) Statesman's HOME panorama Women . . . Music . . . Fashions . . . Features SHERIDAN Mrt. Florence Har rell of San Francisco, who it visit ing this week with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cooley, was the inspiration for a dessert luncheon and bridge party on Monday given by Mrs. Harold Burch. AUMSVUXE Rev. npd Mrs. Donald Jones, and daughter. Mar- lene, recently spent a two weeks vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gjesdal. The Jones are from California where he Is a pas tor in La Cresta, Calif. STnRF lift I IDC. M.y a Friday, MO. I. P.M. Othw Day,,. 9:30 AM. to fliM tM E-Z-Est silver polish 12-ex. bottle 1.25 Effortless way to clean and brighten your precious sllverl Safo-won't scratch or mar, retards tarnish, and a minimum of polishing is required SILVER-SECOND FLOOR Around Town . Sail for Hawaii By JERYME ENGLISH THE SOCIAL WHIRL . . . Invita tions were in the mail this week to a tea for which Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling, Mrs. Richard D. Slater and Mrs. Wallace H. Bonesteele will be hostesses on Wednesday, May 21 . . . the affair will be held at the Ohling residence on South High Street with guests bidden to call between 2 and 5:30 o'clock . . . Invitations . . . were also re ceived this week from Alpha Phi International fraternity to the In stallation reception honoring Gam ma Tan chapter oa the Willamette University campus on Sunday, May 25 ... the event will be held at Doaey Hall en the campus be tween S and S3 o'clock . . . The re ception will climax the weekend events following the format instal lation of the new Alpha Phi chap ter on Saturday, May Z4 Green and white . . . Hawaiian invitations have been sent by the Salem Junior Woman s Club to their annual installation banquet on May 26 at the Colonial House at 7 o dock . . . Aloha is written on the cover with a Hawaiian setting ana inside are tne words, "come to our luau Calendared . . , for Saturday Bight Is the Informal reception aad get-together at the Klagweed Heights homo of Justice and Mrs. James T. Brand honoring dele gates here for the annual confer ence of the Oregon United Nations Association ... Justice Brand is a member ef the state board Over 75 are expected to attend the LDr- James W. Wiley ... a lunch to Yoseraite National Park during tneir stay In California Returning . . . today by plane from a fortnight's stay in Honolulu at The Reef will be Mr. and Mrs, William A. Shlnn News comes . . . from Washing ton, D.C. telling as that Mary Ger- Unger, daughter of the Carl A. Gerllngers of Dallas, Is leaving Friday for a vacation In the Ba hamas and Cnbn . . . she will ac company . two . other .girls ..with whom she la engaged In govern ment work In toe nation's capital. Exciting summer ... is ahead for six University of Oregon coeds, who depart Jane 15 for the British Isles and' Europe ... In the groep are the Misses Linda Davis, Bar bara Geriinger. Elisabeth Walton, Lynn Hen-all, Gretcbea Kltzmlller and Jane Woods,, the latter two from Dallas . . . The girls will Join a college tour with coeds from all parts of the United States la the group News has reached . . . Salem friends of the marriage of Mrs, Robert Helm and Or. Arthur L. Rogers of Portland, which was quietly solemnized in Portland on May 12 in the Chanel of Trinity Episcopal cnurcn with Dr. Lan sing E. Kempton officiating . . . The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Richard Frederick Hoffmark of Portland, the bridegroom is the son of Arthur A. Rogers of Salem . . . Attending the couple were Mrs. Harry Tillman Shuler and conference e Saturday and Sun day at the Senator Hotel . . . The Salem ehapter Is host with Dr. Barley Zeigler as president . . . Mrs. Wayne Anderson and Mrs. Brand are in charge ef arrange ments for tae reception . . . lunch eons on" Saturday aad Sunday are scheduled with well known speak ers ... Coffee hostesses . . . Wednesday afternoon were Mrs. George S. Glisar and daughter, Barbara, who entertained at their home on Red Hill Drive ... the affair was ar ranged in honor of the Morningside School primary teachers and a special guest was Miss Gloria Kai nu, Barbara's teacher, who is be ing married to James McFadden in June . . . Additional guests were Principal and Mrs. Walter C Beck On the front door was a clus ter of wedding bells ... a white wedding cake .done in paper sculp ture and the bridal motif was fea tured in the table decor. . . Entertaining ... at luncheon and bridge today for a group ef friends will be Mrs. Dayl Burres, who has Invited the group to her South 21st Street home . . . Covers will be placed for Mesdames Ken neth Barker, Preston Bailey, C. Wayno Dnggan, Elmo McMillan, Claude Post, Sidney Hoffman, Gor don Chris tensen and Robert White. Returning ... to the capital Tuesday from a three weeks' trip south were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Barr, who have been sojourning in Carmel. They also enjoyed a trip eon for the wedding party follow ing the U'o'clock rites ... The new Mrs. Rogers has been Girl Scout Executive director for the Portland Girl Scout Council the past year and prior to that was executive of the Three Rivers Girl Scout Council in Eugene ... Dr. Rogers is president of the Port land Clinic ... A surprise . . . wedding anni versary party feted Mr. and Mrs. Emery Hendrlckson Sr. Monday night on the 25th milestone of their marriage ... the party was ar ranged by a group ef their friends, neighbors and relatives ... the couple's marriage took place la Salem and they have resided la the Four Corners area ever since Then three children, Emerv HehdricksM Jr., Rod Hendrlckson and Mary Bleckert, and their fam ilies arranged the affair . . . Seventy-five guests attended and com ing from out-of-town were Mr. and Mrs. James Springer of Cor vallls, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Rus sell ef Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. AI Olson of Washington aad Mrs. Lola Alter ef Portland . . . A "live party" for the Live Y'ern will be held at the home of Miss Katy Plechl Friday evening. The entertainment will include record ed music, dancing and refresh ments. Members are asked to meet first at the YWCA at S p.m. and all single men and women be tween 18 and 35 are invited to attend. straps for summer Jantzen Jandoliers Hollywood Skooters . Jandolier in white, flax kid or black patent; lim wedge heel; 4Vi-10, N, M. $4.95 . Two-strap Skooter in yellow, orange, p'mk or white kid. 4'j-10; N, M. $6.95 Jandolier "T" sandal in shades, of beige or all white. 4y2-10; N, M. $4.95 Mail and phone orders WOMEN'S SHOES STREET FLOOR ( jandoliers STORE HOURS MONDAY & FRIDAY: 5:30A.M.O9P.M. ' l Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Jones of Brooks were among the passengers sailing from San Francisco to Honolulu aboard the LuLine oa Monday. The trawelers plan to sojourn in the Islands for e month. . 'j ttfiDXP WMtafcsmffii Statesman. Salem, Ore., Thur., May 15, '58 (Sec. LU)-13 Norwegians To Celebrate Saturday Sons of Norway, Thor Lodge 42 will celebrate the Norwegian In dependence Day on Saturday, May 17 at the West Salem City Hall at C:30 p.m. A smorgasbord and program is scheduled and the main speaker will be Norman Nil- son, state labor commissioner. His topic Is Norwegian Independence. Miss Karl Bjornerud is heading the refreshment committee; Mrs. Winifred Larson, decorations; and Mrs. Hjalmer Gann, Independence, entertainment. There will be folk dancing in Norwegian costume and dancing to the music of the Sons of Nor way orchestra. The affair is open to the public and reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Otto Lehman. LYONS Mr. and Mrs. Ray Short have returned to Pendleton, after spending several days at the home of her mother, Mrs. Lydia Culwell and her brother-in-law and i sister, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Naue. Bon Voyage Party Mrs. Carl Beebe war hostess for a buffet luncheon on Tuesday at her home honoring Mrs. Loren Hicks and her mother, Mrs. Rob ert Thompson, who 'are leaving Tuesday for five months in Eng land, Scotland and Europe. Assist ing the hostess was Mrs. Larry Harafijern. Accent club members attending and honoring the travel ers were Mrs. George Donahoe, Mrs. Manford Anson, Mrs. Larry Harafijern, Mrs. Joseph Man, Mrs. Norval Cruzen, Mrs. Wil liam Smith, Mrs. L.- E. Watson, Mrs. Lloyd Drayton, Mrs. Fred Baiter, Mrs. Loyal Looney, Mrs. C. Castille, Mrs. Al Petska and Mrs. Margaret Simonton. SPRING VALLEY The Nutri tious Nuts 4-H cooking club, with Mrs. Bruce Howell and Mrs. Ern est Gresham leaders, is planning a no-host luncheon for Satur day, May 17 at noon at the Com munity Center. All the food will be prepared by the club members and served to their parents. LYONS Juanita Wright was hostess for the afternoon card club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Dessert luncheon' was followed by several tables of HO.'' "' ' Sandra Pain Announces Betrothal Mr. and Mrs. A. Charles Pain are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Miss Sandra June Pain, to Clarence P. Schlechter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schlech-. ter of Gervais. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Pain is employed at the Oregon Farm Bureau. She ar rived in Salem two years ago with her parents from England. Mr. Schlechter will soon be leaving for Fort Ord, Calif., where he will be stationed with the U.S. Army for a training period. New Members Greeted New members welcomed at the meeting of Hope Assembly, ain bow Girls Mother's Club were Mrs. Darr Mennis, Mrs. Alan Siewert and Mrs. Stewart Chisholm. Spe cial guests attending the meeting at the home of Mrs. Gleasoa Young were Mrs. D. M. Eby, mother advisor, and Mrs. Charles Dodd, associate mother advisor. 2& m mi Pi Storewide Reductions on Dresses, Coats, Suits and Sportswear! SWIM SUITS Large selection beautiful new Lee Swim Suits the season's newest styles. Smartest colors and best fitting swim suits. Get your while selections are at tehir best. Priced at $00 $00 $j)00 Entire Dress Stock Reduced Special Purchase "Viennese Girl" Dresses Nationally Advertised. One of America's Best Known Lines ef Fine Dresses. Beau tifully Styled and Exceptionally Good Fitting. These Dresses Sell Regularly from 14.95 to 24.95. Never Before Never Again At This Fantastic Price DRESSES Dresses for all occasions. Hundreds of Dresses Just re ceivedGraduation Dresses i Beautiful Summer Cottons Chemise Dresses Sheath Dresses as well as full skirt ed styles to make your selec tors. All colors all styles all sites. $95 Some a Little Higher Blouses on Sett BLOUSES Wide Selection of Styles Colors All Sizes Values to 2.95 Sale Price T-Shirts on Salo T-SHIRTS Mostly White With Multi-Color Trim Regular 1.95 Sale Price Special Purchase Exceptionally Fine Quality Pedal Pushers M a d t by One of tht Finest Makers pf La dles' Sports wear Many Colors All Sixes. Regular 4.95 Sole Price Shorts on Sole Jamaica Shorts Beautiful Multi-Color Plaid Jamaica Shorts Values to 7.95 Sale Price $J100 Play Sets on Salt SHORTS and Matching Tops Sale Price $1199 Sweaters on Salt A4 WmI and Fw llmrf N.vhy Sweaters One of a Kind, Etc. Values to 7.95 Sale Price SHORTY COATS One Large Group All Wool Shorty Costs Values to 24.95 Sale Price SPORT Skirt and Matching Boxy Type Tops Ideal Sportswear Sets 10.95 Value Sale Price Special Pwehast CAPRI PANTS Special Purchase exception ally fine quality Capri pants in a wide selection of colors and patterns. Made to fit and wear. Regular 6.95. Sale Price COATS Beautiful Velveteen Coats. The coat that is worn 12 months out of the year. They are exceptionally nice. Come in Blue, Red, Purple and Black. Sale Price $2)88 evhpiii:&i , Special Purchase Beautiful Group ef Fine Quality Shorty Coots. All wool tweeds end solid col ors included. 4 I Velues to 29.95 a SUITS All Wool Fine Quality Boxey Suits. These Are Real Values. Priced to 29.95 Sale Price SPECIAL PURCHASE CAPRI PANTS Vary large selec tion Stripes Nalds-Selld Colors All Regular DUSTER COATS Large Group Ladies' Duster Coats Values to 24.95 Sale Price Slips Special Purchase Excep tionally Fine Quality NyloiV Slips Famous MN Sale Price Come Earlv-Door0nens9:30a.m COATS Closing Out Spring Wool Coats. Many Beautiful Costs Included in This Group Sale Price $2288 F0RMALS Large Group of Ladies and Juniors Fine Formal Dresses. One of fe Kind. Sale Price $H88 t. vincii wnii 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. 464 STATE ST. ILL