32-(Sec. IV) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri May 16, '58 Goin' After 'Em (Continued from page 29) only so many of the total number will move to take any lure. If, as Haig-Brown states, only a certain percentage of the total number of fish in a given area will take any lure and only a certain percentage of those few will take a fly, we begin to see what the odds are against us. Different Lures Attract Different Fish Left take a good drift oa the Santlam rirer whlck may hold thirty (teelhead. Oat of that thirty, there may be 1 flsk which will be attracted to egg clutters. Three or fish oat of that group of ten may also be Incllnd to bit a lure. Alto, la that group f tea willing fish, there may be only one or two at the moat which will be Inclined to take a fly. This would place the odds against us at 30 to 1 or at best, IS to 1 on our chances of taking a fish oa a fly from that group of spring steelhead. From this fact, one can see the importance of getting the fly down to where the fish are, and also the importance of a never-say-die attitude while casting. A dozen casts or so will not be enough in most cases. An angler may have to cast continually for one or two hours without a let up. Eventually the fly may swing past the nose of that one only willing fish and he'll take it. Fly fishing for winter or spring steelhead Is Indeed, not for the Impatient angler who eipects lots of action. Yon may believe us however, that If that one fish does take the fly. It has been worth the dozens and dozens of casts which hare been necessary. Once the fish has been hooked on a fly the tiredness from long hours of easting disappears. The Fourth Weekend Weather Proves Help For Oregon's Anglers (Continued from page 19) Fangio Skips Indianapolis DAYTON, Ohio (if)-World cham pion road race driver Juan Manuel Fangio of Argentina will not com pete in the Indianapolis, Ind., 500 mile speedway race. George Walther, Jr.. general manager of the Dayton Steel Foundry Co., and co-owner of the car Fangio was to drive in the race said Fangio made the announcement. Walther said Mike McGill of Haddonfield. N.J., will drive the Dayton Steel Foundry special in the Memorial Day classic. McGill drove the Dayton car in last year's Indianapolis race and crashed on the 160th lap. Unexpected complications, Wal ther said, and the fact that the Dayton car is not in top condition right now, were responsible for Fangio 'i withdrawal. Walther added that his company Is preparing a car to place at Fangio's disposal for the Monza race In Italy June 29. MacLaren Boys Win WOODBURN (Special) - The MacLaren Boys School closed its baseball season on a winning note Thursday with a 9-8 victory over Falls City. A pair of runs in the bottom of the ninth gave the Hawks the win and a 6-3 record for the year. Warren Smith of Hampton Bays, N.Y., it Columbia University's only letter winner among pitchers this spring. A senior, he is a southpaw. Viks, Saxons Clash Today (Continued from page 29) in the field events they could win it. The Vikings' best hopes lie with sprinters Herb Graves (10.3 In the 100 and 21.9 In the 220). Dale Drake (22.9 In the 220 and 50.9 In the 440), Tom Johnson, Gene GllberUon (52.0 in the 440), Ben Kelley, and Jim Litchfield (51.1 In the 440). Litchfield is also North's top half-miler (2:05.5). The Viks' Chris Johansen has the top mark in the mile (4:35.2). Steve Kimple will be the favorite in the pole vault, with Ron Mic- kles, Grant Harter and Mike Youngquist carrying coach Johns rud's hopes in the weight events. Sooth is led by Be Bartlett (15. la the highs. 20.9 In the lows, and 20-4 In the broad Jump) and Dan Moore (16.0 in the highs and 22-4 U the broad lump, and 5-9 la the high Jump). Denny Glasgow's times In the 100 and 220 compare with the best North caa offer, and Doug Koellman has a 2:03.9 880 to his credit. Dennis Pieters (50-2 in the shot, 168 in the javelin, and 128-1 in the discus) will carry the South load in the weights. In the tennis match, coach Del Ramsdell's defending state cham pions have already shown they'll be strong contenders for the hon or again this year. They swept through the District 111 meet last week to fill all the 'berths from this area. streams. Snow water run-off seems to be the big factor la slowing up the singling at Detroit. Continued warm weather will mean more snow raa-off. The smaller streams emptying Into the Willamette River are giv ing up some fair catches of small rainbow and cutthroats. Both bait anglers and fly fishermen are having fair luck In the smaller Coliseum Relays Feature Is Mile Race LOS ANGELES Los Ange les' much discussed Coliseum un derwent a revamping from base ball to track and field Thursday as interest shifted to the 18th an nual relays Friday night. The feature race promises to be a renewal or an au-Austraiian rivalry between Herb Elliott and Mervin Lincoln, both of whom have contributed their share in breaking the now well battered four-minute mile. The relays for the first time will be run off oa the grass, the Coliseum, of course, having lost its dirt track since the Los Angeles Dodgers moved In on a temporary basis. The grass running course was of no concern to the Aussie milers. They run regularly on the turf at home. Elliott has never lost to Lincoln in six races. Each has shaded four minutes for the mile three times. Most prominent sprinter aboard will be Bobby Morrow, Uncle Sam's triple gold medal winner in the 1956 Olympics. But Morrow has yet to hit sea sonal form and may be hard pressed by his teammate from Abilene Christian CoUege. BiU Woodhouse. or Willie White of California, who upset Morrow In the Compton Relays last year. Woodhouse holds two victories over Morrow this spring. Abilene Christian, with Morrow and Woodhouse, dominate the sprint relays, and the University of Texas, sparked by Eddie South ern, is a solid favorite to win the mile relay. Also entered in the 100-yard dash against Morrow and company is Ray Norton of San Jose, Calif., State, who has raced 9.3 to equal the world record and been clocked at 9.4 several times this spring. streams. Among the better ones are Butte Creek, Ablqua River, SUver Creek, Rickreall Creek, Ln cklamute River and Lower Salt Creek. The latter is reached by going west through Perrydale. Cutthroat fishing has slowed down la the coastal lakes which have been open, bat salmon moochers are beginning to pick a salmoa here and there la the salt at Winchester and at Newport. The small feeder silvers are offshore, and so are a few Chinook. Herring are running rather heavily and this should mean more salmon. Remember your new 1958 boat ing laws. All boats equipped with outboard motors must carry a Are extinguisher as well as life pre servers for every person aboard. Following Is an additional report on weekend conditions: The weekly renort an flshlne con ditions prepared ky the lute Gam commission: NORTHWEST: Lost, (unset aad Coffenbury lakes fair; Tillamook bay trolling hampered by unfavorable tides j iilmon teen la tower Nestueca bay; Rainbows itocked la both Sprtnc and Lake Lytle; Chinook angllag good la Oreioa City area, poor la lower river; Clackamas has unproved a little; Sandy river poor to fair with upper tributaries beat; Tlzaetky lake doee not open until May 14; sprint ehlnook appearing a fair numbers at Staytoa; steelhead still running at Lebanon; angling slowed down on McKenzie the past week; Willamette and tributaries good; reservoirs la Lane county fair. SOUTHWEST: Spring Chinook angling fair to good la ldleyld park area on North Umpqua but only fair at Winchester and Cleveland rapids; Lemolo reservoir fair to good; spring chinook angling slow on lower Ump qua; Tenmlle lakes improved for trout; Loon lake fair to good; salmon fishing not yet started at Winchester hay fair run of salmoa entering Galtce area of Bogus river: Statue now dropping. CENTRAL: Rood river good and east fork condlUons excellent; Neal creek very good east or Odell; Kings ley reservoir poor; Sherars bridge area salmon fishing fair to good but mostly faeks being taken: Maupia area good to very good; White river still high; Blue lake good for troll; Suttle lake good for large brown trout with hotshots but slow for kokanee; MetoUus river fair to good: Deschutes below Bend fair to good and bank anglers above Bend doing weU on bait; fly fishing stow; Wick iup reservoir fair; good catches of Mackinaw at Odell lake: Crescent lake very good for bluebacks. NORTHEAST: Best rainbow ang ling In sons J continues to be In John Day drainage ponds, Dollarhlde pond, Bowe Creek reservoir and Hubble lake; streams in Jonn way watershed and most of Morrow county high; angling at McKay res ervoir poor for troll but good for anglers; Cold Springs reservoir good to excellent for crapple: zone streams high; a U'l pouna aony varden trout reported from WaUowa lake; legal rainbow have been re leased In ponds of Baker and Union counties. SOUTHEAST: Owyhee reservoir fair to good for crapple and fair for bauv Malheur reservoir poor to fair tor rainbow; Beulab poor; north fork and middle fork of Malheur river Soor; Warm Springs reservoir good; nake river poor; most Harney county streams high; SUver creek and Bock creek In Lake county sood. o dHl7llIS You Are Cordially Invited to The L(U)lBILD(g PBNDKj of The NEW THIS Sunday May 18 FEATURING: Stayton, Oregon DJF (SHOD Bunny Mason and Clyde Prall No Gallery Charge Eddie Hogan and Dick Yost D5 (SDdmDdg soft H LP. EX Preceding the Match, and Conducted By These Four Experts! Green Fees: Families, $65 Pit Year Individual, $55 Per Year Green Fees: Monday Thru Friday, 9 Holes, 75c, All Day, 1.25 Sat., Sun. and Holidays: 9 Holts, 1.25; All Day, 2.50 Jack White, Golf Pro-in-Charge SANTIAM GOLF CLUB (At Junction of New Sialism Highway and Stayton Sublimity Road) . Stayton, Oregon ' I Sorry! I fJ No Ploy Is I Prior to I K I The I K;gi Match 1 jSfidj ff! k Ye Crash Hurts Foster Man Statesman News Service LIBERTY A Foster man was injured, apparently not seriously, in a two-car collision about 9 p.m Thursday at Liberty Road and Browning Avenue. Taken to Salem Memorial Hos pital by Willamette Ambulance Service and later released, was Jack Thompson, 22, Foster. State police said Thompson apparently feu half out of the car and was dragged for some distance as the vehicle ran onto the lawn of J. G. Howells at 145 Browning Ave. S. Drivers in the accident were listed by police as Thompson and Wynona Jean Olson. 4753 Fir Dell Dr. SE. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION (Eqalty) No. 437 IS GEORGE L. A R BUCKLE and ETHEL B. ARBUCKLE. Plaintiffs, v. SHI RLE Y.DUNKELBERGER, PAUL WOLFE, CONNIE EKBRT. MEMORY DOUGHERTY. LYNN AN DREW WOLFE, ska Walter PhllllDS. Jr.. GERTRUDE K. FISHER, Individ ually and as Administratrix With the Will Annexed of the Estate of Abram Wilson Wolfe, Deceased, Defendants. To Each of the Abovt-Named Defend ants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you, and each of you, hereby are required to appear and answer tha comDlalnt filed against you In tha above-entitled Court and cause on or before tha date of last publication of this summons, that be ing; the time prescribed by the above entitled Court In Its order tor publi cation of this summons, made and tntared in tha above-entitled causa on tha 22nd dav of ApriL. J866. and If you fail to aa appear, platatiffs will apply to ma court zor tna reuex as mended and nraved for in aald com. plaint, namely, that plaintiffs recover a decree against you for $1,310.75, plus interest thereon at f per cent per annum from I March IBM, until paid, and for the further sum of 1333.53, and for the further sum of S3O0.00 for Dlalntiffs' attorney's -fees. and foreclosing a mortgage given by Izetta L. Kropp to plaintiffs on IS March 1947, and recorded on IS March 1947. in Vol. 289. pa. 510. Mortgage Records for Marion County, Oregon, said mortgage encumbering the following described real property: The East 54 feet of Lot Five (5), Block Thirty-one (31), Amended plan of Blocks 27, IS, 30, 31 and 3 of Nob Hill Addition to Salem, Marion County, Oregon; and foreclosing all rights, titles, interests, claims and equities, if any, of each of you In or to said real property, and each Dart thereof, and that said real di-od- crty be sold by the Sheriff of said Marlon County and that the balance of proceeds from such sale, after ex penses thereof, te applied to pay tne above-mentioned sums, interest and plaintiffs' costs and disbursements herein, and that the overplus. If any, be paid to defendants, as their Inter ests, if any, may appear. The aforesaid order directed publi cation hereof on April 15 and May 2. 9. IS. S3, 1858. Date of First Publication: April 25. 1968. Data of last publication: May za, ium. PEERY T. BUREN. Attorney for Plaintiffs, 211 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Salem, Oregon. April. 25, May 2, t, IS, 23. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice la hereby given that the undersigned his been duly appoint ed by the Circuit Court for Marlon County, Oregon, as administratrix of the estate of HERBERT P GRANT, deceased, and has duly Qualified as such. Al? persons hav lng claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, to be undersigned at Room 207 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published this 2nd day oi May, 1998. ELIZABETH KRUEGER, Administratrix of the Estate of HERBERT P. GRANT, deceased CLARK & MARSH 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Administratrix. MJ.8,16,23.30. Gunman Robs Portland Eatery PORTLAND W) The Uptown Bohemian Restaurant was held up by a gunman Thursday. He es caped with an estimated $2,000. An employe said she trailed the man to a nearby group of apart ment houses, where he disap peared. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED Too Late to Classify MOORE PETS Reg. pekes, all livestock St birds at red. summer prices. Birds boarded. Open eve. 4004 Bute. 51 BUICX CONVERT good con ditlon, will trade, EM 4-5262. $4,000 Fire Destroys Barn Near Portland PORTLAND Wl Flames eariy Thursday raced through and des troyed a barn on a farm near here. ' William Van Buren, the barn's owner, estimated loss at $4,000. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have been appointed by the Cir cuit Court or the state or Oregon for the County of Marlon. Probate DcDartment. as administratrix of the estate of GEORGE A. BRESSLER. deceased, and have qualified as such administratrix. All persons having claims against said estate are noti fied to present the same, duly ver ified, to me. at 412 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, in said County, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 29th day of April, 1958. GATHA VIOLA RHODES Administratrix of the Estate of GEORGE A. BRESSLER. deceased. BRUCE W. WILLIAMS OTTO R. 8KOPIL. Jr. KEITH D. EVANS 412 Pioneer Trust Building Salem. Orefon Attorneys for Administratrix. M-z.v.io.aj.jo. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given thst the undersigned has been duly appoint ed by the Circuit Court for Marion County, Oregon, as executor of the estate of ALTA B. FAUVER. de. ceased, and has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same duly veri fied to the undersigned at Room 207 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem. Ore- Son, within six months from the ate of this notice. Dated and first published this 2nd day of May, 1958. BRUCE B. SQUTER, Executor of the Estate of ALTA B. FAUVER, deceased. CLARK A MARSH 207 Pioneer- Trust Bldf . Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Executor. MJ.I.1IJ3J0. Register Ne. 17,731 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given . that the undersigned has been appointed as Administratrix of the estate o A. B. Couchman. deceased, by the Cir cuit Court of the State of Ore?on for the County of Marion, s'tting in probate, and has duly qual-fieri a such Administratrix. All pc-son having claims against the rstatf of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, verified at re quired by law, to me at 205 Oregon Building. Salem. Oregon, withir. six months from the date of th' notice. Dated and first published at -a- lem, Oregon, this 9th day of May, 1958. Sibyl Alice Couchman, Administratrix Estate of A. B. Couchman, deceased. Ronald C. Glover Attorney for Administratrix 205 Oregon Bldg. Salem, Oregon v.io,u,ju.j e. as. 300 Personal 312 Lost snd found LOST: Female peacock. Vie. Candalaria HghU. Raw. EM 5-783. LOST: Brown cowhide coin 8urse Vic. Capitol Theater, leep money, return Wads worth watch, Keepsake. EM 2-5385. LOST or strayed from 4250 Lib erty Rd., female pet coon named Buzzy. Reward for re turn or information aa to whereabouts. EM 2 2875. LOST: One hip boot between Sa lem and Detroit. E. D. SmaiL Sheridan. Rte. 1 Box SO. LOST: Man's wallet at Mar-. snail's Sunday. Please return contents A keep money. EM 2-6435. 314 Tronspoxrotbn WANTED, dally ride to Fort land. Call EM 4-7137. 316 Parsons! FOR FACTS about the Catholle Church, write P.O. Box 8343, Indianapolis, Indiana. Informa tion sent under plain cover. No personal follow-up. SPENCER Corse tlere Miss Em ma Wuerdemann, EM 3-2864. PALMIST TELLS FUTURE and past. Love, marriage, busi ness. 51. 3745 Portland Rd. EXPECTANT mothers of any faith seeking confidential serv ices, contact Catholic Chart ties 247 N. Com'l EM 2-2865. PSYCHIC Reader" Mmi. Haiel. complete reading $2. 3805 S. Com'l. EM 4-9265. ANYONE witnessing the acci dent which occurred on the eve. of April 20 on highway 99. near Cherry City Bowling Alley, please call EM 4-2273. ALCOHOLICS Anonvmous Set) Marinn EM 4-0543 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. N 8. commercial EM 4-1S02. 100 Display Classified 100 Dlsploy Cloasifiod Special Purchase is 13 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR DOUBLE DOOR AUTO. DEFROST 112 LB. FREEZER 5 YR. WARRANTY REG. $349.95 NOW 27Q88 15 CD. FT. REFRIGERATOR DOUBLE DOOR BOTTOM FREEZER j 176 LBS. STORAGE AUTO. DEFROST REG. $429.95 NOW 39988 15 CU. FT. FREEZER CHEST TYPE x 525 LB. CAPACITY IX SHARP FREEZE BASKET & DIVIDER KG. $Z89.y5 NUW 24988 15 CU. FT. FREEZER i UPRIGHT MODEL x SHARP-FREEZE SHELVES AUTO. WARNING LIGHT 5 Yr. Food Spoilage Policy REG. $319.95 NOW 28988 ONLY $10 00 DOWN-LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS EM 2-3111 185 N. Liberty '51 PACKARD convert, with '52 Olds motor at transmission 325. 2010 N. 4th. EM 2-9928. FOR SALE 195S Chev. V-S No mad sta. wagn. Very Clean, loaded. Will lake trade. EM 2-1501. 400 Afrriculture 412 Food Column MHU.MMMNIHnimlMMW1' t tsTVeUr VBMav vw wn 'tm a, M aeiia. Leaker M . - a rear wu eMa eee. i X3JZ0 savi$SJ0 '57 BUICK Riviera. No down pymt. OAC. 795. Days phone a.as 4-3101. '41 CHEV. pickup. 4 speed trans. mission. Fair cond. good rub ber. Fine for berry t bean naming, simj. em 2-7442. I VMTtrvrV I. . . J e t iiwi. . in tf iiivu. . bdrm. Mobile Home, make of. fer. Assume contract. 1940 Lena Ave. 45' MOD. 2 bdrm. trailer, equity free, pay back pmts. Assume contract. See at Riverside Trlr EM 4-425S. 14' TRAILER Hse., like new, sips. 5. em 2-7264 eves. RIO Trailer Court. All modern, shade. Ch 1 1 d r e n welcome. Rates $12 mo. 1730 N. Water. KM 4-1(122. RELIABLE family with 2 chil dren want clean 3 bdrm. coun try home, with 1 to 5 Acres not over 7 ml. of Salem by June 4th. Reference, South or North. EM 2-8719. SUB. 2 bdrm. lge. lot-shade. SOUin 140. EM 4-4979. AVAIL. June 1 st. unfurn. 2 bflrm. mod. duplex. Frplc, gar., lncl. range, re frig. EM 1-OtfVU. 1"URN. 4 rm. bsmt. apt. Utll turn. Heas. 195 s. 24th. WANT familv with trailer hie to share acreage. Local ref. uu a.ai i-r)3ft arter a. WILL keep hse. for older cpl. or utvmuq. APS P. uiurcRApi. V . .in. u . l a .... u, dustrlal position. Have ref. box an statesman-journal, WILL do typing in my home. Lee Moffltt. 404 Summer St. NE. EM 3-OS74. BABYSITTER for 3 children, 5 day wk., my home. Kelzer am. your trans. EM 3-199S. SOMEONE to do rag rug weav- ing. f.u. box Ml, Delate. DRUG store saleslady. Exp. re- auirea. aome mrni dui no sun. day work. Holidays & vaca tions, co. no. health v Insur ance program. Apply in per- son, S a.m. to 12 noon; Owl Drug, Capitol Shopping Cen ter. WHEEL barrow pressure aprav outfit. S20. W. W. Fisher 2870 noiiywooa Dr. HORSE cultivator Si. pitcher Sump Si. W. W. risher 2S70 iollywood Dr. FULL size box springs, good cona. iu. em 3-awnj. FOR SALE: Tear drop sleeping 19.95 st UP used wringer sc sute. wasoers. Master servias 36S N. commercial. FOR SALE or trade well trained Palomino gelding. EM 2-5170. BOYS J. C. Hlgglns bike taken from Parrlsh Jr. High. Reg. No. F55SP is known can be traced. Return to S90 n. 5th. 400 Agriculture 402 Llvastock for Salt 1 HOLSTEIN. 1 Guernsey Just fresh. 7 heavy springers, 4 noisiein, a Jersey, i guernsey. z yesrung yews witn I iambs. 5395 Dallas Rd. EM 4-9047. FOR SALE, Sorrel Tennessee walking mare. EM 4-3S7I. S YR. old gentle spirited riding nurse, em e-sazs. SHEEP SHEARING yr. prof. exp. W. R. Marshall, sow n. Lancaster, mm 4-cmi REGISTERED Quarter Horse Stallion Chestnut. 2 years old. Best Offer. XM 4-5435 or EM 4-7171. NUTRIA best offer, sell or trade. 10 purebred Los Tres ac 3 pum ice block pens. Box 340 States. man-Journal. SCIENTIFIC ROHSE SHOEING TEX SHIVELY EM 3-495 Horse Shoeing, anywhere Geo. Penold. EM 4-5297 403 Livestock Wonted WILL buy 30 heard of horses, bv lb. or head. D.D. Delp, 3776 Silverton Rd. EM 4-8725. CATTLE horses, at your farm t. l. Mcuanansn. em 3-ib9. CATTLE Snethen 4105 Silverton Rd. EM 2-1345 or EM 2-43S0. CATTLE buyer, A. F. Sommer, 5393 Dallas Rd. EM 4-9067. BUVaK Claud Edwards. Rt I Box 899E EM 4-1113 TCP essh prices at your place. Ray Cozel. EM 4-3188 Collect 405 Pets 4 NICE kittens want good home, 332 N. 24th St.. Ph. EM 3-9093. PUREBRED Golden Retriever pups. wks. S30. KM 4-0770. BEAUTIFUL Beg Dachshund pups, from Champ, breeding, 135. lVi ml. W. of Grand Isl. junction. Ph. 12x4 Dayton, Merle Church. AKC REG. Shetland Sheep dog puppies Ph. WA S-1772 Albany PUPS WANTED Mixed Si purebred, cash, pick up. Neptune S-3541. Puppyland, Oswego, Ore. GIVE to country home, 1 yr. old male collie. EM 4-5412. AKC. reg. Chihuahua stud service. Also puppies EM3-773I PUREBRED Pekis. S0 E. Jsck son, Monmouth after 5. FOR sale or trade AKC Labra dor pups, EM 1-441. PUPPY-LAND All kinds. Pet prices. EM 2-1248. 412 rood Column V, BEEF 49c Cut wrapped. 4 to S mo. to Liberty EM 4-7744 lamninirc fnr running freezing 10c. lb. The Green Apple Mkt., 5005 Portland Rd PASTEURIZED whole milk. 82c. gal Homogenized. 86c ',i gal 44e Clearv Dairy EM 2-30.15 ASPARAGUS for ssle, bring containers. Wlllara sacneuer, 2470 River Bend Rd. EM 2-5384 414 Poultry Rabbits PIGEONS WANTED EM 3-5664 $3 ni v ..I,. tMhnm ffw-kreli. Wilson's Hatchery. Lyons, Ore. Ved BABY chicks. Leghorns. Par- menters. New Hamps. wnite Rru-lr l?nrnih alsn turkeV poults avble. Valley Farm Store. Custom Dressing of Poultry We buy rabbits Wings 39S5 State. EM 4-3S1S 411 Lawn Garden iof aTinrrnr. nrriii trartor Maw .nna ,-iiltiiatnri (llsPS and plows 1125. Rons Auto sans, saw rt. xuvvr ia. am 38143. CLEAN RIVER SILT 10 yds. $13. EM 3-7919 1 HP. garden tiller excel, cond. Cau EM 3-3578 after a p.m. a CYCLE Kraftaman roto-mow- er a used only s nra. sou. vau arter 5. EM 4-7154. Lawns seeded. Terms. Free est. EM 4-8355. CUSTOM Plowing & discing. Day or night. EM 3-6846. GARDEN Tillers 8129.50. Valley Farm Store. T0P"s6iL FILL DIRT from Mission Bottom EM 2-6933 KEIZER loam st garden sand, fill dirt & silt. CM 2-1749. TIGER 5, H P. riding garden tractor. Hydraulic system, blade, nlow. rooter, disc. cult. a harrow. Excel, cond. 5470. Bob Baehr 911 Reserve St., Silverton. 420 Seeds & Plant HARDY pinks, some varieties in bloom ac for aaie. visitors welcome. J. F. Bock EM 4-2903, 1315 Reedy Dr., nr. Hoover School. AZALEAS, extra special prices. open rn. sat. at sun. stray ars, 2830 Church N.E. GLAD bulbs. 80 lor 85c Middle Grove Nursery. 420 suvenoa noaa. Strawberry plants 3 doc. II. Lupins, Azaleas, mums 551. Merrills Greenhouse, Brooks. Columbine all colors. 35c 600 FAIRVIEW LOWER Y'S have the best in Geraniums, larger plants, best varieties, lower prices. Fuch sias all sizes, coleus 4c bedding plants. 2593 uiemiwi lid. PANSIES 50c. a doz. 3835 Mid way Dr. EM 4-1221. MUMS, dahlias, geraniums. fuchsias, pansles, cabbage. Liberty Garden. EM 4-2683. MUMS as low as for $1. 500 vara, mums ready, rarer ger anium varieties, delphiniums sii colors, perennials, mack s, 2270 Chcmawa Rd. NETTED Gem aeed potatoes. 8230 Portland Rd. EM 4-4078. BEGONIAS, fuchsias, delphin ium, ana oeaainc plants, f or the best vuutCfaggetfs Greenhouse. 4i miles N. of Salem on Wallace Rd. Turn right at foot of bridge in W. seiem. TOP uualltv slants for less at Miooie orove Nursery, 4izo suv. m. we eive saut creen Stamps. bedding plants-garden supplies Jary s flowers, EM 4-3391 Capitol. Shopping Center rTmimiuE ..... r - ruensia. Begonias, Hanging Baskets of all 3. Bedding Bl a n t s, Astilbe, Bleeding earts. Primroses, Pansles i the new pink Margarette. Kllber Nursery, 715 Salem Heights Ave. FUCHSIAS, geraniums, tub be- fonias. 3 tor si. uamia cuius 1.50 doz. Merrill's Green house, Brooks. POTTED plants. Ann's Flower Garden, 3373 wimt. Dr. N. DAHLIAS, fuchsias ivy geran ium, pansles. clematis. Wards Gardens 4380 Cherry Ave. IRIS Gardens now open. AU named varieties, zoc to soc. ta mi. S. of Albany airport on Tallman Rd. WAbash 8-8793 Mrs. R. H. Swank. 422 Fertilizer LOOSE straw si hay. also saw dust-chicken fertilizer only 2c lb. Valley Farm Store. Ideal for mulching. SEASONED shavings for mulch. z yd. load, 83.50 del. EM 3-0178. FERTILIZER del. tk. load 27 or SK. SOC. EM 4-038J er EM 4-3111 ROTTED cow or horse fertilizer 510. truck Id. EM 4-4145. CLEAN rotted sawdust sell by yarn, em a-7m. BARNYARD fertilizer with saw- oust, so. ron, aeiiverea, mini mum 3 Ton load. Ph. 413 J.. Independence. ROTTED manure ky aack or cu. ya. always rood measure & good quality Phillips Bras., Rt. I Box 8(8. EM 4-1081. Mulch Sawdust $1.00 Yard EM 2-4031 Gem POTATOES No. 1 Seed eat. EM 4-1193 Ed Sproed. WASHINGTON APPLES 81.50 bu. Ped'a Produce, 5230 Portland Rd. EM 4-4078. MUSHROOM fertUlzer. no weeds, line i or m axing new lawn. Also have rich black manure. We del. anywhere. EM 24331. 424 farm tq wipment CEDAR pests for ssle. Robt. Towers, Idanha, Ore. 100 Display Classified 100 Display Classified FURNITURE AUCTION DISPOSAL OF HIGH GRADE HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Sat., May 17, 10:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. SCOTTY'S AUCTION HOUSE 4840 Center St.. Salpm S pc. Walnut bedroom set, I pc. Blonde bedroom set, 4 pc. Ma- nogany oorm. act, ivvrunvre u vice, range, wesiingnouse elec. range. International Harvester late model 11 ft. refrig., comb, wood at elec. range at trash burner. Maytag automatic washer, Fowjer eleo. dryer, enameled trash burner, Raytheon 17" portable jy, good wine dsveno, 3 sets box springs & matts., double & single Maple bed, box springs Ac matt., yr. crib St matt,, lamps, baby basket, record player, several chests drawers, lane cedar chest, student desk, 5 pc. dinette set, 2 book cases, floor table lamps, step & coffee tables, automatic record player, Chmspion portable sewing machine, student desk, grrls bike, tricycle, garden tractor & attach , misc. garden tools, garbage cans, 3 good lawn mowers, ward robe trunk, portable accordion. Remington 22 gun, rolloway bed it matt., Burbank seed spuds, planting onions, shrubs, flowers, plants, near oil, new paint, furniture retail store here sU high grade turn, on cut rate prices. Spend your dollars at Scotty's, It take home more. Everybody Welcome. AUCTIONEER COL ERNEST E. SCOTT vta. m 4-aaai 450 Mercbanrlisa 451 Household Goods 77.00 NEW Maple Bunk Beds complete springs, mattresses. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. MAPLE bedroom set. 855. Bob's Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-8371. ' JUST RECEIVED I 2 COMPLETE households of furniture 1 1 Living room, bed room, electric ranges, refrig erators, everything for your home. Save on good clean used -furniture. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. ANTIQUE bdrm. set. Household furn., Persian rugs, draperies, dishes, TV, , appliances etc. Reas. Rte. 2. Box MO Croisaa Cr. Rd. at 2nd bridge. OPEN TONITEII FURNITURE New. used, cost less at Glen Woodry's 1808 N. Summer. 8x12 & 1x8 aqua blege rug As ?ad, modern daveno & chair, 957 C.B. Deluxe 30" elec. range. Refrig. metal storage cabinet, desk cabinet eewlng machine, full size bookcase bed & Mr. and Mrs. chest, yel low dinette set, 2 bookcases, grey platform rocker, 1938 slim line Admiral T.V. full size springs tc mstt, I pr, drapes. EM 2-8086. NEW Mirrors 16 x 28 3.95- 24 X 30 87.50. 24 X 38 $8.95. Glea Woodry 1605 N. Summer. CHINA closet. Glsss door 1119.98 Bob's Mdse. Mart. 270 5. Lib. NEW Foam Rubber Sectionals. 2 pc. 8199.50; 3 pc 8239.50; 4 pc $339.50. Terms-Trades. Glen Woodry 1805 If. Summer. DIN. rm. hutch, maple finish. Like new. $45. EM 2-5744. NEW Simmons Hldeabed 8199.50. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. DINING rm. Set 545. 8 chalrfc 1815 N. 5th. EM 2-2555. NEW Recliners 849.50 to $98.50 with or without vibrators. Glea) Woodry 1805 N. Summer. MAPLE rocker. 88.85. Bob's Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-8371. NEW 3 way Floor Lamps 84 8. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. DUE to Job transfer to another city must sell mlsc'l. house hold goods, inc'l. G.E. lroner, deep fryer, elec. hedge trim mer. books, plus many other items. EM 2 1987. 587 States man St. NEW Platform rockers 15 8oT Glen Woodry1605 N. Summer. KIRBY-guar. Terms $29.95. 1381 N. Capitol, EM 3-7067. Dh-; YES I We handle the finest In living room sets (BUtwell) the finest in Dinettes (Virtue): Save on better furniture at Glen Woodry's 1803 N Summer MAPLE arm davene. $8 95. Bobs Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-8371. NEW 2 pc BUtweU Davene Suite with roto-rockera $188.50. Glen Woodry 1805 N. Summer. DAVENPORTS. $9 55 8 up tL L. Stiff Used Furniture Stcre. 17$ N. High St- EM 8-81 88 EARLY American Love Seats. Sofa's. Maple Furniture lampa You SAVE AT Glea Woodry'a 1805 N. Summer. MATTRESSES st springs. $5 as up. H. L. Stiff Used Furniture Store. 173 N. High. EM 8-8188. $30.00 DN. $15.00 mo., buys S rms. of furniture. SAVE st Glen Woodry'a 1605 N Summer UNFINISHED furniture H U Stiff Furniture Co NEW Shipment table lamps $5 9 Floor lamps, $11.95. Glea Woodry 1605 N. Summer. NEW end tables. $12.85. Bob's Mdse. Mart. 37S s. UDerty. EM 4-8371. BE THRIFTY: Buy GOOD useel furniture. A single item or a complete household. Buy now on our easy terms. Woodry's Thrifty used ronvrnmi 11$ S. Commercial KM 4 -33 It l Block south Of raper auu 452 Appliarttes 28 INCH GE DeLux range with deep weu. aacceiient conai tion. Oven like new. $50. So at 3245 Cemlia Dr. 3 EM 4-1830 USED Westlnghouse elec. range. cheap. IM 4-7291. G.E. REFRIG. A-l cond. EM 4-3652. FRIGID AIRE automatic washing macnine. oooq cona. s-M z-vejy Wards Sewing Machine $31 Airline 17" TV $48 Airline 21" TV $71 Wards Elec. Dryer $58 Frigidalre elec. range $58 Frigidaire 7' Refrig Wards $' Refrig $ $34 MONTGOMERY WARD 185 N. Liberty EM 3-3191 ONE only 25 ft. Amana freezer noor sample, neg. $700, $488.8S Helder'a. 383 N. High. USED refrig. $29.95 St up. Al i.aue. ataie at. REPOSSESSED Whirlpool Auto matic vrasncr sus.au. rerma as low aa $6.38 per month. Good Housekeeping Inc. 487 Court St. - USED ranges $29.85 A up. Al Laue. 2350 State St VACUUM Cleaners all makes, guar., terms, ik.ss at up. 13U N. Capitol. EM 3-7087. Dir. KELVINATOR freezer reg. 849. V9 now JfS.77. si cuoic rc deluxe, it's the latest new model. Holder's. 383 N. High. Summer Camp Used REFRIGERATOR SPECIALS Zenith Good condition and guarsnteed. Waa $88.85. gala $74 $8. Leonard Clean and well cared for. Was $78.8$. Sale $88.51. Crosley Shelvador Good re frigeration. Was $48.50. Ssle $39.50. Westlnghouse a good refrig erator. Roomy and Dependable Was $89.98. Ssle $59.95. General Electric Good condition Was $99.50. Sale $84.50. Hotpolnt Large freezer section. Wss 178.95. Sale $89.95. Trailer House Refrigerator. 4 cu. ft. Build-in type. Was $69.95. Sale $59.98, AU refrigerators guaranteed 260 State St. Phone EM 3-9141 USED price on new 11 cu. ft. aeiuxe refrigerator 3198, ref. 3289. Holder's. 363 N. High. 25 CU. FT. new upright freezer. eorojio. a&n green sumps, terms. Master Service Stations 303 N. commercial. BENDIX automatic washers 125 automatic wssner siraoss new, $125. Helder'a. 383 N. NEW special tlectrolux. only jw. in. rnon( cieciroiux iorp. 1079 Broadway. EM 4-2239, or eves. EM 4-0563. USED freezers $58 A up. Al uui, aoou aiai ol. BENDIX Economat automat! washer. Good condition. Ph. EM 3-5673. TO PLACE AD PHONE EM 4-6811