The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 06, 1958, Page 60, Image 60

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. i I II V ft " A ' ; 4 ' I I In eolor reproduction!
J I ll'jf I I 'ou faseinatlnf .
? , I I IV I I "n Italy.
t1 II - --'rL'l I r?!'".?"' " ""n the Grand Canal in Venice . .
II I Li fj - ZJ I Pin; Painting pottery.
I 1 XaT I Amain; Procculon in
1 I .a"! 5 I 'lorenee; Coloaaaum,
Y Jurp JL I Ji 1 jU-X V
iSfgMl THIS COUPON WORTH 2.90 $St- Yftt
i I'll ' ift
Aatattoaa OaaraplikN Saciaty't 1 lf
I Araaaa tk WwM PrafrM 1 (! "
IJ 8 Daat. HWM Qaratoa City. N. T. IB 1)11(1 1 . ,ny
15 . 1 enclose ten cents. Pleaie lend me at once my introductory package con- ( I . p"
II (I sitting of (1) the informative "guidebook album" on ITALY, (2) twenty- l I ... . '
If) ! five beautiful full-color reproductions to mount in the album, and (3) the (a
f(ij giant 3 V4 foot wide full-color Map of the World. -1)1
, Ill j 1 understand you plan to issue an "Around the World Program" guide- ' I a
jff ji book album complete with a set of color-prints each month for only $1 plus ! l I V
J ' ! shipping. After examining my introductory package, I'll notify you if I do ( t
Mil "o w'tn to continue. I am not obligated to take any minimum number of aVV C
111 I' albums and I am free to resign at any time. 'itl
I I Name , . : ' ; , . ,. j
j! iniui rmiNTi I jj I I
1 1 Address ',",. 1 1 '. i n ' j jj
I' ? City- a......a .- Zone iutt...... 4 1 m
( , , (0f tood im V.S.A. Only.) ., W17 1 I
wmuujmMiiWuuiiiwwwgyj "
invites you to accept thU "samplo"
. off its Around The IVorcf Program
Introduc You and Your Children to a Wonderful Now Way to loom About...
V ES. JUST ONE DIME takes you on "magic carpet" tour
- of Italy. Without stirring from your borne you skim (long
stand at the foot of the Tower
of Pisa . . . roam through the wondrous Colosseum in Rome
and the ruins of Pompeii . . .jet the Opera at La Scala and the
beautiful blue waters of Capri. Yen will ft to know mart
about tbt ptople, rntfomi, ttrt, md tmlturt if Ittly tbt nuay
tourists who lUtutlly visit tbtrt in ftrton. ,
makes this generous offer to acquaint you with a new kind of
home education hobby which you and your family can now en
joy. It is called The Around the World Program-an exciting
way for young and old to learn about the people and lands of
wonderful '
Now rr fmmtlly Can Ca-
mm A "pmidm4 fur"
Airmmmd tfca WrM
visit" to Italy
and the giant World
Map both yours for
only 10-an be the beginning of a great family adventure that
is like a "guided tour" around the world.
Each month you receive a set of full-color photographs 4
an informative, illustrated guidebook album with spaces for
mounting the color prints. By means of these prints and albums,
prepared under the guidance of American Geographical Society
experts, you and your family "visit" .a different country every''
month. You explore the country's famous landmarks and natural
wonders. You go sight-seeing in the strange cities. In quaint
little villages yon stop to observe native costumes, customs, and
crafts. An expert on the history of the region spins stories of the
great battles, the national heroes, the ancient legends. You pore
over maps showing the principal cities, rivers, mountains. You
become familiar with the national flag and currency. You even
learn to speak aome words and phrases of the native language.
Help CMMrca la Scfcaal la later Ufa, fattf
Here is an educational hobby that will draw the whole family
together for there'j something in' it for everybody. Grade
school children will enjoy the pictures and captions, yet high
school students will find much of the text a valuable supple
ment to their studies in history, geography, social science, etc.'
This knowledge will give them a tremendous advantage in life,
as they grow up in a world where other countries are only
hours away by air. And Mom and Dad will find this an enjoy
able way of planning trips or re-living memorable journeys.
Mall Cswbm Witt Only Tea Caart
To acquaint yourself with this new project, accept the offer
described below. There it no obligation-thil it merely
"demonstration" offer. If, however, yon are delighted with your
trial package and do wish to continue on your "trip around,
the world," you pay only $1 for each monthly tour thereafter.
And you may cancel at any time. Mail the couoon now! :
AMi CAN QtOQmAftlKAl KJCMTY? Armmd ft MTarM Pra
Baa. t-TWA-4, Santa Cay, H. f
Here's What You Get tor Only A Dime:
(Total Value $3.00)
25 breathtaking FULL-COLOR prints of Italy's
most fascinating sights.
The authoritative album on Italy in which to
mount your pictures, plus informative text , on
Italy's history, customs, arts, legends, famous land
marks, natural wonders, geography, etc.
A A giant MAP OF THE WORLD, in beautiful
' full color, prepared especially by leading geo
graphical experts for this program. Opens up to iVt
feet widel A magnificent wall decoration, invaluable
guide for students or armchair explorers. Retail value
2.oo. . . ..: ,. ;- ... ,;
In addition, if you decide to continue, you will re
ceive as frtt bonus, a beautiful green-and-copper col
ored album case (pictured above) large enough to
bold a number of albums. . -
Yes, all this (total value $3.00) is yours for ONLY
ONE DIME to introduce you to the Around the World
Program. ,