IMJHW.WW unawsuajnasamaiss) , i " Do you ever wish you were single again? DO you ever feel to tired that you would like to be alone get away from your family? Do you find that even your children often get on your nerves . . . that you and your wife are bickering for no apparent reason? You may be cross and irritable simply be cause you're tired . . . run-downl If you haven't the pep and energy you used to have, if you are always too "upset" to play with the children . . . too "worn-out" to be the husband and father your family has a right to expect, your condition may simply be due to a very common, but easily corrected nutritional deficiency in your diet. And if s time you did something about itl Thousands of people who once felt worn-out, nervous and irritable due to a lack of vitamins, minerals and lipotropic factors in their diets have been helped by the famous Vitasafe Plan. And you may, tool Discover whether these high potency capsules can help restore your youthful vigor and vitality. Mail the coupon for a trial 30 day supply on this amazing no-risk offer! l Wea V'ffT"" I e ; 4 n i Jr" t v . r s V 1 1:1 V . . 1 5 I -'. . I- - - v I - . .. 4 V : 2 !... t . C n ' I -I f .;n 1 .i . I , I t 0 n,;. r r 0 i n (. h 1 b ') n (!. ... ' 0 1 is.,:, j !. it 0 ;j n.(. I 3 mg. - Co if.:: irx-.-,h : social r .- " v A C" cr if f - or dmf ty just to help cover shipping expenses of this FREE 30 days supply of HIGH POTENCY CAPSULES LIPOTROPIC FACTORS, MINERALS and VITAMINS Safe, Nutritional Formula Containing 27 Proven Ingredients: Glutamic Acid, Choline, Inositol, Methionine, Citrus Bioflavonoid, 1 1 Vitamins (Including Blood-Building B-12 and Folic Acid) Plus 11 Minerals similar vitamin capsules, if it were available at retail, would ordinarily cost $5.00. AMAZING NEW FLAN SLASHES VITAMIN rRICES ALMOST IN HALT With your free vitamins you wall also receive complete details regarding the benefits of an To prove to you the remarkable advantages of the Vitasafe Plan ... we will send you, with out charge, a 30-day free supply of high-potency VITASAFE C.F. CAPSULES so you can discover for yourself how much healthier, happier and peppier you may feel after a few days' trial! Just one or these capsules each day supplies your body with over twice the mini mum adult daily requirements of Vitamins A, C, and D . . . . five times the minimum adult requirement of Vitamin B-l and the full con centration recommended by the National Re search Council for the other four important vitamins! Each capsule contains the amazing Vitamin B-12 one of the most remarkably po tent nutrients science has yet discovered a vitamin that actually helps strengthen your blood and nourish your body organs by stimu lating your bone marrow to produce more en ergy bearing red corpuscles. Glutamic Acid, a natural substance derived from wheat gluten and thought by many doc tors to help nourish the blood cells for more power of concentration and increased mental alertness, is also included in Vitasafe Capsules. And to top off this exclusive formula, each capsule now brings you an important dosage of Citrus Bioflavoniod the anti-cold factor that VITASAFE CORP. A-8 1 43 Wesl 61st Street, New York 23, N. Y. Yes, I accept your generous no-risk offer under the Vitasafe Plan as advertised in Family Weekly. Send me my FREE 30-day supply of high-potency Vitasafe Capsules as checked below: p Man' Formula Q Woman' Formula I ENCLOSE 15 f PER PACKAGE to any tor Backing and eortoss. Nam addrtu City Ion IMe This offer is limited to those who have never before taken advantage of this generous trial. Only one trial supply per person. IN CANADA i 394 Symington Are., Toronto 9, OnU ( Canadian Formula ad jnled to local condition. ) has been so widely acclaimed. This formula is so complete it is available nowhere else at any price! WHY YOU MAT NEED THESE SAFE HICH-rOTENCY CAPSULES As your own doctor will tell you. scientists have discovered that not only is a daily mini mum of vitamins and minerals, in one form or another, absolutely indispensable for proper health . . . but. some people actually need more than the average daily requirements estab lished by the National Research Council. If you tire easily ... if you work under pressure, or if you're over 40 or subject to the stress of travel, worry and other strains . . . then you may be one of the people who needs this extra supply of vitamins. In that case, VITASAFE C.F. CAPSULES may be "just what the doc tor ordered" because they contain the most frequently recommended food supplement for mula for people in this category! You can use these Capsules confidently because U.S. Gov ernment regulations require that you get ex actly what the label states-pure ingredients whose beneficial effects have been proven time and time again! WHY WE WANT YOU TO TRY A 30-DAY Sl'PPLY FREE! We offer you this 30-day free trial of valu able VITASAFE C.F. CAPSULES for just one reason. So many persons have already tried them with such astounding results .'. . so many people have written in telling us how much better they felt after only a short trial . . . that we are absolutely convinced that you, too, may experience the same feeling of health and well being after a similar .trial. In fact, we're so convinced that we're willing to back up our convictions with our own money. You don't spend a penny for the vitamins! All the cost and all the risk are ours. A month's supply of OW TUB VITASAFE PLAN OPERATES TO SAVE YOU MONEY When yon receive your free 30-day tup ply of vitamin, yon are nnder no ob ligation to. bar eaylAiaf . With your vita min yon will alo receive) a handy poet card. It after taking your free Vitasafe capsule for three week yon are not Mil fied in every way, simply return til post, card and that will end the matter. Other wise, it' up to at yoa don't have to do a thing and we will aee that yon get your monthly supplies of vitamin on time for a long a you wish, at the low, money saving price of only 11.78 per month. amazing new Plan that provides you regularly with all the vitamins and minerals you will need. This Plan actually enables you to receive a 30-day supply of vitamins every month regu larly, safely and factory-fresh for exactly $2.78 or 45 lower than the usual retail price. BUT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DECIDE NOW you are under no obligation to buy any thing from us whatsoever. To get your free 30 day supply and a guaranteed opportunity of regular worthwhile savings on your vitamin puchases, simply fill out the coupon and mail it to us today. Well rush you your free month's supply of high-potency VITASAFE C.F. CAP SULES along with information regarding the benefits of the Plan. During your free trial period you can decide whether or not you want to enjoy the benefits and tremendous savings offered by the VITASAFE PLAN. In any case, the trial month's supply of 30 VITASAFE CAPSULES is vours to use free. Now, since the supply of , capsules that we can give away free is necessarily limited, we urge you to act at once. You risk nothing; the cost of the capsules, is ours. So don't miss out on this marvelous opportunity. Fill in the coupon now and send today. SPECIAL FORMULA FOR WOMEN Many women also suffer from lack of pep, energy and vitality due to nutri tional deficiency. If there is such a lady in your house, you wilt do her a favor by bringing this announcement to her attention. Just have her check the "Woman's Formula" box in the coupon. Man coupon To VITASAFE CORPORATION, 43 West 6 1st Street, New York 23, N. Y. or when in New York visit the VITASAFE PHARMACY, 1860 Broadway at Columbui Circle IN CANADA: 394 Symington Ave., Toronto 9, Ontario O 19S VHsssfs Cot.