Questions & Answers Question What's wrong with our tulips this year? The flowers, stems and the foliage have been spotted and disfigured. The whole plant has been misshapen. We've bad lovely tulips other years, al though some of them began look ing like this last year ... but not so much. What to do? R, E. (And a number of others) Answer So many gardeners have complained of this trouble this year. Wet weather and warm tern peratures speed up the fungus di sease sometimes called tulip "fire" and this year the disease has been bad. While the first signs are disfigured leaves and shoots, fungus produces a fuzzy mold which spreads spores to other parts of the plant and to other plants. Suggestions for control include: Remove and burn all affected leaves, shots, flowers. Spray with ferbarn at the rate of I tablespoons per gallon of water every 7 days. Dig and replant in a new location each year. Plant in situations, with good soil and air drainage. . Question Have watched for Scottish National sheepdog trials in Calendar, but failed to see them. Planning a trip to Scotland this summer and would like to see trials. Can you find out dates before June 1 for us? B.C. Answer Aug. 29-30, at Kelso, Scotland. Question When to prune for sythia, spirea, dogwood, mag nolia? Y.W. . Answer Spring flowering shrubs should be prunwi Immediately after . flowering to encourage blooms for next year. Forsythia D. A. WHITE & SONS SEES ( GABDEN SUPPLIES "Sine 1891" Set our Vim Selection of: Bedding Plants Fertilizers Garden Hose Sprinklers Garden Dusts and Sprays Bulbs Special Lawn Mix , Chaka MmiIm af Fmcum, Btnt t llira Oru 75 lb. D. A. WHITE & SONS 261 State EM 2-2478 and spirea should be pruned as soon as the blooms wither and fall off. Certainly before much growth is made, after flowering. Dogwood and magnolia don't usually need pruning other than to take off broken limbs or to keep a tree under eontrol. In cutting forsythia, leave about one-half of the new shoots, while the rest can be cut back severely. Question What is wrong with leaves of magnolia? These spots were first noticed three years ago. They seem to get worse each year. S.F. Answer A fungus leaf-spot di sease. Spray wihh a fixed copper compound spray. Would repeat treatment once each two weeks. More often if this doesn't do trick. Question What is leaf enclosed? Got plant for birthday. How to treat? G.K. Aaswer Caladium. Keep con stantly moist, but not wet. They do nicely outside in summer in cool, partially shaded spot. Like soil full of humus. Must have excellent drainage. Question Am interested in roses, and going to California in mid-May. Can you tell us where to go to see some rose beds? R. R. Answer You didn't say what part of California and that s a big state. Some of our favorite rose gardens south of the Oregon border are State Capitol Grounds Rose Gardens, loih and Capitol Ave. Sacramento; San Jose Muni cipal Rose Gardens, Dana and Naglee, San Jose; Oakland Muni cipal nose uaraen, neaa oi Jean Street; Exposition Park Rose Garden, 3913 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, White Park Rose Garden, Market St., between 8th and 8th, Riverside; Santa Barbara Memorial Rose Garden, 700 E. Canon Perdido St., Santa Bar bara. Question When is Victoria, B.C. Rose Show. CM. Answer Watch Calendar of Events for answer. Question Someone said that there was a new odorless mari gold. What is this? And why? I like flowers that smell. R.R. Answer There are some new varieties of marigolds said to have odorless foliage. Why, I can't say. Some folk do not like the smell of marigold foliage, I suppose. n Question Can you tell us where and what is Gates of the Moun tains? S.I.S. Answer This is a wild area in Montana, approximately 16 miles north of Helena on U.S. 91. At one time it could be reached only by boat' Have been unable to learn if this is still so. At the landing there was a 3V4 mile trip on .dirt road. The boat 'trips' are during the summer months with four trips on Sundays and one1 on week-days. Big attractions are 2000-foot limestone walls which line the canyon where the Missouri River pushes through the Big Belt Range. If you have time, and like the great outdoors, this makes in teresting trip. , House of the Weeh Miracle Devices Make Life Easier - :: ' :. t ,Ll, ujfc I s cxLb in !- I MM Ml mi'lluil MMMMMMMMMailMMMM l jf V id TWO BRICK VENEER PANELS add interest to the exterior and lend solidity to the house. The left panel, fronting Every Room Equipped in Modern Way By JOHN 0. B. WALLACE IF IT'S BEEN invented for the home, this miracle ranch house has it! The ultra modern devices built into it range from single lever water controls to a self-operating garage door which opens and doses electronically, Designed to appeal to gadget- loving Americans, there is barely a room in the house that does not have some appliance or con venience to make life a bit easier. No oddity, the house is the work of an architect noted for skillful arrangement of space. It was created exclusively for the House of The Week series, and designat ed X-. Tne architect has included a variety of modern conveniences throughout the house to make for more living comfort. But they are not structural parts of the house the bedroom wing, extends and thickens beyond the end of the house. Plans for this House of the Week may be obtained by send lng 35 cents to the Oregon States man and asking for House of the Week study plans Number X-8. and may be utilized or eliminated at the option of the owner. For the cold-weather areas of the country, the walk and drive way are heated by pipes for im mediate snow and ice removal. For the hot summer months, the roof is built up With marble chip to reflect the heat away and keep the house cooler. Year Round Comfort FOR! ALL REGIONS, there is year-round i comfort in 3 8 com plete summer-winter air con ditioning unit. An inter-communi cations system is another feature. Highlighting the interior is an area described by the architect as an "optional use activity core." This area has four parts and is located between the master bed room and the family room. As no. n i I i Manna nm, ilnt aaa-c, Ar'l. Pnta, m,i nnu anidum Item fK,OnH Q I I B-o bix,lm,fni ,tmnnni mmnmmm tszssu XX '1T 7!')Tiggag'" - BEDROOM I 1 tomiiy Bonn PTVa 4& LI Y' V""'-1-""" " L ts-S'i ll'-.' 0 -1 Of BjfDROOKMH 1 J 3y" (EWA rOu ownrtxlw Jh -re 13-2.U-I0 11 I i. OT Tjy -A vm. fjy , , IC 8 SJ Q KITTEN '" MUO. (WoiTW J v mter ySg DlpSlT.... BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 3 cj 4k raexa D jT CI C A R : GARAGE n' 1 KXiit-t" fcjf0f,r B - :' V, 1 I O jlin6 room dining room ;. . ' ; ! -Z!X A' U-- rilIIrMD"! i Jr'-r -1J 5B5B9wH('T, I A -' ilo,lin.j,l HcMngpanM ilmieW t oulwMIH door imr trytr ml. I I llMin balliHltl v" 1,1 jjinj IwM oi M rntxr A MULTITUDE OF MODERN CONVENIENCES Is shown in ths floor plan. The items are not .structural parts of the house and may be utilized or eliminated at the option of the owner. Architect Rudolph A. Matern ex plains it: "These four areas, which take up very little room for what they provide, may be closed off com pletely by folding screens. They may be used for those items list ed in the floor plan or for any and all other required by the home owner. They also may be left out completely, using this space to enlarge the master bed room and the family room." The family room itself has op tional uses. It is separated from the kitchen by shutter doors and has a folding partition at the front. With the shutter doors closed and the folding partition used, the family room can double as a fourth bedroom. Some of the devices: A hi-fi music center, located in the hall with speakers installed in various rooms. Electric Kitchen Unit A CENTRAL vacuum system with outlets at varoius points. Ceiling panel lighting in the bed room hall. This gives a modern decorative touch and softly illum inates this area. An electric counter unit in the kitchen. This versatile device has several parts that are placed in to a motor receptacle for im mediate blending, chopping, mix ing, knife sharpening, et cetera. An auxiliary generator in the garage for emergency periods when electric power fails. Rheostat lighting, which con trols brightness by varying de grees. Shoji screens in the living room. They may be extended across the bow window for a new interior ef fect with screened light coming through. When open, they serve as drapes at either sire of the window. Cocoa Big Business HAMBURG, Germany (iB-Co- coa may be just a breakfast drink to you but it s big business in many places. ' Delegates from nations are here at an eight-day meeting of the U. N. Food and Agricultural Organization's cocoa study group. In Spain the highway signs do not read simply Stop and do and "Slow." Some traffic signs al so read "Interesting view ahead so go slow." r , i -T ' m " " " r?d?fI I J I ""Tit s- "'' 1 i 1 IS TONE CENTER, Inc. pleased to announce 1 ttn Pitt OT 111 . i. iTiTin liteBlocUSuppIp S3 utor in MSSu I Pttlttl . VislTiouiu' - - . , Beaut, For Our Commie ,TQNES the largest stock dUte 1 North Carolina w-- Idaho Tennessee Montant Utah Wisconsin . . ... visit o" y Ariiona Nevada Colorado Washington You ara i ,l,o colorful ! from Vermont 4t PUNUUTE Block & Supply Co. STONE CENTER, MC j ": -: ' , v. -v. ., ... .. , j.- -Travel Talks- MODEL TOWN The Brussels Fair Is proud of its reproduction of a Belgian village as it looked at the turn of the century. On 12 acres there are six town squares in which are fifty cafes, six restaurants, ten snack bars and six liquor bars. The propor tion of space devoted to eating and drinking is a measure of Bel gian's traditional demand for a well-fed and well-wined life. Re ports of the 'World's Fair now run ning at Brussels are glorious. It will continue to run until Oct. 19 and continue to draw travelers from this country. IT WON'T BE LONG The big public fanfare hasn't broken yet. but jet travel for U.S. airline pas sengers is just around the corner, In less than a year the first U.S. jet commercial planes will be in service, we hear, and in a year and a half, according to Changing Times, nearly one third of all U.S passengers will be flying in jet planes. When this happens the Portland to New York traveler will be able to leave at 5 p.m., dine on the plane and arrive in time for a show or an evening on the town. You'll cruise in lavish comfort at between 550 and 600 miles per hour. Your swept-winged plane will swoosh through the air at 30,000 feet, high above weather and turbulence. Many of the planes will carry up to 155 pas sengersalmost twice the number who fly on the mammoth DC-7 s, The major jets in the sky will be the Douglas DC-8, Boeing-707 and (Jonvair-880. Estimates are that about 66,000,- 000 passengers will fly in jets and other planes in i960. LOVELIER BY 1000 COEDS This summer some 1,000 coeds from 44 states and 13 foreign countries will arrive in Honolulu by the planeload for the University of Hawaii summer sessions, the most painless dose of higher education known to man. The majority of them will sign up for beginning hula, the most popular course in the school. Some will take swimming, others trop ical botany, marine biology, bus iness law ... a few even English composition and world history. There are dozens of courses from the standard curriculum but why study calculus when you might be taking such a popular (thoagh non-credit course) as coconut hat weaving. The six-weeks sessions begins in late June and ends in early Au gust. Total enrollment of the the summer session is around S,- 000. GETTING YOUR JUST DES SERTS? If not, here's one that Chef Louis Scheidegger, United Air Lines chef digs up which pat ronizes a Salem industry. He calls it Frozen Babyon Rothschild why no one knows: S egg yolks; 1 cup Maraschino Cherries, diced; 2 tbsp. sugar; 1 pint whipped RENT. A -TOOL Do It Yourself. It's Cheaper. Serving Sslem Since '46 HOWSER BROS. 1180 South 12th St. cream; Vi cup sauterne wine. In the saucepan stir the egg yolks, sugar and a little water with a wire whisk. Beat in the win. Still using the whisk beat over a very low flame until the mixture is thick and cream this will take about two or three minutes. Re move from the fire. Pour into a mixing bowl and cool quickly over ice. Then fold in one pint whipped cream and one cup chopped cher ries. Pour into freezing tray and freeze for four hours. LIKE SIBELIUS MUSIC? - It's getting late, to make it, but from June 7-17 Finland's Sibelius Music Festival will be on in the capital city. Ten concerts, featuring mu sic by the late Finnish composer and contemporary Finnish com posers will be performed as well as folk music concerts and folk dancing. The guest orchestra this year will be the Danish Radio Symphony orchestra. It may be easier now to catch the opera festival in the 800-year-old city of Munich, Germany. This festival runs from Aug. 10-Sept. 9. Scheduled are works by Richard Strauss, Mozart, Handel, and Wag ner. Get your local travel agent to make your hotel reservations for this as soon as you know you'll attend. Perhaps he can also get your opera festival tickets which are available from the Opera Fes tival, Bayerische Staatsoper, Dra maturgic, P.O.B., Munich 1, West Germany. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., May 18, '58 (Sec. III)-23 Calendar of Events May 1ft Iris Show, Northwest Regional Iris Show: Schreiners Gardens, Quinaby area, north of Salem; Cooley's Gardens, Silver ton. May 11-23 National Council State Garden Clubs, Olympic Hotel, Seattle. May 19 Rhododendron Festival, Florence. May 24 Silverton Pet Parade. May 29-31 National Rose Show, American Rose Society, St. Paul's Methodist Church, Kansas City, Mo. May 30 June IS Bergen Fest ival, Bergen Norway. May 30 Fleet of Flowers, Mem orial Day Service, Depoe Bay. May 31-June 1 Iris Show, Oak land Field House, Tacoma. May 31-June Eugene Rose Show, Eugene Garden Club House. June 1-St. Paul Rodeo Trial Ride. June 1 Medford Rose Show, 1 to 9 p.m. Red Cross, Bldg. June 6-7 Salem Rose Show, Meier it Frank Auditorium. June (-8 Northwest Dance fest ival, Lewis & Clark College, Port land. June 7- Vancouver Rose show PUD building, Vancouver, Wash. June 7-8 Corvallis Rose Show, Roosevelt School. June 7 State Sheep Dog Trials, Turner, 2 p.m. June 7 Turner Flower Show, Turner Community Center. 'June 7-8 Philomath Buckeroo and Loggers Frolic. June t-24 Strasbourg Music Festival, Strasbourg, France. Jane 11-15 Portland Rose Fest ival; June 12-13, Portland Rose Show, Masonic Temple; June 14, Grand Rose Festival Parade. June 12-14 Lebanon Strawberry Festival. Jane1 13 Spokane Rose Show, Davenport Hotel. June 14-15 Seattle Rose Show, Queen Anne Field House. June IS Golden Rose Ski tour nament, Timberline Lodge, Mt. Hood. June 18-18 Oregon Federation of Garden Clubs, Eugene Hotel. Final Test Due Today In Road-e-o Thirty-five Salem youths will ho put behind the wheel at 1 p.m. today as the final test in this year's annual Junior Chamber of Commerce Teen-Age Road-e-o. The high school students, who have already taken a written test, will drive through a prescribed skill course at 1 p.m. on a lot at Ferry and Liberty Streets SE. First five place winners and their parents will be honored Tues day at 7 p.m. in a banquet at China City Restaurant. Trophies will go to the first three places. The winner will compete in the State Road-e-o at Clatskanie June 7. Purpose of the contest, accord ing to general chairman John L. Wehrli, is to give young motorists a chance to improve their driving habits and to encourage high school driver education programs. Premier Sunday Cross-Word Puzzle HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL 1 Fearful 60 Bean 101 Goddeaa 1 Ankle 47 Exclama- 85 Sister of 6 Dash 61 Fu of peace 2 Incensed tio Area 10 Nearly all 62 Seaport of 102 Rested 3 Rhythm 48 Pulverize 88 Heart 14 Herb of Algeria 104 Thua (L.) 4 Froat 50 Habituate 91 Orient lily 03 Misdeed 108 Ever 5 Mending 52 That 83 Fasten family 64 Affair of ' (poetic) 6 Eacape can 1 94 Indian var.) honor 1 07 Before 7 Smooth be 95 Worry 19 Palm 66 Drinking 108 Strong 8 Brazilian restricted 97 Highest 20 Time- veisel fortresses bird 53 Rivalry 100 Breathe honored 67 Delicacy 112 Slight 9 Fatribu- 54 Full 101 Smooth 22 Century- 69 Spiny error tive of ing plant plant 114 Shelter justice spicy 103 Angle of 23 Newer 72 Easily 118 Branch of 10 Import seasoning pipe 24 Vivacity 74 A system learning 11 Japanese 56 Examine 105 Photo- 25 Luke- of 119 Vault saih 58 Starch- graphing warm worship 121 Swab 12 Lingering like apparatus 26 Shoshone 75 Finely 122 Down- 13 Doctrine substance 107 Son of 27 Joint of . notched pour l- Purveyed 59 To Gad stem 77 Facts 123 Edible 15 Decline the 108 Throws 29 Newt 78 Driest rootstock of life right! 109 Of a 30 Lived 80 Keel In of New 16 Hard 62 Beaver's tract 32 Loiter plants and Zealand wood enemy 110 Short 33 Fawning animals ' 12 River of 17 Of birds 63 Difficulty stalk 35 Arch in a 81 Deduction France 18 Graislike 65 Freighted 111 An mine 83 Wing 126 Of an herb 68 Wing antiaeptV 37 Earthly 84 Thin Indian 21 Float of 113 Haven 39 Also 86 God of building of log houst 114 Horse 40 Hebrew flocks material 28 Ancient 70 Bow lis Lyric judge 87 Sacred 129 Empty 31 Rosy 71 River muse 11 Tamp picture 131 Tapestry 34 Nautical of 11 Fruit 43 River in 89 Invite 132 Do rope , Poland of Scotland 90 Festival business 35 Alack! 73 Flounder pine 44 Convey 92 Wind in- beyond 36 Maiden 75 Sharpen 117 Rows 47 Stop! strument capital 38 Veritable 76 Clothier 120 Prepar (Naut.) 94 Lump of 133 Saltpeter 40 Exhibit 78 Idiotic 122 Float 49 Monkey clay 134 Was 42 Girl 79 County 125 Check 51 Vales 95 Lash dormant 44-1-Husk of growth 55 Resound 96 Negotiate 135 Firewood of Iowa 127 Number 56 One 98 Polyne- (Texas) wheat 81 Slender 128 Prepare Indicated sian herb 136 'Jug 45-Derider stick skins 87 Mounting 99 Fallacy 137 Sheen 46 Imbue 82 Brink 130 Nothing zzzzr3rzz h 33 m 7Z; Us 3737 38 W"W 111 tttr zz; W &77r- ttr& n ' Z jsr s3 fcT 70 titx !lIIll!Ll!LlI W ZZZ-W W 10a 109 no 111 in m y" "5 "6 PM us 7 i?b iij 12a 777 73Ti30 Hill Wr 1 1 W 1 I w" I I 1 (Solution on page 24) m 1 PGE'S 3 GOLD MEDALLION HOMES are loaded with new ideas . . . PORTIAND-GMSHAM ARIA I034S S.E. Mark Drlv What a dream! 3700 square feet, S bedrooms, 3 baths, all electric kitchen, family room, spacious party room, swimming fiooi. Filled with exciting new deas. BuilcUr. CaoUy-Woiiborn Cwiit. C. Furniihd by: Mir t Frmk Interior Dtcoralinf StudW PORTLAND-ISA VIRION ARIA 10400 S.W. Mriirar (Vi. Hlllt) Regal and charming. 3 bed rooms, 3 baths, den, family room, all-electric kitchen and laundry center, electric heat pump, indoor swimming pool. This one's a must. luHdtrr Charln T. Grm Furniiknl by: Paul Schatt Vbra Hills Davalasimah Mai Hainan Rail latato SALEM AREA 3130 Saxa Driva (SaWm Half Ms) Perfect as a diamond. Charm ing living and family room, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, all-electric kitchen, indoor sunshine room, garden lighting. Loaded with outstanding features luildar: SM Llambiaa umh)ha by: llnman'a sf Sata E A r ' - f r If. al "Of? -' . - C- - !: V. ML HOMES OPEN NOON til 9 pm DAILY.