am in ttt ' i t 1 rf-v r M 1 ft . ZU-iaec. m; otatesman, aaiem, wre., aun., may io, ooi - New Rainbow Advisor ' I UOH J0W wuimiW.U!y.WMllfyM';w' K . t : 'zy .M'N but . . . we bow to progress. Our little rural precinct voting place has been moved from a shoct mile off, to away across the hills to the Dallas Highway. It may look close on the map to the experts, but it's a good 5 miles away via the long way 'round, for there are few wagon roads over in those wild Eola Hills. As usual, the result of modern efficiency is complication for those involved. Incidentally, I wouldn't be surprised ff the additional distance discourages some vot ers to go to the polls. Torchlight parade . . . Being awakened by a strange sound Thursday night I turned on the floodlights to see any strange goings on. I saw two 'coons (presumably a mamma and papa) hurrying toward the creek and the wild black yonder. This probably explains why my hens look strangely lonesome and the egg crates naked, sans eggs. Life in the country, even so near the city, still has Its primitive moments. Rockets Red Glare . . . may be pitched where some of us can sing about it if the new bill being introduced in Congress is passed Some of the fellows think the words of "Star Spangled Banner" should be standardized and music lowered below throat-splitting levels. Though it's been official as a National Anthem for some time, music and words have never been made official and anyway who can sing and the rockets ced glare ? Part of this will now be lowered two tones as will high notes in "O'er the land of the free." I've often wondered what peoples of other lands, re membering their own National Anthems which express love of country or allegiance to the king or queen, think of peace loving USA sing ing Oh say can you see ... by twilights last gleaming . . . bombs bursting in air . . . flag still there," etc. Anyway, I'm an "O Beautiful for Spacious Skies" man myself. Words are meaningful and music pleasant to sing. Check . . . Look it up if you don't know it. . . . Maxine Buren Miss Ann Case, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hagedorn, who will be installed as worthy advisor of Chadwick Assembly, Rainbow Girls at a public ceremony this after noorf at the Masonic Temple. (Kennell-Ellis Studio.) Ann Case to Be Installed As Advisor Ronald Justis to Be Presented in Piano Recital Chadwick Assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls will hold public installation of officers this after noon at the Masonic Temple at 2:30 o'clock. Miss Ann Case, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hagedorn, will be installed as the new worthy advisor. All interested friends and members of Masonic orders are invited to attend. Installing officers will be Miss Judy Baker, worthy advisor; Miss Barbara Henken, marshall; Miss Janice Phillips, recorder; Miss Patsy Angove, chaplain; Mrs. Cur tis Hale, musician. The crowning ceremony will be Dresented bv Chemeketa Chanter. Order of DeMolay with Jack wallers, master councillor, pre siding. The newly elected and appoint ed officers to be installed in clude: Miss Case, worthy ad visor; Sharon Johnson, worthy as sociate advisor; Karen Pederson, charity; Twyla Oooch, hope; Nan cy Walker, faith; Mary Ellen Emery, love; Barbara Long, re ligion; Melinda Keeling, nature; Judy Smith, immortality; Jan Collins, fidelity; Terri McGlinn, patriotism; Edith Koehler, serv ice; Judy Mohr, drill leader; Lin da Trietch, outer observer; Annah Lee, confidential observer; Jerry Dotson, chaplain; Linda Christenson, musician; Sylvia Momyer, choir director; choir, Collen Soluvin, Marlene Mennis, Susan and Janis Latane, Maria McVay, Lyle James, Janis McDonald, Sharon Pedwell, Karen Aiello, Barbara Barton, Joyce Walt, JoAnn Johnson, Marilyn Mitchell; Kathy Joseph, project; Delores Coply, publicity; Myrna Holverson, historian; Lynne Ham merstad, sunshine; Joyce Walt, refreshment; Lydia Harmon, hos pitality; Merrilee Foote, Sharon Dillard, Collene Sullivan, Shirley Pierpoint, telephone committee; Jani Beyer, decorations; Judy Fet ters, clean-up. Ushers for the installation cere mony are Miss Sue Hilsz and Miss Myrna Holverson. Assisting with arrangements for the recep tion to follow the installation are Mrs. Alex Johnson, Mrs. Earl Gooch. Mrs. A. B. Pederson. Mrs M. W. Walker, Mrs. Paul Griebe now and Mrs. Ellsworth Hamil ton. A program will be presented in cluding a reading by Mike Mills and a piano selection by Miss Sue Zwicker. Installation Ot Woman's Club Set The Salem Woman's Club will hold its annual meeting and in stallation of officers Ion Friday, May 23 at the clubhouse with a 1 o'clock luncheon. Each member is asked to bring their sandwiches and the committee will furnish the rest of. the luncheon. Mrs. George Rossman, the im mediate past president of the Ore gon Federation of Women'idubs, will install the new officers head ed by Mrs. Floyd White, presi dent. A board meeting will precede at 12 o'clock with the outgoing president, Mrs. John S. Tyler Jr., presiding. Mrs. H. P. Grant, and Mrs. John Carr are arranging a memorial service honoring mem bers who have passed away dur ing the year. The committee for tht day in cludes Mrs. Walter Osborne, chair man, Mrs. J. A. Krebs, Mrs. E. A. Kurtz, Mrs. Clifton Mudd, Mrs. Florence Ames, Mrs. J. N. Cham bers, Mrs. Howard Hunsaker, Mrs. Charles Johnston, Mrs. C. C. Geer, Mrs.' John A. Jelderks and Mrs. A, P, Solie, , Ronald Justis, a student at the Oregon State School for the Blind, will present his own piano recital on Wednesday, May 21, at 8 p.m. This recital will be held in the school building on the cor ner of Church and Mission Streets, S.E. Ronald is a ninth grade student at the Blind School and will com plete his schooling at Douglas High School near Roseburg. The public is invited to attend the recital. The program is as follows: Bagatelle. 9 Beethoven Contra Dance. 2 Albumblatt, "Fur Elise" Two Scenei from Childhood, Onus IS Srhumsn Nocturno "Summer Night' Grieg i wo iiyric r-ieces Prelude '"Raindrop" Chopin Nocturne Arabesque Debussy1 A.u. MUCXX MacDowell Waltz Opus 15, Number 2 . Arensky Second piano parts in the Arensky number will be played by Miss Mary Stout, piano teacher at the achool. Mr. Kennedy Honored at Reception The Marion' County Democratic Central committee will honor The Hon. John Kennedy of Massachu setts at a public reception on Mon day, May 19 at the Salem Wom an's Club. The general public is invited through the press to call between the hors of 2 and 4 o' clock. Mrs. Roy G. Green is gen eral chairman of the event. The following committees have been appointed to assist with the arrangements. In charge of the refreshments are Mrs. Huey Fred rick and Mrs. Earl J. Reynolds; publicity, Mrs. Ralph W. Wyckoff, Jr.; dining room, Mrs. Frank Chamberlain, Mrs. Frank Pavelek, and Mrs. Robert L. Boaz. Hostesses will be Mrs. Roder ick Porter, Mrs. Guy Jonas, Mrs. Reginald Parker, Mrs. Thomas C. Enright. Mrs. Leo Blixseth, Mrs. L. B. Scruggs, and Mrs. Albert DeJardo of Silverton. Presiding at the tea table will be Mrs. Robert Y. Thornton, Mrs. David St. John of Gervais, Mrs. R. Ivan Lovell, and Mrs. Oscar Lindquist, Aurora, vice chairman of the central committee. Serving at the punch bowl will be Mrs. Max Shusterwitz, Mrs. Noah Hunt of Silverton, Miss Ruth Skinner, Mrs: David Duniway and Mrs. A. W. Lovcik. Reception for Artist Miss Martha Redd of Portland, formerly of Salem, will be hon ored at a public reception this aft ernoon .at the Bush House, where her current exhibit of water col ors, pen and ink drawings is now displayed in the upstairs gallery. The Salem Art Association is ar ranging the reception and all as sociation members, friends of Miss Redd and the interested public are invited to call and meet the artist between 3 and 5 o'clock. St. Theresa Unit 15 and 18 of St Joseph's Altar Society will meet Monday night at the home of Mrs. Theresa Dare and Miss Maria Dare, 365 East Wilson St., at 8 o'clock . Willamette Shrine, White Shrine of Jerusalem will meet Monday night at the Masonic Temple at 8 o'clock. Reports of the Supreme Shrine will be given by the dele gates attending. RTOH JEILILV "MIRACLE" May Change Your Whole Life! Read the thrillinr story of Royal Jelly... bringing new hope to countless thousands of men and women over 351 . . . Acclaimed before a Congress of 5,000 Doctors it) Karlsruhe, Germany 1 Observations by Doctors of the Karlsruhe Medical Congress . Oae of the Boest Royal Jelly formu la, available today, without prescrip tion, it "JENA. 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