. Lipmaris Suits, 2nd floor special purchase savings! regularly 29.95 to 39.95 smart summer toppers $19 Lightweight toppers . . . perfect over all your summer fashions . .'. and at out standing savings. Several styles to choese from in sheer wools, wool and silk, wool and linen blends. Button or clutch styles with smart details, some with back interest. Choose from white, navy, black, blue, coral or gold. 8-18. Lipmaris Coats, 2nd floor your dollars buy more at Lipman's - S&H green stamp with -very purch ase