Two News Services To Merge NEW YORK a-A merger of trie uruiea tress Associations and International News Service is in the offing, it was confirmed Fri day. An announcement is expected Sunday. - It was learned that such a merg er, long under consideration by the two news wire services, has been under renewed discussion and that, except for formal sign ing,' has been decided upon. It was understood that there would be no buying or selling in volved in the transaction. Dow Jones, a business news service, said the United Press plans to acquire INS from the Hearst Corp. United Press' is owned by the Scripps Howard Newspapers. INS is operated through Hearst Lonsonaaiea. u nas an editorial staff of about 400 in this countrv and abroad and a staff of 65 tele type operators. Dow Jones, In its story, said the impending deal was confirmed by a spokesman for William Ran dolph Hearst Jr., president of Hearst Consolidated Publications Inc., through which INS is oper ated. The spokesman was not named. In a statement, Hearst replied: "No spokesman, whatsoever has been authorized to make any statement in connection with the story concerning Jthe reported merger of the United Press and International News Service. All questions concerned with the story should be referred to the officials of these two agencies." The UP said there was no one available there for comment. Indian Couple Mourns Child Lost in Blaze WILLIAMS LAKE, B. C. (CD Billyboy and Aileah stood on a hillside near their sod'roofed cabin Friday and gazed sadly on the blackened ruins of . a frame hospital as they described efforts to save their child and 11 other Chilcotin Indian tots who died in a tragic fire Thursday. "I don't mind to talk a little," said Billyboy. "I was just home from work. I looked up and I saw the smoke. I got my kid in there. I come running barefoot." Combined School, Hospital When Billyboy reached the com bined school and hospital, on the Anaham reserve 74 miles from this Cariboo centre and 200 miles north of Vancouver, smoke was pouring from one side and flames shot out the other side. "There was four of us," said Billyboy. "McClure Jim, Otto Chell and Shuswap from down below." Shuswap is Chief Charley Draney of Denman Creek Reservation on the other side of the Fraser River, "We broke in the windows. The Afire came out. Otto Chell broke m some of the wall. We try to get ' up the back stairs for them kids, smoke drove us bac. Overcome by Smoke Billyboy., overcome by smoke, went back and sat on the hillside outside his cabin where he and his wife stood through the hot morning hours Friday, gazing at the rums. Occasionally, Billyboy wiped his eyes, but Aileah never put a hand to her face. A tear moved con tinuously down her cheek and splashed down in the sand. Pablo Casals Film Eyed MEXICO CITY Wl The news paper Novedades reports the life of Pablo Casals will be filmed in Mexico next year if he approves a script now being written. The famous Spanish anti-Franco cellist-conductor would come to Mexi co from his Puerto Rican home in exile to help supervise filming. He's in his early 80s. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Martin No. 11332 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 'that the undersigned has been appointed Administrator of the estate of Sylva L. McDonald, Deceased, by the Jir cult Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, and has qualified All persona having claims .ig-inst said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, a? by law requirea, to mc unaersignea T. 337 N. High Street, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the Hat hereof. Dated and first published May 10, 1958. Date of last publication June i, 1958. Rex Sanford, Administrator. Wheelock, Richardson & Niehaus Attorneys. M.10.17,24,31,J.t NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County o' Marlon, In Probata;- duly made and entered on the 15th day of A aril, 1B38, LUCILLE MAY BOEHRINGER COOPER, has been duly appointed ai Executrix of the Last Will and Testa ment and estate of FRANK J A. BOEHRINGER. deceased, and nat qualified aa auch Executrix. All per sons having claims against aid es tate hereby are required t6 present them, with proper vouchers, to said Executrix at 211 Pioneer Trust Build ing, Salem, Oregon, within six months after date of first publica tion of thit notice. Dated and first published the 10th lay of May, 19SS. LUCILLE MAY BOEHRINGER COOPER, Executrix aforesaid. CECIL H. JOHNSON. Attorney for Executrix 111 Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon. M.10.17J,S1J.T.'58. NOTICE Or FINAL ACCOUNT ELSIE ORRA BISHOP, Executrix of the Estate of ELSIE ADA BISHOP, Deceased, has filed her Final Account as auch -in the Circuit Court for Marlon County, Oregon. The said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 24th day of June, 1958, at the hour of 9:30 a.m. In the Court Room of said Court, as the time and place for hearing objections thereto and the settlement thereof. ELSIE ORRA BISHOP, Executrix . ELMER M. AMUNDSON Attorney for Executrix 1104 Livesley Building Salem, Oregon Hay 24. 11. June 7. 14. 21. 195. . Classified Advertising Ittnimu . journal PHONE EM 4-6811 tM Chorea lb KB. LOCAL RATES WEEKDAYS Daye 1 Line .40 s s 4 s AO J3 30 at TOTAL CHARGES per llne-1 tlmo .40 30 per Una 3 Umea SI .05 M Der line S times 11 M 11.40 per Une-1 mo. fSJA Unci. Sun t (Mia., times s Weekday! xxSua. LOCALS 15c per line per paper. Claulfled ada will be run in both papera to give advertit era the advantage of the tre- menaoua combined drcuia, tioni. When an ad u ordered three or ilx timet and a Sunda iaaue la included I for examDle Friday. Saturday, Sunday) the lower Sunday ratea apply be cause only The Statesman pub lishes Sundaya. Classified ada win atari In the , morning Oregon Statesman, ctnciuqe in uie evening t-spi-cal Journal but ada will be accepted for Sunday States- man only. ' rhe deadline tor claulfled ada la 1:00 Djn. the dav before publication except tor Sunday when deadline la 5:30 pjn. Friday. Emergency ads and email line, ada received after .w pan. wcrxaii ana umu 12 noon Saturday for Sunday may be placed In the "Too ite to ciaaaity column, Ada for Monday papera mutt be In by 4 pjn. Saturday. The Statesman - Journal News- papera assume so financial ra- aponalbility for errors which may appear in advertisements fniblished in ita columns and n cases where thia paper la at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the tVDoeraohlcal mistake oc- curs and is responsible for oniy one incorrect insertion. A "Blind" Ad an ad contain ing a Statesman Journal Newspapers box number for an address la for the pro tection of the advertisers and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Journal Newspapers are not at liberty to divulge Informa tion aa to uie laentuy or an advertiser using a "Blind'' ad. Ada In other columns which re quire Investment In stocks, samples, equipment or cash bond should be thoroughly Investigated before paying out any money. Advertisers re - quiring a cash lnveatment for samplea or merchandise, sales aids, etc, must so specify In tneir aaa. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect lta readers against fraud, deception, or Injuries. Readers are cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS to act a po sition advertised In the help wanted columns. All help Wanted ada MUST SPECIF? THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Sales help wanted ads must state if the pay is in the form of salary, commissions, guarantee, or include firm name. Ada requiring appli cants to buy merchandise from company and re -sell should appear under "Dealers A rents Wanted" classification. Bona fide offers of employ ment wun pay neiong to uit -Help wanted- columns. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . Too Late to Classify Belgian. Sheepdog 4 ixjctDies. for aruard. companion. or pet. BsacK Belgians, aim; Keg. j. M. Johnston, Box 128, cnemawa, vre. em 4-ami. MOORE PETS S . varieties of Blrda, summer prices, supplies, blrda boarded, Come aee. 4005 State. 46 DODGE Clb. cpe. S17 Ratcllff ur. jum 4-ovoi. 'S2 PLYMOUTH Cambridge' 4 dr. o'drive. EM- 4-5466. '48 DODGE eabover, 18' alum, van, new clutch, brakes, extra good shape, v.ouxzo 90 run, er. EM 3-0207. WTLL buy equity in lata model car. cau em 3-8782. SELL or trade for tractor 6c equip. 25 ft. trailer hse. sleeps . o. inn. am e-jiBz. WILL trade large lot for 18' or 20' modern trailer hse. Late model. Call EM .4-3838. 35' ANDERSON trailer house for sale. EM 3-9674. FOR RENT New 1 chair barber shop in Suburban Salem. Call tM 4-393B. PUBLIC hall, parties, dance groups, receptions, etc. Ground floor location 2000 sq. ft. ample parking SIS day. Call ior reservations, m 4-asn. EXECUTIVE J. . C. Penny Co. wants a Decrm., modern rent al, unfurnished up to $85. Will lease. Top reference. No chil dren Or pets. EM 4-4421. WANTED to rent or lease Ice. 3 bdrm. home, by June 16. Loc. ref, EM 2-2886. 1 BDRM. hse. close to shopping & ous. mm Aorams Ave. m. EM 3-1275. 1 BDR Suburban $25 2 BDR Range, refrig. $42.50 1 BDR Court Range, refrig. $55 2 BDR Hollywood $85 2 BDR East Range, refrig. $70 3 BDR Nearly new ranch $100 1 buh wiceiy r um. Apt. ou CENTER STREET REALTY 1748 Center St. EM 4-6631 Eve. EM 2-7812 4-BDRM. modern house 2290 center ,i. sou monm. am 4-5234. TV CLEAN, nice furn. sleeping rm. X4.79 wk. men, tM s-ioai. CHILD care my home, prac. nurse, so. irmircn. ium z-aais. WD n... m a iirnnt. urn Ir in griv. nome. Ejyi khm; oernice ennet, Apt. 19. PICKING Tuesday. Drive-out berry pickers wanted, win furn. gas., 2 ml. N. of Keizer. 1655 OyNieU Rd. Joe W. Oppck. OLD fir wood. $10 cord in 3 cd. loads, or fix single cd. zuzs a. 12th. EM 3-9553. SELL: refrig., $25. Davenport & unair, - aiu. roisc. nousenoiu items. 1155 N. Summer. AIR conditioner for aala. EM 4-0396, 3050 Evergreen. PAYMASTER check protector like new tc underwood 10 key adder. EM 2-5375 or EM 3-4839. 1 SHERER 10 ft. dble. dubar dairy case. 1 Sherer 10 ft. Veg. case used 18 mo. 1 Neon sign and 5 ahoppln csrts. Al Laua Herngeration, zjou aiate. $10 DOWN, houaecleanlng used TV, low prices, new guarantee. S&H Green Stamps. Master Service, 365 N. Com'l. MUMS, exhib. spider sr. hardies. 725 W. Salem Heights Ave. BOXER puppy AKC, male, brin die, 4 mo. Ears clipped. Shots. Champ, line.. 2512 Garfield, Corvailis. Plaza 2-3518. GIVE away kittens to good home. 8 wks. EM 2-7210. TOY Terrier puppies for sale. 3370 Duncan. Nr. Shattuc's. TO give away, male eollle-toy collie mix, 8 mo. to country home with children. EM 4-4187. Used practice pianos from Elec. organs from $595. Used reed organs $30. Always your top value at Zobel's, 498 Church. EM 4-8252 TO PLACE AD Dial EM 4-6811 300 Personal 1305 In Memorial! SAUNDERS, Heary. May ll-'M. Hla lift la a beautiful memory. Mia absence a big ailcnt jgrief. He aleepa In God's baauttful gar dan In ninihlm of perfect paaea. Wlfa Minnie Daughter! Son- 312 Lett ond Found LOST: Female Samoyed, long nairea wnue aogy ana. u - sui, 1 tlk." Reward. EM 3-' LOST: Bracelet, vie. Nebraska Ave., reward, em z-swh. $16 Personal ELDERLY Men board, rm, Homey. TV. 1290 Chemeketa. SPENCER Coreetlere Miss Em ma Wuerdemaon. EM 3-2884. PALMIST TELLS FUTURE and past. Love, marriage, busi ness. $1. 3745 Portland Rd. ALCOHOLICS. Anonymous. I S. commercial. MI 4-180S EXPECTANT mothers of anv faith aeeking confidential serv ices, contact uatnoiio man ties 247 N. Com'l EM 1-3985. ALCOHOLICS Anonvmo Marten. EM 44548. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Sal Standing Clover, 820 par A. EM 4-3037 ' 1 PALOMINO gelding. 1 brown A white Shetland pony, 4490 SUverton Rd. EM 4-7218. FOR Sals, Shetland pony well trained. EM 4-0724. SHEEP SHEARING 20 yr. prof. exp. W. R. Marshall, 5040 N. Lancaster. EM 4-6841 FOR Sale Cutting 150 T. alfalfa bunched In field at cut In bud atage $20 T. Gust Janzen, Day ton, Ore. 1 ml. N. of Hopewell. Ph. Dayton 2-9X22. . CHESTER White boar. 10 mo. 840. EM 1-1321. HORSE Trailer, sell or trade. 1 alngle at 1 dbl. EM 1-0332. GENTLE bay mare, 2 Shetland ponies at Kid s saddle, snaron Payne. EM 2-3192. FOR SALE, top rag. Hereford cows ac yeaning neiiers, nam ed. EM 3-8538, EM 2-3645. Horse Shoeing, anywntre Geo. Penfold, EM 1-5297 Cow k Calf EM 4-2588 GOOD Clover hay In field cut or uncut EM 2-Z9B8. 403 Livestock Wonted CATTLE horses, at your farm js. u. Mct-anoiisn. jsm j sibu. CATTLE Snethen 4103 SUverton Rd. EM 2-1345 Or EM 2-4380. CATTLE buyer, A. F. Sommer. was juaiias ltd. EM -SW(. BUYER Claud Edwards, Rt , BOX BOTE. EM 4-1111. TCP cash prices at your place. nay unci, mm -aisa .pueci. 405 Pols AKC REG. Pom puppies. A. W. sinu, yea snipping, em 4-aivs A.K.C. reg. Chihuahua atud service. Also puppies EM3-7731 REG. Boxer pups and atud serv. Line oreo, gooa Eastern atocx EM 2-5938 1790 Clearlake Rd. AKC Boxer stud service. Champ uioooiines. suverton in 3-4222. BLACK cocker puppies, small type, pure bred. EM ty C 2-7128. PARAKEETS. Quality Guaran- teed. 3425 Abrama. EM 3-7888. PUREBRED Golden Retriever, maie pupa, sa. em -oti. WE1MARANER 8 wks. AKC Kg. Champ Stock. Woodburn 2-2433 18 MO. old male German Sbap herd. EM 1-4313, , , BEAUTIFUL Reg. Dachshund pups,, from Champ, breading, 135. 1?4 ml. W. of Grand Isl Junction. Ph. , 12x4 Dayton, Merl4 Church. REGISTERED Chihuahuas, 2 momns oia, 2 males, l icmaie, papers furnished. Call Dallas, Mayfalr 3-4185 after 6 p.m. 1 LB. A. K.C.i reg. Pomeranian siua service. Also puppies, em 3-7731. PUG puppies, now avaUable, aim res- COCKER pups 8 weeks old. 82.50. EM 4-4856. PUPPY-LAND AH kinds. Pet prices. EM 1-1248. 412 Food Column . cut in cowom . A rt aifcsar aicV'ii?ffl',Locna ' BEEF 49c Cut t wrapped. 4 to 6 mo. to STRAWBERRIES Freezer Ready 30 cans-24',ic lb. order now. MAC'S MEATS & LOCKERS 810 N. Liberty EM 4-7744 PASTEURIZED whole milk, 82c gai siomogcnizea, sac. u gal 44c Clearv Dairy EM 2-1038 ASPARAGUS for canning ' A ireezing lue. 10. -me Green Apple Mkt 5005 Portland Rd. ASPARAGUS- for sale, bring containers, wuiaro nacneuer, 3470 River Bend Rd. EM 2-8384 414 Poultry t KabbHs Colored Fryers 29c lb. EM 4-3037 BUCK rabbits, New Zealand whites, EM 3-3239 after 6:30. BANTIES at rabbit fryers. 2076 Hoiiywooa ur. em z-uava. DAY old Leghorn cockerels, S3 per luu, every luea. c wea. Wilson's Hatchery, Lyons, Ore. BABY chicks. Leghorns, Par- meniers, new uampa, wnue Rock Cornish, also turkey foults avble. Valley Farm tore. Custom Dressing of Poultry we ouy raooiia wings 3985 State. IM 4-3918 418 Lawn t Garden TOP SOIL & FILL DIRT from Mission Bottom EM 1-6931 GARDEN Tillers $129.50. Valley Farm store. KEIZER loam k cardan sand. fill dirt a silt. KM 3-1N8. 100 Display Classified UPRIGHT F 10 FT. $248.00 21 FT. $369.95 25 FT. $399.95 1 ONLY 13 FT. DEMO $279.00 MASTER SERVICE 385 N. Com'l EZ Terms st SAH Green Stamps 400 Agriculture 411 Lawn Gordon ROTOETTE tiller, good eond. except needs minor motor re pair. Coat 8400 new,: bargain at 175. 1080 Main Ave. EM 1-1313. GOOD used nower lawn mow, ers, $22.50 up. S.H. Green Stamps, Terms, . Maatar Serv ice Station 365 N. Commercial 1847 BEARCLOG Garden tractor. New engine cultivators, discs and plows $125. Rons Auto Sales. 4580 N. River Rd. EM 3-6143. 420 Seeds ft Plant PANSIES Areritum Dwarf Lobelia Marl- olds Geraniums Martha rashlngtons double Petunlaa. TESS AVE. GREENHOUSE 1 blk. N. of 'D' off Park. BURNETT GARDENS Painted daisies, Aatllba, lupine, pinks, mums, iris, etc. Gerani ums, all types. Begonias, fu chsias, bedding plants. Rt 4 BOX 31 EM 3-0892. DELPHINIUMS. ine'l. Olnk. mums, geraniums, Esther Reeds, Marguerites, columbine. Black'a 2370 Chemawa Rd. EM 4-7622. FLOWER arrangers. .Register now ior classes aian in una, Marvin Black EM 4-7822. POTTED plants. Ann's Flower usroen. aau wimx. utj w. NETTED Gem seed potatoes 5230 Portland Rd. EM 4-4078 LOWERY'S have the bast Geraniums, larger plants, best varieties, lower prices. Fuch sias all aires, coleua It bedding plants. so cnemawa nq. BEGONIAS, fuchsias, delohln turn, and bedding plants. For the beat visit Claggett's Greenhouse. 4',4 miles N. of Salem on Wallace Rd. Turn right at foot of bridge In W. Salem. bedding plants-garden supplies Jgry s riowers, tiM t-swi Capitol Shopping Center FUCHSIAS, geraniums, tub be gonias, 3 for $1. Dahlia bulbs $1.50 doz. Merrill's Green house, Brooks. FUCHSIAS. 1 for $1. Baskets, 13 up. Geraniums 3 for $1. Dahlia bulbs. Wards Gardens, 4380 Cherry Ave , PANSIES 60c. a doz. 3838 Mid way Dr. EM 4-1221.' STRAWBERRY plants, glad at dahlia bulbs 1 doz.. 81. Azaleas, mums, lupines 6 for . $1. Fu chsia begonia baskets $1.80. Merrill's Greenhouse. Brooks. GLAD bulbs, 50 for 95c. Middle Grove Nursery. 4930 SUverton Road. HARDY pinks, some varieties In bloom for sale. Visitors wel come. J. F. Bock EM 4-1913. 1315 Reedy Dr. nr. Hoover School. 405 PUPPY Farm! Purebreds. Bea- Sles, Red Bone Hounds, Eng. order collies. Welsh, wire foxters. Pekingese, Scotties. Raas. prices. Douglas Kennels, Scotts Mills, Ore. Go to SUver ton, contin. 8 ml. on Hwy. 213. S GERMAN Shorthair male pupa. 2i mo. S3 each. EM 4-7UJ1. SHETLAND sheep doga (toy col lies) AKC. Ph. EM 1-0975. REG. PEKE PUPPIES DALLAS MA 3-3708 DAHLIA clearance at reduced prices. Fuchsias & Begonias. Copley's. 1668 E. Chemawa Rd AZALEAS. Spec, on late bloom ing varieties. Open Sat. p.m. A Sun. Strayara. 1830 5th St. NE. MUMS, Bedding, Dahlia plants, Fuchsia, Geraniums. Pansles, 3 doz. for $1. Liberty Gar dens. EM 4-2030. SEEDLING begonias, geraniums begonias, St fuchsiaa. Baskets of aU three. KUber Nursery, fll Salem Heights Ave. 422 Fertilizer CLEAN rotted sawdust tsD by yard. EM 1-7804. BARNYARD fertilizer with saw dust, ss. ion, delivered, mini mum 3 Ton load. Ph. 413 J.. Independence. Mulch Sawdust $1.00 Yard EM 2-4031 425 Auction Sales KENNETH GRAY Irrigation and Farm Equipment AUCTION Tuesday, May 2712:30 P.M. Sharp FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE PUBLIC, THE SALE WILL BE HELD AT LANE SUDTELL S AUCTION YARD, LOCATED AT 3915 STLVERTON ROAD, In conjunction with the Small Business Administration, Mr. Gray will sell all his personal property to the high bidder, with no reserve. FARM EQUIPMENT 1912 Farmall "H" tractor, on rubber. 1948 Farmall "H" tractor, on rubber. 1950 Farmall "M" tractor, on rubber. , 2-bottom 14" Molina plow. 100-gal. sprayer, with 6 h.p. Wisconsin motor. 10-ft. fertilizer spreader. 2-sectlon apringtooth. 9- ft. single corrugated roller. 1 strawberry planter, 2-row. 6-ft. offset disc. International 2-row cultivators. 4- 8 x 16 Implement trailers. A hundred and one spare parts for cultivators and other eqpt. 2-Bottom 14" Ferguson plow. 5- ft. Ferguson aide delivery rake. 6- ft. Ferguson tandem disc. 12-ft. lift harrow. IRRIGATION EUIPMENT 2-in. Denver-Gardner pump on trailer, wInternaUonal engine. Fairbanks centrifugal pump. Berkley centrifugal pump. ' G.E. 3 h.p. single phi m electric motor. M.W. X h.p. single phase electric motor. 2 G.E. 1 h.p. single phase electric motors. 760 ft. 3" almuinum pipe. 860 ft. 1" steel pipe. 400 ft. 4" aluminum pipe. 420 ft, 4" steel pipe. 1290 ft. 6" aluminum pipe. 909 ft. 6" steel pipe. 42 Ralnbird 40 sprinklers. PT-8 Cornell pump, and 6" z 30' Intake pipe. Valvea, couplings and stands for Irrigation pipe. 1500 ft. V and 1" galv. water pipe. 1000 ft. V plastic pipe. 11943 K3 International bus, 35-pass. 11948 4 ton International pickup. 1 late model 4-wheel drive Jeep pickup. 11951 Lincoln sedan. Electric powered hacksaw. Square deal air compressor. S-in. Porter Cable electric saw, Marquette '3S-amp electric welder (like new). 1 lot of new angle and flat bar steel. S large steel plates. Approx. 75 hoes 4 hand tine cultivators Other hand tools. Approx. 100 strawberry carriers. 1 strawberry duster. 40-gaL strawberry sprayer. power takeoffs. 110 ft. sections Rapid Roller conveyors. 3- 11 x 38 tires and runt for Farmall "H." 10 4-tube fluorescent lights. ' 1 lot new shaft bearings. Many Items Too Numerous to Mention' This will be a big sale Don't fail to attend. Terms: Cash, or arrange with your bank for credit. Kenneth Gray and Small Business Administration, Owners -Tom Churchill, Administrator, Salem, Ore. Auctioneer LANE SUDTELL, 3915 SUverton Rd., Salem i PHONE Mpire 3-6098 450 Merchandise 4S1 Household Goods $ BE THRiFTY $ BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES i $30 Down Will Buy a Complete noun oi furniture. Club reclining chair U-Haul $9.50 Box BprintTS at Inner Sorinc Mattreaa Mismatched ... 14.88 Davenport and chair Beixe Rayon Tapestry $19.59 New lull Linoleum Ruga $3.99 Reconditioned and guaranteed Rancea and Refriaeratora From 839.95 lKukaraial af 515 S. COM'L. PH. EM 4-3319 MUST SELL NOW CHEAP Elec. Range, Frigtdaire 30" oven, una new. $i' refrig. 1980 model. 1 piece daveno 8' long (grey) Bendlx gyro. Auto, washer. Bendlx automatic dryer 3 piece chrome aet 3 niece bedroom set Mattreaa tc box springs '55-837 individual socketed coils Mattreaa A box apf s. twinned aize. 'S3 ' 4 matching eccas, tables (grey) uia pamiea oarm. set wun mav tress It asrinaa. Single Hollywood headboard It , atael adjustable box spring on casiers. Occasional chairs. IsmDs. fire place .aet, bureaus, record players, radio, etc. Full aize exDcnslve crib. play. pen, baby tends, foldaroua trailer, bassinette. See at 444 Cottaae N.E. 1 blk. E. of M.AF. Frl. afternoon A eve. 4 to 10 p.m. or all day Sat. 9 to 5 p.m. Everything not aoio goes to auction. MAPLE chest-on-chest 830. Bob's Mate. Man. 370 a. unerty, EM 4-6371. SWING, set. T DC. ilv. rm. 1 JIM. dryer, $75. Collapsible aby bed, andirons as screen. EM 1-0488. 44)0 Aericulture 422 Fertilizer ROTTED manure by sack or cu. yd. always gooa measure A good quality. PhUltps Bros.. Rt 5 Box 860. EM 4-3081. MUSHROOM fertUizer, no weeda. fine for making new lawn. Also have rich black manure. Wa del, anywhere. EM 1-0331 FERTILIZER U-haul. Sat. A Sun. only $1 per trailer' load. 4? aunnysiac no. em a-aau. LOOSE atraw A hay, also saw- dust-cnicken fertilizer only w lb. Valley Farm Store, Ideal for mulching. FERTILIZER del. tk. load $7 or ak. DOC. EM 4-0393 Or EM 4-31Z1 ROTTED cow or horse fertilizer $10. truck Id. EM 4-4145. 424 Farm tquipment MERRYTTLLER sell or trade $90. 1850 Hoffman Rd. em 1-7711.. MERRYTTLLER, . excel, shape. siuq, uoroon uenis. ew Wheatland Rd. , 425 Auction Soles AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TONITE 4840 CENTER SALEM SALEM. 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods SOLID maple dining aet. Cap tain's chairs, 899.98. Bobvs Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-8371. DAVENPORTS. 89.95 at up H L. Stiff Used Furniture Store 17S N. High St.. EM 1-9186 LAUNDRY trays. 65. Bob's Mdsa Mart 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371 MATTRESSES at springs, 85 A up. H L. Stlftf Used Furniture Store. 178 N High. EM 3-1186 EASY aoln-drv washer. 829.98. Bob's Mdse. Mart 270 S. Lib erty. EM 4-6371. USED nlano. 878. Portable ce- ment mixer A motor 833, 1 oil drums, 91 ea. KM 3-B1B1. LATE model Kenmore washer, EM 4-9581. HD WD. bunk beds with match, ing dressers. EM 4-2735. NEW book shelves, f 10.95. Bob's Mdse. Mart 370 S. Liberty, EM 4-6371. NEW special Electrolux, only 69.73. Phone Electrolux Corp. 079 Broadway. EM 4-2239. or evea. EM 4-0563. NICE custom made kidney anapea aavenpon, muioerry. EM 2-4793. UNFINISHED furniture Stiff Furniture Co LEAVING town household goods ior aaia. e.m a-ijai. 452 Appligjwcoi TAKE OVER PAYMENTS 1957 Weatinghouse Refrigerator 11 cu. ft. Fully automatic 65 lb. freezer, porcelain crlspers, like new. Paymenta of 83.00 weea. Downstairs Llpman's Appliance Dept. USED Westlnahouaa ranae. auto. matlc clock, new burners, A l condition, only 669.95. HOGQ BROS. USED freeiers. Al Laue. 1350 State St. WANTED 1956 Whirlpool RCA dryer. EM 2-1633. LOW prices. Guar, washers. dryers, rangea It refrig. Mas ter service 3t n. torn 1. USED Kenmore automatic wash er in good condition. 894.50. HOGG BROS. USED Maytag automatic wash er, automatic water level con- trol. Excellent condition 1149.96 HOGG BROS. PORTABLE rm. sir-conditioner. Reas. Suitable for home or of flee. EM 3 6831, 708 Larry. KENMORE push-button atove. 11 cu. ft. Cold spot refrig. Exc. COnd. EM 2-8872, EM 3-6450, USED ranges 129.95 A up. Al Laue. 2350 State St- SPECIAL BUYS Wards Sewing Machine Airline 17" TV Airline 21" TV . 175 Wards Elec. Dryer 858 Frigidaire elec. range 855 Frlgldalre 7 Refrig 865 Warda 8' Refrig $34 MONTGOMERY WARD- 188 N. Liberty EM 3-3191 USED Frigidaire Imperial dou- Die oven range, a i condition, aee to appreciate. New 8489.95, Sale 1159.95. HOGG BROS. SAVE up to $200 on Freezers. saiem s iinest selection, fiel der's, 363 N. High. REFRIGERATORS ll'.i cubic feet. A fine deluxe model only $199.95, Salem'a finest selection of refrigerators. Heider'a, 363 N. High. HOTPOINT pushbutton range, dlx. mdl., like new, EM 1-5201. USED refrig. $29.93 A up. Al iaue, xiao bum bi. 455 Clothing GREY' Persian paw fingertip length fur coat. EM 3-9033. BLUE evening gown else 12 worn IX. M 4-8561. MASON SHOES Velvet Eez In. neraoles makes tired, aching reet nappy, em 3-zses. i guar. 1 I. EM 1-: or money refund. '2868. 456 T.V. ft Radio USED, TV sets as low aa $35. Ail aires, ana pricea to seu. Meioer s 303 n. nign. RADIOS. 8 Transistor portables tney wont anyplace, on eeu.Mi. tieiaer s ski n. nign. RCA DELUXE TV. 21 console new warranty $149.50. Helder a 363 n. mgn. TV SETS. Save from $50 to $200 on new iai mooeis. xour 01a set will make the down pay ment. Heider'a 363 N. High, HI-FI beautiful period cabinet new nign ri ampiuier ana changer $150. AM-FM tuner in cluded. Helder's 363 N. High. ZENITH radio phonograph with an apeea cnanger oniy aov.ou, Heider'a, 363 H. High. ' AUTO RADIO REPAIR Al's Radio A TV. 4949 River Rd N.E. Keizer Dlst. EM 2-4373. GUARANTEED used TV sets. Al'a Radio A TV. 4949 River Kd. NE. EM 2-4373. CAR RADIO REPAIR, all makes CURTIS RADIO A TV, 3135 U St. fcM 4-37B1. 17 IN. TV good cond., $79.95. KM 3-3S1T. 17" to 21" Cabinet tc table mod els, ' recond. tc new picture tubes. All seta carry factory sruarantee. CURTIS RADIO & TV SERVICE 3135 B. St. M 4-3781 WE rent TV acts $10 mo. MASRS, 2140 S. Com7l. 458 Musical Instruments LEAVING Oregon must aell Spinet piano like new See It A make offer. Box 376 Statesman-Journal. LADIES Piano accordion 120 basa plus a atack of music, $50. See Frl. 4-10 p.m. or Sat, 9-5. 444 Cottage N.E. 1 blk E. - of M.AF. EM 3-4543. MUSICAL instruments, pianos, accordions, band instruments. New A used to llauidate. Terms. No dn. pymt. EM4-4746 SEVERAL used electronic or gana from $495. Wiltsey Weath ers music vu n. capitoi. DODGE Piano aervice will guar antee to make your player pi. ano play again. EM 4-1656. LOWREY ORGAN World'a first spinet with big organ features. $1025. Wiltsey Weathera Music, 470 N. Capi tol. 462 Wanted Hshld Goods WE TOP THEM ALL CASH for living rm. aets, bed rm. furn., elec. rangea, re friges, ruga heaters, baby furn TV aets, dining seta, maple furn. EM 3-5110. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. IF you have one item or a houseful of furniture to sell, call Bob's Merchandlae Mart, 270 3. Liberty. EM 4-6371. HIGHEST caah prices pd. for used TV. Hanson TV 1841 S. 12th. MISC. Furniture wanted. Cour teous aervice. Ph. EM 3-6098. 463 Boating MERCURY KG 9, 40 cu. In. mo tor. EM 4-5071. 760 N. Winter. 10 FT. Glaespar cartop boat. Carrier A Oars. EM 3-7113. 57 35 h.p, Firestone motor. EM 4-6249. THEDE'S PROPELLER REPAIR POWER TOOL RENTAL Boat and Motor Brokerage 735 Edgewater EM 4-5303 14 FT. plywood util. boat, $145 Alter a p.m. cm a-aeoa. 14 FT. GLASS boat, motor, trail er. Will trade. EM 2-0817.. Wanted WANT to buy used Drums In good condition, reasonable price. Larry Steen, age 9. EM a-siia WANTED, girl's 24 or 26 Inch outm. i nave twenty doners. Susan Watson, age 7. Phone EM 3-9040. WANTED, girl's SO" bike for my little sister. Jimmy Simile, aga 9. EM 21916 WANTED: Small boat or dinghy with oars in usable condition, will trade 6mm projector, can pay 83 to $15. John Petty, age t. TR 3-4800. WANTED, free use of gentle riding horse for care of room and pasture. Guaranteed good care, three acres fenced pas ture. David Craig Blanche, aga 11. EM 4-8780. WANTED, farm work, will do my best. Emmett Myers, aga 16, EM 1-2342. WANTED Archery set. 60 to 70 Sound bow, leather culver, untlng and target arrows. Call after 6 p.m. Raymond (Jesse) Rogers, aga 17. Phone TR 3-4237. WANTED Skin diving aet. Pre fer two tanks. Must have aafety valve, fins, face mask and speargun. Call after 4 r.m. Roy (Jerry) Rogers, age 5. Phone TR 3-4237. WANTED: Girl's bicycle 24" or 26". I have 810. Sandra Stin nett, aga 8. Rt. 1 Box 161B, Turner. WANTED Fishing eaulpment. Spinning reel, fly pole, net, creel with harness, and spin line. Call after 6 p.m. Virginia (Joyce) Rogers, age 17. Phont TR 3-4237. WILL GIVE good home to a male Police dog. Kathrlen Burka, 1035 Albert Drive. WANTED Crosley In good me chanical condition. . Reason able. Helen Johnson, age 14. Phone EM 4-3902. WANTED One pair of English riding boots, siie 11 li or 11. on or before June 1st. In good shape. Robert Balrd. age 16, 1460 George Street, Woodburn, phone 7871. FREE use of gentle Shetland for aomeone having email pasture near Falrvlcw Ave., Salem. Write John Allen, Box 79R, . Brooks, Ore. Aga 11. WANTED: An orphan lamb of my own to lova and take care of. Ruth Galbraith. EM 4-2672. Age 6. WANT used portable typewriter In good condition and price must be reasonable. Gloria Bentlay, Jefferson, Ore. Phone FA 7-2533. Age 17. WANTED: A good uaed cedar chest. Must be reaaonanie. Cheryl Williams, EM 4-2055. Aga 8. WANTED: Authentic antique doll with china head, arma, ana feet. 21" or over in length, reasonably priced. Phone EM 1-7447. Linda Crom. Age 15. WANTED to buy. two doodle bug wheals, one front, one oaca. Phone EM 4-2641. Alan Mur phy. Age 14 WANTED: Boy's 20-inch bicycle for my little brother. I have $10. Phone EM 3-0221. Eugene Irvin Hawes II. Age 11. WANTED to buy: Maple chest of drawers. Sharon Tuor, aga 13. EM 2-2587. WANTED to buy: Good used tennis racket EM 4-8188 morn ings. Lynne Baxter, age 13. For Solo BLONDE Cocker . old. Real cute. 1 8. EM 2-3117. nippy weeks leva King aga FOR Sale. Assembled long, short wave neatn Kit ah-3. soap nox derby racer. All good operat ing condition. Phona EM 2-2603 evenings. Dwight N. West, age 16. REMINGTON 22 like new $40. Shoe roller-skates A case (Chi cago) hardly used, size 7, shoe. Dwight Howard, aga 19. EM 3-5327. PURE bred Pekes not registered $25. Address Sharon Lee Sew ard, 560 East Jackson Street, Monmoutn, ore. an. i-zhj. Age 12i. SELL or trade aultar food con dition. Italian maxe vionn ex cellent condition for good used typewriter or twin or bunk beds. Jim Rosanbalm, aga 13. 893 N. Mam. FOR Sale. Girl's bike size 20' with side wheels, lis. uooa cond. and record player and records $10. Sally Marlens Lowe, age 11. EM 2-9234. BASEBALL shoes Ilka new sizes 7 and 9, 3 a pair. Biro case 11.50. B flat metal clarinet 820. Gregory A. Olsen, age 13. EM Z-4509. NEARLY new B flat clarinet, would like Dest oner ior it. For Information call EM 2-3013 Karen Sorensen, age 13. FOR Sale: Slightly used photo- grannie aeveioping ouuu. in cludes: print box, trays, film tank, blotter roll, light, clips, etc. $7. Phil Klaus, age 17. EM 3-7653. BOY'S grey light-weight wool suit 30 in. waist. Like new. EM 4-3770. Gene Brown, g 14. RADIO-PHONOGRAPH combine tion. plastic case, sis. good condition, EM 2-4561. Cheryl Ann wieoe, Age iu. FOR SALE two boy'a bicycles, 28" rood urea eooa conamon Reasonable priced Ph EM 2-0647 evenings. Eddie Hansen AC 10. FOR SALE German short hair coulter and aettar four years. with papers. Trade for 30-30 rule, ruDoer noat, sou casn. Gary Klokstad, Age 15, Box 187, Turner Oregon Phone SH 3-2379. GIRL'S twenty-four inch bike In good condition. Charlotte 1. Wilkinson, age IB. EM 4-0572. FOR Sale Shelled walnut halves 75c. per lb. Mary Macuonsm, age 13. EM 3-8766. B FLAT cornet and caae, $25. Almost new Spanish guitar 1.1a. EM 3-4271. Ray Colson. age 12. FREE kittens. Call EM 4-8332 or come to 3015 Hulsey Ave. Fat Anderson, age 12. FOR Sale, amall kids saddle, good condition, nana tooiea. Phone EM 4-2993. Dora John aon, age 13. SALE or trade registered female beagle, good witn kids, rnone EM 4-2993. Dora Johnson, age 15. SWING set with glider Just like new $15. Terri Lee at Bobby Judson, ages 7 A 11. EM 2-3776. NATIONAL Geographic Maga zine at ten cents eacn or iraaa for anything I can use. Write Marianne Allen, Box 79R, Brooks, Ore. Age 15. BLACK and white male dog to give away to aomeone wno can give dog a good borne, five months old. Joanne Lorain Medlock. Age 11. EM 4-2496. FOR Sale: English bicycle with tnree apeea snut ana nana brakea in good condition $22.50 David Cook Age 17. EM 4-3230. FOR Sale girl's 26 In. bicycle $10 rnone em 4-7293 or aee ai 2007 Rockland Dr., Salem. Dor othea Towner, age 10. SLIGHTLY used seven metal furnished doll house, very good condition, $5. Call EM 4-0416. Joyce Daley, age 17. GOOD heavy duty Schwinn bike (00a . conamon, zs , emmett lyers, age 16. EM 1-2363. PARAKEET cage, toys and everything for sale. Sam Med lock, aga 6. EM 4-1496. . To Place Classified Ads Phone EM 4-6811 REST For Solo FOR Sale. Boy'a black patent leather tap dancing ahoea alia 5, used very little 84. Gary nice, aga 1. oox w, Manama Ore. FOR Sale or trade for good used ? ilano. Olds trombone, used wo months, cost 8130 new, sell reasonable. Gloria J, Wengert, age la. a.M a-iiw. ONE wheel trailer all metal. apare tire and tube wired for ugnta. uoug nocumann, aga 17 CM 3-BUIV. FOR Sale, black Cochen banty eggs ior Bailing, 10c. a a 01. Will trade rooster. Dick Smith, age 10. EM 4-1083. FOR SALE: Amplifier with plug-ins $25. Electric Hawaiian guitar Gibson-National with case $85. Uaed violin with case $25. Jim Tuor, aga 14. EM 3-2317. PINK NET aleeveless formal aize 12. Orchid net formal with bolero. Size 12. $10 each. Shoe roller-skates, aize 2. 88. Mary Bendon, Age 18 Ph. EM 2-9839 FOR Sale. Bov'a 26" blcvela. good condition, $15. John Van uriescne, age 12. y s-zm. COLUMBIA Eneliih hlcvcle 120. Call after ( p.m. EM 2-7706 or see at 450 North sotn street Richard Yagle, aga 13. FOR Sale, feeder calf three months old phone EM 3-8616. aiso oicycie siu. 4 on rtemy, age 14. FOR aala, one girl's bicycle with horn and beginner wheela, new tires, ttixe in gooa conamon, Price $20, make Columbia Vickie Weitzel, age 10. Rt. , box 340, pn. ear a, CHILD'S Singer aewlng machine almost new, $7. Phone after 5. Susan Gleckler, Age 12. EM 4-4882. FOR SALE: Uaed 26-in. boy'a Schwinn bicycle, excellent con dition with hand brakea, foot brakes, and good tires, for only $28. Dwayne Brittell. Age 10. .M .vmb. FOR SALE: Black English rid Ins boots. Size 5A (5",il 84, EM 4 1368. Gall Zieleach. Aga FOR Sale, boy'a 36" bicycle, good condition, will sell rea sonable. Call after 5 p.m. Bruce Loudon, aga 10. EM a-3047. FOR Sale: Boy's Schwinn bi cycle, Laonei electric iraio. guppet, electrlo football game, trdcage, chime clock, books: Children's Claasic's and religi ous. John Youngquist, aga 15. 2190 Jelden St. NE. EM 4-9485. FOR Sale: Colson bike, $10. Pan American trombone like new, $80. Call EM 4-7259 or 850 Up per Ben Lomond Dr. Phil HUes, age 15. FOR Sale: 24" boy'a bicycle, $5 or will trade for 26" girl's bi cycle. Large tricycle $5. EM 3-1838. Donna L. Tresidder age 1U. GIRLS BIKE 26" almoat new $25. Baby anting your home after 6 cm. Sunday all day 30c after 11 p.m. 40c EM2-9636 anaron neagia Age la, uw Candlewood, Salem. GIRLS NEW Columbia bicycle 26-inch. Red and White with white aldewalla, horn, light, and book holder. Judy Holrup, Age 13 Ph. EM 2-2902. FOR SALE girls bicycle, vary stood condition. Call after five. 435 Jefferson Street Penny Wood, Age 14. BOY'S SPORT coat aize 13-18 yeara like new. Ideal wear for graduation for only $10. Phone aner aix p.m. bod nawiey. Age 16. Phone EM 1-8303. GIRL'S bicycle for aale. In good shape. Selling for $25. Phone em J.31V3 aiier a p.m. os, tnrougit rn. Anytime asaturaey, Sunday. Phyllis Hill, aga 14. GIRL'S 20" bicycle, trike. deluxe aiioe, peaai car, neav - con struction, toys, Gilbert erector set, floor etand puncning nag, wagon. David McDowell, age 10. EM 3-6637. FOR aala. 24" Huffy bike $20. Army pup tent . jbck jr. r ia ler, age 13. EM 2-0583. THREE puppies, part Cocker, two males, one icmaie, si eacn also trade small bicycle for tri cycle. 1245 Oak Hill Ave. Cam eron Rowles, age 10. HO GAUGE passenger and ireignt tram witn extra tacx, switches, trsnsformer, acces sories. Cost 90 dollars new, selling .or OO dollars. EM 4-8309 Urent Hill, age 13. FOR aale, used girl's twenty-four men uoiumnia ome. in sooa condition. $15. Karen McLean, ge 14. Dallas. MA 3-3592. FOLDA.Rolla Baby Stroller, baby piay pen at umo. itiu onmi uni form size 14. Sandra Cohn, aga 14. EM 2-1056. SELL two 6.00x16 snow tires new recaps, twenty-four dollars, fn. EM 4-3796. Tad Milburn, aga 17. 26 IN. Racer bike, has been done over, one flat tire, very line condition. Phone after 6 o'clock EM 2-3139. $18.50. David Bp ping, aga 12. FOR aale, cornet; electric rotarv mower witn 100 teet 01 corn. Both In good condition. Phone EM 4-639T) after 5 p.m. Janet Gannaway, age 16. FOR SALE: 1957 Heathkit model AR-3 amateur radio receiver assembled with cabinet used one month Phone EM 4-9574 Don Miller, Age 15. CHILDS STUDY desk $5. Chllds rocking cnair sz. uog nouse. $3. Large beautiful cedar chest $15. Given Anthony Age 8. Ph. E.M 4-B73B. FOR Sale, one used girl's 26 bicycle will sell for $12. Nola Christoffarson, age 14. EM HOMEMADE coasting car four wneeis ior si, usea, in gooa condition. See Jim, 1994 Fir, Jim Tllton, age 13. FOR Sale girl's 26" bicycle In gooa conamon szu a iiai clari net and case In very good con dition, recently overhauled 840. Gloria Warner, age 14. EM 2-6561. CENTRIFUGAL irrigation pump witnout motor ior 3 men pipe. Never used, excellent condi tion, $50. Phone EM 2-5984 aft er 6 p.m. Terry Etchelberger, age 15. TWENTY inch girl's bicycle In gooa conamon, can cm i-wn or aee at 145 South Lancaster. Sherry Lee Gordon, age 9. FOR SALE Twenty-four inch girl's bike. For further Inior mation call Indep. 315-M. Nina Lee Mullins. Age 13 Vs. GIRLS 28" Schwln bicycle $10.00 ana nigncnair mat can oe made Into table 85.00 for aala. Sharon Pangar, Age 13, Phone EM 2-8024. FOR SALE large aize chaln- anve tricycle in aw cunoi tlon price $18.00. CaU EM 4-6567 after 4 p.m. aee at 1750 N. Church St. Carol Meyer, Age 18. GIRL'S atandard aize bicycle in good condition. KeasonaDie. Ann Chlsholm, age 10. EM 3-8611. GIRL'S bicycle, good cond. Ski doom amall sue, line new cost, aalmon color size 10. Pat Phil lips, age 16. EM 4-168T FOR Sale, 1950 Cushman motor acooter aa is $75. See at Rt. 8, Box 803. Ronald Wltham, aga 17. FOR Sale, my Trlndle bathlnette in excellent conamon. Miuara Harris, age 13. Ph. EM 1-9871. FOR Sale, 1955 or 1956 Ford con tinental kit, also size 14 Boy Scout uniform. Phone EM 3-8616. Jerome Remy, age 17. WILL sell or trade fine used trumpet, case, mute, and mu sic atand for top condition ' uaed portable typewriter and case. John Haller, age 16. EM ' 4-6133. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., EwT'S IDS For Solo GIRL'S bicycle for aale, blue ana wnue, rirestone mot. Good condition, reasonable price. Phone EM 1-6531. Kathle Deggeller. aga 14. 1 LOVABLE mala kittens 25c. each to e good home. Call eve nings EM 4-0080. Jeff Price. Age 8. USED Junior size guitar just like new with case, $35. See at 1495 Lee St. or phone EM 4-4739 after 8 p.m. Clarence Brush. Age 15. FOR Sale: 1948 Chev. 4 dr. adn. Good cond. $80. Ph. EM 4-4739 or aee at 1495 Lee St. after 5. Clarence Brush, age IS. B FLAT Clarinet and case In good condition, $25. EM 4-4739 or see at 1495 Lee St. after 5. Judy Brush, aga 13. FOR Sale: Model airplane and engine .049 O.K. Cub. $3. Call EM 2-4097 alter 1 p.m. Mike Starck aga 13. FOR Sale: Used American Flier electric train with table and equipment In good condition, 825. Phone EM 4-9289 after 6. Tom Cornelius, aga 13. FREE little kittens will be ready In 3 or 4 Weeks. 1290 Peace St. EM 4-9117. Sylvia Doughton, age 9. FOR Sale: E-flat alto aaxophone in perfect condition with car rying case. Big sacrifice. Shir ley Mae Saterlea, aga 14. EM 3-5346. ITALIAN hand-made violin with excellent tone. $100. Call EM 2-1172 after 4 p.m. Muriel Royer, age 16. EM 21172. FOR SALE: Three guinea pigs. a pair ana a apare. ouy one two or three 75c each EM 2-0002, Charles Zemanek Age 9 FOR guard, companion, or pet. see my oiacx Belgian aneep dog puppies, AKC registered, mala or female. 850 ud. Mar garet jonnston, age 11. 4-8167. EM BIRD CAGE and atand $7.00. M 1-1437. atave uuxaetn Age 11. FOR SALE or trade: English bicycle, headlight, handbrakes, carrier, three apeed gears, chrome fenders, $20 takes. Dennis Quick Age 12 Phone EM 4-4324. BOY'S SCHWINN Bike 26 Inch $30. Boy's schwinn bike 14 Inch $20. EM 1-3717 Dean Hud aon, Age 18. HUDSON LOVERS! I will aac- ruice my im nuason, raaio A heater, overdrive, food paint, for the ridiculous price of $60. Pete Smltt Aaa 17T 411 North High Street, Monmouth, Oregon. SK 71114. RECORD, PLAY back your voice, or music, weocor wire recorder like new with all ac cessories, a real bargain for $30. George Ksrkllns Age 16 EM 3-5579. FREE TO good farm home Col lie snepard male nog. Easily trained for working cattle. Not a chllds pet, Judith Lee Spain Age 11, EM 4-3624. FOR SALE rabbits doea with lit ters brad doea, young rabbits, also aome pens, James Miller, Age 17. Phone EM 3-7731. FOR SALE 1949 Plymouth mod erate damage good motor and tires $45.00 cash. English bi cycle good condition, $20.00. Call after 8 p.m. Bill Baarse Age 17, 3058 N. Liberty. EM 3-3908. MODEL PLANE engines 049, 074 English racing bike, 1 apeed band brakes, Frank Miller, Age 17, Phone EM 3-8771. FOR SALE bicycle girls 16" Co lumbia delux excellent condi tion, $20. Mary Mayer, Aga 14, 30a jonnaon St., auvercon uregon. m a-iat. BANTY CHICKEN hen and be bva. 12.00. Sisale rooster. 75s. Single hen, 50c. Sevan hena ana roosters, si.uu. xjynne a.y erly. Age 11. Phone EM 1-8946 ORDERS TAKEN for greeting cards, gift paper, stationery. and other items, rnone for an appointment to aee Kama after a p.m. Annette cook. Age iz, Phone EM 4-0597. ENGLISH bicycle, new tires, ex cellent condition, 125. Michael Mills, age 14. EM 2-9798. FOR SALE boys 26 Inch bicycle Jooa conamon, rn. km -6241. Lawrence E. Soderllnd, Age 10. FOR SALE two baseball gloves Ei.du eacn. una pair 01 new aseball ahoes aize lots $5. Jack Fletcher, Age 18. EM 3-9749. SOAP BOX Derby wheels and axiea, tiz.ou or pest oner. Frank Miller, age 17. Phone EM 1-6771. Swop GIRL'S 26-Inch blcvcle. needs re pair, win trade for beginner s Dixa. jum -72iv. Alien cruse, age 12. TRADE aood used wood clarinet ior gooa uaea typewriter, win sell. Phone EM 4-1585. Robert T. Miller. Age 17. TRADE good 20-lnch girl's bike ior 24-incn rin s Dixe. i-carue Bare. Age 8. WILL TRADE or aell comic books, good condition. Phone Gervals 3274. Relnaldo Palmo, age 11, Rt. 1, Box 82. Brooks, Oregon. - AMERICAN Flyer 1 rail steam type locomotive for an Ameri can Flyer 1 rail Diesel type switcher. Will anybody swap? John Shldeler, age 8., Phone EM 3-0601. Work Wanted SUMMER job on farm. Have worked with tractor. Also sell female boxer dog. $20. Loyd Cooper, age 18. FA 7-2426. iby would like full-time job during July A August. Pre-school pre ferred. Also light housework. Janet Chlsholm, age 13 li. EM 2-8612. WILLING worker wants aummer job. Consider snythlng full or part time. 914 9th St., Dallas. MA 3-4273. Jerry Benaon, age 14. GRADUATING aenlor, honor stu dent, wishes secretarial work. Certified atenographer by State CIVIL Service. One year cash ier experience. Excellent ref erences. Martian Benedict, age 17. EM 3-7593. SENIOR high boy wants work photography store, cannery, yard work, farm. Darryl Webb age 17. EM 3-0329, HIGH school girl wants summer iob as baby sitter, your home, loover school district pre ferred. Experienced and de pendable. Phone EM 2-6933. Deanna Stewart, age 15. WANTED, a job, can work with money, nanaie neavy macnui ery, work as a gardener, ex perience in all of these fields. Frederick R. Cooper, age 15. EM 4-4667. AVAILABLE now, high school boy aga 16 wants farm work. Experienced with tractors A farm equipment also livestock. Honest A dependable. Gordon Sundet, age 16. EM 4-2798. EXPERIENCED 14 yr. old de sires job caring for children during aummer also baby sit ting evenings, lives In Eola Community. Susan Vincent EM 4-4385. AM 16, want summer work. neea a oo. win wore real hard. Jim Johnston, age 16. EM 4-8167. UNIVERSITY student in 8th year of Latin win coacn utin stu dents In grammar, vocabulary, and translation. College refer ences. Call evenings. James Chesley, age 18. EM 1 5673. WEST Salem babv altter avail- able. Judy Prultt, age 11. EM 3-361L May 24, '58 (Sec 11)43 $r Work Wanted EXPERIENCED child care S a.m. to 6 p.m., my home start ing June 9. Marcla Mlddleton, aga 14. 170 Washington St. S. EM 4-8839. WANTED Work on farm fog aummer. Have had oast ex perience in tractor work and Irrigation on a bean farm. Alfred Rowe, age 16. 413 Jef ferson St., SUverton, Oreion. Phone TR 3-4232. RELIABLE summer baby sitter by day or week. West Salem preferred. Connie Jo Carlson, age 14. Phone EM 3-6202. WANT an energetic fellow with personality as aervica station attendant or truck driver? What have you? Call EM 3-4800. Rollln Herbst. age 18. EXPERIENCED, dependable, young girl wants job caring for children during the sum mer-elso baby aitting of eve nings. References exchanged. Rachel Vancil, age 13. 443 18us St. NE. EM 2-4649. SUMMER employment desired, radio, television, newspaper preferred by charming, intelli gent, attractive, female, Sep tember aenlor, only vice, exag gerating. Lea Coffey, age 18. KM 4-9292. GIRL 17 wants good job. Haa training in office work but will accept another position. EM 2-8278 after 4 p.m. week days. Sandra St. Clair, age 17. EM 2-8278. WILL baby alt at your houaa for 1-3 small children. Experi enced. Need job during aum mer months. I am 7th grader. Call EM 4-0619. Mlaa Ledltk Elizabeth Ewlng. age 12 2-3rds WANTED Farm work, lifetime experience with tractor, ma chinery, dairy and ahow cat tle: also fruit harveat, both packing ahed and orchard. Wayne McConnell, age 14. Phone EM 2-1843. HIGH SCHOOL boy, 16, needs lawn or odd joba, Englewood dlst. Ph. EM 2-1483. Robert Pattison. WORK needed by araduatlng high school boy. Willing and able to work. References. 937 Norman. EM 3-6020, ask for Francis. Francis Decker, age 16. RELIABLE high school girl wanta baby aitting for sum mer, preferably my home, near hospitals. References. 937 Norman. EM 3-6020. Anna Decker. - age 184. WANTED Good used Slmca Aronda 1300 Sedan with low mileage and 3D aeata. Merle Bitlkofer, aga 18. Phone ZM 3-7208. STEADY daytime baby aitting 10D wanted in tne sour vor nera area. Sua Wing, age ll!i. Phone EM 4-3918. HIGH school boy wants odd Iobs this summer. Experienced iller work, lawn mowing, grocery store or what have J out Don Knepper, age 1$ la uly, 365 Hrubetz Road. JR. HIGH girl wants baby slt ting thia aummer, daytime or evenings. In Liberty district Good with children In .your home. Sharon Knepper, age 13, 305 nrupetz. WOULD like job aa errand boy or similar work for summer. Ph. EM 4-3093 after 4 JO pjn. Stan Franz, age 18. WANTED Steady or part time baby sitting Job during sum mer. Reliable, had experience. Phone between 1 and 5 pjn. EM 2-8239. Kay Savin, age 14. CAPABLE boy. can mow lawns, help in yard, wants bike or smsU fee. Call Dan, EM 44390. Dan McMahon, age 9. LAWN work or any work for reasonable wage. Hard work er, will ahow references if re quired. Need money for col lege. Jim Panger, age 16. Ph. EM 2-8024. BIG 11 year old boy wants te worn on seasonal picking, wui work hard. Barry Biles, age 11. EM 4-1830. NEEDED A steady full time job in a aervice stauon or grocery store. (Married.) Don McLaln. age 16. Ph. EM 4-4083. BOY, 16, wanting work In gro cery store as siocx ooy or work in cannery. "Not afraid of hard work." Bob Glrrard, age 16, 508 Miller Ave. Dallas, Ore. Phone MA 1-4348. WOULD like to spend aummer aa handy boy arouna your home, shop, farm. Experi enced In lawns, repair, odd joba. Allan Nattleton, age 14. 940 D St. NE, EM 1-7830. HIGH echool student needs sum mer job. will DSDyaii. man grades, h 0 n a a t, dependable; school aalesman experience; musical knowledge at talent, can type. Cathy Schnelker, aaa 1513. 735 Ban Lomond Dr. EM 3-4606. SUMMER job wanted, preferably cierxing, nave mo experience. Call after 4 p.m. EM 4-3100. Mary Ann Such, age 16. HIGH school girl (junior) wanta baby anting ana nouse wore for working mother to start June 9th. Reference. EM 4-266S 1130 Hood St. Mlaa Janice Col lins, age 15i. DEPENDABLE high school girl desires care of cnuaren in ner home, must furnish own trans portation. Large back yard, Suiet street TKelzer). Judy lambla, age 16. EM 3-1483. EXPERIENCED aecretary wants job in insurance omce. uan start work June 1st. Typing apeed 57-60, shorthand speed 90-120. Please notify Carolyn Hamilton, aga 18. EM 4 7884. BOY sixteen In June wants work at service atation, grocery store, or day work in fields. Mvron Walls, aaa IS. MA 3-4337. RELIABLE child care my home by day, week, or month. Norm eastern district. References. Jeannia Bohl aga 16. EM 3-0404 HIGH school student wanta aum mer job. Good worker, can type, neat appearing and will. Ing to leam. Phone EM 3-9983. LaWawna Lyle, age 16!,. EM 3-9983. HIGH school student with one year bookkeeping, one year shorthand, two years typing desires summer office work. EM 3-8597 after 3:30. Nancy Nelson, age 17. GIRL 17 wants work, wllllns to train, can type sixty per. jun ior and taking retail selling In senior year. Lula Bogga, age 17. EM 3-8826. WILL do odd jobs, mow lawns. have power mower, wasn win dows, can give references. 843 N. 20th. Claude Hamilton, age 15. EM 2-6446. NEED aummer helot High school girl has experience in cafe and babysitting. Some of fice experience. Willing te flee experience. Willing learn other joba. Linda J. Schei. aga 16. EM 4-3921. DESIRE employment, reception ist doctor's office, clinic, hos pital, sfter graduation May 27, Type. Willingness to learn of fice duties. Beverly Turner, aga 17. Rt. 1, Box 211, Dayton, phone 1183. DON'T want to pick strawber ries. Would like babysitting job for one or two children during summer. Englewood district Sandy Strong, age Mta- EM 2-8620. WOULD like regular baby alt- ting job for one or two pre- school children after June 8.'"' Prefer southwest area, day time. Susan Gleckler, age 12. " EM 4-4881. ALMOST any kind of typing done. Reasonable ratea. CaU EM 3-8245 or drop In at 844 Marlon Street. Mary Catharine Garvin, aga 10. . . ' WANT aummer work so 1 can 1 go on to college. Would like . . clerical work or cannery work. -Jovce Kllborn, ago 17. Trinity ' suivertcaa. 1 .rll t - t a A SI 1