700 Rentali 703 Apartnwnts For Kant CLEAN, cozy, bath, utll. Set i.V'.. Capitol fuSST 2 rm. court ' ant UU1. pd. $43 me. EM 3-7493. COMPLETELY furn, rKiiusnTi, on for summer month!. $63. Thi other permanent rental, $86. Call Mrs. Nelson. Eve. EM z-iaw. neison at neiion. Hesl ton. 1AM Com'l. BE. em THE LEE KOW available, bachelor 1 bd rm. a wrm. Apia. DBA ti Winter EM 4-1441. I RM. fura. 1st fir. r. pri 12th. lv. bath ant far. 960 8. CLOSE in modern (ura. 1 rm apt EM 2-6490 except Sat. tH N. LIBERTY, lit fir. 3 mi, ..411 tut W urn. UUJ. fWAJH -1141. CLOSE S bedrm. turn. utll. pd. aduita. 170 Union. EM 4-06M. EURN. 1 It 3 bdrm. court apt. All utll., reaa. ratei. Children LARGE S rm. turn, around Or. Clot In, bus, stores bank 1058 Edgewater M.W. NICELY turn, close In bsmt. apt. Bath, refrtf., else, stove, All utll. turn. One person. $22. 145 Vnlon. EM 4 1468. rURN. apt. near Cap. Shopping Center, no smokers or drink' ers. m a-aiiw after f p.m. TURN. 1 bdrm. frplc, utlL turn. ffu. iiu ruis, - ATTRACT. Turn. 2 rm. den, prlv, utll. pd. 230 Mission. CYPRESS COUBT: Clean unfurn 1 bdrm. Apt. HO, EM 4-6690. 1ST FLOOR furn. TV sntenns, carport, 130. EM 3-9639. SALVADORE Vacancy. 1 bdrm. m a norm. do. wiois to shop. pine area, bus pais the dr, 86230 a- i72 is. Li. it Day ph. EM 4-0157, Eve. EM 2-1732. ATTRACTIVE furn. apti. In Hoi. qrwooa snooping tenter, steam heat, laundry -rm.. reasonable. EM 4-MM. 3002 Fairgrounds no. NEAR downtown lovely 4 rm. tt bath. Carpeted, frpl. EM 4-: 4-7251 or EM fcsWLY decor. Ice. furn. apt., 2 b)ka, from M&F. EM 2-7830. tO. unfurn. 3 bdrm. .downtown. 461 Ferry. t RM. Apt upstairs, HO N. If 'h, N.E. EM 3.5933. 706 Dupltxt t Courtt HEW I Nice I l bdrm., nr. bus. Built-in oven St range. Base board. Water furn. Elec. heat, 656. EM 2-8061, EM 2-8361 . JEW Duplex 1 bdrm., unfurn. radiant (lass heat. Carport Washing faculties. 1080 Hurel St. EM 8-0255 or EM 4-036S. CLOSE In 3 rm. furn, duplex, 828, 76B Marlon. EM 2-5233. CASCADE PLAZA. Furn. choice apt, new furniture, lge. run., ui Dauis, only ass 4-6871 or EM 2-0728. 1 BDRM. in ct Range ft refrlg. EM 4-1128 after 4 pjn. 1 BDRM. new duplex 884 sq. ft. fir. apace plus gar., adults, 3898 Dreamerie Lane N.E. EM 4-8413 or EM 4-9488 after 6:00 p.m. ' S RM. furn. court, Hollywood qi. you. CM 4-0593. iiEW Riviera Court 2 bedrm. unfurn. apt birch kitchen, tile shower bath, range, refrlg., washing faculty. 2991 N. River Road. EM 4-9668. CLEAN 3 rmi, prlv. bath, full bim't EM 3-8036. EM 2-6644. MICE furn. 1 bdrm. Couple only, . Big. riwi. CHOICE upper duplex, flrepl., TV ant., appliance., bsmt., far. 1288 Court EM 3-7124. 707 Houses for RenT 1 BDRM. hse. All elec. Nr. mkt. Inq. 1896 S. 13th. t BEDRM. hse. S89 Osk St EM 4-4478. I BEDRM. hse. carage, fir. fur nsce. EM 4-8396 or EM 3-7334. MALL 3 bdrm. hse., no gar., good loc. 888. EM 3 6883. S BDRM. unfurn. gar. elec. heat. Adults only EM 3-4258. iiEW 1 bdrm. home, lots of closet apace, stove, reirig.. ga rsge, some utll. Inq. 1908 N. itn ot. NEAT tc clean 3 bdrm. home nr. ach'le, 363 me. EM 4-6878, CLEAN 2 bdrm. house in court, oil furnace, gar., washer, dry er. xii nazal, jem 4-iwv. Ill BDRM. hae. nr. bua store. EM 4-3778 after 6 P.M. LOVELY S bdrm. corner duplex. rang, rexrig., eu cicc. su tat Z-7W0 msiae uw. t BDRM. Hie., South. Garden space, no pets. EM 4-0039. SENT free 2 bdrm. hse.. lee. frpl a(t( in exchange for looking ter my noma Ideal for re tired couple, Must have ad refi. C. F. M11U, Ore. Cathey. Scoits filCE clean 2 bdrm. ranch type with attach, gar. sub. N.E. $68 10 me nam party, zovu 1 isner Rd. AvaU. May 10. t BDRM, range and rerig., 478 a. iiio. s. LIKE new amall 2 bedrm. hse grand view, elec. heat, Inside util. gar. & antenna; water furn. 862.90. EM 2-4644. 1MODERN 2 bedroom home. EM 3-8241. 1 BDRM. newly decor. Range reirigerator. Nr. Salem uen ersl Hospital. 635 Jason, $98. a,M Z-Z7V7. I BDRM. HOUSE. GAR., $58. Frpl. Close in. Inq. 1290 Fir t BEDRM. bsm't. 750 I. 885. EM Z-4118. JM Z-14B9. S BDRM. unfurn. on one flocr, frpl., gar., 6c bsmt., close to state bldg. 61 stores, $75. EM Z-0B48. Avail. May in. I BDRM. aub home, )i a. Inlaid lino., hdwd. firs., lswn, near Swesle Schl. $58. EM 2-6161 or latnax 7-zm. TOR rent Nice 2 bedrm. home north, Ig. fenced nick yard, $60. GEO. WALTERS, REAL TOR, EM 2-6714 or EM 4-6365. .2 BDRM. home, rent, trade or sell, exc. cond. 583 Tryon. EM 2-7122 after 4 p.m. S BDRM. mod. hse., locsted at 3730 osDorn, sss. j;m e-zm Ext. 717. 3 BEDRM. house, freshly paint ed, $67.60. 2465 Helm St. S.E. See 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. 1 BEDRM. hse.. nice cond, $62.50 mo. 8090 N. Lancaster Dr. EM 4-0708. after 1:30 p.m. or before 8 a.m. NICE clean 3 bdrm, hse. Im medlate possession. Inq. 562 Mill. EM 3-9413. IDEAL for couple 3 rm. partly furn., utU. pd. $50, West Sa lem 1037 W. 3rd St. FAMILY home close to High land School, $4- M 2-3395. 3 BEDROOM house, 4 blocks from city center. Auto, heat, fireplace a, basement. 65.00 per month. EM 3-4788. 07-s FurnUhod Houses 1 BDRM. SUBURBAN turn. hse. on ', A. Fruit, chicken hse., garden apace. Swells Dist. I COMPLETELY FURNISHED I bdrm. homes. 1 with saw dust furn., one wit) oil. Close In location. $68' k $90. Call Dorathy Nelson. Eve. EM 3-1350 Nelson k Neiion Real tori. 1890 Com'l, SE. EM 2-3669 DELUXE completely furnished 2 bedroom home with wall to . wall carpeting, 2 baths, D jrar. beautiful lawn and yard. $12S a mo. Call Mr. Jacobien EM 4-2293. Eves. EM 4-9629. Ja cobsen Keene, Reslton. CLEAN furnished 1 bdrm., frpl. (ar., bimt, oil heat, no dogs, 53. EM 2-9894. CLEAN 1 bdrm., garage, adults, no pets. 1915 Highway Ave. SMY-SltkV 11 1700 Rentals 707-8) Furnished House FOR Rent 3 rm. furn. bse. 1181 n. 14U1. EM 3-984J. SPAC. 1 bdrm., ct., frpl., walk. dist. aims, sou. t.u a-vsev, 3 BEDRM. furn, near N. Hi. EM 2-8788. eve. Salem CLEAN 1 Bdrm. home, all else pan urn. Eve. JEM . 2786 709 Wonted to Rent WANTED: AU types of houses, apartments and duplexes to rent. Have list of waiting ten- n wanting good Clean dwell ings. Call Dorothy Nelson Eve. EM 2-1350. Nation A Nalinn Realtor! 1390 Commercial BE cat 3-30W. Business Rtntots" STUCCO building W by SO' ir uuwi, eoncrete floor. Paved Streets. EM 3-8319. 780 Moving Storage" Larmer Transfer k Storage COMPLETE movin mmrvinm Also agents for BEKINS Na tionwide Movers. EM 3-1131. 800 Real Estate 801 Business Opportun. UNION 76 Has modern station for lease. uood location, large lot, paid company training for right ferson. Aoeve average atauon, 'M 37676. CAFE If It'a a cafe for which you're looKina sduu win sian vou a cooking. Full price 92800. Lot ouuaing si equipment. w. Reeve Rttr. I860 Mission. EM 3-4890. Eve. EM 3-0898 or EM tf-VEMO. VANETTE k auto supplies, must sen 81498. Ph. EM 4-8038 eve. FOR t.F.AKK Establ modern IBay Station by i-iajur uii co. sjcceuenx loca tion. Utll. 4 equip, furn. Fl nanciai aiiiat. avail, to re sponsible parties. EM 3-4702 pays, jejm 2-S4N eves. ICE cream ft hamburger Drive- in. jsest location in saiem. Good vr. around bmlnin. Owner will consider property traoe. . a-eoja aner e p.m. WILL manage, lease or buy small cafe or drlve-ln. Box 339. Statesman-Journal. RESTAURANT : aU equipped, doing good businen. 14 stools, z Dooms, cau or ina. at wait'i Tavern, SUverton, Ore. TR a-6711. FOR LEASE Super Station. 6 pumps, inde penaeni, exc. location. Good money msker for right open tor. Ph. Portland AV 6-1611 or n a. e-uvj xves. zwn state. TAVERN. Fslls City land bids'.' Sell or trade. Statesman. journal, box 333, CAFE FOR SALE Cue of Oregon's be it fishing areas 06 Highway 101; Sesti zs. witn living quarters, write P.O. Box 401, Winchester Bay, uregon. I'OR aale. restaurant k fixtures. residence cabins, located st Jefferson, Ore Pioneer Trust co. Executor, cash or terms fcM 3-3136. 802 Bus. t Income Prop. FOR lease or aale: Bldg. in corners bus dist. Former! Fox Hatchery. Inq. Russel Wilson, Lyons, Ore. 803 Suburban NE, A am. 2 bdrm. home, work shop, 2374, Brown na. 806 Houses For Sale FHA SPECIALS $9,800 On 24th St. north of Mar- ket. 2 bedrooms. Good sized dining room. I ireplace. Forced air vu ncai. uivciy ucignoor' nooa. $10,000. More eto-age space In this 2 bedroom, north side home than in two ordinary nouses, rne mtcnen is large, eautuui ana convenient. 111.750. FOUR BEDROOMS. BATHS. FULL BASEMENT. Bus atop at door. 2 blocka to Bt. Vincents. $20,000. SPLIT LEVEL. 4 BED' ROOMS. 2 Full baths. Base ment. Large lot with an cast ern view of the mountains un surpassed. Might trsde in your lower pricea nome on this one, CLYDE PRALL REALTOR 154 S. High St. EM 4-8443 Home 'Phone EM 3-7250 3 BEDRM. house, lrg. lot, 810 Browning Ave. S.E. will trade for Eugene property. EM4-1776 I BDRM., family rm., 1, baths, S. FHA SDDrov. Nr. schools $14,500, $1,000 dn. EM 4-9568 - eves. COTTAGE priced for quick aale $2875. 2753 S. Summer. EM 4-8091. MR. OWNER! Glen Woodry will pay top price tor your iu & appliances. EM 3-5110. NEW House Westridae addition. view, i.bim sq. tt. must aee to appreciate, em 4-4210. I A DANDY-lTrom Its protected front entrance, you step into this home that neatly incor porates many home seekers preferences, it has 3 Bdrms., compact kitchen, dining area. brick wall room divider with fireplace, w.w. carpet In liv ing Rm. k dining area, tile bath, garage, lawn, shrubs, nice fenced back yard for the kiddles, owner leaving State, sacrificing at $12,500. Call Ron. Kraui, eve. ph. EM 3-5668 Creek frontage Southeast, 7 acres, a nice remoaeiea Bdrm. home in nice setting of trees, dble. garage with breezeway, barn, chicken hse. machine shed, fenced 81 cross fenced, good place for horses, shown by appt. $18,000. Call Bill Fidler, eve. ph. EM 4-7448. Want charm k comfort in an excellent areaclose to Morn lngside school? 3 Bdrms. l'i baths, nice living Km. with penciling 81 bookcases, built in oven k range in birch kitchen, Jianelled k papered family din ng Rm., fireplace, this is the first time on the market A- at only $18,800. Call PedweU, eve. ph. EM 2-7977. REALTOR 316 N. Church St Ph. EM 4-6871 PLACE for sale on Highland, next to Vincent Seb. EM 4-7381 MILL CREEK 2 bdrm. home. FHA appraised for $11,500. -Make an oiler. 235 S. 35th St. $100 DOWN balance like rent, new d ucunni. uui. uriit, home.' South. Owner EM 4-4912 ON Mill Creek 2 blk. of MAF well built, 2 bdrm. home 3',i yrs. old $8.B00. EM 3-4842. FOR SALE or rent modern 3 bdrm. hse. with daylight bsmt. Close to schl. 8c . bus $13,500. $1,000 will hsndle. EM 4-6902, 1:00-9:00 p.m. week daya or write P.O. Box 1071. Salem. BY OWNER bdrm. dble. gar,, garden. Good location. 1041 Bug W. Saiem. 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sele Squeeze Your Can't be beat at $9,500. Good . 3 bdrm. family home double lumblng, bsmt. St. Vincent ollywood shopping close by, Seams Bursting? Trade your 2 bdrm. home on this comfortable Northgate 3 bdrm. home. Price $11,950. Our client prefers North or East saiem at on Due jine. wnai have you? CLUETT & KENYON REALTORS 1980 Fsirgrounds Rd. EM 2-3851 eves, phone i 4-sbbd REAL ESTATE HARD TO SELLT-Don't worry about It. we nave traaea many pri n: emes promaDiy. liu met Nefton. Eve. EM 2-1350. Nelson & Nelson - REALTORS ISM Commercial 8E. EM 23669 IN SOUTH SALEM NEAR HIGH school This lovely home is omy yrs. oia ana mce new, tt has 4 It. bedrms. k. a den. Ig. dining rm., oak floors, new carpet, oil furnace. $12,500, GEO; WALTERS. REALTOR. 960 S. COM'L. EM 3-6714 or JCM 4-K163. CHOICE ACREAGES Hi Acres Near New Judson H.S. $3800. 8 Acres Prlngle District $2500. 8 Acres Esit. Good terms. $2950. 10 Acres Lardon Rd. $6000. 18 Acres. Bldgs. Good Wall. 33800. Call Mr. Crawford (eve. ph. EM 4-DOZOJ. i AL ISAAK k CO., Realtors 323 church St. N.E. Ph. EM 4-3311 or EM 3-7820 FOR MOTHER'S DAY Give her this cozy and clesn 1 bedroom home in nice residen tial area and within two blocks of good shopping center, South. Large Living room with well io wau carpet, insiae utuity, paved street and close to bus. Property in excellent condl' Hon. Terms, only $eooo. THIESEN REALTY Martha EThleien, broker. 4920 Coloma Drive, SE EM 3-8497 DOWN PAYMENTS Every house below YOURS on Je HA terms plus closing costs. OLD, NEW, SMALL ac LARGE Take your pick I Phone IRA MANSFIELD EM 4-3394.' Eve. EM 3-9728. CLIFF BOWDER EM 4-3394, Eve. EM 3-9956. $300. DOWN, EAST near State nosp. a yrs. oia, 3 spacious Dorms., large worxsnop. city water at aewer. immaculate Near shopping it bus. $9950 $600. DOWN. SOUTH 1 blk. from a. aaiem man. 4 spacious bdrms,, 2 full baths, basement 90 x 160 lot with wonderful hade trees. $11,750. $300. DOWN. SOUTH EAST. 5 yrs. oia, in excellent neighbor hood of good homes. Younis town steel kitchen, hardwood noors, 81x170 lot. quiet street. swuu. $1300. DOWN, NORTH. Spark una ia,w a oarm. faneiea living room, l',i baths. Cer amic llle. Inside olanter. Darl ing Rustic ranch type home. $250 DOWN, SOUTH. Darling 2 joui in. nome. ioveiy snsae Trees, orosd green lawns. fenced yard. Colorado owner sacrificing $2000. to sell quick. yrs. old. excellent condition Ideal for small family. $7000. $500 POWN, Near ST. VINCENT scmuul. 3i bdrm.. deep Iry basement. 168 ft., secluded ot- with shade trees ideal for outdoor living. 30 ft. living room. Live graciously and SAVE With SAWDUST HEAT. ail.zuo. $300 DOWN, NORTH. Cozy cot tags tor smsu lamuy. 5 yri. old. Sparkling like new. Ex cellent Lawn, flowers A: ahrubi z twrm, bus by door. $8950, Phone CLIFF BOWDER EM 4-3394, Lve. EM 3-9956 or IRA MANSriEU) EM 4-3394, Eve, EM 3-9728. wsm m iaMaiaiaa'aaiiaaVaJ 1890 FAIRGROUNDS RD. TRADE TRADE UNIT Resldentisl Ct. value $23,000. Eaultv amirox. SIS (KM Trade for acreage South or good 2 Bedrm. home. MARKET ST.' Bedrm. home with Basmt. priced at $8450. Eauity aoorox. $5000. Take Auto, camping irucr, iw, as part aown. DUPLEX $11,000. all clear, has 2 aide by aioe iwu Bearm. units each with Wtr. heaters, ranges k Refrigerstors, Dbl. Gar. k Hobby shop, take 2 Bedrm. Hse. South or sell outright. TWO HOMES $13,500. Both Man. located on !',' A. South on Pvd. Rd. Equity approx. $10,000. Take duplex or suitable home in town. ED LUKINBEAL REALTOR 433 N. HIGH EM 2-6680 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR LET us solve your home needs. 10 ouy, seu or rent, call em 4-5743. 1211 Edcewater. EM 4-7874, 2710 So. Commercial. MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY Lge. 2 bdrm. home, bsmt. Pos- iiDie 31a oarm, pet. loan. Low down payment. EM 2-7071 BY OWNER Occupant. Walking aisi. ,apiioi group at 3 anop ping ctrs. Completely furn. nr, new furn. 3 bdrm. hse. Wall to wall carpet, liv. rm., din. rm., dinette, one fir. full bsmt. auto, forced air furnace, aar.. nice lawn. Terms. Ph. for aDDt. EM z-1719. Write statei. man-Journal Box 333. LITTLE dn., FHA approved, bdrm. home. So. EM 2-7779. BRAND NEW $12,500 bdrm.. fam. rm.. 3 bathi. birch kit., dble. gar., frplc, patio 1st St. West of Cum mines Sch'l. Last hse. North. EM 4-8268. Owner, builder. $11,500. 3 good rentals on one A. M. near Mommgsiae School. F:sy terms. Jusf off 12th St C. W. Reeve Rltr. 1860 Mission St. EM 3-45P0 Eve. Sun. EM 3-0836 cr EM 2-0898. $6150. Near To. Salem Hi. 2 bdrm. home. Very neat & clean. Owner v.i I tcke in geed car. C. W. Beeve R'tr. lew Mission St. EM 3-'S'J Eve. Sun. EM 3-9536 or EM 2-0808. 2 BDRM., new roof, redec., nice yd., near St. Vincents. 2000 N. Sth. $7,800. E-Z Termi. Owner, CM 31794. 1800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sile CANDALARIA JUST ON THE MARKET. This roomy home has a sweeping view of the city and ' moun tains. The kitchen has all new cabinet work of wavy golden birch, trimmed with copoer hardware. There ' la a lull oreaiuttsi nutiK dctiuct an ex tra large dining room. The bath has birch builtlns and a separate ceramic stall shower. The living room, hallwaye. din. Ing room and one bedroom are all carpeted. The base' ment has a oarty room com. plat with builtln bar. We be lieve you will like this new iieung, I or only 920,000. CALL EM 4-6766 Eve: Mrs. Stephenson EM 4-6149 Ted Morrison, Realtor 260 N. HIGH PHO. EM 4-6766 $500 -DOWN Balance $7780 and payments like rent, on tnis 3 Ddrm. lamu; home in the Englewood Dial Large lot, bus by door, easy walking alliance to schools ana shopping. Call Fred Brennan Eve. EM 4-7328. To Settle Estate On Family home, close In on South Commercial (Business property) Home older type, double ible pi x 165, ilumblng, 3 bdrms. lot unirt approved sen 310.500. Shown b) Ing price $10,500. Shown by appointment. Call Al Roome, appoini Eve, EM 4-8416. Joe Bourne Realtbr 1140 N. Capitol EM 3-8216 7:30-9:30 LONO LOW RUSTIC. The Hustle charm of this home will amaze you. Lifetime split ahake roof, California Stone front, 2 frplcs, floor to ceiling brick in liv. rm. family rm. with paneling galore, Hi baths, ceramic tile, 3 bdrms., Ig. utll. dble. gar. ' MANY LUXURY MATERIALS' ' PricedVell Below AppraisaTaT$16,700 860 Weeks Ave. in the Town 4 Country Addition Drive out North River Rd. 2nd St. past Plymouth Dr. LOOK FOR THE FLOODLIGHTS "HEY GALS" Badger Pop into taking a drive ana let me snow you this truly fine Woman's home. Has 3 bedrooms. You can watch the children go in the school door. Eves. EM 4-9928, D. York. 230 COURT PH. EM 4-8484 Seeing Is Believing TRUTHFULLY A real homey nome is tnis 4 Dearm. nse., located on a beautiful Vi Acre of lawn, shrubs & trees, Join ing stream in the heart of Sa lem, Oregon. It is nicely dec orated A attractive. Outside patio k barbecue. Good oil fur nace, fireplace, dbl. garage, dishwasher k garbage diip. $8 to $10,000 will handle. Write owner for appointment, Box 345, Stateiman-Journa). NEAR JUDSON HIGH New 2 bdrm., attach, gar., frpl., paved, birch cab. $11,000. Terms. EM 2-0108. BDRM. house on S. 18th St. Low down payment. EM 3-8863 BY owner. 2 bdrm. mod. house. eiec. neat, w. saiem. 103B 7tn St. Easy Terms. EM 2-5073. $250 Dn. $57.50 A Mo. $5750 Buys this West Salem Home. 2 bdrms, and attic. Fenced back yard, Garage. E. A. McGlauflin, Owner 335 N. High EM 2-8611 EM 3-6612 BY Owner. 2 bdrm. Lee. liv. rm., din. rm., kltch., den, full bsmt., dble. gar., oil heat, Lge. lot. See at 583 Madison, $3500 down. $13,500. For info. Call EM 2-0498. MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY Lge. 2 bdrm. heme., bsmt. Pos- airjie 3rd Bdrm.. 4'i pet. loan. Low down payment. EM 2-7071 GROW YOUR OWN T - BONE STEAK on this neat little place with barn k pasture, garden k fruit, low taxes. 1 ,i acre river soil, a very good 1 bedrm. modern home with dining rm., $6980, GEO. WAL TERS, REALTOR, 960 S. COM'L. EM 2-6714 OR EM 4-6365. ATTRACTIVE home on nice lot. 2 bedrooms. Big living room. Large kitchen, utility. Garage. FHA value $8,500. CAFE AND APARTMENTS IN good, close-In location. Cafe takes in $43 to $50 a day. Rent als $185 a month. $17,000 for all. Terms. WANTS SMALLER OWNER of 4-bedroom home in business area will sell for $4,980, with terms, or trade for more expensive home. JT AHM CLOSE IN ONLY 10 minutes from down town, 3-bedroom home. 19 acres. Future subdivision. Good outbuildings. 826.000. xerma. RAMSEY REALTY EM 4-3381 EM 3-7735 EM 4-0069 427 FERRY ve. EM 2-5219 EM 2-6688 THRIFTY HOME CLOSE TO BUS and shopping center. Newly painted, this two bedroom home la Just right for a couple. (There is a little 1 bedroom cottage In the rear, for a little extra, in come). There is a good gar den space and three large shade trees. The living room is extra roomy (17x23). and It all can be bought for only $750 down. $7S per month in cluding taxesl CALL EM 4-6766 Carter Hltt EM 1-1493 Eve: Ted Morrison, Realtor 2M N. HIGH PHO. EM 4-6766 SMALL 2 bdrm. hme $4300, $300 mml h owou Azrami Ave. OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT!! 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sale ENJOY This spacious 3 bedroom home, situated in a grove of filbert trees, has a large living room with flreplars. dining room, two full bsthi. big double garage, ovar-aized lot. Only il4,- 000.00. Good financing WALK TO SCHOOL Right next door to Jr. 6t Sr. highs. A well kept home in an es tablished area. It has 2 Br. down snd a Issge room up unit the kids will love, full basement, eutomatlc heat. This li a lot of home for only $11,000 00. You name your down pay ment, we'U help you finance it. 4 BR. - $500. DOWN Hard to believe, but here It Is. New home with family-sized liv ing room, separate dining ana 'i. aouoie g garage, large 790.00, rtasonab! oie mommy G. V. KENT CO., REALTORS 699 Cottage NE EM 4-6739 HOME k SHOP CLOSE TN NORTH Big corner lot, 122 x 126. Nice 3 bdrm. home. Hj baths, auto-oil heat. Large liv. rm. with .attached fireplace. Kitchen has dishwaaher, New shop building. 900 sq. ft. with perm, hot water heat. Garage it carport. WILL LEASE SHOP FOR $50. PER M0. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON Eve. Ph. EM 4-8986. FAMILY HOME-Convenient to rrade and high schools, Eng. Ish tudor type with 3 bdrms., ' Hi baths. Full basmt. with party room - and bar. Oil F. A. furnace. Liv. rm. with fire place. Din. rm. Dble. garage. Sprinkler system. This fine home is priced at only $14,280. CAJLL J. E. LAW JE Eve. Ph. EM 3-6113. GRABENHORST 180 LIBERTY ST. SE & NESTLED AMONG OAK TREES IN A DREAM SETTING, This charming 3 bdrm. home on 138 x 90 id in HILLENDALE Is an exceptional value with good sized bdrms., separate dining rm., fireplace, utility room, double garage. Only 2 yrs. old. Very desirable property priced right at only $13,800. Call Dorothy Deal. Eva. EM 4-8632. CONVENIENT TO MOST EVERYTHING WALKING DISTANCE to town, neat a norm, nome witn run casement, rienty space xor gar den. Priced at only $10,800, Call Dale Rayburn. lye. EM 2-2048. TRADE 11 UNIT COURT WELL LOCATED ON A PARK fireplace for tenants. Oood condition. Rentali $40-$4S per mo. Owner out of state. Will take house, contracts or mortgages. 1590 COMMERCIAL SE STATE FINANCE 167 HIGH ST. TIRED OF Get out of the "cotton plcken" ciiy inn neaa soum to mis seciuaea 10 acres and live like a retired plutocrat. The cute 2 bedroom home tl nestled bsck In the trees above a large pond. The fireplace is mighty in viting on these chilly evenings. There is plenty of room for th kids to have the horses that they have always wanted It's only a few minutes drive from the center of town. The owners will sell on contract and are asking only $7350 Call Hal Burgess Eve. Ph. EM 3-8071. MOTEL BUY OF THE YEAR Yes, we will take your home or yuu crcuu on tne purcnase price wnicn win move you Into this 17 unit motel. Showing good net and wonderful incense ?otentlal. If you have a little cash and your home clear and he desire to make money, call Mr. Periman. Eve. end Sun- oay pn. M vimh. WILLAMETTE VALLEY HEADQUARTERS FOR STATE V.A., INTERIM LOANS Home With Income Owners 2 bedroom home plus 2 and 4 room apartment. Income o, couia De more extra lot included. NEW NEW NEW 3 bedroom, family room, party room, iwo nrepiaces, 2 Daths, double garage, patio, hardwood floori, beautiful setting with treei. Don t pass this one by, see today. We have rentals Shirley Potts EM 4-0966, Maxlne nagar km 3-4116, Ross Miller COl 4-D'JUS, TOWN & COUTRY REALTY 4020 N. River Rd. EM 4-0886 WE BELIEVE WE HAVE the most beautiful corner lot in all of Fairmont Hill, with the most inspiring tana oi obk trees on r air mont Hill. And with the neat. est, most absolutely perfect two Dearoom nome you ever saw. If you don't need a large home, but one something that will give you a great deal of priae ana personal pleasure, be jure you see this outstand ing home right away . . . we only get one like this once In a great while. $12,950. CALL EM 4-6766 Eve: Mrs. Fanning EM 4-6098 Ted Morrison, Realtor 200 N. HIGH PHO. EM 4-0786 tliroO M "Us. i A A A 1 BRAGGING WILL GET US NO PLACE BE YOUR OWN JUDGE! If we did tell you about this nome, you would say - "loo good to be true I 2 large bed rooms, large living rm. with fireplace, dining rm., break- xast noox, cneery Kitcnen, many, many built lns, 2 baths, and double garage. Spacious lawn. , $13,950 VICTOR H. SWORD REALTOR 139 8. Liberty EM 2-8058 Eves. EM 2-8046 FULL PRICE $7500 , Owner will take good car or amall trailer houie as down payment on this clean 2 bed room home located on East Park Ave. Or, $700. down, balance 05.00 a month. Call Norman Hngensen. Eve. EM 2 008. Ohmart & Calaba. REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone EM 2-4115 COZY 1 bdrm. hie. Insulated, make offer on dn. paymt. $58. mo. EH 4-4266 or EM 4-3102. 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sale THE TREES, room, Big xitcnen ana noon, oatn lot In good area. Full price 114,- payments. Evas.: 0. D. Rawlins. EM 2-6816 Jerry Rawllni, EM 2-6816 PLENTY Or ELBOW ROOM Eait on acre of ground. Strict ly! modern home with 16 by 21 liv. rm. Wall to wall earoets. Lge. kitchen and eating area. Enclosed patio. Oil heat. 2 car garage, price $18,500. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY Eve. Ph. EM 3-8638. ACRE INDUSTRIAL SITE Cloie to Million St. ' Inter- chsnge to By Pin. Lge. bldg. . approx. 28,000 sq. ft. under foot. Office and home In con nection to bldg. Ideal for stor age, heavy equipment, truck ing, etc. Owner will also sell $ acres without bldgs. Priced to sell. Termi. CALL O. V. HUME Eve. Ph. EM 2-8206. BROS., REALTORS PH. EM 2-2471 grocery 2 blocki. Exceptionally - LIKE CREEK lot with outdoor .EM 2-J CO, REALTORS PH. EM 3-3151 CITY LIFE? mesa thst goes with living in the aurplus land in trade and give iy ACRES very best of soil, fruit trees, fine garden area, smsll barn, double garage, and neat k clean 2 bdrm. home. Owner needi larger home and will take car or pickup as psrt Payment. Price is only 34960. all Jim Smith EM 4-6875 or eves. CM 4-7879. RAWLINS REALTY 80S Chemeketa Ave Office Phone EM 4-6878 WEST SALEM Wonderful view of city, desirable aurrounaingi. 3 Ddrm. daylight osmi. 2 nrepiaces, pavement, aewer, shrubs, lawn. 8 yrs. old like new. Only $17,900. J. l Short EM 4-1667 Oregon Development ComDanv fRealtnrsi 318 Church St. N.E. EM 3-9236 HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL Acre on Ewald Ave. 1 Blk. from Liberty Hd. on hillside, house has possibilities for re modeling, lots of trees, creek runs thru property, paved St. at city water $6450 full price, low dn. pymt. Call EM 4-4494 for appt. to see. STOCKMAN'S SPECIAL 197 Acre stock farm, beautiful, spacious, 6 yr. old home very neat A comfortable, full baie ment, lg. barn, machine shed, tt huge poultry house with 1100 laying hens, 60 A. seeded to permsnent pasture. 3 A. rasp berries, 9 A. cherries, bal. wooded, priced reasonably at $47,500, for appt. call Geo. J. Patrny, EM 4-4494 Eves. EM 4-16H9. REALTOR 517 COURT ST. PH. EM 4-4494 NEED 4 bdrms. dble. plumbing? wim w men iw., stores, ous, clean mod. iniul., weather stripped. Lge. rms. Fenced yard, patio, EM 4-6152 after 5. &07 Apt's. Courts for Suit OWNER CALLED EAST. WILL SELL VERY ATTRACTIVE MODERN 8 UNIT MOTEL Nicely furnished snd in very good condition. Beautiful lawn, vjbk trees, 2 Acres on fiiway 22. Juit the place for a iem retired couple. A verv sood very g buy at 328,000. May consider aome trade. SALEM PROPERTY JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 379 N. High EM 4-3482 2 HOUSES on 1 lot, excel, cond. 3 blk. of Capitol bldg., priced to sell. 4 unit court, terms avail. $10,800. FLKnapp Broker, EM 2-6286. 4-PLEX, near shopping, on bus line, good return. EM 2-7520. 808 Lots For Sele $25 DN. $15 A MO. $800 Lot 61 x 163. No restrictions. E. A. McGlauflin. Owner 239 14. High EM I 8811 EM 2-6811 800 Real Estate 808 Lots For Sole BUILDERS wooded view city lots. Streets 6c water. Deeds given, termi. EM 4-8428 days. 4 LOTS Rest Lawn Memory Gar dens. Dallas MA 3-3460 after 6. LOT 30x120. 2369 So. Summer $1,000. Owner. 1098 12th St. SE. Croiian Creek Frontage Besutlful tide, site excavated for daylight basmt. New 69' cased well. Must sea this place to aporeclate at only $2690. sml. dwn. paymt. $50 mo. C. W. Reeve Kltr. 1860 Mission St. EM 3-4580, Eve. or Sun. EM 2-0898 or EM 3-9536. SELECT your building site. Exe, views natural features, acre age. Owner. EM 3-0879. LARGE lot, Englewood ' dist. OwniA-. EM 4-994S. 4 LOTS in Restlawn Memory Garden, $428. Box 328 Statesman-Journal. LOTS for sale. Water k paved oi. 9ijuv. win Duua to suit. EM 4-4518 William Helton, 7268 Portland Rd. LRG. corner lot, Kelzer $1,000. aim 4-naij. VIEW lot. Paved, curbs, trees, water. Nr. Mornlngalde achl Restricted. EM 2-4438. 810 Farms For Sale 'ROCESSTNO crop, diversified and livestock. We hsve many good listings, a wide range of alzes, kinds, prices, in Willam ette valley and Eastern Ore gon. Informed, dependable handling ef farm aales, trades, purchases. Let us know your needs. Call Oregon Develop ment Company EM 3-9238. Eve: J. T. Short EM 4-1667, Close-In. S blocks grade school. laesi tor suD-aivmon property. Will trsde for Irrlgsted farm with good house. EVES. ph. EM 3-8712. 2 ACRES Best of Soil. 1 bdrm. horn with laiuujr rm,. urcpiacc, apaciOUl Uwn. Family fruit. Small chick houit. A buy at only $10,500. 3-9030. van uil Vricai y . sz, veaY. MLItx RON HUDKINS, Realtor 212 High St. NE EM 4-0138 180 ACRES STOCKED. 28 head fine Here ford cattle, some registered, 120 acres seeded pastuxelooks extra good. 60 acres bottom land for alfalfa. All equipped including irrigation. Nearly Lots of water in 6 pastures, new feed barn for lbn ha.it 2500 bales of hay up for next year. Good terms for qualified man. CALL EM 4-6768 Eve: Ben Griffith EM 2-4403 TED MORRISON, Realtor 260 N. HIGH PH. EM 4-6766 HOW ABOUT THIS FARM? A beautifully located 57 '4 Acres wlthgood roads on 3 sides. Modernised 3 bdrm. home in the shade of tall Evergreens. 8 stall horse barn, 3 stanchion cow barn, chick house k ma chine ahed. 6 Acres Caacade Lotus IVa Acres Royal Ann Cherries 2 Acres Walnuts IS Acres Wheat 17 Acrea Oats 6 Acres permanent pasture White fenced pastures. Call Mrs. Wells. Office EM 4-0187 or Eves. EM 2-3738. Wslt Jones, Realtor. 280 N., High. 3 A., 2 BDRM. hse. Kelzer, $3750. Terms. 1951 N. Church. 80 ACRE farm 15 ml. from Salem. 4 bdrm. home In gd. repair barn, chicken houses, k Implement ahed. Grain, fruit k some 2nd growth timber. $18,000 cash Or trade for Sa iem prop. Take late model car. write box 337 statesman Journal. 815 Coast Property HOME-ALSEA RIVER Furn. good loc, fishing, make oner, roruana in 4-4628 z4o s.w. Arnold St. 816 Resort Property 2 CABINS-DETROIT On 45 x 120 wooded lot, Near stores k boat landing. City water, neeas some worx Dut good vslue here at the price of 63,300. GOOD TEni Better can us right away. E. J. ZWASCHKA. Realtor. EM 3-4038 DAY OS EVE. 1748 urant ut., saiem MT. Cabin Detroit. Ore. Elec. city water, Frplc. 32750. EM 2-2S98. 818 Wonted, Real Estot? SOLD! SOLD! Property Listings Needed 134 8. Liberty, EM 4-4478, Eves. EM 2-8010, EM 2-8122 REALTORS 850 Automotive 852 House Traflers 30 FT.. 1950 model Rollawav. trade equity for furniture or car. Bal. due approx. 3800 See at 4uzu center t. em 4-9621. RON'S RENTS AND SELLS VACATION TRAILERS 404 No. Church EM 2-680S TRAVEL TRAILERS For Sale or Tent Mobile Home, 8 k 10 Wide Earl Malm Trailer Sales 4030 SUverton Rd. EM 4-7127 56 MDL. 42' Eastern built trail er house. 2 bdrm. like new, EM 3-0643. Ron's Trailer Sales SPRING SALES Now In progress, low down pay ment. ' The Finest Names in Mobile Homes Ventoura Homette Nashua Terry Sooner 4) Elltmore OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK OPEN EVES "TIL ( P.M. 404 Nd. Church EM 2-6808 Across from Meier k Franks TRAILER TOWING Ore., Wash.. Calif. JAYHAWK TRAILER CONVOY 2640 Portland Rd. EM 4 6934 TRAILER AWNINGS CANVAS OR ALUMINUM Salem Tent k Awning Co. 729- N LIBERTY EM 3 4788 TEAR drop trailer. Reas. 885 N. Lancaster. 82 "PAN" American trailer, i5 ft. See mornings or eves. High way Ave. Trailer Park. 850 Automotive 880 Now Cars SAVE UP 10 $800 BUY NOW Brand New 1958 Chev's , A SEPT. DEAL IN MAY EMERSON TEAGUE CHEVROLET PH. 65 852 Hous TrsHcrs Complete bath, built-in gas range, vented wall heater, dual gas tanks comb, hose csrrler 6i bumper, heavy duty truck wheela tires for particular people who like the beit. aee mil oeautuui trailer today. SECURITY TRAILERS 4160 Portland Rd. EM 2-0662 VAGABOND " 1 Air Stream GREAT LAKES These are the finest in Quality Mobile Homes AT JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES NEW 1958 JUST ARRIVED!! See This Beautiful Vacation Trailer, & others, before you Buy! Lana Lane Trailer Plaze 1940 LANA AVE. 865 Motorcycle ' 130 Miles Per Gallon Lamoretta Motor Scooters Scott's Motor Cycle Center 316 Million St 870 Auto Parts k Repairs $1 TO '54 PI: outh O'drlve, Bsles High. EM 2-4813. '47 BUICK Special parts for aale. 2 wheel trailer. 876 N. Liberty. MOTOROLA car radios. $39.88 and up. Rear apeakars. and foreign ears a specialty. Mas. ter Service Stalions, 388 N. Commercial. EM 3-4163. SH Green Stampi. Terms. SALEM AUTO. WRECKERS Save On Used Parts Guar, m o t 0 r s, transmissions, tires, wheels, batteries, gener ators, k body parts. EM 3-1643, office at C. E. Miller Co., 1365 Broadway. 874 Wanted Cars-Trucks Cash paid for clean 1050-'S1 & '52 model cars. McCall's Used Cars, 1297 State. SELL US YOUR CAR OR EQUITY PAID FOR OR NOT ONLY CLEAN CARS WANTED! VALLEY MOTOR 465 N. LIBERTY 876 Trucks, TraiUrs for Sal '41 STUDEBAKER pickup with '92 motor. EM Z-87HH. EXCELLENT '49 Studebsker ricKup, 4 speed, fully equip 395. EM 3-5426 after 6 p.m. R fUW tmtAlr K1AO -! tjiv w,iia4 V a ULn) avw is i&eii cabover, V-8, 2 T., 2 speed witn air at sig. excel, cona . new paint, 81,500. EM 4-6201 550 Rlvervlew Drive. FOR Sale '48 Jeep Panel wagon, excel, cond. reas. pries, ml pries. EM 4-1901. '54 FORD panel, real clean, $700 3770 Monroe Ave. em 2-4201. 52 CMC 2-T. 270, new motor k rubber. 13 ft. iteel bed. hoist. 3845 Stevens Wsy or EM 4-5646 TRAILER for sale. 2340 Fair grounds Rd. 1 882 Foreign Cars LICORICE ICE CREAM If you buy licorice Ice cresm k don't like It, you don't buy it again. Consumers Report states mat more people re peat their purchase of a VW than ANY OTHER make of car sold In this country. For your budgets sake please tDV it. You'll see why. We specialize in one make Volks wagen. EYERLY FOREIGN CARS 4525 S. Pac. Hwy. EM 3-1641 VOLKSWAGEN 1937 2 dr.. light blue body, dark blue vinyl Interior, fine white wans, tnis snarp car traaea on a New SIMCA AT STAN BAKER MOTORS, 340 N. High riuitltr TRADE equity In '57 Renault for 90 to '32 car. call at 22 S. 17th St. sfter 5 or week ends. VOLKSWAGEN 55 sdn. one owner we sold new have all records 100 pet. guarantee trades Invited Bank terms $1295. Dir. EM 3-1641. MERCEDES-BENZ the world's finest cars. VOLVO Spaiienger family sports car DKW "The German Wonder Csr." ALFA-R0ME0 Italian sports csrs. Foreign Car Center. 495 Center St. EM 2-4631 MG Austin Healey Morris "1000" one year warranty British Car Sales & Service 2195 Fairground! Rd. EM 2 6602 SIMCA $1695 k UUP ECONOMY CAR KING I Hardtops, 4 door sedans, Wsgons STAIN HAJUK MUTUK5 340 No. High EM 1-2466 Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., 850 Automotive 880 Now Cars INDEPENDENCE, OREGON 882 foreign Clrs People who can afford the finest, drive DAUPHINE America's most popular Imported 4 rir. sedan CONTINENTAL MOTOR CARS 900 S, Com'l EM 3-0000 57 VOLKSWAGEN, raf . heat er, 10,000 ml. Price ght for quick sale. EM 3-886T English Ford Line 11 models to chooic from 2 DR. SF JANS 4 tn. . iIDANS VANS - PICKUPS BUSSES Service Everywhere British Car Sales & Service WHERE Foreign Cars is our Business Not a Side Ilne. 2108 Fairgrounds Rd. EM 2-6602 VESPAI World's most popular motor acooter, 120 mpg., 80 mph.. 990 8. Com'l. EM $-0000 885 Used Cars 1963 STUDEBAKER Champ. 4 dr. Overdrive, radio, This car is in excel, cond. only $598. McCall's Used Cars, 1297 State '51 STUDE Champ., 4 dr., new trans. 6c brskes, good heater, S230. EM 3-0954. 1941 DODGE for sale. Oood cond., heater, radio. EM 3-6368. 40 FORD Cpe., good cond., best offer. asiw iroaaway, EM 3-2874. frBQ$JDfD DIAIH', 64 Chev Bel Air sdn 3 948 Dowerfllde. radio k haatar '83 Chev Bel Air adn 3796 radio k heater '51 Plymouth clb. cpe 8395 raaio, neater, snarp '62 Ford adn 8395 radio heater 53 Dodge clb. cpe $465 -, 1 , n ...li.. a. w . t No. High It Marlon EM 4-5758 IT PAYS To Buy Here Compare Our Prices 1953 Ply. Belvedere cpe $695 overdrive 1952 Chrysler V-8 Sdn. $695 New Yorker, Immaculate, power 1951 Mercury sdn $393 Real good 1952 Pont. Calailna $895 naraiop cpe., extra nice 1951 Nash Amb sdn . $95 mechanic acecial 1950 Nash sdn $98 mechanic aneclal Several other cars in food runnintf nrrte No down Payment on Approved vreaii LINCOLN MERCURY Center at Commercial Salem EM 4-6171 48 CHEV. excel, cond. EM 4-2714 $1695.00 56 Olds 2 Dr. Hard Tod Hydramatic, radio, heater, etc. new tires, perf. cond. through out. Must see k drive to ap preciate. Consider trade. Continential Motor Cars 990 S. Com'l. EM 3-000 84 OLDS, convert. Super . 88. Will trade for pickup or older car. EM 4-9833 after 8 p.m. 1948 FORD 2 dr. far above average, $178. Terms. McCall's usea cars. 12U7 Slate. 51 PLYMOUTH 2-dr. 41,500 ml itaaio, neater ft extras $350 EM 4-3571 after 6:30 p.mV BEAUTIFUL '54 Cad. 62. 4-dr., puwer vquipmcm. yiwa, xinan- cing avail. e.m a-3u. S3 FORD 6, 2-dr. Exc. cond.. new tires, $450. Take trade. EM 4 4106 days, EM 4-9621 eve. 86 OLDS, hardtop Conv. Clean zvi j-icaj. 52 CHEV. sport cpe.. power- gnae, raaio at neater. Exe. cond. TR 3-4653, Sllverton. 49 CHEV. 4 dr. $100. Ph. EM 1954 CHEV. 4 dr. Clean car. EM 3-4191. 55 FAIRLANE Ford Fordomatlc radio, heater, k lots of extras 22,000 miles. Cell eve. EM Z-0391. CLEAN 86 Ford Victoria, new ruDoer. juignt consiaer oiaer car. Sickness resson for sell ing. 108 River St. 56 BUICK 2 dr. hardtop V-8. low mi. $1,600. 2860 Ward Dr. 1950 CHEV. 4-dr. food rubber, I. 24th. $200. See at 770 55 DODGE hardtop, clean, take oiaer car in trade, em s-sbhs. '54 CADILLAC Cpe. DeVllle in tne nen oi condition, cm 4-0088. 51 CHEV. 4 dr., radio, white walls, power glide, overhauled engine. Sharp. $275. EM 4-6204. 550 River View Dr. 57 OLDS Fiesta 4 dr. Hardtop Sta. wgn. Power equipped, ra dio, heater, white walls. $2995. EM 4-5624. 66 Ford Victoria $1696 64 Csd. Hard ton cpe $2298 83 Thunderbird $2298 54 Olds 86 sdn $1296 83 Olds 96 Hardtop $996 85 Chev 210 4 dr. 81298 Center ft Liberty EM 4-4931 PERFECT 1957 Chevrolet 4-door hardtop. V-8 engine, automatic transmission. Only 9.000 miles. $1965. EM 4-4920. ISM NASH Statesman 4 dr. bed type, overdrive, clean, 8325. $75 down will handle, e a y termi on balance, McCall's Used Cars. 1297 State. 51 CHRYSLER New Yorker. 4 dr., V-8 power steering, white wails, radio. 2 tone paint. Sharp. $400. EM 4-6204. 530 Rivera view Dr. MILT MAJOR MOTORS May 8, '58 (Sec. 1T)-18 900 Display Class. No Down Payment On Approved Credit AT LODER'S 53 PLY. radio, 4 DR. heater SDN. . $595 '52 PONTIAC 4 DR. ... $495 radio, heater, hydra '51 OLDS CLB. CPE. ... $395 radio, heater, hydra '51 FORD 2 DR $295 radio, heater, V-8 '50 BUICK 4 DR. SDN. . ,$195 std. trans., heater 50 BUICK 4 DR. SDN. $295 radio, heater, dynaflow '47 CHEV. 2 DR $115 radio k heater '47 BUICK 2 DR. ...... $125 radio, heater '47 HARRIS ONE-WHEEL TRAILER $55 '42 OLDS "6" $7S radio, heater, hydra Loder Bros Used Car Dept. 461 NO. HIGH EM 2-7973 BONESTEELE'S SALES & SERVICE HILLMAN SUNBEAM TRIUMPH ISETTA 100 FINANCE On Approved Credit M0. PYMT. '54 Willys Wagon $44.11 Radio, heater, overdrive. 53 Ford Hardtop ... $44.1S Radio, heater, overdrive. 53 Pontiac Sdn $39.17 Radio, heater k hydra. '53 Chev. sdn $34.11 Radio k heater. 52 Buick sdn $34.11 Radio, heater, dynaflow 52 Pontiac Hardtop $34.11 Radio, heater, hydra. 51 Imperial sdn $28.M Radio, heater, auto, trans. 51 DeSoto Hardtop . . $28 M Radio, heater, auto, trans. 51 Pontiac adn. Radio, heater, $23.39 hydra. 51 Hudson sdn $17.71 Radio, heater, hydra. Taggesell PONTIAC CO. Willvs Vauxhall 160 NO. LIBERTY EM 2-4111 850 Automotive 88S Ustrd Cars 678 So. 12th EM 2-9681 '54 Ford Custom V-8. 2 dr. $89S rsdio, heater, fordomatlc '63 Ford V-8 Victoria $89$ radio, heater, fordomatlc '52 Nash Rambler Wagon $598 radio, heater, overdrive Century 4 dr. sdn., finished la tu-toned Ivory ft Blue, has ra dio, heater, dynaflow, turn signals, back up lltei, wind shield washers, this is a one owner car, and luat look at this price, Capitol Chevrolet Union ft Com'l EM 3-3171 All cars $495 or under. Over 50 cars. '56 Powell pickup $498 '53 Chev Bel Air sdn. $49S '53 Nash adn $495 '32 Chev 3 dr i, $468 '52 Ford 2 dr $335 '52 Plymouth 3 dr $22S Across from Up Town Drive in. 790 No. High EM 4-7606 Don't Don't Don't BUY ANY New Car until you have TRIED THE ALL NEW 1958 "iirnniinwH "Performance Champion for 1958" SPECIAL SALE MONTH OF MAY NOW MCKINNEY Lincoln Mercury 430 No. Com'l. Sslem EM 4-0171 '$7 FORD country sedan, over drive, radio, ft heater, 4219a. IM 4-9566 Xves. 3CTuchElM '56 Buick Hardtop "500" MOTORS