34-(Sec. IV), Statesman, fimii Friday Shows Full By BOB SCHWARTZ Statesman Sport Writer April showers bring May flow- irs and a deluge ef baseball games, and now that May la witMNerth's record If 1-1 ui, w are the games, Friday' prep date ii one of the biggest of the year In the Willam ette Valley .area, Every1 local league hat. a full achedule on tap, plui a track meet or two tossed la to sweeten the pott The big game of the day In the District S A-l loop Is the clash between North and South Salem on the Vikings' Barrick Field. This Is the second mix of the year be tween the two. The flrat was this past Monday and had the Viks coming out on top 20-7. Both teams Fight Men Told to Talk Managers Plead 'Poor Memory' NEW YORK (-Fight managers Hymie Wallman and Bernie Click man were ordered Thursday by the court to answer questions fully when general sessions Judge John A. Mullen refused to accept poor memory as an excuse. Both Wallman. a New York furrier and manager, and Gllck man, a Chicago fight man who is the manager of welterweight Virgil Aklnt, were ordered to re turn Friday before a grand Jury investigating boxing. Alfred J. Scotti, assistant dis trict attorney, told Judge Mullen that Wallman showed a "frail memory" on questions concerning an alleged meeting at his home Feb. 10. Scotti said those present Included James D. Norris, then president of the International Box ing Club; Billy Brown, IBC match maker; Frankie Carbo, said by the district attorney as being an undercover fight manager, and others. John Bonoml, another assist aat district attorney, said OUek maa failed to answer certain questions about a reported $10,909 loan to Carbo and a bet Carbo allegedly made on Aklns through Gllckman on the night ef the welterweight elimination match with Isaac Logart. wins sioppeu i.oSan in me sixm round of a March 21 bout at Mad- ison Square Garden to enter the ' finals of an elimination tourna ment for the title vacated by Car men Basilic Akins is to box Vince Martinez of Paterson, N.J. at St. Louis June ( for the champion ship. Scotti said Wallman admitted meeting with Norris, Carbo and ethers at his home .but "claimed either a frail memory or an In ability to remember what ' was said la regards to boxing." s When Judge Mullen asked whether Wallman was in the same room, Scotti said "he did say he sai chased out of a room in his own home." Bonomi asserted Carbo placed a bet on Akins through Glickman "but the witness can't recall any of the circumstances of that wager." He also said that In May, 1957. Gllckman loaned Carbo $10,000 but said the witnea could not re call anything about the transac tion "other than that nnother manager gave him the money to loan to Carbo." Judge Mullen also directed Glickman to produce bank books and other financial records im mediately and to produce those in Chicago as soon as possible. Portland Netters Blank Willamette PORTLAND (Special)-Portland University's net squad white washed Willamette 7-0 in a match here Thursday afternoon. The Pi lots didn't lose a set during the day. The summaries:, SINGLES: BUI Rose (P) ef. Tim Campbell (W) 8-1, -; Louis SarvlUe (P) def. Bob Bennett (W) S-l. 8-8: dry Ambrose (P) def. Dale Daniel (W) t-l. S-8; BUI Sheehan (P) Set. Glenn Durham (W) (-1, (-2; Jim Armstrong (P) Sef. BUI Richter (W) -4. t-l. DOUBLES: Rose-Ambrose (P) tfef. Campbell-Bennett (W) S-2, -3; Survllle-Sheehan (P) def. Daniel-Durham (W) 8-, S-l. CHERRY CITV Ladles' City League: Marshall'i Inn (4), Arden Farmi (0): Del Funk'i Texaco (I). The- Corral (3): China City (1), Ed's Market (1: Cover Girl (0), Good Housekeeping (4); Team No. 4 (3), Kay's (1): The Hub (2), Tele-Treat (J); Chuck's Steak House (4), Lana Tavern (0); The Triangle (lVt). Portland Rd. Lumber (24). Hlfh Ind. series: Cai sie Bain (574). Hlfh Ind. fame: Bar bara Smith (212). High team series: Chuck's Steak House (2121). Hlfh team series: The Hub (MO. State House No. 1: Rlfht of War (4), Highway Materials (0); Tax Commission (4), Welghmasters (0); Forestry Protection (), Hlehway Ac counting (1); Traffic Engineer! No. 1 (3), Motop Vehicle (1): state Po lice (2), Construction No . 2 (2); Fairvtew Home (2), Construct' on No. 1 (2). High team series: Forestry Protection (2801). High team fame: Tram- Engineers No. 1 (9S1). High individual series: Bryant Jackmond of Welghmasters (513). High Ind. game: Ted Roake of Construction No. 1 (232). State Bouse No. 2: Highway Shops (4), Legal Eagles (); Traffic Engi neers No. S (3), Office Engineer! (1); Oregon Nat. Guard (4), Mavericks (01: Veterans Affairs (3). Forestry Management (1), PUC Motors (2), Traf. Eng. No. I (2). High team se ries and game: Traffic Eng, No. I 1132. 4t. High ind series: John Day of PUC 603. High ind. Sam .Fromm ef Traffic No. 3- tame: -222. CAPITOL Salem Utilities: Circuit Breakers 1, Deadends 1; Penthouse S, 4, Disinte grators 0; Kilowatts 3, Microwaves I; Portland Gas V Coke . City Water Dept. 4; T-Squares 3, Ding Dong I 1; Salem Electric 2, Odd Balls 2. High Individual game: Larry Wels ner 221. High Individual series: Larry Welsner S4S. High team game: Pent house S til. Hlfh team series: Pnthnnse S 2124. Satem, Or., Fri., May 2, '5& eel a win to stay la the thick of the pennant chase. South It cur rently tied with Albany for the loop lead with a 4-1 mark, while Two other "civil war" clashes are tapped for District I A-l. Al bany is due to tangle with Cor vallis on the Spartans' diamond, and Sweet Heme win more late Lebanon te meet the Warriors la another possible donaybreok. All the District t goes are booked for ):M p.m. la the Capital Conference, league leading Mt. Angel-will play host to Silverton In a S p.m. tilt, while Woodburn Is at North Marlon, and Gervals at Cascade la 1:39 tilts. Serra plays at Stayton In an under Theyll Do It Every Time Fester was unequivocally a l4dies'niht 4T his ( up to THEN) STRICTLY MALE LODGE But have a ladies' nk5ht they did-amd GUESS WHO DID ALL THE DIPPING BOWING AND DRCOLIM0'"' THAW 4N04TIP OP THE H4TLO HAT .TO Ji4M AUBUCHON, It03 W. MAlH, pe&TUS, MW. Today, Monmouth OCE Tabs Ball, Track OREfJON COLLEGE. Monmouth (Special Oregon College baseball nH trunk form, tanele with n nair I 0f Oregon Collegiate Conference foes here Friday afternoon, and then on Saturday the baseball team moves into action again in a doubleheader. Coach Bob Livingston's diamond crew, looking tor us iirst conter ence victory after "three starts, face the Oregon Tech Owls at S p.m. Friday in a single game, and at 1 p.m. Saturday In a twin bill Coach Bill McArthur's track and field team clashes with the Port land State Vikings in the Friday meet, starting at 3:15 o clock. Serra Snags Cinder Meet TURNER (Special) Serra Cath olic of Salem, getting a near sweep in the weight events, eked out a 61-60 win over Cascade in dual track meet held here Thursday. Al Schmidt of Cascade was the individual high point winner with 11 Vi on firsts in the 100 and 220 yard dashes, plus a leg on the winning relay team. Dick Carney of Serra and John Baker of Cas cade each picked up 10 points. Car ney won both the 880 and mile, while Baker took the low and high hurdles. Serra took all three spots in the discus and shot; plus the top two places in the javelin. Summary: H. H : 1 John Baker (C) 11 1 188: I Al Schmidt (C) 11.1 Mile: 1 Diek Carney (S) 1:01.1 448: 1 Bob BnbT (C) SS.4 L. H.: 1 John Baker (C) IJ.4 228: 1 Al Schmidt (C) 24.5 SS0: 1 Dick Carney (8) -J:1S.I ' B. J.: 1 Ed Korkow (C) 11-4 Die.: I Dave Lahr (S) 142-1 H. J.: 1 Ed Robertaon (C) J-l Vault: 1-M. Xncere (S) -l Shot: 1 Ken Nenberfer (8) 4l- Jar.: Tom Grlepentrof (S) 17S-I Relay: 1 Cascade (Schmidt, Rob ertaon, Younger, Miller) 1:4 J.. Red Sox, Nats Swap BOSTON ( The Boston Red Sox Thursday night announced acqui sition of catcher Lou Berberet for infielder Ken Aspromonte in a straight player trade with the Washington Senators. REAL BLEND WINS ALBANY, Calif. UB-Real Blend came from off the pace Thursday and won the featured $2,500 purse at Golden Gate Fields withRalph mpvm .Knurrl eves aooara Goin' After 'Em (Continued from preceding page) rough and dangerous. Tuesday of this past week found the favorite fishing spot roughter than the North Sea. Most of Oregon's larger lakes can get riled up on a moment's notice and become treacherous. Your chances of survival are much greater If all necessary and vise precautions are taken before yon leave shore ... Warrenburg Found Santiam Quite Willing Ed Warrenburg, 3390 Winona, Salem, took a quick trip to the Santiam River last Wednesday and was back in town before 10 a.m. with seven nice trout taken on single eggs. Ed fished the Santiam south of Salem. . - Outlook for the coming, weekend looks favorable en the fol lowing waters: Suttle Lake for blneback. Single eggs and worms best bnit. Metollus River In fly fishing area. Deschutes River above mouth of Crooked with salmon flies best bait or Imitation flies for fly fishing. Detroit Reservoir should produce some good catches although anglers will not find the going quite so easy as they did on the first day. BaH fishing should still produce best here. The Santiam River, both south and north forks should con tinue to produce seme good catches en eggs and worms.' Slltcoos, Mercer and Woahlnk Lakes oa the Coast look like the best waters In that area. Bait fishing and trolling best. Prep Baseball Slate the lights S o'clock clash. Willamette Valley League play finds Dallas at Estacada, Central at Caaby and Sandy at Molalla. The Dallas-Estacada mix is slated for t:M, while the other two go to the post at S:SO. The Yawama League has four games booked. Loop pacing Sher wood (4-0) will travel to Salem Academy (0-4), Sheridan (1-t) Is at Banks (S-l). Wlllamlna (S-l) at Amity (l-t, and Philomath (1-S) plays host to Yamhill (1-t). All games are slated for t o'clock, except Wlllamlna Amity, which will start at t:S0 p.m. In the Marion B loop we find five games on the roster. Valsets at Sanltam, St. Paul at Mae- -f I'M OPPOSED.? LET THE D4MES eBTSS5 f 4LL THOSE ) A FOOT IN.AND OUR LODGE IS PUINEO Mf (OPPOSED? VOU OOVS OUTVOTED ME, BUT I J V? f sf WANT TO CO ON RECORD I TM. M ViJrf aoies, welcome M4V r , f-i ' M J LI SHOW VOU GROUND? WHAT Vju-UiiJ 1 " I 1M COULO 2 SET VOU IN THE Wry WueMl??5PWi2M VzZ2 oka I iR4-nrw?4LLOW MI - .HOW., ELMO WAS fif 'JI ,rt . nXTIII "TTlii: -smivi Tf r I - I ill i ? in! m fm -1 i ,. cm u n m Driving Roster Named For H-Bowl Race Card The driving roster for Saturday night's 1958 auto racing inaugural at Hollywood Bowl was named yesterday by the Capital Auto Rac- ins Association which will hfl in the action with stock hard tops, The card erts under wav at 7:30 o'clock with time trials; which will PAT WILSON He'll pilot No. 52. Huskies Get 3-Way Win GERVAIS (Special) North Mar ion, sweeping first place in all events, took a three-way track meet Thursday against Woodburn and Gervais on the Gervals oval. Rickie Lamb paced his team mates with I6V4 points on firsts in the 100-yard dash, low hurdles and broad jump, plus anchoring the re-. lay team. All told the Huskies picked up 99 points, while wood burn was getting 27 and Gervais Ernie Coleman won the pole vault and high hurdles, and added j a second m the javelin for 13 points. Summary: - H. H.: 1 Brnie Coleman (NM) 17.1 100: 1 RIckle Lamb (NM) 10.1 Mile: 1 Ken Lambert (NM) 4:H.T 440: 1 Russ Colgan (NM) 54.1 L. H.: 1 RIckle Lamb (NM) 22.1 22: 1 Ray Hoefllng (NM) 24.1 M0: 1 Ken Lombard (NM) 2:10.5 B. J.: 1 RIckle Lamb (NM) 20' 5 Disc: 1 Gary Lurkey (NM) 127-1 H. J.: 1 Pred Fred rlfks (NM) 5- Vault: 1 Ernie Coleman (NM) 11-S Shot: 1 Dave Reed (NM) St-KH Jav.: 1 Bob Mathlew (NM) 151-0 Relay: 1 North Marlon (Doubra- va, PeArmond, Hoefllng, Lamb) 1:3S.I. . . . ' ." U ' - V-fc. Iff ! vi. " ht rv. f Laren, Jefferson at Chemawa, Col ton at Detroit, nod rails City at St. Boniface. An art te start at S o'clock. Oa the Junior high book its Intra school clashes. At Leslie the Golds and Blues tangle, while the Cards and Grays are doing the same at Parrish. Beth games will get underway at i p.m. South Salem's Saxons will host the Albany Bulldogs In a dual track meet starting at S:M. Lena- aoa will fill the same role when Sweet Home invades the Warriors' cinders for a dual go. In tennis Mllwaukie win meet North Salem oa the Vlk courts, with a S s'cleck starting time listed. By Jimmy Hado be followed by two trophy dashes, heat races and main events. The Class A mainer will be the Gov. Paul Patterson Memorial Race. Drivers and respective car num bers are as follows (all from Sa lem unless otherwise noted): 1-Dale Collie. 2 Stan Dietz, Canby. 4 Jack Duncan, St. Paul. 5 Fay Ladd, Gervais. 7 J. R. Duncan. 8 Don Rickard. 11 Don Tschritter. 13-Paul Andreson. 15 Monte Gust. 16 Howard Moller. 23 Les Shannon. 24 Harlon Jack son. 25 Roy Jackson, Silverton. 27 Ray Hiebert, Dallas. 31 Red Weitman. 32 Gerald Smeadstead. 33-Jeri Jones. 39 Mike Michels. 40 - B1U Neufeldt. 44 Dennis Sears. 45 Walt Pflughaupt, Cor vallis. 49 Wes Smith. 52-Pat Wil son. 53 Darrell Donahoo. 55 Roy Kennedy. 69-Bud Barton. 72 Bill Triplett. 76 Verlyn Gagle. 77 Rhlph Asbury, Brooks, $3 Paul Rickard. 88-Jack Provost, Valley Junction. 99 Carrol Faulkner, Longview, Wash. 999 Ed Negre, Longview, Wash. Jack Duncan won the Patterson Memorial last year, Collie, Dietz and Ladd are past CARA driving champions, Faulkner and Negre are top-Northwest stock car pilots and Pflughaupt is the 1957 North west stock car champ. j Saxon Netmen Pound Oswego South Salem's tennis team lost only two sets in blanking Lake Oswego 9-0 Thursday afternoon in a match in Salem. It was the eighth win against one loss for the Saxons, the defending state tennis champions. The summaries: SINGLES: John Brown (8S) def. Pete Papulakl (0) -0, -l: Al Boyer (SS) def. Arnold Southwell (O) 4-0, -(, i-i : Ron trensnaw (SB) aer. Rusty Whitney (O) , (-1; Bill CrandaU (BS) def. Rich Billiard (O) -. -l: John Wenger (SS) def. Day ton Holt (O) (-4, 1-1; Corby Minnlch (SS) def. KICK KOSKIC (U) t-l. Mark Wulf-Charlea Hud- DOCBLBS: kins (SB) def. Papulski-Southwell i. '-i.-'- 8 I, 6-1, i-i; Steve Kagie-Mike Mrciain oung (SS) def. Joe Erlckson-Steve to) s-o, e-i; ai jacooson- def. Holt- Roskte ) (-3, S-2. RECORD BROKEN AUSTN, Tex. UrV-Eddie South em of Texas Thursday night bet tered the NCAA record for the 440-yard dash, running the distance in 46.1 in a triangular meet be tween Texas, Rice and Texas A&M. AMERICAN LEAGUE G AB R H Pet. .4.K .42) .411 .400 .M3 M .37 ,373 .311 .342 Robinson, Baltlmor 12 Vernon, Cleveland 12 Cerv, Kansas City IS Colavlto, Clevelnd 10 Kuenn, Detroit 15 McDougald, N. Y. 13 Martin, Detroit Skowron, N. Y. 13 Runnels. Boston 14 39 4 17 28 S 12 48 II 20 3 4 It SI I 24 N 1,11 37 8 14 SI I 1 5t 1 ie 38 5 1 3 Lollar, Chicago 12 Rome runs: Cerv. Kansas Cltv. 7: Jensen, Boston. 4; Trlandos, Balti more, 1; Williams, Boston, Si Lollar, Chlcaro, 3; Marls, Cleveland, J. Runs batted In: Cerv, Kansas City, S3: Vernon, Cleveland, 12; Carrai quel, Cleveland, 12; Jensen, Boston, 11; five players tied with It. NATIONAL LEAGUE O AB R H Pet. Mnslal, St. Louis Temple, Cincinnati Maya, San Fran. Clemente, Plttsbrgh Hoak, ClnrinnaU Walls, Chleaeo Aahburn, Phlla. ' Skinner, Pittsburgh Satier, San Fran. Spencer, San Fran. 13 53 13 28 .928 11 42 1 17 .40.1 15 83 13 S3 .401 12 M 7 20 .400 11 44 8 17 .38 14 M 18 21 Ml 13 47 18 17 .382 12 50 8 IS .36 13 3D I 14 .399 15 57 8 tO ,391 10 37 I 11 .391 Gray, Los Angeles Needa 15 for lifetime total of 1,801. Borne Runs: Walls, Chicago, 8; Bauer, San Franclsro 7: Mathews, Milwaukee, 8; Banks, Chicago, 5; Thomas, Pittsburgh, 5. 4 Runs Batted In: Walls, Chicago, 17; Spencer, San Francisco, 14; Saner, San Francisco, 13; Cepeda, Ban Francisco 13; Entile, St, Louie 13. Tim Tarn is Derby Pick 'Silky' Among 9 Top Favorites v LOUISVILLE. Ky. (aV-Tim Tarn is the slight favorite to win the classic Kentucky Derby Saturday, but the Calumet Farm colt must reckon with Silky Sullivan, Jewel's Reward and 13 others who were entered today for America s most colorful horse race. There were a few surprises when the entry box slammed shut Thursday morning at the Churchill Downs secretary's of flee and the original "big four" In the Il,)00-added gallop1 was trimmed to the "big three" for the mile and a, quarter romp which has a 4:30 p.m. EST, pest. This came about when Nadir, the big Claiborne Farm colt of Arthur B. Hancock, was with drawn by trainer Moody Jolley. Nadir, who last fall woif the world's richest race, the 3277,000 Garden State Stakes, will be sent to New York, to prep for a pos sible appearance in the Preakness at Baltimore May 17 and the Bel mont Stakes June 7. Nadir was fourth in Tuesday's Derby trial won by Tim Tarn, and suffered a couple of minor leg cuts. If the weather maa cooperates, this 84th Derby could draw more than 100,000 for the biggest crowd In its history due to the presence of Silky Sullivan. Slick Silky, the California slowpoke who trails far behind then gives the old college try in the final half mile. Is one of the most talked about colts ever te start In the Derby. Silky Sullivan, owned by Tom Ross and Phil Kllpstein, may not grab the garland of American beauty roses, but he got there first when the entry box opened at 7 a.m. At 7:07, Harry Silbert made Silky the first official entry. Sil bert is agent for jockey Willie Shoemaker, who rides the big chestnut crowd thriller. - Jewel's Reward, owned by the Maine Change Farm of Mrs. Elizabeth N. Graham, was en tered at 3:35 along with two stablemates. Jet's Alibi and Eb ony Pearl, by trainer Ivan Parke. Dee Brooks, stable agent for Mrs. Gene Markey's Calumet Farm, entered Tim Tarn at 8:56. Tim Tarn was listed as the early 2-1 choice to give Calumet its sev enth Derby. Odds on Silky Sullivan, who copped the Santa Anita Derby but hasn't tangled with such colts as Tim Tarn and Jewel's Reward, were I to 2. Jewel's Reward, who was gen erally recognised as the 3-year-old champ of 1957, was third choice at 7-2, heading the Maine Chance entry. Stayton Wins. 3-Way Meet STAYTON (Special) The host Stayton Eagles, led by Don Bom berger, raced to victory in a three - way track meet Thursday against Silverton and Scio. Stay- ton scored 78 points, while Silver ton was getting 65 and Scio 10. Bomberger showed his heels to the pack in the 100 and 220-yard dashes, picked up a first in the broad jump and ran a leg on the winning relay team. In all the Stayton speedster nicked up-16 points. The Eagles also picked up a pair of wins from Don Callahan in the low and high hurdles. Only other double winner of the day was Jim McKillon of Silverton. with first place finishes in the pole vault and javelin. Stayton also won the jayvee meet with 74V4 points. Sil verton had 30 Mi and Scio 18. Summary: - H. H.: 1 Don Callahan (St) 12 100: 1 Don Bamberger (St) 10.1 Mile: 1 Cal Smith (St) 4:41.1 440: 1 Denny Deetx (St) 52.3 L. H.: 1 Don Callahan (St) 22.2 220: 1 Don Bamberger (St) 24.0 SM: 1 John Sklrvtn (Si) 2:07.0 B. J.: 1 Don Bamberger eJSt) 1S-3 Disc: 1 David Doerfler (SI) 113 11 H. J.: 1 (Tie) Mike Cruson (St) and Ken Ashley (81) 5-94 Vault: 1 (Tie) Jim McKlUop (SI) and Roger Schwab (SI) 10-4 snor. 1 Tom i.vncn () 4- Jav.: 1 Jim McKlUop (81) 142-4 Relay: 1 Stayton, (Bamberger, Cox, Tiger, Bennett) 1:40.1 Molalla Ties With Central MONMOUTH (Special)-Central and Molalla came' up with S3 points each Thursday night to tie for first place in a three way track meet with Dallas on the OCE cinders. Dallas picked up 46 points for a close finish, Vern Lovelace of Central was high point man with I6V4 points. Lovelace placed first in both the low and high hurdles and t h e broad jump, then added a leg of the relay win to his total. Gary Heinz and Judd Browne, both of Molalla, each had 11 points. Heinz had firsts in the 880 and mile, plus a fourth in the broad jump. Browjie won the 100 and 220-yard dashes and a fourth in the shot. Summary: H.R.: 1, Vern Lovelace fO 18.1. 1M: 1, Judd Browne (M) 18.9. Mile: 1. Mtlton Helm (M) 4:54.2. 440: 1, Dwight Neal (C) 58.3. L.H.: 1, Vern Lovelace (O 21.1. 220: 1, Judd Browne (M) 23.8. 888: 1. Milton Relnr. CM) 2:08.1. B.J.: 1, Vern Lovelace (C) 20-4',,. Discus 1 1. Jim Brian (C) 128-4. H.J.: 1, Claude McLean fO 5-11. Vault: 1, Ev Colllngham fD) 11-3. Shot: 1, Gerald Parker (M) 48-8. Javelin: 1, Dirk B'ltton (C) 158-2. Relay: 1. Central fJim Buker. pwlcht Neal. Doug Cutaforth, Vern Lovelace) 1:37.8. Chdrch Softball Senior League: Free Methodist 8, Pint Et'B 0; Calvary Baptist IS. Trinity Methodist 7: South Salem Nazarene 8, Evangelistic Temple 8: St. Johns Lutheran 8, First Baptist 8; St. Marks Lutheran IS, Englewood ECB 1; Highland Friends Grace Lutheran S. r "' . What $tatp up tw NATION IN NSW 60LF course coNsmxrm FOR ,9.577 California led, all ( other ctate5 in new obstruction. with 28 : NEW COURSES COMPlFrS) AND--40 UNDER CONSTRUC TION. THERE WERE 28? COURSE UNDER CON STRUCTION THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRV N THE YEAR 1957 Grays Cop Relay Meet Leslie Golds Place Second The Parrish Grays, scoring 25 2-3 points, took a close win Thursday in the annual Junior High City Relay Meet held on the Leslie cinder track. Leslie's Golds were second with Z2H points, with the Leslie Blues taking third place with 20 S-fc The Parrish Cards came la fourth with 15. Only one record in the 10 event meet was cracked, that in the dis tance medley by the Card quartet of Jim Martin, Pat Ley, Steve Docter and Kent Evans. Their mark was 4:03.7 and toppled the old standard of 4:04.7 set some years ago. In Individual competition Gary Hammett of the Cards came within 21 inches of hitting the discus record that has stood since 1841. Hammette sailed the platter 113 feet, 10 Inches to cop that event. . In jayvee competition the Blues came out on top with 22 points. Next in line was the Cards with 15, followed by the Grays with 14 and the Golds with 12. Thursday's meet was the first of the season for the Juniors. Next week the regular dual sea son starts. Here are Thursday's varsity re sults: Shuttle Hurdles: Grays (Don Tay lor, Howard Moller, Pete Path) 44.7. Distance Medley: Cards (Jim Mar tin, Pat Loy, Steve Docter. Dick 8e butn) 4:03.7. (New record old mark 4:04.7.) 228 Relay: Grays (Joe Rainwater, David Horn. Gerry Wooek. Kent Evans) 25.8. 449 Relay: Golds (Don Rovce. Den nis Perry, Bill Dunigan, Steve Shlp pey) 48 880 Relay: Golds (Don Rovce. Den nis Perry, BIU Dunigan, Bruee Ram age) 1:44.1. Shot Relay: Golds (Dick Pleters, Bruce Ramage, Dave Wray) 87-1 m. Broad Jump Relay: Grays (Kent Evens, Joe Rainwater, John SUffler) 48-2. High Jump Relay: Grays (Gerry Woock, Jack Holstad, Don Taylor) 14-5. Pole Vault: (Tie) Lambert Deckers (Blues) and Dennis Keebler (Golds) 7-8. Discus: Gary Hammett (Cards) 113-18. NHL Rookie Picked MONTREAL HV-Frank Mahov lich of Toronto Maple Leafs won the National Hockey League's rookie award for the 1957-58 sea son, nosing out Bobby Hull of the Chicago Black Hawks by four points in the voting for the Calder Memorial Trophy. 4. s life: Portland Meadows Entries: ilng. purse geoo. 3 yo and up, jaofl, s fur. 1. Tonytevette (Sherman) 118 2. Lavle (Rodrlquez) .. 123 3. Hanaihawaddy (Simonlt) 128 4. Lord Abbey ((Schlavo) 128 5. Tell Me Boys (Arterburn) 118 8. Pharlot (Prouty) . 120 7. Rose Bow (Hunt) ...123 8. Wire Trouble (Phillips) 120 9. Happy Lancer (McDowell).-. 128 10. Little Joker (Hidalgo) 128 Second race, claiming, purse $800, 3 yo and up, l00, 8 fur. 1. Lady Jeffrey (Sherman) - 119 2. Del Nord (McReynolds) 123 . Joman (Tranchlnnl) 123 4. Prudent John (Rodrlquei) . .123 5. Wise Words (Hunt) 123 8. Red Cherokee (Schilling) US 7. Carton Flowers (Earl) lis S. Solon os Count (Dixon) 128 8. Booter Prince (Slmonls) 122 10. Random Ju Ju (Phillips) 120 Third race, maiden, claiming, purse soup, j-f-9 yo, si.uiiu, 5!4 rur. 1. Bronze Idol (Hunt) 117 2. For All (Prouty) - 117 3. Brooklyn Girl (Green) 113 4. Pep Tune (Schilling) 1?2 5. Fly Sun (Jones) lis 8. Quest Tick (Dixon) .. 122 7. Me'WIn (Reicher) 122 8. Llndar (Sherman) 117 8. New Cap (Corwin) 117 18. Crimson Sun (Auger) 110 Fourth race, all, purse $808, I yo, Ore. bred mdns., 4 fur. 1. Bit O Jordan (Palmer) 118 J. Lady Possette (Hidalgo) 118 3. Raster Sue (McReynolds) 1 1 S 4. Royal Casa (Tranchlnnl) 119 5. Da Dandy (Rodrlquei) 118 8. Iron Brig (Slmonls) 118 7. Fay Fag (Singer) 118 8. WhirUnt Bee (Hunt) .. 118 8. Velna (Scharnow) : 118 18. Sea Shadow (Sherman) .. .......118 Fifth race, claiming, purse $884, 3 yo and up, $800, 8 fur. 1. Sonny Pass (Tranchlnnl) 118 2. Captain Risky (Phillips) ... 118 3. On the Rail (Dixon) ..... .11$ 4. Voodoo (Rodrlquei) .. .....118 5. Free Passes (Arterburn) 121 8. College Flat (Scharnow) .......121 7. Magnum (Prouty) 118 8. Sky Lume (Lonto) 113 Sixth race, claiming, nurse 8808. 3 yo and up, $800. S fur. 1. 8llvervsln (Arterburn) 118 2. Sun Boy (McDowell) 12.1 3. Rural-. Jr. (McReynolds)... ..Its I 4. Bon Ton (Schlavo) . US .1, Gold Tommv R (Jones) 12 8. Sabunow (Rodrlnuec) I?3 1. Saanlch Maid (Sherman) . 118 8. Jimmy Gall (Tranchlnnl) 120 8. Jean Sue (Hunt) ..11S 18. Charm Peddler (Dixon) 123 Seventh race, claiming, purse $808, t yo and up, $1,000. s fur. I, Country Jack (MeDnwelj) ...118 A Fangio Approved For Indianapolis Two Others Fail to Make Gride INDIANAPOLIS (sWuan Manuel Fangio of Buenos Aires, the five times world champion of road racing, modestly returned ss a compe titor Thursday to the Indianapolis motor speedwsy, which he visited LA Ripped By Pirates Cubs Win, 3-2; Take Over Lead (Continued from preceding page) doubled and singled as the Pi rates belted 13 hits off loser Doa Newcombe and four relievers. Law, a 28-year-old right-hander, needed relief from rookie Ron Blackburn after hitting his homer, off Ed Roebuck, to can. a five- run sixth that junked a 3-3 tie. Thomas, who also homered la each of the first two game la this five-game series, set off a three-run fifth that over-hauled a t-t Dodger lead with his first home run" of the night Consecu tive two-out singles by Law, Bin Vlrdon and 'Dick Groat got the tying and lead runs home. The Pirates, matching the New York Yankees' six in a row for the longest string in the majors this year, now are just a half game behind the first place Chi cago Cubs. Pittsburgh 808 838 800 S 11 1 L.os Angeies eoe ug eoe 3 11 1 Law, Blackburn (8) and Voiles; Newcombe, Roebuck (8, Collum (8), Beaaent (1), Laklne (8) and nmruuiu. w Ajaw. b ncwcsBlll Home runs Plttabnreh. Thomas I (), uw (1). CHICAGO U) Johnny Goryl's solo homer In, the ninth broke up a 2-2 tie and lave the Chicago uios a 3-z victory over to Mil waukee Braves Thursday. The triumph went to the fourth cud pitcher. Moe Drabowskv. making his first appearance since a military nitcn. Ia the sixth, the Cubs took a 24 had en Lee Walls' No. t homer of the season with noae on. Walla thus swelled his homer lead and also his RBI advantage, at 17, In the National League. Walls also belted two singles: for a perfect day In three official ABs. The loser was the' third. -MiH waukee pitcher. Bob Trowbridge, who entered the game in the ninth. Lew Burdette started for the Braves and hurled six innings, while the Cub starter was Glen Hobbie, who left in the seventh. Milwaukee Chicago Burdette, bridge (8) Mayer (7). see see tee a a see lsi sei3 7 1 McMahon (7), Trow and CrandaU; Hobble, Eisum (i), uraoowsay Tavlor. W Drabovrakv. (8) and S. Taylor. j x Trowbridge. Home runs Chicago, Walls (), Gdryl (3). Salem Gals Higfi In Pin Tourney SAN FRANCISCO (Speclal)-The Master Service team of Salem, Ore., rolled a 2010 series late Wednesday night to pace all Ore gon entries in the Women's Inter national Bowling Congress tourney being held here. Team scores were: Ardath Gould, 402; Joyce Clearwater, 383; Edith Pease, 385; Helen GlodW3S9; and Beulah Lance, 481. In doubles competition Evelyn Gilbert and Dorothy Dietz teamed to tally 762, while Joyce Clear water rolled 464 to take singles honors. Linfield Netters Win McMINNVILLE. Ore. () Fred Minifie's 6-3, 6-1 triumph over Iver England led Linfield to a 5-2 Northwest Conference tennis vic tory over Lewis and Clark here Thursday. 2. Solones Star (Schilling) ... 3. Big Wayne (Rodrlquei) ... 4. Montavaln (Hunt) 5. Boy Porter (Corwin) 8. Martlmas (Green) 7. Enter and Exit (Slmonls) . $. Queen of India (Dixon) ... ....118 .... 122 ...118 ...lie .8 113 118 113 Eighth race, claiming, purse $808, 3 yo and up, $1,808, t fur. 1. Brave Chief (Arterburn) 118 2. Will Breeches (Hopkins) . 118 118 3. Happy Future (Schlavo) 4. Happy Words (Dixon) 5. Beecham (Prouty) 8. Yes Jack (Jones) 7. Sunday StroU (WcDowell) I. Afterburnor (Knowles) .....113 .....118 ,.118 ... 118 ..U8 Ninth race, all, purse $708, 3 yo and up, SM fur. TOTOM POLL INN 1. Little Damsel (Dixon) 117 2. Sun Go (Corwin) ....117 3. Chief Folly (Earl) . 118 4. Burners Baby (Knowles) 122 8. Forefingers (Rodrlquei) ..117 8. Monteseno Boy (Schlavo) .. ..122 7. War Vote (McReynolds) 118 8. Major Issue (Slmonls) 118 9. Nonsaway (Schilling) 118 Tenth race, claiming, purse $808, 3 yo and up, $800, 1 mile. 1. Harvest Point (Dixon). 119 2. Shert Wait (Hunt) 122 3. Victory Trail (McDowell) .... 118 4. Easy Riding (Rodriquaz). ...122 5. Sam Jonef (Prouty) .....119 8. Rltkachanco (Scharnow) 118 7. FinaUy Broke (SchUUng) 118 POISON OAK! Why experiment? O t h r remedies may possibly cur you, but the additional suf fering is not only unneces sary, but also vary painful. For quick relief, try HOOD'S Poison Oak Lotion SCHAEWR'S DRUG STORE Open Daily 7:30 A. M. te t P. M. 1 Sundays, a .m. to 8 p.sn, 135 N. Commercial one w years ago as a specular. Fanilo. as expected, was ap proved, by the United States Auto Club to drive on the 24-mile track, but ha will have to pass a test at speeds up ta 180 miles an hour, the same as any other newcomer. The balding, 4-yar-4ld mas tr ef grand prlt racing saU he was "sincere and humble" and he dlda't want much publicity because he might not even make the program far the WW mile race May SO. He pointed out that ne naa never driven on a closed course like this one and it was different from anythiac in his experience, He said he intended to study the track thoroughly, both in his car and on foot. , The Dayton Steel Foundry Spe cial assigned to Faagie arrived at the track after It was closed for the day, hot he took a tour with speedway owner Teaty Bar man aad chief steward Harlan Fengler in a Ford Tkunderblrd. He said he noticed a distinct dif ference In the fear turns, even though they are supposed te he Identical. The USAC Stewards Committee approved six other new drivers for test runs and rejected two. Ed (Dutch) Scbaefer of Long Island City, N.Y., and Tom Piston of Chli-ean mmrm riiMtfi Srhaftfftr was reported to have limited vi sion in one eye as the result of a racing accident, and officials de cided Pistone didn't have enough racing experience for this track. 11 OSC Slates Husky Nine OREGON STATE COLLEGE. Corvallis (Special) The Oregon State Beavers baseball team is to take on the Washington Huskies her Friday and Saturday after noons in two crucial Northern Division games for both clubs. The games are at 3:30 o'clock Fri day, 3 p.m. Saturday. After winning two straight out- lings over Idaho here last week, coaesuytalph Coleman's Beavers got only a split with Washington State early this week. While Oregon State has won three of four conference fames to date, Washington has won two of three. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Portland at Sacramento rNt Jensen (1-1) vs. Greene (8-$). Seattle at Spokane (N) Pillette (8-1) vs. Hanlon (1-8). Vancouver at Salt Lake Cltv Bamberger (S-8) vs. Rardleoa (1-8). Phoenix at San Diego (N ) Jones (1-2) vs. Lary (8-1). AMERICAN LEAGUE Chicago at Washington! (night) Donovan (0-3) va. Pascual (0.1). Cleveland at Baltimore (night) Grant (2-8) vs. Lees (8-2). Kansas City at New York Terry (2-8) vs. Larsen (2-8). Detroit at Boston Bunnlng (1.$) vs. Sisler (2-1). NATIONAL LEAGUE Cincinnati at St. Louis (night) Lawrence (8-1) vs. Jones (8-1). Milwaukee at Chicago Conley (8-1) vs. Drott (1-8). Pittsburgh at Los Angeles (night) Daniels (8-8) vs. Podres (3-8). Philadelphia at San Francisco (night) Sanford ($-1) vs. McCor mlck (8-8). 3. The Modern Way To Fertilize IS WITH PLAMTROfJJ Plantrons Is New It's Pell.tixed- Hiflh 12-24-12 Analysis Fortified With Organic Iron And Trjce Elements That cling to toil particles where foods are fed .ewwtw X' ' '' "mm, IF YOU HAVI A SPREADIR-IUY THE 2,000 SQ. FT. REM. BOX AS SHOWN. PLANTRONS . Rose and Plant Sii . . .. Only 98c 2,000 Sq. Ft. Refill Package for . Any Lawn Spreader . . . Only 3.85 2,000 Sq. FtRoto Spreader Pk. Only 5.85 5,000 Sq. Ft. Roto Sprdr. Pk. Only 10.75 DOWNTOWN 2pL N. Com l. CANDAIARIA 141 Alice Ave. KEIZER 4190 N. River Rd.. I. FISHING REPORT (Continued from preceding pa() I Marys river should be good bets eat the west side. Stetlhead are bteak.1 ins trout tacme uuoughont the 8aa. streams are . la excellent eendlti I Tb 1 MCKtnaie should .. I tKtnslo Should tatchts this week endT The smii I tributaries are expected to be e.r Rainbows te 18 inches er better a evalubio in the north frk and mis.! 1 i m vvuieiHfBte, ntlTtiwast Trent angUni in Lemole reservoir ihould be iaoi to excellent Trout should be geo to excellent Trout angling Ik Jodn Springs, Toketee and Stomp take Is poor to fair' spring cninooa angling should be fair (0 toed at Cleveland rapids, the rerks, ana Winchester, if the waters ine wwr vmpqaa clear, angling should be fair to good this week end. Treut aarllng ai Moa and Eel takes snouia be fair to good this weea env. oaimvn ansuBK OB th lower Rogue river la exheeted to be teed this wtk end with continued Kiod weather. Trout, angling la fair (ood on Floras and Varrlsoa lakes. Trout fishing at Squaw lake (Jack, son county). WIUow Creek reservoir. ana iw him ibmhm county) should continue fair te good, a good run of salmon Is ex netted to k i the Grants fasa area this week end. All waters art dropping and Very cer, . CENTRAL The Deschutes river below month of crooked river te dreooint and otUI murky bat clearing. Angling is raw w geoo. vescnuies nver irom Bend to Croaked river It good en rues, salt, an worms, netouns river bait section leprodelg weU. Fly area Is fair. Settle lake Is good for kekaaee on troll .and stlH fishing. Blue lake is fair, wickiup Is fair. moss lit siws hbkh vb. trou. win ners, and worms. Upper Deschutes bank anglers are doing well bait, trollersv aad warms. Good catches of brown and rainbow an being taken. The Little Deschutes Is high; trailers are scoring weU. Crescent lake Is slow. Odofl Is good for ke kaaee, mostly trolling) a few lake treat are being taken. Moore Slates Besmanoff LOUISVILLE. Ky. til - Ancient Archie Moore, aching for another shot at the heavyweight title but referring to defend his own light eavyweight crown against Ray Robinson goes arter nis iitn straight victory Friday night The anauo Archie, 41 By his ewa eoant bet probably Bearer 45, meets WUH BesmsBoff, the German baker, la a 16-round nationally iekrvised scrap la Louisville's spacleos aad beauti ful Freedom HaD. For the well-travelled Moore, it will be his 200th fight according to the record book. But the light heavyweight king admits there are other fights which even he can't recall. ' In Besmanoff, the smaxlng and likeable Archie ts meeting a stocky, fast punching 25-year-oM who new live ia New York. Besmanoff, who like Moore "has tights, will travel, turned in an upset in his last outing to snap a five-fight losing streak. He toppled Fat Mc Murtry in Seattle, Feb. 4. Listed on his 17-10-7 record are 14 knockouts. Blues Take Close Win from Golds In a slam-bang battle of hits and errors the Leslie Blues eked out a 13-12 win over the Leslie Blues in a Junior High loop make up baseball game Thursday after noon. The Golds exploded for four runs in the bottom half of the seventh inning, but had the score Knotting run tnrown out at ine plate for the final out. Steve Stewart paced the winners with 2-for4 including a double. Arlo Pade, Buck Seegar and Larry Fanning each had two hits for the losers. The losing Golds outhlt the Blues 12-6, but pitched in with 7 errors to hinder their cause, pickup 6 pt. X Blues 304 388 113 $ 8 Golds 848 138 412 12 7 Stewart and SeRlne; Blager and Ssegar. ta&iaaaausaasais DON'T LOOK FOR AN OLD FASHIONED HEAVY BAG! PLANTRONS Com ready to us in its own sprtader packago. This nd$ guesswork. J.