I 1 M li fell a W Til jssp , . . .... . - m n il ii i rV n x-i 0 .l G UUJ2J THOUSANDS OF-MID-WILLAMETTE VALLEY SMART SHOPPERS BUY AT SALEM'S CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER Monday and Friday Nighls 'fil 9:00 fit DMf UimM rfil 4AAA jiiuu uciyi lwcii niuui in iviwv Shop Owl Drug Nights 'til 10:00; Sunday 9 lo 6 SALEM, OREGON FROM THE NORTH: Turn right at Bypass Junction, follow H-99 Summer St.), turn loft at Union. FROM THE EAST: H 22, talc Mission St. to 12th St., turn right to the Capitol Shopping Center. FROM THE SOUTH: li Take H 99 turn right at 12th St. cutoff, north to the Capitol Shopping Center. FROM THE WEST: Follow H 22 cross the bridge continue on Center St. to the Capitol Shopping Center. CHECK EVERY AD IN THIS SECTION FOR TREMENDOUS WHITE SALE SAVINGS! BERW S Mm mn S. H. KRESS Super Market DRUG BOOTERY Flowers fir Gifts &CO. OSCAR MacMahon's f mm mm mm smm's Margin's JLL SEARS Insurance Agency Me"'s Wear &XLS2fc. SH0E REPAIR Roebuck ond Co. Dr. Hughes TOWNE fifo KL1SIC OptOmetriSt JIlUr "For Your Beouty Needs" 'We Clean Everything- T IIU I V T0YLAHD NIAGARA "s mSS" " EE T;r of Salem barbershop jRfL, COLLEGE bays pleinrfty of FS