I Margaret Palace Denies Soon' To Be Engaged LONDON (i A Buckineham Palace spokesman Wednesday night denied reports that Princess Margaret soon will be engaged to Group Capt. Peter Townsend. A statement issued by Queen Elizabeth's press secretary said: "I am authorized to say that reports concerning a possible en gagement between the Princess Margaret and Group Capt. Peter Townsend are entirely untrue." The statement added that Prin cess Margaret's declaration is sued in the fall of 1955 remains unaltered. She renounced her love for Townsend, 43 year old di vorced father of two boys, in fa vor of royal duty. The Church of England is opposed to the reraar riage of divorced persons. Townsend had his second meet ing with Margaret in less than a week Tuesday night. lie dined with the 27-year-old princess dur ing a six-hour visit at her official residence in Clarence House, practically across the mall from Buckingham Palace. The meeting was the third at Clarence House since Townsend returned from a 17-month, round-the-world tour in March. He has insisted that Margaret's 1955 dec laration still stands. Family Weekly Trade Bill Voted Onto House Floor WASHINGTON Wl The House Ways and Means Committee voted 18-7 Wednesday to send to the House floor a modified version of President Eisenhower's recipro cal trade extension bill. The formal vote ratified a ten tative committee decision of last week. The bill would extend the trade law five years and give the President added authority to cut tariffs. But it also would provide for congressional veto of any re fusal by the President to approve Tariff Commission recommenda tions for higher import duties or quotas. Debate is expected to start next week. The House Rules Commit tee will be asked to okay debate procedures allowing the offering of a single suDstitute Dili rather than separate amendments. Fourteen Democrats led by Chairman Wilbur Mills (D Ark) were reportedly joined by four Republicans in Wednesdays closed session vote. The , oppon ents headed by Rep. Daniel A. Reed (R-NY), the top niinorlty member, were listed as all Re publicans except for Rep, Frank Ikard (D-Tex). Nephew Visits Ailing Cardinal ROME Wl Samuel Cardinal Stritch's nephew, Robert .Stritch of Chicago, visited for an hour Wednesday with the man he calls "my Uncle Sam," and left the hospital saying: "He's very sick. But he seems better than I had expected." Cardinal Stritch, 70 - year - old archbishop of Chicago, is in criti cal condition in Rome's Sanatrix Clinic from a cerebral stroke suf fered three nights ago. Until his stroke, he had seemed to be recovering well from the amputation of his right arm on April 28. That was three days aft er he arrived in Italy to become pro-prefect of the Roman Catholic Church's important Congregation for Porpagation of the Faith. Prof. Arnaldo Pozzi, director of the clinic where he is hospitalized, said Wednesday: "The cardinal's condition is stationary, though there is reason for hope." Silent Radio On Satellite Back on Air CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (A America's Explorer III satellite is back on the air after a week of silence, space expert Dr. James Van Allen said here Wednesday. Van Allen, head of the State University of Iowa physics depart ment, said the Explorer III high powered transmitter had been heard from again as of today. It was announced last week that the satellite's radio presumably had been knocked out by unex pectedly heavy radiation or by collision with a meteor shower. Van Allen said scientists hadn't expected to hear from Explorer III any more, but that it appar ently has recovered from what ever silenced it. He said he had no explanation for the change. Van Allen addressed a luncheon ol high school honor students here. He is chairman of the group of scientists responsible for internal instruments of the moons. 2 New Tombs Pay Tribute To War Dead . Two new tombs for unknown dead from World II and Korea will be unveiled Friday at Arling ton National Cemetery. They will take thel place near the original Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Lorimer Rich, who designed the original tomb, also planned the other two, more than a generation later. An article, recalling the first tomb and Rich's contribution, ap pears in Family Weekly magazine with The Statesman this week end. A color picture of action In the pits at the Indianapolis Speedway is on the cover of Family Week ly, and inside a top sportswrlter takes you right down on the track in a unique article, "How Would You Do in the 500?" It takes you through 500 miles of turns and thrills. Special articles in this week's issue of Family Weekly include "DOs and DON'Ts for Career Wo- men," which gives some timely tips to working women on bow to get along, with the boss; and "Teach Your Child to Swim," an easy course on how to make your child feel at home in the water. Regular features include the Cookbook section, featuring reel pes for outdoor cooking; "Recordi ally Yours," Norman Weiser's se lection of the latest and best of r cordingsj quizzes, letters from readers, fames and puzzles for children, and entertainment for the whole family. Indian Wins Ballot Spot in Umatilla County By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Late Oregon primary election returns indicated Tuesday the first Indian to run for the Legis lature in Umatilla County has won a ballot spot, and two Jackson County GOP nominations have been decided. , Gerald Reed, a member of the Confederated Tribes of the Uma 1 1 1 1 a Reservation, apparently nosed out Duke Sullivan, Pendle ton, for the Democratic nomina tion to the state House. First returns showed a tie, but County Clerk Jessie Bell recheck ed the ballots and found that Reed had 1,911 votes and Sullivan, 1,910. Mrs. Eve Nye. and Melvin Lattie gained Jackson County nomina tions for . the state House on the Republican ticket. The conclusion of vote counting" Tuesday found Mrs. Nye nearly 300 votes ahead of Medford attorney 0. H. Berigs- ton, who at first had seemed the apparent winner. Salem Boy Committed A 16-year-old Salem boy was temporarily committed 'to Mac Laren School for Boys at Wood burn Wednesday in Marlon County Juvenile Court concerning the beating of a 13-year-old boy at Parrish Junior High School last February. The youth bad failed to respond to psychiatric work, violated court terms by getting into other fights, been involved in petty thefts, shop lifting, truancy, and school prob lems, officials said. U Seattle Caught In Clutches of Second Strike SEATTLE tf) Seattle consum ers caught in the pinch of a food warehouse strike which started May 2 and ended Monday night were back in the clutches of an other warehouse walkout Tuesday, The new strike involved mem bers of Local 174 of the Teamsters Union, who walked off their jobs Monday night less than an hour after members of the Warehouse Drivers and Helpers Union Local 117, a Teamsters-chartered union, had ended a 2V4-week strike against six grocery and 23 pro duce warehouses. Conciliator Sent The Federal Mediation and Con ciliation Service entered the pic ture Tuesday afternoon when it sent Conciliator James' MacPher- son to a meeting of union and management negotiators. But the move failed to pay off as the negotiators broke up their meeting without making any prog ress toward a settlement. They did not schedule any further meetings. The teamsters reportedly, are asking a 35-cent an hour pay in crease along with fringe benefits costing another 12 cents an hour. They now receive $2.29 to $2.39tt an hour. Arnold Schoenecker, a member of the Northwest Produce Assn., the employer negotiating commit tee, said Tuesday afternoon's meeting was cabled to discuss an 18-cent an hour offer. Win Wage. Hike The warehousemen, in ending their walkout against the produce and grocery warehouses, accepted a three-year contract calling for wage increases of 17H cents an hour. The warehousemen are still on strike against two distributing firms, S and W Fine Foods and the Crescent Manufacturing Co. Forty-two other members of the Distributors Assn. losed their doors after Crescent and S and W were' struck. Mt. Hood Loop To Open Friday The East and West Diamond Lake Secondary Highways and the North Crater Lake Secondary Highway, which have been closed by snow since last fall, were opened to traffic Wednesday at 9 a.m.. State Highway Engineer W. C: Williams announced. The Mt. Hood Loop Highway will open Friday at 9 a.m. Opening of the McKenzie Highway, where heavy ice has slowed plowing operations, is expected around June 15, Williams added. School Board Will Review Cafeteria Prices Salem School Board will be asked to review school cafeteria prices at a meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the administration build ing, district superintendent Charles D. Schmidt said 'Wednesday. He said he could not say wheth er price increases will be recom mended until after study of statis tics being compiled by business manager uonneu ward. He point ed out, however, that prices in all schools have been unchanged for six years and some of them for nine years. Bids on more than $10,000 worth of equipment for two new Junior high schools will be opened at the meeting. ' The board also will be asked to approve lists of about 700 prospec tive graduates at the district's two high schools. And another sign of approaching summer, teacher requests for va cation salary advances are to be presented. The number of requests and amount of money involved is about the same as previous years, Want said. About six bids are expected for office files for Judson and Waldo junior high schools, Ward said, Cost is estimated at 15,500. Four firms have shown in interest in supplying window shades for the new schools. Cost is estimated at $5,000. The board also will be asked to authorize a contract with Portland Gas Coke Co. for gas to heat water in Leslie and Olinger swim ming pools. Ward Mid. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That on the ltth day of June, 1958, at 10:00 o'clock a.m., at tb front and west door of tha Courthouse in Salem. Marion County. Oregon, I will sell at public auction to tha highest - ,, ...k tk. InllravinM Am. scribed rati property: sefinnui as uie oouuiwesi cor ner ol Section I, Township S South, Ranee S Wast ot tha Willamette Meridian, Marten County, Oreson; then North on Township Una between Ranges 1 and S West. JO. 34 chains to the South boundary of Benjamin Munkers and wife's Donation Land Clalmt thence North 80 de crees S3' East alone said South boundary line of said Benjamin Munkers Donation Land Claim to tha center ot Mill Creek; thence Southerly up said Mill Creek with the meanderings thereof to the South line of afore said Section 6; thence West on aaid South line of said Section 6, 14.50 chains, more or leas, to the Iilace of beginning, being all the and West of the center of Mill Creek which was deeded to Charles Swegle by N. J. Matheny on the 3rd day of March, 1874, ituated In Township S South, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian, Marlon County, Oregon. Also: Beginning; at a point South 39 degrees East 3.30 chains from the intersection ot the South boundary Una of the Benjamin Munker'a and wife Donation Land Claim in Township S South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Mer idian in Marlon County, Oregon, and the center line of Mill Creek. which point of Intersection la , South 80 degrees 35' West ap proximately 68.00 chains from the Southeast corner of said Donation Land Claim; thence North 80 de grees 29' East 75.00 links to an oak tree 6 Inches in diameter and marked "CSBT'on the East aide; thence South 71 degrees tan i.ju ensms to an iron pipe -thence South S degreea 45' East 3.80 chains to an iron pipe: South 8 degreea 50' Welt 3.88 chains to an ash tree 8 Inches in diameter marked 'CSBT" on the North aide; thence West 75 links to the middle of Mill Creek thence Northerly following the meanaering oi aaia creek aown stream to the place of beginning. Save and Except: Beginning at an iron pipe orf the South line of the Benjamin Munker's DonaUon Land Claim In Section 8, Town ship 8 South, Range 3 West of tha Willamette Meridian In Mar. ion County, Oregon, said iron pipe being 727.39 feet North 79 de grees 38' East of the Southwest corner of said Donation Land Claim; thence South 4 degrees 13' East 275.01 feet to an Iron pipe; thence North 85 degrees 47r Esst 51.35 feet to an Iron pipe; thence South 4 degrees 13 East 89.20 feet to sn iron pine: thence North 83 degrees 49 East 123.85 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 0 degreea 48' West 405.09 feet to an Iron pipe; thence North 83 degrees 41s Bast 349.36 feet to an Iron Dine: thence South 13 degrees 18' East 68.70 feet to an iron Dice: thence North 86 degrees 35' East 345.30 feet, more or less, to tne center of Mill Creek; thence Northwesterly along tha center of said Mill Creek to the South line of said Munker'a Donation Land Claim; thence South 79 degrees 28' West 463.61 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. Also Save and Except; Beginning at an Iron pipe on the South line of the Benjamin Munkers Donstion Land Claim In Section 6, Town ship 8 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian. Marlon County, Oregon; said Iron pipe neing 7ZT.iw I eel norm iv aegrees 28' East of the Southwest corner of said Donation Land Claim; thence South 4 degrees 13' East 30.18 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 79 degreea 28' West 452.19 feet, more or less, to the West line of Section 6 in said Town ahip and Range; thence North O degrees 26' East 30JH feet along aaid Section line; thence North 79 degreea 28' Eaat 450.17 feet to the place of beginning. Alao Save and Except that por tion of the above described prop erty conveyed to the State of Oregon, by and through Its State Highway Commission, by Instru ment dated September 17, 1952 and recorded September 19, 1952 in Volume 443, Page 477, Deed Records for Marion County, Ore- Musical to Have World Premiere At U. of Oregon EUGENE Wl The University of Oregon will present the world premiere this weekend of an American musical by a best-sell ing author and a Pulitzer Prize winning composer. The musical, based on the life of the naturalist James Audobon, is "Mirror for the Sky." The au thor is Jessamyn West, who wrote the novel "Friendly Persuasion." The composer is Gall Kubik, who won a Pulitzer Prize in 1952. Both Miss West and Kubik will attend the premiere. Performances will be Friday and Saturday nights in McArthur Court. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE HILLTOP DRIVE, FROM Belalre Drive to the westerly terminus v NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN thst the Common Council of the City ot Salem, Oregon deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to improve HILLTOP DRIVE, from the east line of Belaire Drive to the westerly terminus, City ot Salem, Polk County. ursgon, or cringing saia portion of aala street to the established "grade, providing drainage, constructing ce ment concrete curbs and paving aaid portion of said street with a 3 ',5 inch asphaitio concrete Pavement 30 feet wide, at the expenae of the abutting and adjacent brooertv. excaot the street and alley intersections, which expense win oe aaaumea Dy tne city of Salem, all In accordance with the plana and specifications therefor which were adoDted bv tha Common CouncU April 38, 1958, which are now on til In the office of the city re corder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. These plans and specifications may be examined by any Interested party. Any Interested property owner may ascertain their sDDroximste ahare of the coat of making the Improvement at the office or the city engineer. The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and Intention to make the above described Improve ment by and through the street im provement department. Owners of property liable for the Mt of making such Improvement may fue written remonstrance NOTICE OF PUBLIC WEARING AFFECTING THIS AREA NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that public hearing wlU be held before the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, Mopday, May 38, 1858 at the hour of 7i30 o'clock p.m., City Hall,' Salem, Oregon, for the purpose of considering a petition for change of sone from an R-l Resi dential zone to a C-l Neighborhood Business zone of property described as follows: Lots Three, and Four, of Block Twenty-one, Nob Hill, of Geo. H. Jones' Addition to the City of Sa lem. Marlon County. Oreson. SAVE AND EXCEPT: Beginning at a point on the south line of Lot 4, which is 22.37 feet easterly from the southwest corner of lot 4. thence essterly to the southeast corner of Lot , 3; thence northerly 25.7 feet along tha essterly line of Lot 3: thence southeasterly on a straight line to tne point oi Deginning. THIS PROPERTY U located on the southeast corner of Commercial and Superior Streets. ANY PERSON desiring to speak either for or against the proposed chance ot zone may do ao in person or by attorney at the public hear ing. Also written objections may be filed with the City Recorder Dy per aons in the affected area. DATED at Salem, Oregon, this 15th day of May, 1958. ALFRED MUNDT City Recorder. M.10,11.22 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY. Number 17525. In the Matter of the Estate of Lillian M. Dewey, deceased. Arthur Holtzclaw. Executor of the said Estate, does hereby give notice that he haa filed his Final Account in the aaid Court and that the 33rd day of June 1958, at the hour of 8:30 a.m., the Court room of the said Court aa the time and place for hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof Date of First Publication. Mav 32. 1958. Date Of Last Publication, June 19. 19B8. ARTHUR HOLTZCLAW txecutor ELMER M. AMUNDSON Attorney for Estate 1104 Livealey Building Salem, Oregon May 23, 39. June 5, 12, It, 1958 agalnat tha ssme with the city re. corder at any time within ten days after the final publication of this notice. By Order of the Common Council April 28, 1958. auheu hunut, city Recorder Data of first oublicatlon: Vv a, 1958. lUta of final publication: May 22, May S. IB. 22. gon. ild sale Is made under mortgage foreclosure execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- on for the County of Marlon to me lirected In the case of: LEO N. CHILDS, plaintiff, va. AUBREY L. GRAYSON and VERA MAE GRAY SON, husband and wife; Santiam Memorial Hospital, an Oregon corpo ration; Gaint Keith; Charles- Deen, doing business as Tha Stores Collec tion Bureau; O. G. Nichols; Mer chants Credit Bureau of Salem, Inc., an Oregon corporation; Marion coun. a Dooy pontic ot me aisie ot regon: The Creamery Package Mfg. Company, an IUlnoia corpora tion: VaUey Credit Service, Inc.. an Oregon corporation; Bonnie E. Puck ett; Reglonald Rosevear III and L. N. Sanderson, doing business as Central Billing Bureau: and James Hatfield, Receiver, defendants. Dated May i3tn, ivsn. DENVER YOUNG, Sheriff of Marion County. Oregon By A. I. Malstrom, Deputy First publication: May IS, 1958. Last publication: June I, 1958. May IS, 22, 29, June S. Probably the world's youngest circus stars are Nida 2, Rene 4, and Yvonne 8, who are trick unicy clists with the Hamid-Morton cir cus. Their father, a Juggler named John Joanides, was born in Athens, Greece. Their mother, Vonda.-is a trapeze star born in Torino, Italy. The children were born in Florida. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION SUMMONS No. 45 781 NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation. Plaintiff, va. RONALD E. McDOUGAL and FLORA E. mcdouqal, husband and wife, JOHN H. BURTON and DOROTHY M. BURTON, huaband and wife, INVESTMENT SERVICE CO.. a c o r po ration, and SHIRLEY SINGER. Defendants. TO THE ABOVE - NAMED DE. FENDANT RONALD E. McDOUGAL: in tne name of the State of Oreson you are hereby required to appear In answer to the Dlaintlff's comDlaint Ulled against you in the above-en- uuea suit witnin tour weeks of the date of the first pubUcation of this aummons, to-wit: on or before Sth day of June, 1958, and if you faU ao to anawer aaid complaint, plaintiff wui appiy to tne souir tor ine re Uef demanded in said complaint, to wn: 1. For a Judgment in favor ot plain tiff and against the defendants RON ALD E. McDOUGAL and FLORA E. McDOUGAL, JOHN H. BURTON and DOROTHY M. BURTON, and each of them, tor the sum of 88,950.27. with Interest thereon at the rate of 4't ner ceat ner annum from De camber 1, 1957, plus the aum of 85.36 late charges, and less the sum of flll.50. for the further sum of $24.75 on account of title expense, for the further sum of 1650.00 attorneys fees, ana lor piaintui s costs ana aisourse ments made and incurred in aaid auit: 2. For a decree foreclosing that certain mortgage executed by JOHN H. BURTON and DOROTHY - M, BURTON, husband and wife, in favor of Commonwealth, Inc., dated October 12. 1953. and recorded October 13. 1953, in Volume 394 on Page 384. Mortgage Records of Mar ion County, Oregon, now owned by piamuii, ana oeing we mortgage de scribed In plaintiff a complaint cover ing me louowing described real prop erty situated in Marion County, Ore gon, to-wit: im rnree hi. mock one m SHADY OAK ADDITION, and decree ing sale of said real property In the manner provided by law and that Jlalntlff be allowed to 'bid at said oreclosure ssle: that the Durchaser at aaid sale be put In Immediate possession end occupancy of aaid property; that the proceeds of aaid ssle be applied in payment of the costs and expenses of said sale, in payment of plaintiff's Judgment for costs, disbursements and attorneys' fees, and in payment pro tanto of pleintiff's judgment for all other items for which Judgment is Draved aa hereinabove aet out, and that the defendants above-named, and each of them, and all persons claiming by, through or under them, or any of them, be forever barred and fore closed of all right, title and Interest tlon issue to enforce said judgment and decree and for such other and further relief as to the Court may aeem equitable. service oi mis aummons is made upon you by publication there of in the Oregon Statesman, a newspaper of general circulation published In manon county, uregon, once- eacn week for a period of four auccessive and consecutive weeks by virtue of an order made and entered in aaid auit by the Honorable Val D. Sloper, one of the Judges of the above-en- uuea court on me Bin day ot May, 1958, aaid period of publication be ing the period prescribed by eald order, and the date of the first pub lication is on the Sth day of May, ivoB. ana tne aate oi tne last duo l- cation is on the Sth day of June, 1958. DAVIS, JENSEN, MAKT1W Si ROBERTSON Attorneys for Plaintiff Post Office Address: 514 U.S. Nstional Bank Building Portland 4, Oregon. May 8, 15, 22, 29, June 5, 1958. FINAL NOTICE VIVIAN NOTH YOUNCE. .v.riilrl. of the estate of ALICE wills noth deceased, has filed her final account aa auch in the Circuit Court of Mar lon County, Oregon, and aaid Court has fixed Tuesday, the 10th day of iuie. man. ai iu mi o rinric m.. in the Court Room of aaid Court, as ine time ana place for hearing ob Jectlons thereto. VIVIAN NOTH YOUNCE ' Executrix of the Estate of ALICE WILLS NOTH, deceased WILLIAMS SKOPIL, 412 Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon. ' Attorneys for Executalx May S, 18. 22. 29, June S. 1988. Classified Index For your convenience ads are placed under 8 general headings aU In numerical order 300-PERSONAL Lost and Found -JL Meeting Notices Persona Stamps and Coins . Transportation . 400-AGRICULTURE Auction Sales Z, Farm Equipment Fertilizer Lawn si Garden Livestock For Sale Livestock Wnnted .. Food Column Pets Poultry A Rabbits . Sea Foods Seeds Plants 450 MERCHANDISE Appliances Bicyclea Building Materials Boating: Do It Yourself Floor covering 312 .. 318 318 318 314 425 424 422 418 402 403 412 405 414 418 420 For Rent Miscellaneous For Sale Miscellaneous . Fuel ... Household Goods Machinery & Tools Miscellaneous Musical Instruments Plumbing, Heating ,- , Sewlnc Machines Sports Equipment Trade Miscellaneous ...... TV and Radio Wanted Household Goods Wanted Machinery Tools . Wanted Miscellaneous . 452 483 470 . 463 478 474 481 . 480 , 490 451 488 484 . 458 473 454 . 464 482 456 462 488 483 500-BUSINESS AND FINANCE Investments ' 515 Loans Wanted 512 Money to Loan 510 600 EMPLOYMENT Babysitting (Your Home) 615-A . 615 . 620 . 618 .. 602 . 606 601 . 617 . 608 610 . 614 . 612 Child Care Day or Contract Education Help Wanted Help Wanted. Lady Help Wanted, Man Job Information Plckera Wanted Salea Help Work Wanted, Lady . Work Wanted, Man ..... 70O-RENTACS Apartments For Rent Business Rentala , ,, , Convalescent Homes , Duplexes , Farms For Rent Furnished Houses For Rent . Moving and Storage ..... Resort Rentals Sleeping Rooms, Board WanteTTo Rent Wanted Rent Apta. Wanted To Rent Houses Wanted Rooms, Board .. 800-REAL ESTATE Apts., Courts For Sale . Business Opportunities Business Property ..... Coast Property NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE BELAIRE DRIVE, from Glen Creek Road to Hilltop Drive NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common CouncU of the City of Salem, Oregon deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares purpose and intention to improve LAIRE DRIVE, from the north line of Glen Creek Road to the aouth line of Hillton Drive. Citv of Salem. Polk County, Oregon, by bringing said portiosV of said street to the established grade, providing drainage, constructing cement concrete curbs and paving said portion of said street wun a ilia incn asDnaitic concrei pavement 30 feet wide, at the ex pense of the shutting and adjacent property, except the atreet and alley intersections, which expense will be assumed by the City of Salem, all in accordance with the plana and specificaUons therefor which were adopted by the Common Council April 28, 1958, which are now on file In the office ot the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. These plans and specifications may be examined by any Interested oartv. Anv Inter ested property owner may ascertain ineir approximate snare oi tne cost of making the Improvement at the office of the city engineer. The Com mon CouncU hereby declares its pur pose end intention to meke the above described Improvement by and through the atreet Improvement de partment. Owners of property liable for the cost of making such improvement may file written remonstrance against the same, with the city re corder at any time within ten days after the final publication of this notice. - By Order of the Common Council April 28. 1958. ALisiU nunur, city necoraer Date of first miblicatlon: Mav 8. 1958. Date of final pubUcation May 22, 1958. May 8, 13, 22. Exchange Real Estate Farma Tor Sale .. Homea For Sale Insurance Lota For Sale 705 715 718 .. 706 .. 708 707-A 707 780 716 702 709 - 712 ... 710 . 703 807 801 802 815 812 810 806 825 Resort Property Suburban Wanted Real Estate 850 AUTOMOTIVE House Trailers- . Heavy Equipment . Aircran 816 803 818 ,. 855 mo Motorcycles 865 Auto Parte & Repairs ........ 870 Auto Miscellaneous 872 Wanted Cars-Trucks 874 Trucks, Trailers For Sale 876 Auto-Truck Rentala 878 New Cars . 880 Foreign Cars 882 Used Care 885 ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED Too Late to Classify FOR SALE or trade for Salem Erop. 6 yr. old mod. 2 bdrm. ome, 1 acre, located in Al bsny. WAbssh 6-2732 Albany. TO TRADE for Salem property 3 bedroom house with 3 bed room rental located 16 miles east of Roseburg In Glide. Have $14,000 equity to apply on 3 bedroom Salem home. Mack E. Brown. Glide. Ore. 4 BDRM. hse. with 2 lots. NE 17th St. $350 dn. EM 4-9831. SMALL mod. 3 rm. furn, house. Idesl for couple. Utll. ed. All new cupboards Wall to waU carpeta. Wired for waaher de dryer. Vet. blinds. Nr. Blue Lake cannery. 1037 3rd St. W. Salem 850. I RM. upper suite, sc. 840. Nr. Bush Sen. 715 3. 12th. 3-8812 or Eve EM 4-4796. EM CARE for children in my home. Nice fenced yard. On Ever green Ave. Ph. EM 4-1637. WANTED Strawberry plckera. 2nd yr. Marshall's. Starting soon. Carrier service provided. Close In. Don de Gay Bassett. EM 3-7336. 5004 Klrby Rd. SELL or trade for boat & trail er, collapsible camp trailer, aleepa 4. bullt-ins. propane stove, EM 3-7389 after 8 p.m. HDWD. bunk beds with match Ing dressers. EM 4-2735. MERRYTTLLER sell or trade $90. 1830 Hoffmen "Rd. EM 3-7731. GIBSON cultivator. 815. 2870 Hollywood Dr. W. W. fisher. A 1 1 mm mm Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., May 22, '58 (Sec. II)-17 . ADS Wont.d WANTED Archery set. 80 to 70 pound bow, leather quiver, hunting and target arrows. Call after $ p.m. Raymond (Jesse) Rogers, age 17. Phone TR 3-4337. WANTED Skin diving set. Pre fer two tsnks. Must nave safety valve. Fins, fsce mask and spesrgun. Cell sfter 6 p.m. Roy (Jerry) Rogers, age 15. Phone IK 3-4X91. WANTED: Girl's bicycle 24 ' ot 38". I have $16. Sandra Stln. neH. age 8. Rt.'l Box 161B, Turner. WANTED Fishing eaulpment. ' Spinning reel, fly pale, net, creel with harness, and apin Una. Call after ( p.m. Virginia (Joyce) Rogers, age 17. Phone TR 3-4237. WILL GIVE good home to a male Police dog. Kathrien Burke. 1035 Albert Drive. WANTED Crosley In good me chanical condition. Reason able. Helen Johnson, age 14. Phone EM 4-3902. WANTED One pair of English riding boots, size llts or 12. on Or before June 1st, In good shape. Robert Balrd. age 16, 1460 George Street, Woodourn. phone 7871. FREE use of gentle Shetland for aomeone having small pasture near Fairvlew Ave., Salem. Write John Allen. Box 79R, Brooks, Ore. Age 11 WANTED: An orphan lamb of my own to love and take care of. Ruth Galbralth. EM 4-2872. Age 6 WANT used portable typewriter in good condition end Price must be reasonable. Gloria Bentley, Jefferson. Or. Phone FA 7-3533. Age 17. WANTED: A good used cedar chest. Must be reasonable. Cheryl WUliams. EM 4-3053. Age 9. WANTED: Authentic antique doll with china head, arms, snd feet. 31" or over In length, reasonably priced. Phone EM 2-7447. Linda Crom. Age 15. WANTED to buy, two doodle bug wheels, one front, one back. Phone EM 4-2641. Alan Mur phy. Age 14. WANTED: Boy's 20-lnch bicycle for my utile orotner. i nave $10. Phone EM 3-0221, Eugene Irvln Hawes II. Age 11. WANTED to buy: Maple cheat of drawers, snaron luor, age 13. EM 3-2587. WANTED to buy: Good used tennis racket em 4-8188 morn ings. Lynns Baxter, age 13. For Sal HOMEMADE coasting ear four wneeis tor si, usea, in gooa condition. See Jim, 1994 Fir. Jim Tilton, age 13. BLONDE Cocker puppy 6 weeka , neva ning age old. Real cute. 8. EM 3-3117. FOR Sale. Assembled long, short weve neatn Kit ah-3. soap oox derby racer. All good operat ing condition. Phone EM 2-2803 evenings. Dwight N. West, ege 16. REMINGTON 22 like new $40. Shoe roller-skates t case (Chi cago) hardly used, size 7 'a shoe. Dwight Howard, age 15 EM 3-3321 PURE bred Pekes not registered $25. Address Sharon Lee Sew ard, 560 East Jackson Street, Monmouth, Ore. SK 1-2543. Age 12s. SELL or trade guitar good con dition. Italian make violin ex. cellent condition for. good uaed typewriter, or twin or bunk beds. Jim Rosanbalm, age 13. 893 N. Main. FOR Sale. Girl's fclke alze 30 with aide wheels, $15. Good cona. ano record piayer ana records $10. Sally Marlene Lowe, age 11. EM 3-9234. BASEBALL shoes like new sizes 7 and 9, $3 a pair.. Bird cage $1.60. B flat metal clarinet $20. Gregory A. Olsen, age 13, EM Classified Advertising Statesman - Journal Newspapers PHONE EM 4-6811 286 Church 1L Nl. LOCAL RATES WEEKDAYS For Sola FOR aale. one airl'a blcvcla with horn and beginner wheels, new tires, sine in gooa condition Price 820, make Columbia Vickie Weltzel. age 10. Rt. 5, Box 340. Ph. 85F2. CHILD'S Slnser sewing machine almost new, $7. Phone after a. susan uiecuer, Age 12. EM 4-4883. FOR SALE: Used 26-ln. boy's Schwlnn bicycle, excellent con dition with hand brakes, foot brakea, and good tires, for only $28. Dwayne Brlttell. Age IS. S.M S-VUHS. FOR SALE: Black English rid ing boots. Size SA f6'-,l $4 EM 4-1368. Gall Zlelesch. Age ID. I NATIONAL Geographic Maga zina at ten .cents each or trade for anything I can use. Write Msrianne Alien, box 7VH, Brooks, Ore. Age IS. BLACK and white male dog to give away to aomeone who can give dog a good home, five months old. Joanne Lorain Medlock. Age 11. EM 4-2496. FOR Sale: English bicycle with three speed shift and hand brakea In good condition $23.50 David Cook Age 17. EM 4-3230. 3 LOVABLE male kittens 25c. each to a good home. Call eve nings EM 4-0080. Jett Price, Age . USED Junior size guitar Just like new with case, $35. See at 1498 Lee St. or phone EM 4-4738 after 8 p.m. Clarence Brush, Age 13. FOR Sale: 1948 Chev. 4 dr. sdn. Good cond. $80. Ph. EM 4-4739 or see at 1493 Lee St. after S. Clarence Brush, age 18. B FLAT Clarinet and case In good condition, $25. EM 4-4739 or see at 1495 Lee St. after S. Judy Brush, age 13. FOR Sale: Model airplane and engine .049 O.K. Cub, $5. Call EM 2-4097 after 3 p.m. Mike oiarcK, age u. FOR Sale: two girls' 26" Haw- inorne Dixes, excellent condi tion, baskets included. $25 each Shirley Graham, age 16. EM 3-8374. FOR Sale: Used American Flier electric train with table and equipment in good condition, $25. Phone EM 4-9289 after 6. Tom Cornelius, age 13. FREE little kittens will be reedy in a or e weexs. iuu resce at. EM 4-9117. Sylvia Doughton, age 9. FOR Sale: E-flat alto ssxophona m peneci conamon wun cer rying case. Big sacrifice. Shir ley Mae Saterlee, age 14. EM 3-5346. ITALIAN hand-made violin with excellent tone, $100. Call EM 3-117$ after 4 p.m. Muriel Royer, age 16. EM 2-1173. FOR SALE: Three guinea pigs. a pair ana a apare. xuy one two or three 75c each EM 3-0002, Charles Zemanek Age 8 FOR guard, companion, or pat. see my disck Belgian aneep dog puppies, AKC registered, msle or female, 350 up. Mar- fnret Johnston, age 11. EM 8187. FOR Sale: Boy's Schwlnn b. cycle. Lionel electric train, puppet, electric football game, birdcage, chime clock, books: Children's Classic's and religi ous. John Youngqulst, sge 13. 3190 Jelden St, NE. EM 4-9488. FOR Sale: Coison bike. 610. Pan American trombone like new, $80. Call EM 4-7359 or 850 Up per Ben Lomond Dr. Phil Hlies, age 15. FOB Sale: 34" boy'a bicycle, $3 or will trade for 26" airl'a bi cycle. Large tricycle $5. EM. z-iojb. uonna i i reaiaaer age IV. GIRLS BIKE 26" almost new $25. Baby sitting your home sfter 6 p.m. Sunday all day auc a ner n p.m. uc emz.uo.ig Sharon Reagle Age 14, 1330 Candlewood, Salem. GIRLS NEW Columbia bicycle 26.inch. Red and White with white aldewalls, horn, light, and book holder. Judy Holrup, Age 13 Ph. EM 2-203. FOR SALE girls bicycle, very gooa conamon. liu alter live. 435 Jefferson Street Fenny Wood, Age 14. Dsys I 2 3 Lines 40 M M 4 8 t 32Kb .30 25 TOTAL CHARGES per line 1 time 40 JO per line 3 times $1.05 .95 per line $ times 81.50 81.40 per line I mo $5.50 Unci. Sun.) i mm. unes xtveeaaays xxsun LOCALS tSc per line par paper. iHsmcu aoa win oe run in both oeoers to clve advertis ers the advantasa of the tre mendous combined circular lions. "When an ad is ordered three or six times and a &unda issue is included (far iiimDie Friday, Saturday, Sunday) the lower sunqay raiea apply be- cause only i ne t la let man pub' llshes Sundsvs Classified ada will start in the morning Oregon statesmsn. conclude In the evening Capi tal Journal - but ada will be accepted for Sunday States man only fhe deadline tor classified ads Is 1:00 pjn, the day before publication except tor Sunday when deadline la 8:30 p.m. Friday. Emergency ads and amaii una a as receivea alter 1:00 p.m weekdays snd until 12 noon Saturday for Sunaay may be placed in the "Too Late to Classify" column. Ads sfor Monday papers must oe in oy 4 p.m. baturaaj rhe Statesmsn - Journal News- pa peas assume r.j financial re sponsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements fiubllshed In Its columns snd n cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mlstske oc curs snd Is responsible tor only one Incorrect insertion A "Blind" Ad sn ad contain ing a Statesmsn - Journal Newspapers box number for an address - Is for the pro tection of the advertisers and mustA therefore be answered by letter The Statesmsn Journsl Newspapers are not at liberty to divulge Infbrma tlon aa to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad Ads In other columns which re quire Investment In stocks, samples, equipment or cssh bond should be thoroughly Investigated before paying out any money Advertisers re eTuinng a cash Investment for samples or merchandise, sties aide. etc.. must so specify In their sds THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect Its resders against fraud deception, or injuries. Resders sre csutloned to meke NO PAYMENTS to get a po sition advertised In the help wanted columns All help wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THE N A t U R E OF THE WORK Sales help wanted ads muat atate If the pay Is In the form of salary commissions, guarantee, or Include firm neme Ads requiring sppll cants to buy merchandise from company and re - sell should sppesr undr 'Dealers Agents Wsnted" classification Bona fide offers of employ, ment with pay belong to the "Help Wanted columns. BOY'S SPORT coat size 13-15 years like new. Ideal wear for graduation lor only $io. fhone alter six p.m. hod Hswiey, Age 16. Phone EM 3-8203. GIRL'S bicycle for sale. In good ahape. Selling for $25. Phone i 2-31U3 alter 9 p.m. Mon. through Frl. Anytime Saturday, Sunday. Phyllis Hill, age 14. GIRL'S 20" bicycle, trlke, deluxe elide, pedal car, heavy con struction, toys, Gilbert erector set, floor stand punching bag, wagon. David McDowell, age 1U. CM j.iwjy. For Stile FOR Sale. Boy'a black patent leather tap dancing shoes size 5, used very little $4. Gary nice, age ii. oox aa, aaenama, Ore. FOR Sale or trade for good used piano, Olds trombone, uaed two months, cost $130 new, sell reasonable, uioria 4. wengert, age is. jlm a-ivaz. ONE wheel trailer all metal. apare tire ana tube wired for nghte. Doug Koellmann, sge 17 cm a-euis. GIRL'S twenty-four Inch bike In ood condition. Charlotte I. mklnson, sge IS. EM 4-0573. FOR Sale, black Cochen banty cbss sor aeuing, fioc. a aoz. wui treae rooster. Dick Smith, sge 10. EM 4-0183. FOR SALE: Amplifier with 2 plug. ins $25. Electric Hawaiian guitar Gibson-National with case $65. Used violin with case J 23. Jim Tuor, age 14. EM 2587. NEARLY new B flat clarinet. wouia nee Deal oner lor it. For Information call EM 2-3013 Karen Sorensen, ege 13. FOR Sale: Slightly used photo- grapnic oeveioping ouint. in cludes: print box, trsys, film tsnk, blotter roll, light, clips, etc. $7. Phil Klaus, age 17. EM 3-7653. BOY'S grey light-weight wool suit 30 in. waist. Like new. EM 4-3770. Gene Brown, 14. age RADIO-PHONOGRAPH combine. lion, plastic case, $15. good condition, EM 2-4661. Cheryl Ann Wlebe, Age 10. FOR SALE two boy's bicycles. so gooa ures gooa conamon. Reasonable priced Ph EM 2-0647 evenings. Eddie Hansen Age 16. FOR SALE German ahort hair pointer ana seller tour years, wlfi papers. Trade for 30-30 rifle, rubber boat, $50 cash. Gary Klokslsd, Age 15, Box 187, Turner Oregon Phone SH 3-2379. WANTED Steady or part time Deny anting Kt during sum mer. Reliable, had experience. Phone between 1 and 5 p.m. EM 2-8239. Kay Savin, age 14., BIRD CAGE end stand $7.00. s.m i-iui. sieve suixsetn Age 11. " FOR SALE or trade; English Dicycie, neaangnt, nsnaDraxea, carrier, three speed gears, chrome fenders. $20 takes. Dennis Quick Age 12 Phone EM 4-4324. BOY'S SCHWINN Bike 38 inch rio. Boy s scnwtnn bike 24 inch $30. EM 2-3727 Dean Hud son, Age IS. HUDSON LOVERS) I will sac rifice my 1946 Hudson, radio A heater, overdrive, good paint, for the ridiculous price of $60. Pete Smitt Age 17. 412 North High Street, Monmouth, Oregon. SK 7-1114. RECORD, PLAY beck your voice, or music. Webcor wire recorder like new with all ac ceaaorles, a real bargain for $30. George Karkllns Age 16 EM 3-6579. FREE TO good farm home Col lie anepara maie aog. tesny trained for working cattle. Not a chllda pet. Judith Lee Spain Age 11, EM 4-3624. FOR SALE rabblte does with lit ters bred does, young rabbits, slso some pens. James Miller, Age 17. Phone EM 3-7731. FOR SALE 1849 Plymouth mod. crate aamage good motor and tires $45.00 caah. English bl. cycle good condition, $20.00. Call after 6 D m. Bill Bearaa Age 17, 3058 N. Liberty. XM S-dWlB. MODEL PLANE engines 049, 074 English racing bike, 3 speed hand brakes, Frsnk Miller, Age if, rnone sun s-Dfii. FOR SALE bicycle girls 26" Co lumbia delux excellent condi tion, $20. Mary Meyer, Age it, juo jonnson i., suverton, uregon. IK 3-7324. BANTY CHICKEN hen and ba- bye. $2.00. Single rooster. 75c. Dingie nen, auc. seven neni and roosters, $4.00. Lynne Ey Work Wonted WANTED Farm work, lifetime experiencs) with tractor, ma chinery, dairy and show cat tie; also fruit harvest, both packing shed " and orchard. Wayne McConneU. age 16. Phone EM 3-1843. WORK needed by graduating high school boy. Willing and able to work. References. 937 Norman. EM 3-6020. aak for Francis. Francis Decker, age RELIABLE high school- girl wants baby sitting for sum mer, preferably my home, neer hospitals. References. 937 Norman. EM 3-6030. Anna Decker, age li't. HIGH SCHOOL boy. 16, needs iawn or oaa jods, sngiewood diet. Ph. XM 3-1483. Robert Pattlson. WANTED Good used Simca Aronae uoo sedan with low mileage and 3D seats. Merle Bitikoter, age It. Phone EM 3-7308. STEADY daytime baby alttlng mw waiiivu in uie sour tur ners ares. Sue Wing, age 13ta. Phone EM 4-391$. HIGH school boy wants odd lobs this summer. Experienced tiller work, lawn mowing, grocery store or what have ' your Don Knapper, age 16 In July, 368 Hrubetx Road. JR. HIGH girl wants baby sit-. ung mis summer, aayume or ' evenings, In Liberty district. Good with children in your home. Sharon Knepper, age 13'i, 385 Hrubetz. WOULD like Job aa errand boy or similar worst lor summer. Ph. EM 4-3093 after 4M pjn. Stan Franz, age 15 CAPABLE boy, can mow lawns. neip in yarn, wants Dine or small fee. Call Dan, EM 4-0390. Dan McMahon, age 9. LAWN work or any work for a ressonaois wage, tiara worx er, will show references If re quired. Need money for col lege. Jim Panger, age 16. Ph. EM 3-8024. BIG 11 year old boy wants to worst on seasonal picKina. win work hard. Barry Biles, sge 11. XM 4-1830. NEEDED A steady full time Job In s service stauon or grocery store. (Married.) Don McLaln. age It. Ph. IM 4-4083, BOY, 18, wanting work In gro cery aiore aa siocx ooy or work In cannery. "Not afraid of hard work." Bob Glrrard, age 16. 808 Miller Ave. Dallas, Ore. Phone MA 3-4348. WOULD like to spend summer ss nanay ooy arouna your home, shop, farm. Expert, enced In lawns, repair, odd Jobs. Allan Nettleton, age 14. 940 D St. NE, EM 2-7830. HIGH achool student needs sum mer Job. Will babysit. High gradea, honest, dependable, school salesman experience; musical knowledge at talent, can type. Cathy Schnelker, age 15'.',. 735 Ben Lomond Dr. EM 3-4609. SUMMER Job wanted, preferably ciei-King, nave naa experience. Call after 4 p.m. EM 4-3100. Mary Ann cucn, age ie. HIGH school girl (Junior) wanta Deny anting ana nouee wore for working mother to start June 9th. Reference. EM 4-266$ 1130 Hood St. Miss Janice Col 11ns. age 15tt. DEPENDABLE high school girl desires care of children in her home, must furnish own trans portation. Large back yard. Sulet street TKeizer). Judy amble, age 15. EM 3-1483. EXPERIENCED aecretary wants Job in insurance office. Can start work June 1st. Typing speed 87-SO.r shorthand speed 90-120. Plesse notify Carolyn Hamilton, age 18. em 4-7884. erly. Age 11. Phone EM 3-5946 tj0y ,ixteen In June wanta work ORDERS TAKEN for greeting carus gui paper, stationery, end other Items. Phone for sn appointment to see Items sfter 4 p.m. Annette Cook, Age 12. Phone EM 4-0397. ENGLISH bicycle, new tlrea. ax- ceueni conamon, $23. Michael Mills, age 14. EM 2-9798. FOR sale. 24" Huffy bike $20. Army pup tent $5. Jack F. Fid ler, age 13. EM 2-0583. THREE puppies, part Cocker, two males, one female, $1 each also trade small bicycle for tri cycle. 1245 Osk Hill Ave. Cam eron Rowles, age 10. HO GAUGE passenger and freight train with ext(a tack, switches, transformer, acces sories. Cost 90 dollars new, celling for 60 dollars. EM 4-8309 Brent Hill, age 13. FOR ssle, used girl's twenty-four Inch Columbia bike. In good condition. 815. Karen McLean, age 14. Dallas, MA 3-3592. FOLDA-Rolla Baby Stroller, baby play pen 81 pad. Girl Scout uni form size 14. Sandra Cohn, age 14. EM 2-1036. SELL two 6.00x18 snow tires new recsps, twenty-four dollars. Ph. EM 4-3796. Tad Mllburn, age 17. 28 IN, Racer bike, haa been done over, one flat tire, very fine condition. Phone after 6 o'clock EM 2-3139. $18.50. David Ep ping, age 12. FOR aale, cornet: electric rotary mower with 100 feet of cord. Both In good condition. Phone EM 4-6390 after' 5 p.m. Janet Gannaway, age 15. FOR SALE: 1957 Heathklt model AH-3 amateur radio receiver assembled with cabinet used one month Phone EM 4-9574 Don Miller, Age 15. CHILDS STUDY desk $5. Childs rocking chair $2. Dog house. $3. Lsrge beautiful cedar chest $13. Given Anthony Age $. Ph. EM 4-9738. PINK NET sleeveless formal alze 12. Orchid net formal with bolero. Size 12. $10 each. Shoe roller-skates, size 2. $8. Mary Bendon, Age 18 Ph, EM 2-9839 FOR SALE large size chaln- urivs inuyvic ill uwi uuiiui- tion price $18.00. Call EM 4-6587 after 4 p.m. aee at 1750 N. Church St. Carol Meyer, Age 12. FOR SALE Twenty-four Inch gin s Dine, ror lunner infor mation call Indep. 313-M. Nina Lee Mulltns. Age 13s. GIRLS 26" Schwln bicycle $10.00 ana nigncnair tnai can oe made into table $5.00 for sale. Sharon Psnger, Age 13, Phone EM 2-8024. FOR Sale. Boy's 26" bicycle. good condition, $15 John Van Driesche, age 12. RO 9-2424. WILL sell or trsde fine used trumpet, esse, mute, and mu sic stand for top condition used portable typewriter and case. John Haller, age 16., EM 4-6133. GIRL'S bicycle for aale, blue ana wnite, rirestone fiiot. Good condition, ressonsble price. Phone EM 2-65.12. Kathie Deggeller, age 14. COLUMBIA English bicycle $20. Call after s p.m. EM 2-7708 or aee at 450 North 30th Street. Richard Yagle, age 13. B FLAT cornet and case, $23. Almost new soentsh guitar $.15. EM 3-4271. Ray Coison, age 12. FOR SALE boys 26 inch bicycle gooa conamon, iid.uu. fn. em 3-BZ4I. idwrsnce J. soderllnd, Age 10. FOR SALE two baseball gloves $7.50 each. One pair of new uskusii snues aize lU'.s Si Jack Fletcher, Age 18. EM 3-8749. SOAP BOX Derby wheela and axles, $12.00 or best offer. Frank Miller, age 17. Phone EM 3-8771. Swop GIRL'S 26-tnch bicycle, needs re pair, will trade for beglnner'a bike. EM 4-7219. Ellen Cruse, age 12. TRADE good used wood clarinet for good used typewriter. Will sell. Phone EM 4-1585. Robert T. Miller. Age 17. TRADE good 20-lnch girl's bike for 24-inch girl's bike. Pearlie Bare. Age 8. WILL TRADE or sell comic books, good condition. Phone Gervaia 3274. Reinaldo Palmo, age 11, Rt. 1, Box 82, Brooks, Oregon. AMERICAN Flyer 2 rsil steam type locomotive for an Ameri can Flyer 2 rell Diesel type switcher. Will anybody swept John Shldeler, age 8. Phone EM 3-0601. Work Wanted SUMMER employment desired, r a a 0, television, newspaper preferred by charming, lntelll- :nt, attractive, female, Sep ember acnior, only vice, exag- ferating. Lee Coffey, ege 16. M 4-9292. AM 16, want aummer work. Need a Job. Will work real hard. Jim Johnston, age 16. EM -4-8167. UNIVERSITY student In Sth year of Latin wlU coacn Latin stu dents in grammar, vocabulary, and translation. College refer ences. Csll evenings. James Chesley. age 18. EM 2-5873. EXPERIENCED child care 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., my home start ing June 9. Marcla Mlddleton, age 1 "O Washington St. S. EM 4-c.. WANTED Work on farm for summer. Hsve had past ex- fierlence in trsctor work end rrlgatlon on a bean farm. Alfred Rowe, age 16. 413 Jef ferson St., Sllverton. Oregon. Phone TR 3-4232. RELIABLE summer bsby sitter by day or week. West Salem preferred. Connie Jo Carlson, sge 14. Phone EM 3-6202. WANT an energetic fellow with personality as service station sttendent or truck driver? Whst have your Call EM 3-4800. Rollln Herbat, age 16. EXPERIENCED, dependable. young girl wants Job caring for children during the aum mer, also bsby sitting of eve nings. References exchenged. Rachel Vancil, age 13. 443 18th St. NE. EM 2-4649. WEST Salem baby altter avail able, juay Front, age 12. em 3-3611. GIRL 17 wants good lob. Has irsining in omce wore; oui win accept anotner position, em 2-8278 after 4 p.m. week dnvs Sandra St. Clair, age 17. EM 2-8278. WILL baby alt at your house for 1-3 small cnuaren. experi enced. Need job during sum mer months. I am 7th grader. Call EM 4-0819. Miss Ledith Elizabeth Swing, age 13 3-3rds at service station, arocery store, or dsy work in fields. Mvron Wells, ass 18. MA 3-4337. RELIABLE child care my home by day, week, or month. North eastern district. References. Jeannle Bohl age 16. EM 2-0404 HIGH school student wanta aum mer Job. Good worker, can type, neat appearing and will ing to learn. Phone EM 3-9883. LaWawna Lyle. age 16 is. EM 3-9983. HIGH achool student with one year bookkeeping, one year shorthand, two years typing desires summer office work. EM 3-8897 sfter 3:30. Nancy Nelaon, age 17. GIRL 17 wants work, willing to train, can type sb.ty per. Jun ior end taking retell selling In senior year Lula Boggs, age 17. EM 3-8826. WILL do odd Jobs, mow lawns. nsve power mower, wssn win dows, csn give references. 843 N. 20th. Claude Hamilton, age 15. EM 2-6448. NEED aummer heloT High school girl has experience in cafe and babysitting. Some of fice experience. Willing to learn other Joba. Linda J. Schet, age 16. EM 4-3921. DESIRE employment, reception ist aoctor omce, cunic, -nos-pltal. after graduation May 27, Type. Willingness to learn of fice duties. Beverly Turner, age 17. Rt. 1, Box 211. Dayton, phone 1183. DON'T want to pick strawber ries. Would like DaDysitung too for one or two children during aummer. Englewood district. Ssndy Strong, age USi. EM 2 8620. WOULD like regular baby sit ting: lob lor one or two pre school children after June 3. Prefer southwest aree, day time. Susan Gleckler, age 12. EM 4-4882, ALMOST any kind of typing aone. neasonaoie raies. can EM 3-3248 or drop in st 844 Marion Street. Mery Catherine Garvin, age 10. WANT aummer work so I csn go on to college. Would like clerical work or cannery work. Joyce Kllborn, age 17. Trinity 3-7349. Sllverton. 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: Bracelet, vie. Nebraska Ave., reward. tM x-suaa. LOST: Wire haired terrier, boy'a pet. S. Salem. Reward, EM 3-1665, EM 4-3616. FOUND. Finger tame parakeet. rn. s;m i-a4u aiier s p.m. CHILD'S Glasses. Cream 81 tan case, Hendrlx at Mcuulre in side case. Reward. EM 3-8649. LOST, blue white parakeet. vie. waiiace no. as nogers ui. Very tame. EM 4-7106. Reward 8LEEPING bag lost Sun. on noan is, between orana nonoe 81 Otis Junction. Rew. EM 4-5933. LOST?- Liver spotted Brittsny Spanlel1EM4-345. LOST: "Smoky" blue gray para- Keel, yellow neaa. ireen metal band on leg. No. 57C38338, Fox. Talks. Vic. 4 Corners. Reward. EM 3-4221. 314 Tronsportotion LEAVING by auto May 35th for Waah. D C. Will take 3 or 3 riders who will share ex penses. Ph. Woodourn 5271. 316 Personal I will not be responsible for bills other then my own. Dsisr M. McGranahan. SPENCER Corsetiere Miss Em ma Wuerdemann, EM 3-38C4