16-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., May 22, '5tf Copyright 1958, Bureau of Advertising of the American Newspaper Publishers Association, Ine. X With Record . . u, rM ,' .f!gw i fi.uf (..axt n7 .,t sr " . -a, (,i. - s- m mm h' mm . - r - m m m ar , mm m m . " ' .... f ..itfrM-s . ? j ' m ml- mm mm m m m.m . .m ' s s MEW MEAOLDIM'E S Year after year, as the report comes in, the same story is filed for the record. Advertisers continue to' exhibit their confidence in the power of newspaper adver tising by placing the bulk of advertising dollars in newspapers. According to the McCann-Erickson, Inc.-Printers Ink Preliminary Estimates of Advertising Expenditures for 1957, advertisers spent a record $10,432,000,000 in all forms of media. Of this total, a new high of $3,325,000,000 was invested in daily newspapers more than in radio, TV, magazines and outdqor combined. Advertisers turn to the daily newspaper because it gives the best buy for the money. Take a hard look at your advertising budget. Is the major share going into deeper-penetrating, more resultful newspaper advertising? If so, you're on your , way to more sales per advertising dollar. All buolnooo la local.. and ooiro all nowopaporo Published in Hia Interest f mora effscthr advertising by The Statesmen-Journal Publishing Company 1