18-Sec. Ill) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., May 18, '58 New Bethel Queen Miss Jani Baker, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Warren Baker, who will be installed as honored queen of Bethel 43, Job's Daughters at a formal ceremony on May 24 at the Scottish Rite Temple at 7:30 p.m. (Kennell-Ellis Studio.) Board Members Will Convene Here Monday State executive board meeting of the American War Mothers will be held in Salem on Monday at the Golden Pheasant at a noon luncheon. A business session will follow. Heading the list of state offi cers are Mrs. Effie Morrison Willamina, state president and Mrs. Eva Bennett, Albany, cor responding secretary. Other state officers from Portland, Tigard, Grande Ronde, Lebanon, McMinn ville, Albany and Salem will at tend as well as chapter members and officers. Miss Wolf Married to Mr. Case MT. ANGEL A pink and white bridal narv a pains t a hack. ground of white iris made a love ly picture ior we weaing oi miss Jeanette Marie Wolf and Donald E. Case in St Mary's Catholic Church on Saturday morning. Rev. Father Edward Spear offi ciated at the 9:30 o'clock nuptial mas and James Eberle and Mickey Fischer were altar boys. Miss Helen Keber played the organ and Mrs. Al Schroeder of Salem and Mrs. Billy Schmidt of M. Angel sang. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erail Wolf of Mt: Angel and the bride groom is the son of Mrs. Nora Case of Molalla. The bridal gown was of im ported Chantilly lace with alter nating tiers of tulle and lace over satin forming the bouffant skirt with sweep train. The sabrina neckline and lace tiers were jeweled with iridescent sequins and seed pearls and the trim was repeated on the two-tiered tulle crown which held the fingertip veil of illusion. She carried a bouquet of pink cymbidium or chids with shattered white carna tions. For sentiment and tradi tion she carried a handmade lace handkerchief brought from Brus sels for her aunt, the late Dr. Theresa Shoettle. Precede the Bride The bride's sister-in-law, Mrs. herald Wolf, was matron of honor. She wore a petal pink crystalette gown over taffeta with a large bow in back and a pink crystalette headdress with nose veil. She carried a cascade of green carnations with green cord Bridesmaids were Mrs. Alan Obersinner and Miss Mary Beth Eberle. They were gowned iden tical to the honor attendant, but carried white carnations in cas cade arrangement. Phyllis Reasoner of Portland was flower girl and Ronnie Dick of Portland was ring bearer Ceroid Wolf, brother of the bride, was hpt man ..,v,;i- """. mine an other brother, Ronald Wolf and Dennis Dick were groomsmen. The ushers were Donald Varley and Buster Dick. Reception Follows Rites A wedding reception in St. Marys dining hall honored the newlyweds. Mrs. Louis Yates of Silverton, sister of the groom, and Mrs. Walter Reasoner of Muhno, the groom's godmother, cut the cake. Pouring were Mrs. Norbert Annen and Mrs. Ivo Bau man, sister and godmother of the bride respectively. Mrs Val Eberle was dining room hostess assisted by the Misses Maureen Fischer, Jeanette Waehter, Shirley Kraemer, Janice ? 5 tai, Kathleen StoUe, w AneI- Su Nonneman dburn, Ruth Eder- Mrs. Louis Genrtng, Bend, Miss Margaret Reasoner, Mis Earline Ross, Mt. AngeL and Miss Carol Seifer, Sil verton, ' After a honeymoon at the northern Oregon Beaches, the new Mr. and Mrs. Case will be at home at S. W. Bridgeport Road near Tigard. For going away the bride wore mint green and white checked two-piece suit with pauat accessories. 3 Jani Bakers Installation On Saturday Miss Jani Baker,- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Baker, will be installed as honored queen of Bethel 43, International Order of Job's Daughters with a formal Floral cross ceremony to be held Saturday, May 24 at 7:30 p.m. at the Scottish Rite Temple. The installing officer; for Miss Baker will be Kolette Thomas, honored queen; Imogene Thomas, guide; Jody Bourne, marshal; Pat Whelan, musician; Sharon For rest, senior custodian; Shirley Beutler. junior custodian; Patti Claggett, recorder; and Barbara Morris, chaplain. Officers to serve for the new term are Doris Strineham. senior princess; Linda Berry, junior princess; Joan Hueneke, guide; Nancy Van Houten, marshal; Do nella Wood, chaplain; Shirley Thede, musician; Mary Jane Wil son, treasurer; Judy Graen. re corder; Carolyn Johnson, librar ian; Carolyn Billings, first mes senger; Margie Mime, second messenger; Pat Karnes, third messenger; Diane Hensey, fourth messenger; Judy Fortmiller, fifth messenger; Jenlyn Hughes, sen ior custodian: busan Gardner. junior custodian; Pauline Bailey, inner guard; Pat Barrick, outer guard; Sharon Decatur, lady of lights; and Ann Chambers and Anne Fisher, pages. Committee heads will be Jan Armpriest .sunshine; Janet An derson, degree; Theresa Blum, sociability; Sue Armstrong, para phernalia; Vicki Fronk, obliga tion; Marion Isaac, investigation: Sharon Golden, telephone; Carol Robb, hospitality; Gretchen Feni more, birthday; Pat Ritchie, clean-up; Sue Bush, activities; Sandy Sneddon, prompter; Rebec ca Singer, historian; Karen Fort- miller, merit keeper; and Pat Worral and Sue Sickler, patrol co-captains. Kathy Spraeue will serve as choir director with Linda Schwarz as soloist. Members of the alternate Be thel are Rosalind Mead, chaplain; Gwen Higley, first messenger; Linda Bachellor, second messen ger; Nancy Donaldson, third mes senger; Jan Aaserude, fifth mes senger: Darlene Thomas, librar ian; Pat Whitmore, treasurer; Sharon Fulton recorder; Cathy Cannon, musician; Nona Ellis, senior custodian: Karen Thomp son junior custodian; Karen French inner guard; and Roberta Stringham, outer guard. Congregational Circles Meet On Wednesday On WpHnpSftov tha nlvMas nf the Women's Guild of the First Congregational Church will meet as noted: f!irrlp 3 1 n m Aeacari mi fl. home of Mrs. W. E. Hanson, 820 Church St. NE, with Mrs. F. E. Neer assisting. The afternoon will ue speni on a worn project. Circle 4. 12-3fl RnrE limoh with Mrs. Frederick Staat, 1375 19th St. NE; Mrs. Calvin Bressler and Mrs. Lawrence Merriam, co-hostesses. The study of the Old Testa ment will be continued by Mrs. Staat and Mrs. Hjalmar Anderson. Circle 6, 11:30 sack lunch at the H. O. Schneider home, 2920 12th St. SE. "Grant Us Wisdom" is the program topic, Curie 7, 11 a.m. sandwich lunch with Mrs. D. H. Upjohn, 964 Liberty St SE. Mrs. Upjohn will show the pictures of her re cent trip to South America. Evening circle 1 meets at the home of Mrs. Travis Cross, 950 Market St. NE. with Mrs. Rich ard King assisting. Guest speaker will be Dr. Robert Anderson. QUISENBERRY'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY AT 150 SOUTH LIBERTY IS OPEN SUNDAYS 12 Noon to 2 P.M.-4 P.M. to 9 P.M. Weekdays-9 A.M.. to 1 1 P.M. (Other Hours, Call EM 3-9123 or EM 4-3336) Three Hostesses Plan Tea Wednesday at Ohling s A round of social events are calendared for the coming week and one of the larger affairs will be the tea for which Mrs. Mer rill D. Ohling, Mrs. Richard D. Slater and Mrs. Wallace H. Bone Steele will be hostesses on Wednesday afternoon. The tea will be held at the Ohling residence on South High Street with guests bidden to call between 2 and 5:30 o'clock. Presiding at the tea table will be Mrs. David Eason, Mrs, Fred erick S. Lamport, Mrs. Roy S. Keene of Corvallis, Mrs. Duane Gibson, Mrs. Charles A. Sprague and Mrs. Elmer S. Scellars. Among those assisting will be Mesdames Robert M. Fitzmaurice, E. M. Page, Robert D. Gregg, Mayion Scott, willard N. Thompson, Donald C. Roberts, Henry V. Compton, Herbert L. Stiff, Robert Duncan of Silverton, W. Wells Baum, F. M. Sercombe, Bruce F. Pickett, William J. Busick, Chester A. Downs, Russel E. Pratt, James T. Brand, Philip Alison, Elton H. Thompson, G. F. Cham bers, Alan Riebel.of Portland, Carlton Moran of Vernonia, Wallace H. Bonesteele Jr., James White .Lester D. Green, Wayne Hadley, Reynolds Allen, George Weller, Arthur Erickson, Donald Wells, Raymond Bonesteele of Corvallis, L. V. Benson, Tom H. Dunham, Lawrence Ballmer, Harpld G. Maiaon, and Miss Dorathea Steus-loff. Miss Carol Mef ford Weds Mr. Filler at Westminster The Westminster United Presbyterian Church was the setting for the wedding of Miss Carol Joan Mefford and David Edwin Filler on Saturday night The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Metiord ana tne Dnaegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Bovd A. Filler. Dr. Paul Newton Poling performed the 8 o'clock nuptials before members of tne immediate lam- ily. Mrs. Wallace A. Johnson was the organist. Bouquets of pink and white carnations, snapdrag ons and white chrysanthemums were arranged at the altar. Miss Judy Filler, siter of the bride groom, lighted the candles. For her wedding the bride selected a white lace sheath dress over bon bon pink taffeta fashioned with a scoop neckline and a pink taffeta sash. She wore a matching pink popcorn veil headdress and carried a cascade of pink and white carnations and stephanotis. Mrs. Jack.T. Foust was the bride's only attendant and she wore an embroidered polished cotton sheath in a deeper shade of pint and a white velvet head dress. She carried a nosegay of pink and white carnations. Serves as Best Man Don McKenizie, brother-in-law of the bridegroom, served as best man. Mrs. Mefford wore a powder blue suit with white accessories and a white carnation corsage for her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Fil ler chose a blue and white suit with white accessories and cor sage of white carnations. A reception followed the rites at the home of the bridegroom's parents on South 19th Street. The bridegroom's sisters ,Miss Judy iuer and Mrs. Don McKenzie, poured. Cuttting the cake was Mrs. Thorne H. Hammond of Portland, aunt of the bride. As sisting were the bride's cousins, Miss Judy Mefford and Miss Mari lyn Hammond of Portland. When the couple left on their wedding trip the new Mrs. Filler donned a pink duster over her weddnig dress and white hat and accessories. The newly weds will be at home in Salem after May 20. Miss Myra Friesen in Concert A talented young soDrano and music-scholar is Miss Myra Frie sen, who will give a voice concert to honor the members of Salem alumnae of Mu Phi Epsilon on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the recital hall in the College of Music at Willamette Univer sity. Miss Friesen is the first win ner of the Mu Phi Epsilon scholarship award given to Wil lamette University by Salem alumnae to establish a yearly scholarship to a deserving woman music student. Mis Friesen gave her senior voice recital towards the degree of bachelor of music on April 2 and sang music com posed by twelve famous writers. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Friesen of Dallas, and is also the senior-scholar of Pro fessor Stanley Butler and the voice student of Professor Clor inda Topping at Willamette. Alice Rose Jones, accomplished pianist.and organist, a graduate student at Willamette and a mem ber of Salem alumnae of Mu Phi Epsilon will . accompany Miss Friesen at the piano. Mrs. Jessie Jones heads the committee of Mu Phi Alumnae assisting Miss Friesen and also Mesdames Peter Gunnar, Paul A Hale, Carlisle Roberts and Josef Schnelker. All Mu Phis, friends and Inter ester music lovers are cordially invited to attend Mis Friesen's concert. ' TJie Program is as follows: vrrai frail . La Paatorella Alma Grande Nobil Core . Handel - Vivaldi i prom i au Paronf") Mozart Seen and Aria: Jewel Son "OM" (From "Faust") Gounod Gavotte (From "Manon") Adieu Rastlnse Lie be " Der Verlasaene Mafdleln" Du Denkst Mlt Einem Faedchen Muilc I Heard with You DuDont Massenet Schubert Schubert .... Wolf Wolf urn Maids Song (From "Sonn of Hageman tne Southern Country") arr. by Otey Stresa (From ''Vifnettei of Iuy ) Wintter Watts Salem Zonta Club members will hear A. Freeman Holmer speak at the noon luncheon meeting on Thursday at the Golden Pheasant His subject will be "Unfinished Business: Oregon's Election Law Reform." Committees Appointed A reception honoring Thomas J. Means, who will retire in June as principal of the West Salem School, will be held on Sunday, May 25 from 2 to '5 o'clock, at the Don Ramsdell residence, 731 Kingwood Drive. , Co-chairmen of the event are Mrs. Gordon Donkin and Mrs. Harrison W. Elgin Jr. Chairmen of the committees are decorations, Mrs. Walter Phillips; publicity, Mrs. D. E. Plaisance; kitchen, Mrs. Don Peterson and Mrs. Lu Singer; refreshments and hostess, Mrs. John Goffrier and Mrs. Clar ence Harder. All friends of the school and parents of students are invited to attend. Auxiliary to Elect New Officers Final meeting of the season for the Marion-Polk County Medi cal Auxiliary will be held Tues day at the YWCA at 730 p.m. A dessert supper will be served with election and installation of officers following. Mrs. Charles Gray has served as president the past year. The entertainment will be a North Salem High school combo band and the guest speaker will be Mrs. Frank E. Fowler of As toria. Her subject will be "Pend ing Medical Legislation." Mrs. Majfaard Sniffer Is head ing the hostess committee, as sisted by Mrs. D. W. Macfarlane, Mrs. George R. Hoffman, Mrs. James B. Haworth, Mrs. Otto Kraushaar and Mrs. Vera W. Mil ler." Cherry Assembly, Order of Rain bow Girls and their mothers will hold their annual mother-daughter banquet at the VFW hall, 630 Hood St.. Tuesday night at 7 o'clock. A family style Chinese dinner will be served. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. First to Introduce MEW. SAKIEDKKI. STAINLESS VINYL (Tin nr Come, See, Hear the ' Talking Window Silverton fL U Y y Together 1 Hi " ' - t , tu t , . (, f . "... . . ; k Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cross will anniversary at a family reception this afteYnoon at the home oftheir son and his wife', Mr. and Mrs. Harley Cross. The couple was married in Texas and has lived in Salem since 1921. (McEwan Studio.) Reception to Fete Couple Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cross will be honored at a family reception celebrating their 60th wedding an niversary on Sunday, May 18 at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Cross, 4640 Hayesville Drive. The reception is to be given by their five children. Relatives are to call between two. and five o'clock. The couple was married May 15, 1898 at Gertrude, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Cross were both born in 1881 in Texas, coming to Salem in 1921. Their five children and families will be present for the Sunday gathering. The children include Olin Cross, Woodford Cross, Mrs. Gerald Christofferson, Raymond Cross and Hanley Cross, all of Salem. There are nine grandchil dren and seven great-grandchildren. SchoolsPresent Music Festival Wednesday Night The annual Elementary Music Festival of the Salem Public Schools will be held in the gym nasium of -South Salem High on! May 21, at 8:00 p.m. Some 750 children will perform in band, choir and orchestra. A small admission charge will be made to cover expenses. ' Richard McClintic and Donh Schroeder direct the orchestra, Miss Gretchen Kreamer the chorus, Russell Wittmer and Roy Shelton the band. The program includes an or chestra group from DeLamater's Rubank Assembly Book, band numbers by Buchtel, Coleridge Taylor and several traditional folk tunes, and choral numbers by Schubert, Humperdinck and Bach. MSLWm Color Coordinated for floors, walls and counters perfect for every room in the house kitchens, baths, bedrooms, living rooms, playrooms, dens, and porches. NEW I Gold-bright and beautiful at twilight I And ft can't tarniih bcavi it'i locktd under clear, gleaming vinytl NEW I Never need scrubbing, like magic a quick with of a sponge mop and Sandran't sparkling clean I N KrV I It's stainless I Dirt, grease, acids, even lye conl spot it. Water can't fade its beautiful colors. NEW I Keeps its "jvst constant waxing. NEW I Genuine 100 vinyl wear layer I longesV wearing floor covering material known. Flexible, woel chip I lasy to install I TERMS ON APPROVED CREDIT 450 Court Street, Salem EM 3-9185 60 Years in celebrate their 60th wedding. Faculty Club Dinner on Friday Annual spring formal dinner of the Willamette University Faculty Women's Club is calendared for Friday night, May 23 at' Lausanne Hall at 6:30 o'clock. Retiring faculty members will be honored and include Dr. Henry C. Kohler, professor of English, and Harold B. Jory, registrar. Mrs. Cecil Monk, president of the group, will preside and Dr. Helen Pearce and Mrs. Josef Schnelker are arranging the pro gram. Mrs. Norman W. Frees is head ing the dinner committee, with Mrs. Charles Derthick ' the co chairman. Committee members will assist in greeting the guests and include Mrs. Robert Pur brick, Mrs. Jerry Whipple,- Mrs. Robert Gregg, Mrs. Ruth Robbins, Dr. Martha Springer, Mrs. Mary Etta Ford, Dr. Helen Pearce, Mrs. Richard Jenkins, Mrs. John Paulus, Mrs. Douglas Weart, Mrs. Josef Schnelker, Mrs. Gerald Long, Mrs. John Lewis, and Mrs. Robert Gatke. Mrs. Ray Eshleman will enter tain the Marine Corps League Auxiliary at her home on the South River Road, Route 3, Tues day at 8 p.m. Mrs. Mary Tuss, the president, will preside at the meeting at which delegates will be elected to attend the state con vention in Eugene on June 7. A social hour and white elephant sale will follow. Leather Goods Horse and Dog Supplies CHERRY CITY MILLING CO. 299 S. High St - woxed" look I No need for Open Friday and Monday Til 9 P.M. Mt. Angel Two Actors Given Top Awards N Mary Beth (Van Cleave) Feller and Lucian M. (Mac) Baker, both of Salem, have won "Oscars" (or best actress and actor during the drama season. Mrs. Feller has won the award for the second straight year. It was her role in Tennessee Wil liams' "Summer and Smoke" that soldi the judges. Baker's perform ance in "Thunder Rock" won for him. Awards' were presented by . ' drama coach Robert M. Putnam at the annual drama awards ban quet this week. Best supporting roles were played by Barbara Bredsteen, San Mateo, Cal., and Ross Stephen, Bend, for their roles in "Squar ing the Circle." Baker and Mrs. Feller also re ceived awards for the drama majors who contributed most to theatre production during the year. Wayne Haverson, alem, won the theatre production award for a non-drama major. Sojourners Dessert The Salem Sojourners will meet for a 1 o'clock dessert bridge on Thursday, afternoon at the Salem Woman's Clubhouse. Mrs. Hobart Jackson will be chair man of the hostess committee, as sisted by Mrs. William Dobson. Mrs. Neil Rasmussen, Mrs. Dorothy Frantz and Mrs. Kenneth Prouty. Charmode Nu-Baclc Girdle 4198 Slim your figure this comfort able way. Nu-back won't ride up. 26-38. (m) if ' k fk Charmode Nil-Back All-ln-One Preshrunk rayon brocaded , cotton innerbelt with rayon elastic sections. 38 to 46 M of L bust. Win Drama Honors 1 - '" 7 Mary Beth (VanCleave) Feller and Lucian M. (Mac) Baker, Willamette University drama seniors, who won "Oscars" for their performances during the year. Mrs., Feller won the award for the second consecutive year. Joint Meeting of The Women's Society of World Service and the Christian Service Guild of the First Evangelical United Brethren Church will hol a joint meeting Thursday, May 22 in the lower auditorium of the church at 7 p.m. This will be an adukt mother-daughter covered dish supper with Mrs. J. K. Wish art the speaker. There will be' a report from the convention and let our nationally famous Nu-Baclc stylist help you to a fashionable silhouette the foundation of fashion! Miss s Helen Barnes . . . will be at Sears Monday Tuesday and Wednesday We invite you to visit our Foundations Dept. to- meet her. Miss Barnes is anxious to show you how much slimmer and more elegant you will look wearing a Charmode under fashion's latest silhouette. Make a note of the date and see Miss Barnes at Sears. Charmode Dacron cotton all-in-ones Marvtlously lightwtlght, yat ilimmingl Our btit-ttll-ing Nu-Bick of firm Dacron and cotton batiita with lux ury Dacron lac butt mc- tiom. Whltt. 35-42, 44, 46. Church Groups special musical numbers. Program chairman is Mrs. George Forgard, assisted by Mrs. A. G. Jamieson, Mrs. Ben Knoed ler, Miss Charlotte McLean and Mrs. Charles McLean. Dinner chairman is Mrs. Carmen Par menter, assisted by Mrs. Fred Scbarf, Mrs. Glen LaRud, Mrs. C. A. McClure, Mrs. Carl Nelson and Mrs. Carmen Rothgeb. 2 M 4?19 550 N. Capitol