Saturday's Television Log KOIN-TV, I; KGW-TV. KPTV, U; KVAL-TV, U HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:43 8 Opt KangaroolCapt Kang aroolFun House Fun Houm i I I Am. Heritage !ArtJ tt Gods lArtsatGodt KOIN KGW KPTV Am. Heritage 9 KOIN Mighty Mouse IMlfhty Moum RFD . . . I . . . I riv A nay I ij-eng Anay utn KVAL Andy's Peng lAndy.'i Gang HUD IHowdv Doodr IHowdv Doodv IHowdj-Doody IHowdy-Doody KOIN KGW reeturett (Garnt Preview Gam of Week Gamt of Week OKPTV TBA ITBA Pro-Baaeball IPro-Baseball KVAL Tex Mason ITex Ma ton IPro-Baaeball iPro-Baseball 1KOIN Game of Week Game of Week Gam of Week Gime of Week KGW Prayer-Hymn Farming if'arming Mag. Doorways 1KPTV Pro-Baseball IPro-Baseball IPro-BaMball IPro-Baseball KVAL Pro-Baseball IPro-Baseball iPro-Baseball IPro-Baseball 1KOIN Game of Week IGame of Week iGame of Week Dug-0ut Cluk KGW Explrer ScoutslExplrer ScoutslTeleventures Teieventurea 2 KPTV Pro-Baseball iPro-Baieball Pro-Baaeba)l IPro-Baseball KVAL Pro-BaaebaU IPro-Baseball IPro-Baaeball I Dan Smoot KOIN Arcmhair The. (Arcmhair The. lArmchalr Th. lArmchalr The. I KGW Discovery IDtscovery ISci. Secrets Scl. Secrets KPTV Sports. Sped. I Dun Smoot B1( Western ' .Big Western , I KVAL Weekend Weekend iWeekend Weekend 2 KOIN Armchair The. lArmchalr The. Lone Ranger ILone Ranger KGW Autry Theater lAutry Theater lAutry Theater lAutry Theater KPTV Big Western 'Big Western IBlg Western Blg Western KVAL Weekend IWeekend IWeekend 'Weekend 3 KOIN Greet Plains Crest Plains B1U Rtekok iBIll Hlckok KGW Rogers Thea. IRogers Thea. IRogera Thea. IRogers Theater KPTV True Story ITrue Story IDetect. Diary IDetect. Diary KVAL Weekend IWeekend Weekend 'Weekend 4 KOIN TBA Holly wd Race IHollywd Race (Showtime Mom KGW 1 Flash Gordon (Flash Gordon Cartoon Featlv ICartoon FetUv. KPTV Ramar Ramar (Jungle Jim (Jungle Jim KVAL Weekend iWeekend Weekend 'Weekend 5 KOIN Showtime Mom ICartoon Time IPerry Mason Perry Mason KGW Annie Oakley JAnnie Oakley iBowItnf (Bowling KPTV Jr. Auction (Jr. Auction lAbbtt-CosUUo lAbbtt-CosteUo KVAL Disneyland IDIsneyland iDlsneylind Disneyland 6 KOIN Perry Mason IPerry Mason (Top Dollar (Top Dollar KGW Bowling IBowIing Dick Clark Pick Clark KPTV NW RambUngsiNW Rambling 'People Funny (People Funny KVAL Big Record IBlg Record IPeople Funny People Funny 7 KOIN Gale Storm IGala 8torm IHave Gun IHave Gun KGW Circle 8 (Circle (Circle a (Circle I KPTV Perry Como IPerry Como IPerry Como IPerry Com KVAL Perry Como IPerry Como IPerry Como IPerry Como 8 KOIN Gunsmoka IGunsmoke :Death Valley iDeath Valley KGW Lawrence Welk.Lawrence Walk Lawrence WelklLawrence Welk KPTV Club Oasis Club Oasis ITurnlng Point Turning Point KVAL Target ITarget jTurninf Point Turning Point 10:25 a.m. Game el the Week Los Angeles Dod gers meet the Cincinnati Redlegs. 1:00 p.m. Armchair Theatre "The Crooked Road" starring Edmund Lowe, Irene Hervcy, Henry Wilcoxon. Respected man threatened blackmail by a former prison cellmate. 4:11 p.m. Hollywood Park Race The $100.000-add- ed Californian. Social Climber, Terrang, and Round Table are among horses expected. 1:30 p.m Perry Masoa Mason seeks to clear hia client of a homicide charge after a man who has attempted to blackmail the client is found dead. 1:00 p.m. Northwest Rambling Bob Brown will present feature pictures of the John Day Cow Country Junior Rodeo. 7:00 p.m. Gale Storm Show A visit to gay Paris Dy busanna and ner shipmate lanos them in the clutches of a group of confidence men. :M p.m. Showtime en Six - "la Old Chicago." starring Tyrone Power, Don Ameche, Alice Faye. "Right to the Heart," starring Brenda Joyce, Joseph Allen, Jr. Cobina Wright, Jr. KGW-TV (Channel 8): 5:00 p.m. Annie Oakley-"Dead Man's Bluff." An nie stops a run on the Diablo Bank and Annie has one of the closest calls of her career. 5:30 p.m Best of Championship Bowling An hour o( exciting bowling, best matches from around the country. 1:00 p.m. Lawrence Welk The Music Makers with 9 KOIN Rlchd DlamondlRlchd DlamondlDbl e Feature KGW Harbor Comnd. Harbor Comnd.ISS Men KPTV Amateur Hour lAmateur Hour IHlt Parade KVAL Amateur Hour lAmateur Hour wit parade JDble. Feature M Men mi raraae IHlt 6m Farad 1KOIN Dble. Feature IDble. Feature Dble. Feature IDble. Feature KGW Racket Squad Racket Squad Chan. I Plyhae. Chan, t Plyhse. OKPTV Academy The. lAcademy Thea. Academy Thea. I Academy Thea. KVAL Lawrence iWelklLawrence WelklLawrence WelklLawrenc Welk KOIN KGW KPTV KVAL rtki eatur inhl. irtiira IDble. Feature IDble. Feature Chan, Plyhse.iChan. 8 Plyhse.iChan. a Plyha.Zhan. S Plyhse. Acaaemr x n Sat. Cinema Academy fhea.lAcad'e y Thea.lAcaderny fhea.lAcademy Thea. mat. cinema isai t-inema sat. untma (Idltor's note: The Statesman patoiskei gi faitk the program 'an times as provided ky radio and CV stations, knt keeanta efttisat the regrams are changed wltheat aetJfleetloB this aewspaser cannot he responsible for the acearacy hsiein.) Saturday's Radio Log KSLM ISM KOAT Kit KBKt lit KOW 17 KOW S3 KOOM IBS FM: Megacycles KOIN ni l; KGW 1MJ HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 6 KBLM KGAY KBZ KOIN KGW KGON News Larry Row RFD-Bauer ' News-Musts Town-Country News (Mus Tlmkpr lLarry Rosa (R.F.D-Bauer KOIN Xloek iTown-Countrr IMonltor iMua Tlmkpr voice ox unua RFD-Bauer IKOM Klock Town-Country Monitor 7KSLM KGAY KBZY KOIN KGW 'KGON Hemingway Gam Comm. Mews KOIN Klock Town-Country News-Monitor Top Tune Larrv Roe RFD-Bauer IHeadline News' Town-Country Monitor j ' iNewa I Larry Rosa RFD-Bur KOIN Klock IT it C-Newt IMonltor Musis Sport New Weekender Goes News ITown-Country jNtws Monitor News Lsrry Rosa Weekender Contum wews T & C-Nws Monitor - Saturday Television Highlights KOI N-TV (Channel 6): Alice Lon provide a full hour of music and dancing. 10:30 p.m. "Adam Had Four Sobs" Ingrid Berg men as a governess of four boys runs headlong into trouble when one of them marries a red haired vixen. KPTV (Channel 12): :30 a.m.-Arti anal the Gods-"Herakles." with Alexander Scourby. The legendary strongman's birth, childhood, twelve labors and death. 10:30 a.m. NBC Major League Baseball New York Yankees vs. Detroit Tigers. 1:30 p.m. Big Weetera "Marshal's Daughter," starring Laurie Anders, Ken Murray, Preston Foster, and Hoot Gibson. A young girl and her buddy-boyfriend help clean up a town. 1:00 p.m. True Story A high school teacher, asks the police to investigate mysterious phone calls she has been receiving. (:00 p.m. Northwest Rambling Bob Brown will present pictures of the John Day Cow Country Junior Rodeo. 7:00 p.m. Perry, Como Show (la Color) Perry's guests are Jane Wyman, Art Carney and the McGuire Sisters. 8:00 p.m. Club Oasis Kay Starr and Andy Grif fith star in this final nightclub act. 8:30 p.m. Turning Point-"High Barrier," star ring Vincent Price and Carolyn Jones. The mar ital difficulties of a painter and his young wife come to a strange climax on a South Sea island. 10:00 p.m. Academy Theatre "Swing Time," star ring Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Victor Moore, Helen Broderick, and Betty Fairness. A dancer, who gambles a great deal, has a difficult time saving his money in order to marry. Pianist, President Meet yv, ... ,1 ' -"J s s KSLM Music KGAY KGAY News KBZY News-Monitor KOIN News-Lewis KGW Town-Country KGON News-Monitor Music Larry Ross Monitor Robt Q. Lewis Haven of Rest Haven of Real Larry Rosa KGAY News Monitor Monitor Robt Q. Lewis Lewis-News t it c-wwa Monitor Town-Country (Town-Country j Monitor IMonltor 1 9 KSLM News Farm A HomeiPsitors Call I Matinee KGAY Larry Ross Voice of Chin ILsrry Ross 1KGAY New KBZY News-Monitor iMonitor IMonltor IMonltor KOIN News-Drake I Galen Drake Builness News IBusiness News KGW Heck Harper Heck Harper Heck Harper Heck Harper KGON News-Monitor Monitor (Monitor IMonltor KSLM KGAY KBZY KOIN KGW KGON Baseball Larry Ross News-Monitor News-Music Dick Novak Farm Hour KSLM KGAY KBZY KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KGAY KBZY KOIN KGW KGON Baseball Larry Rosa News-Monitor News G-smok Dick Novak News-Monitor Baseball Noon Newa Markets News-Weather Dick Novak News-Game I Baseball lLarry Ross IMonltor I Midmorn News I Dick Novak I Farm Hour Baseball lLarry Ross IMonitor IGunsmoke IDlck Novak Monitor ' Baseball Larry Ross Monitor City Hosnltal Dick Novak I Music IBaitbsU I Ikuay news Monitor City Hospital Novak-Newa iMusic News iRoger Carroll IRed Foley News-Westher IDlck Novak IGame of Day IBaieball lLarry Rosa Monitor I Amos 'n' Andy 'Dick Novak Red Foley I Music IRoger Carroll IFarm c Horn Garden Gat .Dick Novak IGame of Day Baseball I I KGAY New 4-H Salute Amos V Andy iMovsanews lea r oiey IMusle KGAY New IFarm tt Horn About House INovak-Newa IGame of Day 1 KSLM KGAY KBZY KOIN KGW KGON MTisic Roger Carroll News-Monitor Newspaper R. H. Peck Game of Day IMusic IRoger Carroll Monitor Newspaper R. H. Peck IGame of Day 2! i 3! KSLM KGAY ' KBZY KOIN I KGW KGON KSLM KGAY ' KBZY KOIN ' KGW KGON Merry-Go-R'd. Merry-Go-R'd. Roger Carroll IRoger Carroll News-Monitor IMonltor News-N. OJazzlN. O. Jaza R. H. Peck R. H. Peck Game of Day IGame of Day Memr-Go-R'd. IRoger Carroll Monitor Merry-Go-R'd. Koaer carrou News-Monitor Upbeat Dick Novak News-Monitor Uobeatts. Dick Novak Monitor 4 KSLM KGAY KBZY KOIN KGW KGON Guest Star Top 100 Hits News-Monitor News Dick Novak News-Monitor 'News rrop ioo Hits IMonltor IBusiness News Dick Novak Monitor IMusic Roger Carroll Monitor Way for Youth IR. H. Peck IGame of Day Merry-Oo-R'd. IRoger Carroll Monitor Dance Orch. R. H Peck IMonitor Merry-Go-R'd. IRoger Carroll IMonltor lXavler Cugst Dick Novak Monitor 'Blue Serened ISports News I IMonitor I IRnd At Rnd Dick Novak IMonitor Music KGAY Newa Monitor Way for Youth Peck-News Game of Day Merry-Go-R'd. KGAV Newa Monitor Dance Orch. Peck-News Monitor "Merry-Go-R'iC" KGAY Newa Monitor lXavler Cugat . Novak-Newe Monitor Music I Sen. Mors Monitor Rnd & Rnd Novak-New iMonitor 5 KSLM KGAY KBZY KOIN KGW KGON Bandst'nd USAIBsndst'nd USA News Top 100 Hits iTop 100 Hits "M0" Racea News-Monitor IMonltor Jazz Central I Jazz Central Ulck Novak (Dick Novak news-juomior monitor 6 KSLM KBZY KOIN KGW KGON 7 KSLM KBZY KODf KGW KGON Hawaii Calls lHawaU Calla News-Monitor IMonitor ls Brown Sports Return R. H. Peck R. H. Peck Red Foley ShwiRed Foley Word of Life Word of LIT News-Monitor IMonltor ISports Newa "900" Racea Monitor IMonltor Harmon Soorta iFrsnk Goes Dick Novak INovak-Newa IMonltor IMonitor 'Western Ser. Western Ser. IGrsn Ol Onrr IGrsn 01 Onry (Johnny Dollar IJohnny Dollar R. H. Peck Peck-Newa IRed Foley IMonltor News-FBI R. H. Peck News-Monitor IFBI R. H. Peck IMonltor IWestern Ser. Dug-Out Dope IMonitor IMonltor Jimmy Wakely iJImmy Wakely R. H. Peck Pck-Nw IMonitor Monitor 8 KSLM KBZY KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KBZY KOIN KGW KGON 1KSLM KBZY KOIN A KGW KGON KSLM KBZY KOIN KGW KGON 9 Baseball I Baseball iNews-Monuor Monitor Country Style ICountry Styl R. H. Peck R. H. Peck News-Musle iMostly Music BesebaU Sat Date Dance Orch. R. H. Peck News-Music Baseball' Sat Date Sat. Nlte Final News-Dance Mostly Music I Baseball ISat Date IDance Orch. R. H. Peck JMottly Music "Baseball ISat Date S porta Desk IDanre Time IMostly Music IBaseball Monitor I World Tonight IR. H. Peck IMostly Music IBaseball ISat Date IBaseball IMonitor World-Wthr. IPeck-News 'Mostly Muale IBaseball sat uaie JEntertainment lEntertainment luance lime . Dance Time IMostly Musle IBaseball ISat Date I Army Show IMostlv Music 'Mostrly Music IMostly Musle Top Tunes Top Tunes (Top Tune News.Sat Date Sat. Date Sst. Date U.S. Armv Shw!U.S. Army Shw'Late Show News-Dance iDanceland IDance Tim Mostly Musle Mostly Music 'Mostly Musle IBaseball ISat Date lArmy Show Mostly Music Mostly Music ITop Tun Sat. Date (Late Show IDance Tim Mostly Muale Radio Station KOAC, 550 kilocycles KOAC (Saturday): 10:00 a.ra The News aa Weather; l:lj Especially for Women American Medical Association; 10:45 Story Time; U: Th Concert Hall; K 00 The News and W lather; 11:15 pjn. Noon Farm Hoar; 1:S Asia InsUtate Lectures; l:00-BashaU Oregen va. O.S.C.; : Sweden la Music; 4: JO On the Upbeat; g: Children's Theater Stories n' stuff; S: JO Over the Back Fence; 1:45 Treack Fress Review; : The Newa and Weather; :1S-U. O. Matrli Takla Address by Helmlt Mayer Dietrich; 7:1S Grand Opera Tonight; l:5J The Nws and Weather; IS: Sign Off. The Oregon Statesman Seven days a week: 11.75 a montk ky carrier By Mail (in Ore.): II "i m0.; S7JW six mo.: SU M year. Please start my Statesman by carrier Immediately. I enclose $ .. . for , - snail subscrlptle. Scad to: Ik Oreiea Statesman fn-nt SS Ckarck ft Nl Address Lnolf Un WASHINGTON Harrey Lavan CUbnrn Jr., left, TexM youth who tjalned uuviv up international fame by winning Moscow piano contest, toweri over Prei- went tisennower as they meet Friday at White House. Aecompanytnt; young man on visit are ms parents, Mr. and Mrsviiarvey Lavan cilbnrn. Ar) . ft I -j. A :os -iaai:- A.. it i .1-! 'I S - r f -,-v 1 t "t? 1". . ' Tar Rahv OMAHA Fifteen-year-old Jimmy Thomas of East Omaha watches at his I di DdUy mother uses kerosene to clean mass of gooey tar from his arm. Jimmy tried to leap over deposit of waste tar at asphalt plant and didn't quite make it. Res cuers had to cut away his clothing to free him from sticky tar. (AP) Chewing delicious Wri.ley's Spearmint HelpsKeep MouthFresh and Clean 8 EXCLUSIVE FEATURES It Seems to Me Charles A Sprague Comet th Dawa Caarad Prang fiportillghlDer AJ Lltbtaer Aroond Towa Jeryme Cngllsk 1 Don't Look Now Maxlne Barest 1 afll 8 " (Ba Brighter Side and Clean a ft-'-"1"""' 1 I iisaaiasi nn in sen ..miiiiiniie The World at Your Door Each Morning o a Ton Pav NEW Y0RK i op ray Arthnr B Homer, president of Bethle hem Steel .Corp., was high est paid corporate executive in U. S. last year, according to Business Week magazine. In 1957, Homer earned 1623,338. (AP) 8-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore'., Sat, May 24, '58 BIONDII ty CHIC YOUNtJ lWillll!ll' 1 I DID- A WIFC IS ALLOWEO " I h ' 'Hilt WHAT VWsF I -' TO PICK UP AU THE r--- S STARTED r ' THe change that) ; Q wZSMZb i .ylfr PELL OUT OF MY y KEEP IT FOB t T Vte- zanJf POCKETL hERS BARNEY OOOOU . . ly FRED LASVVB.I " f lf SAYW SH6 I INUSSR FETCH ME ( VESSII I VE WU2 RIGHT, X ZTOLO Yl S0 porrcHART-X 0 LOOK SICKLY, TH' MERCUROCHROME J Xy. , SAMANTHY"SH6S ) DOC H A MAW IWISH VE'D LOOK V SAMANTHY AVACXJTTONV sDZ SOT W JZJ ALWAYS KNOWS AT &RDIB JANE" JTTf1 CX W(MEN POWfV YOUW-UNS BUCK ROGERS By RICK YAGER COVOU AVVV V tS.'XT'S 6IMPLJB, I MEANWHILE f - AS SILENTLY AS PROWLING CATS. TUB THe PtoSOH.TvgeJCAPT.QOGBBStJui M.L. EXITS AREN AUU?rMS CLOSXN LAUNCHING ja MAGNCTIC-TBANSiT SLOCXgD.'THE EARTHBATB ) W m CHANlCS 6Y6TEM.' r- I ABB rnAPfOftmKBAO tWrfj SSO.'tUVTMB HOLED OPlrT f7 HyflJJ H ' X SSuSW'- , ( THE PRISON-TUBS ROOM r ,,, vf.r l f rh 'SMOyr j I,vawi-but thsir plan ' (D3 WaeLAi &m MS&k Tf ' le yBirill fwiN p wsW4 wt-,3mL-A0oemswoMuvmim MICKEY MOUSE By WALT DISNEY JEJ"! MOKTV WBNTTOHIS WJT XX) CAN PLAV IN i HeT VAIl7...'YaU'Kst WfUCOVl trr'r.,, I,',1 -ffuTTL. Ttw Na-UMKoopI lrxPJkte. boti XI rUANjty yTNi I are uinMivy-.,if -A-r-u buii nveai I f-Ci. I . Sk.T I rr TmSoki U tt ? V " ' ' KSTWfl I If. A BUZZ SAWYER By ROY CRANE I nil DOUBT AND DISTRUST IT W1U If THINK OF TOE WSTIOaSrlH OT ,SRSSmSSm lV 1 MJr ICMATS MRUSSIA FKI KJEOS R aMAHSWR - Stm YUmA TWSOaVtOHf TOTW FRZE WORLD? PV A at saaWI? Kg81 I e -nif KtJaijLL? V Taanasetf J J l vew OASOL1NE ALLEY By KINO la-T- , I hihifflt"iusfc' the !cilll I s ( Two canyons an' a ) IZ ar hobble. otj JUDD SAXON " ' By KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD mmmmmmmm I J KATE, IT'S BAD ENOUGH AROUND I MAYBE SO. JUVD.., BUT YOU fOKtT ) , I I ? .1 IS.lffliy W MERE WITHOUT you COMPUCATINS ONE THINo. I'M A I Iff JJJffJV A II 'J-IIl TMINS9. IP CALHOUN WANTS STRANStA. AMP X fjKTV V VI SBV I Ik TShwTO SET A TRAP HE CAN . SHOULDN'T JT. BUT I'M VM' il I nTjTXT CERTAINLY PISCUSS IT WITH T39l KNOW V SUR6 WE 1 VlSP A RIP KIRBY By ALEX RAYMOND fKKv y 60O0. ANP MAYBE WC I I I iff 1 Se3w OH, RIP I IT 10 THI ENR 0Z" ti" WWX VOUSHT TO FINrSH OFf MtTs k MA5NT SESN THERE IS 1- ' JfcJj lA KIRBY v -B -l i 'WJM -Mb ME. ME'5 NOTHING AVDRE I ZvJillK DICK TRACY By CHESTER OOULD o.BRii5i?,W