1 Poison Antidotes Should Be Kept on Handy Shelf 2- Btgtrdless of bow careful you vvr with ths insecbcides you use your carden. you may.ncd dentally get some into your, body sometime. Keep this list of treat as. menu . nanay tor just tucb an 5 t cmerfency. Remember to call your physician immediately, and never give anything by mouth to ; on unconscious patient Avoid trouble by disposing of your containers properly. Be sure J '.that dry container! that contain Appointed Richard M. Bullock, superin tendent of Washington State College 'branch experiment station at Vancouver, has been appointed director of the recently established Northern Willamette Valley branch experiment station located In Clackamas County. Fruit Spray Needed as Petals Fall The calyx spray for apples and pears is applied for control of scab and certain insects. These include leaf rollers, codling moths, and possibly aphids. By the calyx stage, which fieans that most of the blossoms have fallen to the (round, the fruit has been ferti lized and bees are no longer , "working" the blossoms. m - Insecticides can be applied safe- M or in the calyx stage. Lead arsen te in the calyx spray and two or - three cover sprays during the rest the summer are needed for pro- taction against the common chew ing-type insects damaging apples i'and pears. DDT is even more ef fective against the codling moth ' than lead arsenate. It can be used starting with the first cover spray and still give control of codling jnotns, the adult stage of the tn aect causing wormy fruit DDT could be used in the calyx stage In orchards having excessive cod ling moths in recent years. Apple and pear scab is a prob lem in the Willamette Valley. The amount of scab varies with weath er and fruit variety. Scab damage is greatest in rainy seasons. Con trol materials include lime sulfur, wettable sulfur, frebam, and sir- am. Lime sulfur may cause leaf burn and fruit russettng in certain winter pear varieties and certain apple varieties, including Delicious and the various red strains of Delicious. parathlon or other tqxk phosphates are empty. Burn paper or fibre containers unless they contained 2,4-D. Never re-use any container, Flush liquid cans with water, then crush and bury them or haul them to the city dump. ANTIDOTE It (Internal) give either two-thirds to one ounce of milk of magnesia, aluminum hy droxide gelell diluted with water, or weu-oeaten whites of two or three eggs together with large amounts of water; (external) wash with water and apply moistened sodium bicarbonate. Flush eyes who water, then with phosphoric hydrochloric and sulfuric acid. ANTIDOTE t: (Internal) reoeat doses of a tablespoon of salt in glass of warm water, until vomit fluid is clear, then give two table spoons of epsom salts or milk of magnesia in water. Keep victim quietly lying down and warm: (ex ternal) wash with soap and water. Keep victim quietly lying down and warm: (external) wash with soap and water. Use a Calcium Arsenate, Paris Green, Sodium Bromide, Nemagon, Aldrin, Ben zene Hexachloride, Chlordane. DDD, DDT, Dieldrin, Endrin, Hep- tacnior, Lindane, Methoxychlor, Pentachlorophenol, Toxathene. Cryolite, Sodium Flurode. Black Leaf 40 and Nicotine Sulfate. ANTIDOTE: t: (Internal) give mux or www ot egg beaten with water, then a tablespoon of salt in warm water, repeating until vomit fluid is clear. Then repeat mux or wnite of egg beaten with water; (external) wash with soap ana water, use for Ceresan, Cor rosive Sublimate and Panogen. ANTIDOTE 4: (Internal) put finger down the throat or give tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water, repeating until vomit is clear. Give plenty of imlk or water; (external) wash with soap and water. Use for Malathion. Trithion, Ompa, Tbirnet, Parathion, Methyl Parathlon, Systox, Tepp and Phosdrtn, Guthion. ANTIDOTE 5: (Internal) give tablespoon of baking soda in warm water, repeating until vomit fluid is clear; (external) wash with soap and water. Use for Oinitro Soluble Oil, DN Dusts, Dow Gen eral and Sinox. of Summer Work Helps Control Small Rodents Attack by mice and small ro dents is causing a heavy mortality in trees from one to five years of age in Oregon and Washington, according to Walter G. Thomson, division of State Forestry, of the U.S. Forest Service. "Our recent examinations of plantations made by farmers and owners of small woodlots in both Oregon and Washington have re vealed the advisability of good ground preparation and cultivation in new plantations of trees in order to reduce the mouse and small rodent population as well as to retain the moisture," he said. Conservation Farmer Tour Set May 1 5 A Conservation Week" tour Marion County pasture and forage crops has been announced for the Silverton area for Thursday, May 15. Starting at It a.m. farmers, their wives and other conservation people will meet at the J. Wesley Webb farm, site of the former Sil ver Falls Timber. Co. sawmill at Silverton, for a look at beef cattle ana pasiurei. , v i Alois Imper on the Scotts Mills Road a few miles from the Webbi farm, will show a wide variety of pasture mixtures with hogs, beef and sheep. Joe Bielenberg, above Scotts Mills, has alfalfa on ' hill land plantings. The DuPuits va riety in 1958 spring seedings and one and two year plantings show excellent production. Following lunch in Silverton, the group will move to Victor Hadley's farm on Silver Creek Falls High way at 1:30. Here more alfalfa and sheep will be seen. A short distance from this, the Willard Benson pasture plantings of grass and clover with his beef cattle will be on display. Final stop of the day will be at a forest thinning and pruning lot. Potatoes provide more Vitamin C than any other source, including citrus fruits, says University of Idaho Horticulturist Walter Sparks. 'Evacuation' Food Is Tasty, Satisfying , (S M ' t v" 7 S Z. "if ? v. "W v J f - X i HI llssssWi I k I M It II II l.Ji MONMOUTH Civil defense officials staged mass feeding at Monmonth Tuesday noon, where more than 500 persons were fed turkey sandwiches made with home-grown wheat and locally nude bread, coffee and orange juice. An upturned box forms tsble for Bar bara, 6, (left) and Margaret Lieuajlen, 5. Behind them is their mother, Mrs. R. E. Lieu alien, and Oscar Christensen. (Statesman photo) Polk County Mass Feeds People In Three Cities By MERVIN JENKINS Valley Editor, The Statesman Polk county took active part Tuesday in civil defense planning for possible emergency with mass feeding of citizens at Dallas, Mon mouth, and Independence. Fire sirens in all three towns sounded three minute blasts at 11:30 s. m., and feeding crews began serving turkey sandwiches, coffee, and orange Juice. Each Polk County Court News DALLAS The following new complaints were on file in Polk County Circuit Court: Isabella D. Masiker vs. Elmer Masiker, plaintiff seeks divorce, approval of property settlement agreement, and care and custody minor child, plaintiff alleges cruelty. Married June 22, 1935 at Stevenson, Wash. Barbara E. Oglevie vs. Donald A. Oglevie, plaintiff alleges cruel ty, seeks divorce from defendant, and care and custody of two minor children, with $100 monthly support for the minor children. Married July 1, 1951 at Sherdian, -Ore. Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH , With Little Worry Kt, telk, laugh or nu i without feu of lnwcura Mm teath drapplnr. if or WODDiing. ruiuia niitM firmer and mon com- fortably. This pleasant powder tiu no Upplnf or wobbling nouu nmmv fivHT. nutv ta ie or leeum. Doesn't cause nsuses. It's alkaline (non-acid). Checks "plate odor" (denture breath) . Get F A8TEETH at drug counters ererywhere. NEW IDEAS EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK Be sure to see ITl'TiiTvj frTiMB-suvuroi J.W. SMTUSB-MISUM MU teufiL UUM MIA StMUXOM SSNl Are Gas Pumps Mii Keeping You Prok ? Mej Go C2mlbleP- in Sales Success!. Only Rambler no other American car ' is selling faster than ever before! Sales are up 70 over last year. Because ttaly Rambler costs least to own. Only Ram bler gives most miles per gallon. Only Rambler depreciates so little. Only Rambler offers Airliner Reclining Seats, Twin Travel Beds. Hurry in today. Buy now and save every mile you drive! iCrAmtriom Afotora Meantitortfor American B0NESTEELE SALES & SERVICE, INC., 370 N. Church, Salem persons was registered before be ing served, and simulated handling of mass evacuees was practiced. At Dallas and Monmouth just over 500 persons showed up in each city for free lunch, while Independence reported feeding 200. Polk County Civil Defense Dir ector Melvin Gilson said results of the program were very sat isfying. Bread for the sandwiches was made from county-grown wheat, ground by manual labor under conditions similar to those of war time when electricity would not be available. Fire departments of the three cities participated, sending trucks to the feeding areas and forming direct radio contact between aU points. Perrydale and Falls City are also a part of the radio com munication setup, noted Gilson. The latter two towns did not feed residents. While food was dispensed until . 1 o'clock, bulk of the big crowd had been registered, fed, and ready to return to work within 40 minutes after sirens had sound ed. At Monmouth, where Frank Wlaz is new director of local civilian defense, the program moved swifty and smoothly. Dean Craven supervised the long tables where food was dispensed, and Art Spreadborough handled in formation and directions over quickly assembled public address system. Communications were headed by Fire Chief Dave Zardeneta. Pro motional director for the program was Earl Sterigere. Similar program was carried out In the Dallas city park and at the Elks Lodge in Independence. Rudolf Frlml, who composed the light operas, "The Firefly" and "Rose Marie," is equally well known as a concert pianist. Office Manager Hired By East Salem Water District Stateaaua Ntwa nice FOUR CORNERS Mrs. Ray Herehfelt bar been hired by com missioners of the Suburban East Salem Water District as office manager. Office hours will be 1 to S p.m. Monday through Friday. James Waller, manager since the district has been In operation, was released from his position May Kenneth Strawn, president of the board, said there was no lack of efficiency on the part of Waller's wore during the year he was mana ger ot the district. There are 227 service meters in operation and an additional 105 are being made ready for water. Service connections and water revenue for the month of April 1958 totaled $1,988. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., May 7, '58 (Sec. I111 Voter Turnout Reported Large Korean Child Excuse For Baby Shower Stateamaa Ntws Service VALSETZ A shower honoring Mrs. Wayne Hadley was given here recently in anticipation of the ar rival next month of an adopted orphan from Korea. Kimberly A an, 8-month-old Korean girl, is to be brought to this country early In June by Harry Holt, Cresweu farmer. Another orphan adopted by the Hadley's . died last month en route to this country. Fifteen guests attended the shower and many presents were sent by other friends. Valley Obituaries' JOHN NATHAMAL BURNETT ALBANY Funeral services are Saturday at Harrisburg, Ore- Christian church for John Nathan lal Burnett. 72. retired Lian county road supervisor. Formiller- Fredericksen chapel of Albany in charge of arrangments of the 2 m. service and interment in Alford cemetery near Harrisburg. He was born at LaCentre, Minn. Sept. 14, 1885. He lived at Harris burg and Albany before moving to Monmouth. His first wife died in 1949. He later married Edith Mae Taylor, who survives. Other survivors include three sons. Merlin. Sweet Home: Melvin. t-ugene; and Eddie Burnett. Har risburg; a daughter, Mrs. Violet Halvorsen, Seattle; two sisters and a brother, all In Minnesota. There are 10 grandchildren. BUSINESS MEN'S ASSURANCE CO. L IH IUMmm Dee taMnien LIFE ACCIDENT HEALTH INSURANCE ESTATE PLANNING BUSINESS INSURANCE MstMk Me. SvHe MS EM 2-OtOe Budgets Are Favored In Polk County Stateaaua Mew Service Favorable budget votes were re ported from all schools in Polk County following Monday's elec tion. At Greenwood voters came close to being the only school to down a measure, casting a 10 to 10 tie vote on the non-high $127,000 meas ure. But the local budget passed 14 to 2. Ed Detering was re named director for five years. At Oak Grove Jack Lister was named a five year board direc tor and F. C. Griffith to a three year term to fill out the unex pired term of Robert Farmer, who has retired from the board. Buena Vista named John wheel er to the board for five years. BEAR TWO SPEAKERS ORCHARD HEIGHTS -Bolk County Tax Assessor Ray Rabenaw explained state-wide re-evaluation and reappraisal as it affects local property owners at Orchard Heights Farmers union meeting Friday. The union also heard Coun ty Commissioner G. V. Rempel dis cuss the planned road building pro gram or roik county. Stateaaaaa Mews Service LEBANON -In the biggest turn out in recent history, Lebanon voters approved three school bond issues Monday. The IU1.159.40 bond issue for dis trict No. 1 union high school was approved 502 to 291. Another bond of $240,000 to complete work on the new school also was passed, 488 to 320. District 16 elementary school budget of $214,60 was passed 40 to 238. Incumbent Bert Udell was re-elected union high school dir ector 4S3 to 223 write-ins for John Eskeldson. Or. David Reid, incumbent, was returned as dir ector for district 11 FARMERS ARE MEETING SPRING VALLEY Spring Val ley Farmers Union will bold a regular monthly business meeting Thursday, May 13. at the Commun ity Center. EASY CASH FOR THINGS NO LONGER USED. ADVERTISE IN CLASSIFIED 430 OUR LOAN PLAN the all-in- jdcal! Our Conventional Home Financing flan makes a single package of interest, principal, taxes end insurance-one monthly payment covers all four! This lew-cost home-payment plan will save yeu a good deal of time, trouble and money. See us first when you're ready to buy or build yevr home. Salem Federal Savings & Loan Association 560 State St. Open Friday Evenings Til I P. M. Closed Saturday SALEM fEDfsRAL SAVIKSS tll!iiaM Sly' n j BUYING 16-20-0? grow modem ... buy ANCHOR One look at ANCHOR 16-20-0 tells you that it is the ideal, pellet ized modern fertilizer you want ...the right balance of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur, for handiest application by plane, drilling or broadcasting. 1 UnLoE: M MoM 21C14 VT3 262 ami art inchca II J area g ONLY ANCHOR 16-20-0 contains 320 lbs. amnionic nitrogen, 400 lbs. available phosphoric acid and 15.3 (306 lbs.) sulphur per ton. May be shipped in combination with ANCHOR Treble 45, 11-48-0 or 13-39-0. FAST SERVICE Order now from your fertilizer dealer. Regular 239.95 viewable Brand New 1958 General Electric "SUM SILHOUETTT CONSOLE TV with TOP-TUNING 110 Aluminized Picture Tub Big, Easy-to-Wafch Picture Dork Safety Window Dependable General Elech-U Chassis remegsO-EDynapewerSpeelcer $5 Down Only $2.25 per Weekl AUM I7FIUI v 17" PORTABLE SPECIAL! Very .pedalt 1951 "Slim Silhouette" 17 port able with new 110-decree picture tube, retraeta bl i carrying handle, and weight only 36 pound. Full year warranty en all parti, all tubei! SPECIAL BRAND Manufactured by WESTERN PHOSPHATES, INC., Garfield, Utah Distributed by WILSON & GEO. MEYER & CO , Cascade Bids., 520 Southwest 6th Avenue, Portland 4, Oregon 14" PORTABLE SPECIAL General Electric TV Special, S5.M dowa $1.75 per week, full year warranty 11 parts. Special... WBT FREE TV STAND With 2Mack General Electric Tsble Model TV $17Q0 This set now only ' . Easy Terms W Green Stamps 365 N. COMMERCIAL TU) Open ll Friday ' NiteTill i 9 P.M.