8" Here is Tyrone Power with his second wif.- tress Linda Christian. They are now divcrc.jl. Tyrone Power with Ava Gardner ir a scene from "The Sun Also Rises.' Tyrone and Annabella during his first marriage. if I BY TYRONE POWER It's one thing to In 1jUL' 1 itM iim i.ywood and en listed ir; tlir Marino Corps induction "i S.1II Dli'tni. Call! . I '. . I s intel eel I". .1 .s i hi.it i 1st Do you have a leai nf height-." lie asked I ill I m it !i iiid 1 1 1" ! hem. " I sn id Ale iiii all, ml of crowds'' " II I hoy i e a preview am ! u ncr vi'iv." I admitted And how do you net alone, with f t J . ; ' ft TP' qf make love on the screen, women" he wanted to know in t "Doctoi. they scare mi tn death'" I exclaimed "The M.nnii'.s are the plaee I'm ymi." lie .said "NiAt man'" II s in en Millie time Min e I served mv ."' years m the Cmps. but women sti!! si are me They always have, and I lOless thev alvas will Some people think this is peculiar, her.nise tin mistake me fin an authniitv on the female sex On the wnvn you've but t:....l,- I..-..- to .,; fl j. ,l.tu: vl.rtu .'II ui: Is.' a : .e:.i! -.mi i . . , i . 1 1 y Ymi i-.iet know all abuut how to hand 1. uninrii N'nthmi; eniild he farther hum the ti nt li I adtn i ! I e wi u ked w il h worn, i: nios ol my lift, m motion pietuies 'li "II the -'are I've in .11 involved like e'liy man 111 til.- t ,i ! -; : f . battle ':! the si xes, and I've p.,s-e! the ai:e ol in. s hen a man has 1. ai in d h. ivv to si.lvo most problem" But most 1 II) -s -r6 i' ' '- . v V''-'', V' 1 'Aoiinn uo on terrilyim; and I.. a lliiiU in.- I . this day 1 think the modern t ma!. , . ,:, most men. hut she does!) t naiie r .Someone oiiL'ht to tell tin yuK h.i' tin e d.iinU tn Us. s,, t:.a as ..... . sin k mv m i k out At n .,st J 11 L: ,. wives and husbands soinethmr. t.. ar.mie about' It' i.u want to know the van..,, kinds o! mid-l'nth-eent in women ! feu most, here's the list Career girls, actresses tlley at e the e. I kn.eA he-t Tin ill. lie ho :i ; n -I . ol: -pete w ith them, ha ; lie! t e keep far 1 1 ills hack lot da.'':. ' u ounil- Beautiful dolls lhe think tin World im es them ,i living heeailse I in were (mill with .. faee and a he.iin I e,el awa fast Gossips some people --a the re u r s e m HnlK w nnd. hut l' e fniitid t hem c v i -w here Romantic dreamers these mils 1 1 vi lli a e i a .' n i I i tlle ' V O 111., lie up all In then si l es II -not for me. in real life Those are foui pes that make me run for cover and I II prohahl think of moie as I warm up. In one n myeaiK pu t u res I pl.'i ed opposite an ai h e.ss a ho was a pel In t example of today s eoinpel it i me hrst lareei' mi l. Win n she spoke nl "m ("areei on ( oiild tell she spelled it with a capital C. I soon found nut that a love scene with hei u as a m il I -tarv nianeuvei a jealous battle fm position in Iront of the camera She thiew passionate arms annual my lack .mil. with the lovelic.ht slunint; in In r i es. pulled my head around so thai only my left ear icmamed isihle to the camera. I.alii 1 learned tn defend myself in this kind nf battle 1 let the lady up state mi- and deliberately turned my back to the canieia Then uiie ol twn thmns happened The directoi soiiie 'imes .stopped the action and moved us around so we shaied the camera. ..i he let her play most nf the scene her way. then meved the camera ainiind and nave me a cluseup It was passive resistance on my part but few leading men in Hollywood are tunlhardy enmiuh tn tangle with this bleed of female I discussed tin' subject i eci ntly with i fi lend in the publishing business Il you think actresses are hard to handle. he tolil me. "try de.ilmv; .villi women wiileis'' Another man I know is mariied to a woman ex .cutivi' What she'll dn to ud ahead is scary , he said A i calls determined career woman is a fearsome creature In rev or ynu lind hi'i The beautiful-dell type, who makes me head fur the lulls, is dangerously atti active at liist smht and can trap a man belure he reahes what he's let himself in fur Sume time anu I worked with a star let who had a perfect figure and a peach-blossom complexion a livine walking dream I thought she miht be nice company for a quirt rvenmn. But when w e stalled on the picture I found not only that she couldn't act. but that she wasn t even smart ennuh In know sin1 couldn t "I've been assured I have the nat ural attributes for stardom," she told me. In other words, she expected to Let ahead with her figure and her bin bhieeyes. Or maybe they were blown. 1 don t remember, because ! kept as far out of rane of hei charms as I possibly could. One icason I fear such vain and lovely hemes is that one nf them n the wile of a friend of mine He and the lady recently ( ante to my small penthouse in New York City where I live when not traveling or makiiii; a picture 1 like the place because it s small and coy and obviously de simu'd for single occupancy . After two marriages which lasted a total of Hi years. 1 have icvcrted tn bachelor status mnie wary of women than ever before M liiend. Fred, and bis beautiful wife. Breinla. inspected my l(l-hy-12-hvinn room, the bedroom and kitchen, and the little nhissed-in terrace where I have dinner on a card table and watch the ubtlei of tin' Manhattan sky line at nmht. Brother, you've nut it made." Fred said. "This is all a man needs " Bienda looked suspicious. "So you d like this, would you'" she asked siimle blessedness auain'' The truth is that Brcnda has never bothered much with houiomakiim She s too busy v isitini; dressmakei s and beauty salons, preservint; hei status as a beautiful doll Qiiiin AtiKH I went to Hollywood in 1 !.'!(. I i't acquainted with the kind of female I call the ro mantic ihcamoi. Thi'- .me can ihiow a i eal fi milt into a man I ve acted manv romantic seems in which desiiable women lall madly in love with me and I with them But I wasn't prepa red a I ti 1st to have women in the audience mistake this illusion for reality, and fall for a celluloid level who duesn t exist It shook me One woman olTered a studio telephone operator JalMI for my unlisted num ber Another wrote and threatened to throw herself in Iront of my car un less I made a dale with her I didn't, and she didn't. Other male stars have had even wilder experiences. I've never found a strange woman under the bed or bad my clothes torn olf by frantic frmalrs 111 tbr strrrl But I still won der why some women cant live in the real world, which is a pretty nice place alter all. "Our life together could be one lone, blissful dream," a .mil vvinte to an other, handsomer actor I know. Blissful dream. n' eye' In said "I want a wile who II e.et up and change the baby s di.ipris when hr hollers at 1 in the murmur; Fortunately, not all vvumrii frii'hl. n me There ale and have been a lew exceptions ha I il - vv ol k II iU suicessllli women who are vv at m - In at ted. t'la emus, and reneinus Take my mntlni. I'atia I'ovvii. fm example She was an acttcss who played Shakespeare, laiii'ht diamatics. and at the same time made a line hnme lei me and my ynunnei sislei . Anne She didnt believe in lettinc. children bch.ix e as lin-v ph ased Anne and 1 weie nspmisible foi makiiiL' our beds and keepua; mn i ooins neat In company we vvcie seen and not heal d. and we didn't in I up 1 1 on i the dinnei table until wed been ex. used The t leir'hboi b. mi I llieatoi m Cin cinnati was my childhood play house, when- I Weill altel sihiml to watch mother teach and n-beaisc Fveiy eVellllit; she lead Us pnehv novels, and the best diumatio lit. i allire Bui she never once siu'in-sted th.it I out'Jit to make acting my caicei She wasn't the kind of "slat'c molln i I run from w believe! 1 see ..lie i om ini; Ton often such women only want the tot on the slane tn satisfy tin n uwn anibi'tion I believe yniinvsters should choose their own vvoik. just as I made mv own decision to cany on the family tbealiical tradition At 17 I was graduated from I'lncell hii'.h school in Cincinnati, and the dav att.i commencement I announced that I was lca um home to in. on tin staoe I headed lor ('hieai'ii. wheie I landed a job as a speai -cat i v me ex lia in ihe Civic I'heatei s Shakes peare Cump.iny All I knew about 1 1 I s at this time was that they .daimed me and mad' me v.e uely tmcomloi table In ciaih schuul I had been in pnni health ami veiy sh While in liii'b s hool I was bus woikinu behind a soda touiilau. duiinu vai.itioi.s and uslieimi; in tin .iters at m ;;l 1 1 . I bad ln time fm dates Then in Chicago I met anotbei ex ceptional woman who duln I scale nn Hei name vv as I airl el la It was a queci lomance I.uiietia was a waitress in a restaiii.ini where I diopped in one nmht bn a sand wich Soon I was slopping by two m three niuhts a week aftei the theatei When theie vveien I many custoineis. we talked'. Or rather. 1 talked about my ambition to become an actoi , my hope to ret In New Yin k ol Holly -wood She let me lave about my pmbleins and futilie. and altboimh I must have been an awlul hoi e she never let it slinvv. 8 yanulU Wi'i'sli Mv II. I9r. f ii.mli Wi'i'W.i Mm II. J 95