Q FOR YEARS OF BEAUTY. M. ill , . , Zlcr ' ,(! 'in! ir,'.(.if;.t' IN 46 0Z- ECONOMICAL CANS ..LESS THAN 5 A GLASS Timeless Tale I... LI L. V re I ffsC ' t T N....... & Z1 Visit your Lees dealer now! He has the heavenly carpets for you at the price and the terms you've been waiting for! CALIFORNIA Areata Feuerwerkers Crescent City Baker A Stanton Eureka Baker A Stanton Daly Bros. Low's Furniture IDAHO Bolt H end rent' Furniture Petersen Furniture Company CeldweN Bevinoton Ftoor Covering . Case Furniture Company Lewktea Ske'ltons Floorcoverings Moscow Brown Furniture Compeny Namp Cese Furniture Compeny OREGON Ashland Gates Furn. Co. Eugene The Bon Merche Lyons Furn. Co. Sterling Furn. Co. Grant Pass Gates Furn. Co. Klamath Palls Luces Furniture Co. Lafcevlaw Luces-Howard Furniture Getes Furn. Co. Lfpperts' Home Furnishers Weeks Orr Salem Hamilton Furniture Co. Meier ft Frank H. L. Stiff Furn. Co. Sllverton H. L. Stiff Furn. Co. WASHINGTON , Greenlee Furniture Keanowtek . Ssldens pf Kennewick Seldeni of Moses Lake Omafc Claire Pent Furniture Co. Pasco Perrys Furniture Company Richland Richland Betl Furniture Walta Walla ... Gredwohl Furniture end Carpet Itenhart Furniture Compeny Norrls Floorcovering and other Lees dealers JfY I lil fjjZ "" U I elegant multi-colored effect. Y l if n matchless all-wool tweeds such at Kincardln, Ridgemera L l'f Qff ' and $celoer. With wool'i wonderful wearobility, too. IB ' """"" '"W f 0b0U 10 '4 9S ,qUOre y0rd Seejuence graceful scroll pattern in pure (elected t Jt I all wool the belt carpet fiber known for combined -W iiiii" fj beauty, durability, toll reitance. 9 x 12 about $155. Lln' V : ', , -You'll be rYilte Hb, ; with those ; :- u U carpets Jawellwitl tees famed "beautllity combination: Avisco rayon for clear, clear color; wool for greatest springiness; nylon for longest wear. 9 x 12 about $105. They're pure pleasure, "those heavenly carpets by Lees". For only, Lees carpets give you all these features: the world's finest materials -original Lees designs-Lees famous exclusive, clear colors-Lees matchless craftsmanship. From as little as $4.95 to $24.95 the square yard. Budgeted if you wish. Sold only by Lees carefully selected dealers, chosen for their ability to give you the best possible carpet advice. Buy your Lees carpet at any store listed in the adjoining column, with confidence that it will give you years of beauty.