ik mmm aaa 'T Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., May 18, '58 (Sec. !)- Rare, Costly Agates Ground, Shaped to Perfection by Amateur Collector in Salem , By ROBERT L. STEVENS Staff Writer, The SUteimaa Gustav Grodd of Salem is an fate collector who has accomp lished more with his hobby in, six ble from a clod when he came to years than lots of people do in 40 Oregon six years ago from De years, troit, Mich., to retire.' A former auto interior designer, Once here he soon became "real Grodd says be didn't know a peb- excited" about the rare natural Slip of Hand Could Mar Agate Beauty .w . f -.. Pi 1 C ; i t t ' .0 ; to I v Su'1" i f '' - t , ill, 1 ft . V Em Aa Inexperienced slip on this sanding wheel and the hidden beauty of the agate will be lost forever, says Gustav Grodd of Salem who h as more than 3,500 beautiful stones in his collection. Cutting patterns and other tools of his hobby surround Grodd. (Statesman Photo) 1 Blueblood Boarding Houses Win Support LONDON Ur-The dashing Duke of Bedford suggests Britain's blue bloods turn their ancestral halls into boarding houses to help tour ist trade. "So many stately homes have large acres of bedrooms nobody wants to see," he told the British Travel and Holiday Assn. The 41-year-old duke's family motto is "what will be will be." Fif'ning Tackle, Ammunition OPEN NITES & SUNDAYS CADWELL OIL CO. 2490 State EH 2-7431 beauty of agate. It wasn't long until he purchased a diamond saw, grinding and polishing tools and was out prospecting. Although the German- born Grodd has been offered hundreds of dollars for some of his beau ties, he refuses to sell. He explains that he loves them and only col lects the gems so that others will also be able to enjoy their unbe lievable warmth and loveliness. "That's my pay," the 65-year-old man explained as he proudly fingered an agate, one of thous ands he has collected from all over the world. Two large display cases, filled with fascinating m u 1 1 i colored, multi-shaped agates, occupy spec ial places in the Grodd living room at 3655 Liberty Rd. S. Perched in plain view atop the cases are several cups and a host of blue ribbons which Grodd has Shoes, Wrong Color LONDON UH Bfitain's post men in convention decided to ask permission to wear brown shoes instead of black only as per pres ent regulations but shudder at the idea of other colors. Union official L. L. Morgan told them ". . . the other day I saw a London postman wearing red suede shoes ... we can't have red, green or blue if the postman is going to get back the dignity and respect he used to have. Wieders . . . I Each Shirt Packaged I in a Useful Transparent Bag Satin-smooth Inner Collar No "Buckles" or "Bulges" Shirt Bosom Smooth Silk Easy Tie-slip Collar Looks Like New Low in Front for Greater Neck Freedom More Shirts in a Grip More Shirts in a Drawer Call EM 3-9125 SU-Nu Dry Cleaning Will Amaxe Ton! Lift Mt J mmm 263 High St. South aiai - - - " W RMaaaWVWijaBaaaBtaaaWsJMH ?QMajasaMaaaaWWsaW ry -mKsmmmamHmmmmmmmmtt'r SPECIAL PURCHASE! Ut) PM6B W T 1 MCTORT ,TICKntB 15 MAN'S 17-JEWEL WATER and SHOCK RESISTANT CRUEN WRIST WATCH Swat Sacaad Haad Matai Stratch U4 0)95 NOW ONLY Reg.J9f0i man's gruen now 17-Jawal Mavamaat Shack, Watar RnJitoal Yallaw ola Cota Stratab loaa Reg.yfcSft lady's gruen now 17-Jawal Mavaaiaat t7S W PAY AS LITTLE AS 50c A WEEK x ma "a jsvr ss x? . vh u ma i Mr VXVWS SI II SlA . m-KT I utu't iAniE J I mix-. MEN'S. LADIES' & DRESS or WORK WRIST WATCHES 95 A dependable watch -.hi. i i 25e A WEEK it limirt - Jit Ml I J MEN'S RU6CED 1 7-J E W E I WRIST WATCH 88 Aatl'Maaatic Wranch-Tite Cata Swaaa Sacaad HtW lipantlaa Bead laetadad Th idtal watch for tha activt mtn. Shock and duit-rlifnl. Jaf'i 1 7-jwl mevtmtnt it gur "" y nfad dtptndabt. wee vVTX? afJam m aSMaSBSaaaBBBBBSl 77 I won with his collection. Numerous specially built boxes, stacked neatly in a closet, hold hundreds more of the small treas ures. Included in his collection are gold and black "tiger eyes" from Africa; opalites, Australian jelly agates, star quartz, Mexican ag ates, carnelian purple agates, lav ender and green obsedians, mixed agates, moss agates, red plums, fire opals, jasper rodenite and In dia bloodstone agates. Some give the impression of landscapes, waterfalls and sea shores. One even contains a del icately perfect tiny red rose. Captured in the many stones are unusual designs, including ferns, fungus plants and moss, all neat ly encased millions of years ago by the jelly-like substance of the agate when the earth was but a fireball perhaps flung aimlessly Canal to Be Renovated KIEL, Germany The Kiel Canal, one of the world's most important man-made waterways, will be renovated in the next 3V& years for more than seven million dollars. The 99-mile canal, com pleted in 1895, annually handles more than 50,000 ships between the Baltic and North Sea. - from the molten mass of the sun. Some of the rocks are sawed in pieces and the pieces are in vari ous stages of grinding and polish ing. Already, even in these pre liminary patterns, they cast a de lightful clue to what their beauty will be ' when they assume the final shimmering quality of the polished agate. Born in east Prussia, which is now Russia, Grodd has no desire to return to his homeland. He emphatically explains, in his in teresting German brogue, "its too risky." He no longer has any rel atives in the old country. The world wars took their toll of his loved ones. He came ot America in 1927. He is content with his under standing wife, his hobby and bis new home, which he built himself. Name for Peak Sought KARACHI If you'd like to name the second highest moun tain, Pakistan's ministry for Kash mir affairs is open to suggestions. No prize is announced, but some thing is wanted to replace the of ficial designation K2 for the 28,-250-foot Himalayan peak. Some people call it Godwin Austen but the government doesn't. . annual sale, reg. $300 to $800 giant size MM BIB Abstracts, traditional, posters, maps, delicate' watercolors f I I . . . beautiful legacies of the world's great masters . . . now yours at a fraction of their valuel We list but a few of the hundreds of subjects, all ready for framing. Vv '7 JT , ii Mm ii nil ' 1 r m.- ,-m . . ;f-j;'.'- '.wati -ti-. ,. , ..ivy..,. ii .n 1 ' b T. G698. Homer: Breezing Up; 28"x22". Sail boat, fishing scene. Published at $3 2; G699. Vlaminck: Vase of Flowers; 19"x 25V". Published at $3 3. G701. Hiroshige: Snow Landscape; U3i"x 29". Published at $3 4. G702. Hiroshige: Keyo Enkyo Bridge; 1 2"x 29". Published at $3 5. G703. Okamura: Puppet Show Woman; 14y."x29". Published at $3 6. G704. Kiyonobu: Woman Holding "He xoki"; woodblock; 15"x29". Pub. at....$3 7. G705. Hokusal: "Yogo"; portrait of woman in kimono; 13Vi"x29". Published at ....$3 8. G706. Hokusal: "Oiran"; 13'2"x29". fabu lous portrait of a woman. Pub. at $3 9. G710. Dali: The Sacrament of the Last Supper; 28"x 221444. Published at $3 10. G714. Lautrec: Mme. Honorine; soft pas tel portrait; 21"x7". Published at $3 11. G716. Utrillo: The Street; 28 "x22 "; colorful scene. Published at $3 12. G7J17. Silverman: Summer Cove; tropical village harbor. 22'4"x28'2". Pub. at $3 13. G721. Goya: The Bull Fight; excitement of the fight. 28'4"x22'j". Published at $3 14. G726. Renoir: Woman with Cat; blonde with tiger cat; 22'4"x28'a". Pub. at ....$3 15. G728. Koson: Falcon on a Branch; Japan ese woodblock; 14'a"x35". Pub. at ....$3 "WL: 1111 U. - 4 .Ayif.-WA-- 16. G729. Sho-san: White Birds Flying in Snow; 13Vi"x35". Published at ... $3 17. G733. Fiona: Clown In Front of Mirror; clown making up. 22'2"xl7". at ....$3 18. G727. Morisot: Skating in tha Bois de Bou logne; 22"x28". Published at $3 19. G743. Mandarin: Chinese "Ancestor" por trait; ll"x30". Published at $5 20. G304. Van Gogh: Restaurant of Sireno: 28'4"x22". Published at ..$4 21. G334. Renault: Flowers in a Vase; forceful arrangement; 21 x25y4". Published at $5 22. G353. Utrillo: Montmarte; winter scene: , 27"x237s". Published at $4 B501. Authentic bullfight patterns pub. at $2.50 n t in t Imported from Spain. Giant sized, full of flashing action brilliant color; the ultimate sophisticated decor. 3'a feet high by 1 feet wide. Many subjects for your choice, perfect for den or playroom. Mail and phone orders' BOOKS SECOND FLOOR STORE HOURS XSSFtZZ OrSS H yV2 T I?ITV 9:30 .?0D W0 P.M. "34 'WIS l' J 305 N. Liberty, Salem Shop Mon. & Fri. 'Til 9 P.M.