ants: i 28-(Sec. IV) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., May 23, Register No. 17,731 NOTICE TO CREDITOR Notice i hereby given that th? undersigned has been appointed Administratrix ol '.he esute ot A. B. Couchman, deceased, by the Cir cuit Court of the State of Orejon for the County of Marion, s'tting in probate, and has duly qualfierT an such Administratrix. All person having claim against the estate of said decedent are nereoy nomiea to present the tame, verified an re- Suired by law, to me at iva uregon ullding, Salem, Oregon, withir. six months from the date of th' notice .Dated and first published at "Sa tan. Oregon, this 9th day of May, 1058. Sibyl Alice Couchman, Administratrix Estate of A. B. Couchman, deceased. Ronald C. Glover Attorney for Administratrix 309 Oregon Bldg. Salem, Oregon M.9,16.23W.J 6'58. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed by the Circuit Court for Marion County. Oregon, as administratrix of the estate of HERBERT P. GRANT, deceased, and has duly qualified as such. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verilied, to be undersigned at Room 207 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, within lix months from the date ot this notice. Dated and first published this 2nd day of May. isos. ELIZABETH KRUEGER. Administratrix of the Estate of HERBERT P. GRANT, deceased. CLARK It MARSH 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Administratrix. M -2.9,18,23.30. SUMMONS TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOB THE COUNTY OF MARION (Equity) No. 457M GEORGE L. A R BUCKLE and ETHEL B. ARBUCKLE, Plaintiffs, y. SHIRLEY DUNKELBERGER, PAUL WOLFE, CONNIE EKERT, MEMORY DOUGHERTY. LYNN AN DREW WOLFE, aka Walter Phillips, Jr.. GERTRUDE K. FISHER, individ ually and as Administratrix With the win Annexed oi tne estate oi Abram Wilson Wolfe, Deceased. Defendants. To Each of the Above-Named Defend IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, vou. and each of you. hereby are required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above-entitled court and cause on or before the date of last publication of this summons, that be ing the time prescribed by the above- enuuea unin in lis oraer ior pudu cation of this summons, made and entered In the above -en titled cause on the 22nd day of April 1958, and if you fail to so appear, plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief de manded and Draved for in a aid com plaint, namely, that plaintiffs recover a decree against you tor i,iu.79. plus interest thereon at per cent per annum from a March ISM. until ia, ana ior mi lurcner sum of 59, ana tor the further sum of 00 for plaintiffs attorney's fees. and foreclosing a mortgage given by Ixetta L. Kropp to plaintiffs on 15 Marcn 1847, and recorded on is March 1947, In Vol 289, pg. 410, If ortsraee Records for Marion Countv. Oregon, said mortgage encumbering tne loiKvwuiK aescrujea real property : The East 34 feet of Lot Five . Block Thirty-one (31). Amended Plan of Blocks 27. 28. 30. 31 and 32 of Nob HUl Addition to Salem, Marlon County, Oregon: and foreclosing "all rights, titles. Interests, claims and equities, if sny, of each of you in or to ssid real property, and each part thereof, and that said real prop erty be sold by the Sheriff of said Marion County and that the balance ot proceeds trom sucn sale, alter ex. penees thereof, be applied to pay the above-mentioned sums. Interest and plaintiffs' costs . and disbursements herein, and that the overplus, if any, be paid to defendants, as their Inter ests. If sny, may appear. The aforesaid order directed jjubll cation hereof on April 25 and May z, , ie, zj. iwae. Date of First Publication! Aorll SB. 1938. Date of last publication: May PEERY T. BUREN, Attorney for Plaintiffs, 211 Pioneer Trust Bldg. . - Salem, Oregon. - t Aprik 23. May 3, 9, 16, 33. TO PLACE AD PHONE EM 4-6811 100 Display Cloooifiod vF f if AMERICA'S MOST GARAGE D00I 8' x? $59.50 9' xT $67.50 16' xT-$165.00 (Torsion Spring) CRAWFORD DOOR OF SALEM GARAGE DOOR HEADQUARTERS TEL. EM 2-4145 (EVE.) EM 4-6154 1! u i lb 'V lt"ir" ' 1 u 1 jt, EXTRA BONJJS TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE JS5N. LIBERTY ' ' CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the District Clerk of School District No. 24CJ, Marion County, Oregon, up to 5:00 o'clock P.M., Tuesday, June 10. 1838, for furnishing luncn room foods. Specification blanks and bid forms may be obtained from and bids shall be filed with the District Clerk at 1309 Ferry Street, Salem, Oregon. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities in bids. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 21st dav of May, 1958. CONNELL C. WARD, District Clerk May 23, 29 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thst I have been appointed by the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon, Probate Department, as administratrix of the estate of GEORGE A. BRESSLER, deceased, and have Qualified as such administratrix. All persons having claims against said estate are noli fled to present the same, duly ver Ified, to me, at 412 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, in said County, within six months from the aate of tms notice. Dated this 20th day of April, 1931. GATrlA VIOLA RHODES Administratrix of the Estate of GEORGE A. BRESSLER, deceased. BRUCE W. WILLIAMS OTTO R. SKOPIL. Jr. KEITH D. EVANS 412 Pioneer Trust Building saiem, Oregon Attorneys for Administratrix M.2, Too Lata tt Claiiify $775 '33 Ford hardtop, excel, cond., radio. Fordo., white sldewalls. EM 4-8918 or EM 2-9371. '49 BUICK 60. 3336 Liberty Road S. EM 2-5389. FOR Sale '42 Chev. Sedan, good cond. 19' wheels, ideal for : hunting 180. EM 2-8404. '49 PLYMOUTH 73,008 actual miles, good tires. 1175. EM 4-1254. 'S3 FORD 4 dr. sdn., rsdio, heater, make offer. EM 3-0378. 1658 Wller. 1957 40' 2 BDRM. hse. trailer, used 3 mo. EM 3-8201. '41, 29' TRAILER house, good cond. Refrig. and stove 9650. i 8560 Wheatland Rd., Clear Lake Dist. ATTENTION COLLECTORS 1930 Franklin sedan, 4 sp. trans mission, EM 2-2313. BY OWNER Beautiful home. Englewood dist. EM 4-3484. See at 1398 N. 28th. 1 BDRM. Elec. hest. gar., gar. den. EM 3-8460 after 8:30. 2 BDRM. hse., 3 yrs. old North. 875. EM 3-7848. SEE this very clesn, turn. apt. TV ant, utll. EM 3-6884. ' ROOFING: Good workmanship. Royal Wallace. EM 3-4527. REGISTER for strawberry pick ing now. Picking to start about May 28th. Mltoma Farm 3 mi. north, 2 mi. east ol Independence. imtDlTV cxp. teletype, bill of la. will train on teletype, I days $1.38 hr. Pagenstechers Placement Agency 494 State St. EM 4-3351. MOTHERLY woman with car. care for boy after school. 2:30 to 5:30 my Condalaria home. ' Top salary. EM 3-9352. All day Sat, ft Sun, after 2:30 Wk. days. BARBER wanted. See fed Mil ler or Ph. EM 2-2007. .Zobel's. 498Church, EMV8282 UPHOLSTER S cushion stuffer ft button maker. EM 3-3778. MUMS. Bedding, Dahlia plants. Fuchsia, Geraniums. Panaies, 3 dox. for 21. Liberty Gar ' dens. EM 4-2030. 2 BUCK rabbits. New Zealand whites, EM 2-3239 after 8:30. 300 Personal 305 In Memortom SAUNDERS, .Harry. May 23 'Bi. His life is a beautiful memory. His absence a big silent grief. He sleeps ln God's beautiful gar den In sunshine of perfect peace. Wife Minnie at Daughters A Son. . nwunniw jvm, plst, bkkp'g. 100 Piplay Classified SECTIONS GLAZING AND INSTALLATION INCLUDED Wards Week-End SPECIALS 15 cu. ft. Chest FREEZER Holds 525 lbs. A dpndabla fraaxar Check tho3 featuran safety signal light, "fatt freeze" taction, adjustable cold control, storage basket and divider. 5-year warranty on sealed unit. 10.6 cu. ft. upright FREEZEn-holds 371 lbs. Big froozor feature at a small freezer price I 4 freezing shorves make sure stored food gets maxi mum cold; Cold Control adjusts temperature from 0 to -10 F. 3-year warranty on sealed unit. OPEN' M0N. & FR. EVE. 'TIL 9 BTfssTaTfiSSZ '58300 Pergonal 312 Lost and Found LOST: Female Samoyed, long haired white dog. ans. to - tik." Reward. EM 3-4228. LOST: Bracelet, vie. Nebraska Ave., -reward. EM 2-8983. LOST, blue at white parakeet. Vic. Wallace Rd. at Rocers Ln. Very tame. EM 4-7108. Reward 314 Trontportotion LEAVING by auto May 25th for Wash. DC. Will take 2 or 3 riders who will shsre penses. Ph. Woodburn 8271. 316 Personal SPENCER Corsetiere Miss Em ma Wuerdemsnn, EM 3-2884. PALMIST TELLS FUTURE and past. Love, marriage, bust' ness. 81, 3749 Portland ltd. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. S commercial EM 4-1802 EXPECTANT mothers of any lartn seeking coniiaentiai serv ices, contact Catholic Chart ties 247 N. Com 'I EM 3-3065. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous 880 Marion EM 4-0848 400 Agriculture 402 livestock For Sal SHEEP SHEARING 20 vr. prof. exp. W. R. Marshall 9040 n. Lancaster, em 4-soti FOR Sale Cutting 150 T. alfalfa nay, wire d a I e a, crusnea, bunched in field Jt cut in bud stage 920 T. Gust Janzen, Day ton, Ore. 1 mi. N. of Hopewell. Ph. Dayton 2-9X22. CHESTER White boar. 10 mo. aw. cm s-i.Mi. GENTLE but spirited Palomino mare. 7 yrs. 9178. EM 3-053. HORSE Trailer, sell or trade, 1 single l dbi. em 1-Q331. GENTLE bay mare, 2 Shetland ponies Kid s saddle, snaron Payne. EM 2-3192. FOR SALE, top reg. Hereford cows 8r yearling heifers, horn ed. EM 3-8536, EM 2-3649. Horse Shoeing, anywnere Geo. Penfold. EM (-5297 REGISTERED Quarter Horse Stallion Chestnut. 3 years old. Best Offer EM 4-5833 or EM 4-7171. Cow & Calf EM 4-2588 GOOD Clover hay In field cut or uncut EM 2-2998. 403 Livestock Wonted CATTLE horses, at your farm . c. Mccandiisn. em 3-6189. CATTLE Snethen 4105 SUverton Rd. EM 2-1349 or EM 2-4380. CATTLE buyer. A. F. Sommer, 9399 Dallas Rd. EM 4-9067. HUVI H-Claud Edwards. Rt I Box 89HE EM 4-1113 - TCP cash prices at your place. nay bozei, a,os e-sies umicci. a. 405 Pots AXC REG. Pom nunnies. A. W. sanu, M3 snipping, em s-siva A.K.C. reg. Chihuahua stud service. Also puppies EM3-7731 100 Display Classified UPRIGHT 10 FT $248.00 21V4 FT. ......$369.95 25 FT ....$399.95 1 ONLY 13 FT. DEMO .$279.00 1 MASTER, SERVICE - $89 X. C6m'I EZ Terms S4H Green Stamps SINGER AUTOMATIC BRAND NEW! LIMITED STOCK Decorative Stitches, Buttonholes, Monograms, All without ottachmenti A! UTTU AS $2,55 ee evr lesy Ivdeet Men " SINCER SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com'l. EM 3-3912 $13 a month at on economical price I $ EM 3-3191 m 111 i Tm1 f RIDUCID $49Z5 m .. $12 a moKth Kit' Wanted WANTED: Small boat or dinghy wiui oars in uaaoi cunaiium, will trade 8mm projector, oan pay 83 to 15. John Petty, age K'.j. Ill 3-4BUU. WANTED, free use of gentle riaing norse ior csre oi room and pasture. Guaranteed good csre, three acres fenced pas ex ture. Dsvld Craig Blanche, age 11. EM 4-5780. WANTED, farm work, will my oest. cmmeii Myers, age 19. EM 2-Z3BZ. WANTED Archery set. 80 to pound bow, learner quiver, hunting and target arrows. Call after 6 p.m. Raymond 988 (Jesse) Rogers, age 17. Phone Tit 3-4ZJI. WANTED Skin diving set. Pre- fer two tanks. Must have safety valve. Fins, face mask snd speargun. Call after 6 f.m. Roy (Jerry) Rogers, age 5. Phone TR 3-4237. WANTED: Girl's bicycle 24" or 26". I have 810. Sandra Stln. nett, age 8. Rt. 1 Box 161B, Turner. WANTED Fishing equipment. spinning reel, iiy poie, net, creel with harness, and spin line. Call after 6 pjn. Virginia (Joyce) Rogers, age 17. Phone TR 3-4237. WILL GIVE good home to a male rouce dog. nainnen Burke, 1035 Albert Drive. WANTED Crosley in good me chanical condition, neason sblc. Helen Johnson, age 14. Phone EM 4-3902. WANTED One pair of English naing ooois, size ii'.i or u, on or before June 1st, in good shspe. Robert Balrd. age 16. 1460 George street, wooaDurn phone 7871. FREE use of gentle Shetlsnd for someone naving amau pasture near rairview Ave., oaiem, Write John Allen, Box 79R, Brooks, Ore. Age 11. WANTED: An orphan lamb ot my own to love and take care of. itutn oaiDraitn. cm e-zsiz, Age 8. WANT used portable typewriter in (ood conamon ana price must be reasonable. Gloria Bentley, Jefferson, Ore. Phone FA 7-2833. Ae 17. WANTED: A food used cedar chest. Must be reasonable. Cheryl Williams, EM 4-2088. Age . WANTED: Authentic antique doll with china head, arms, and feel. 21" or over in length, reasonably priced. Phone EM 2-7447. Linda Crom. Afe 19. WANTED to buy, two doodle bur. wheels, one front, one back. Phone EM 4-2641. Alan Mur phy. Age 14. WANTED: Boy's 20-inch bicycle for my little brother. I have 210. Phone EM 3-0221. Eugene Irvin Hawes II. Age 11. WANTED to buy: Maple chest of drawers. Sharon Tuor, ace 13. EM 3-2887. WANTED to buy: -Good used tennis racket EM 44188 morn ings. Lynns Baxter, age 13. For Sole HOMEMADE coasting car four wheels ior si, usea, in gooa condition, see Jim, l fir Jim Tilton. age 13. BLONDE Cocker puppy 8 weeks old. Real cute. Reva King age 8. EM 2-3117. FOR Sale. Assembled long, short wsve neatn Kit ah-3. soap dox derby racer. All good operat ing condition. Phone EM 2-2803 evenings. Dwif ht N. West, afe 10. REMINGTON 22 like new 340 Shoe roller-skates at esse (Chi. cago) hardly used, size 7 1 i shoe. Dwirnt Howard, afe 18, EM 3-8327. PURE bred Pekes not registered 329. Aaaress snaron Lee sew, ard, 980 East Jsckson Street, Monmouth, Ore. SK 7-2343, Age 12 SELL or trade guitar food con amon. itauan mase vionn ex cellent condition for good used typewriter or twin or bunk beds. Jim Rosanbalm, afe 13. 893 N. Main.' FOR Sale. Girl's bike size 20' with side wheels, 315. Good cond. and record player and records 310. Sally Marlene Lowe, afe U EM 2-9234. BASEBALL shoes like new sizes 7 snd . 83 a pair. Bird cage 81.90. B flat metal clarinet 120. Gregory A. Olsen, sge 13. EM Z-4S6K. NEARLY new B flat clarinet. would like best offer for It. For information call EM 2-3013 Karen Sorensen, age 13. FOR Sale: Slightly used photo graphic developing outfit. In cludes: print box, trays, film tank, blotter roll, light, clips, etc. $7. Phil Klaus, age 17. EM 3-7893. gi suit 30 ln. waist. Like new, EM 4-3770. Gene Brown, age 14. RADIO-PHONOGRAPH combina tion, plastic case, 318. good condition. EM 2-4881. Cheryl Ann Wlebe, Age 10. FOR SALE two boy's bicycles, 28" good tires food condition. Reasonable priced Ph ' EM 2-0647 evenings. Eddie Hansen , Age 18. FOR SALE German short hair pointer and setter four years, with papers. - Trade for 30-30 rifle, rubber boat. 90 cash. Gary Klokstad, Age 19, Box 1S7, Turner Oregon, Phone SH 3-2379. FOR Ssle. Boy's black patent leather tap dancing shoes size 8, used very little 84. Gsry Rice, age 14. Box 38. Mehama, Ore. FOR Sale or trade for good used ? ilano, Olds trombone, used wo months, cost $130 new, sell reasonable. Gloria J. Wengert, age 19. EM 3-7732. ONE wheel trailer all metal, spare tire and tube wired for lights. Douf Koellmann, age 17 EM 3-8019. GIRL'S twenty-four inch bike In good condition. Charlotte I. Wilkinson, afe 13. EM 4 0572. FOR Sale, black Cochen banty eggs for aetting. 379c. a doz. Will trade rooster. Dick Smith, sge 10. EM 4-0183. FOR SALE: Amplifier with 2 plug lns 23. Electric Hswsiisn guitar Gibson-National with case $89. Used violin with case 329. Jim Tuor, age 14. EM 2-2587. PINK NET sleeveless formal size 12. Orchid net formal with bolero. Size 12. $10 each. Shoe roller-skates, size 2. .88. Mary Bendon. Afe 18 Ph. EM 2-9839 FOR Sale. Boy's 26" bicycle, good condition, $18. John Van Drlesche. afe 12, RO 9-2424. COLUMBIA English bicycle $20. uau aiier s p.m. jlm z-7700 or see at 450 North 20th Street. Richard Yagle, age 13. B FLAT cornet and case, $29. Almost new Spanish guitar $39. EM 3-4271. Ray Colson, age 12. 400 Agriculture 405 Pet BANTIES ft rsbblt fryers. 2076 Hollywood Dr. EM 2-9572. REG. Boxer pups kind stud serv. Line bred, good Eastern stock EM 1-5938 1790 Clearlake Rd. BLACK cocker puppies, small type, pure orea. ss. cm z7izs. PARAKEETS. Quality Guaran teed. 3428 Abrams. EM 3-7988. PUREBRED Golden Retriever, male pups, sow. J.11S SHirfu. WEIMARANER $ wka. AKC reg. Champ Stock. Woodburn 3-3423 18 MO. old male German Shep- uvi u, a,aa awi C7P For Solo FOR sale, one girl's bicycle with horn and beginner wheels, new ures. ine in gooa condition Vickie Weltiel, age 10. Rt. 8,' dm jw. rn. aorz. CHILD'S Singer sewing machine almost new, 37. Phone after s. susan uieckler, Age 12. EM 4-4882. FOR SALE: Used 26-in. boy's Schwinn bicycle, excellent con dition with hsnd brakes, foot brakes, and good tires, for only 628. Dwayne Brittell. Age do 70 19. cm e-iwva. FOR SALE: Black English rid ins boots. Size BA tS'.'.l 84. EM 41368. GaU Zielesch. Age 10, NATIONAL Ceograohic Masa sine at ten cents each or trade for anything I can use. Write Marianne Alien, box TDK, Brooks, Ore. Age 15. BLACK and white male dog to give away to someone who csn give dog a good home, five months old. Joanne Lorain Mefliock. Age 11. EM 4-2496. FOR Sale: English bicycle with inree speea enut and hand brakes In good condition 822.50 Dsvld Cook Age 17. EM 4-3230. 2 LOVABLE male kittens 25c each to a good home. Call eve nings eh 4-wsu. jeu race, Age 9. USED Junior site guitar hist lute new wiui esse, . see st 1495 Lee St. or phone EM 4-4739 after 9 p.m. Clarence itrusn, Age 13. FOR Sale: 1948 Chev. 4 dr. sdn. Good cond. 880. Ph. EM 4-4739 or see at I4va Lee st. after i. Clarence Brush, sge IS. B FLAT Clarinet and case In food condition, 123. EM 4-4739 or see at iva Lee St. alter 8. juay jsrusn, age 13. . FOR Sale: Model airplane and engine .048 O.K. Cub, 85. CaU a.M z.w7 (iter 3 p.m. Mute Blares, age ii. FOR Sale: Used American Flier electric train with table and equipment in food condition, 828. Phone EM 4-9289 alter 8. Tom Cornelius, sge 13. FREE little kittens will be ready in d or s weeKs. taw raace St. EM 4-8117. Sylvia Doufhton, age 8, FOR Sale: E-flat alto saxophone in perieci conamon witn car rying case. Bi sacrifice. Shir lev Mae Ssterlee, age 14. EM ITAlJAN hand-made violin with excellent tone, 3100. Call EM 1-1172 after 4 p.m. Muriel Royer, age 18. EM 2-1172. FOR SALE: Three guinea pigs. a pair ana u spare. Buy one two or three 79c each EM 2-0002, Charles Zemanek Age 9 FOR guard, companion, or pet. see my Diaca. Belgian sneep dof puppies, AKC registered, male or female, 150 up. Mar aret Johnston, afe 11. EM 4-8187. FOR Sale: Boy's Schwinn bi cycle, uonei eieciric train, puppet, electric football fame, birdcage, chime clock, books: Children's Classic's and religi ous. John Youngquist, age 15. 2190 Jelden St. NE. EM 4.8485. FOR Sale: Colson bike. $10. Pan American trombone like new, $80. Call EM 4-7299 or 830 Up per Ben Lomond Dr. Phil Hlies, age 15. FOR Sale: 24" boy's bicycle, S3 or will trade for 28" girl's bi cycle. Large tricycle $5. EM 2-1838. Donna L. Tresldder age 10. ' GIRLS BIKE 28" almost new 829. Baby sitting your home after 8 p.m. Sunday all day 30c after 11 p.m. 40c EM2-9838 Sharon Reafle Afe 14. 1330 Csndlewood. Salem. GIRLS NEW Columbia bicycle 28-inch. Red and White with whits sldewalls, horn, light, and book holder. Judy Hoirup, Age 13 Ph. EM 2-2902. FOR SALE girls bicycle, very food condition. Call after five. 433 Jefferson Street. Penny wooa, Age 14. BOY'S SPORT coat size 13-13 years like new. Ideal wear for graduation for only $10. Phone aiter six p.m. Boo Hawley, Age 16. Phone EM 2-8203. GIRL'S bicycle for sale. In good nape, selling ior sza. rnont EM 2-3193 after 9 p.m. Mon. through Fri. Anytime Saturday, Sunday. Phyllis Hill, age 14. GIRL'S 20" bicycle, trike, deluxe suae, peaai car, neavy con struction, toys, Gilbert erector set, floor stand punching bsg, wsgon. David McDowell, age 10. EM 3-8837. FOR sale. 24" Huffy bike $20. Army pup tent $5. Jack F. Fid ler, age 13: EM 2-0583. . THREE puppies, part Cocker, two maies, one iemaie, $1 eacn also trade small bicycle for tri cycle. 1249 Oak Hill Ave. Cam eron Rowles. age 10. HO GAUGE passenger and ireigni irain witn extra tack, switches, transformer, acces sories. Cost 90 dollars new, selling for 80 dollars. EM 4-8309 Brent Hill, age 13. , FOR sale, used girl's twenty-four men uoiumDia once, in food condition. $15. Karen McLean, age 14. Dallas, MA 3-3592. FOLDA-Rolla Baby Stroller, baby WMmj pvi. s, ymi. uin ocuu, uiii form size 14. Sandra Cohn, age 14. EM 2-1088. SELL two $.00x18 snow tires new recaps, twenty-four dollars. Ph. EM 4-3796. Tad Milburn. age 17. 26 IN. Racer bike, has been done over, one flat tire, very fine condition. Phone after 6 o'clock EM 2-3139. $18.50. David Ep ping, age 12. FOR sale, cornet; electric rotary mower wun too leet ox cord. Both in good condition. Phone EM 4-8390 after1 5 p.m. Janet Gannaway. afe 19. FOR SALE: 1957 Heathkit model AR-3 amateur radio receiver assembled with csbinet used one month Phone EM 4-9374 Don Miller. Afe 15. CHILDS STUDY desk $8. Chllds rocking chair 82. Dog house. 3. Large beautiful cedar chest 19. Given Anthony Afe I. Ph. )M 4-9738. FOR Sale, one used girl's 26" Dicycie win seu ior siz. nois Chrlstofferson, age 14. EM Z-Z1TO. FOR Sale Shelled walnut halves 75c. pec lb. Mary MacDonald, age 13. EM 3-8788. FOR Sale girl's 26" bicycle In good conamon szu b nsi cisri net and case in very goed con ditlon. recently overhauled 840. Gloria Warner, age 14. EM 2-eoei. CENTRIFUGAL Irrigation pump wimoui motor ior 3 men pipe. Never used, excellent condi tion, $90. Phone EM 2-9984 aft er 6 p.m. Terry Eichelberger, age 19. TWENTY inch girl's bicycle In food condition, call EM 4-9290 or see at 145 South Lsncastcr. Sherry Lee Gordon, age 9. FC-R SALE Twenty-four inch firl's bike. For further lnfoi1 matlon call Indep. 319-M. Nina Lee Muillns, Afe 1314. GIRLS 26" Schwin bicycle $10.00 snd hlfhchalr that can be made into table $9.00 for sale. Sharon Panger, Age 13, Phone EM 2-8024. FOR SALE large size chain drive tricycle in good condi tion price $18.00. Call EM 4-696T sfter 4 p.m. see st 1790 N. Church St. Carol Meyer, Age 13. WILL sell or trade fine used trumpet, case, mute, and mu sic stsnd for top condition used portable typewriter and case. John Haller. age 16. EM 4-6133. GIRL'S bicycle for ssle, blue ana wnite. Firestone fUot. Good condition, reasonable price. Phone EM 24932. Kathle Deggeller, af 14. HT'S For Sol rpR Sale girl's 28 ln. bicycle (10 Phone EM ' 4-7283 or ace at zooi itocKiand Dr.. Salem. Dor omea Towner, age 10. SLIGHTLY used seven room metal furnished doll house, very food condition, 38. Call EM 4-0418. Joyce Daley, age 1 1. GOOD heavy duty Schwinn bike food condition, 28". Emmett mycrs. age is. em z-xisz. PARAKEET cage, toys and everything for sale. Sam Med' IQCK, afe B. EM 4-41)8, FOR Sale.- boy's 28" bicycle, fooa conamon, will sell rea aonable. Call after 8 p.m Bruce Loudon, afe 10. - EM 3-3847. BIRD CAGE and stand 87.00. EM 2-1437. Steve Blixseth Afe 11. FOR SALE or trade: English Dicycie, neaaiifnt, handbrakes, carrier, three speed fears, chrome fenders. 820 Takes. Dennis Quick Afe 12 Phone BOY'S SCHWINN Bike 28 Inch fju. Boys schwinn bike 24 men eu. cm i-iiu uean nua son, Afe 13. HUDSON LOVERS I I will sac riflce my 1948 Hudson, radio at heater, overdrive, food paint, for the ridiculous price of 380. Pete Smltt Age 17. 412 siorin men aireei, Monmouin, urefon. sit 7.1114. RECORD; PLAY back your voice, or music, weocor wire recorder like new with all ac cessories, a reel bargain for sou. ireorge jiarauns Afe 10 cm a-aaiv. FREE TO food farm home Col lie snepara male aog. easily trained for working cattle. Not a chllds pet. Judith Lee Spain Afe 11, cm e-aeze. FOR SALE rabbits does with lit ters bred does, young rabbits, also some pens. James Miller, Age 17. Phone EM 3-7731. FOR SALE 1949 Plymouth mod. eraie aamage good motor and ures sio.uu casn. cngusn bi cycle good condition, 220.00. Cell after 8 p.m. Bill Bearse Age 17, 2093 N. Liberty. EM MODEL PLANE engines 049, 074 cnguBn racing Duce, 3 speea jiaiiu. Winn, craax muicr, Age 17. Phone EM 3-8771. FOR SALE bicycle girls 28" Co- jumoia aeiux exceueni condi tion, 820. Mary Meyer, Age i4, oue onnson si., ouvenon, Oregon. TR 3-7324. BANTY CHICKEN hen and be bys, 82.00. Single rooster, 78c. Single hen, 90c. Seven hens and roosters, 84.00. Lynne Ey. erly. Afe 11. Phone EM 3-394S ORDERS TAKEN (or freetinf cards, gift paper, stationery, and other items. Phone for an appointment to see items after 4 p.m. Annette Cools, Afe 12, Phone EM 4-0897. ENGLISH bicycle, new tires, ex cellent condition. $29. Michael Mills, age 14. EM 2-9798. FOR SALE boys 28 inch bicycle J ood condition. $18.00. Ph. EM -8241. Lawrence E. Soderlind, Afe 10. FOR SALE two baseball gloves $7.90 each. One pair of new baseball shoes size 10 1 i 15. Jack Fletcher, Afe 18. EM 3-9749. SOAP BOX Derby wheels and axles. $12.00 or best offer. Frank Miller, afe 17. Phone EM 3-9771. Swop GIRL'S 28-inch bicycle, needs re- Sair, will trade for beginner's ike. EM 4-7219. Ellen Cruse, afe 12. TRADE good used wood clarinet for food used typewriter. Will sell. Phone EM 4-1583. Robert T. Miller. Afe 17. TRADE food 20-inch girl's bike for 24-lncn girl's bike. Peaarlle Bare. Age 8. WILL TRADE or sell comic books, food condition. Phone Gervals 3274. Reinsldo Palmo, age 11. Rt. 1, Box 82. Brooks, Oregon. AMERICAN Flyer 2 rail steam type locomotive for an Ameri can Flyer 2 rail Diesel type switcher. Will snybody swsp? John Shldeler, sge 8. Phone EM 3-0601. Work Wanted WILLING worker wants summer jod. uonsiaer snyining tun or part time. 914 9th St., Dallas. MA 3-4273. Jerry Benson, age 14. GRADUATING senior, honor stu dent, wishes secretsrlal work. Certified stenographer by State CIVIL Service. One year cash ier experience. Excellent ref erences. Marllan Benedict, afe 17. EM 3-7593. SENIOR hlfh boy wants work photography store, cannery, yard work, farm. Darryl Webb age 17. EM 3-0329. HIGH school girl wants summer job as baby sitter, your home. Hoover school district pre ferred. Experienced and de- Bind able. Phone EM 2-6933. eanna Stewart, age 15. WANTED, a job, can work with money, handle heavy machin ery, work as a gardener, ex perience in all of these fields. Frederick R. Cooper, age 16. CM 4-SB07. AVAILABLE now, high school ooy age is wants tarm work. Experienced with tractors & farm equipment also livestock. Honest & dependable. Gordon sunoet, sge 16. cm 4-2798. EXPERIENCED 14 vr. old de. sires jod caring ior cniioren during summer slso baby sit ting evenings, lives ln Eola Community. Susan Vincent EM 4-4383. SUMMER employment desired. radio, television, newspaper preferred by charming, intelli- 6ent, attractive, female, Sep imber aenior, onlv vice, exag- gersting. iec louey, age is. CM e-b-zvz. AM 16, want summer work. need a joo. win work real hard. Jim Johnston, age 16. CM 4-8187. UNIVERSITY student ln 5th year oi Latin win coacn Latin stu dents ln grsmmar. vocabulary. and translation. College refer ences. Call evenings. James Chesley, age 18. EM 2-5673. EXPERIENCED child care 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., my home start ing June 9. Marcia Middleton, age 14. 170 Washington St. S. EM 4-8839. WANTED Work on farm for summer. Have had past ex perience in tractor work and irrigation on a bean farm. Alfred Rowe. age 16. 413 Jef ferson St., SUverton. Oregon. Phone TR 3-4232. RELIABLE summer bsby sitter by dsy or week. West Salem preferred. Connie Jo Carlson, age 14. Phone EM 3-6202. WANT an energetic fellow with personality as service station attendant or truck drlvert What have yc-ut Call EM 3-4800. Rollln Herbst. age 18. EXPERIENCED, dependable, young girl wants jod caring for children during the, eum mer, also baby sitting of eve nings. References exchanged. Rachel Vancil. age 13. 443 18th St. NE. EM 2-4649. WEST Salem baby sitter avail able. Judy pruitt, afe 12. em 3-3811. GIRL 17 wants food Job. Hss trslninf in nrnce worn Dut will accept another position. EM 2-8278 after 4 p.m. week days. Sandra St. Clair, afe 17. EM 28278. WILL baby alt st your house for 1-3 smau cnuaren. experi enced. Need Job durinf sum mer months. I am 7th trader. CaU EM 44819. Miss Ledith Elisabeth 'Ewlnf. age 1 2-3rds IK Work Wanted WANTED Farm work, lifetime experience with tractor, ma chinery, dairy and show cat tle; also fruit harvest, both packing shed and orchard. Wayne McConnell, age If. Phone EM 2-1843. WORK needed by graduating high school boy. Willini and able to work.. References. 937 Norman. EM 3-6020. ask lor f rancls. rrancls Decker, afe is. RELIABLE high school girl wants bsby sitting for sum mer, . preferably my home. near nospiiais. iteierences. vsi Norman. EM 3-6020. Anna Decker, afe 19. HIGH SCHOOL boy, 16. needs lawn or odd lobs. Englewood dist. Ph. EM 2-1483. Robert Pattlson. WANTED Good used Slmca Aronde 1300 Sedan with low mileage and 3D seats. Merle Bitlkofer, age 18. Phone EM 2-7208. STEADY daytime baby sitting iob wanted ln the Four Cor ners area. Sue Wing, age 13!i. Phone EM 4-3918, HIGH school boy wants odd jobs this summer. Experienced tiller work, lswn . mowing, grocery store or what have you? Don Knepper. age 16 in July, 363 Hrubetz Road. JR. HIGH firl wants baby sit- unf mis summer, daytime or evenings, in Liberty district. Good with children ln your nome. anaron nneppcr, afe ij',3, joa nruoeiz. WOULD like Job as errand boy or similar work tor summer, Ph. EM 4-3093 after 4M pm ami j ranz, age ia. WANTED Steady or part time bany sitting tob during sum mer. Reliable, had experience. Phone between 1 and 8 pjn. EM 2-8239. Kay Savin, age 14. neip- in yard, wants bike or smsu ice. uau uan, cm e-iww Dan McMahon, age 8. LAWN work or any work for a reasonable wage. Hard work er. will show references If re quired. Need money for col lege. Jim Panger, age 16. Ph EM 3-8024. BIG 11 year old boy wants to work on seasonal picking, win work hard. Barry Biles, age li. EM 4-1830. NEEDED A steady full time Job ln a service station or grocery store. (Married.) Don McLsin, age 18. Ph. EM 4-4093. BOY, 16, wanting work ln gro cery sure as stock ooy or work in cannery. "Not afrsid of hard work." Bob Glrrard, afe 16. 508 Miller Ave. Dallas, Ore. Phone MA 3-4348. WOULD like to spend summer as nanay ooj arouna your home, shop, farm. Experi enced in lawns, repair, odd jobs. Allan Nettleton, age 14. 940 D St. NE, EM 3-7830. HIGH school student needs sum mer job. Will babysit. High frades, honest, dependable. scnooi ssiesman experience; musical knowledge ft talent. can type. Cathy Schnelker, age 13,2. 739 Ben Lomond Dr. EM 3-4609. SUMMER job wanted, preferably ciersing, neve naa experience. Call after 4 p.m. EM 4-3100. Mary Ann Such, age 16. HIGH school girl (junior! wants Daoy sitting and house work for working mother to start June 9th. Reference. EM 4-2663 1130 Hood St. Miss Janice Col lins, age 19 ',- DEPENDABLE high school girl acsirca care oi cniioren in ner home, must furnish own trans portation. Large back yard, quiet street (Kelzer). Judy Gamble, age 15. EM 3-1483. EXPERIENCED secretary wants od in insurance ottice. can tart work June 1st. Typing speed 57-80, shorthand speed 90-120. Please notify Carolyn jiamuion. -aye is, mm 4-vwm BOY sixteen m June wants work at service station, grocery store, or day work in fields. Myron wells, sia 15. ma 3-4337. RELIABLE child care my home by day, week, or month. North eastern district. References. Jeannie Bohl age 16. EM 2-0404 HIGH school student wants sum mer job. Good worker, can type, neat appearing and will ing to learn. Phone EM 3-9983. LaWawna Lyle, age 16",. EM 3-WHJ. HIGH school student with one year bookkeeping, one year shorthand, two years typing aesires summer omce wors. EM 3-8997 after 3:30. Nancy neison, age li. GIRL 17 wants work, willing to train, can type sixty per. Jun ior and taking retail selling in senior year. Lula Boggs, age if. CM J-BBZO. WILL do odd jobs, mow lawns. have power mower, wash win dows, can give references. 843 N. 20th. Clsude Hamilton, age IS. CM Z-6448. NEED summer help? High school girl has experience in caie ano DaDysitting. some of fice experience. Willing to learn other jobs. Linda J. Schei, age 16. EM 4-3921. DESIRE employment, reception. 1st doctor's office, clinic, hos pital, after graduation May 27, Type. Willingness to learn of fice duties. Beverly Turner, age 17. Rt. 1, Box 211, Dayton, phone 1183. DON'T want to pick strawber ries. Would like babysitting iob for one or two children during summer. Englewood district. Sandy Strong, age 14 EM 2-8620. WOULD like regular baby sit ting lob for one or two pre school children sfter, June 9. Prefer southwest srea, day time. Susan Gleckler, age 12. EM 4-4882. ALMOST sny kind of typlns done. Reasonable rates. Call EM 3-9249 or drop in at 844 Marion Street. Mary Catherine Garvin, age 10. ' WANT summer work so I csn go on to college. Would like clerical work or cannery work. Joyce Kilborn. age 17. Trinity 3-7349. SUverton. 400 Agriculture 425 Auction Sale AT ' SCOTTY'S AUCTION HOUSE ; 4840 CENTER ST., SALEM ON SAT., 10:00 A.M. & 7:00 P.M. 3 homes of good household furnishings must f o, no reserves. Includlnf sml. Crosley refrig., Coronado elec. range, Norge elec. washer, Crosley apt. elec. range, Montaf elec. range at comb., track burners, 9 x 12 rug, 5 pc. twin bedroom set, blonde, 5 pc. wslnut bedroom set, 5 pc. wood dinette set, 8 pc. yellow chrome set, 6 pc. corner mshogany bookcase, 3 chests of draw ers, 4 Mexican chairs, 6 yr. baby crib At mstt., floor St table lamps, mirrors, coffee tables, step 8c lamp tables, child's plsy pen, high chair, automatic washer St dryer, 6 pc. walnut din ing room set, raoio, single dox spraa. oc maiia., uuuuie uu sprgs. & matt. Comb, radio 8c record player, portable sewing mahcine, seversl good mirrors, small ohain saw, lawn chairs, misc. tools, garden hose, shrubs 8c flowers. Our auctions are held every Tue. eve. Sat. day St eve. Every body welcome, come & buy at your bid price. RETAIL STORE We sell new furniture, appliances, dinette sets, full line mattresses, retail on cut rate prices. AUCTIONEER Col. Ernest E. Scott . M 4 400 Agriculture 405 Pata BEAUTIFUL Reg. Dachshund duds, from Chamn. breeding. $39! li mi. W. of Grand I si Junction. Ph. 12x4 Dayton, Merle Church. REGISTERED Chihuahuas, t months old, 2 males, 1 female, Sapers furnished. Cell Dsllas, ayfair 3-4188 after 6 p.m. PUG puppies, now available, am. reg. cm Z'ljyi. COCKER pups 8 weeks old. SZ.3U. CM 4-4BOB. PUPPY-LAND AU kinds. Pet prices. EM 2-1248. 412 Food C6lumn $&30 wvt S3.30 , CUB TWS COUTOH , A W se. Si. Leekst tt ; S rear wlUt.Kus eases. - . fe otnfatJeaT at - MAC'S MKArS A LOCKOtg J SS30 AVf . $8.30 Vz BEEF 49c Cut & wrapped. 4 to 8 mo. to P STRAWBERRIES . Freezer Heady 30 cans-24',jc lb. order now. MAC'S MEATS t LOCKERS 810 N. Liberty EM 4-7744 PASTEURIZED wnole milk, 82c fsi Homogenized, sec gai Is Cleerv Dairy EM 2.3039 ASPARAGUS for canning freezing 10c. lb. The Green Apple Mkt., 5005 Portland Rd. ASPARAGUS for sale, bring containers, wuiard uacneiier. 3470 River Bend Rd. EM 2-6384 414 Poultry l RbbHs DAY bid Leghorn cockerels, $3 per iuu, every rues. & wee. Wilson s Hstchery, Lyons, Ore. BABY chicks. Leghorns. Par. menters. New Hamps. White Rock Cornish, also turkey poults avble. Valley Farm Store. Custom Dressing of Poultry We buy rabbits Wings 3985 State. EM 4-3918 418 Lawn A Garden ROTOETTE tiller, food cond except needs minor motor re pair. Cost $400 new, bargain at $75. 1090 Maine Ave. EM 2-1312. HOWARD Bantam tiller. EM 2-7297. GOOD used power lawn mow. ers, $22.30 up. s.stH. Green Stamps, Terms, Master Serv ice Station 385 N. Commercial 1947 BEARCLOG Garden tractor, New engine cultivators, discs and plows $125. Rons Auto asies. soou n. xuver ita. cm 3-6143. ! TOP SOIL, i FILL DIRT from Mission Bottom EM 2-8933 GARDEN Tillers $129.50. Valley r arm aiore. KEIZER loam 3s garden sand. 111! dirt & silt. EM 2-1748. 420 Seeds & Plants P ANSIES Aeeratum Dwarf Lobelia Marl to as ceranluma . m a r t n a Washingtons double Petunias. TEsS Ave. liKCCNHUUSe 1 blk. N. of 'D' off Park. BURNETT GARDENS Painted daisies, Astilbe, lupine, Dinks, mums. iris. etc. (gerani ums, all types. Begonias, fu chsias, bedding plants. Rt, 4 BOX 32 EM 3-0892. DELPHINIUMS. ine'l. nink. mums, geraniums, esiner Kceos, Marguerites, coiumoine. Black's 2270 Chemawa Rd. EM 4-7822. FLOWER arrangers. Register now zor classes atari in june. Marvin Black EM 4-7622. POTTED.., I ants. Ann's flower iiaraen, , 873 Wlmt. UT. NETTED Gem i seed potatoes. 8230 Portland Rd. EM 4-4078. LOWERY'S have the best Geraniums, larger plants, best varieties, lower prices. Fuch sias all sizes, coleus & bedding plants. zo3 inemawa no. BEGONIAS, fuchsias, delphin ium, snd bedding plants. For the best visit C 1 a g f e t t's Greenhouse. 4", miles N. ot Salem on Wallace Rd; Tu.n right at foot of bridge in W. Salem. bedding plants-garden supplies T ' t-l E.W A qom reuy a rivwcis, cm i-joja Capitol Shopping Center FUCHSIAS, geraniums, tub be- fonlas, 3 for SI. Dahlia bulbs 1.90 doz. Merrill's Green house, Brooks. FUCHSIAS, 3 for $1. Baskets. S3 up. Geraniums 3 for $1. Dahlia bulbs. Wards Gardens, 4380 Cherry Ave. FUCHSIAS, Geraniums. Giant Hybrid Schizanthus. 2nd hse. E. of Totem Pole, 4495 Hazel Green Rd. PANSIES 50c. a doz. 3835 Mid way Dr. EM 4-1221. STRAWBERRY plants, glad & dahlia bulbs 3 doz. $1. Azaleas, mums, lupines 8 for $1. Fu chsia begonia baskets $1.90. Merrill's Greenhouse, Brooks. GLAD bulbs, 50 for 95c. Middle Grove Nursery. 492U suverton Road. rOP quality plants for leas at Middle Grove Nursery. 4920 Sllv Rd We Give S&H Green Stamps. SEEDLING begonias, geraniums Degomas, & tucnsias. oasxets of all three. Kilber Nursery 715 Salem Heights Ave. 422 Fertilizer CLEAN rotted sswdust sell by yard, em z-vsm. BARNYARD fertilizer with saw. dust, $3. yon, aenvereo, mini mum 3 Ton load. Ph. 413 J., Independence. Mulch Sawdust $1.00 Yard EM 2-4031 ROTTED manure by sack er cu. yd. always food measure ft good quality Phillips Bros. ni. a DUX sou. CM VOUOl MUSHROOM fertilizer, no weeds line ior xnaKing new iwu. Also have rich black manure. We del. anywhere. EM 2-0331 425 Auction Sales - 4439 400 Agriculture 422 Fertilixer rrnTrr.TZER U-haul. Sat. Sun. only $1 per trailer load, 4785 Sunnyslde Rd. EM 3-8909, innKF. atraw 8z hav. also saw- dust-chicken fertilizer only ,ic lb. Valley Farm Store. Ideal lor muicnuif. FERTILIZER del. tk. load $7 or sk. soc. cm e-ujuj or cm -aii ROTTED cow or horse fertilizer $10. truck id. cm 4-siu. 424 Farm tquipment MERRYTILLER sell or trade 890. 1890 Houman no. cm 3-7731. FERGURSON Monted side deliv cry Hay Make. JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 2840 Portland Rd. MF.nTtYTTLX.ER. excel, shape, 8100. cordon ueius, vow Wheatland Rd. 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods $ BE THRIFTY $ BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES $30 Down Will Buy a Complete noun oi f urniture. Club reclining chair U-Haul 89.50 Box sDrines k Inner Soring Mattress Mismatched .. $14.88 Davenoort and chair Beiafe Rayon Tapestry $19.50 New 9xJ2 Linoleum Rugs S3. 99 Reconditioned and guaranteed Ranees and Refrigerators From $39.95 515 S. COM'L. PH. EM 4-3319 OAK Dinette tsble f chairs, good cono. cm in. s LATE model Kenmora washer. EM 4-9561. 2 BX. spf. It 2 Inner spg. mstt, twin size, l twin oea aiso l aa tustable size bed rails, all ex cel, cond. $80. EM 2-8043 after p.m. OPEN TONITEI SALEM'S LOWEST PRICES Glen Woodry 1605 N Summer. HUNDREDS of Items) Thous ands of dollars in furniture has to be sold within 10 days we're jammed to the ceil ing II Bedroom suites $39.90 to $98: dinette sets siu to; beds, mattresses, springs, chesp; daveno'e davenports, $10 up; oil circulators $19.50; dining seu $25 to $79.50: ta bles, lamps; everythinf for tne nome. its tne imest ana largest selection of used furni ture and appliances we've ever had. Shop early for the best buys. Glen Woodry 1609 N. Summer. DAVENPORTS. 8995 & up H L. Stiff Used Furniture Store 173 N High St.. EM 3-9186 MATTRESSES k springs, $9 It up. rt. L. sun used furniture Store. 173 N. High. EM 3-9188 UNFINISHED furniture. a l. Stiff Furniture Co. NEW special Electrolux, only sfls.70. rnone ciectroiux corp. 1079 Broadway. EM 4-2239, or eves. EM 44963. USED piano, $79. Portable ce ment mixer at motor $33, 2 oil drums, $1 ea. EM 2-8161. COMPLETE line of new unfurn. chests, Salem s lowest prices. Glen Woodry 1805 N. Summer. NICE custom made kidney shaped davenport, mulberry. EM 2-4795. YES! We're after business) Truck load after truck load of new furniture has arrived and no place to out it Hideabeds. sectionals, Early American so las, aaveno suites, nineties rugs. All name brands, easy terms. Glen Woodry 1805 N. bummer. CLOSING OUT! Inlaid linoleum. $1.23 sa.'vd. Bob's Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371 Open r ri. HDWD. bunk beds with match ing dressers. EM 4-2735. SHOP Glen Woodry's Furn. for quality ana low price, men wooory ieos . summer. MOVING Must sell MW elec. dining set, dsveno. EM 3-6932 USED mattress. $3. Bob's Mdse Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371 NEVER Before such a selection oi line furniture at such low low prices Everyone is say ing "Glen Woodry's is the place to buy." 1803 N Summer DESK. $14.99. Bob's Mdse. Mart. 270 s. Liberty. EM 4-8371. FOR Sale: Beds, dressers, rug. ainins taDie ac . cnairs. enn tables, bk. case, etc. EM 2-9619 alter s:30. NEW 6 yr. cribs with mattress- es uien woodry 1609 N. Summer. NEW recliners $49.50 to $99.90. men wooory louo n. summer. NEW end tables. Bob's Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 46371. MUST SELL NOW CHEAP Elec. Range, Frigldaire 30" oven, like new. 8',i' refrig. 1990 model. 2 piece daveno 8' long (grey) Bendlx gyro. Auto, washer. Bendix automatic dryer 9 piece chrome set 3 piece bedroom set Mattress at, box springs '55-837 individusl pocketed coils Mattress at box spgs. twinned size. '33 4 matching occas, tables (grey) Old painted bdrm. set with mat tress springs. Single Hollywood headboard & steel adjustable box spring on casters. Occasional chairs, lamps, fire place set, bureaus, record players, radio, etc. Full size expensive crib, play pen, baby tends, foldarolla stroller, bassinette. See at 444 Cottage N.E. 1 blk. E. of M.3cF. Fri. afternoon It eve. 4 to 10 p.m. or all day Sat. 9 to 5 p.m. Everything not sold goes to auction. CEDAR chest. $19.95. Bob's Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-8371. 452 Appliances TAKE OVER PAYMENTS 1957 Westlnghouse Refrigerator 11 cu. ft. Fully automatic 89 lb. freezer, porcelain crtspers, like new. Payments of $3.00 a week. Downstairs Lipman's Appliance Dept. OPEN TONTTK SALEM'S LOWEST PRICES Glen Woodry 1603 N Summer. USED Westlnghouse range, auto- juawi; i-im-n, new Dumers, A-I condition. Only $89.98. HOGG BROS. USED freezers $39 It up. Al Laue. 2350 Stat at. WANTED 1998 Whirlpool RCA ryer. cm z-1033. LOW prices. Gusr. washers. dryers, ranges & refrig. Mas ter Service 389 N. Com'l. USED Kenmore automatic wash er in good condition. $94.90. HOGG BROS. USED Maytag automatic wash er, automatic water level con trol. Excellent condition $149.95 UOGQ SRO& 450 Merchandise 432 Appliances HOTPOINT pushbutton rar dlx, mdl., like new, EM 3.5: PORTABLE rm. air-conditior Reas. Suitable for hum. n. flee. EM 3-6831, 706 Larry. USED refrig. $29.95 ft up. Laue, 2330 Slate St., KENMORE push-button stove. cu. it. t.oiaspoi retrig. E cond. EM 2 8872, EM 3-64 USED ranges $29.95 ft up. Laue. Z30U tjtate st. Wards Sewing Machine ... Airline 17" TV Airline 21" TV J Wards Elec. Dryer 'i Frigldslre elec. range .... Frlsidaire 7' Refrle " . Wards 8' Refrif MONTGOMERY WARD 185 N. Liberty EM 3-31 USED Frifldalra Imperial di Die oven range, a-i condlti see to appreciate. New $489 Sale $159.95. HOGG BROS. 455 Clothing BLUE evening gown size 12 wo ix. cm s-vsei. COATS, dresses ft shoes. Size : 12. EM 3.2384 evenings. MASON SHOES Velvet Eez 1 nersoles mskes tired, achli feet happy. EM 1-2868. MEN'S work socks guar. 1 it or money reiuna. cm 3-2881 456 T.V. I Radio AUTO RADIO REPAIR Al's Rsdio TV. 4949 River R N.c. Keizer Dist. em 2-43' GUARANTEED used TV sel Al'S KSdlO TV. 4949 Rlv Rd. NE. EM 2-4373. CAR RADIO REPAIR, all mak CUHIiS RADIO St TV, 31 D St EM 4-3781. 17 IN. TV food cond., $79.t CM 3-3317. 17" to 21" Csbin Ic table model recond. 8c new picture tube All sets carry a factory gua antee. CURTIS RADIO St TV SERVIC 3133 D. St. EM 4-37 WE rent TV sets .810 m MARRS, 2140 S. Com'l. 458 Musical Instruments LADIES Piano accordion 1: bass plus a stack of must $90. See Fri. 4-10 p.m. or Sa 4-3, 444 Cottage N.E. 1 blk I of M.F. EM 3-4543. MUSICAL instruments, piano accordions, bsnd instrument New ft used to liquidat. Terms. No dn. pymt. EM4-47 SEVERAL used electronic o gans from $495. Wlltsey West! ers Music 470 N. Capitol. DODGE Piano service will gua antee to mane your piayer p ano play again, EM 4-1656. LOWREY ORGAN World's first spinet with bi orgsn features, giozs. wiitsey Weathers Music 470 N. Cspl tol. 57 MODEL Estey elec. orgai penect cono. ung. cost ns: bal. now $1112. SAVE $300 b take over pay. EM 4-3223. ELEC. organ. Must sacrifice Terms to responsible parti Write credit mgr., 10120 N.E Clackamas, Portland, Ore. 462 Wanted Hshld Goodi WE TOP THEM ALL CASH for living rm. sets, bed rm. turn., eiec. ranges, n friges, rugs heaters, baby fur TV sets, dining sets, mapl fum. EM 3-9110. Glen Woodr, 1805 N. Summer. IF you have one Item or i houseful or furniture to sen caU Bob's Merchandise Marl 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-8371. HIGHEST cash prices pd. fo usea iv, nan son iv isu a 12th. MISC. Furniture wanted. Cour teous service. Ph. EM 3-6098 463 Boating MERCURY KG (, 40 cu. in. mo tor. EM 4-5073. 760 N. winter 10 FT. Glasspsr cartop boat Carrier It Oars. EM 3-7113. '57 35 h p. Firestone motor. E3j 4-6249. 12' FISHING boat, good cond 890. 2711 Hulsey Ave. See the new Birch hulls. Sizei 11' to 21. Prices from $19( to $750. Five times as tougt as ordinary plywood, finished and unfinished. SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 Chemeketa EM 3-9303 THEDE'S PROPELLER REPAIR POWER TOOL RENTAL Boat and Motor Brokerage 735 Edgewater EM 4-9301 Boat Specials 14 ft. ALUMA CRAFT. 110 lbs. car topper $199. 15 ft. Plank, fully glassed hull, $89.90. NEW 14 ft. Plywood, 30" depth ia bow. 24" sides, 62" width, $299. 12 ft. KANGAS, fully glassed, new pslnt, has steering, con trols 8c trailer $189. CASCADE MERC 1230 Broadway 14 FT. plywood util. boat. $149. Alter s p.m. cm nm. MOST popular brands of motors. ooats at ooat Kits, rrospeciins supplies. Archery supplies 20 pet. off to members of any archery club. Open 7-9 every day. We five SAH Greea Stamps. Ph 2-8101 Woodburn, Delany's Sporting Goods. Aluma Craft & Blue Star 12 ft. Aluminum car top boats $295 to $345 CASCADE MERC 1230 BROADWAY New 1987 5 HP Johnson $195 28 HP Johnson-controls 8229 Many other good motor buys SALEM BUAT HUUSK 100 Chemeketa EM 3-9303 SEE RIDE IN THE NEW "GLASS SLIPPER" Don't buy any glass boat with out tirst seetnf and trying tne best buy of all. 61" across the bottom at roomy. All Glass No painting. We guarantee this to outperform any glass boat at any price. Only $493. SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 Chemeketa EM 3-9303 USED OUTBOARDS Elgin, 5 hp. Like new $22.90 9 hp. Johnson, perfect ... $27.50 M moaei, is np. evinruae, gear kl, lkMl. 104 Sea Kins. 12 hD. 897.90 Big Twin 28 hp. Evlnrude elec tric S3IW CASCADE MERC 1230 Broadway 14 FT. GLASS boat, motor, trail er. Will trade. EM 2-0817. - 14 FT. Fishermen plywood boat. witn or without trailer, neas. buy. EM 3-8594 after 8:30. New Johnsons All models We demonstrate on the river every "SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 Chemejtets EM 3 9303 BOAT BUY! It ft. WACANDA aU flass, com plete with hardware, lites, con vertible top, windshield and practically new Mark 75 Mer cury ft controls. NEW PRICE " NOW $159$ CASCADE MERC 1230 Broadway . X