By CHIC YOUNO 16-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., May 8, '58 BlONDll Thursday's Television Log Thursday Television Highlights 1 ''iPlPJIIlPiil1, I I 'llllLvEUUMy FATHEt? Jjlll'l I ITHE CAV BEfORE VESRmV j K j . 'P- TCX6 MCTOtW OUR TEACHER SAID FIVE r f A. LJTU ; KID TC aEARNI ) (meW) Qrg5) hxl SS55r L S THAT FOUR AND TWO ATiv J 1 J V EVERV CVWpr- KOIN-TV. ; KGW-TV. i: KPTV. It; KVAL-TV. IS HOUR 00:00 "OO-.IS t)0l30 00:43 7 KOIN KGW I ' IPrayer-Hymn KPTT Omit PreitnU Onui Present 8 KOIN Garry Moon Garry Moort IHow You RateHow You Rat KGW Cartooners Clb.lCartooncra Clb ICartooners Clb.Cartoonrs Clb. KPTV Tic Tac DoufhiTlc Tac DoughlCould B You I Could Bt You 9 KOIN Arthur Godfrey Arthur GodfreylDotto Dotto KGW reiescop Tclucopa Telescop Telcscop KPTT Staff 11 I Staff 12 ITrcaaur Hunt I Treasure Hunt ton KGW Lov of Ufa Telerama ILov of Ufa ITelerama 0KPTV Pric la Ktfht (Prlc Is Rlfht KV AL Prlca la Right Prlc U Right 1 KOIN Search Tomorr. Telerama Kitty Foyl Kitty Foyl Guiding Ught Telerama Kitty Foyle Kitty Foyl HI Neighbor H1 Neighbor Aa World TumilAa World Turn KGW Telerama Telerama Workshop Workshop I 1KPTT NBC Matlne INBC Matin INBC Matin I NBC Matlnc KVAL NBC Mlnatea I NBC Matin NBC Matine NBC Matin 1KOIN Beat the Cock! Beat th Clock! Hous Party Houa Party KGW Town-Country Noon Cartoon Wunda Wunda Wunda Wunda 2 KPTT Queen for Day I Queen for DaylQueen for DaylMod. Romance KVAL Queen for DaylQueen for DaylQueen for DaylMod. Romance 1 KOIN Big Payoff KGW Suii KPTT Comedy Tim KVAL Comedy Tun Big Payoff Suite Comedy Tim Comedy Time Your Verdict lYour Verdict Favorite Story (Favorite Story Truth or Coni.JTruth or Cona. Truth or Cona. Truth or Con. 2 KOIN Brighter Day I Secret Storm KGW Stu F.rwln Sill Erwln KPTT Afternoon Thea Afternoon The KVAL Film Fair I Film Fair Edge of Night lEdge of Night rrt Your wiw Trust iour wu Afternoon Theal Afternoon Thea. FUm Fair FUm Fair 3 KOIN KOIN Kitchen IKOIN Kitchen KGW Bandatand Bandstand KPTT Aftrnoon Thea. Tim McCoy KVAL Film Fair I film Fair Armchair Thea Bandstand Weit Star Thea ICoffe Break I Armchair Thea. Bandstand West. Star Thea Coffee Break 4 KOIN Armchair Thea KGW Pioneer Club KPTT West Star Thea KVAL Big Roundup I Armchair Theal Pioneer Club Weat Star Thea Big Roundup Mr. Moon Pioneer Club Hlgb Tim Big Roundup Red Dunning Pioneer Club High Time Big Roundup 5 KOIN Cartoon Tun fCartoon Tim KGW Woodpecker Woodpecker KPTT High Time (High Tim KVAL Rln Tin Tin Rln Tin Tin ,Sri. Preston Sgt. Preston Mickey Moui IMickey Mourn (Suspense UnltdlSuspensr Unltd. lUttl Margi Uttl Margl 6 KOIN News-Sports KGW Casey Jones KPTT Journal New KVAL Spta-Weather oug Edwards (Adventure (Adventure asey Jonea Newsbeat INewebeat NBC News IShlrley TemplelShlrlev Temple INBC New 'Shirley Temple! Shirley Tempi 7! OIN Gray Ghost IGray Ghost ICltmax KGW Fish & Hunt iFlih Ai Hunt iClrcua Boy KPTT Shlrlev Temole! Shirley TemolelDrasnet KVAL Shirley TamplelShirlejr TcmplelDragnet IClimax Circus Boy I Dragnet IDragnet K0IN-TV (Channel 6): ifit p.m. Armchair Theatre "Captain Scarface," starring Barton MacLane, Leif Erickson, and Virginia Grey. Hunt tor a mystery ship in Pacific. , 7:30 p.m. Climax Scott Brady, Marilyn Erskine, Richard Garland, Jonathan Harris, and Ed Beg ley co-star in "The Big Success." After serving a prison term for a homicide that he did not commit, a brilliant scientist learns that the real slayer, his best friend, has stolen his chemical formula and has used it in the building of an industrial empire. 8:30 p.m. Playhouse 90 James Mason, Ann Todd, Dennis King, Walter Fitzgerald and Willard Sage star in "Not the Glory." The fantastic account, of a German spy's infiltration into the British propaganda system during World War II. 10:10 p.m. Showtime on Six "A Dispatch from Reuters," starring Edward G. Robinson, Edna Best, and Eddie Albert. Growth of wire service from a "pigeon post" to a world-wide newi gathering service. KGW-TV Channel 8): 10:00 a.m. "Let's Get Married" Ida Lupino and Kaipn Bellamy. Magic and marriage go hand in hand in a howling comedy. 1:00 p.m. Sutle becomes a patient in, a rest home to secure talent for her boss theatrical agency. 7:00 p.m. Fishing and Hunting Highlights A two- day trip from Clarkston, Washington to Port land down the Snake and Columbia Riven in a small boat. 1:30 p.m. The Real McCoys Grampa tries to blight a romance between hit checker-playing buddy and his new lady love. 1:00 p.m. Pat Boone Chevy Showroom Tony Ben nett appears as guest. Also featured are Johnny Puleo, four and a half foot harmonica player and his gang. 10:45 p.m. "Never The Twain Shall Meet" Les lie Howard, Conchita Montenegro. A society girl pursues her fiancee to the South Sea Islands uiriaiai oil as ri OAnnapa Its, ttaaa 1 ntnnsi nnl iisi ' ' TV ial DUST UlOWVCl 9 I "3 llOal VUC slCtH YC KPTV (Channel 12): 1:00 .m.-SUfe 1 "Mr. Kagle and the Baby - Sitter, starring Charles Coburp and Fay Holden. A widower and a widow cavort through teen-1 age type dating, despite their children's disap proval. 11:00 a.m. NBC Matinee Theatre (la Color) "Good Housekeeping." Comedy of a woman who grows restless with her quiet life as wife of a university president. 2:00 p.m. Your Afternoon Theatre "Love and Learn, starring Jack Carson, Janis Paige, Rob-1 ert Hutton, and Martha Vickers. A modern com edy concerning two songwriters who attempt to sell one of their songs to a music publisher. 1:30 p.m. Wester. Star Theatre "Blazing Sixes," I starring Dick Foran, Helen Valkis, John Merton and Mira McKmney. (:30 p.m. Shirley Temple's Storybook "Rip Van Winkle, starring Leora Dana, E. G. Marshall, and Beverly Washburn. 1:00 p.m. The Lux Show (In Color) Guy Mitchell guests with Rosemary Clooney. 1:30 p.m. "Mike Hammer" "Look at the Old Man Go, starring Darren McGavin. 11:00 p.m. Academy Theatre "Stallion Road," starring Ronald Reagan, Alexis Smith, and Zach- ary Scott A veterinarian and a novelist both fall in love with a horse breeding rancher. mmmmmmmmmmmm 8 KOIN Climax (Climax (Playhouse 90 Playhouse SO KGW Zorro Zorrn Real McCoya 'Real McCoy KPTT Dr. Hudson I Dr. Hudson IFord Show IFord Show KVAL Harbor cmmndl Harbor cnunndFord Show Ford Show 9 KOIN Playhouse SO KGW Pat Boon KPTT Lux Show KVAL Lux Show (Playhoue SO IPat Boon ILux Show I Lux Show IPIayhous SO I Navy Log IMike Hammer Man Wyman (Playhouse 90 INavy Log Mike Hammer Jan Wyman 1 KOIN City Desk IShowtlm on f I Showtime on I Showtime on KGW Mik M Laurh Make M Laua-h News-Politics Chan. S Plvhse ( KPTT Academy Thea.lAcademy Thea. (Academy The. Academy TheaJ V iTeaiur lireaiur uaca i-aar j-aar KOIN Showtime on ( IShowtlm on t 'Showtime on IShowtlm on I KGW Chan. SPlyhs IChan. 8 Plyhi IChan. Plyhi (Chan. S Plvhse 1KPTT Academy Thea.lAcademy Thea.lAcademy Thea.lAcademy Thea. KVAL Jack Paar I Jack Paar ITh News I The New (Baiter's Bote: Tha mtmui publishes in rood faith th prorrast and tiases as provided by radio and TV stations, but kreans afttlme to profnusu are chanced without natlflcattoa this newspaper can b respoastbl for the aceo- cy herein.) Thursday's Radio Log KSLM MM KGAY 14H KBZY MSO KOIN 971 KGW S29 KGON 1S2 FM: Megacycles KOIN 101 J; KGW 10.1 HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 6 7! KSLM Val Farmcast IVal Farmcast Va) Farmcast INews ' KGAY Early Bird JEarly Bird JEarly Bird (Early Bird tKBZY RFD Bauer IA1 Bauer (Farm Tour Al Bauer I KOIN News America inuin iuock ruui mwi jviw.- ' KGW Dick Novak pick Novak News-Novak Novak Newi KGON Wee McGregor! We McGregorlWe McGregonWee McGregor Big Construction Halted Mus. Tlmekpr. Mus. Tlmekpr. INews arsf.M Hpminvwiv Gv laical News Early Bird Sport News KBZY Salem News Kru-nau isaiem news KOIN KOIN Klock Headlines IFrank Goss env nick Nnv.k Dick Novak Weather-New KGON Wee McGregorlWee McQregorlWea McGregor! Wee McGregor Early Bird Friendly Tim Harry Babbitt uick novak 8 9 KSLM Cliff Engle FamUy Altar I Haven of Rastl Haven of Rest KGAY Local News lEsrly Bird LTimmy Fidler KGAY News KBZY News-Friendly IFrlendly Tim Friendly Tim IFriendly Tim KOIN C'nsum'r NewsiDave Vaille (Shellev Seren. Shelley Seren. KGW Dick Novak Pick Novak IDIck Novak Novak-news KGON Wee Mcoregorjwee ivicoregor;wee wcuregoriwca wcureior arciM INewa IPastor's Call IMatinee k KGAY Roger Carroll Voice of Chinal Roger Carroll KGAY News KBZY News-Willes Ray Willea I ainiM p.tcr aiarv Howard Miller KGW Breakfast Club Breakfast Club KGON Nws-True Stry I My True Mory Tips & Topics i Ray WiUes Helen Trent Midmorn new Breakfast ClublBreakfast Club Real Life I Real Life 1KSLM Newa KGAY Ringo KBZY News-Wlllei OKOIN Happiness KGW Don Porter KGON Bandstand ITello Test IRingo Ray Wllles IMrs. 'Burton (Don Porter I Bandstand Wings of Song I Wines of Song Roger Carroll KGAY News Rav Wllles Ray Wllles Cple Next Doorl Pat Buttram Don Porter News-Porter Bandstand (Bandstand KSLM Newa IKate Smith KGAY Dinner Winner ! Dinner Winner &BZY News-wllles I Ray wllles Ikoi.m nora uraxe ma rerKin KGW Don Porter Don Porter 1 KGON News-Confess. ! Confessions IKS KC KE Queen for DaylQueen for Day Jimmv Fidler IKGAY New Ray Wllles Ray Wllles Dr. Malon (Road of Lit Don Porter I Don Porter I Man's Familyispotllte Kecds. 1KSLM News KGAY Roger Carroll KBZY News Wheel 2 KOIN Noon News KGW Psul Harvey KGON Game of Day 1 KSLM Matinee KGAY Rollle Smith KBZY News-Bdstnd KOIN Godirev Time KGW Joe Mitchell KGON Game of Day 2 INews 12:15 Newa Salem News I Weather Rep. IDon Porter I Game of Day Matinee Rollie Smith Bandstand Godfrey Tim Joe Mitchell Game of Day Matine Ringo Top Trades IVall'v Farmc'at I Rollle Smith KGAY News RFD-Bauer Smorgasbord Come Si Get ItlCome r.rt It Don Porter IPorter-News IGame of Day IGame of Day IMatinee iMatlnee Jimmv Fidler JKGAY New Bandstand Bandstand Godfrev Tim IGodfrey Tim Joe Mitchell I Mitchell-News Standard Bdcst IStandard Bdcst KSLM Matinee KGAY Rollie Smith KBZY News-Brody Steve Brodv KOIN Whispering Sts.i Whispering Stl KGW Joe Mitchell Joe Mitchell KGON Game of Day IGame of Day Matine Rollie Smith Steve Brody House Party Joe Mitchell Game Of Day Matinee KGAY New Steve Brody House Party Mitchell-New Gam of Day 3 KSLM Matinee KGAY Rollie Smith KBZY News-Brody IMatinee IRollie Smith I Steve Brody KOIN B'ckstage Wife Gal Sunday uick novak KGW Dick Novak KGON News-5 Star 15-Star Matinee IMatinee flinmv Fidler Steve Brody Newsdapcr Dick Novak Woman In Her IMatinee IKGAY News Steve Brody Newspaper Novak-News Pepper Yougn 4 iHeminrway IGold. Million KSLM News KGAY Gold. Million KBZY Nws-Unk Stevel Uncle Steve KOIN Art Kirkham Hi. There KGW Dick Novak IDick Novak IMatinee IMatinee I Sports News ( KGAY News Traffic Beat Traffic Beat News-Godfrey lArthur Godfrey IDicK Novak iNovak-news 5 6 KGON Dr. Gentry Fash. Rhythms! Fash. Rhythm! Fash. Rhythm KSLM I P. M. Frolic S P. M. Frolics INews Report INews IKGAY Gold. Million IGold. Million IJimmv Fidler IKGAY News KBZY News-Police Salem News Friendly Tim Friendly Tim KOIN Ed. K. Murrow News-Wthr. (Tom Harmon IFrank Goss KGW Dick Novak IDick Novak IJohn Daly NwslAndersnn KGON News-Inbound Unbound Unbound Inbound News Virgil Pinkley Gold. Million IKGAY News Morgan Beattyll Man's Family Amos n AnaviAmos n Anay Ed. R. Morgan IJohn Dsly IMorgan Beatly Life & World KSLM Bill Brundif IFarmcast KGAY Gold. Million IGold. Million KBZY News-Sport Alex Dreier KOIN Carpenter Lowell Thomas KGW 0. Anderson Wthr-SporU KGON News-Music Music 7 8 KSLM Gabriel Heater! Silver Serenaded. S Reports iDug Out Dope KBZY Nightlin Nlghtlln Nightiine INightline KOIN News-Draper (Rusty Draper Robt Q Lewis i Robt Q Lewis KGW Joe Mitchell Joe Mitchell Jne Mitchell Mitrhf 11-News KGON News-SUrdust IStardust iNightlin ' INightline KSLM BasebaU IBaseball IBaseball I Baseball KBZY Nlghtllne Nightline Nightllne INightline - . - i s 0 ,1 - Km Ut ST H , ' , ' ill i1 , iimani .H.t s.' ,tll 't"; "r m ssssaii i n IiAdW Jfl BROWNLEE, Ore. Workers stand around as construction work on Brownlee Dam ,u,e was stopped by strike of heavy construction laborers. Dam is being built by Idaho Power Company on Snake River near here. Contract-wage dispute has halted numerous projects in state. (AP) 47 (V 11 r fti'Tsiii y hi - KOIN News-Business Marvm Miller World Tonlt KGW Joe Mitchell Joe Mitchell Uoe Mitchell KGON Nlghtlln INightline Nightllne 9 KSLM BasebaU KBZY Pacific News KOIN News-Melody kuw Joe Mitchell Baseball IBaseball Life & World ILate Show Melodv IRound & Rnd. iJoe Mitchell IDanre Time KGON Family Living uTamlly Living Mostly Music 1KSLM Baseball IBaseball KBZY News-Show Late Show OKOIN News Flash 11 Star Final KGW Tom McCall (Dance Time KGON New Flashes 'Mostly Music News Late Show Hunt & Fish Dance Time iLee On Lin INews Weather IPaul Harvey INightline "IBaseball ILate Show (Round & Round 'Dance Time iMostly Music IMusic (.ate Show IPolltica IDance Time ILee On Lin 1- 1 SLM Detective IDetectlv IMIdnlte Mel IMidnite Mel. KBZY News-Late ShwILat Show Lata Show Late Show KOIN News-Show ILate Show ILate Show INews KGW Dance Tim IDance Tim IDance Time IDance Time KGON News-Le ILee On Lin ILee On Line ILee On Line Radio Station KOAC, 550 kilocycles KOAC (Thursday): lo:M a.m. The News and Weather; 10:15 Especially tor Women Marketing Tips, Zelnut Relgle; ll:to The Concert Hall; 12:00 The News and Weather; 11:15 pjnNoon Farm Hour; 1:00 Melody Last; 1:1J The French Story; 1:4 J The Band Stand; 2:00 F.ipfciilly tor Wasnen "Garden Club of the Air," Mrs. Fred Webster; 2:30 Memory Book of Music; 3:00 Oregon Reporter; 3:15 Music of the Masters; 4:00 University Hour; 5:00 Children's Theater; 5:30 Carnival of Books; 5:45 Serenade In Blue; : Tbe News and Weather; :15 Going to College; t:M Headlines In Chemistry; :4J Dinner Music; 7:15 Evening Farm Hear; 1:00 U. O. Browsing Room Jorge H. Slllot, Garcia: :0 Mime rnat Endures; :45 Evening Meditations Rev. Kenneth Mitchell, First Methodist Church; 10:00 Sign Off. Educational TV (KOAC-TV, Channel 7) THURSDAY, May I: :0 a.m. EdaeatlensJ Psychology; :30 Deels Im for Kesesrch; 1I:M Report Fressi Aaieriea.; 10:30 What's That WfwT! 10:45 Sinr HI, ling L; 5:00 ame-sUaf Mi. Ua L f:M-nira Too Hpaw GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. Glenn Swan of Grand Junction, pet dog at his uu I led yy heels, looks at what is left of his large mountain lodge on the Grand Mesa after winter snows crushed roof and walls. Only the atone chimney was left upright. AF) YourWholei Family Will Enjoy this healthful, delicious treat. Buy some Wrigley's Spearmint Gum today. t$rrgonQ$tate8Mi EXCLUSIVE FEATURES It Seems to M . Charles A Spragn Comes th Daw Conrad Prang Sportsllghtner Al Llghtaer Around Tow Jerym English Don't Look Now Maxln Bnrsa On tbe Brighter Side J nk a Krlrkae of Poindezter; 5:30 Geography for Decision; 0:00 Voters Pamphlet of the Air; f:I5 French Through Tele vision; 4:45 Going t College; 1:00 This Is, Home Economics; 7:15 Transatlantic Televiews; 7:36 Camp Is Panorama) l:0 Slg Off. The World at Your Door Each Morning i!:!s.kx" 4T i -Hi V "' f -'V- I w.-l S"- P-t; WASHINGTON Kesigns Marlon Foi. som, above, resigned Wed nesday as secretary of wel fare. President Eisenhower picked Arthur Fleming, president of Ohio Wesleyan University, to succeed him. (AP) im mpa Assurv rnnnr " By FRED LA J WELL I iJ " irz HI CPS' M iT f ar I fcr i I r sssaaaasaaaaaaaaaa -- BUCK ROGERS I irssnaiAiu a aiaoTuuauma 11 tub ussAt uuii i I ai"T gT.OifJv I MIOMlv VALl5 TO 09 1 II f RBVgLkLSbsTMIre 1. I siTil T55f1 fJ.l IMCKn'MOUSt ' . ; By WAIT DISNEY -7r-lii (Lgrg-rgyrTtl K rr' rr pipnt VvStrl Hate wca aaiocev ! J JUSTLIICEA Hff ma -PfirV Tl WTH' oove cans i saw rr I' . 1E !-Sf fPfM A lN-rHeMov,!ry-a: T N .J tC i BUZZ SAWYER By ROY CRANE I f IVAN, THIS SAWYER, WHOM 1 1 WU'KI AM AMERICAN. N MCf VHAT?THEy EXPECT Me TOTEAoA tiOM WATYW YOU'RE TO TEACH A LITTLE HOW OOEf IT HATPIN . I DON'T AH AMERICAN TO SPEAK RUSSIAN MENTION IT, RUSSIAN WITH A BULGARIAN YOU STEAK BUL6ARIAH? KNOW A WITH A BULCARIAN ACCENT PAl, IT OOCt V ACCENT. Ii rf WOttP OF WHEN HE DOESN'T EVEN SPEAK SOUND A BIT 1, 7 W1U.W, BULaARlAj4. , BULCARIAN? V CRAZY, 0OESHT i if t?? . gasoliVje alley By KINO I Waa-aa took my dOUS You must understand, Nubbin. You made them from very valuable mining fctocnj y1 1 ..A.I a i n i nm I . . .. Cm an' nlas . I sjii n c nir I oi iv iiaww (-.'' r'r .. if ii 'There s a piece missing nere ana pner?. T A y v But it's enough to Xf VVB 11,7 III VUI rv-iccoccin r JUDD SAXON By KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD mltyf7yty&$ MMM. jj 'HERE WE AReTsI if SPl' 50RRY TO DASH OFBUT ' 1 IN A TAXI ON A BAYOU ROAR. . T I5TER. MAIN J V t ifeV tfi ONE OP OUR SWAMP rf ' U" i NOPE. Oil PEOPLE, L SHACK OF BOSWORTM N A f 4 1 ffis& J BUSSiES JUST JUT 1 MOSTLY, ANP THEY CAN PETROLEUM. PON'T 'Tll ffirvlTl BLEW UP... HJltJ I RIP KIRBY By ALEX RAYMOND IF HARM SO, NOW PERHAPS YOU ARC RI6HT. Lssabssci PANTHRO; ARE YA Y"THe PEARLS MUST A COMES TO THE YOU WOULP PEMOLP, EVEN NOW PANTHRO,. CRAZY f KEEP YOUR J 60 BACK TOMONARA, A PRINCESS TEELA, THE HAVE ME TELL FEELS THE ANSER OF THE gjfli HAMPS OFF THIS A. I TELL YOU... I ISLANPERS WILL HOL0 YOU WHERE "-y'yltii . slT - DICK TRACY , By CHESTER GOULD "If Jlltlgl. rt'LL. r5 1 f WE ARE ON TWE THRffSWOU3"1 r VOU SOLO T A alTTl, J APPROVE V WAITING. OF MILLtOafSCjEMTLEMEN. HIM TO A WANTEDA THERE IS YOUR TEN GRAND, THE DEAL, I , IS IN TWE SPORT OF SPORT LABOR ATDRV RorKTrO NOW, GENTLEMEN, I MUST SHALL NCfflFV K" -COCKFIGHfttr WWATTOU ) SHOW THE TRANQUILIZER GUN "JHIS lZSj je ,. A HT MEAN le&BOUBtTS, TO MV ASSOCIATES. WHO s. AFTERNOON 0 iM -V ,UBOR ATORY? SOLD L f.